Can You Beat Yakuza (PS2) Without Upgrades?

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foreign [Music] what's up everyone welcome to my first Yakuza video but first a word from our sponsor this video is sponsored by honkai star rail a brand new free-to-play strategy RPG from hoyovers the makers of gentian impact and is now scheduled to be released on April 25th Hong Kai star rail is a game that is loaded with fun and exciting gameplay with dozens of beautifully designed characters all with unique stats and abilities for you to experiment with and build your party out of taking place in a rich and expansive science fiction Universe with some gorgeous graphics and several diverse locations to explore and with an amazing soundtrack on top of it all there is no better game for you to see dozens if not hundreds of hours into than Hong Kai star rail best of all it can be played anywhere on your Android iPhone or Windows computer and your data will be carried over across all platforms Hong Kong star rail is currently in its pre-launch phase but it will be going live for everyone to play on April 25th pre-register right now using the link Down Below in the description so that you can get a head start on your journey in hoyo vs next Masterpiece I want to give a big thank you to Hong Kai star rail for sponsoring this video and now let's get back to the video I am a big fan of the series and I've been wanting to do videos on the Yakuza series for a while now but I haven't really been able to come up with a unique way to cover these games I haven't played all of them though I just recently beat the remake of ishin and I played the original games up until four some of dead souls and some of Kiwani I want to get more into this series so I figured why not do a challenge run of the original game and I don't mean kiwami I mean OG Yakuza on PS2 because if I'm being honest this is my preferred version don't get me wrong kiwami is great and I wouldn't dispute anyone that thinks it's the better game but there are a few small nitpicks that make me appreciate the original just a bit more for one thing I think the music in kiwami is a huge step down from the original the facial animations are better in the PS2 version and that they actually allow cosuma and the other characters to express more human-like emotions rather than just looking mildly angry all the time and the original just has a lot of nostalgic value for me given that I played it years before kiwami was released and I can't talk about the original yak result without mentioning its English dub which is a true beauty Sega took a lot of liberties with this game's localization and added in a lot of swearing that wasn't in the Japanese version this is one of the most criticized aspects of this game and it's the reason we wouldn't get a dub for any Yakuza game until judgment but I kinda ironically love it for this I mean the mid-2000s was when everyone thought games had to be dark and edgy and contain a bunch of violence and cursing and to be considered any good and you don't see dialogue in games like this today even from ones that are American made it's a true relic of its time and dialogue aside the voice acting is actually pretty good and features a lot of Big Time actors that I'll mention as they come up but anyway what I decided to go for here was a no upgrade play through the original which is exactly what it sounds like I cannot upgrade any of my abilities at any point throughout the game and in the original Yakuza every single upgrade in this game is manual you don't get any bonuses just for leveling up the rules are that I'm not allowed to upgrade any Ability Beyond level 1 but I am still allowed to use weapons and armor and stuff there is also one upgrade that doesn't require me to spend any exp which I will get to later in the video I also feel like I should point out that another YouTuber devil leon7 did a similar playthrough on stream very recently I promised to God I started working on this video before this was done but definitely check out his video if you want more of a Long play or streaming style of this but with that out of the way let's start the game [Music] we get the title screen choose new game and it opens with what looks like our protagonist Kazama Kiryu having just murdered someone very important the game then cuts to the previous day where cosuma and his partner Shinji are on a mission to collect some owed money from a loan shark kind of ironic but anyway the owner is expecting us and doesn't want to let go of the money so we have to fight him and his employees in this tutorial this is pretty much just a step-by-step introduction to the core mechanics of the game but thankfully it doesn't require me to level anything up and yes because unlocking new moves and increasing my HP is done through the upgrade system these moves and that tiny bar of HP are going to be all I get through the entirety of the game take the money take it back with us to our safe house but not before being interrupted by this idiot excuse me excuse you no you [Music] I'll kill you after that we are congratulated by Goro majima who is voiced by Mark Hamill yes Fat Mark Hamill but I don't blame you if you didn't know that I mean Mark Hamill doesn't meets his friend nishki and they both talk about their future plans the next morning we deliver the money to fuma but the meaning is interrupted after dojima Cosmo's oyaboon that's the absolute leader of a Yakuza Clan kidnaps Yumi kazuma's girlfriend we head on over get another easy mandatory battle against Hirata the same loan shark we beat the crap out of earlier and when we get there dojima is dead nishti killed him Cosmo stays behind to take the blame for Nishiki and he spends 10 years in the joint hopefully this doesn't make Kazuma into anything we're then attacked by a Hitman sent by chairman Sarah and this is the first enemy resembling a boss in this game with him being unable to be knocked down by normal means he uses two forks as a weapon that he can't drop and has a bunch of Minions that fight alongside him but overall this fight is pretty easy the only one you really have to take out is Prisoner 1356 and as long as you keep up the pressure and focus on him you'll go down easily his minions don't seem to be too keen on helping him but then again it's prison what do you expect fast forward 10 years and Cosimo gets approved for parole and released and fuma wants to see him the game then cuts to a meeting where nishki now a captain announces that 10 