Can You Beat Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne Without Buffs? (Part 1)

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[Music] what is up everybody it has been quite a long time but here is one of my most long-awaited videos can you beat Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne without buffs one thing that the Megami Tensei series is both famous and infamous for is the way that it actually makes use of buff skills in most JRPGs moves that involve applying buffs or debuff to characters aren't useful at all in most cases the bonuses they provide are minimal they don't last long enough and using them is just more trouble than it's worth this is not the case in Shin Megami Tensei an SMT they make or break boss battles especially and Nocturne is one of the games that forces people to rely on them the most so because of how much I hate myself I'm going to be playing Nocturne as someone who has never played SMT before and attempt to beat the game without relying on buffs or debuff as with any challenge run before we get started let's lay down our list of rules the main rule for this challenge is that I can't use any move that buffs my status or D buffs the enemy status the only exception that I am making to this where I would allow status buffs on myself are from skills used by the enemy there are two skills in the game that do this taught and provoked what they do is they increase the enemy's physical attack by two levels while decreasing their defense by two levels because there's no way to remove buffs from your own party and I don't really have control over it I'm going to make an exception for it this doesn't mean that I'm allowed to use these skills against the enemy myself it just means that if the enemy does use it on me I'm allowed to keep the buffs I'm also making it so that I'm still allowed to use the skill focus my definition this skill is a buff but it doesn't affect my status it only works on one party member and it only works for one attack what it does is it makes your next physical attack have 2.5 times the amount of damage it would normally do so I guess you could say it is a buff but because it doesn't actually affect my status I'm going to make an exception for it and lastly me not being allowed to use buffs or debuff doesn't mean I can't use or debuff cancels Dakota and Akasha are the two moves that remove D buffs from your party or buffs from the enemy party I think that if I can't use buffs I should at least be able to cancel the ones used by the enemy the other rule should be obvious no cheating or hacking the game however just because of how scare save points are in this game and how confusing the dungeon design is I am going to be allowing the use of save state outside of boss battles oh and the last rule is that I have to aim for the true demon ending that means I'm gonna have to fight all the fiends and complete all the kalpas in the labyrinth of them all without buffs that is definitely going to be fun now before I start I also want to make a few things clear unlike later SMT games in Nocturne you don't have full control over a demon's moveset when you fuse them for one thing you can't get rid of their starting skills and the skills that they inherit through Fusion is completely random the only way that you can control them is just by reroll until you get the set that you want and sometimes it takes so many tries you just end up going with some skills you don't want throughout this video you will see buff skills on demons the rules aren't that I'm not allowed to have them I just can't use them so when you see buffs or D buffs on my party members it doesn't mean that I'm cheating it just means that I haven't been able to get rid of them yet but as soon as my demons learn new skills to replace the old ones these skills will be the first to go one last thing that I should mention before I start is that I'm not going to be playing the original North American version of Nocturne this is the original maniacs version of Nocturne that included Dante from The Devil May Cry series but because we never got the first version they just released Edition Megami Tensei Nocturne however there was a third version of Nocturne that we never got either that version is Nocturne maniacs Chronicle Edition which was released in 2008 and it came with Wright OCA's and Noah vs. king of baton this version is basically the same except it replaces Dante with Wright ocuzi Noah like I said this version was never officially released in North America but there exists a fan-made patch that fully translates this version into English aside from the new dialog this version is basically the same but a few things have been corrected like some of the demon's names have been changed and candelabrum has been corrected to minora now that I have everything laid out I think it's time we got started as soon as we turn the game on we watch the opening get to that sweet title screen choose new game and select hard as the difficulty we watch the opening cutscene and then we get to choose our name as usual I choose nearly as my nickname but for his real name I named him Dante from DMC so that way you can still say that this version has Dante from Devil May Cry in it now one thing that's cool about Nocturne is that not only can you give your protagonist three names but you can also name the other major character the next one is you co2 cow honestly I don't think