Can You Beat Shin Megami Tensei IV Without Demon Whisper & Changing Your Armor?

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foreign [Music] what's up everybody it's megiddo and welcome to my first challenge run that is not just a series of videos in a playlist I've been wanting to do this for quite a while with my Nocturne starting mangatama only run but on fortunately I didn't plan on doing it like this and I've forgotten so much from it and relearning everything I did in that run isn't just worth my time however this one is one where I did plan on doing it in this kind of format so today I'm here to answer the question can you beat shin Megami tensei 4 without demon whisper and with only the default armor unlike Nocturne in Digital Devil Saga smt4 has a system where you can customize your armor that only does this increase your natural defense but it also changes your resistances and your weaknesses so for the entire game I'm going to be wait to fire resistant to ice and immune to light attacks also unlike Nocturne digital double Saga instead of learning skills from mantras or magatama Flynn learning skills from his demons after they have obtained every skill they can learn naturally without demon whisper I'm gonna have to rely on Magic attack items as well as magic mirrors and attack mirrors because magic items are limited I'm gonna have to be dumping most of my stats into physical until I get the gun attack and in which I will start dumping my stats into dexterity so the rules for this challenge are fairly simple I cannot switch out my armor nor can I have any demons whisper to me at any time accessories are allowed to be equipped as they do not change your outward appearance guns bullets and swords can obviously be swapped out as they are not changing your defense the last and final rule is that you must get the neutral ending you cannot choose the white ending and if you end up on the wall or chaos endings at the alignment lock well hopefully had an extra save otherwise you are [ __ ] out of luck my friend anyway with all the rules in place let's get started we boot up the game on Citra and see that beautiful hd texture mod Link in the description by the way we see the iconic cutscene of Flynn flying to the sky actually that's a filthy lie because my recording stuff so the first hour of the game is Audio Only so here's a wall of text of everything I did within the first hour well anyway after everything that you saw on that wall of text I recorded Griffin infused an angel and then we head back into naroku to look for Navarre we come across a hooded man who seems he wants to kill us and proceed to engage in Demon fisticuffs the fight isn't so bad we just have to fry a wendigo using Aggie and then proceed to fry an entire flock at them with some help from our fellow Samurai up ahead we are warned of a strange wall that's been spotted and give next to no [ __ ] and proceed to enter the wall anyway which turns out to be a demon's domain there's a flash of a little girl and then we see a man that is bound in a wheelchair his name is Steven don't worry he'll be relevant later we get to the end of the domain and find a VAR tied up like Jesus on the cross and then proceed to fight already who wants to eat us in a seductive manner blood from humans like these is so scrumptious it has this thick texture that lingers on the tongue thankfully we get Walter as our partner which is awesome because alrane is weak to fire other than that the fight isn't so hard but she does have poison breath which my Griffin is weak to but the poison isn't that big of a deal so I don't bother removing it and just like wendigo just use Auggie until she's fried to a crisp [Music] after the fight we rescue Navarre who begins to uh I I guess have a mental breakdown Carefree life uh Navarre ah yes those were the days I was father and mother's Delight Navarre what's the matter get a hold of yourself well anyway we go to bed and then go to breakfast with Walter and Jonathan in the morning to eat at like Mikado after messing around with them for a bit we go back to bed once again and are awoken by them to go spy on Isabel on the roof hmm there it is a bow let's sneak closer and surprise her I don't think she'll be very pleased if you try that that's the idea I want to see that Prim Iron Mask of her slip to see those cold cheeks Flesh Pink picking up can't you be voyeurs in silence after we have a conversation about what manga is we see a fire in the distance and learn to find out that it's coming from Flynn's Hometown kiji Georgie and proceeds it apart we arrive in kitchen Georgie and then come to find out that kichi Georgie Forest is up next and we are tasked with rescuing survivors from the forest the bosses aren't that big of an issue and we Stomp Them like every other encounter we've had thus far we continue going into the depths of the force only to come across our old friend issachar he begins ranting about the luxuries and how he will remain a casualty and they casually turns his eyes red and now it's time to fight the first attempt it doesn't go well at all he one shots Flynn with a bouncing claw smirks and then just wipes out the rest of my party foreign yeah be prepared to see that game over screen a lot in this playthrough the second attempt goes way smoother and by that I mean I just get lucky [Music] do you remember please change [Music] we go into the end of the forest and come across someone called the black