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hello everybody waffle time here in an unorthodox but highly suiting way of starting a video allow me to propose to you a hypothetical question let's say you're out on the street walking home from a long night out of angrily commenting that a visibly stated patched method on youtube is no longer working for some strange unknown reason when suddenly a very angry pestilence of flying fish swarm you attempting to take a bite out of your untainted gamer skin what would be your weapon of choice on a whim naturally someone's first choice would likely be a firearm or perhaps you'd channel your inner samurai jack with a blade of some sorts what i feel is safe to assume is that not one of you thought man you know what protect my gamer meat from angry flying fish a boomerang so this ladies and gentlemen only serves to beg the question can you beat master moterario with only boomerangs or will you be publicly humiliated by all the terraria bosses after you inevitably wet your pants after missing one shot and having to wait for your boomerang to come back to you truly there's only one way to find out before we jump in i want to make it clear that i will not be spawning in with the boomerang but we'll try and get one as soon as possible then as soon as i have one it's nothing but boom in the ring and from that moment forth i'll also be using fargo's mutant mod simply for convenience let's jump right in shall we we hop into our world our minds honing in on absolutely nothing except for boomerangs and npc housing which would serve to be our first two hurdles to humiliate and dom entirely we quickly finished chopping up some trees and collecting mats and start cranking crisp 90s on npc housing we're doing just fine dare i say we're even excited when we're instantly reminded that we're not allowed to feel a lick of eagerness excitement or happiness in these playthroughs when a blue slime completely disembowels me in front of all of his stupid friends who record it and put it on their social media pages for internet validation we ignore the public ridicule about how we get our ass handed to us by a blue orb with no arms or legs and finish up our npc housing this clears up one of our beginning goals giving the npcs plenty of room to spawn in as the days go by thank goodness there's nothing i love more than succulent god damn game progression this leaves us to go down and get ourselves a boomerang which unfortunately for us has to be found and not crafted that's right you know all those chests you find in the beginning of your playthrough with nearly always useless loot and immediately discard in all of your playthroughs we need those bad boys so it's time to hop on the soul train and do some goddamn soul searching while we're at it because we need to start and i quote boom in the [ __ ] ring and while the sun's still shining in our exploration we managed to snag ourselves some cactus in order to make some cactus armor and thankfully a zombie and a vulture saw i didn't have any recall potions or a magic mirror so they took it upon themselves to take turns beating me to death in order to send me back home thanks fellas thanks a lot we open our first chest and find ourselves a guide to plant fiber cordage which as many of you already know gives you the sensation of having fiberglass for breakfast every single goddamn morning we continue our hunt collecting fallen stars as much as we can so we could go from this bad boy to this even better boy it's a quick upgrade but it'll surely give us ample room for compensation for other attributes of ourselves that i mean like like aren't even worth uh like you know mentioning like it's yeah it's not anyways back to the exploration at hand here's some useless loot for you you like that [ __ ] yeah you do here's some more you little twerp enjoy it on the contrary decent loot that's new that's sexy great [ __ ] finally with our newfound baby boomerang which will technically be with us all the way until the end of pre-hard mode perhaps even a smidge further we collect some more random bits of loot then head on home to craft up a small home base set up for ourselves right next door our beloved npcs will surely be massacred at some point by the ignorance of where i put my mechanical boss arenas that's okay though there's no law enforcement here it's a cold and lawless land where anyone can make a giant metal deathworm eat everyone at any given moment we make sure to deck out our home base with all the different crafting stations as well as make sure it's all walled off and safe from unwanted guests we then go on to make the compensator 9000 also known as the enchanted boomerang which gives us a cheeky little power boost over the lame-brained wooden boomerang bringing our power from a measly 8 to a whopping 13 we're off to an excellent start but we still have much work to do in order for us to really be ready for our first boss we need more gear accessories weapons health literally pretty much everything there is to get so we bomb our way down our elevator in order to collect all the said juicy components to success we spend a lot of time collecting completely mediocre amount of oars make mediocre armor then get [ __ ] demolished by a skeleton that rained down from the high heavens just to smite me god damn it we go back down and collect a lot more loot some of it entirely useless like this mace some of it being moderately helpful like these shoe spikes nonetheless we keep on exploring in order to get more ores hopefully some decent loot as well as increase our life as much as possible before our first silly little boss battle to no surprise after a