I'll be able to come up with any creative names for any of these characters so I'm just gonna name them after other Megaten characters that they remind me of since you co2 cow is our teacher I choose the name her said IO Cal commie once that cutscene is over we get off at the train station we get a text message from our classmate Esau Moo who tells us we're supposed to go meet our friend and visit mr. cow at the hospital I was going to name him naoto shirogane a but because I don't have enough room for Shiro Gani I just named him ng now too we go to Yoyogi park where we meet a journalist named he jerry and then we get a call from our classmate Chiaki who we can also name I decide to name her Jenna angel after the character from digital devil Saga anyway he Giri gives us his magazine and then we go to the suspiciously empty Hospital where we meet both of our classmates in person after wandering around looking for our teacher we come across a guy named kaua who tries to kill us with a demon but he gets interrupted by mystic owl we then go to the roof where - cow tells us a bunch of weird unsettling things about the end of the world then all of a sudden we see Tokyo get enveloped by some dark blue stuff the whole city starts to bend into a circle around some weird white light and then were knocked out by a flash we then meet Lucifer who sticks some weird bug things in us we wake up in the operating room covered in tattoos with a big black spike sticking out the back of our neck and now we're free to explore while exploring we see he giri again and then we get to this red hallway where we get our tutorial battle now this has to be the hardest tutorial battle of any JRPG ever you know how they're supposed to be really easy so that you can learn the mechanics of the game well this is nothing like that not only can you die but you probably will if you don't know what you're doing or you just get unlucky the first encounter we barely survive and get our first level up in this game I'm going to be going for a physical build so I'm going to be mostly investing in strength and agility now one thing to know before going for a physical build is that it's going to be a rough first half of the game in fact it's going to be quite a while before you can get any good physical skills but in the long run it's going to be more than worth it so we get to the second encounter and it goes pretty well until our last attack misses and we die just so you know there are going to be a lot of cheap deaths like that in this game so anyway we try again we get past the second encounter but then we die to the third encounter I lost track of how many attempts this took me but eventually we get lucky enough to make it and now we can recruit some demons the first of which being a pixie now here I should tell you that despite this pixie being one of the weakest demons in the game make sure you hang on to her for the entire game because if you keep her with you until the very end you get a huge reward so next we recruit a willow wisp and then a Kodama giving us a full team of four after this point everything from here on out is pretty much a piece of cake we beat 40s easily and make it to Shibuya where we get access to our first item shop and Cathedral of Shadows also in Shibuya we see Chiaki and hijiri after we're done talking to Chiaki he Giri sends us to the Amala Network and let me just say the Amala Network just for this part the game cranks the difficulty up to an insane level it's honestly probably the hardest dungeon in the game most of the enemies you encounter here are either light or dark aligned so you can't talk to them they don't have any easily exploitable weaknesses they have a wide arsenal of moves and you're extremely likely to get ambushed sometimes you get encounters of up to 7 enemies 7 I'd say if you get ambushed by a party of 4 or more you're dead oh and don't even think about trying to escape never not did I have a successful retreat in fact I don't even think I had it work a single time in this entire game now to be fair a lot of the things that you encounter here you also encounter later in the game but by then you have access to better skills and demons to protect you this is still really early on in the game here you're like a toddler in a wheelchair trying to take on the New England Patriots because you're stuck here you can't exit to go recruit more demons all you can do is just keep trying and dying until you get lucky enough to escape I think after like 20 or 30 deaths I somehow made it to the end where I have to fight this Specter this boss starts off as a single enemy but immediately summons five other specters that we have to deal with as if the fights on the way here weren't hard enough these spectres don't have a weakness and I think they have around 130 help but I'm not entirely sure either way they do take quite a few hits to kill but once you kill enough of them they unionize into one giant Specter ironically this actually makes the fight easier because they now only have to press turns if you can survive the six specters which is kind of difficult it's pretty easy after they unionize I'm able to beat this boss on my third try after that I run for the exit like my life depends on it and then I breathe a sigh of relief once I'm out however I'm not immediately sent back to Tokyo I'm now in the labyrinth of amalah an optional dungeon that I'm gonna have to complete if I