Can You Beat Persona 5: Royal Without the Velvet Room? (Part 2)

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foreign [Music] Palace is a little on the longer side of dungeons in this game but it's also one of the coolest what's cool about it is the fact that you actually have to interact with the characters in the dungeon in ways other than just killing them and once again it's one of those dungeons that takes multiple visits to beat first you have to get a whole bunch of coins which can only be done by rating the machines and after that you can't go any further until you get closer to say a which we do by attending one of her court cases after that we have to go through a dark maze then survive a series of painfully easy battles with only Joker for which I'm still using garam Makala and it gets us the required amount so I then bumps the required amount to 1 million coins but through using the ability to borrow coins a catchy managed to get over 900 000 on his own card which allows us to continue moving forward so I secure the route to the treasure room get the last will seed and get out I can't send the calling card until November 18th so I just spend the next month working on Social Links and stats I'm also finally able to complete the next challenge battle the thing about these challenge battles is that it's really just about having the right coverage and making good use of the Baton Pass the more times you pass the Baton the stronger your attacks get and the more damage you do the more points you get and you have to use the multipliers to make sure you get even more points this one has a six times multiplier for whenever ryuji takes down an enemy so I pretty much just knock down the enemies with whatever their weight to pass the Baton to ryuji and have him finish them off yeah [Music] simply incredible I also get a catchy social link as high as I can and when I do he challenges Joker 201v1 my thus I've built up this urge to duel you without holding anything back let's go foreign equipped he can't do much at least that's what I thought until he actually does manage to beat me on my first attempt because gear mccallo is weak to light which is what he specializes in but after that I just make sure to keep my stats up and then he can't touch me even with all that by the end of this whole period I have all my stats maxed out except for guts maruki then announces that he's leaving the school invites us to lunch talks about his plans now that he knows where the Phantom thieves and this maxes out our social link with him the next day Makoto delivers the calling card and now it is time to steal size heart now psya is surprisingly one of the most normal bosses in this game after you get past the first phase that is there's not much point in trying to deal damage for this face since your attacks are hardly going to do anything during her turn Saye will use roulette time where you can't attack with anything not even status debuffs otherwise she'll bring you down to one HP after the next turn you'll have to bet on where the ball will land obviously the game is rigged and there's a glass paint above the ones you don't bet on so the solution is to send somebody to shoot the glass so that the ball can drop in the right place I send use gay and that's exactly what he does and after this I stops with the roulette time and we can now have a normal battle well aside from the fact that there's still a roulette wheel but you can't bet on it it just determines which attack Psy will use and what her resistances will be it's in a similar vein to isamu from Nocturne where if she gets fire she'll resist everything except for ice for example or electricity if she gets wind but it's not as punishing here because it's only resisted and not reflected and once she gets below half HP the wheel will automatically we land on Almighty and all her affinities become neutral so by that point it doesn't even matter but like I said even with the elements she resist it's better to just attack her resistance for Less damage rather than wait for her to use something you have better coverage for either way she shouldn't be able to do much to you as long as you keep your stats up and her stats lowered for this battle I bring along Makoto yusuke and a Kechi and they pretty much just Spam whatever their best attacks are while occasionally healing with Makoto and buffing with yusuke Joker pretty much keeps Kira Mccalla on the entire battle and besides that there's really not a whole lot to say this whole battle is just one really long endurance round from the start to the end this whole battle lasts about 15 minutes and it's pretty much just an exchange of attacks until one side runs out of HP aside from whatever magic she gets from the wheel she'll mostly alternate between a variety of physical attacks like severing slash Gatling gun 100 slaps and brutal impact these attacks again aren't strong by themselves but they can become a problem when she crits with them but again because this is Persona 5 Royal you're probably always going to have some kind of easy way out be that through Futaba randomly helping you out or you getting a Showtime attack toward the end I do slip up and PSY is able to take out Makoto but because of this I get a Showtime attack which does just enough to take her out after we beat Zai and take her heart we're not done for whatever reason the palace isn't collapsing