whole bunch of searching we get little to nothing of value excellent what would a spectacular and romantic playthrough of terraria be without inevitably being tossed into useless loot paradise we take the time to upgrade all of our armor into tungsten and platinum giving us the juicy juicy defense boost we'll need to defend ourselves from a bunch of enemies with an infatuation for the good old cbt we add on a small section to our little base as well in order to sleep the dreadful nights away which is helpful beyond measure however there will be no time for taking other people's content and reacting to it on tick tock by adding nothing of value and simply putting our face down in the corner while pointing at someone else's post we instead need to focus on getting these bad boys the next step in progression in our boomerang only expedition if we want to truly boom all of the rings out there we'll need to indulge in this tasty little power boost the thorns chakrams will provide bringing our power from 13 to a big pile of steaming 25 it actually isn't that demanding to make costing only nine stingers and six jungle spores and even also has a chance to poison enemies on the bright side upon our entry to the underground jungle we find some potions and oars a cloud and a bottle as well as more loot we can't even use we also get an anklet of the wind which is great and also you guessed it more loot we can't [ __ ] use life is a constant series of hurdles and tribulations that never ends until the day you inevitably die to a [ __ ] poison dart speaking of trials and tribulations making you feel like you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis and are entitled to financial compensation the eye of cthulhu decided that now was a great time to come in and drop a steaming log in my breakfast cereal as i'm trying to eat we have no arena so we drink a gravitation potion and struggle to even land a hit until we inevitably don't flip the gravity back in time and fall to our death wonderful wonderful after that minor hiccup we set up some more npc housing to get that juicy pylon action going strong then charge into the jungle to kill some more then charge back into the jungle to kill some more hornets in order to upgrade our weapon i'm sure it goes without saying but we die a lot die a lot die a lot thank christ we eventually squeak out enough stingers then go on to make ourselves a hot slice of thorn chakram to make ourselves feel a little bit better about the events that unfolded in the underground jungle we go back down with our new overpowered weapon in order to collect some more loot then head over to the underground snow biome in order to hopefully find some flory boots because i can't seem to find a god damn [ __ ] lick of hermes boots anywhere in the entire galaxy after adventuring around for quite some time and maxing out our hp entirely we thankfully find ourselves a pair and immediately get to fashioning up in i have cthulhu arena to morb him on that's right i said what i said and i'm not taking it back because surely certainly the internet hasn't been smothered to death with enough morbius themed pillows for long enough right eventually night falls and the ice cthulu comes back with a striking vengeance taunting us about how stupid we were to die from fall damage while under the effects of a potion that can literally control gravity we do not take kindly to this so we boomer his ring as hard as humanly possible through this battle i found that if you miss a shot waiting for it to come back and be lethal but boomerangs truly serve as a close range weapon above all else as they return back to you so quickly however there's certainly some points much like the second phase of this battle where i want to be nowhere near this foul-mouthed plaque and gingivitis-infested disease-ridden creature we try and use the boomer's range as much as possible and eventually utilizing our speed and poison we managed to take the eoc's ugga lee ass out of the equation we grab our loop which includes that of the shield of stank thulu then go on to battle them again in order to get more loot and more cash money moolah up next in order to take on the eater of worlds we fashion ourselves a quick eater farm in order to try and farm out the ancient shadow armor i don't know what came over me when i decided to do this i don't know what made me think it was a good idea because we do get the set but only after several and i mean several hours of afk and getting nothing but burgers and about five helmets in a row hoping that this grind will be somewhat useful in the grand scheme of things we charge back home instead of a small area to plant all of our plants to make potions we may need so if the armor fails at least one useful thing came out of this time-consuming endeavor we also quickly fashion up a shoddy invasion farm to not only deal with the hentai tier basement dwelling goblins invading our world but also for the wicked vitamin deficient disease-ridden pirates knocking this out early means we will not have to crawl through five miles of manure and urine in the underground sewers in case of emergency it'll simply already be set up for our very own convenience feeling as if we're ready to take on the physical embodiment of butthole cancer we charge into the corruption and begin work on our arena to battle the eater of worlds as soon as we feel ready we grab hold of our buffs and doggy style smash the shadow orbs in order to summon the mean green warm on up the fight is quite self-explanatory but i'll put it in layman's terms for anyone like myself who enjoys the simpler explanations in life man use boomerang worm don't like boomerang