want to get the true demon ending I looked through the hole to see Lucifer gives a speech and then he sends us back to Tokyo and we're now in Ginza after talking to Nick's at the bar I go to the Ginza underpass where we meet our first mannequins get to their quote-unquote village where I can now buy a new Margit amma at the junk shop the hipoomi market ama this is going to be essential in an upcoming fight though before I can do that fight I need to get to the tunnel on the other side the gatekeeper however won't let us in unless we get permission from the shopkeeper however the shopkeeper won't give us permission unless we get him a 1000 yen bill how do you get the bill well do you remember that secret pathway to Loki's room in Ginza that was guarded by a troll well that troll is now gone so we go into Loki's room where the bill is and ransack the place unfortunately on our way out the troll catches us so now we gotta kill it now this troll isn't weak to any elemental attacks and he hits pretty hard considering that this is still before you get any real physical resisting demons if you're not prepared this fight is going to be a colossal pain in the neck but if you have any my nail mat skills this fight is a joke unlike most bosses in this game he's weak to mind and can easily be inflicted with ailments I completely forgot about this before coming here so I just got owned on my first two attempts but luckily I then remember that I have a mo Rio with blue Pina so on the first turn of my third attempt I panic him with blue Pina and after that he cannot do anything literally it never wears off and he's never able to attack I'm able to beat him without him landing a single hit it does take a lot of hits but thanks to Blue Pina this fight was wrapped on the first turn and to think that that took me three attempts so we go back to the junk shop give the guy the bill and now we can move on once we get through the door we find out that the menorah that Lucifer gave us is glowing now anyone who has ever played this game before should know what this means it means that there is an upcoming fiend fight this is the part that I have been dreading this whole run one of the most infamous bosses in the entire franchise ma adore this fight is going to be brutal even if you haven't played SMT Nocturne you might at least be familiar with mana door through the memes but for those of you that are unfamiliar with him I'm not gonna spoil what makes him hard just yet but I am going to say that before I can even attempt this fight I'm going to need three things I need to be over levelled I need a party that blocks force and I need lots and lots of deck stones so time to get grinding now the way you get to conscious stones is from rags jewelry with garnets and corals thankfully I can get these in the area just before matzo door from nose uchi so I can look for these wine grinding although the drop rate seems to be really low I only find three in about an hour but thankfully I already have a few so I think I have enough during this time I also fuse kapa Tengu and azume and recruit a nose uchi all demons with some kind of force resistance by the time I'm level 19 I think I'm prepared to attempt a mounted or I have Demi fiend equipped with the HIFU mee-mah Gotama and all demons that resist or block force with that I wait for the next full moon go into the hallway and while I'm trying to pass through I get sucked into the hole at the bottom where we come face to face with Matador himself and he tells us that he challenges us to a duel [Music] all right so as soon as the fight begins monta door leads off by using his signature move Wright Capote Wright Capote maximises Maud adores hit and evasion rate so if you try to attack him without debuffing him you're probably gonna miss every attack this is what makes this fight so infamous as I mentioned in the beginning of the video in most JRPGs buff and debuff skills are terrible so most JRPG veterans that tried this game for the first time probably just shrugged off the buffs without giving them a second thought the whole point of this boss is pretty much to be a slap in the face to JRPG fans to teach them that buffs and shin megami tensei aren't useless and you're going to need to use them obviously that's not going to be a possibility for me because the whole point of this challenge is to not use buffs but even though I can't use buffs or debuff so myself I can still remove them this is what the Tekonsha stones are for immediately after he uses Wright Capote I have to use a Tekonsha stone before I can do anything else and because I only have a limited supply I have to deal as much damage to him as I can before he uses it again now just like every other fiend in the game mana door has no weakness so there's nothing we can exploit for extra turns however my losing may has dart might which is the reason I waited for a new moon demons with dart light are guaranteed to land a critical hit with every normal attack during a new moon this critical bonus combined with the extra turn it gives honestly makes using your normal attack a lot better of an option than using physical skill and it's something I'm definitely going to be relying on a lot for boss's lair in the run sadly I only have one demon with it right now but it's still a big help with dealing extra damage to the boss now as for mana door himself he specializes in force attacks which is why I went with