Can You Beat Persona 5 Royal By Doing Absolutely Nothing? Part 3

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previously on the persona 5 royal do it nothing challenge run with harrison recovery endure recalm and the best healing skills in the game morgana is going to carry us throughout the rest of this game i lose morgana my most efficient party member we have ryuji on and haru as our party members for the entirety of akumara's palace and what sucks is that there's really no efficient method of grinding in a coomer's palace as most of the grinding will be all over the palace trust me i think i can remember where every platform is placed out here with the amount of times i had a grind in this section of the palace alone it's not a simple or straightforward strategy and it does require a bajillion reloads once we get the perfect set of skills for haru and a few levels with everyone else we might be able to breeze through the akumara boss fight no problem wishful thinking but positive feeling nonetheless normal difficulty might be possible but at this point guys i was so burned out i just wanted to quit this run seriously i just wanted it to end i remember after failing the attempts on normal difficulty i couldn't sleep for the entire night and i suffered working at my real-life job with sleep deprivation at this point this run was not only getting on my nerves it was affecting my health both physically and mentally my brain is so freaking fried that i can't even go into details why this fight doesn't work even on easy difficulty our success is a small window is there a way to increase our odds without constant failed attempts because i refuse to fight mothmans for several days straight [Music] hello everybody nitsagamer here and welcome back to the most insane and agonizing run i have ever done in a video game a depression percent run that provides the perfect massacre simulation where joker does it like luigi and mario party by doing nothing as you could see it's october 4th in the game even though in the last part i was finishing up a coomer's palace on october 10th and while defeated the boss fight was in the realm of possibility i ultimately made a sacrifice to increase my low odds of winning the fight in part 1 i played the game on merciless difficulty up to the moderate boss fight which was impossible due to the heavy rule sets we placed on ourselves so from monarami's boss fight and the rest of part two i played on hard difficulty up to the akumara boss fight which i deemed impossible on hard but plausible on normal and easy difficulty if the rng gods made the odds ever in our favor if you haven't watched the previous two parts i highly recommend watching the first two parts or otherwise you might be confused on what happens when we go back in time one week prior you could tell i went back in time as the play time and the level on these two files contradict each other the reason i did this is because i did all the grinding on hard difficulty and after realizing that i only need to prove a run like this is possible and not so much if it's possible on the hardest difficulty i have made the decision to do the rest of this run on easy difficulty and by going back in time i have four days of akumar's palace to try to surpass the levels we ended up with at the end of part two if you think this makes the run way too easy now well watch me lose my sanity in the last part and you can understand my decision and if you think put it on easy difficulty makes it easier you would be wrong the game actually does get harder even on easy difficulty so with that said let's continue the run so we return back to akumar's palace on easy difficulty and go after the hot spots of where the treasure demons spawn fight rebellious elephant with only madone causing a reload and with easy difficulty allowing 20 more damage and gained 20 percent more experience points than on hard our goal is to gain at least one extra level with every character so after four days of grinding later i attempted to see if we could fight up against the reaper since we take far less damage than usual and while it's cutting it close there was just no way to make any significant progress in over leveling our party sooner than usual we do so little damage and the reaper will target my party's weaknesses to get his one mores so for now the reaper is still a no-go but hopefully soon we will be able to kill the reaper for a crap ton of experience because my god we need it so on the 8th we increase meruki's rank to seven like we did last time and go change a coomer's heart on the final day we go after the treasure demons usual four hot spots and here's the big question did we level up more than we did in the previous timeline on hard difficulty yes we leveled joker ryuji and on up by one level and also increased agatheon up by one level who again requires more experience to level up than the rest of us haru however is still the same level as she was in the previous timeline while she definitely gained more experience than before she is still at level 54 but on the upside she has her gun boost ability to guarantee a win against the fourth wave of worker bots so now the time has come with only one level increased on everyone except haru let's see if we can end the akumar boss fight once and for all and have this nightmare end first wave on maragi dines the worker bots to death and baton passes to heru to a weakened the second wave of worker bots and finish the ones who didn't die with a grenade launcher after haru attacks the third wave futaba buffs everyone's attack power which is awesome because this is exactly one of the few factors we need to get through the fourth wave ryuji weakens the third wave and deathbounds them to death and then we get the fourth wave of the division managers where no one can exploit their weaknesses akumara buffs the defense on one of the worker bots but thanks to on she debuffs the worker bot with dekuja allowing haru to use triple down which is a gun attack and gun is literally the only affinity that all worker bots are neutral too and as you can see even with our attack buffed the worker bots are barely below 50 percent of hp but with ryuji using deathbound and haru not evade in a single attack on was able to fully heal her since her roux is below 50 health allowing the ai to feel safe to use triple down once more where we finally obliterate all the division managers with everyone standing we freaking did it we just had the right rg to get through the fourth wave a second time but this time with noah getting kayode oh my god oh god i'm just crying just even reading the script guys i mean was it due to us going back in time to level up maybe i guess a little bit of sacrifice really does please the sadistic gods because we got through this in the new timeline on the first try wow but anyway ryuji gets a crit with deathbound on the fifth wave allowing him to baton pastor heru to exploit the weaknesses and triple down them all to death except for one that got a defense buff and with one more attack from heru the fifth wave didn't even get a chance to attack us so that just leads the executive director and because we're playing on easy difficulty the executive director is barely a threat and when he performs the big bang order our party members will guard just like they did with the previous boss battles so we were able to get through the executive director and robot haru without any issues and with one hit on akumara we finally did it we have finally beaten this god forsaken palace so how long did it take us to beat akumara on hard difficulty and then easy in the last week well we ended the futaba arc around a safe time of 50 hours and we went back in time around 68 hours and we ended the akuba arc at 71 hours so the total save time spent is 21 hours multiply that by the amount of reloads and i wouldn't be surprised if i spent a full games worth play through in this palace alone either way we got through this hellish experience and i'm gonna relish my satisfaction by watching the black mass guy kill a kumar without fast forwarding oh yeah that turns me on i wonder who this black mask fella is don't worry i won't spoil it for any of you who haven't on october 26th akechi confesses that he is the black mask fella who killed akumara out of rage for dealing with rebellious elephant and so to thank him for killing the ruler of the worst palace of the run we offer him a position as a phantom thief as we go after makoto's older sister saini jema we start off with the same four party members from a kumarus palace but since haru is the lowest party member on the stat screen she gets replaced by akechi for his sort of awakening battle against a leopard with a boner so we guard with the ketchie change akechi's tactics to act freely with joker and guard with joker and thanks to our oval leveling in the previous palaces we beat off that horny leopard no problem october 30th is the earliest we can start infiltrating sy's palace so we jump in with ryuji on and akechi being a party members for the entirety of sainidhima's palace goro akechi is a one of the kind party member as he has bless curse almighty and physical skills and a persona trade to reduce the sp costs of allies using support skills sadly our party members almost never use support skills and when they do there's no clear reason why they use it so his trait is quite useless for this run despite akechi having curse and bless attacks he is weak to curse attacks now for those of you who have played persona 5 beforehand you know that having a catchy in the front lines is more of a detriment to get an exp unless you have maxed out mishima's confidant but having a catchy in our party is actually a blessing to disguise for this run not just because of his versatility in battle and superior default equipment but also for reasons following after this palace you'll see when we eventually get to those moments and right at the very start of psy's palace there's a searchable object where a hot spot for a treasure demon is orlov orlov is weak to curse attacks now a ketchion act freely will always try bless first before curse when the affinities for enemies are unknown thankfully we have enough attack power to finish orlov off for a lot of exp and just to the right of where the first wheel seat is there is another hot spot with a treasure demon and while i'm sure there is more around the palace these were the only two i was able to find within the first two thirds of the infiltration the only downside is that it will take two turns to kill orlov which will waste everyone's sp but thankfully with a catchy learning heavy curse at level 48 and attack master at level 50 we will be able to reduce the amount of sp wasted therefore extending our time grinding for exp in this palace the mini bosses were no biggie though the first one on the stairs can put up quite a fight and by the end of the first infiltration day we have to break one of our rules and go shopping to buy the high limit card but since this is story progressive i'm just gonna say makoto bought it and not joker and so we complete two thirds of the infiltration which means we need to grind out our party members remain in sp before we head back to reality now i tried fighting the strong shadow in this palace and already i'm getting ptsd from fighting this thing after finding the strong shadows in the last three palaces now unlike anubis and rebellious elephant this strong shadow inflicts fear on everyone and while joker and akechi has a chance of resisting it thanks to garden and fortify spirit on and ryuji aren't so lucky and what's worse is that they won't just straight up get ko'd there's a good chance that one of your party members will straight up run away from battle which is impossible to revive from and on top of that the strong shadow can exploit on and catch his weaknesses and honestly i i really do not feel like grinding against the strong shadow anymore just no no so for the rest of the day i just grinded on common random enemies as our best common enemy to grind against is only available on the high limit floor so we get sainidhima to notice this in the courtroom and gain access to the high limited floor the next day and interestingly enough there's a hot spot for a treasure demon just outside where the battle arena is but instead of fighting orlov we fight regent the treasure demon from moderate's palace needless to say an easy defeat but a huge waste of sp and then we go through the house of darkness which is really easy thanks to third eye my party defeats an easy mini boss and then we get to the part that you've all been waiting for because of joker's incompetence to help in battle our team forces us into the arena joker only with only futaba providing the occasional buff so run over right well not really first of all anyone who was crazy enough to do a run like this should have already known that this was coming and second of all as i said as long as it's story progressive we are allowed to do things as joker such as the tutorial fights that force us to use joker we're gonna treat the solo battles as the same as we have four of them in this palace one in shido's palace and one during the third semester so instead of this being a do a nothing battle it's going to be a persona 5 royal minimalist depressed teen who fights under pressure from his pissed off friends as his adrenaline pumps in battle allowing myself to use the velvet room would be breaking a ton of rules so the least amount of rules to break is us fighting these shadows with joker and our only persona we've had since the fusion tutorial agatheon so our main rule is that we're allowed to attack and use items joker only but we're not allowed to switch personas and if you saw the physical attack only run by screen mints you know that his run ends with the second battle as there's no possible way to reflect damage back at the enemies so relying on repel damage as a method of doing nothing is not gonna work so we have no choice but to fight with joker so when do i do it do i grind for the majority of the deadline and save the arena for the last two days or something nope i do it on the third day after finishing my grinding on the second day why you'll see first we change the difficulty to merciless there's a reason i'm doing this the first battle takes the longest as we're doing only 65 percent of the damage and the only weakness gainsha has is psychokinesis and i only have one item that can exploit their weakness so most of it was just joker attacking them like sponges i mainly use zeo since it has a chance of inflicting shock and after they get defeated it's three rangers they repel physical and gun but their weakness is blessed and electric i knew of this way beforehand as i purposely fused agatheon with zeo just to be prepared for this fight alone sadly we're stuck with light damage so it's gonna take a long while till we oh my god merciless the hardest difficulty my ass and then comes thor he is neutral to all affinities but drains electric attacks so using zeo or repellent electric attacks is not an option first we get joker fully healed with a bead thor charges which means he's gonna go for a physical attack i then rub some physical ointment on my body thor prepares i do a melee attack and with a megaton raid i reflect a crap ton of damage back at thor from here i just use melee as he concentrates for an electric attack but thankfully i defeated thor before he had a chance to attack me again so the reason why i choose merciless was so we could attack the second phase in one shot and repelled a ton of damage back at thor and also because merciless offers us 20 of exp just like easy difficulty does and the reason i didn't grind is because the lower agatheon's endurance is the greater the reflective damage so there you go we're back to now making joker useless we secure an infiltration route and now it's two weeks of grinding i made the decision not to fight the strong shadow in this palace due to the heavy reliance on rng so instead i went with the next best method fighting rengda in the house of darkness akechi can exploit the weakness with bless and ryuji can exploit their weakness with electric and they are the third most powerful common