billion yen has been stolen from the bank something that Shimano isn't too happy about the [ __ ] up in his letter fuma told us to head to a bar called Stardust and now this is where we start accepting side quests and getting into Random Encounters there are a lot of side quests in the Yakuza series even in the first game and you're going to need to plan ahead if you want to 100 the game because in this game some of them are missable I'm not going to be going out of my way to do any side quests but I will be doing some of them as they come up and a lot of them will come up when you're not even trying so in this little shopping center here we'll meet Alki he'll tell us where Stardust is so we go there but one of the hosts isn't too happy about that so we have to fight him as a mini boss coming in here you [ __ ] because yuya fights all alone this fight is pretty easy once again as long as you keep up the pressure there's not much he can do he will block most of your attacks but as long as you keep breaking his guard he won't be able to counter attack I recommend attacking by using square square triangle but pretty much all the triangle combos work if you want you can pick up this advertising sign that has some great range does a lot of damage but it's not necessary either way this fight is a breeze [Music] after that the owner lets us in and we're informed that chairman Sarah was murdered and then we have to do a fight against some members of the Shimano family this pretty much plays like any other encounter but here most of the enemies have weapons this is where I should mention that most small weapons that you pick up off the ground in Yakuza 1 can actually be stowed away by pausing the game and moving them to your inventory whenever you see an enemy with a weapon I highly recommend knocking that weapon out of his hands as soon as possible which can be done by either grabbing or with any of the square and triangle combos you can only Carry Three weapons at a time plus the one you have equipped but Yakuza is also one of those games where weapons break after just a few uses they don't really make or break the game at least not early on but even weak weapons can give you a slight enough advantage in damage or range to help you beat a tough enemy once all the gangsters are defeated Shinji shows up and then Kazuma decides to meet fuma and Sarah's funeral so at the funeral I have to sneak in which I Do by just walking around the main pathway and finding a staff badge some guy named yasuda catches on to this but he goes down from the same strategy I used against yuya only here it's even easier because he's a much larger Target inside we meet from oyaboon who explains what happened to nishki and Yumi over the last 10 years but before he can finish he gets shot now we have a long battle against more of shimano's men now obviously you don't want to charge head first into enemies in these battles especially when enemies have weapons because if you do that you're probably just gonna get tossed around like a hot potato and die what I recommend doing is taking them on in small groups at a time as they charge at you knock them down with a heavy punch by pressing square triangle wait for them to get back up and doing this again repeatedly until there's only one left if you're feeling confident you can try going for a gut punch which is done with square square triangle but don't go for an uppercut because this has a very narrow hitbox and often leaves you vulnerable to more attacks once you've singled out the toughest enemy in the group then you can just stun lock them into a gun punching combo until they go down anyway in this stage you can actually pick up the lanterns and use them as Weapons which I just find absolutely hilarious and helpful for taking out large groups of enemies you can also pick up these decorative Spears and use them which is helpful once we're past the garden the hallway doesn't pose too much of a problem but inside the chapel are these two thick dudes both of whom use the slam dunk and football tackle attacks the slam dunk is unblockable and has really long range while the football tackle comes at you really fast locks on like a homing missile and also seems to have a 360 degree hitbox and both of these attacks have super armor and knock you down plus they like to start these attacks when they're off screen so you could just be working on one enemy when suddenly one of these guys comes at you and knocks you down fighting against multiples of these enemies is very frustrating but after that it's pretty easy in the hallway you can actually pick up a fire extinguisher and use it as a weapon and stun enemies by spraying them with it but all of these enemies are small and go down in just a few hits once we get back outside there are a few more enemies to take out but after that we have to take on the big egg himself Shimano you won't get past me [Music] and he's pretty easy at the start I just Whack Him with my weapons as much as I can before they break and after that it's just more of me spamming triangle combos making him unable to hit me he's a very big Target so my attacks don't have a problem Landing although when he gets low on health he does manage to land a grab and slam my face into the ground then hits me with some kind of Sucker Punch but after that I just get back up and finish him off foreign who was not only investigating Sarah's death gun but he is also voiced by Goofy we decide to work together and the next part of the game has us head back to Serena to ask Rayna what she knows but before I do this I'm going to do a few side quests to earn some money however the most important thing for me to do right now is to buy information from some homeless looking guy who reveals that if you ask for a certain movie at beam you'll gain access to a secret weapons shot this shop has better prices and access to better weapons earlier than most other shots in the game if you're willing to sacrifice your grab for some extra damage the brass knuckles are perfect knuckle type weapons just strengthen your normal attacks and replace your grab with a Spin Attack however attacking normally doesn't actually wear them down only using your Spin Attack does and this will definitely help make up for my inability to upgrade attacks once that's done I go to do some more side quests most of which aren't really anything to write home about but there is yuyos where he invites Kazuma to a strip club where he's attacked by one of the dancers so this is a mini