this team every time he uses Mazon my team just eats it up and he loses his turns but mana door also likes to use physical attacks and there's really not much I can do about them thankfully he doesn't seem to go for them as much as he does his force attacks and even when he does use physical attacks they don't do too much damage my strategy for this fight is basically to use a de conscious known after red capote and then wail on him as much as I can before he uses red Capone again unfortunately I do miss a good few times because even without red capote mana door has good agility but other than the occasional miss though the fight go smoothly close to the end he also goes for Taunton which is one of the skills I mentioned in the beginning to bust the enemy's attack but D buffs their defense so technically this is a buff on my party but I'm not counting it as a buff because it wasn't something I did and in this game there's no way to deep off yourself it does help me out a good deal though after this it's just a few more attacks and mana door is defeated [Music] that fight honestly went a lot better than I was expecting I wasn't expecting it to be the end of the run or anything but to beat Mata door and I first attended without buffs on hardmode that's pretty impressive if I do say so myself but we're not in the clear yet we get a call from Lucifer who wants us to come back to the labyrinth of amalah once there we can go into the first Kalba now the cow Bazaar special dungeons that are designed to be as hard as possible their designs are cryptic there are no save points and we can't recruit demons but because we're going for the true demon ending we have to do them thankfully the first calper is pretty easy we get through it without much difficulty but once we're at the end we can't go any further because we need more menorahs so all we can do now is just head back next we're brought to ek bucura where we make our way through the mantra headquarters and see Isamu who just got beat up by Thor then we're captured and thrown in jail for what for being friends with the guy that just got beat up I'm not as friendly Sabu freakin hates me so anyway the way we prove our innocence is by beating a series of bosses the first to go down without too much trouble but then we fight Thor this is where playing the game without buffs is starting to get difficult Thor has all-around good stats with very strong attacks he spends most of the fight either going for his normal attack or spamming Mazzio or mozzie Olga the biggest issue here is that I don't have any demons with an electricity immunity I think it goes without saying but this fight doesn't go well and we just get creamed so I load my last save and rethink my strategy this time with raiju Thor isn't as hard but he's still pretty hard thanks to ride use electricity immunity he loses his turns after he uses electric attacks but it still does a good amount of damage to everyone else oh yeah I also mentioned that Thor has diarama dealing with a boss that heals is always fun basically all I can do in this fight is just heal with geekery he may attack with everyone else and hope he uses Mazzio and mozzie unga which will cause him to lose his turns my second attempt goes pretty well until he uses Zeo dine on Demi fiend then uses mozzie unga and kills him the third attempt goes about the same way but he goes for physical attacks more often and for his single target electric attacks he doesn't go for ride you which makes things all the more infuriating he's even able to kill moment Oh phoo with a single zio dine other than that setback though my strategy is basically the same as the last fight after several turns of stalling and healing it's a close battle but I do manage to beat him now that we've been declared innocent by the court we can now go see go suit heh no the boss of the mantra faction but first on our way back to the building were interrupted by another boss that we have to fight the boss who would be Dante but in this version is right Oh cruising OA so I'm assuming most of you haven't played this version but if you think this fight is going to be any different it's not moves and animations aside right oh is completely identical to Dante but that's definitely not a good thing because this fight is still really hard these two strongest attacks are McCoy boomerang and Yoshitsune yo sheet soon a is pretty much a guaranteed critical hit and McCoy boomerang always has a chance to cause panic thankfully it's a low chance but if an ally gets it he's better off dead in this game with panic you have a chance to drop maka and on hard mode you drop a lot I literally cannot afford to have this happen so if it does I have no choice but to rage quit the fight and start over I get off to a pretty good start on the first attempt and it goes ok up until he gets the panic on momento foo with McCoy boomerang before long he kills the rest of my demons by alternating between Yoshitsune and McCoy and it comes down to me just one v wanting him with Timmy Fein at this point I've done a good amount of damage to him and he goes for a provoke so because of the attack boost from his provoke I make one last-ditch effort to deal as much damage as possible and see if I could kill him before he finishes Timmy fiend but that doesn't happen and he ends up beating us on our first attempt second attempt goes about the same but this time he gets the panic on deme