so we have to split up in order to escape here we just pretty much play through the main tutorial all over again and now we're finally caught up to the present this completes a social link with psya and we figure out who the real culprit is but after that well I think you all know what happens have you finally pieced it all together truth is the game was rigged from the start thankfully with the information we gave psya and threw some weird loophole in the metaverse system we are able to fake Joker's death I'm not gonna pretend it makes the most sense but the point is the game isn't over everything a catchy did was part of a plot to eliminate the competition so that David Cross could become Prime Minister of Japan the same David Cross that got Joker to where he is now and we decide to make him our next Target we find his palace and this first part is pretty much just scouting it out and coming up with a plan but New Palace also means new area in mementos so I decide to get that out of the way first other than that I spend a little bit of time working on the usual stuff some stats here some Social Links there and a lot of working out to boost my HP I try to finish whatever party member Social Links I have left but unfortunately your party members won't be available as often if you haven't completed the palace yet so on December 5th I decide to go to Cheetos palace and this is one of the longest and most complicated palaces in the game for one thing the design of the dungeon can make it extremely confusing at times and much like size palace here you actually have to interact with the NPCs in order to progress you need to get five recommendation letters from Shido supporters in order to be allowed into where he is and these have you go into different parts of the boat for each one like the restaurant the private rooms and the pool I like how for the pool section you need to find swimsuits to get one of the guys attention even though you have the swimsuit costumes provided to you by the game but when you put them on nobody seems to react at all bruh and also even though you have to trick them into giving you the letters someone always messes something up so you have to fight them as mini bosses although none of these bosses are anything to write home about I'm still using gear Mccalla and because of how the AI in this game works the enemies are attacking themselves half the time although once I'm able to recruit Khali about three quarters of the way into the dungeon I start using her mainly because she comes with braveblade which is not only strong but also has a really high critical rate and even though she doesn't reflect physical attacks she does reflect gun and I can make her null physical thanks to that Knoll Fizz skill card I got from that arcade side quest I did in mementos earlier eventually I do get all the letters but before I can see Shido were interrupted by a catchy first I have to fight him in his first form which is with his white outfit and he also summons two Shadows to fight for him those being cuckoo Lane and Cerberus both of which are extremely easy not only do they barely have any HP for bosses but at the start of the battle they use a move that raises their attack but lowers their defense their attacks aren't even that strong and with the help of yusuke Anne and Makoto they go down in just a few turns after that we have to fight ikeji himself and it's not really much different he can use light and dark attacks but thankfully nobody in my party is weak to either of these he also knows Maggie Dolan which does absolutely nothing and after he uses that I get the charge from Futaba and easily finish him off [Music] after that he gets even crazier changes clothes and now we have to fight him again and if you thought this form would be any more difficult you would be right but not by much at the beginning I noticed that Anne and Makoto are critically low on SP so I swap Anne out with ryuji and then have Makoto use the Soul Food on herself because she's a little more important aside from the beginning this fight pretty much goes the same as the last one did the only difference is that a catchy now hits slightly harder and has a wider array of moves his physical attacks still aren't doing enough to kill and he also has that attack increase in defense decreasing move that the two Shadows did which only makes the fight go faster he also has moragi on which nearly knocks out yusuke near the end but it doesn't and then I'm quickly able to finish him off with a Showtime attack foreign after that well some enemies show up but Kechi stays behind to stop them at the cost of his life but now that we have all the letters we have access to shido's chamber which means we can send the calling card I take the next day to wash some armor pieces and thankfully this time I don't have to wait till the last day to send the calling card so I send it get this dramatic cut scene that totally doesn't give a hint at who Joker's friends are but whatever the case I go into Cheetos Palace and challenge him now the first phase of this fight is against shito in his Statue of Liberty form where he stands on Golden animals or objects or whatever the first one is a lion and he reflects physical attacks which is a huge problem because it means Joker pretty much can't do anything with his best Persona so for this part I switch back to Gira Mccalla he also likes to