boss against a guy with a shotgun it may sound intimidating but it's actually not too bad obviously you don't want to be in a situation where you're far away from him because if this happens he will shoot you you just want to stay as close as you can and keep up the pressure as much as possible which of course isn't as easy as it sounds given this game's wonky targeting system if you screw up a combo and miss your last attack you're probably gonna take a hit which does a lot for a mini boss but it's still nothing that I can't handle after that yuya his girlfriend are kidnapped so we gotta save it they were kidnapped by some fuma family gangsters who aren't too happy about Kazuma allegedly killing dojima so once again we have another mini boss only this time there's a whole bunch of enemies including one of the football tacklers and comero who has a katana this fight also takes place in a much smaller room and has a lot of furniture that makes it harder to move around this is probably the hardest non-mandatory battle in the game so far and it does take a lot of attempts with it being in such a tight space and there being so many enemies cosuma is going to get knocked around a lot it doesn't help that I'm still beat up from the fight at the strip club and also got beat up a little on the way here and yeah I do have healing items but I'd like to save those for mandatory fights I do try knocking them down with the heavy punch strategy but this doesn't work on comoro who is harder to knock down his Katana attack is very hard to avoid can't be blocked does a ton of damage and always knocks me down usually it just comes out of nowhere and hits me while I'm dealing with the rest of his goons this happens until I just say screw it and decide to just power through using my healing items and my Spin Attack which is good for getting the enemies off me but by the time the fight is over my brass knuckles are broken and my reward for saving their lives is a free lifetime pass to see yuya's girlfriend anytime I want something I am definitely not going to be using so getting back to the main quest we have to head to Bacchus where everyone is dead except for this girl right here Haruka now we gotta take her back to Serena and on the way there Kiryu shows us how much of a giga chat he is huh are you right today's been a very bad day and has put me in a real mood what just your bad luck to run into me so this is just another battle against a whole bunch of regular enemies nothing too difficult but it does take me a couple of attempts after that I gotta go get some dog food then Haruka passes out and I have to carry her back to Serena myself and of course a bunch of shimano's goons are trying to stop us some of them can be avoided but most of them start running towards you as soon as you enter the loading zone they're pretty easy to fight either way after that we decide to head to the Millennium Tower to look for haruka's Mom but there as expected we run into some more Yakuza this time members of the Omi family who are after her but finding them off shouldn't be too hard as judging by the quality of the leader's voice he doesn't have a very stable connection to this game kill this arrogant [ __ ] now Hayashi fights with a bunch of Minions that play like the rest of the ordinary enemies you fight in this game but once again it's another case where the arena is really small and Hayashi himself has a ton of help a Spin Attack that keeps him super armor as soon as he goes for it this move where if you get knocked down he'll jump on you and start punching you until you're able to mash out and a sucker punch that comes out very fast and is very hard to block he also has this jumpy kick but he only ever goes for it like once or twice as per usual I start the first part of the fight by picking off his minions but after getting tossed around enough I start using some of the weapons I have stowed away like my expensive umbrella I'm also able to pick up these chairs and use them as weapons but they're heavy they have really low durability and don't seem to do that much damage anyway so it doesn't really make too big of a difference once his minions start to go down it gets easier and I actually have a really close call where he gets me down to like a pixel of Health while I'm pinned down but I'm able to mash out of it just in time and heal up with one of my mini Health items once it's down to just me and him it's pretty easy just block his attacks and counter attack and at this point he's already pretty low on health so this part of the fight doesn't last long at all after that we gotta head to a place called Burgatory to meet an informant who might have information on haruka's Mom but of course he asks us for a bunch of money we don't have but offers to give us the information for free if we can win his fighting tournament I have been dreading this part the entire game why well it's exactly where you would expect it to be it's a gauntlet against three bosses one problem though I can't bring any items or equipment in with me and that includes healing items I've pretty much been relying on these to make up for my lack of upgrades so far so we'll see how this goes but I'm not too confident because last time I played this game I could barely get through this part even with upgrades the first fight is against Daniel Feldman he has a lot of wrestling moves like this triple chop the same spinning punch that Hayashi used and a running tackle that is guaranteed to knock you down if it hits most of these attacks can be easily blocked but you can't afford to play too aggressively because if he does knock you down there's a good chance he'll go for the spinning throw which does a lot of damage and can't be mashed out of he does get the best of me early on in the fight and I fail my first attempt but after that I mostly have him figured out I do slip up a few times to take some damage but I am still able to beat him foreign plummock probably the easiest boss out of these three he fights with this kickboxing fighting style which may sound like a hassle but his attacks aren't very strong they were easy to block and his guard is extremely easy to break the best way to deal with him is to keep just enough distance where you can dodge his attacks but still follow them up with a counter attack most often he'll go for this kicking combo which can easily be countered with some punches I recommend doing square square triangle over and over until he either Dodges or blocks then back away and wait for