Persona 5 The Animation: THE DRINKING GAME

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welcome to the persona 5 animation drinking game it's your butt tevin the host with the most and i'm here with my good friend misinformed yo i i don't know why i'm here i don't like anime and embedded repose hi i like anime i swear i promise i guess i'm the balance of the two and we're here watching personified the animation to exploit the terrible animation quality and because i'm completely out of ideas for persona content at this point so what is persona 5 animation the drinking game well since persona 5 wanted to have the shittiest anime adaptation possible we have to get as shitty as possible to enjoy it here are the rules all right gentlemen any flirting with joker is a drink morgana simping is a drink any cringe moments is a drink if we ever talk about how bad the animation is anytime someone brings up society and adults being bad someone says persona a catchy and joker have a rivals moment someone mentions changing hearts last surprise plays ryuji and morgana argue if the dub is way off the mouthing or any all-out attack we will have to drink does that sound fun does that sound great to you guys does that sound like we're gonna have a bang-up time death i feel like there's more rules than when you first ran it by but yeah yeah we had a practice run but i did in fact add rules because uh you know i just don't think we were gonna get drunk enough to enjoy this so i had to you know flesh it out a little bit more i almost finished my first shrink already and we haven't started yeah dear god i'm halfway through about a bottle of crown royal already what that's the small one the smaller one that's the truth that's a drink dog why that there that's a rival moment right there that's a super rival mama yeah go ahead and take a sip brother oh god lee damn he didn't unscrew any of that [ __ ] he just picked it up and just threw it into the crowd no joker joker holy [ __ ] he's so cool why did he tell him no don't jump joker please so much we're in the metaverse where you have like super powers don't jump i thought those were bullets i you all played the game you know what happened no one's played the game they're personified fans oh that's right baby that's right baby i made the joke his nose looked like a dick it kind of do though that's a phallic nose damn them toes i almost made a drink uh just us being horny in general no you can't do that dude but that's like me 24 7. you can't do that i was stealing another human's heart even oh that's the drink right there glove all right oh yeah we changing hearts baby really if you were batman you would have beaten the [ __ ] out of that student who you found out was drug trafficking yeah i would have killed him and killed everybody involved first time drug offense you're gonna catch 30 years kamal harris is in charge now oh my gosh you're right not for canada though oh i'm good i'm good he's safe for now for now right now she's going to come up there in a couple years kamala's going to start a hostile takeover she's she's going to give trudeau the sloppy and make him change his mind that man will fold is [Laughter] i might be drunk i just tried to put the juice cap on on the whiskey cat you are a slave hey hold up a second video oh my god can we be watching this was that in the game no you are a slave to position wait a minute it doesn't say you are asian and you know why actually this is in the original promo for uh persona 5. don't know if you're making that up or not two black people in the room when they made that commercial would have changed uh the the the entire commercial because like all right hear me out hear me out guys ball and chain and a chair you are slave one emancipation i bet the two bloody people like oh here's the thing about the west we got this we had we had this thing earlier i don't think we can run that i'm taking a drink just because it's going to take us an hour to watch a 20-minute [ __ ] episode i would just have to believe i was high i'm like i'm off the goop ring yeah no this just happened you just see this [ __ ] this is a coming-of-age thing for japanese boys basically going to high school you get a personal demon there that was nice damn they really are skipping this [ __ ] like hella fast they got so much to go over if there's a part of the anime we like can we like regurgitate some of the drink we've already you know oh you throw it up yeah sure absolutely all right damn millennials this is [ __ ] that's gross he don't look like that we can let that pass we're gonna leave that slide okay fine let's find one i'd call me a stickler i guess because that [ __ ] was doo-doo you look clean i admit i was wondering you look clean thought you didn't thought you did math friends with your parents and set this up for you but whatever i didn't even know that from the [ __ ] game i didn't know the first you play the game bro what 85 times you definitely only 85. 