samurai whom is disturbing books that is corrupting the people of picado she escapes and now we have to break the samurai code and go deep into naroku deeper than a samurai is supposed to we get to the bottom and have to fight our first real boss Minotaur and let me tell you something Minotaur is a bastard allow me to tell you why he has onikagara which is low accuracy but is a guaranteed critical hit if it lands and then there is his exclusive skill labor strike which is a mega physical attack that can hit two to three times if he is lucky that is just to give you perspective about what we're dealing with here the first attempt goes okay for the most part but there are two problems with it one I get Walter as my partner which is bad news already because he has Augie which Minotaur full-on blocks and most likely will make him smirk two Flynn can only use bufu items which at this point in the game are severely limited and I only have one bethula stone I managed to stay alive for a good few turns but I didn't deal enough damage in order to get to the dialogue option to decrease his defense and he manages to kill us with an onikagara that obviously crits causing him to smirk and then he uses labor strike to kill my Naga the second attempt goes about the same except I do manage to get to the dialogue option however he lands a critical hit with ladder strike smirks kills fomorian with a normal attack uses laper strike again and then just proceeds to kill Flynn and Naga [Music] it was clear to me at this point that I would not be able to kill him with my current setup so I grind to level 12 and feels pelay absaris and Jack the Ripper and then attempt the fight again I get Walter as my partner which may be [ __ ] A little but thankfully he doesn't use Augie at any point in the fight in fact it was probably for the best that Minotaur did kill him at towards the end well anyway with me actually being suited for this fight I take down Minotaur like he was nothing [Music] oh forgive me but perhaps again [Music] after finally beating minotaurs as we descend further down into naroku and we go into a room and find a gun and now at this point in the game I am now going to be dumping my stats after each level up into dexterity if we move forward and find a room with a strange looking door we go inside and it turns out to be a terminal room apparently this same terminal has also been in Mikado and we have the honor of naming the terminal I decide to just name it Mikado for convenience sake after descending further down into Sky Tower we come across in underground city which unsurprisingly I'm sure this is the unclean ones country we take an elevator down to the observation platform where we are then greeted by our second major boss Medusa and just like Minotaur Medusa is a [ __ ] allow me to tell you why just like Minotaur Medusa has two skills that can make him break the fight tatham shot and snakes fangs both of these skills are medium gun based damage but snake's fangs is the one you should worry about the most because it also has a 50 buying chance which this early on in the game is a big kick in the Mara and it also doesn't help that snakes fangs also targets multiple foes and tathlon shot only targets one the first attempt actually goes pretty smoothly for the most part I get Jonathan as my partner which is a good thing because Medusa is weak to win however there is still a problem of Flynn's magic usage being severely limited to items if we don't have very much of but we at least have more sandstones than we did buffu stones at the Minotaur fight and it also doesn't really help the fact that Medusa also resists guns and unfortunately this attempt does end with Medusa casting tatlam shot kill him play Then casting snakes fangs finding every body and then killing us with rapid needle a move that the wiki does not list my second attempt goes about the same way so I yet again do more grinding I fuse online sheet which I then fuse into an Oni and I also recruit a wapo while I'm at it I then attempt to fight again for my third and successful attempt and man let me tell you Oni turns this fight from a challenge to a complete joke and that is thanks to his skill Fang breaker it's a physical attack that also acts as tarunda thanks to this Medusa's gun attacks aren't doing as much damage and even if she does buy me with snakes fangs the little old damage that she is doing more than makes up for it and with that Medusa is no more yes [Music] foreign level where we meet two men who think we're angels from the ceiling and they promptly push it off and from here we are now officially in the unclean ones country also known as Tokyo we're then tasked with helping these help me kill a demon called PLA and so we do that and bring them his head and they make a bridge so that we can get from ueno to the chioda region where we have to find the counter demon Force Base we find it take a black demonica suit that we're never going to wear and then we just promptly leave we head to Shinjuku in mihikaru who tells us about a bookstore in Ike bukuro all while Walter is very clearly splooging his pants we go to the Shinjuku underground District in our test with a corpse cleanup but before we do that I go into the shop and buy Elemental bullets this right here is going to be the only and most convenient way to deal any magic damage after we kill some corpses we then have to take on dollarhan this fight is the reason why I bought