enemy in this palace making them the most efficient exp grind if akechi or ryuji knocked them down we can finish them off in one all-out attack without wasting any sp for the most part on will have a higher agility than the boys so she will use lullaby to put the enemies to sleep and while yes it's kinda useless since akechi and ryuji are explaining the weaknesses and not the technical an enemy that gets put to sleep cannot evade an attack so on lullaby is actually useful here akechi can only attack one enemy at a time and even if he has insta-kill bless attacks he will never use it on act freely so you're best keeping both medium and heavy bless on a catchy so if he runs out of sp to use heavy blast he can attack with medium blast no problem akechi will constantly change positions as he levels up his agility but it doesn't change that much gameplay wise for the most part if akeji goes ahead of on however there's a slim chance that akechi might miss an enemy but if he does it this does save sp for on so for every day we come back to psy's palace we just ignore the treasure demon and strong shadow and fight reindeer in the house of darkness until ryuji and akechi run out of sp after that on will still have some sp left on her so we fight the enemies in the room with the big slot machine as the enemies here will be weak to fire it's not fun per se but i will definitely say this the most relaxed and least repetitive strategy of the entire run i would happily do this over fighting anubis over and over again and hey doing this got me to memorize the pathways in the house of darkness so it no longer feels like a maze to me anymore and if i want to change the base i could do this clockwise or counterclockwise it only takes about eight minutes to do a full circle and it takes less than an hour to do this grinding per day there's three things to note however one ryuji will use heavy electric over medium so your sp will run out faster once ryuji learns mozilla dying and since taking ryuji to the confession booth counts as doing something we're best just sticking with mozeodyn for the rest of the run another thing to note is that it's possible to get a treasure demon at a certain hotspot in the house of darkness but because you're wasting more sp and gaining the same if not less exp if you just fight rangda the treasure demon will not be a high priority and also within the house of darkness you will fight against norn who is the second strongest shadow in the palace norn is neutral to all of her attacks however there's a chance that norn will partially heal during the fight and our party will always start off with gun attacks and right now we're needed to conserve our sp for rangda usually when i escape a battle it's usually a means to retreat and reload my file to try again but i've used it so many times in this run that i might as well count it as doing nothing so when grinding i escape from norn and at worst my party only wastes a little bit of their ammo for this fight alone and we escape unscathed with only a little bit of our hp gone and we always have the gay agenda to save ryuji's ass whenever we need it god bless you gay agenda we continue to do this every day leveling up my party i can't she can learn samurai carmen yes he is able to revive fallen members but will likely never need to use it for the rest of the run and here's a mistake that i always make before realizing it recently whenever i learned the passive amp ability to increase elemental damage by 50 percent i always replace the boost skill which does 25 damage however unlike the counter and affinity skills where the highest one overwrites the previous skill amp and boosts do stack given a 75 elemental damage and right now we need not just high endurance but as much damage potential as possible for these last few boss fights so to make sure that you're not an idiot like me make sure you have both boost and nap on your party members on in morgana will learn both boost and amp but ryuji sadly only learns boost and akeji learns neither once on learns fire amp however i realize that now would actually be the best time to grind against norn i pretty much wait until the catchy runs out of sp so ryuji will be handling rango while akechi attacks norn with gun and melee which does far more damage than the others and on can augie dine a crap ton of damage out of norn doing this we can gain a slight bit more exp than if we were to fight a single ranga so once ryuji runs out of his sp or on goes below a certain percentage where she only relies on melee attacks we use the rest of ons sp in the big slot room and for every single day we do not leave the palace till everyone's sp is drained except for jokers once in a while i may have to push the last bit of grinding by fighting common enemies or the strong shadow on one occasion but i rarely do this so how far do we grind for by grinding every day wasting everyone's sp in this palace well enough to learn the final skill for everybody blazing health are on god's hand for ryuji and debilitate for a catchy very costly and strong skills and akechi will never use debilitate but this means that this is the final skill set for ryuji and on for the rest of the run as they will be unable to do their second awakenings and i'll add a footnote to a catchy skillset for obvious reasons that only people who have beaten this game know now remember how we were unable to enter any palace during the last three days when we have an infiltration route secured well apparently this failsafe does not apply to sy's palace as we can continue to grind on the 17th however i did use this time to try to fight the reaper in mementos and sadly even though we've gained a ton of levels in size palace alone we're barely putting a dent in the reaper a ketchi can fully revive and on will heal but the only best damage potential we got is showtime attacks which only the rng gods can trigger and while we can survive some attacks on easy difficulty the reaper just does so much damage and we do so little that my party will end up dropping one by one by the time we get to a quarter of the reaper's health there is no way this fight is possible unless we are about the same level as the reaper which is level 85 so sadly we can't utilize akechi to grind to a high level sooner without using insta kill to grind to level 85 so sadly we continue to grind on the final day in psy's palace fighting rang does norn once akechi loses his sp and enemies weak to fire when ryuji runs out of his sp and pushing the last bit of grinding when necessary by the end of it all we grinded joker ryuji and on to level 77. how high is that 24 levels higher than saini jama herself and 14 levels higher than shido and 2 levels higher than yaldabaoth that's right according to the game we're already far better than a god after 80 saved hours of doing nothing meanwhile akechi is at level 72 which won't matter much once this palace ends and agatheon is at level 63. with the final day of grinding done we max hold our only optional confidant that is required for the optional palace and send the calling card to saini jama to go change her heart on the 19th now most of the grinded has been done on easy difficulty so just to make sure i could document the most out of the boss fights to come i will be fighting saini jamal on hard difficulty and i will switch back to easy once i'm done so let's see if i can beat saini jamal on hard difficulty don't worry makoto you're gonna stay in the back lines and do absolute jack crap unless you get a show time with ryuji during this fight yeah let's hope the party members don't attack do you think there's gonna be four or three parts um my goal is to try to get this all condensed down to three parts instead of four so for the remaining palaces from a kumar's boss fight all the way to third semester i'm hoping to condense it all down to three parts okay so everyone guards so they do keep uh so they do acknowledge the penalty so that's really good yeah honestly out of all the um casino games in a casino i get card games i get betting your life against um card games but honestly i do not get the uh thrill of betting on a roulette game i mean you have a higher chance of losing compared to winning why would you play a roulette game like i seriously don't get the gambling addiction all right so here we go everyone goes back to a line instead of in the circle that they were in and now we're fighting the leviathan oh no holy [ __ ] remember this is hard difficulty okay on plea why aren't you healing on on should be healing she's not doing it what the frick maggie wow we are severely over leveled guys we are severely over leveled and somehow lost the cyanegema boss fight so dope you cannot beat the signage my boss fight by doing nothing goodbye guys okay obviously um we're gonna need to lower the difficulty so um or switch this to normal so we're gonna try normal difficulty this time yeah i have no idea why she wasn't using uh healing um during hard mode i'm pretty sure it's not to do with the difficulty but i don't know okay so now she's using all mighty attacks so she's going to be using megidola so this could be a bad thing but we'll see okay so brutal impact then oh geez oh that was such an inhale there but holy crap that was a lot of damage that was a lot of damage at least a catchy has samarikarm so he can revive fallen allies so hopefully he revives um actually he's gonna revive her yuji first before on but he should revive on so that way on can at least heal but no uh i think um uh when i had morgana at least morgana would always revive ryuji before on so um let's see samurai carmen he's going to revive ryuji first before on yeah he's going to revive ryuji first okay we just lost to catchy we just lost to catchy okay good dodge everyone unfortunately she's gonna heal joker before she starts attacking so that's the downside and every time on or well we just lost this fight well okay that's attempt number three failed guys thank you so much for watching wow she actually does a lot of damage during this fight a lot more than i thought honestly i always remember her being very easy it's not too much of a big deal if a catchy goes down the only downside of the catching goes down is that we won't be able to revive fallen numbers okay let's send for yuji see if he can be a good sniper with his shotgun i was pretty close to him so he had a better advantage than a catchy okay so we just lost our reviver so it now it's just ryuji and on holy sh okay okay um what do we do what do we do what do we do um uh ryuji please get good evades futaba please heal with moral support and ryuji end this fight in one shot if you can and he'll heal or defense up sure that works too for taba geez well we lost so yeah her health is very damn low her health is so low we're so close to finishing this damn fight okay guys um i'm just gonna do a little bit of a pull should we switch to easy difficulty or should we keep trying on normal i love how uh the futaba buff appears when i get she's only partway falling down okay so on can you win this fight for us yay on went down i'm actually kind of happy she went down so now we can actually gain the majority of the um okay futaba you're dragging out the fight more by healing joker gatling gun yeah agathe on resist gun so that's going to take very little damage all right there we go guys that's the end of my attempts on normal difficulty so normal difficulty is definitely possible but due to the almighty slot it just takes a lot of damage out of us so i'm going to be switching it to easy difficulty so um just for the sake of my sanity and just for the sake of getting some uh 20 more exp than usual we're going to switch back to easy difficulty thank you very much and let's get going all right signing up i'm gonna kick her butt we're gonna have like 50 less hp gone and 20 more experience out of it so yeah if you're if you're crazy enough to do a run like this please play on easy difficulty and get ryuji's confident confidant up to rank seven so you can at least grind with insta kill don't do what i'm doing if you're crazy enough to do a run like this get insta kill while you're in matarami's palace and maybe get at least rank three with uh mashima so that way you can gain more exp than usual and maybe allow yourself to switch up party members and maybe allow yourself to use joker and may be allowed to recommend you know just play the game normally the game's more fun when you can actually play the game normally and abuse the mechanics who would actually try this challenge even with insta kill there's nothing fun about this it's just a hundred hour long session of um cbt i don't know what cbt stands for but yeah this run is definitely not worth it i'd say if you were to try anything maybe try a an act freely run where everyone's on act freely but allow yourself to use the other mechanics in the game i'd say the only thing that's maybe worth trying is an act freely run but even then it's more fun when you can use direct commands on your party members wow that's a lot of damage but uh melisa was survivable lisa was survivable can ryuji end the fight is it possible though we did it with nijama beaten on easy difficulty and us ending up where the game started we ended the nijama arc at 85 saved hours so about 14 hours straight with about 12 hours of grinding by doing absolutely nothing and since i did very little reloads this palace required the least amount of suffering but that doesn't mean it was fun in the slightest but we definitely grinded far more levels in size pallets than we did in a coomer's palace and since we surpassed yelled about i'm sure shido's palace will go smoothly right right alright so we're going to be heading into the high spoilers of the game so be sure not to spoil yourself because i do not want to ruin the game for you but in the meantime be sure to like comment and subscribe and ding the bell for more instagamer content including for the upcoming persona 4 golden without taking damage challenge run which is going to be the next challenge run that i'm going to be doing for persona related content don't expect me to just supersonic related content i'm going to do a variety of content and you guys better watch it because i suffer a lot for you okay i suffered for your sins god damn it enough breaking about myself let's continue on to the shito story arc so after we tell psy how we became the most wanted criminal by doing nothing sai demands the secrets of how we win by doing nothing we tell her nothing and akechi comes in to make the guard nothing and to make me nothing for doing absolutely nothing for grinding them up to nothing so how does joker get out of this situation to prevent being nothing by doing absolutely nothing and relied on his friends to save his ass for him it works at cutscenes just as much as it does in gameplay we soon find out the man responsible for our rest is the same guy who made joker depressed and dependent from the start so we make him our next target and yeah there's really no point of hiding it i'm sure you all saw this coming once we enter shido's palace we are stuck with only ryuji and on and no fourth party member for the entirety of shido's palace i don't think i need to go into an essay of how this is going to be a hindrance for this arc but yes we need to somehow complete shito's arc with only ryuji and on attacking so on the initial infiltration i go between the front deck and the entrance hall to grind out the enemies within the first room and while there is one enemy who is weak to aunt's fire attacks they are literally the only enemies weak to fire in the entire palace and fighted within the entrance hall can be annoying as hell as the guard dog of hades drains fire and has high counter and since my party members love emptying out their guns first before trying any other attack on is mostly stuck getting reflected at with high counter and there was two fights where ryuji would kill himself with god's hand because of high counter but after that bit of grinding in the entrance hall we get our intel on the five letters of recommendation where the game teases us into having morgana back in the front lines only to be back to honor ryuji only later oh and kosube offers her help to