85 times 2. nah you pick it up on the 86th time oh yeah the replay value is incredible [Music] this should put him to sleep i want me a k.o the metaverse is basically just like a perk 30. he's going to knock your ass out [Laughter] he's laughing at him he said [ __ ] you can't even stand up holy [ __ ] back off inmate where is he gonna go the gate's not locked he pushes that [ __ ] and kicks it just i wasn't too keen on accepting what is that that's just his face he looks like a blob fish that he's different he's gotta have a whole egghead you gonna tell me they're gonna have my mans like that from the ground up that's disgusting you're gonna you're gonna let that slide no no that's bad yeah i'm gonna say stop letting [ __ ] slide but i i believe that he is meant to look disgusting i think he's beautiful right horny you're horny i don't we're adding in a drink anytime you horn you gotta drink again oh hold on wait back up real quick go back up rewind it this dubbing is bad oh i thought you were going to get horny for now i was about to but that has nothing to do with watch this she says my name is kao kami it's four words it's four words watch your mouth my name is kawakami i'm drinking bro i wasn't mad at that but okay i did not think it was that bad that's four words bro her mouth was moving before she had a full like word advantage before the sound actually came out you don't know how to throw are you talking about frame data right now yes kyle comey definitely mashes when she's mine she wake up dps every time oh man she's just like me she's just like me for real i definitely want a dp yeah go ahead and drink again for that's another drink a little horny man i actually drank two get [ __ ] he's the head of that i was ready for it i knew full well i i had pre-horny he saw into the future he was on some shulk [ __ ] he's like i'm gonna get horny for this why's she asleep yeah her eyes closed bro she looked like brock what is happening oh okay bro he didn't play the game no [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] hey holy [ __ ] i wish i could hear the song playing in her head yeah that was terrible actually that was terrible actually [Laughter] well no point just standing here let's check it out oh this is why are the conversations fast yeah yeah it was just like well i feel like we're speed running to [ __ ] anne right now kevin did you direct this anime yeah you know me buddy are you trying to get a world record i'm trying to be out of here as fast as possible i thought the guards had snatched some petty things what is this voice yeah this is the worst voice ever it's like when you discover like the voice modulation on your [ __ ] oh he sounds like he sounds like the host of that one jack box game oh the the murder party he does he jump slapped him now that [ __ ] was funny [Laughter] how old are you he's demanding that [ __ ] bro it feels like um in a physical fight with this enemy you know you could have a persona but i got these [ __ ] fists right here buddy they just get out they don't even meet more ghana they don't even mean more good five steps and they're like gone this song's fire though yeah this song is fire actually you horny you better take a drink for that no you horny for the singer and you don't have to deny it you tell me you want to pop the singer would you pop the singer yes or no i don't even know her name lynn it says right there stupid benjamin franklin do that's benjamin franklin oh no hold on a second i swear to god that's just that benjamin franklin [Laughter] you were alive i'm like benjamin franklin i've never told a lot that's george washington but you know what i meant i thought it was abraham lincoln at first i thought it said breaking benjamin [Laughter] something's getting in the way something that's a crazy halo 2 track what dude you guys are making my brain hurt because that's none of this is right i can leave vicki benjamin was in halo 2 that is a fact there's no way that's actually you [ __ ] destroy the covenant to breaking measurement that's kind of fine [ __ ] don't that's kind of fun i want say to step on me [Music] do i have to drink if we're horny drinking it was funny because i was gonna be me with makoto i see we're both men of culture then i think i say men of color [Laughter] what's she saying [ __ ] rewind it because that [ __ ] was funny she looks tall as [ __ ] why is she not on the [ __ ] court she's in the wrong court bro she in the wrong corner holy [ __ ] you don't shut the [ __ ] because he's won a gold medal and he said he looks different in every [ __ ] scene every scene kobayakawa looks different it's pissing me off you know how hard it is to draw two circles perfectly he's brooding so hard guy does ren ever speak a line where he's not whispering no the tools i have given what's going on with him bro he can't even say a single sentence before he passes my man had dysentery my man was [ __ ] himself well it skipped all the [ __ ] what's wrong there's so much going on i can't [ __ ] hold on stop there's so much he's just sitting at the top he's just sitting at the top beating the [ __ ] out of my man with the [ __ ] volleyballs bro just i just want to take a moment to [ __ ] look at him oh that's tape that's terrible holy [ __ ] look at mashima oh my god yo i'm not gonna lie to you i wish i could tell you which of these characters is mishima my god that's the worst [ __ ] animation i've ever seen in the entire life was it at my screen yes it is the one that was drawn in 1d i'm taking a drink for this volleyball [ __ ] just because look why are coming shoot his feet so small that means we're on a size