man worm has many bodies boomerang only hits one body at a time boomerang man sad boomerang man take it out on his family later in the future this fight took dreadfully long and unfortunately we ended up getting ass blasted by a giant cancer worm so all of that grinding was literally for nothing or so it seemed we quickly dashed back to the carnage that sat at our eater arena and collected all the scales and ores that were sitting around from the battle simply [ __ ] scrumptious might i say because we make ourselves a nightmare pickaxe and plunge down to gather ourselves some hellstone for armor gear and more importantly another insano mode boomerang upgrade that we could commit positively nefarious deeds with after mining a metric dick ton of obsidian we plunged deep into the most lava infested crevices of hell with the assistance of an obsidian skin potion in order to go on dare i say an epic gamer hellstone mowing session we collect a rather unholy amount then head up to the top in order to make our brand new spankin funky fresh gear we make ourselves a full molten armor set as well as a new hammax and pickaxe and life couldn't be better more importantly however as a boomerang upgrade we could get this early on into the game with our formerly retired enchanted boomerang and some demon satan rock we got from hell we could make the flamerang which brings our power from 25 to 32. just as good as a mediocrity of boomerangs can get in pre-hard mode we craft that badass molten [ __ ] up and head right over to the corruption in order to take on the eater of worlds with our newly implemented drastically overpowered gear as we battle him the damage increase in our weapon is very apparent but do you want to know what's also apparent the fact that our [ __ ] boomerang can only hit one target at once if we're lucky and i mean turbo hyper lucky we could potentially sneak two hits in if the timing's right and if the boomerang is right at the end of its length we are overpowered however and have the overpowered son of the compensator 9000. anyways this flamering here is the answer and we all goddamn know it we eventually grind this ringworm down into several other ringworms several other ringworms that we dispatch enthusiastically and eventually destroy entirely giving us a sense of hope for the future battles to come without skipping a beat we go on to make some more npc housing for that juicy and i repeat yet again that juicy pylon action simply for our own convenience then charge over with the power of a thousand sons to the dungeon and begin fashioning a simple arena for a simple boner this boner being skeletron who being made of bones truly tries to bone anything that walks and my brother in christ let me tell you we cannot have that type of evil floating around this world we wait until night then talk to a musty smelling old man in order to summon up the master boner himself unfortunately however we fly too close to the sun and get [ __ ] manhandled by the big bad boner god damn it we're in the process of sleeping it off when suddenly goblins invade trying to steal all of our precious jewels and treasure in the smartest way possible by hurling their fat green bodies into a shallow pit of lava it is becoming more and more apparent to me that the goblin army is actually the brain trust in disguise keep it up gentlemen you're doing amazing we go through the goblin army find the goblin tinkerer bound and getting cooked in a dank cave go into crippling debt that my future wife will certainly have to pay off when i leave the country randomly in the midst of our marriage then charge back in for round two with the master boner only this time it goes fantastic we chip away at his turbo grippers then do as much damage as humanly possible to him while he's trying to give us head wait we did it yay on a quick pillage of the fungi we find a whole bunch of loot that doesn't matter to us in the slightest find our favorite little redhead in the midst of boneland get our cobalt shield and get the living hell out of there completely dreading our next visit to that hell hole with our next boss being the queen p herself we quickly fashioned in arena not too amazing in seiser's stature simply enough to give us room to dodge her trying to offer us drinks at a local bar then demanding we urinate on her and her husband for some odd reason we would like to stay as far away from those demands as humanly possible quite reasonably we summon her up and her strange piss kinks have literally no leverage on us whatsoever we blast through her pathetic little minions blast through her care and haircut and eventually with some expert pro gamer dodging we managed to squeak out yet another victory which doesn't in fact leave us excited it leaves us with a sense of existential dread as per my last terraria suffering video the yo-yo battle left me with mental wounds that simply will not heal as we clear out a fancy runway for the balls of flesh the thoughts echo in my head this can clearly go one of two ways either we beat him the first try and everything goes swimmingly we get a swarm of gamer girls that praise us for our outstanding hard-earned victory against the balls of flesh or we die 400 times in a row and get laughed at by everyone in front of our school crush there is literally no other way this can go as we smooth out hell it's truly all we can think about what way will this go okay okay okay [ __ ] god damn it we got just about halfway before being absolutely [ __ ] beamed from existence so this will in fact be another spiritual journey for us to embark on [ __ ] luckily after some time preparing mentally a blood moon spawns in so we sit in our