join us to which i say hell yes please join us we really need you right now kasumi we are down one party member we're delighted by the offer but we really can't drag you into this any further excuse me kasumi um morgana and i need to have a little bit of a guy talk outside so after a heartfelt conversation with my cat we start the infiltration there's not too much to say when it comes to the rap puzzles or the enemies as the rap puzzles are simple to solve and a nice change of pace of having to fight all the time and i avoid all enemies in favor of conserving my sp to get most of the pallets done in day one so the only worthy things to talk about are the mini bosses and the eventual grinding our first battle is with the politician he will take three turns to use concentrate tarukaja and racunda and a heavy ice attack on on who of course is weak to ice but aside from on getting hit once it was really no big issue since on can use dikkaja on the attack buff and both ryuji and on are so overpowered that they can give a lot of damage so outside of this one attack the politician was not that much of a threat the second battle is with the former noble and this fight is made simple since he is weak to ryuji's electric attacks however the most annoying part of this fight is that he will use everyone's favorite move from persona 3 onto ryuji which can drag out the fight but we won in one try with no kos so the former noble became a former battle the tv station president will join fire attacks but his bodyguards are weak to electric sadly ryuji is only concerned about downing the enemies and not so much finishing them off so this fight can drag a bit since the bodyguards do an all-party heal but with some brute force the tv station president was no issue now when it comes to the i.t company president the most annoying move is when he inflicts dizzy as that decreases our accuracy and any attack will cause technical damage and even if we get rid of the bodyguards the it president will summon backup thankfully the lower his health gets ana ryuji will prioritize attack in him and if ryuji inflicts the i.t president with shock he will use god's hand to get a lot of technical damage with enough brute force and technical damage we managed to get through this fight though with most of our hp and sp gone but all i had left to do was the four mini boss fights in the engine room sadly we just do not have enough hp or sp to get past the heretic goats so now that we have access to every safe room and shadow in the palace i should probably talk about the grinding as mentioned before narcissus at the start of the palace is only weak to fire but they are the lowest leveled enemies mixed with an enemy that can cause high counter against us so odds sp is best concerned for healing and damage potential for ryuji on the other hand there are two enemies weak to electric fordius who can be found on the rear deck but it's entirely rng if they appear at all when you ambush them honestly i don't know where else he appears in the palace because i always sense to kill the enemies in my previous playthroughs the second enemy however is the treasure demon emperor's amulet and as long as ryuji and on can use their magical attacks in two turns you could defeat the emperor's amulet so make sure you have 24 or more sp on ryuji and more than 50 sp on on as she will stop using her magical attacks around 50 sp and you also want to make sure that on doesn't prioritize healing over attacking as you'll need both the all-attack from ryuji and the damage output from on to gain 3 000 experience points albeit very little of it but then again we're getting so very little exp regardless of what enemy we fight since we're once again better than yaldabaoth according to the game the next day i tried to clear at least one force of the engine room but after defeating the heretic goats apparently yusuke won't allow us to leave the engine room till we deal with the cleaner and once we deal with the cleaner we have two more battles against a catchy so we have to do all four in one day now i tried doing it on the second day however the cleaner comes with insta-kill attacks which ugh gives me so much ptsd from a coomer's palace such an unfair move so while definitely feasible i took the time to grind for this day just to be even more prepared for all four battles but how do i go about the grinding well we could go after the treasure demon once we confirm its hot spots throughout the palace but i think the most efficient enemy to fight against is the strong shadow kali kali is able to charge her attack and buff her attack power and while on can nullify the attack increase khan lee will cause heavy or severe physical damage with blood bath having a low chance of inflicting fear now as long as we're durable enough and can take down her 1773 hp she should be a great source of exp kali repels gun and nullifies fire so ryuji can use both physical and electric attacks while odd sadly only uses melee attacks i've never been able to get her to use lullaby against kali so i don't know if kali nullifies sleep or not but regardless this fight was far more fair than every other shadow we face the worst kind of attack is usually a charged up physical attack with critical damage but being on easy difficulty on can fully heal easily making chaos rare in the need of reloading thankfully unnecessary kali doesn't do any insta-kill attacks and while she can inflict fear to make honor ryuji run away the odds are low and while on doesn't use lullaby ryuji will use electric and with him still having shock boost we have a good chance of shocking for technical damage or to skip or turn the only downside is that aunt's melee attacks have a chance of transferring shock over which can make chaos almost certain if ryuji doesn't finish off kali in time the other downside though is that similar to anubis ryuji will stop using his magical attacks around 50 sp even though he only needs 12 sp to use it this is likely because the ai feels the need to conserve their sp for anything more crucial like healing or exploring weaknesses that they already know of so once ryuji stops using his sp we can use up that sp to find the treasured demons and some of the hot spots around the palace one located on the rear deck just before the entertainment hall one in the middle of where the first rat puzzle is in the mid starboard hallway one located next to the strong shadow in the southern east of the upper starboard hallway and one located in the bottom corner of the entertainment hall there might be more around the palace but there's no documented record on these hot spots online actually one time i got crystal skull instead of emperor's amulet sadly ana ryuji lacked the sp or the damage needed to defeat it so we want to make sure that we only go for emperor's amulet since the ai will use what little sp they have if they know that the enemy is weak to that said affinity once ryuji is under 25 sp we can use what little we have left on the rear deck against forneus and that's the strategy for the grinding and sheetos palace honestly a lot less repetitive than the grinding and size palace to be honest honestly the lack of having a fourth party member really does not become that big of an issue since running out of sp means less time spent per day the only issues is that the strong shadows do take a while to get to from any safe room as it requires you sneaking around shadows or turning off the rat trap in the last puzzle to fight one of them so it's just a matter of finding whatever you're most comfortable with and the other issue is that you have to deal with searchable objects not responding and the reliance on rng to get the treasure demon to spawn so most of the reloading is spent on trying to get a damn treasure demon to spawn both in searchable objects that i know they appear in and searchable objects that i remember them appearing in but could have been vanilla exclusive again i usually breeze through this palace with insta kills so i never really kept track of these hot spots on the 29th of november i attempted to go through the engine room again the heretic goats can be quite hectic if they inflict freeze but because we're on easy difficulty they are easy to defeat just take a long time to take down and they are a huge pain in the ass to deal with the cleaner was a little problematic but the good news is that we got through his insta kills without being killed and by the time we finished the cleaner on and ryuji's sp was already halfway down but if we can breeze through the two catchy fights then this shouldn't be a problem except it is the first part of the akechi fight has us fighting two shadows and of course one happens to drain fire while the other drains electricity because why not once the shadows are gone akechi will be mainly focused on attacking joker who is thankfully guarding but even though ana ryuji were able to finish the catchy off on was completely out of sp and ryuji had very little on him so once we got to the second fight against akechi's true self this is where sally this run does whatever it can to kill whatever sanity i have left akechi will mainly focus on physical attacks and use a tetra card to repel physical attacks now the act freely ai will attack with a physical wall activated once and once they know tetracon repels physical they will guard for the next turn if they can't attack with magic skills and because ryuji will run out of sp this fight is practically impossible to pass so ana ryuji will be doing the same goddamn thing that joker has been doing the entire run and that's only one of the three problems with this fight the second is that akechi will use makarcarn in the second half of the fight eventually which repels magical attacks and there's one move called negative pyle which has a medium chance of inflicting despair and if anyone gets inflicted with despair we pretty much lose them as a party member since they die in three turns so not only do we need to grind to get more sp so andre ryuji can fight the second phase with magic skills but we need to improve our stats with better hit points damage potential with both physical and magical skills and increase our accuracy and evasion rates chances of crits or shocking the hair to goats and endurance to avoid on healing too much but is this even going to be possible once akechi starts using tetrakorn and makarikaar on himself well the only answer to that is to do what i was hoping not to do grind till the last possible day we need to defeat akechi if we can get enough sp to the second face to finish him off before he starts using both tetrakorn and makara card there might be a chance that ana ryuji can finish the catchy off themselves but we also need to go through the previous three fights just to get to the end and no we cannot do the heretic goats and save the cleaner for later as usual will prevent us from leaving the boiler room and even if we were to break the rules and use a gohu m we can't we have to do all four fights in one go all without healing between battles and restoring our sp because some [ __ ] thought doing a run like this was a good [ __ ] idea you guys better subscribe and date the bell for all the mental trauma i have to go through after god who knows how many strong shadows killed we grind till it's the 14th as there are only four days left of our deadline and i was at level 89 with my three main party members it takes like two days just to go up one level so i didn't really bother with the grinding for the last two days i had left and i'm not going to sugarcoat this or drink this out any more than i need to but being a dark prince of catchy is impossible no i'm not joking well yes we can reach a catchy with more sp than usual everything is reliant on on not healing all the time and good rg for most of our turns and while yes i had bad rg like ryuji missing god's hand three times in a row i did have some good attempts where i do get critical with the heretic goats and the cleaner however during the third fight with aunt and ryuji using multi-attacks including blazin hell which uses 54 sp one enemy will drain the fire attack while the other drains electric it doesn't matter how lucky or close we get by the time we reach the fourth boss fight against akenchi's true self on is gonna run out of sp and by the time we get akechi down halfway on his health he will use makara card making magical attacks go unused and while ana ryuji can do melee attacks we are equipped with their default equipment from way back in kamashita's palace so unless joker intentionally gets rid of the magic barrier on and ryuji are barely doing any damage before they eventually get ko themselves there's only so much god hands that ryuji can use and futaba's moral support is pure rng so we can't tell her to give us heat riser or healing on command and despite literally being 28 levels above a catchy we're just not making any progress due to joker not doing anything and the lack of having a fourth party member i've been at this fight for hours on two separate long nights even with multiple attempts from the previous fights and the hope that odd can enter the battle with more sp on her but every attempt was fruitless and we were barely getting to a quarter of a catchy self left this might be possible if we had grunted on easy difficulty from the start or maybe if the rg gods had favored us in every single turn but realistically nothing we can do is possible a catchy was impossible to beat at level 89 on easy difficulty so as much as it sucks to say this i can all but confirm no it is impossible to be persona 5 royal by doing absolutely nothing and considering this run ends against the son of the man who is responsible for making joker feel like he has to do nothing it just comes to show you that the main theme of persona 5 cannot be contradicted with the point of persona 5 is to have the power to stand up against corruption and the obstacles that hold you back and this run after over 96 saved hours and hundreds of reloaded attempts i could definitely confirm no we can not be personified royal by having joker do absolutely nothing that said we've come so far i might as well keep going all the way to the true ending i made two separate saves one where i do the entire engine room on safe difficulty and one where i do it with a fourth party member on easy difficulty the attempt on safe difficulty went very smooth we received the same amount of damage as we would on easy difficulty but can cost 60 percent more damage than usual this breeds us through the fights fast but even on safe difficulty we did lose a round against a catchy due to him inflicted to spare with negative pile yeah that's how brutal the catchy is when you have no control over the game so i take the game over without retrying mid fight and thankfully we can beat a catchy with only three party members on safe difficulty so technically we can continue the run by doing nothing within the rule sets we have the only problem is safe difficulty is a permanent option we can't switch out of once we select it the option to change the difficulty won't even appear in the configurations menu and while yes i can just continue the rest of the run on safe difficulty honestly i want to keep this run interesting by allowing myself to play on easy difficulty which i think i've proven is the new hard difficulty as normal was physically impossible against sainidhima but if i want to play the rest of the game on easy difficulty i would have had to have gone and passed the catchy in the boiler room by doing nothing on easy difficulty so for just this one occasion i decided to add a fourth party member and the member i ended up choosing is makoto nijima if you don't count the showtimes with ryuji makoto was only used during her awakening battle and hasn't been used in any other battle since the showtime tutorial she is at level 79 with all of her skills learned these skills include severe and heavy nuke with new gab flash bomb defense master so she always starts around with the defense buff two healed skills making her the second best healer of the game after morgana an energy shower which has the attribute of gear and despair and she can increase the chances of ryuji and non-inflicting