five he's he's taller than me he's six six and he's just chilling on the podium with baby man feet oh no i don't want to see this showing this okay whoa whoa whoa wait a minute oh no they ain't sure that i don't remember that from the game i don't remember that either okay oh oh damn is that is that cringe is that cringe right there wait no i'm gonna say is that flirting with joker that is flirting with joker you're showing a lot of promise there my frizzy-haired friend that was lucky [ __ ] cringe but i'm not going to get into it now we're taking a drink you're going to take a drink for that all right i'm taking a drink for that you have a persona oh he said it that's another drink that's right that's [ __ ] right morgan's gonna pay dividends on this drinking game let me tell you the cringe the simping the [ __ ] persona not even a single sentence oh my god is the death knell of this [ __ ] speed run i'm just my chaser right now is an open beer did you say open beer as opposed to clothes chase a closed beer a clothes beer is pretty [ __ ] as a chase that's terrible you just actually you're just sucking on aluminum dark desires why are you laughing is he wearing a hat is that morgana's [ __ ] is a hat yeah it is it's a mess like zoro's cap oh you know what [ __ ] i thought that was his face the whole time you bro you ain't never oh my god hey i've literally throughout the entire thing i thought that was his [ __ ] face i thought he just had a weird face you thought he was a black and white voltorb yeah i swear to god that was his face the whole time no definitely a cop it's a cat yeah yeah i did not know that god oh stop it replay it because i'm pretty sure he just said something about changing hearts morgana is the gift that keeps on giving for real human hearts [Music] [Laughter] i'm literally running out of alcohol i literally am running out of alcohol that's so funny i could get used to this oh that's last surprise ain't it now that yeah that is a drink is this an all-out attack listen all that attack it sure is that's a drink baby is that a drink too yeah all that attacks a drink drink oh that's that's [ __ ] uh you know yeah drink to that one i'm not gonna force a drink but that was [ __ ] i'll think i'll take a sip why does alcohol exist how does alcohol exist when our eyes aren't real what did you say if babies could speak they'd be the smartest people was about to spit up my drink heavy bro that was the funniest [ __ ] you ever seen in your life huh oh that's simping go ahead yup go ahead that's all his glasses are like literally colored on his face right there did you see that run it back right back you see it like is that not how your glasses look in the mirror yeah if i drew him on with marker on my face what the [ __ ] look at his left eye you see how like that [ __ ] piece is hanging off there like what is that well your left or my left his lift that weird [ __ ] piece right there next to his eye it's like it's not even supposed to be there oh i get you like his actual eye yeah you know his imaginary eye what the [ __ ] i'll take a drink i'm topping the cap on from the hearts possessed by their wait is he talking my heart's backing up on from the hearts but yeah yeah they sure did was actually takamaki she'd never wear something that hot listen uh i'm imposter right now that's cringe bro no i'm not what you don't think that is that no he's simping but his name isn't morgana but is that cringe though i'll drink i'll drink i'm i'm drinking to that boy finally i have an excuse for one of my videos being late i couldn't work one day cause i was hungover i was hungover for 17 straight days i'm sorry i'm late on this video sir that's not a serve [ __ ] you literally spiked it dumbass i don't know but i don't know about that animation i didn't like that let's review it i just didn't like how stationary that volleyball was in comparison to everything else look at that no it does stop you feel me yeah you know what the real problem is i'm drinking while i'm sat down right that's the problem how drunk i am just now to go to the bathroom i swear i couldn't see out of my right eye i was [ __ ] pissing i felt that [ __ ] through my entire body i was like oh man you start peeing and you just started hearing [ __ ] wolves by kanye west in the background abuse oh my god all right wait a minute wait a minute this this isn't like lag on the discord no it's just still frames it's just still oh we got a drink he's slamming the wall but the wall is a corner this animation is really [ __ ] up it's supposed to be a wall there that like means that they're going up and then left but they are facing a direction which makes it look like they're just going straight up and this is not possible the sign that says up the stairs is wrong it's like what it's telling you is wrong this is like the worst this might be the worst animation there's some real mcs or [ __ ] going on yeah this is some real [ __ ] she looks so much taller than him and he's like six foot what he's not six well he's 16 years old no yusuke's six one and he's barely shorter than him i have no [ __ ] bro come on don't don't do this to me i play this game like that new character from resident evil 8 oh big titty tall woman i'm down with the sickness i guess shadow side kind of looks like the tall