use the Kaja at every chance he gets so if you want to use Buffs you're better off debuffing him rather than buffing the party Shido has a wide range of physical attacks and Buffs as well as wage war which enrages everyone this is especially bad but because it means everyone will always use their normal attack which means they'll pretty much just be damaging themselves since he reflects physical attacks the first time he uses it it hits everyone except for yusuke who I have heal Makoto who automatically heals ryuji and then uses her energy shower to heal Joker after this it's pretty much just spamming magic attacks once you get him down to about two-thirds of his HP he'll change into his wing form and from here things start to get a lot easier because he loses his reflection to physical moves he does have access to pretty much all Elemental Magic but it's only single Target heavy attacks my first Brave Blade with Khalid does over 1400 damage and he immediately changes into his next form before he even gets a chance to attack the pyramid form has no resistances at all and he only has two Almighty attacks one of which only hits one party member at a time and the other takes two turns to use and right after he changes into this form Haru and Makoto get a Showtime attack which does over 1700 damage and then ryuji finishes him off with a Megaton raid which does over 800. [Music] so of course that's not the end of the battle for his next phase he fights us just himself once again he has no resistances and his attacks aren't actually that strong the only one that's kind of a problem is his heat Riser which raises all of his stats and he likes to go for this a lot the only counter I have are the sprays in the baptismal Waters but these are a limited resource not to mention you're not recovered beforehand so if you wasted all your SP on the first form well you better hope you have some SP restoratives that being said it's still not that hard I pretty much just handle it like any other boss fight spamming my best attacks while keeping his stats lower once you get his HP really low he'll change forms again and now he's super shito and this is the only part of the fight where things are mildly difficult mainly because he has access to every multi-target magic attack in the game plus Homa on and mudoun and a whole bunch of ailment skills plus Buffs charge and all single Target severe magic skills he also has a move called tyrant's wave which takes two turns to charge up but does a metric ton of damage so make sure you guard when he's about to use it I have a couple of close calls where Joker's HP gets pretty low but it's not enough to finish him off to my surprise though I never really feel the need to change my party members at all during this fight Makoto ryuji and yusuke are all doing decent damage and have buff skills to cover all stats for the party once he gets down to about a quarter of his HP he'll challenge Joker to a 1v1 this sounds easy given Joker's physical resistance but the problem is I don don't have a lot of healing items left and I don't have any reliable healing personas either I tried digging through my inventory hoping in vain that I'll have some beads or some obscure healing items that can help me but I don't and Cheeto manages to finish me off with a thunder rain [Music] so I think it's time to rethink my strategy unfortunately because of this challenge I can't really fuse anything that will give Joker healing abilities and reliable defenses at the same time so what I have to do is give Khalia regenerate three in hopes that this will mitigate my HP problem as well as charge because why not but the biggest change I make is equipping Joker with the Salvation Crown this is an item from Tanaka Shady Commodities which costs almost a million yen but it is more than worth and considering how early in the game you can get it because it allows you to use salvation which heals everyone's HP and cures all ailments so I tend to fight again and it's pretty much the same as before only this time I do a better job at conserving my resources and kalis regenerate 3 proves to be a big help I also swapped yusuke with Anne Midway into the fight just so I have an extra healer once I get to the 1v1 part I make sure to make good use of charge so that I'm not only dealing more damage but also conserving HP since in this game that's what I use to pay for physical skills I'm automatically healing about 30 HP each turn and salvation proves to be a big help since I can just restore my HP when it gets low my first Brave blade does almost a thousand damage and after that it's only two more hits before shito goes down foreign ER but Cheeto in the material world uses a drug to temporarily kill himself to make his Palace collapse early everyone just barely escapes thanks to the help of ryuji where everyone thinks he dies but he actually survives so we all go get dinner to celebrate yeah that's all that happens no nothing else they all happily went to go get dinner and then they went home so that's the end of shido's Palace but I still have to wait for the change of heart to take place so once again it's back to the usual stuff I do go back to mementos to finish some side quests but while there I also decide to challenge the reaper since I've pretty much made it a tradition to fight him in these Persona videos even if it's not mandatory thankfully it's a lot easier to summon