burner shock though these elements can only be used on the hair to goats and with her having the second best default equipment just below haru makoto is our best option to get us through these fights and it can be summed up as this having two party members only attacking sucked but haven't three of them attack while having two healers made the whole thing a breeze enemies go down faster and we were able to pull off a cool exploit during the catchy's first phase usually when you finish the two shadows akechi will run into place then you gotta fight him however one of the enemies is weak to electric and if you down him and kill him in an all-out attack this will straight up skip the phase with a catchy entirely saving smsp now if only that happened during my attempts with ana ryuji but whatever let's move on for the final round this whole thing was a breeze akechi did not inflict anyone with despair once and even if we were low on health we had two healers and plenty of physical attacks coming to ketchi's way makoto will do far more melee and gun damage than the others and with healing being a constant thing ryuji will always go for god's hand first if he's fully healed so with the addition of makoto the entire engine room was mostly a breeze so while it's not possible to beat a catchy by doing nothing on easy difficulty it is possible on safe difficulty and it is possible on easy if we have the option to add party members which i banned because that counts as doing something which i know a lot of you have protested against and for a very damn good reason but the whole point of this run is to combine dozens of challenge run ideas into one where the player has no control over the game hopefully all that grinding and cheetos balance was worth it because the catchy should be glad that i prolonged his unfortunate death oh yeah spoilers i catchy dies here so once we finish the engine room we put makoto back in the back lines secure the route and head home the three-day fail save for the calling card applies to shito so we send the calling card and go change shito's heart on the fifth at level 89 but is it possible to beat cheeto on easy difficulty by doing nothing well before we make our first move the greatest redemption story arc of all time happens [Music] that's right after completely ditching us for a coomer's palace murgana is back in the front lines with ryuji and on but why well apparently shito's boss fight forces you to have a full party if you happen to have three members or less and since morgana is the highest unselected character on the stat screen he gets automatically added to the front lines and joins us in the fight against shido so yeah the greatest redemption arc of the do another run is goro akechi while yes he did sort of fail our run he was also a saving grace for leaving our party because this one action alone gave us morgana back the only party member who can learn all of his confidant abilities the best healer and only reviver of the group and with wind boost and amp and heavy wind murgana is finally gonna carry us throughout the rest of this run but don't think you're forgiving you stupid cat we still have that football game to go to with a certain someone's fiance anyway with morgana at level 80 and everyone else at 89 shido was a breeze he repels physical and gun for the first phase resists magical for the second phase and only resists gun for the third phase and with the amount of damage potential we have we breeze through the three phases no problem and the same thing with samuel and true samuel my party is just so strong that cheetah was barely a threat morgana and on will heal when needed murganic can also cure ailments while doing an all-party heal with salvation and on can use dekuja to nullify shido's heat riser see as annoying as that skill was in moderate's palace dekuja is a skill worth keeping once true samuel gets to a corner of health left he will force all of your allies out of the fight meaning we have to do the last quarter of this fight joker only and unfortunately this also applies to futaba not being able to use moral support as well but as stated before if we have to do a joker only then we're gonna do a joker only with the weakest chariot persona on our side and let me just say this fight was awesome this felt more like what the developers were intending the fight to be played out as it took 9 minutes to finish shito because i had to focus on keeping joker healed while also attacking back my first thought was to use magic and physical ointments to repel damage back however this was a bad idea shito never uses physical attacks during this entire fight against joker and repellent magic does about the same amount of damage as hitting him with light electric attacks and i didn't realize it during the fight but there's a pattern here he will go for these elemental attacks in order while alternating between heat riser and tyrant's judgment i didn't realize the order till after the fight so what you need to do is take every attack like a boss wind is your only biggest problem as he can exploit agatheon's weakness and hit you with tyron's judgment which for the record is an almighty attack not a physical attack wind and tyrant's judgment is enough to take half a joker's hp so you gotta be careful guard fully heal or use a magic ointment here but make sure to save enough organs for at least one more joker only fight in the third semester electricity is the least of your worries as joko will either resist the attack or use the dodge electric skill which is only usable when joker is not guarding and if joker gets burn or freeze he'll either resist it with agatheon's trait rare antibody or use muruki's detox i go between using beads b chains and light stones to heal joker zeo to attack anywhere between 50 to 80 hit points tara kaja to buff attack or raku kaja to buff defense this 9-minute joker fight is honestly the most fun i've had in this entire run since no honestly this is the best part of the do another run so with one more light electric from the weakest chariot persona shito is done and we have beaten shino's palace while mostly doing nothing the final phase with shido could be bypass if we have repelled affinities for the last four skills but for obvious reasons that's not in our rule set and the fight against darka catchy could be plausible on easy difficulty but the wait for the perfect rng is ridiculously high but technically it is possible on safe difficulty so we're going to continue on with the rest of the run without betting any more rules while still remaining on easy difficulty you could say that the run is forfeit by this point but you know deep down you want to see this run go all the way through to the ultimate checkmate maneuver so with both the father and son who ruined luigi's life behind bars or eating pancakes in heaven we're gonna move forward to the depths of mementos so after changing shito's heart we appear to not begin the attention we deserve from the public so we decide to make them our next target for not considering us special we then max out our confidante with morgana the only party member who can learn his second and third awakening for the entire run and with a nullification to win and a resistance to bless we also gain triple the evasion to electric for him and yes once we enter mementos about 97 and a half saved hours into the run we can confirm that morgana does get added to the front lines thanks to shito's boss fight so we're back to the original four we've had since futaba's palace but this time with one of them having their confidant abilities now let's go terrorize the public shall we as mentioned before all mementos requests are banned outside of the mandatory one against matarami's former pupil and on the 24th of december all mementos requests that would usually be blocking our path will be removed for the entire day told you they were optional but yes this means started from the end of the block containing kamashita enemies we have to go down the entirety of mementos going down five additional blocks we've never explored well yes this might sound repetitive as hell it really isn't first it's always faster to just open up your map and fast travel to the lower level instead of driving to the platform and honestly this is a nice change of pace of having to fight all the time all enemies are under leveled so they all run from us the only enemies that i occasionally find along the way is the strong shadows and the treasure demons and once we enter a restroom or the ended platform of each block we can always fast travel to the entrance and ask carol lean to fully restore our hb and sp which means running out of sp is never an issue for us for the rest of this day but nissa does it take it to kewaling encounter doing something i also go for every chest in the hopes of finding revival beads sadly i found none on the way down this took about an hour and six minutes to reach the depths which honestly was a lot less than i was expecting anyway the depths of mementos is the shortest palace but also a very unique one it shows how society has grown dependent and feels too depressed and unmotivated to do anything to change the world instead they rather stand back cower in fear and let everyone else solve the problems for them like come on how is that in any way efficient people along the way we come across a chest with the dark cutlass which morgana asks if he can equipped now i should probably address the elephant in the room with my rules on equipment as some of you might have noticed this every single character has had their default equipment from the start so we've always been attacking with the lowest level melee and gun and have been wearing the protectors ever since they're awakened in battles however that's partially not true in kamashita's palace i've changed joker and ryuji's melee weapon after getting them from a chest within the first palace however i kid you not these have been the only weapons in the entire game i can get without having to unlock a log chest which i banned despite having one lockpick in my inventory and only now in the second last palace of the game does a melee weapon appear in a chest without a lock on it and while this weapon does have superior attack power i think we've been going through this minimalist challenge fine without the need to upgrade our melee power so just to make this run interesting i'm gonna ban this half-assed exceptional rule from this point on and stick with morgana's crappy bandit sword i know i'm gonna regret this later somehow it only takes about 44 minutes to reach the temple in the deepest part of the depths the only issue that i've run into along the way is me relying too much on running from enemies instead of stealthing my way around them which caused me to end up in three different fights from one ambush not once but twice the only miniboss that was a bit of a pain was throne he nullifies wind and fire and can insta-kill with bless i ended up losing on before we finish the enemies off but thankfully my allies getting kayode is not a big worry since i can fast travel from a safe room and restore hp and sb anytime so any reloading i do mostly never happens in this palace once we reach the final safe room this is the moment where we're at the best moment we can possibly be at to grind with access to all of mementos the reaper and the deaths of mementos we can endlessly grind on the 24th as we're locked in here till we go after the holy grail in the temple and with caroline providing a full hp and sp recovery as if we moved on to the next day this is our opportunity to not only over level but to completely max out my party to level 99. if we do it we should be at the highest possible hp and sp capacity and the highest stats for not only the fight against yelled about but also for the third semester which will lack the wardens consideration now if you are like me you are probably thinking that the best enemy to grind for exp is the reaper mementos right well let's see how that turns out for the most part my party is very and durable and can do a good amount of damage the only problem is morgana himself he's a saving grace because he can fully heal cure ailments revive fallen allies at 75 hp and can endure an insta-kill or mortal blow once per battle however once the reaper reaches to a corner of health he starts spamming multi-insta-kill attacks and needless to say while morgana can't survive one insta-kill attack everyone else can't and if regatta gets ko'd there's not much we can do as the reaper will keep spamming multi-insta-kill attacks so does this mean the reaper is impossible unless we nullify insta-kill attacks probably but another thing to consider is our overall damage output and endurance mergada takes the most amount of damage than everyone else and while yeah morgana is naturally one of the least endurable characters this is also because he's under level from the reaper the expected level for the reaper is level 85 and while joker on and ryuji or above that level morgana is below it there's a whole page on the wiki that explains how damage and endurance works in the game which i recommend checking out because there's a lot of math to explain when it comes to having the right level to fight certain enemies so if we really want to do damage and have a chance of beating the reaper we actually need to level up within the depths first before attempting the reaper according to the way that damage is handled in the game if we increase a user's level 10 levels or higher than the enemy they will always do 1.5 times the damage and right now none of us are 10 levels higher than the reaper so unfortunately if we theoretically want a chance we need to grind in the depths but where's the strong shadow within the devs you ask well apparently there's only one strong shadow in the deaths of mementos and it comes after the prison cell where you find your previous targets in but before the middle passageway safe room so first we fully heal at the entrance go to the middle passageway safe room fight maybe two or three shadows on the way to the strong shadow the only enemies that poses a threat is the sacrificial pyro keeper as they drain fire and resist electric and wind so if you get two of these enemies it's best just to escape from the battle thankfully the other shadows are either weak to fire or wind and lilith can be a disaster shadow allowing you to defeat every enemy with ease and then we face the strong shadow himself the great mighty pooh a level 75 shadow with the strongest physical attacks in the game he also has a passive skill to increase the odds of freeze as he can cast mabufodin not only get into one more from hitting on's weakness but also freezing your party with a physical attack being able to exploit a technical he also has dizzy boost and flash bomb to inflict dizzy where any attack causes a technical and then there's evil smile which is the number one move that prevented me from being able to grind against the strong shadow in size palace however even though we do suffer once in a while from members running away from battle in fear i don't reload a save and just live with the loss in exp if we do lose exp i'm not entirely sure especially since we're leveling up and fully restoring hp and sp every time and thankfully morgana can cure any ailments with salvation even if everyone is above 50 hp the great mighty poo will drain physical and gun attacks but he is neutral to fire electric and wind although on will prioritize using lullaby on the poo instead of augie dyne the only exception where she burns the big pile of [ __ ] is if ryuji inflicts shock so for every round of grinding we fully heal with caroline warp to the middle passageway safe room make our way to the strong shadow by fighting two shadows at the least fight the great mighty pooh fight the shadow down below head to the passageway safe room heal with caroline rinse and repeat and we're gonna keep doing this until morgana is levels above the grim reaper and everyone else is 10 levels or higher for the damage potential however even with the level's gain we do have one annoying problem once the reaper is low on his health the act freely ai will only rely on their melee attacks instead of using