him to attack again sometimes he'll go for this sucker punch attack and immediately back away but I don't think I've ever been hit by this and there's also this jumping kick which can be interrupted which will knock him down but this is kind of unpredictable so I recommend just blocking it oh and there's also this one where he'll grab you and kick you against the wall so I recommend keeping him close to the center whenever you can because of the beating I took from Daniel earlier I just barely have any health by the end but I am able to take the second boss down oh last but not least is oh man Gary Buster Holmes this mother is without doubt the hardest boss so far probably the hardest one of this entire run his playstyle is very similar to Hayashi only with way more Health war attacks and he hits much much harder the first several attempts do not go well some of his attacks are able to bring me down in one hit from my current HP after like 10 or 15 attempts I just give up and retry the whole tournament again from the beginning this time making sure to take his few hits from the other two bosses as possible but even with full help this fight is still nearly impossible first of all he has both hayashi's ground pin attack and spinning punch attack however Gary can initiate the spinning punch whenever he wants even when he's getting hit by one of your combos as soon as this activates he becomes immune to all damage given that you're in the middle of a combo you probably won't have enough time to block this attack and when it hits you are going to get knocked down which leaves you open to his ground pin attack in order to mash out of this you have to either be using a turbo controller which I'm not or have the fastest button pressing finger in the world once you get knocked down you pretty much have to take your hands off the controller and immediately start matching X unless you want to take a whole bunch of damage even then he's probably going to land at least four punches before you can knock him off if you're lucky he'll just jump on you instead but he doesn't do this very often up next is his combo punching attack where he'll attack you with five very strong punches while these attacks can be blocked it'll only take two or three of these punches to break your guard which will leave you open to the rest of them and probably knock you down and then there's his slam dunk attack where he'll jump at you and slam his fists at the ground this is without doubt his strongest attack and takes away like 40 percent of my help and I don't think it can be blocked either so what do you do well since blocking isn't really an option you just have to keep your distance and counter-attack whenever you can but even this isn't reliable because of his Spin Attack which can stop your Combos and knock you down which he can do at any point you can try playing aggressively and keep up the pressure as much as possible but again the Spin Attack can easily screw you over you really gotta buckle down and play as carefully as possible the only reliable combo for damaging him is square triangle because this is the only one that actually gives you enough time to bring up your guard to block his spinning attack and even then it doesn't always work and again playing conservatively isn't easy because he has so much health even if you're playing as carefully as you can you're bound to screw up somewhere and take massive damage I lost track of how many attempts this fight took to the point where I got frustrated and just went Ham on him a strategy that sounds like a Death Wish given everything I just said but it actually works I'm able to get him down to very low Health in a very small amount of time and after a lot of frustration and raging at my computer or squealing like a female dog as he put it I am able to bring him down [Music] so after that kage shows us his camera collection but shortly after he does we gotta save detective date from some hobos that are understandably pretty pissed at him since he's the reason some of them are there Dante reveals that majima's gang took Haruka and he wants us to meet him at the batting cage and we get some Stellar Voice work from Mr Joker himself mm-hmm [Laughter] this is the part where you're supposed to laugh majima is another boss that gave me quite a bit of difficulty last time I played but he was nowhere near as bad as Gary I made sure to stock up on items and buy a new pair of brass knuckles on the way here though majima is very agile and likes to dash around all over the place I make it a priority to take out his minions first which is actually really easy as majima is usually too busy dashing around to intervene once it's down to just us well majima is a very hard target to land hits against his attacks don't have a lot of recoil and don't leave him vulnerable for very long if you try to play aggressively you'll probably just dodge and counter-attack you instead have to kind of just attack and hope you can land a hit either by scraping him while he's moving or having him actually slide into your line of fire either way it's not easy though one strategy that I did find effective is to lead him into one of the batting cages this gives him less room to dodge your attacks and makes catching him during a Dodge much easier this fight ends on a very close call but I am able to finish him off with a Spin Attack oh yeah which ends with him getting stabbed by one of his own guys no are you boon why is my friend you stupid so after we bring Haruka back we go back to kage to find some new leads but before that we gotta help his son who is dating the daughter of some big shot Yakuza while he's not Yakuza he is part of a smaller street gang that isn't too happy about him leaving get out of here Takashi I did feel the urge to get some balls today I suppose yours will have to do now as far as mandatory mini bosses go this one is actually on the harder side his minions are not trouble but he himself fights with a style that is like a weird mix of kaikwon and Hayashi he also has this floor cake that automatically knocks you down it's tough at first but once I haven't figured out I'm easily able to beat him by just spamming square triangle and he goes down pretty easily foreign back to this club find out the girl he's dating is Jimmy Neutron what about Takashi what do a Takashi and her dad's goons are here to take her back but cosuma arrives just in time to save the day this fight is actually a lot easier than the last one all the Minions go down