the reaper in Persona 5 than it is in four you have to just be on the floor for at least two minutes which is exactly what I do you'll then show up and then the fight can begin now if you fought the reaper in Persona 3 or 4 it's pretty much the same deal here he has a crap ton of HP crazy high defenses and has almost every powerful physical and Magic attack in the game along with all the break skills surprisingly unlike in Persona 3 he doesn't actually resist anything but because of how high his stats are my attacks are still hardly doing anything meanwhile his attacks do a lot so it's pretty much mandatory to keep your defense up and or his attack down another thing is that his AI is actually smart he can and will Target your party members weaknesses on the plus side though this also means that I'll be getting a lot of Showtime attacks and this is really the only way to deal decent damage to him my attacks are normally doing under 50 damage while Joker's charged attacks are doing 100 to 200 damage while Showtime attacks will deal well over 500 in most cases the team I start out with is Joker yusuke Makoto and ryuji but I do swap yusuke with Anne about a quarter of the way in mainly so that I can make use of her Mata runda the reaper does pretty much what I expect him to he just spams magic attacks and whatever break skill he feels like whenever he gets the chance in this battle using the brake skill is actually the best thing he can do because well if he's breaking my resistances he's not attacking he also really seems to not like Anne because he goes for buffudyne on her an unhealthy amount of times and despite her having a second tier Persona with evade ice it doesn't really seem to help much so I have to revive and a lot during this fight other than that there's really not a lot to say this whole fight is pretty much just a repeating cycle of attacking with everyone while buffing with ryuji Makoto and Anne and healing with Makoto when necessary Makoto does get low on SP a couple of times but thankfully I have a good amount of SP restoratives and while I do have a few close calls here and there the fight mostly goes smoothly that is until the very end where he's almost fully depleted of help so much so that you could barely see his health bar and then this happens [Music] foreign [Music] oh my god dude brah I don't even oh my God oh my god dude why I don't I oh my oh the game is over yeah the game oh my God yep despite the fact that joker resists Darkness I still got hit with Mamo Dune and because it's game over if Joker dies I failed the whole fight and have to start all the way over well I tend to fight again and it pretty much goes the same as before however this time I have a counter for his insta kill attacks that being tetraja which blocks a single one for all party members unfortunately I don't get as lucky as I did last time and I have to play more defensively because he seems to go for insta kill moves a lot more this fight takes well over 20 minutes but I am able to finish him off with a well-timed Showtime attack [Music] and my reward for beating him is not only the Divine pillar which gives its holder Firm Stance but I also gain five levels which leads me to believe that I was severely under leveled for him but either way the reaper has been defeated after that there's not a lot to do other than wait for shito's change of heart which does happen but this doesn't seem to change anyone's opinion of him and they still want him to become the Prime Minister this gives Morgana the idea of going to the depths of the Memento so that we can change the heart of the masses since mementos is basically everyone's Collective Palace but doing this will also make it impossible to enter the metaverse everyone agrees anyway so we head toward the bottom of the mementos and there are some very powerful Shadows crawling around here including a baton now a baton is the only Persona in the game that naturally absorbs physical attacks and he learns enduring soul for this reason he's probably going to replace Kali and be the last Persona I use recruiting him is a bit difficult since he has no weakness but eventually I am able to knock him down and recruit him and after teaching him some necessary moves I quickly make my way down to the bottom of the mementos where we have to fight the Holy Grail it's another one of those fights you're not supposed to win which we can't because the masses keep feeding it with negativity and healing it everyone then starts disintegrating Joker wakes up in the Velvet Room the twins come together to form lavenza and Igor reveals himself to actually be yaldaboth turns out he helped us because he hoped that the Phantom thieves could change Humanity's desires but that didn't happen so he plans to revert Humanity to as he puts it rampant distorted masses but this means they won't be able to think for themselves so I turned him down and now I gotta stop him before fighting him there is another mini dungeon you have to do and there are some very strong demons here like Ma and Mara and along the way I also have to fight the archangels as some easy mini bosses but they're nothing to write home about at the end of the dungeon I have to fight the Holy Grail again this time for real he'll immediately go for will of the people which heals him even though he's already at full HP so you need to send one party member to cut the veins that