electric bullets because now I no longer have to rely on Magic attack items the fight is really easy she really can't do much other than trying to inflict poison with blight and she does hit Flynn with Moodle which that [ __ ] was pretty scary but thankfully My Demons despite being poisoned managed to pull through and take a win foreign corpses in the morgue and all educating doll head we volunteered to kill a demon at the Metropolitan government office and our reward is a jury Talisman that will be important later we head to the office if I quaviko and start the fight and he proceeds to one shot by principality what the [ __ ] other than that setback he is really easy but unfortunately I forgot to get Fireballs from the shop which is a blessing in disguise because he has retaliate which causes him to hit back if we hit him with a physical or gun attack even if your gun attack is an elemental attack yeah he explained to me how that makes any sense besides that with a few auggies and aguilaos this grass type Pokemon is turn to Ash [Music] after obtaining the GRE Talisman and 4000 Maca I quickly head back to the shop to buy Force rounds and then head to ikebukuro to use the grate Talisman on the wall blocking our path the woman who seems to be the leader of this Mission introduces herself as kaga and tells us about a demon called xingwang moo we enter her domain and say it with me proceed to fight however engaging in this fight was a horrible idea because she is only taking one damage even with weakness exploitation a bunch of ring agaya members show up and proceed to try and kill her themselves but they all just get eaten alive and they are somehow able to still be attacking her from the inside but because of that we are able to fight her properly the first attempt goes okay until she uses Megaton press which kills everyone except for Flynn and then a turn later she kills Flynn as well [Music] my second attempt goes about the same if not worse so I go out and buy the ace bazooka the ace bazooka is going to make and break the game because even though its stats are significantly low the amount of times it hits more than makes up for it and it is a godsend for boss fights with exploitable weaknesses with the ace bazooka I go back to channel shiwagmu once again and oh man does this bazooka make a huge difference this turns the fight from remotely worrisome to a complete and utter joke and with a few more bazook shots chiwagmu is no more [Music] [Music] we head to jaraku bookstore and come across the let them hold from the forest and uh well and that and this is [Applause] I am Spongebob destroyer of evil take it easy it's just a drawing well anyway after defeating the lilim horde without being put into a lustful coma we get to the end of the domain and find the Black Samurai and see this Cinemagic masterpiece nights one evening with her childhood friend and I'm afraid I can't hear you you proceed to arrest her and break her back to Mikado to be executed she asks to have her mess taken off and the executioners gladly do and when they do take it off to everyone's shock she looks identical to Sister Gabby and shortly after she is executed the next day we are called to the monastery and tasked with rescuing three of our fellows from Shinjuku National Park which if you played the clipped Wings DLCs you'll know who these guys are so we go back down to Shinjuku and are in the next dungeon Kagome Tower so in this dungeon we have to rescue these three angel I mean fellows and for each one we rescue we have to fight a boss and Walter and Jonathan escort two of them back to Mikado leaving Isabel as my only partner in leaving us to rescue the third and final angel I mean fellow where we have to fight the big bad skull boy himself asmodius and we really have to win because if we don't Isabel is going to be forced into a marriage with this thing and I really don't think she wants that so let's show this little [ __ ] what we're made of now even though asmodius does look threatening he really doesn't have a lot going for him he does have a skill called hell's torment which divides a target's HP by two-thirds of their health which can be scary if he follows it up with literally anything but other than that though he really has nothing else going for him just blow him off until he flies away [Music] [Music] we rescue our third and final angel I mean fellow and go back to the monastery to find out that the black samurai has risen from the dead and fled back to Tokyo which that's not creepy at all whatsoever anyway we are now tasked to find her once again and this time we're capturing her dead rather than alive which we should have done to begin with but hey I'm not calling the shots here before we continue with our mission though we are given a message by a samurai letting us know that some guy named tayama from a group called The ashokai wants to meet with us Samurai in Shibuya we head down to Roppongi then make our way to Shibuya and receive an incoming call from tayama himself telling us to meet at Club Milton before we do that though we are told to go off a demon called Koga sabaro who is actually inside Club Milton so we're killing two birds with one stone here we go to fight him and man is the Bazooka a godsend for this fight because he resists gun yes normally this would be terrible but if it wasn't for the fact that the Bazooka can hit one to four times it basically negates his gun resistance but this is also where