really easily and the captain just fights like a slower and weaker version of majima and has about half as much help he is a complete pushover so the conflict gets resolved Takashi and kyoka move on and live happily ever after but once we get back to Serena we learn that Dante's daughter has some daddy issues as well Dante confronts her and this leads into what is probably the best cut scene in the game get your hands off me shut up hey what do you think you're doing get the [ __ ] out of here get your hands off her huh this hole right here owes our company some cash so mind your own business and [ __ ] off oh money that's right she been spending a lot of time in the host bar and now she's deep in debt since there ain't no way she can pay us back we're gonna give her a chance to make some money we're gonna make her a movie star if you're interested pick up a copy [ __ ] dad Kazuma why why are you here hey I hope you ready to get your ass kicked Dante we'll talk later so we get an easy mandatory battle and then have to chase him down to where psya's boyfriend's gang is holding him and we have another mini boss now I probably sound like a broken record by now but these mini bosses in these tiny office spaces are kinda a pain except now the boss has a knife his attacks come out pretty quickly and can't be blocked it doesn't deal a whole lot of damage but it does make what would normally be another easy mini boss quite frustrating but that doesn't stop me from beating him on my first try so Dante and his daughter make up but then Dante gets kicked off the case but that doesn't stop him from continuing to work with us and this leads kiriu to revisit his old tattoo artist who doesn't recognize the tattoo on the dead woman's body and while there he gets a call from nishki hello ah it's you yeah he's here it's nishki what yeah ten years in the joint made you a [ __ ] [ __ ] he wants us to meet him tomorrow back at Serena Dante and Kiryu discussed the picture of a dead body who they think might be haruka's mom but they don't tell her and this causes Haruka to get angry and run off and of course she gets kidnapped again so we go on some goose chase all across camarocho to find out that she was taken to Stardust which is like across the street this time she's been abducted by an unknown organization and they demand we give them the pendant in exchange for her which obviously doesn't happen and leads to another boss fight and it's pretty easy all of these enemies use the same generic fighting style that most of the Yakuza enemies use except for the few who just shoot with guns after that Kiryu tells haruko the truth we then decide to take her to Purgatory but before we can move on with the story we have to spend some time with her this opens up some side quests and it's a good opportunity to do some others before they expire you also have this Haruka trust meter thing which you can increase by buying Haruka snacks and winning slot machines and stuff it goes up pretty slowly but filling it does get you some decent rewards but they're not worth it if you ask me also seems kind of harsh that haruka's trust meter would start at F considering that I just saved her life twice but anyway what you need to do to advance the story is pay for special access to this gambling din that costs a hundred thousand yen Haruka goes with me because apparently it's okay for kids to gamble I guess now here horoko will guess for you and you're guaranteed to win every time so don't be afraid to bet as high as you can you keep doing this until the guy who's rolling the dice leaves and comes back where you lose and then it's revealed that he was using rigged dice which means it's time to fight it out I was expecting this fight to be difficult seeing as how the arena is small and a bunch of the enemies have weapons but it's actually comically easy the enemies all bundled together are making it easy for me to continuously knock them down and the main boss doesn't even try to get involved until it comes down to like two or three of them after that just beat him up like any regular enemy and he'll be finished in no time [Music] we just hired this dealer today this was unfortunate for the both of us and I apologize for his dishonorable actions trust me he'll pay dearly for all the trouble he has caused no please that guy is definitely losing a finger tonight after that we drop Haruka off and head to meet nishki here it's revealed that the woman with the tattoo who died isn't actually haruka's mom and that nishki shot fuma earlier once nishki leaves we gotta fight some more of his guys and then outside in the back alley we have what is probably the hardest mandatory boss that allows me to use items so far there are a ton of guys here and nearly all of them are carrying weapons then in the middle you have shindo who is holding an actual Katana which if you remember the katana using guy from before it's unblockable and an automatic knockdown if it hits only now shindo has even more attacks that hit harder and have longer range I gotta be really careful in this fight with all the enemies the strategy here is to knock some enemies down run to the other side and repeat this process until they're all gone if I get surrounded by them I can use my Spin Attack for crowd control but you know limited uses about halfway in I decide to just use the knuckles up and start using the oak swords that the enemies drop since they're scattered all over the place it definitely helps take out the enemies but when it comes down to shindo it's still as tedious as ever not only is his hitbox really weird even with weapons but he likes to dodge to the side another thing is that when I'm pinned to the corner and trying to escape the camera gets all wonky and I lose my sense of direction which leaves me open to hits and I get hit a lot when doing this I lost track of how many attempts this took but on my successful attempt I'm almost clean out of healing items and after I've used up all the oak swords I decide to pull out one of my own weapons and finish him off thank you meanwhile back at Purgatory there was an explosion the place gets raided by a bunch of street gangs and Haruka gets kidnapped again we have to track down the game took her but before we do that I'm heading back to the arena because with the point I am in the game now I can enter tournaments that give me some very important items now most of the bosses I have to fight in these tournaments aren't really worth talking about because they're either just