are supplying him with HP now for this fight I bring along yusuke Haru and Makoto and I send yusuke to cut the veins which takes a couple of turns until then you just have to keep hitting him with whatever you got until this happens his attacks are pretty powerful but he only gets one action each turn so I recommend keeping your defense up just to be safe once yusuke cuts the ropes he'll start Gathering light which if you've learned anything from the other bosses in this game means he's going to use a really strong attack next turn so make sure you guard fortunately he doesn't have a lot of HP and for a giant metal cup his defenses are actually pretty low my attacks are doing a lot of damage and it's only a few minutes before the Holy Grail is defeated foreign [Music] but of course that's not the end of it once you're done he'll transform into yaldaboth and now we gotta fight him for real now yaldaboth is nothing like the Holy Grail the first turn you can only attack the main body but after that he'll start using his other arms to pull out different kinds of equipment these arms are treated like their own separate combatants and they can also use their own moves and they actually do have a decent amount of HP 1500 to be exact which isn't a huge amount but it is enough to set you back a couple of turns and I do recommend taking these arms out as soon as you can the first one he pulls out is the gun of execution which can either deal damage or inflict an ally with Hunger or lust I'm able to easily take it out and then spend the next few turns attacking the main body until he does this again the main body can't actually do much by itself aside from its three turn charge attack its only attack is weak and the other moves it has are takacha and de kunda it does have a pretty high 15 000 HP though but its defenses are pretty low now the other equipment it can pull out are the Bell of Declaration which can inflict you with either weakness or jealousy and debuff your defenses the sword of conviction which can give you either gluttony or attack everyone and the Book of Commandments which inflicts you with either wrath or pride and has all Heavy single Target magic attacks these all sound pretty bad and they are but like I said they're relatively easy to take out once you take them all out he'll start Reviving them but when he does this they only have half the HP they started with so taking them out is even easier it's pretty much just a repeating cycle of taking out the arms attacking him then buffing and healing when I need to I start out the fight by using the same party I used for the Holy Grail but early on I do swap Makoto with Anne once he starts to get really low on HP he'll go for his three turn attack which can easily be dealt with by just guarding which I don't do but everyone is able to hang on since they haven't run out of HP yet and I get a Showtime attack which I honestly wasn't expecting to happen during this fight he'll also bring out all of his arms at once but at this point it's better to just focus on the main body rather than worry about these things and after that it's not long before he goes down did we do it no not yet but of course we're still not done because now we gotta watch this long cut scene and then finish him off in a short scripted battle we get some support from everyone down below and then Joker gets satanel his ultimate Persona and we finish off the boss with sinful shells dude [Music] Joker we're entrusting our strength in the people's hopes to you put an end to this [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] be gone Preposterous wishes so we take the holy grail and then the metaphor starts to disappear along with Morgana but it's not all sunshine and rainbows say tells us that I need to turn myself in so that I can testify against Shido that is until ikechi shows up and offers to do it for me I've been spend the afternoon with hifumi Morgana comes back this time as a realistic cat and we do the obligatory celebration later and then that night we have a dream where we're walking around what looks like the school once I wake up things seem kind of off why is Futaba talking about her mom why is Haru talking about her dad and yusuke talking about a Sensei why is Morgana a human and why do I actually kind of like him right now well akechi stops by and explains that we're in some sort of distorted reality and we're are the only ones aware of it Kasumi calls us and we decide to go check out that Palace that we saw earlier in the game so we go check it out and find out that Dr maruki is the one behind the palace and the alternate reality we also find out that Kasumi is actually sumire the younger sister of the real Kasumi and she's been pretending to be her sister out of guilt because she inadvertently led to her death we fight an easy mini boss and then the next few days it's been snapping everyone out of this reality and unfortunately that includes Morgana meaning he's back to being a cat and being annoying again after that we have to go back to the Palace to rescue Sumi array but she's against this so we have to fight her as a boss with just Joker and it pretty much goes the same way as the fight against the catch he did only now it's even easier abandon resists light and completely absorbs physical Sumi Ray just keeps spamming sword dance which I absorb and after about a few Brave blades she goes down Arizona