I began to feel the effects of only wearing the default armor that was given to us at the beginning of the game in fact I've been feeling it ever since like Shinjuku or something which is understandable and the amount of times that I've seen that game over screen is too many times that I can't even count them anywho I finished this fight just by freezing him to death and with Flint dead okay after seeing Jonathan threatened to kill a man we meet with tayama who tells us to kill a woman named yuriko who is in charge of the Ring of Gaia apparently she is trying to hog all the energy from a device called the Yamato Perpetual reactor which generates all the power in Tokyo we're told to go pose as new applicants for the ring of Gaia in order to get inside but we just straight up tell them that we're here to kill yuriko instead and they seem to be happy about that okay if you're the leader of a group and everyone seems to want you dead then you must be doing something really wrong we go through the doors at the Ring of Gaia member was blocking and end up in Ginza I go to the shop and sell my Ace bazooka because I picked up a number one bazooka from somewhere I can't remember only to buy a BB bazooka and sell the number one we go to this Temple and are given a challenge all four of us must carry a candle and get to the end before it burns out and let me tell you something this part sucks allow me to tell you why not only do we have to engage in fights with these red colored enemies but the candle slowly burns out after our turn it also doesn't help the the fact that enemies can attack the candle which is complete in other [ __ ] this part is where I can't even use the Bazooka because I forgot to mention that the Bazooka is multi-target and the risk of hitting an enemy with an element that they block is simply too high so my build is going to be as good as useless and the fact that there are infernos in every encounter makes things worse because Flynn is weak to Fire and if they use fire breath Flynn is as good as dead uh after God knows how many failed attempts I somehow someway make it to the end where we then have to go through our final trial and that final trial is fighting taraka the fight isn't anything special it's just like any other random encounter so we just blow through her and go through the door upon entering the room we fall down to a mysterious room to take a personality quiz I go a lot for every single one simply because I agree with them and I'm also just trying to get the neutral ending and upon entering the third and final door we see the black samurai who it turns out to be yuriko and yuriko turns out to be the demon Lilith she goes on about how humans and demons are of the same Essence and how humans of both countries are turning themselves into demons Jonathan then tries to Smite her down but Walter jumps in his way before he can and Walter just walks away after all of that we go through the shelter ruins escape and head back to Ginza upon arriving in Ginza we see Walter talking to Hikaru and promptly leaving Hikaru tells us about a cafe in Shinjuku called Cafe Florida and a guy named fujiwara she then gives us a matchbox that proves remembers of the hunters Association so that we can get into Cafe Florida we take the terminal to Shinjuku in arrive at Cafe Florida to see Walter struggling at the entrance thankfully for him we have the matchbox so that we can get inside inside we see Hikaru along with fujiwara and a man named skins who is carrying a katana that will be important later they ask us if we think we could live in harmony to which I say yes and then we are told that they may try to migrate to Mikado after a slow conversation fujiwara tells us how to get below the hills of Roppongi we leave Cafe Florida and head to Midtown where we have to fight Tenkai Tenkai is a bit of a weird boss he resists everything in the game but he really doesn't have a lot of HP and can't really do anything to hurt you either so really all you can do is slap him around until he dies [Music] of the stars begin to move the chain has been broken [Music] that's right yes I have been waiting for this time I am privileged to survive the master stopping Tenkai we make our way further into Midtown and meet an angel called Mastermind who tells us that he is being vigilant for the ray of Gaia and someone who was stealing bright pills he removes the barrier that I forgot to mention so that we can proceed to reverse Hills we find a guy in a gas mask that gives us a key card to the elevator and prompting leaves and we go to a different floor we mysteriously come across a bunch of kids on this floor and brush it off like it's nothing we enter a room where another gas masked man is working with two kids and he gives us his key card and property leaves we come across say it with me another gas masked man who gives us a brown bottle you can take a guess as to why it's brown we find a yet again another key card and go to an industrial looking room as it turns out reverse Hills is where the red pills are being made we leave and for some reason the building is now filled with pink stuff and we get yet another cinematic masterpiece Walter yeah I'm Walter I'm the son of a fisherman [Music] but I'm scared of fish I must go tell everyone what how cowardly of you dashing off without me then I'll admit something as well in all candor I am a cat meow this floor is so deliciously warm what is happening is this the work of