reskins or straight up repeats of enemies I fought before although some of the later ones are actually pretty cool and that there's one where they have weapons scattered around that you can use and one where the edges of the floor are hot lava these are actually easier though because you can use the hazards to your advantage right now I'm only able to go up to the burning Grand Prix but the main reason I'm doing it is for the ogre Knuckles an upgrade from the brass knuckles that has higher durability and more damage once that's done it's time to take on the gangs and find Haruka and I start with the white gang and uh yeah they're actually pretty difficult the minions are lot tougher than most of the ones I fought so far and they have weapons and they can football tackle without them but the boss is the worst part of it he plays very aggressively and has an almost identical fighting style to Kai Kwan a fighting style that on its own isn't too bad but a nightmare when fighting alongside allies and he is much stronger too he also seems to have time space manipulation Powers as he's able to instantly bring me into a gravel down with no warning the weapons that I can pick up here aren't too helpful either and half the time I just grab them when I'm trying to grab the enemies or grab another weapon but this game isn't sure because of how many there are laying around it's not too difficult but it is very frustrating and it costs me a lot of precious healing items but I am able to get it done their leader tells me they're taking orders from the bloody eye King which is in the same bar we helped Takashi at so we beat up some of their guys and then confront their leaders downstairs and this battle is actually made of two bosses we fight at once along with their minions as usual I take out the minions first now the brothers surprisingly both have similar-ish fighting styles despite their differences in size the smaller one who is actually big Akai because he's the older one uses the same style as the white gang leader but he also has this dropkick which comes out very fast and a floor sweep little Akai fights with a variety of strong but quick punches that have this weird effect to them that the knives have not sure what that's all about but they both give me a bit of trouble at first but it's not long before I realize that the best way to go about it is to focus on them one at a time little Akai can easily be stun locked with most Combos and because your attacks are constantly pushing him back you could pretty easily stay far away enough from Big Akai if he does hit you from behind just wait till they're a few feet away from each other and start attacking again once little Akai is out of the way you can focus on his brother and there's not a lot to say just handle him the same way you handle the other enemies with his style and you'll be fine oh once they're done they reveal that Haruka has been kidnapped by Lao Kalong a Chinese Triad leader that Kiryu has a history with and now he's working with Shimano cosuma heads to his place and totally does not kill a guy as soon as he walks in foreign [Music] so now we have a long battle against some Triad members these guys are some of the easiest enemies in the game because they attack with this flying spin cake that comes out really slowly and is super easy to avoid this changes when we get to the kitchen though because the enemies here have more help and the shell fights with these two butcher knives and attacks with some very powerful and hard to avoid swings thankfully there are some healing items laying around but part of the reason this is so hard is because I'm trying to conserve healing items since I forgot to stock up before coming here eventually I reluctantly break that rule and use some which lets me win although in my successful attempt I find out that the chef will throw his knives at you when he gets low which almost kills me but doesn't and I'm able to finish him off foreign himself and in the first attempt I get vaporized he has this really long spear that he can swing around very fast at least that's for the first part of the fight once I'm able to land some hits in it gets much easier as I can stun lock him and once he's taken a good amount of damage he'll drop his spear until he loses all his blue Health then one of his allies tosses him some swords but again he doesn't keep them for very long although once he gets really low he starts tossing me around with these ridiculous Combos and after being unable to land a hit I pull out my curse me oh Getsu and Fry him [Music] after we beat him the cops show up and arrest Kiryu but Dante lets us out and now we gotta play this really really terrible shooting mini game once that's over with cosma figures out that Reina had been secretly supplying nishki with information we then get a call from Shinji who tried to shoot nishki and is with Rayna we then head there to help him but not before stopping at the secret shop to buy a very important piece of armor the bulletproof vest which is debatably the best armor in the game because while it's not the strongest it does block bullets which will be very helpful in the upcoming long battle which is exactly what we do next now I remember this long battle giving me a lot of trouble when I last played mainly because of the boss but also the branching Pathways inside the building that may or may not make you fight more enemies than you need to to be fair there are healing items hidden behind these optional Pathways but you're probably gonna get beat up trying to get them which kinda defeats the purpose either way we gotta fight a bunch of generic Yakuza bad guys and once you get to the roof it's the the same deal but at the end we have to fight a Rossi this fight gave me freaking he double hockey sticks when I played this game the first time you had two really lengthy long battles with not a lot of HP restoring items you're beat to a pull and now here comes Dante touchdown with two guns who runs around and jumps like the main character from a John Woo movie the only way I was able to beat this guy was by knocking him down and then spamming that PIN to the ground move which is pretty op in this game as it can last like a full minute of course here I don't have that but I do have the bulletproof vest which makes this fight a complete joke the bulletproof vest blocks all incoming bullets as long as they don't hit you from behind you don't even have to guard the vest just automatically does it for you the only downside