their superior heavy magical skills what a great time to turn down the dark cutlass huh morgana and because of the stupidly programmed ai alone this fight is just not really that possible to pass without the perfect rog to avoid insta-kill attacks so i decided to grind more to increase everyone's strength stat so i got joker ryuji and on to level 98 and morgana to level 91 and we go after the reaper again where the first round ends with the [ __ ] insta kill but with some very damn good rg and luck my party managed to finally kill the reaper while joker does absolutely nothing morgana levels up two levels and the others don't level up at all yeah the reaper did not push us to level 99 so if anything the reaper is just a slight faster method of leveling up with a high chance of failing otherwise we never reload against the great mighty poo of mementos so i grind against the big pile of scats some more till joker ryuji and on reached level 99 which took us a total save time of 106 hours and 14 minutes all without mishima or jose's exp buffs or insta kill killing the reaper only once and the great mighty poo killed 52 times so here is the final hp and sp capacity for on and ryuji and their persona's highest stats as we will be unable to improve them from this point forward so from here you know how the story goes we fail to destroy the holy grail despite all the grinding we fight the twins joker only but actually win by doing nothing the twins fuse into lavenza and igor turns out to be the rg god within the holy grail we tell him that we want nothing to do with him and we find out that the rng god has raped the game where joger's confrontation with shito has cursed him into being unable to do anything and has to rely on his allies to do everything and the only way to break this curse is to kill the rng god himself and erase the metaverse so we return to shibuya on the day of reckoning where we find out that the rfg god has renovated the depths of mementos above ground and with this renovation comes an axe free of charge which i want nothing to do with an ambush with a gay orgy and four fights against the archangels not much to say since we endured the damage like a badass and we can fully restore our hp and sp with lavenza when needed there was one record removed that set the last archangel michael to full health but with two lucky crits from ryuji we stand before the shrine of the holy grail but i don't take him on just yet i can pretty much guarantee that we won't use yusuke makoto or haru for the rest of the run and since this is the last time we can fully restore hp and sp at the entrance we're gonna grind against the two strong shadows near the end of the shrine entrance fast travel to the shibuya crossing heal save reload and repeat this will be faster than grinding against the one strong shadow within the depths and it's our best opportunity to max out morgana and as much as we can of agatheon we really only need to level agatheon up for his endurance stats since luck and agility are worthless unless joker is attacked when he's not guarding right now morgana being maxed is our main goal before we fight the rng god and by main goal i mean i only leveled them up to 96 because i was getting ptsd from grinding while listening to life will change for two hours straight it's bad enough that this run is ruined take over for me i don't need life will change ruin 2. so with mergada at level 96 we did our first attempt up against the rng god and holy crap we take a lot of damage from this cup thankfully we can cut the veins fully healed between on and morgana guard for the charged up attack and beat the cup with about half of morgana's sp gone and then the rng god transforms into yaldabaoth a level 75 boss fight who can do a good amount of damage but my party does better damage at first it seems like the fight for humanity was gonna go smoothly until yelled about brings out the deadly sins now to go into depths of what the four daily sins do will take forever but the problem in this fight is not so much the attacks and incurable ailments but the problem comes down to bad ai and their sp running out fast the ai will focus on a singular target like the gun sword bell and book before randomly changing their mind and targeting something else well yes they will target yaldabaoth himself and bergano will either be too focused on healing or attacking the deadly sins instead of the main boss himself they will not go for a specific target if they know their attacks will repel which yeah sounds like common sense but this prevents them from multi-attacking which would have been useful for morgana because he will nullify wind if wind repels back at him ryuji on the other hand is a little smarter he's the only party that i have with his elemental brake skill and with the sword repellent physical gun and electric ryuji will go for a multi-electric attack as long as the nullification break is active but regardless of how much we get rid of the daily sins galdebelt will manifest the sins back to 50 health every time and with this being an endless cycle we'll be stuck to a point where my party will just use melee attacks on the sins while being unable to attack the sword and because of that there's barely going to be damage dealt to yeldabalf on the first attempt yeldebelt was down to half hp and on the second attempt we got past halfway through the fight however even if i did level morgana to level 99 i really don't think that's going to make much of a difference guys just like the fight against darker catchy unless we have the perfect rng to evade every attack and have futaba buff and heat riser and healing constantly there's no possible way to defeat yeldabel by doing nothing on easy difficulty and we got a full party with one of them having their second awakening but try as you might i think this is where the run truly ends so no we cannot be personified royal by doing absolutely nothing uneasy difficulty that is we still have one more difficulty to try the problem is once we're on safe difficulty there's no turning back so i think it's time we stop pretending that easy difficulty is the lowest difficulty setting because at this point this runs already proved that easy is impossible thanks to dark aketchi so the main question now comes down to if safe difficulty is possible and if safe difficulty isn't possible then holy crap the developers made a harder game than us personified veterans give this game credit for so safe difficulty it is from this point forward while safe difficulty allows an extra 30 more exp gain the noticeable saving grace is the extra sixty percent damage so the main rule is that we'll do yalda belt and the third semester on safe difficulty but we're not allowed to retry during battle if we get ko during battle we have to live with it and reset or otherwise there's no run to prove if i just infinitely retry and mid battle so yell the belt on safe difficulty is about the same as easy except we do far more damage the cup goes down faster and the individual sins go down faster making our attacks against zelda belt himself actually hit the damn boss the only new thing to mention is when we get his health low enough he will use divine apex with all of his sins regenerated as he takes two turns to charge up a powerful attack our party will waste two turns guarding and once the razor control hit it nearly kills everyone and morgana only survives thanks to endure ryuji uses electric brakes so he can do the multi-attack and regatta gets a show time at the worst possible timing to get a show time on fully heals morgana i mean gets reflected and kills herself holy [ __ ] and then we get the daily sins attacking which morgana thankfully evades ryuji nearly dies ryuji guards due to the book preparing for counter murgana recalms on alive and on fully heals morgana the book returns to normal we survive the next few attacks and our party will actually be focusing on defeating yaldabaoth instead of healing even with defying apex activated again my party gives the last attacks they got to defeat yaldabaoth holy crap i did not expect this to be so tight on safe difficulty we nearly died but we made it possible wow that got really intense at the end so the public finally comes to their senses that they need to stop depending on other people to solve the problems for them and rely on us to solve this problem for them yeah really nothing has changed has it which allows joker to break the chains that held him down allowing him to break the do-it-nothing curse and with one actual move of joker doing something without the pressure of fighting solo we can confirm that yes it is possible to beat persona 5 by doing absolutely nothing on safe difficulty [Music] that is the vanilla ending unfortunately for me there is still one more chapter of this game left to go because clearly the pain just won't end and since yaldabath is impossible on easy difficulty we're gonna do the entire third semester on safe difficulty can we do it well let's endure the torture for one more chapter and find out so oh my god i am so sorry this video is going to be so long but hopefully it's all worth it and hopefully you're enjoying it so anyway we're going to be heading into the third semester which i do not want to spoil so this is going to be high high spoiler territory if you have not played the third semester please stop at this point i do not want to ruin the third semester for you but in the meantime be sure to like comment and subscribe and ding the bell for more instagamer content so hopefully you guys are ready for one last chapter let's see if we can do the third semester on safe difficulty by doing absolutely nothing so if you're at this part of the video you should already be spoiler free on the third semester content so let's just jump into the palace on january 2nd joker goes into the mysterious palace with akechi and kasumi they both start off at level 75 so needless to say grinding will still happen even though we maxed out joker we opened up a chest at the start of the palace which contains three revival beads okay time to reload a save and save this chest for later when we do the final boss fight now with the first battle we start to see one of the big problems with the catchy akechi will use two moves that use up his hp one being a physical base move and the other being a gun based move and he only has one curse attack that attacks a singular enemy while the upside is that he starts off with an automatic tarakaja he's downgraded from what he was in scientific palace he lacks the blessed skills and samarikarm to revive fallen allies and while evade bless is a good passive skill to have he's more of a brute force party member who will end up getting himself killed in battles which i guess is fitted for akechi's character but it will make for a frustrating experience when he's set on act freely especially if the enemies repel his physical or gun base attacks kazumi only has one skill to learn although brave step is useless as party members never use support skills aside from dekuja and you can't crit the final boss fight she has a mix of physical skills without pupil for crits and bless attacks with bless amp and what really makes her great is ollie dance which increases her evasion to almost every attack in the game including almighty attacks and just like on kazume can fully heal one party member per turn she's essentially like on only with lower magic power but with physical skills and a higher critical rate and a higher evasion rate so overall she's a really great party member to have once we go through the second battle kasumi thankfully heals a catchy enough so he's just barely fully healed before the big mid boss fight of this day we find out that maruki is the palace ruler and that he's the cool and new antagonist that has put the do-and-nothing curse back on joker but with the upside being that joker and his friends will live a happy life with no traumas or an unfair society joker of course wants to break the do-it-nothing curse and akechi just doesn't want to be controlled again however kasumi who we find out to be samiri can't live with her trauma and goes with meruki so now we gotta fight a boss fight with only a catchy attack in keep up then don't embarrass me oh oh so this fight against the warped abyss sucks like really sucks he will either start off with an almighty attack or a wind attack and of course wind is that catheon's main weakness so the warmth abyss sometimes starts off with one more and he will nullify akechi's curse attack which akechi will always go for first and akechi will be wasting his hp using both his gun and physical skills and while it helps enough akechi will barely get the warp abyss's health down to a point where we can automatically win the fight with a showtime attack and with nobody being able to heal once a catchy is down we can either guard with joker until joker goes down which takes freaking forever or we can close down the game and start off from the safe room which is the fastest method of retrying the fight this took me so long to do guys so what i had to do was grind on the two shadows that appear outside the safe room and the one treasure demon from a hot spot in the entrance hall the treasure demon with the most sticky and sweet name ever is weak to bless attacks so kasumi and akechi can take down the treasure demon no problem from here we need to grind on shadows in the entrance hall which thankfully are easy to finish off you'll either get the deformed lion guard which can high counter kasumi's gun attacks but he is weak to curse making him an easy kill the killer teddy bears are easy to finish off and the wandering reviver is weak to bless so we grind until both kasumi and akechi are out of sp and reload if akechi gets hit or uses his physical or gun skill the reason why we need to get rid of the catchy's sp is because he will always go for curse first which the boss nullifies and for whatever reason the act freely akechi never uses almighty and i mean never uses it so we had to grind until akechi is unable to use his curse attacks which was easier said than done because kasumi and akechi cannot finish off the killer teddy bear and the wonder and reviver in time so to assure akechi doesn't get hit i always escape from the battle with the wonder and reviver and at best kasumi will be able to kill the killer teddy bear enough for us to gain a little bit of exp we just keep trying and reloading till we only get the deformed lion guard so a ketchie can use his sp once akechi uses up all of his sp we grind on the killer teddy bears and escape from the battle until akechi reaches level 78 but even with akechi being a few levels better and him being unable to use curse this fight took fricken forever i kid you not this fight was given me ptsd from having to fight at kumara's division managers it was that bad akechi will either be inflicted with fear causing him to skip his turn and aketshi needed to do about three evasions in order to make this fight possible this part of the third semester took the longest to get through and it was really aggravating and the only way akechi can go any higher and level is if we surpass level 75 during scientific palace because apparently akechi always starts the third semester at level 75 but he will be at a higher level if we had grinded him past level 75 in size palace sadly we were only three levels under 75 with him while grinding in size palace on easy difficulty so oh god how long is this gonna take you've made clear that you reject the reality she desires [Music] you've made clear that you reject the reality she desires [Music] you've made clear that you reject the reality she desires you've made clear that you reject the reality she desires you've made clear that you reject the reality she desires [Music] [Music] is [Music] so after four to five hours of grinding and constant failed attempts akechi finally defeats the warped abyss to do a showtime attack with joker and finally ending this nightmare from here we can only hope it doesn't get worse than that so akechi tells me to go round up my friends to help save samiri one week from now but since the do it nothing curses put back on joker again joker brains none of his friends on