booba lady you like teasing me little kitten don't you oh oh yeah that's cringe that's cringe's vlog bro that's the extreme cringe that's the most anyone watching this youtube video has to take a drink you won't do it don't say that oh she gonna do it she didn't even she didn't even like she didn't even look hurt bro you called people into your office and hit them huh okay so they they changed the they changed it from sexual assault to just whooping their ass here but it's all connected oh my god they're skipping a lot of it i mean they're just running through it i wish i could speed run out of [ __ ] like this the point of erasing a palace is to change the heart oh that's a change heart reference yeah the gift that keeps on giving baby but cassandra morris please let me buy the chunk of that ass [Laughter] please give me a piece of coochie please please madam you both got a drink for that i am i'm already on it dog don't worry oh my god this is the part i have ptsd on right there feeling his treasure for real oh that's a for real it's a for real i was gonna say magana said treasure not hard and then to [ __ ] ruin it wait we here already yep already will you change his heart despite that oh hey you know what that was he said he changed his heart so yeah also look at the animation look at ryuji's body right now yeah i'm not saying nothing before we continue we got to drink again because the animation is terrible right here look at ryuji look at my boy that's just that's just how we stand that's just how he stands up that's him stand up propose if you can please show a picture of him next to daniel fortescue yeah cut off one limb at a time oh or maybe i'll start by oh this cringe it's cringe bro it's cringe it's cringe that's cringe as [ __ ] bro come on quick drink you are back at it episode [Laughter] that was so serious tell her that you're not a cat shut up you big monkey oh that's an argument that's an argument too we're gonna die i mean i'm not gonna die i'm gonna be mildly upset you two though she tipos everything oh that's look at her legs bro that was pretty [ __ ] bad that was terrible yeah we taking a drink for that go back go back and look at how [ __ ] her [ __ ] they made her have [ __ ] cottage cheese legs it's not i'm gonna you know i'm not look at that bro what's going on what's going on even if they're boots even if they with the [ __ ] combat boost [ __ ] disgusting it's still not there's still no [ __ ] excuse i don't understand what angle her hips are making in comparison to like her knees doesn't make sense physically it just doesn't where are her organs where are her major arteries yes please oh this is dog [ __ ] bro the animation is dog [ __ ] bro oh all out of ten yes what do you gain from this this right beautiful rose has thorns i feel like that's an old attack and bad animation but i do trust what you told me so let's change his heart oh my god yeah why did she do that no he said for real he said for real too it's two drinks it's two drinks [Laughter] are you [ __ ] kidding me we're at the end i have to open another drink oh my god i'm not even joking when i say this i will throw up yeah i'm i'm i'm on i'm on that level too i'm definitely on i'm not gonna throw up tonight but tomorrow my hangover is gonna be [ __ ] crazy for phantom thieves you know what to do next you know i thought i was gonna say well i thought he's gonna say steal some hearts and i was like we gotta want more all right this that's how we're gonna wrap it up hey if you guys wanna see more persona 5 animation drinking game you know what you gotta do smash that like button if you get us to ten thousand likes i might just pull my dick i mean i might just making part two of this video you know what i mean oh please have mercy all right i think that hey i think that was a pretty i think we had a pretty good time do you guys you guys do you guys have anything to say about what we just witnessed um no i i'm gonna be honest with you i don't remember half of what i just [ __ ] watched right now it's like we were just [ __ ] having a fever dream about what persona 5 was actually about it's like all my memories are from the game and a bit of the animation bleeds through and i'm like did that happen a genuine thank you to repose and misinformed for coming to hang out and to drink as often as we did i'm gonna go throw up but it was a fantastic time i will leave there both of their respective links their youtube channels and twitter's in the description make sure to follow them on their respective channels um and you know uh keep you meat ice cold you don't like your baloney soft [Music] hey hey wait wait put this in the video everyone watching this please dislike it so check it out if this video gets 10 000 likes we'll do a part two with persona 4 golden we'll do it we'll do with the persona 4 animation [ __ ] the [ __ ] no every single time that nanako's on the screen we got a drink yeah we're gonna die baby
Channel: YourBudTevin
Views: 962,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yourbudtevin persona 5, Yourbudtevin, persona 5 the animation, Persona 5 drinking game, Misinformed, Persona, Yourbudtevin persona, P5 anime, Persona 4 anime
Id: aWSda9238ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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