that demon it's always like this demons here demons they are demons demons demons demon it's also demoning yes oh my God foreign explains to us why he is making the red pills and reminds us to kill yuriko we are then called by Abbott Hugo who tells us to return to Mikado and go to Sheen Duke but before we do that we go to the shop to buy Fire and Ice rounds just in case I need them and then we go to Sheen Duke only to see sister Gabby standing in front of a giant cocoon we head inside the Cocoon only to see the archangels of literal Kevin it turns out Gabby herself was the Archangel Gabriel all this time she explains that they are taking over Mikado and that its people will live under God's rulership now we are at a crucial point of the game a route split this is where we can either side with Walter or Jonathan for the sake of getting the neutral ending isai with Jonathan whose objective is to kill Lilith so we head to the temple and take the secret entrance we then had to fight Garen Makala who proceeds to just wipe the floor with us on our first attempt foreign on my second attempt I just throw up a tetracarn shield and he just proceeds to kill himself after dealing with the one eye elephant we go deeper into the domain take out bikini and we are finally able to face Lilith we get into the fight and come to find out that Lilith has a gun weakness now that should make the fight easy right wrong she has skills that can just end at your life in a heartbeat she has dream needle which has a 70 chance to sleep she has Mazzio died Maggie Dola and worst off luster candy which Buffs every stat once my first attempt actually go was pretty okay until she kills my zochoten with maziodyne kills fun with a normal attack and then just proceeds to kill whatever is left of my party for my second attempt I bring in pabiel Sag instead of guisian so that I can get more gun coverage and this right here seems to be the ticket because in no time flat Lucifer's [ __ ] goes down foreign [Music] [Music] indeed it is no for the gate to the expanse is being opened as we speak via youth armed with knowledge and wisdom by the hand of one you know very well your friend the key to the expanse after a Lilith tells us about what Walter is currently doing at campichigaya we quickly head over there to ensure that he cannot open the gate to the expanse after going up and down stairs and going around locked doors we finally get to the room where the Yamato Perpetual reactor is being held and we see Walter there with a dead tayama who then proceeds to activate the Yamato Perpetual reactor we see four wide figures that look like people we know and then we end up in the counter demon 4 space that is for some reason destroyed we head outside only to be greeted by a desert Wasteland and come to the conclusion that we're in Tokyo and for some reason Mikado is no longer above it we start walking around to see if there is anything left of Tokyo and we come across the underground city where we are then taken prisoner we're then greeted by a man named kiroharu and Jesus Christ dude do you have enough crosses on your face who then says that we're his guests and takes us to meet his friend Akira Akira explains to us that he had a dream of a light space and was told that samurai from the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado would be arriving here in Tokyo and he for some reason woke up with the Yamato Perpetual reactors remote in his hand he says that if we defeat someone called Pluto the Tormentor he will give us the remote to the reactor give another choice we accept this task and head to Pluto castle where we then have to take on the head hajo himself and let me tell you something Pluto is a bastard and here is the reason why he only has two skills that he can use Sonny Ray and vulnera now that means the fight is a cakewalk right wrong Sonny Ray is a fire attack that has a 70 chance to poison anyone it hits which is horrible news because Flynn is weak to Fire and he also has vulnera which is a medium Almighty attack that has a 50 chance to bind anyone it hits and I unfortunately have no way to block these ailments oh yeah and also to make your day even worse his physical attack can hit multiple times which means your death if he is smirky if he's not smirking it only maybe means your death yeah so my first attempt does not go well at all because he kills Flynn in the first turn and because of that I had no way to cure the poison so my party had to live with the poison for the majority of the fight if not the entire fight for my second attempt I remember that he has an ice weakness so I equip the ice bullets and the fight goes more smoothly or so I thought he uses vulnera finds everybody kills Floyd with sunny Ray and then just kills Chimera with a normal attack my third attempt goes the same way so I go out and do more grinding but then something amazing happens my Chimera evolves into orthrus and anyone who's played an smt game before knows that orthrus blocks fire so I go back to challenge Pluto for my fifth attempt and man is it satisfying to see Sunny Ray getting drained with Fortress training Sony Ray and Flynn dealy won the four hits of ice damage we got this fight in the bag as long as Pluto doesn't spam vulnera which is what he did in my fourth attempt however he doesn't do that this fight for some reason so he just lets us win with no problems whatsoever thank you [Music] Acura gives us the remote to the reactor and