the ninth should have seen that coming to catchy anyway we jump in and tell marookie that we don't want his third semester content but unfortunately for us we're gonna get it anyway and now we head into the final joker only fight of the run attacking a girl with severe trauma and guilt so she can shut up here we can use up whatever physical or magical ointments we have left however being on safe difficulty we repel so little damage back at her that we're better off just attacking with light electric samiri attacks with sword dance and heavy blast and she will also charge up her physical attack and use brave step to increase her critical rate so we carefully use the light electric and heal when needed once she is low enough on her health for just one more hit we fully heal hope she uses brave step or charge so we can end the fight with joker's health fully healed next a catchy and joker fighter persona central on along with meruki's help this fight is designed to be unwinnable as centrolon will constantly drain the hp of the summoned enemies thankfully in the nick of time our party comes to the rescue and here is where everything flipped upside down for me looking back at my footage of the no social stat run ryuji and morgana got automatically added to the party which made sense since they were the highest party members on the stat select screen however i ended up getting ryuji and on instead oh this was not how this was supposed to go so i reloaded and did the whole sumerian syndrome boss fight again and no i still ended up with ryuji and on and i have no explanation for why the game automatically selects them my best guess is that it takes whoever is the highest level party member going down the stat screen because remember i only leveled morgana to level 96 while ryuji and on were maxed this is only a theory but if i had maxed out morgana i probably would have been able to get him automatically added to the fight but i also don't want to grind for five hours straight just to find out that he doesn't get added to the party anyway so sadly we cannot use morgana for the entirety of the third semester because never have i have nice things in this entire damn run i thought you were creating a happy reality marookie this is false advertising anyway with the maxtoe ryuji and on and futaba providing buffs this fight against cinderlong goes smoothly morgana awakens to his third awakening because the game is mocking me though the only real benefit from the third awakening is that diego's trait allows to decrease sp costs when using healing skills which would have been so damn useful but of course we can't have that but it only gets weirder from here as we know when akechi joins the team in size palace he is selectable as a party member but doesn't get automatically added till you do his sort of awakening battle however this is not the case with samiri when we meet her at the entrance on the third initial infiltration she automatically replaces on who is the third party member going down the stat screen and levels above a catchy so once we do samiri's true awakening battle we have ryuji akechi and samiri as our party members for the rest of the game from this point forward this was not what i was expecting i was expecting ryuji morgana and samiri ryuji and regatta would have showed up in the center long fight and samir would have replaced the catchy for her true awakening battle however looking back at my footage of the no social stat run samiri does replace morgana only for me to add him back in and i didn't think to check this part of the no social stat run footage as i thought only the awakened battles had an effect on changing your party members but no samiri will replace whoever is the lowest party member above a catchy at the entrance as the developers clearly want you to use akechi and sumeri as much as possible because of that even if we did max out morgana in the deaths of mementos samira would only replace morgana and we would still have ryuj samiri and akechi anyway so thank god i did not spend the extra hours grinding will ruin a life will change for myself because yes this is the final team for the rest of the run and while sumeri was expected and has great skills akechi is not really the best party member as he's a brute force party member who won't use his almighty attacks on act freely and ryuji is the weakest magic user of the group the only upside with the ketchi and samiri is that they have far superior default equipment and akechi does not use the same default equipment from psy's palace he does automatically get equipped with better equipment for maruki's palace and ryuji hasn't been torn past rank 2 so we just got to somehow beat the entire third semester without multi-healing skills ailment cured skills and no confidant abilities oh well let's just get this done and over with on this initial infiltration day we need to be two mandatory mini bosses the first one is the shadow with the id card but these shadows weren't easy to feed i did a little bit of grinding for the second fight since you'll be automatically kicked out of the palace once you defeat the second mini boss but this was a bad idea as you'll need samira's sp to heal your party members and being the dumb ass i was my backup save was on the 2nd of january before you've made clear that you reject the reality she desires that fight this fight took me two tries as a catchy dies during this fight gee i wonder why but having ryuji and one of these shadows being weak to electric is a saving grace as we got through this fight and ended this day january 13th is when you can start doing whatever you want including getting third awakened skills and completing the second half of sumeria's confidante ha wouldn't that be nice however we can only listen to so many apologies as the guy who does nothing as we enter the new block of mementos now here's an interesting fact that most of you may not know remember those mementos requests that would usually be blocking our path to the next block and how we were able to turn all of them off on the 24th of december well the ones on the railroad are back but the ones on the platform are not so does this mean we are permanently locked out of doing these requests well here's the thing i had no mementos requests given to me during the third semester and yet i had requests appearing on the railways of the final block and apparently there's six of them this is unusual since there's only four mementos requests exclusive to the third semester but then it dawned on me what these mementos requests are by entering the first one we could face the sadism request that would usually block our path back in june so yeah all six mementos requests that you would fight on the platforms get moved to this final block as a fail-safe if you've never beaten them prior to the deaths of mementos i like challenge runs like this because you can always learn something new unlike actually doing this challenge run but anyway we get to the end of the new block so we can continue our infiltration in maruki's palace but before heading back we do some grinding the new block has the enemies from the depths of mementos so you're probably thinking why not grind against the great mighty poo for the best experience game i'll tell you why not because the big pile of orangey crab drains physical gun curse and resists bless and even though samira can still cause damage with bless and a catchy has an almighty skill they will only guard leaving ryuji to attack with electric only i have no idea why akechi refuses to use almighty attacks but just like on using lullaby over dormina let's just come to the conclusion that alice programmed act freely horribly and should have included act freely and direct commands as two separate modes seriously that would be a much better idea because direct commands is much better than act freely anyway since literally every single enemy from the last block has some sort of resistance to curse except for one i decide to grind between floors 11 and 13 just before the path of the holy grail here we can fight shito enemies with the emperor's amulet being weak to electric the heretic goats being weak to bless and the dancing lion being weak to curse and since khali was the most efficient enemy to grind against with ryuji and on only samir and akechi can take the strong shadow down faster with kali only repelling gun and resisting curse so needless to say this was our best option to grind in mementos without insta-killing or swapping party members after using up everyone's sp we continue to infiltrate meruki's palace on the 14th we answered the fourth dialogue option with literally every single locked door there's two mandatory mini bosses and three optional ones if you answer the exam questions wrong but after you get through the exam room you have to fight cert in the counseling room cert will resist physical and nullify electric aketchy literally dies in two hits on the first attempt and unfortunately samira goes down too leaving ryuji who we have already maxed out right now i am more concerned on getting the ketchi and samiri leveled up so sadly we have to grind for the rest of this day in order to make the fight against cert feasible sadly there's just no good enemy in this palace that i know of to grind against and when i say no of i mean i always insta-kill these shadows in a regular playthrough so i barely have an idea of where the shadows spawn the strong shadow is extremely brutal and overpowered to the point that even on safe difficulty it's impossible so i just grinded on the two shadows in the corridor before samira's true awakening on the stairs these shadows are the same enemies we fought against on our first infiltration so i grinded for the rest of the day against these enemies until nikichi and samiri are out of sp now the level for cert is level 78 so my goal was to level akechi and sumeria up to level 88 so they are 10 levels for the extra 50 damage potential but how am i gonna do that if meruki's palace is unreliable it's not like i could go anywhere else to grind on past enemies of the game oh yeah so we returned to mementos on the 15th once again grinding between floors 11 to 13 on the block before the holy grail as the third semester block is inefficient for a catchy now both akechi and samiri are at level 82 so how many in-game days does it take for us to grind them up to level 88 well zero and no high pixie is not helping us here you see even if everyone runs out of sp while fighting shadows or kali samiri and akechi have a strong enough strength stat and default weapon to end fight sooner and even if samira can't heal there's a chance that futaba will heal through moral support it's not a full party heal but it's enough to extend our time grinding allowing us to level up without having to restore sp or move on to the next day it took about 4 saved hours to do so but we managed to level samiri and akechi up to level 88 six levels in one day against shito enemies with futaba being our only healer so on the 16th we go face up against cert again thankfully it took only one try to beat him though with the catchy's hp burned down to one but the increased damage potential became very noticeable allowing us to proceed to the twilight corridor while sir proceeds on to another persona challenge run where he's gonna be very useful in my persona 4 golden challenge run the twilight corridor is without a doubt the most beautiful room in the entire game after solving the color puzzles we come across our final mini boss of the run the dragon slayin genius he nullifies physical and resists gun but every other affinity aside from ice is fair game and unlike cert ryuji can inflict shock allowing akechi to get technical with riot gun but once the ai realizes that the genius resists gun they won't go for the technical and instead use their elemental attacks and thanks to shock this fight went far easier than cert so now we can secure the infiltration route which means the only thing left to do is fight dr maruki on the day of fates so we drain the sp we had left in the corridor and proceed to mementos on the 17th to grind with akechi and samiri up to level 99 so they are prepared for the final boss fight now because there's a chance that futaba will heal through moral support we can push the grind in for as long as we want as long as we don't get unlucky thankfully i do get some good luck late into the grind where i get a deviation of mementos only containing the strong shadows this works so well in my favor as i spend over 50 minutes on this floor alone grinding against kaldi even though the grim reaper does appear he is terrible at causing a final destination allowing us to make back and forth trips playing a game of tag with the reaper and if we do get ambushed by the reaper there is no way to escape without the use of a vanish ball so you gotta be careful however i got unlucky with the rng as futaba for whatever reason was not healing through moral support this caused me to nearly lose over 50 minutes of progress as i had to bail and call it a day so we continued to grind with the final bit of grinding on the 18th as both akechi and samiri are at level 97 and i kid you not after making three platform stops i happened to get very lucky and spawn another deviation with strong shadows this couldn't have been more perfect now that my party has the sp to finish kali off efficiently after 27 minutes of grinding on the same floor it's finally done we have maxed out samiri and akechi along with every backup member to level 99 by doing absolutely nothing no insta kills no stamps and no mashima and for proof here is every single block with zero stamps for every floor [Music] my list of mementos requests and we still hold the crystal of gluttony which would have been automatically upgraded to the reign of gluttony had we talked to jose once and with a total save time of a hundred and twenty three saved hours there was only one more thing left to do meruki demands us to accept his reality where we don't have to do anything and the happiness will come to us and he tells me that if i do change his heart akechi will die because he actually died in cheetos palace hmm let's see i catchy ditched us after psy's palace he left us with only honor ryuji for shido's palace he made easy difficulty impossible without breaking the rules or lowering into safe difficulty and he made the infiltration grueling by using his hp for two skills and making me spend a few days trying to get past the warped abyss and only he can activate his showtime while i have to guard through it yeah screw that akitchy has caused me more problems if anything thanks maruki but i'm fine if the cure wannabe dies and let me just say this entering the day of fates with everyone maxed out while acknowledging that i've been pressing the guard button for 123 saved hours and probably more than 300 hours of reloaded play time is a realization that feels too good to be true this takes longer than a casual playthrough of the game since i literally fast forward through every single cutscene no human being should ever endure this torture and yet i did it i made it to the final boss it can only be done as low as safe difficulty but i did it and it's truly thanks to you viewers who have helped me endure and face this challenge head on so thank you everyone and to the patreon supporters who i'll be mentioning at the end of this video so before we see if marooky is possible let's have a final look at our stats everyone is at max level joker and ryuji are at an automatic baton pass rank 2. agatha theon is at level 93 all by grinding and never using the velvet room ones we still have our one and only lock pick from the crafting tutorial 81 blank cards and only six skill cards the red and green will seeds from every palace except for konoshiro's palace only four maxed out confidants rank one with the kitschy and samiri so no you don't have to bond with samir and akechi to get to the third semester palace you only need to bond with meruki i just want to say that because that's a common piece of misinformation that people believe in this front is about being able to do the final palace not seeing an extra bit of the final cut scene if we add max no to catchy and so with all