fiend so yeah thankfully on the third attempt are in Jesus seems to be on our side as he doesn't seem to get very many critical hits and doesn't get the panic on any party members we even get a few lucky dodges in he also goes for two provokes which even with our defense minimized he still can't one-shot deme fiend with any attack and the attack boost is just what we need to take him down before he can cause any real damage after whaling on him with +4 attack we win the fight albeit it was a pretty lucky fight but we were able to be right oh on our third attempt now it's time to go see gozu ten oh he tells us he's declaring war on the Assembly of niello and wants to help us attack their headquarters in Ginza but before we get there there's another fiend fight now available dice soju most people say that this fight isn't as hard as mont-dore but it's still pretty hard now I don't remember having much trouble with die Sojo myself when i play this game but then again that was with buffs so let's see how this goes alright so right off the bat die Sojo leads off by going for his exclusive skill meditation this is a heavy almighty skill that drains HP and MP from one enemy keep in mind that at this level the amount of MP he steals is enough to drain well over half your MP if you're going for a magic build this move is going to mess you up thankfully this isn't that big a deal for most of my party since we rely on physical attacks but we do need MP to heal so if our healer gets hit with it well we're kind of boned oh and this is basically all he does I'm not even kidding it's just meditate meditate and meditate some more he does occasionally go for his normal attack but 99% of his turns he just uses meditation now as I mentioned earlier because my party is physical focused the MP drain isn't that big a deal but what is a big deal is the HP train without buffs he steals about 80 HP with each meditation so he's gaining back about 160 HP each turn our physical attacks only do about 60 damage with each hit so with the extra turn from momento foo we're only able to do about 240 damage each turn so because of meditation it's really only 80 this just makes the fight drag on and on and on oh and I mentioned that this boss has three phases yeah this is only the first phase of the fight once he get to the second phase he starts using insta-kill moves Mahama on and mom oh dude and this is exactly how he beats me by killing Demi fiend with Mamadou at this point it became clear to me that I wouldn't be able to beat Dai Sojo with what I have now so you know what that means yep more grinding though the problem with grinding here is that because I did the first cow but early on I'm already kind of over leveled so I can't really grind here without it being painfully slow I do grind up to level 27 level up my demons so that they have better skills and fuse a new demon and then attempt the fight again once again during a full moon in this attempt I actually get pretty far I'm able to make it not only through the first but also the second attempt thanks to some Ted Raja stones but then I forgot about his third phase where he starts using startled and preach startled is basically the in-between of Beast I and dragon I giving him three press turns breach deals mind damage and has a chance to inflate charm panic or sleep to our entire party because I have no mind resistance I can't do anything after he starts doing this I think I only last like a couple of turns before he kills me I know it where I am right now there's no way I'm able to beat him but then I realized something unlike modern or he's not blocking the way that I need to go or anything so I decide to just continue on with the game and come back when I'm higher level so I make my way to the Assembly of nihilo where supposedly the mantra have already been and destroyed everything but inside we meet he Giri who tells us that the mantra actually haven't destroyed the assembly so we go underground into the new dungeon down here there are a few easy maid bosses but nothing too problematic the design of this dungeon on the other hand hoo-boy this part takes me about two hours during which time my momento foo evolves into our hibachi and my Coppa tingu evolves into Cora suitengu once we're done with the Assembly of nihilo were much higher level than we were when we entered so now I think it's a good time to attempt die Sojo again the next couple of attempts don't go very well but then I realized that I'm now high enough level to fuse Mata door now the thing about fiends is that once you're able to summon them they're all some of the best demons to use in the game they're all immune to ailments and insta-kill moves and all have great stats after messing with Fusion for a bit I think I got a good move set Matador with dark might drain attack and teach Raja my strategy now is to setup tetra Oh with mana door and just keep attacking as usual with this it does take me a few more attempts 1 out of 10 3 or 4 though I luck out I bring him to the second phase pretty quickly he doesn't get any ailments on demi Fein with preach and he goes for his normal attack much more often and my attacks rarely miss other than that my strategy is the same just keep attacking like there's no tomorrow which is made much easier because I'm now higher level it is a long battle but with a lot of patience and a whole lot of luck I finally bring down ty so Joe [Music] that was the