is that it leaves you vulnerable to other attacks but the other enemies here are extremely insignificant you don't really need to think about this boss much like I said arase almost exclusively uses guns so as long as you're facing him he can't put a scratch on you and he goes down after a few flurries of punches foreign ly Rayna and Shinji don't make it now we begin chapter 11 and we gotta look for some girl named Kimmy who is looking after fuma but before I do that there are a couple of Arena tournaments I want to enter the first one is the Ronin Grand Prix but before I can enter I need to get the sword technique upgrade from Master komaki once you get the training from him it will change Kazu with sword animation and make them do more damage this is the upgrade I was talking about in the beginning that doesn't require me to spend any exp both of the tournaments I have to do here are pretty easy even the one where I have to fight against gun wielding enemies completely unarmed is pretty easy once I get the hang of it once this tournament is over and buy over I mean after I've beaten it multiple times because the tournament rewards are randomized I get the dragon Knuckles the most powerful knuckle type weapon in the game and with that along with the other weapons I got I am off to find a Kimmy first I have to do some fetch quest for a passport from one of the hostesses that has me fight a weaker version of Lao Kalong and after that we get Haruka and head to Shangri-La where akemi tells us that fuma is now with tarata and as expected there are some more Yakuza here to stop us on the way out we have another long battle inside the hotel and it's much easier than the last one in no small part thanks to the dragon Knuckles but at the end we have another fight against Goro majima majima plays pretty much exactly like he did before only now he's on steroids I don't know if this is just me but his hitbox seems much smaller than it was before he also seems to dash around a lot faster and his attacks come out faster too I don't even remember how I beat him the last time I played all I remember is getting lucky and wailing on him with that pinned down move I was talking about earlier after that I just threw stuff at him until he died apart from Gary this is probably the hardest boss fight in the entire game is what I would be saying if not for the fact that I have some pretty overpowered weapons that I want from the optional tournaments and got from beam earlier like the curse Mio Getsu this sword is not only powerful but it has this fire effect that sends them into this Burning animation and knocks them down whenever it hits and gives me plenty of free attacks on it once he loses half his health he'll break the floor and will have to fight him in the basement here I pull out my shotgun and put a few shells in him though for a shotgun being fired at Point Blank it sure seems like it isn't doing as much as it should especially against a guy who got near fatally stabbed like a few days ago once I run out of ammo I just pull the sword back out and finish him off damn it so Haruka and I head on down to meet fuma who tells us that Yumi and Mizuki are the same person meaning that haruka's mother is still alive and that jingu haruka's father left her in Yumi so that he could become powerful by marrying the prime minister's daughter he teamed up with Sarah and killed a journalist to prevent his scheme from getting out and he was going to do the same to Haruka and Yumi for the same reason but they're saved by fuma and Sarah decides to stop working with jingu and after that Yumi and Haruka went into hiding and they also stole the Tojo Clan's money which wasn't actually the Tojo Clans it was jingus this is a very complicated story and there's a lot to take in and only so much I can include in a single video but it's why I really recommend everyone watching this video to play this game for themselves anyway Shimano is here to crash the party because he wants a piece of that 10 billion yen too and he's also pretty upset that his kidnapping horuka plan didn't work I beat up some of his goons and then have a rematch now here Shimano has a katana and some allies fighting alongside inside him but we also have some of teratas and fumas guys helping us out the whole battle is mostly just a cluster of enemies and allies duking it out and you may be tempted to take out the smaller enemies first but you actually don't really need to because you have more than enough allies to keep them distracted I pretty much handle this the same way I handled the Akai Brothers just play as aggressively as I can and keep pushing Shimano back so that it's harder for his allies to hit me because Shimano is such a big Target all you really need to do is keep up the pressure and he won't be able to land any hits you may get nicked by some of his allies every now and then but it's nothing that will cost you the whole match Shimano will drop his sword once he's taken enough damage but again this is hardly a factor just keep punching him and eventually he will go down but he's not gonna go down that easily she's safe uncle fuma about the 10 billion listen call an ambulance okay it was you me before fuma dies he gives us a note that Sarah wanted us to have so we take it and then head to Aries at the top floor of the Millennium Tower to save Yumi this next part is going to be the last battle so I make sure to spend whatever money I can on the best items and equipment and with that it's time to put it into this we head on out and looks like the whole city is empty except for these Riders who were hired by the Tojo Clan so we get a few easy fights against some more generic bad guys and I head on over to the Millennium Tower beat up even more generic bad guys and reunite with Yumi at the top but as expected jingu is here to take his money back and he's willing to go as far as to shoot his own daughter terada shows up though to help us out and this is oh wait never mind apparently he betrayed nishki and formed an alliance with the Omi family and that's who he's going to give all that money to he used nishki as a puppet to do his dirty work for him like killing chairman Sarah anyway I have to beat up some bad guys and then jingu decides to take us on himself along with his special forces guy now jingu has a similar fighting style to a Ross a where he'll just run around and shoot for most of the battles for this chapter I've been using the dragon clock but I still have the bulletproof Fest so I switched to