but that's not the end of it once she's defeated her Persona goes berserk and maruki also pitches in by summoning two biakis to assist in battle if you take them out he'll immediately summon more so there's not really much point that is Until you realize that they can be used to heal her persona but by that point it should be apparent that you're not actually supposed to win this fight because after a few turns everyone else comes to help now it's much easier because we can easily take out the other enemies and deal decent damage with four party members with them it's just another easy mini boss through the use of Baton Pass I am able to deal astronomical amounts of damage and take her out in just a few turns oh go down no we need once we get home we all agree to make maruki our next and final Target we go back to the Palace Sumi Ray joins the party and now we can go through it like any other Palace seeing as how this is the only Palace that is in the post game it is much longer than any of the ones we did before it's not confusing though and we're pretty much just working our way through fighting whatever enemies and mini bosses come at us that is until we get to the control room we can't go any further because there are cables blocking the way and the only way to get rid of them is to go to maruki's control room in the mementos so we leave and for this next period whichever party members Social Links you've completed they can awaken to their third tier personas if you talk to them which is something I do before going back and completing the mementos and the palace I also finally complete the first fight against Makoto from Persona 3 and you from Persona 4. now you're probably wondering why I put these fights off for so long and the main reason is that I don't want to just beat them I want to be able to finish them with the high score but with my limited arsenal of personas and items that's not as plausible as it should be for the Makoto fight in particular I get a bonus for attacking with light skills and attacking with Morgana but without the Velvet room I never have access to any of the accessories that teach you light skills so I can't do both at once not to mention with their only being one enemy it means I can't stack the Baton Pass any more than once because if I hit the enemy's weakness when it's already down I don't get another turn considering that I get more points for doing more damage that makes things a lot harder the best thing I can do is bring along sumire and Morgana and have Sumi spam lied attacks while Morgana does whatever he can Makoto will be constantly switching personas throughout the battle but you can easily tell their affinities by just analyzing them and that's not just because I'm over leveled even when I was attempting this fight earlier he still wasn't doing that much it does take several attempts but eventually I am able to deal enough damage to finish him off in the required amount of turns and earn enough points to collect all my rewards foreign for the fight against you though it is a completely different story for Makoto the required amount of points to get everything was sixty thousand the required amount for you is 1.2 million keep in mind that the game wants you to attempt this at level 50. here you're rewarded for using physical attacks scoring technical hits and having Horror Attack so how are you supposed to go about this well when ryuji awakens to his third tier Persona he learns the skill of fighting Spirit which basically applies charge to everyone now as for getting technical attacks unlike most bosses you can actually be put to sleep which is what I bring Anna along for her lullaby doesn't have the best chance to hit but if you want those extra technical attack points you're gonna need to put him to sleep and as for Haru well I don't have any physical skills on her and her gun skills don't count so what I do is I give her the Heatwave built it's not the best physical skill but without the Velvet room it's the best I got the strategy seems pretty good on paper but the problem is that I just can't do it in a good amount of turns you get a 300 000 Point bonus for beating him in under 20 turns which itself isn't hard but doing that and getting enough points isn't this is mainly because the only way to get a good amount of points is by hitting him with a Charged technical physical attack with Haru but this takes at least two actions to set up if you're lucky most of the time it's around four to six I was getting ready to get give up but that's when it hit me I don't actually need to get the 300 000 Point bonus at the end to win I mean yeah it helps but as long as I have enough points by the end the amount of turns doesn't matter and with the ability to put him to sleep I can make him heal himself if need be so what I do is I keep the same strategy but when his HP gets low I let him sleep it off and then attack him again I keep repeating this until I get to 1.2 million points and then finish him off it's tedious and it does take well over half an hour but eventually I am able to do it and collect my rewards foreign s that I won't be using because they're DLC and that's banned now you might be wondering when in the video I'm going to be doing their level 99 fights and I'm actually not going to be doing that in this video those fights are meant to have you exploit every broken mechanic in the game and also