hardest boss so far I don't know how I was able to get through that but I get the feeling my suffering has only just begun anyway we can now move on with the game back at the mantra HQ Chiaki reveals our planned gozu Tenno crumbles and Isamu gets set free after that we can now enter the door on the first floor that was previously guarded once I go through the door I get the notification that my menorah is once again flickering and you know what that means another fiend fight this one being held by kur and he's not very hard his attacks are pretty strong but unlike Daiso Joe he doesn't have anything that prolongs the fight or kills us in one hit his hel exhaust attack is nolde by mata door and as hell spin is resisted by illegal the only kind of problematic skill is hellburner which kicker e he may is weak too and toward the end of the fight she does go down but were quickly able to beat him after that by just hitting him with dart my criticals on our first attempt we're able to beat hell biker [Music] with him out of the way I now have two menorahs which means I can go into the second Calva and this is where the Cowboys of the Amala labyrinths start to get difficult and by difficult I just mean really confusing this one in particular is full of holes Forks invisible doors confusing corridors and it just goes on forever it's all just classic SNT dungeon nonsense but there are a number of neat things in it like this one shady broker who will sell you a healing new a 430-thousand maca and a cursed hallway that if you make it Breuer you get 250,000 maca after about 2 hours of exploring this Kalpa like an idiot I finally get to the end where I meet the riders after that I go to Cabo Quito prison which is another really annoying dungeon but while there I become high enough level to fuse dye so Joe now if you played this game you should know that die Sojo is commonly considered one of the best demons in the game mostly because of how early he gets the skilled prayer which is the best healing skill in the game and because of his meditation skill which basically gives him unlimited MP when I fuse him I gave him maca Toro which allows me to transfer MP from him to other demons so now I can basically farm unlimited MP off of enemies anyway I get to the end of the prison where I have to fight me soo-ji he's not particularly hard but he has this skill called mirage which causes the party to panic and there's nothing I can do about it here because in every battle he always gets the first attack and he always leads off with it so the only thing I can do about it is to just keep resetting until it misses deme fiend but after that well he's pretty easy he only has one turn and he only asks ice attacks plus you might start to notice that he gets smaller the more damage you do to him I'm not exactly sure what the context is but as he gets smaller he also gets weaker making the fight consistently get easier and easier for the rest of the fight I just spam fire breath with a league or and meditation with die Sojo while also healing with die Sojo when I need to he also goes for mirage two more times which thankfully the second time it misses but the third time get this he actually runs out of MP because of all the meditations I spammed him that's honestly pretty funny and it makes the rest of this fight a complete joke mizuchi Goes Down and now we can finally move on we set free the mannequins meet food Oh Mimi get another cutscene with Isamu meat he jury at Ginza and then go through yet another confusing dungeon to get to Asakusa once we're here our menorah flickers again but before fighting the next fiend I have some preparations to do in the junk shop i buy the Nirvana mah Gotama for divine shot and then fuse a few new demons after that during the new moon I'm ready to attempt the next fiend white rider white rider proves to be a lot harder than I remember one thing to know about the riders that they all have in common is that they can summon minions which in this battle are virtues which do nothing but spam or kunda because I can't lower his attack with Taruna or war cry this is our biggest problem fortunately though the firuze are easily weak to wind which gives me more turns but the more time we spend attacking the virtues the less time we can spend attacking white rider he also likes to keep spamming dragon eye and summoning more virtues white riders two main attacking moves are God's bow and prominence God's boat insta kills any target that doesn't know white which sounds bad but it can easily be blocked with tetra and when he used his prominence Bharath drains it which makes him lose turns but it still deals a ton of damage to everyone else the first two attempts I lose because he just keeps attacking me after double raccoon de and I die by the third attempt I think I figured out his attack pattern he only seems to go for Dragon I when I kill the virtue so instead of killing them I bind them with Shiva boo at least I tried to but it misses every single time which tells me that they're immune to ailments so instead I just try to ignore them but that's kind of hard to do when they just keep spamming or Kunda and lowering my defense and that's how I die for the next attempt i fuse an authoress with dark night because he drains fire and has good physical strength once again I ignore the furch's and this strategy proves to be the ticket because just as I was hoping he keeps going for