tells us that he's going to need the New Tokyo the Eastern keynote Mikado to which he'll become king Akira wait why does that sound familiar well anyways we activate the reactor and end up in the counter demon Force Base once again we then meet this universe's version of Akira who looks nothing like his blasted Tokyo counterpart and then we go outside to see Tokyo engulfed in flames we then head to Shinjuku where we have to fight natala so we whip his ass whip Muhammad Yuri's ass and then we go back to the Yamato Perpetual reactor to fight Kenji and Kenji is a bigger bastard than Pluto ever was uh once again here is the reason why Kenji has double Pluto's HP and has access to more skills Unlike Pluto who had two unique skills Kenji has three conquer a spirit which is two hits of heavy physical damage to see chain which is an Almighty attack that has a 50 fine chance and the worst one agent curse which has an 80 chance to inflict every single ailment to anyone it hits which is just like Lucifer's root of evil skill in Nocturne but 10 times worse uh I died so many times at this fight that I I don't even know how many times times I did normally I would tell you what I did to make the fight easier but I I I can't really even say anything because this fight just all came down to luck and I just had to pray that I smirked whenever my turn ended so that he would miss me with agent curse and finally I was somehow beat him now that we've finally beat Kenji we are at the most crucial point in the game the alignment lock I walk forward and I see Stephen meaning that we are locked into the neutral ending Steven tells us to defeat the four white supremacists that have hold over the force so that we can return to our own universe so we just go around and just obliterate them all and then we end up in the counter team in four space where we are met by Isabel she tells us that demons are swarming in from the expanse of that angels and demons are about to enact War so we return to Cafe Florida where we come up with a solution to call upon the guardian deity of Tokyo himself masakado Flynn then proceeds to unsheath masakata's Katana telling us that he is indeed The Reincarnation of masakado himself we go to this big ass Boulder in Ginza where masicato is he tells us that before we do anything else we must fill a chalice with a great spirit of hope so that we can get into purgatorium later on oh whoops spoilers and now for the worst part of this game and well I guess the ending the neutral required side quests because of how many side quests there are I'm not going over every single one so the only two significant things that happen in this is that this girl named ozomi becomes Queen of the fairies and now we're the number one hunter in all of Tokyo because of this the Chalice is now filled with the great spirit of hope so we give it to masicato head of Sky Tower and masakado literally eats the barrier that's preventing us from going into Mikado and now it is on to purgatorium right off the bat we are already getting sworn By Angels but these guys right here are really weak so just Spam them with wind until they die the same could also be said for cosfield as well shoot him with your gun until he dies we get to the terminal of the dungeon where we had to fight the dick on a chariot himself Mara literally just Spam mice until he dies which is effectively shooting the terminal guy's dick off oh [ __ ] dick up next we have to fight Haniel who is really just more or less the same like every other encounter he does have a skill call it called flash has a 50 chance to insta kill you but if you have a demon that blocks physical then it's not even a threat so you can just [ __ ] block him and take your win next up is serif and he is a little bit different he has every heavy damaging magic skill and of course has his own signature skill lightwing which repels everything except Almighty and whichever skill type the color of the shield reflects so for example if it's blue use ice if it's green use wind hitting him with the one element that he doesn't reflect will break the shield entirely and thus you'll be able to use all your skills up until he casts it again and Almighty attacks do not break it so don't even bother trying with those but they will damage him other than that though he really has nothing just Spam whichever skill he doesn't reflect or Almighty damage and take your win [Music] after Sarah if we beat Azrael who was just complete and other joke and now we are at the gates of paradise go through the door and have to fight God's Chariot merkabah merkabah in the first phase isn't that difficult he does have severe wind and lightning attacks which can be Troublesome if one of your demons is weak to either one but the one skill you should look out for is Chariot which is medium Almighty damage with a secunda effect which can mean your death if he spams it as long as you have takunda albeit from the skill or items you'll be fine his second phase is a different story he has every skill he had in the first phase but now he has two new ones hexagram and shalt not resist hexagram is a 100 Almighty insta kill skill if it lands and shall not resist Is An Almighty attack that can hit two times with a raccoon effect which can mean your death if he spams it just like Chariot but almost guaranteed and because Flynn's natural defense is at the lows they could possibly be this is a guaranteed to kill him now this would be a problem