have all the DLC personas and this isn't ideal for a challenge run I actually did attempt them a couple times while I wasn't recording but I didn't even come close to finishing them I don't want to say it's impossible but it is going to take a very long time and I don't want to have to put off this video any longer what I'll probably do is upload them as a separate video on my second Channel later but anyway after that I go back to the mementos get to the new area and get rid of the cables but before I leave there is one more optional boss I want to do and that's the fight against Jose in order to do this you have to get at least 123 stamps from the mementos then go to the control room and here you can fight him and by the time I do everyone is maxed at level 99 now being an optional super boss you'd think Jose is actually going to be difficult but that's not really the case in fact I'd actually say he's much easier than the reaper he has attacks that deal heavy Elemental damage for all the elements plus a physical attack but beyond that there's really nothing special about him his only resistance is to physical and he only gets one action per turn I started off the fight with Haru yusuke and Sumi Ray but I swap out yusuke for a catchy early on so that I can keep all his stats down with debilitate I pretty much spend the majority of the fight trying to knock him down with a crit with the help of Sumi Ray's Brave step which I don't think there's any point to because I don't land a single crit in the entire battle leading me to think he's immune but even with the resistance I'm still dealing decent damage although the biggest damage dealer is Haru since she had one shot kill which he doesn't resist toward the end of the fight he'll start going for special fireworks a two-turn Almighty attack that can easily kill the party so make sure you guard when he does I forget to do this the first time and he takes out both Sumi Ray and Haru but then Futaba activates her ultimate support which revives them and heals the whole party further reinforcing my point about how easy this game is other than that there's not really a whole lot to say it's just attack attack attack and attack some more at the very end he goes for special fireworks again and instead of guarding I decide to take a risk and just try to finish him off since he's critically low on HP a pretty big risk but it turns out to work and I am able to finish the fight so this is [Music] few days later I go back to the palace and this time the puzzles are a bit different one of them has you answer a series of questions which if you get right you get an item but if you get them wrong you have to fight an enemy and then this insanely tedious color mixing puzzle that we have to do just before the end of the dungeon plus as we go through the palace we find rooms with TVs and videotapes that contain information about Dr marky's past and how he got to where he is today anyway eventually I do make it to the end and after that there's nothing else to do here and just like with size Palace we have to wait until the last day so we do still have some time left the next day I'm Max Sumi Ray social link and then there's really not a lot I can do I mean I do have some Social Links that I suppose I could try to finish but I seriously doubt I'll actually be able to finish them I just find some ways to kill time get Sumi Ray to her third tier Persona and on February 2nd I send the calling card right after which a catchy awakens to his third tier Persona the next day we head into the palace to challenge maruki and at the top of the staircase we challenge him and his Persona as a thought thank you you know what so much I'd regret not pointing time the final battle Sona guides me now this fight is actually kind of similar to the fight against yaldaba there's a total of five combatants asathoth maruki and three tentacles the tentacle of healing the tentacle of protection and the tentacle of assistance now seeing as how maruki himself is a combatant you may think that the primary goal is to take him out but this actually isn't the case at all your attacks are hardly going to do anything to him and even if you somehow are able to get him pretty low you'll get healed by the healing tentacle you're instead gonna want to concentrate your fire on the main body of azathoth that weird skeleton looking thing the more tentacles there are the less damage he'll take so you actually want to go about this in a very similar way to how you do the challenge battles where the best strategy is to exploit the tentacles weaknesses and pass the Baton as much as you can and then attack the main body for massive damage I bring along Makoto yusuke and sumire for this fight Makoto and yusuke because they both get the multi-target all stat debuff and buff skills respectively with their third tier personas and Sumi Ray who has light magic skills and masquerade one of the best physical attacks in the game although Joker is still going to be my primary damage dealer because he's a badon knows deadly Fury I start by setting up my Buffs and then have my party members attack the tentacles with whatever multi-target magic attacks they have so that I can learn their weaknesses and resistances and when you know these it's not that hard to take them out and pass the Baton and with the party I have I always have attacks to cover all of the enemies weaknesses