prominence still though die Sojo and demi fiend are pretty vulnerable to it so every time you use that all I can do is just pray that it doesn't double hit either of them later in the battle he starts using his normal attack which he uses quite a few times on dice Oh Joe and sadly he does go down but I summon mots door in his place and with him already being at low health and now having three dark mite attackers on the field he doesn't last much longer [Music] although after I kill him I still have to kill the virtues which is kind of a pain but thankfully they can't really do anything all that harmful to me I finish them off and that concludes the white rider fight oh and if you think that this game would give us a break before throwing another fiend at us you would be wrong Red Rider is the next fiend and he becomes available in the great underpass of Ginza immediately after you beat white rider now just like white rider Red Rider can also summon minions these being powers and they use tar Kaja which makes things infinitely more difficult for me since I'm not using any demons with Takada and his attacks are much more problematic his strongest attack is tera blade which not only deals an insane amount of physical damage but it can also cause panic and unlike prominence it's not so easy to find demons that resist it the only demon I have on me that Knowles physical is are a hibachi but that doesn't really help much when deme fiends death means game over anyway and that's exactly how this fight goes on the first few attempts he just uses terrorblade and i get vaporized for the next few attempts I come up with a different strategy I switch mounted or with our hibachi and instead of ignoring the powers I drain their MP with meditation so that they can't use target Kaja the red rider still gets lucky with terrorblade and more often than not he gets the confuse on demi Fein which completely ruins my strategy so I try buying the no mind market ama from shibuya which solves my panic problem but it doesn't protect me from the Tara blades damage which I forgot to mention can hit twice and if it does that'll deme fiend it's game over I try setting up attack mirrors but then he just goes from bolt storm and wind cutter which nobody resists and our hibachi is weak too and even if I do get his powers to where they can't use taro Kaja he can still decimate my party with the two turns has after about a dozen or so tries I just give up say eff it and decide to come back later just like I did with disodium so anyway we go back to Asakusa where he Giri tells us we have to stop the nightmare system at the Assembly of nee helos other headquarters so we get to it and then we get to go through one of my favourite dungeons the obelisk not only is the design of this dungeon cool but the puzzles are fun and it's pretty straightforward as you probably expect our goal is to get to the top where we have to fight the Moray sisters about halfway through the tower I come across a Cathedral of Shadows where I fuse Kushina he may and he'll biker not long after this I get to the bosses where we have to fight three of them in a row but these fights are all extremely easy once we beat them individually we now have to fight all three of them at once and they do the same stuff in their individual fights so because they're working together I guess it's harder but it's still super easy because they barely have any HP and they barely do any damage after we beat the Moray sisters we rescue mystic cow she tells us about her reason and then she turns into this thing um mr. cow are you okay oh hey she gave us the power to carry two more demons so yeah she'll be fine so now with that out of the way and B being higher level and having better demons I think it's a good time to attempt to ride a rider again and um things are really much better terrorblade is still just too strong and because the party gets four turns he's able to use it twice if the first one doesn't kill you the next one will though I think I have one more strategy lift this is going to be my last resort I go to Ginza and buy as many attack mirrors as I can from Bragg's jewelry so that I can cheese the fight by forcing him to use magic and this kinda helps I mean he can still decimate my party with his magic but I can at least survive most of the time so I keep trying with several failed attempts and just when I'm about ready to give up again I hit the jackpot he kills Bharath with a deadly wind followed by a bolt storm so I summon Mata d'Or in his place I extremely lucky from here on out the first terrorblade he uses some of us dodge he also gets die so Joe down to one HP with wind cutter and then follows it up with a bolt storm but it doesn't hit dice so Joe oh and he also starts using wind cutter on Mata door who Knowles it after a whole bunch of critical hits and close calls somehow in these last few turns I'm able to deal enough damage to kill Red Ryder all I got to do after this is kill the powers and then I'm in the clear well that must definitely beat die so Joe for being the hardest of the whole run I don't know how I'm able to keep scraping by these really hard bosses but I'm starting to get worried oh and because we already went ahead and did the obelisk dungeon we now have yet another fiend to fight black rider who appears in the hospital now this fight can either be one of the hardest or one of the easiest fiend fights depending on your party