that for this battle now unlike most of the other bosses in this game jingu likes to keep his distance and stay really far away from you at the start of the battle you'll have to fight these NBI agents who will either attack with knives or guns their fighting style is unlike any of the other enemies so far and they'll swing and charge at you with very fast knife attacks but they don't deal a lot of damage and these guys also barely have any help as for the ones with guns well they just kind of strafe around and shoot and once the knife guys are out of the way they're easy to take care of just like in the a fight with arase if you have the bulletproof vest jingu is a complete joke he can't put a scratch on you provided you're facing him just chase him down and swing at him until he gets to half his health where he'll Fly Away on his Chopper since some more agents after you and then when you've taken care of them you have to chase him to the heliport where he'll fight alongside more agents only these guys are a lot stronger and have much more HP they're not hard to beat but when you do beat them jingyu reveals that he has telekinetic healing powers and they just get back up and start fighting me again with full help so I take them out again and then they get back up again and then I get shot in the back and die thankfully I'm able to restart from the heliport and this time I just focus on jingu the agents do play very aggressively which is pretty annoying combined with jingyu just running away but their attacks don't do enough damage to take me out nor do they stop me from chasing down and taking out jingu and once he goes down the battle is over door of course it wouldn't be a Yakuza game if that was the final boss no it has to end with two shirtless dudes fighting on top of a building nishki shows up to take the money for himself and lead the Tojo claim and that means it's time to fight fight against Mr nishki is without doubt the most unpredictable fight in this entire game I mean I shouldn't be surprised this is the final boss this fight takes place across the entirety of the Aries bar and it's pretty big there are also healing items lying on the ground that you could pick up and despite the fact that Kazuma isn't wearing a shirt my armor can still be equipped the furniture here can also be used as weapons but in most cases Nishiki will get to them before you can nishki himself fights like a weird combination of all the major bosses so far he has a series of very powerful punches and kicks but he seems to favor using weapons for some reason he also has some grab moves that just cannot be mashed out of oh you could try but never not once was I able to do it he also has some other attacks like that same ground-pinning one that Gary used and this one that'll have you and him punching each other that requires you to match square but you won't see these very often because of how he seems to prefer picking up and using the furniture As Weapons he also doesn't block your attack super often and he can actually be knocked down surprisingly easily but either way the ideal way to beat this boss is to bring along a very powerful weapon I brought along the cursed Mio Getsu the SP tactical baton and the shotgun and also the dragon Knuckles obviously the Tactical baton has a paralyzing effect that will knock him down similarly to the cursed Mio Getsu but after he's taken enough hits for whatever reason it'll stop working on him until you get to the next section of the fight yeah every time nishki's Health gets to a certain point you'll get a cut scene and the fight will be taken to another part of the bar throughout the majority of the fight I just alternate between my three main weapons every section I always start with the shock baton hit him with it for as many times as it'll stun him and then switch to the Mio Getsu one thing that is kind of annoying is that whenever nishki lands one of his attacks that you need to match out of you'll drop whatever weapon you're holding you can pick it back up but there's also a chance that nishki will pick it up too so you have to be really careful it's extremely easy to be doing well and have nishki make a complete reversal against you during this fight because of how powerful his attacks and how aggressive his play style is but for a final boss fight this isn't really what I would call hard it does take me a few attempts but like I said he can easily be exploited using strong weapons which is how I'm able to beat him and at the end I pull out my shotgun and start pumping rounds into him just to be double sure because I couldn't remember whether or not there was another boss fight after this I run around and collect the remaining HP supplements and after that I finished nishki off with a shotgun blast [Music] ah in the final cut scene Yumi opens the Vault containing the money places the bomb to blow up the money but not if jingu has anything to say about it Haruka yummy Mommy what's the matter can't do anything now can you you're dead [Music] I am going to finish what I started no stop don't do it nishki [Music] oh [Music] nishki blows up the money detective Dante lets us go Cosmo gets promoted to Chairman of the Tojo Clan a position that he doesn't hold very long we then say our goodbyes and then the credits roll and there you have it ladies gentlemen it is possible to beat Yakuza one without upgrades it was a little easier than I expected but still a lot of fun definitely let me know if you all want to see more Yakuza videos in the future because I'm a big fan of the series and I would love to make more of these as always be sure to check out my other links in the description and until the next video I will see you all later foreign [Music]
Channel: Nyarly
Views: 163,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yakuza, PS2, Sony, Playstation, Sega, RGG, Ryu Ga Gotoku, Like a Dragon, Yakuza 2, Kiwami, Nintendo, Microsoft, Action, Video Games, Gaming, RPG, Adventure, Nishiki, Kazuma, Kiryu, Atlus, Persona, Drama, English, Dub, Mark Hamill, Joker, Batman, Star Wars, Skywalker, Ishin, Original, Commentary, Story, Walkthrough, Playthrough, OBS, Vegas, Emulator, PCSX2, Haruka, Yakuza 0, PS3, Jimmy Neutron, Sammy, Arcade, Katana, Japan, Crime, GTA, Tokyo, Kamurocho, Kabukicho, 10, Years, In, The, Joint, Sponsored, Genshin, Impact, Honkai, Star, Rail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 5sec (3185 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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