that we grab our three revival beads at the start of the palace and head up the tree of eden this is it no about a grinding will help us further it's time to see the truth and see if it's possible to be personified royal by doing absolutely nothing let's do this so for the first two phases we need to fight azethoff however there's a passive skill called shield tendril where we do so little damage as long as the three tentacles are still up the less there are active the more damage we can do to azeth each tentacle will have their own unique affinity which can either repel nullify or be weak to certain attacks the tentacle of protection in front of meruki is weak to physical moves while the other tentacles nullify physical so you don't have to worry about physical damage being repelled the tentacle of assistance on the left will be weak to the first four elemental attacks while the tentacle of healing on the right is weak to the last four magical attacks ryuji can handle the tentacle of assistance while samir and akechi can handle the tentacle of healing and since everyone has a physical skill or the use of melee anyone can attack the tentacle of protection's weakness however while gun skills are neutral to the tentacle of assistance and tentacle of healing tentacle of protection repels gun attacks so akechi always dies due to using riot gun and since we have three revival beats to work with aketshi should be back onto speed after making this mistake so note to self when you do this boss fight never use gun based skills when the weaknesses for the tentacles become known the act freely ai will utilize the baton pass which is what you're supposed to do to build up the best damage potential possible the ai will not use their multi-hit attacks unless there's no target that nullifies or repels their attack which might sound like common sense in theory but the multi-attacks keep the damage on azethov and repellent magical back attichy or samire will be nullified unlike ryuji who can only nullify his electric if we had maxed out his confidant there's two phases to this fight the first phase of azethov has amplify force which is essentially a charge and concentrate ability two physical attacks with memory blow having a low chance of inflicting forget and nuclear crash which is a heavy multi-nuke attack so essentially physical and nuke are the main attacks for the first phase the second face however gets harder there's three different almighty attacks one physical move called rain and seeds evil smile given a medium chance of inflicting the party with fear and eternal radiance which is a heavy bliss attack with a high chance of inflicting dizzy and while samiri will always nullify eternal radiance akenchi can cause a one more since he is weak to bless attacks and we can't rely on his evade bless skill to guarantee we're not going to take on more damage than usual so now that you have an idea of what the fight is like how is the execution horrible without joker help in or the help from a multi-healer like morgana or mercoto samiri is bound to run out of sp fast due to her having to heal only one party member almost every turn akechi will always get himself killed with riot gun unless he knows that tentacle of protection repels gun and with everyone having a physical skill hp runs out fast but that's not the worst part ideally you don't want to target your attacks on maruki as the tentacle of healing will always restore meruki's health and you can't really beat this fight unless azethov goes down so you always want your attacks to be towards azethov and not maruki sadly the ai does not know this so sometimes they do singular attacks on either azathoth or meruki and any time they attack maruki they're just wasting their hit points and spear points doing so azithoff never heals or gets healed so all attacks should be targeted towards him as you baton pass your way through bringing the tentacles down sadly the ai is just not programmed to be aware of that they only care about handling the weaknesses healing before baton passing and sometimes attacking rookie or sometimes attacking nazathoff and with phase 2 offering far severe attacks including the disadvantage of party members skipping their turn out of fear akechi being attacked with eternal gradients and marookie using a barrier to prevent us from doing certain actions this just makes the whole fight impossible to pass without suffering a lot of hit points so the question is is this fight possible no it isn't i wish i was joking but i'll explain why well yes a part of the prom is the incompetence of the ai and the lack of joker the main reason is because even at max level you'll need some sort of sp recovery option to restore sp in order to bring the two tentacles down while also being able to heal this is especially a problem for ryuji and samiri as samira will be healing as well as attacking while ryuji naturally has the lowest sp capacity compared to any party member and if ryuji is out of sp no one can bring down the tentacle of assistance causing stat debuffs on our party and tarakaja on meruki the only attack that has a chance of taking down the tentacle of assistance is akechi's riot gun but he won't use it as long as the tentacle of protection is up and since that requires a physical skill followed up with a gun skill both of which cost hp the ai will always be wasting their hp with no ways of being able to heal outside of the rare instance of futaba healing through moral support which again it's not a full party heal so it's not really reliable and because the ao will sometimes attack maruki over azethov the lowest i was able to get azerthoff's health was halfway down or on most attempts barely anything down at all this fight is heavily rng based so where azethov's health falls down is usually no more than halfway before joker ends up getting ko'd the fear status ailment causes such a huge detriment on our party that even if they were able to attack well under fear they cannot baton pass to anyone inflicted with fear and if ryuji runs out of sp to use electric everyone will be baton passing to joker since agatheon is fused with zeo to the ai they are unaware a challenge run is happening so by all means this is efficient just goes against our own rules but sadly no matter how good the rng is evasion rates are good tactics from the act freely ai the most i was able to get is halfway down on azethov's health during the second phase and with one or more tentacles being present my party will be doing very little damage against azathof that is if they do attack azathoff and not meruki and the sad reality of it all is there's no amount of grinding we can do to make this any better and we're at the easiest difficulty for the best damage potential the only way this fight is going to be feasible is if we use osama during the fight but that counts as doing something so we came a long way but in the end no 100 confirmed you cannot be personified royal by doing absolutely nothing even on safe difficulty at level 99. is this truly it have they finally broken your spirit of rebellion so yeah so much time wasted just to find out it's impossible at literally the final boss fight of the game over a few hundred hours of nothing by pressing the guard button and reloading failed attempts only to never reach the end we may be able to defeat yeldebalth on safe difficulty and get the happy ending with meruki's reality but not the true ending for persona 5 royal so you may be thinking i'm devastated i'm broken and depressed beyond repair right well honestly i'm relieved i am relieved it's finally over not a single minute went by that i wish i could utilize the game's various mechanics just to make the grind or the next battle easier every single palace was essentially me grinded for hours every day the palace was available just to make the next boss fight or the next palace easier and possible this run has been absolute torture since the very second infiltration of kamashita's palace which is still in the tutorial and while there are some satisfying moments it was never enough to make me forget the torture i've been through all throughout and in the end i think it delivers a good message that ironically fits persona 5's main theme it is possible to get through life by being dependent on others and doing nothing but you can never achieve your true goals and the whole experience will leave you with more scars than anything beneficial nothing about this run was fun the whole point of persona 5 is to make the effort to prepare yourself to face the challenges that oppose you head on and to overcome them yes the game gets easier the more times you play it so i can understand how it becomes less fun over time for veteran players but the fun of it was that first experience figuring out how to overcome those challenges and using subsequent playthroughs to break the game in every way possible well the fun of it may fade do in a run where you have limited options can be an intriguing experience there's so many challenge runs on this game and for a good reason because it shows just how many different ways you can play the game but by limiting yourself to the equivalent of a hundred challenge run ideas to the point where you have no control over the game completely misses the point of what made persona 5 great to begin with yes it's intriguing to see the impossible be made possible but if a run is causing you to waste hours of your life while causing stress ptsd sleep deprivation and nightmares it has passed beyond into unhealthy territory the only reason i kept going is because i kept getting me views and subscribers for it if it had not been for my audience i would have quitted this run before connoisseur's palace even started heck maybe even before moderame's palace started i strongly do not recommend this run in any way even with insta-kill unlocked by all means do a challenge run try whatever you like and it might give you a challenging and unique experience of playing the game but don't limit yourself to the point where you literally let the game play itself while suffering a bajillion reloaded attempts if i could rate the palaces from the most painful experience to the least painful here they are but that doesn't mean that even the easiest palace was fun in the slightest nothing about this run is fun or relaxing and in the end i'm honestly happy that it is impossible even if you were to max out your party members and play on the easiest difficulty in the end this run has taught us one thing effort you need to put in any effort to make your life easier well it may sound easy to just sit back and do nothing and let everyone else solve the problems for you that will not be a life worth living if you want to make a difference and have an experience worth your time get off your lazy ass and do what you need to do to make the roblox ahead less inconvenient there's no curse putting you down you have to make the effort to make the seemingly impossible possible and while you can get through life by doing nothing it will ultimately mean nothing in the end as you'll never reach your true goal so despite all the suffering and torture i have endured i feel free i am glad to put this run behind me and move on with my life so now that we know it's impossible let's make it possible i kept a backup save on the evening of the 18th just after i got level 99 with every party member so what i'm gonna do is break the rules the rules for pausing be gone the rules for the velvet room be gone the rules for the real world be gone and as for the metaverse the only thing i'm gonna keep intact is joker doing nothing during battles while party members are set on act freely i think the whole meet of this run is seeing battles be made possible by joker doing nothing while your party members make it possible so let's do that this is no longer a do it nothing run it's a persona 5 wario without using joker in battles the only fights where this would not be possible up to this point is some of the tutorial fights and the fight against ragna in the battle arena however starting on the 19th of january with less than 15 days of our deadline we're gonna do whatever we can with the limited mechanics we've unlocked to see if beaten marookie is possible without joker and this is the plan we need a user who has superior magical power to handle the tentacle of assistance so we're gonna swap out ryuji in favor of morgana since he has more spirit points better magic power healing skills one revival skill all of his confidant abilities learned a trait to reduce the sp cost of healing and a resistance to bliss which is one of the attacks in the fight and since samiri nullifies bless and has a good set of physical and magical damage along with aldi dance samiri will stay in the front lines and since akechi is too reckless with his skills and has a chance of causing a one more during eternal radiance we're gonna swap him out with makoto makoto will have good new skills along with multihealing a skill that can cure fear and can resist one nuke skill that can happen during the first phase so my final decision is to swap out ryuji and akechi in favor of morgana and makoto fighting alongside sumeri ryuji served well since his awakened battle but his days of fighting are over so with our final party member set it is time to prep for the day of fates january 18th we just call it a night since i can't go outside and any activities available are useless i increased my guts from sleeping so that was worth it the 19th i discovered a library existed all along and i borrowed the speed reader book i discovered i can sell over 3 million yen worth of dirty laundry though i don't actually sell anything i go to the airsoft where i discover i can sell almost 2 million yen from treasures i found in the metaverse since joker won't be using melee weapons i buy the pro parry and dagger which gives joker an extra 2 points in his endurance and agility stat i buy morgana's second best available weapon for 5 points in his magic stat i buy makoto's second best available weapon for 5 points in her agility stat and i buy the best available weapon for sumeri with no additional buffs i buy the best available guns for the damage potential i buy the best available protectors though i will change the protectors for joker makoto and simiri later i finally make the velvet room an available fast trouble point and here's an interesting fact that you may not know usually as early as moderame's palace caroline and justine would introduce you to the challenge battles that you can participate in however what if you've never had this introduction and lavenza is available well atlas did think ahead of the possibility of nobody using the velvet room till third semester as there's unique voice lines for lavenza introducing you to the challenge battles should you prove successful there is no doubt that you will be rewarded and strengthened in body and mind we have prepared a special stage for you to undergo this part of your rehabilitation the only thing that's inconsistent is that your cell is locked and you're in your prison clothes only for it to be unlocked when you have full control over joker i exit the velvet room come back in and only now did joker realize that there's no locked door on his cell so while there is a little bit of continuity error there is unique dialogue for lavenza introducing you to the challenge battles anyways we see how far agatheon has come on his journey with joker and we see that we only have three personas in our entire compendium i bet agatheon a farewell as we execute him and start fusing personas i make sure to fuse a death persona and a chariot persona so we can deepen our bonds with a couple confidants we start a confidant with takemia the death arcana allowing us to get level 3 and guts and at night we play darts to maxo joker and regana's baton pass rank on the 20th i get rank 2 with takemi then i max out samiri's baton pass rank on the 21st i start rank 2 with ryuji and max held makoto's baton pass rank on the 22nd i take makoto to the confession booth to replace flashbomb with nuke boost to increase her damage potential i kid you not this is like the only time i've ever used the confession booth in any run i've done on this game