his signature skill is soul divide which halves your HP and causes mute thankfully it doesn't affect my party since it's mostly made up of fiends and they all naturally no curse and deme fiend also knows curse thanks to our new DJ Mag otama Bharath is the only one affected by it but we can easily just cure it with die so Joe's prayer unfortunately he also has Meggie Dolan because that's an almighty attack there's nothing I can do about it and after he uses it a couple of times he beats us on our first attempt the second attempt though he must have forgotten that he had it as he only ever seems to go for sole divine this makes the majority of the fight a joke because he loses his turns every time he goes for it the legions barely even get a chance to act normally they use maka Kaja but again it doesn't matter because they attacks he uses don't affect us while black rider is wasting his turns we just keep pummeling him with dark might and it's not long before he's defeated the legions take a little more damage to defeat because they resist physical attacks but they don't cause us any real trouble well that was easier than I was expecting don't you just love it when games have you fight the easiest bosses last anyway now that we have three menorahs we can now start on the third Kalpa now the enemies in this Kalpa are really tough you can encounter oh say in here and he has dragon eye getting caught at the wrong time by him can easily lead to a game over and if you see one of these things in an encounter you have to kill it on the first turn otherwise he'll just use drag and eye and probably kill you oh and if you're ambushed well I hope you're okay with losing some progress another thing to note about the third Calpol is that there are different doors that you can or can't go into depending on your stats I've been going for a strength build so I can only go in the strength door but there's that stone in it and that's really all I need once we're past that part though we come face to face again with a man himself right ocuzi noah and before we can progress we have to accept his challenge and by challenge I mean running away from it this part is basically just a minigame where you have to run away and make it out of the area while raitou chases after you and shoots you if you get too close to him he attacks you and then flees and then you have to start the area over this part may sound hard but it's really not as long as you keep checking your map and know your way around you'll finish it pretty easily but once you make it to the end you then have to fight right Oh again for real as a boss okay so you remember how hard right oh was back in ek Bucher oh well now ride o has new moves on top of all the ones he had in his last fight the first attempt does not go well at all he just hits deme fiend with Yoshitsune gets a critical then uses his normal attack on him and kills him for the next one I equip Timmy fiend with a Camuto ma Gotama so that he resists physical and this time the fight goes much better but he does get a bunch of lucky critical hits and takes out Bharath pretty early on I just keep pummeling him with dark light and focused divine shot and it seems to go okay however remember those new skills that I mentioned well once you get him low enough he starts using his tsuchi-gumo attack which almost kills the party and close to the end takes out help biker with only die so Joe left normally I give up here but I do see that he's in his low health animation so I go for that one last divine shot to see if that'll do it and it does not so he kills me in the next turn the biggest problem for me in this fight is his tsuchi-gumo attack Yoshi Tzu a and his gun attack called boogie woogie those and his two elemental attacks Misha Gucci and hito Cotto don't really do that much and they can easily be prevented but once he starts going for tsuchi-gumo it's pretty much over and if he follows that up with pretty much anything else or uses provoked before tsuchi-gumo it's basically the same deal there's nothing I can do because tsuchi-gumo is an almighty attack I lose track of how many times I attempt the fight after this but pretty much every single one of them ends with him either using provoked tsuchi-gumo double tsuchi-gumo or just making demi feet panic and having him drop a hundred thousand maka and guys I don't even know what to do these bosses just keep getting harder and harder and I've lost track of how many times I've seen that game over screen guys I don't know what I've gotten myself into and I don't know what I'm gonna do ah well I might as well try one more time I've already gotten pretty lucky so far he hasn't used tsuchi-gumo yet and I see that he's at low health so let's see if I can do it let's see if I can finish him off with this one last attack Lady Luck don't fail me now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Nyarly
Views: 1,146,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shin Megami Tensei, MegaTen, Megami Tensei, Nocturne, Persona, Persona 5, SMT, Sony, Playstation, Nintendo, PS2, Playstation 2, Devil Summoner, Raidou Kuzunoha, Atlus, Japan, RPG, JRPG, Video Games, Gaming, Challenge, Playthrough, Matador, Daisoujou, XIV, Switch, Translation, Patch, Hard, Boss, Gameplay, PCSX2, Maniax, Chronicle, Jojo, Roundabout, JJBA
Id: 3OWCgoEaniw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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