if it wasn't for the fact that shall not resist is an AOE attack and even then he just used Chariot in thunder rain which my fenrir drains and he just used normal attacks on cutzle who repels it and then I just got him down [Music] [Music] how have we been thus defeated now verses humans are not strong enough [Music] will surely arise again when that time comes may we meet again thank you and this is why I absolutely love the bazooka guns in this game we see a white light and end up back in Mikado where we obtain the great spirit of Goodwill Isabel separates from us to persuade the people of Mikado to migrate down to Tokyo and now we are left to get the great spirit of spite from the final dungeon let's do this so the Hall of Eternity has a gimmick where every door you go into it seems as though nothing has changed but when you walk out you'll be able to see two chests instead of one yep it's one of those dungeons where you have to find the right goddamn door to proceed the best way to find the right door is going up to it to see if the exclamation point is on it it means that it is the correct door so we go through it and have to fight belil unlike most bosses baleela actually has a gimmick if he detects any Buffs on you or debuffs on him he will heal himself with the Iran if he's taking any damage and will use silent prayer to remove them so don't bother wasting your MP with buzzer debuffs aside from that he doesn't have anything to hurt you either but he does have moragadine and trustagion which will kill Flynn and he does end up doing that but thankfully my party does end up finishing the fight [Music] you know I'm starting to notice how many boss fights I have finished with Flynn dead up next we have to fight lucifuge who is just completely pathetic [Music] after defeating Belial and lucifuge I fuse Metatron yeah I just realized I went this whole game without saying what demons I fused and recruited after fusing Metatron we finally make our way to the hall of Eternal Light which is a series of teleporting doors in all seriousness it's not that big of an issue it just comes down to process of elimination after finally getting through the teleporting door puzzle we are now finally at the Morning Star Hall we get to the end of the hall open the door and have to face the final boss of the Run Lucifer look up at me and behold the Demon Lord Lucifer the light of hope you saw in the world of the sons of man will it Shine without wavering even before me [Music] I am the radiant boarding star which lights the way to the sons of man come I shall Grant your human desire for battle now since Lucifer is the final boss here you would expect him to be hard right no in fact he is completely neutered compared to merkaba kingly one just returns a demon to your stock which I I I I guess it's supposed to be threatening evil shine is a heavy Almighty attack with a 70 chance to panic and when it hits Panic itself is not that big of a deal this skill would actually be threatening if it binded instead then there is Morningstar which will divide your remaining HP by have so like I said Lucifer is easier than merkova mostly due to his dumb Ai and the fact that he has the Dollar Tree version of mercapa's unique skills and I don't know what it is but there is something so satisfying about seeing Lewis for getting hit multiple times with a gun attack maybe it's because he's the final boss and I'm shooting the Lord of demons with a gun well anyways we complete the first phase in no time flight and move on to the second the second phase is more or less the same except now he is using evil shine more often which is pretty scary because it's still heavy damage yeah and I wasn't kidding about his AI being dumb because he kept on throwing out Myriad arrows even though rangda repels gun so just like markaba I got him down beating the final boss of the Run foreign what's wrong we obtain the great spirit of Spite and head back to Cafe Florida where we see all of our friends from Mikado inside we give masakado both spirits and see the Bedrock getting removed we're then thanked by the goddess of Tokyo and see the credits well there you have it everybody it is possible to beat shin Megami tensei 4 without demon whisper and with only the default armor you know I was a little bit disappointed with the Final Bosses don't get me wrong they were kind of challenging but like they weren't as challenging as Kenji or Pluto for the Final Bosses I was really expecting to be struggling to stay alive all while I have to bring out whatever demons I have as a last resort but I just didn't get that so I was a little bit disappointed with the Final Bosses anyway so yeah this is the first ever challenge run that I've ever done in this kind of format and I do plan on doing others in the mere future as for my starting magatama only run in Nocturne the current one that I'm doing right now I plan on scrapping and just redoing it from the ground dub mostly because the current one is in a format that I just don't really like anymore and that's way too inconvenient so yeah but don't worry it's still gonna happen it's just the current one I'm doing is going to be scrapped well anyway thanks for watching guys and I'll see you guys in the next challenge run peace out
Channel: Megido
Views: 4,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H89UZcdCX0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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