i play video games later at night to increase my guts on the 23rd i get rank 3 with takemi and i play some video games again to increase my guts on the 24th i get rank 3 with ryuji and read the speed reader book to increase my reading speed by 2 chapters on the 25th i read the pirate legends book to increase my guts and i played baillyards as a means of increasing my bond with ryuji while also getting level 3 proficiency on the 26th i get rank 4 with takemi and i read the cryo cthulu to increase my guts on the 27th i read the hero with the bow to increase my guts where i finally get level 4 guts so at night i start my first strength with the guy who's destroyed the comment section in my previous videos for name pronunciation purposes on the 28th i get rank 4 with ryuji and i play darts with him only to deepen my bond with him on the 29th i get rank 5 with takemi where i finally unlock her support items this is the primary reason i bought it with takemi as she has the only sp recovery option i can get with the limited time i have left so i buy one regen patch 3 so joker can heal a little bit every turn and 3 sp adhesive 3s for my party members to wear so they can invigorate a little bit of sp every turn this is the best and only option we have to recover sp without using sp recovery items since the actually ai never use items outside of revival beads i get rank 2 with the weapons dealer for no reason other than to pass time on the 30th i buy 99 things of reviva drains though for disclosure i don't know if the act freely members will use this like they do with revival beads so this could be a wasted purchase i later do some laundry to watch the latest clothes i got i start aureus confidant for no reason other than to pass time and get exp for fusion devil personas on the 31st we get rank 5 with ryuji and the only reason i bought it with him is to unlock the gym so we can give joker a little bit of extra health for the final fight later that evening i start the gym and use imported protein to increase hp on the first of february i watch dirty laundry again as i find that the sinful bikinis are the best protectors i can get for both samiri and makoto giving them both the best defense and an extra 50sp i later went to the gym but then realized i forgot to buy the imported protein which restocks every month i accidentally mispressed the circle button instead of x so i ended up training without protein and my last save was way too far off for me to reload on the 2nd of february which is the final day we can prepare in the real world i customize the best available guns to get a slight bit more attack power as this is why i made the effort to get level 4 guts i then sell all of my treasures so i can max out my wallet and spend the final day training at the gym with imported protein this time so in total i gained only 19 more hit points for joker we later reject murugi's reality and hand him the calling card we entered the day of fates and now the only thing left to do is diffuse the perfect persona for joker so we can handle meruki efficiently using the wiki which jack betsy knows is the most reliable source of information we could determine that maruki will use almighty attacks which we can't no or repel but he will use physical in both azir thoughts first and second phase he can use nuke in the first phase and bless for the second phase so the goal is to not only protect joker from these three affinities but use it against azethov himself as apparently repel damage completely ignores the shield tendril skill allowing us to have muruki himself essentially hid himself to guarantee a win in the fight the three status ailments that beruki can inflict during the fight is forget dizzy and fear forget comes from a physical skill in the first phase so as long as we can dull or repel physical we don't have to worry about being afflicted with that ailment dizzy has a high chance of being inflicted through the blessed attack so as long as we can null or repel blasts joker and samiri will never be inflicted with dizzy so it's really just the fear ailment that's a big worry as joker will never use guard sometimes when inflicted with fear leaving him vulnerable to most attacks so what we need to do is fuse a persona with passive skills against nuke physical and bless and the fear ailment so now that we got an idea of how to create the perfect persona it's time to get fusion so we start fusing personas and bind the ones with passive skills from the compendium as we really only want to carry over passive skills particularly the ones that will be useful there's so much footage to go over so i'll try to show how i've used my best persona bear in mind there are some personas we cannot view since we only have four ultimate personas that we can fuse and we don't have access to the advanced fusions and i refuse to buy the dlc for this game so there's no dlc persona with that said here's the highlights at level 83 we confuse vishnu for the skill ollie dance which will increase joker's evasion rate to almighty attacks if he happens to not be guarding at level 8 we confuse a baryon which has the passive skill to resist fear unfortunately there's not a single persona in the royal version that nullifies fear without using an accessory from the airsoft so resist fear is gonna have to do misha gucci of the hierophant will inherit regenerate 3 to give us some hp recovery the ultimate persona the judgment satan could be fused with nothing but passive skills which will come in handy later on we confuse our number one enemy from a coomer's palace rebellious elephant as he can learn the skill repel physical however a simple fusion and an execution of satan who is the highest level persona we confuse is not enough to learn the repel physical skill and we can't strengthen rebellious elephant again but thankfully there's a workaround by registering the persona fusion them away and rebuying them from the compendium we can strengthen them again this allows us to use two gallows executions of satan to learn the passive skill repel physical after an hour and 34 minutes of fusing later we fuse our best persona for the fight against meruki uriel of the justice uriel can drain duke attacks and naturally repels bless attacks we use agatheon's trait rare antibody as it was really the only useful trait that i could find we fused uriel with resist fear no forget repel physical and ollie dance so now we can survive all affinities while using physical and bless to repel back at azerthoff i itemize satan as he has the best protector for male characters so i use tantric oath on joker i then spend the next 30 minutes executing satan to strengthen uriel uriel will learn the passive skill repelled nuke although his dray nuke will take priority making the repelled nuke skill useless and as i level up uriel through executions i can learn a skill that satan happened to have had to guarantee that i have the best passive skills for uriel and every time i strengthened uriel i had to register him fuse him away buy him and satan from the compendium and execute satan over and over and over and over and over again until uriel reaches level 99 and yeah while this took a very long time this entire progress is a million times better than the doing nothing run in its entirety so by the end of it i had a level 99 uriel with defense master regenerate 3 endure resist fear no forget repel physical olly dance and fortify spirit all i could say is this this is far better than whatever agatheon had agatheon served as well but now this is our new and final persona for the run so with the save time of 126 hours which means we spend over three hours doing something to do nothing we're going to see if our effort was worth it in the end by fighting maruki and never using joker and having everyone act freely i'm still stuck on safe difficulty but in the end let's just see if a no joker run is possible let's do this so for every turn joko will regenerate 35 hp while everyone else invigorates 7sp morgana can handle the tentacle of assistance while makoto and samira can handle the tentacle of healing and now that samiri is the only physical skilled user of the group samira will primarily use physical skills while morgana and makoto do most of the healing and with baton passes being ranked up my party can get the best damage potential while restoring a little bit of hp and sp and since yurio lacks any offensive skills nobody ever baton passes to joker and since morgana always goes first nobody baton passes to morgana but it only took one evening to maximum out so not a huge loss and with the use of morgana's third awakened trait majestic presence any healing or reviving can have a decreased sp cost now whenever meruki uses reigning seeds or memory blow joker can repel that attack since both of them are a physical attack nuclear crushes a nuke skill which happened in my attempt in the doing nothing run but thankfully we got through the entire first phase without this attack happening sadly we do have to deal with our party sometimes attacking meruki over azethov or using multi-magic attacks on both instead of saving their sp on only attacking azethov but my party is doing a lot better than they were before in comparison the only big hindrance during the second phase was maruki preventing us from using certain moves like no magical skills but overall this fight was really not that bad eternal radiance which is a blessed attack can be repelled by joker not by samiri and morgana can resist it unfortunately morgana can still be inflicted with dizzy from the attack but at least joker and samiri are safe from it and shield tendril lowers our attack power on azathoth for any tentacles that are still up however the passive skill does not apply to repel damage so being able to repel physical and bless saves so much time and help speed up this fight they flee regardless of ailment morgana can either use his confidant ability to snap allies out of an ailment or use salvation saving our parties from dizzy and fear and he won't use salvation until he deals with the weaknesses that he can exploit at some point makoto starts running out of sp but as long as she's invigorating sp every turn and morgana is healing it's no longer a death sentence like it was before eventually there's more targets that start to become weak to other attacks like wind though honestly i don't really know why or how this change works but as long as it works that's all i care about eventually joker is unable to guard so i just melee attacked the tentacle that gnolls physical as a means of doing nothing late into the fight azathoff will charge up with tyrant's stance be careful i'm sensing a ridiculous amount of energy from his persona joker you all have to guard this uh oh unfortunately nobody guards for this charged up attack like they would usually do for the previous boss battles but thankfully nobody dies from the severe almighty attack although interestingly enough azathov uses tyron's stance once again and after morgana deals with the weaknesses he actually does guard along with makoto and samiri why they didn't do so the first time i don't know but after 15 minutes into the fight morgana uses one last megarodine to feed in azethoff one melee attack later and we have finished the longest fight of the final boss fight with only one ko but two more fights remain maruki awakens to his second persona adam kadmon the most badass and short-lived persona with the best looking ass you never get to see once this fight starts everyone will be full on their hp and sp now thankfully being on safe difficulty azothoff doesn't do too much damage whereas on hard difficulty he has a chance of one-shotting you thankfully with morgana helen and everyone having strong skills this fight goes as intended with only one target and no mistakes from the ai morgana will get the final hit with wind and we move on to the grand cut scene that is the final phase of adam kadman adam will do enough damage to get morgana to fully heal the party as everyone else tries to attack adam in any way they can after three full forces from adam kadman futaba calls in the actual cutscene where joker breaks through the curse and actually does something destroying muruki's dummy thick persona and giving meruki a few punches for making the do a nothing run impossible so with the real reality back only two chocolates flowers versus jiro and two farewell gifts we have finally ended this run once and for all so no you cannot beat persona 5 royal by doing absolutely nothing but you can be persona 5 royal without using joker in battles if you exclude the tutorial fights and the second battle arena fight and let me just say this run was a goddamn mistake but it's also the best worst run i have ever done in a video game and well my mind may have ptsd from this run i also don't regret being the one to cover it for you guys this challenge run is my burden my trauma and my baby but in the end the moral of this challenge run is to not limit yourself the point of the challenge run is to challenge yourself and use whatever you have to overcome that challenge but to let the game essentially play itself and go against what persona 5 is about is an experience not worth anyone's time i would never recommend this run to anybody not even on my worst enemy just be glad that someone else has done it and it's all here for you to see and if this third and final part was way too long of a video think of it this way the length of this video is a short grinded day in the palace of doing nothing the do-it-nothing run ultimately becomes a grind with no way to reach the true ending this is a traumatic experience i will definitely remember and from this point forward i will never do a run like this again persona 4 golden by doing nothing forget about it it's not worth it and don't ever call dibs on it your time and sanity is worth keeping so what does this mean for an it's a gamer well i'm gonna move on try new things there's plenty of ideas i have and it'll be ideas that require me to put in the effort will i ever do a persona 5 video ever again probably not ish though with the game coming to multi-platforms in october i might do another video on this game and while i may be putting persona 5 behind me i will be doing more challenge runs in the future right now i'm working on one for breath of the wild and i'm working on a no hit run for persona 4 golden be sure to check out the stream videos of the dungeons i've done so far and we'll see if persona 4 golden is possible to beat without taking damage no freaking way yes yes we did it we got through both shadow racing and shadow teddy damageless holy [ __ ] i also plan to do other projects most of them gaming related but others for bigger projects that should hopefully go beyond youtube and i truly appreciate if you guys stay subscribed and stay tuned for what i have to offer in the future and if you haven't subscribed be sure to like comment and subscribe and ding the bell for more instagamer content thank you to everyone who has helped me through this entire challenge run and those who wanted to see me suffer no really thank you and special thanks to all patreon backers including super sonic 1014 dark wayne spartan supersonics 58 and game champ 3000 does not recommend playing pokemon without get hit if you do you will be like marowak and a huge shout out to billy comments thank you so much for your hard work and bringing life to an amazing character [Music] [Music] you
Channel: NitsuaGamer
Views: 136,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Can You Beat Persona 5 Royal, By Doing Absolutely Nothing, Part 3, Can You Beat Persona 5 Royal By Doing Absolutely Nothing Part 3, Joker, Ann, Ryuji, Makoto, Haru, Okumura, Akechi, Guard, Kasumi, Sumire, Sae, Niijima, Rangda, Battle Arena, Only, Act Freely, Shido, Morgana, Is It Possible, Finale, Yaldaboath, Yaldabaoth, Jaldabaoth, Mementos, Depths, Reaper, Abaddon, Great Mighty Poo, Holy Grail, Lavenza, Warped Abyss, Maruki, Azathoth, Adam Kadmon, Minimalist, agathion, Uriel, Takemi, SP, Surt, Luigi, Grinding
Id: T1AZQaH9bwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 48sec (8868 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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