every turn maruki will 5 all tentacles and when this happens they do sometimes change weaknesses but like I said with the party I have I'll always have coverage in some form and his attacks really are nothing to write home about for one thing the tentacles can't even do anything on turns when you take them out and asathoth has almost no coverage with pathetically weak attacks the first successful deadly Fury I land after a triple Baton Pass deals almost 3 000 damage to the main body and it immediately brings him to the second phase now his second phase isn't actually that much different the tentacles still work the same as before and the main body has a few more attacks but nothing that'll set you back too much not even his two turn attack is that strong the only move that's kind of a problem is his evil smile but this doesn't have the best chance to hit and I have more than enough ways to heal when it does the other gimmick added to this phase is that sometimes maroki will ban the use of certain things like Buffs magic physical moves Etc and there's nothing you can do other than wait for these effects to wear off the next turn it's especially annoying when he bans Baton Pass because that's how you deal damage to the main body it doesn't make the fight feel impossible it just means it takes a little longer but other than that it goes the same as it did before when I'm able to land a successful deadly Fury it still does around 3 000 damage and when Joker can't attack Sumi Ray is still doing decent damage with her masquerade attack Joker's final deadly Fury does just over 3 000 and finishes him off and after that all there is to do is take out maruki this whole fight lasts a little over 15 minutes but for a final boss not too bad go down [Music] finally his Persona now's your s [Music] and that's pretty much the end of it I say pretty much because the fight technically isn't over but the rest of it is extremely easy maruki's Persona mutates into Adam cadmon and for the next phase all you gotta do is hit him as hard as you can Adam cadmon will use revitalized Soul which deals not a lot of damage and then he'll use Grand Palm which does enough to kill most allies but by the time he uses this you should already be almost done and a few hits later maruki goes down again then we go into his next and Final Phase and there's really not a lot to do here other than defend Adam cadmon will take almost no damage at all and he'll go for full force a two-turn Almighty attack you pretty much need to have everyone defend which I forgot to do with Joker but he takes it like an absolute boss thanks to the Divine pillar I gave him and after surviving a second hit you get a cut scene where Joker hits him at his weak point herself what we want our life to be [Music] [Music] checkmate fast because [Music] So Adam Cadman goes down Morgana saves Everyone by turning into a helicopter but maruki still isn't giving up at this point we don't even have our personas anymore so we have to beat maruki in a fist fight [Music] I gave up everything everything so what foreign punch [Music] right once we beat him that undoes everything he set up meaning we're back to the original reality a catchy is dead Joker is in jail but with everyone's help he gets out I then go through this long post game cut scene and on the day Joker leaves he's apparently being followed but were helped by an old friend come and get us shall we then find yourself struggling in life you can start over like me remember that so yeah if that ends up saving you then we're Square good luck you taught me to keep my head up didn't you told you I was coming with you Joker gets on the train and then the credits roll so is it possible to beat Persona 5 Royal without the Velvet Room well yes but actually no I did still have to do that in mandatory Fusion in the tutorial at the very beginning of the game but as long as you make an exception for that it is possible though I was still a bit disappointed with this challenge I mean Persona 5 is an extremely easy game and very rarely in this playthrough did I actually feel like I was being challenged I'm hoping that with the PC release coming soon that there will be mods that actually make this game difficult but we can only hope I don't think Persona 5 is a 10 out of 10 best game of the century but it is still a good game and I'm glad I got to finally do a challenge video on it as always guys be sure to check out my links in the description if you want to financially support me consider leaving a Kofi donation and be sure to rate comment and subscribe till the next video I will see you all later foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nyarly
Views: 236,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Persona, Persona 5, P5R, Royal, Arsene, MegaTen, Megami Tensei, Shin Megami Tensei, SMT, Persona 3, Persona 4, Sony, PS4, Playstation, Atlus, RPG, JRPG, Gaming, Challenge, Let's Play, Gameplay, Narrated, Commentary, Devil Summoner, Devil Survivor, Smash, Nintendo, Switch, PC, Sponsored, Morgana, Akechi, Anime, Japan, Joker, PS3, Kali, Hinduism, Abaddon, Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Soul Hackers 2, Goro, Kasumi, Yoshizawa, Maruki, Lovecraft, Gnosticism, Goomba, Falcon Punch, Fallout, New Vegas, Call of Duty, Stream, SMTV
Id: RsLDxK4uFpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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