quarters waiting for a shark dude necklace to drop all alone with our thoughts and feelings who knows what sort of wacky things can happen in here we get our shark tooth necklace from the event and wind up turning it into a stinger necklace reforge [Music] when it hits me while we're forging i begin to turn a sly eye onto the mechanic hey goblin that wrench that the mechanic has isn't too bad is it doesn't it um you know penetrate multiple enemies yeah it isn't too bad waffle i believe it does why do you ask what waffle time why do you add we are going to get that [ __ ] wrench if it's the last thing we do after we inevitably get the combat wrench from mercilessly murdering the mechanic and making the goblin wash we hand over the blood-soaked combat wrench and force the goblin tinkerer to reforge it ensuring him that he's going to endure the same fate as his girlfriend if he doesn't reforge it properly oh king slime is here what a perfect opportunity to test this hard-earned weapon out oh yes it works quite goddamn phenomenally if i do say so myself it's a balls of flesh time baby and no one can stop us god damn it you know what i'm calm i'm calm the brutally murdered mechanic's weapon that we earned is the answer and i goddamn well know it the amount of rage i have right now is equivalent to that of the rage i feel when someone tells me to play in revenge and [ __ ] balls calamity death hardcore mode exponential i [ __ ] forgot water walking potions [ __ ] so close just all right that does it i have lost all touch with my emotions i feel nothing anymore there is nothing we wise out to make a tremendous obsidian platform through the entirety of hell and begin the boss battle yet again we have little to no hope but begin to feel all tingly and giddy when we see that the fight's going very very well this time we are healthily chipping away at his health while we have ample room to dodge flee the scene and recover before going back and tanking doing as much damage as possible in the shortest amount of time possible he's on the brink of death but our health is slowly deteriorating as well we are being edged but not in a fun and sexy way but rather in a life-or-death way just as i'm at the pinnacle of edging the peak i see the balls of flesh shrivel up in arctic cold temperatures and then disappear entirely lifting a weight off of my shoulders that i never knew i even had it genuinely feels as though we have just beaten the game but brother the work has just begun we charge directly over to the jungle and grab the most expensive wings of all time in order to have a shred of mobility against the unholy amount of mobs and beasts we'll have to conquer and dom in the future we then head down to the underground corruption and while simultaneously fighting for our [ __ ] lives smashes many demon altars as humanly possible we wind up getting palladium or a calcium and adamantite you can hear how greatly enthralled i am by this news and the excitement depicted in my voice currently it is currently sigma male hyper or collection grind duty so we work our way up the various tiers of ores then attempt to mine all the adamantite we can possibly fit into our pockets for a much greater boost to our defense this endeavor goes quite successfully and we are able to squeak out full adamantite armor granting us a large defense boost to hopefully keep us from dying so much in the distant future okay suddenly a blood moon hits and boy does this give me an idea an excellent weapon upgrade would be directly to the banana reigns which are stackable and can carry us through a hefty amount of hard mode these things drop from the terraria evil clowns which terrify me to no end so not only are we getting a pretty gnarly weapon being a banana that can bring great physical harm to deities of higher power but we're also avoiding the world of several evil clowns which is a win in my book remember that strange year in 2016 where [ __ ] were just dressing up like clowns and walking around at night just to scare people is that how bored people get you can't like go just like learn a new skill you can't like knit a sweater or lift some weights or something you got to dress up like a clown at night jesus [ __ ] christ anyways we sit through many blood moons in an attempt to grind out as many clowns as possible which goes excellent as we only had to waste 47 years of our life to the grind not bad we then charge down to our platform in hell in order to grind out some mimics giving us some accessories that we'll be using for the entirety of the rest of the playthrough the early hard mode grind hits hard but we hit half as hard that's right you heard that correctly we get beaten into a pulp and hope to god that early hard mode feels bad enough to throw down some decent accessories our way and that it did we reforge our new gear with one thing on our mind the mechanical bosses the twins certainly seem the most manageable skilltron prime seems like a pestilence as usual but not too bad what could we possibly do against that enormous metal [ __ ] sleeve he already brutally dissected us once is it going to happen again in a great fit of rage we decide we're going to be fighting all of the mechanical bosses as they were probably meant to be fought on a janky ass row of platforms with no asphalt that's right we are going absolutely insane oh mode currently and brother the twins are first on our hit list hitless meaning kill this but i mean you know take that as you will either one probably works we summon them on up with our brand spanking new accessories and take to the skies immediately we don't need no god damn asphalt we just need kahunas the size of a [ __ ] planet and some sick dodging skills which we currently believe we have we go for spasmodism first knowing that retinaser doesn't have the option of looking away or closing his eye to not watch his brother get banana to death fun fact for you all did you know bananas are actually great for your memory i stuck a banana directly up sphasmatism's ass and retinaser hasn't forgotten since bananas are the weapons of gods having our power trip set in full motion we quickly dispatch retinaser's second phase as well then go to sleep immediately to summon up skeletron prime the next night i got two words for you cakewalk the banana rings whether you're trying to purposefully or not absolutely [ __ ] shred all of prime's god forsaken appendages which in turn makes us feel good knowing that he's feeling an extraordinary amount of pain that he can't even put into words we go straight for his head and dodge in circles accidentally taking out an arm or two in the process and eventually boom double epic sigma male gamer dub that's what i'm talking about that's that [ __ ] that i love lastly we have the destroyer we're first going to be building up a cheese box so we don't get hit is what i'd say if i was a little pissed baby we're gonna be raw dogging it just the way i like just as the lord intended and fighting him on the same shitty several rows of platform we fought the other mex on to my surprise it actually all goes very well it's one thing to have confidence but you know to have confidence and actually mean it nobody has that and i didn't think we were going to win i'm a psychopath not a monster jesus wow that actually that actually went great huh interesting anyways with all the mix defeated from our world plantera is next on our list so we sleep the days and nights away for a bit in order to let more life root and glorify spawn into our world then immediately dive head first into the jungle to pillage all of its natural resources littering and leaving all the car batteries we have inside of its natural water sources we collect as much glorified as possible same goes for juicy life roots we go ahead and make full glorified armor rather than turtle armor just to get some extra damage put out by our boomerangs then make sure our health is entirely maxed out before making an arena the size of uranus or maybe even jupiter for that matter just to battle plantera our favorite leafy milf we lay down some platforms and orders okay we lay down some platforms in order to have plenty of room to dodge plantera's firm yet sexually exciting grasp we go down to a bulb we formerly located which is unheard of no man knows how to find the bulb but i the world's greatest detective have located one and swung an axe at it as hard as i could in order to summon up our beloved plant milf as it turns out bananas make her extraordinarily unhappy contrary to my own personal beliefs i mean like plant and fruit i mean it kind of like never mind we tap into her second phase where she shows how truly upset she is about being compared to a banana when all i was trying to do is get freaky with it the only way to clear up this frustration clearly is by hitting her with said bananas until she goes away forever and that we do ladies and gentlemen that we do we immediately grab our bag and cycle through the extraordinarily useless loot as well as the much anticipated temple key then charge right over to the temple in order to challenge gollum the king of god awful instagram reels posts but we must first pummel through his group of lackeys in order to get to the master himself the first layer consists of the click baity god awful reels that have someone freaking the [ __ ] out in front of the camera with a slowed down version of a melody begging you imploring you to download it and play it in 3x speed if we tap not interested and go to the next dog [ __ ] reels post layer which consists of the god awful automated text to speech voice they say blink on beat with some dumb overused face filter which brings us to the next here very similar to the former who is your celebrity twin with a clearly randomized face filter people going absolutely [ __ ] feral in the camera for 10 minutes straight because they got someone that doesn't look anything like them surprise surprise something random is random jesus lastly as we breach the temple we see the shadow of gollum uploading his own instagram reels reflecting off the walls we approach closer in great fear of what's to come next that's when we hear it they say if you play this song and record yourself your soulmate will text you no no no no no we don't have time for a goddamn arena or to be [ __ ] about how small this room is all we can think about is killing we see red i hate instagram reels so goddamn much so much we take out his hands first so we could never use him to upload another shitty instagram reel again then take out his head so we can never think of another god-awful trend to spam over and over and over again in the real section then we go for a stupid body so we can never and i repeat never make a real ever again thank god that's over with now begins to grind so unholy that i will truly never ever forget it the grind to get the paladin's hammer was a [ __ ] nightmare i went so insanely bald during the struggle fest that my bald head peeled off to reveal another silky smooth bald layer i am bald beyond bald bald squared we die a crippling amount a crippling amount that we'll never forget for the rest of our miserable miserable lives life was bad until it wasn't we eventually get the paladin's hammer after hours and hours of grinding then charged back into the lizard instagram reels temple in order to grind for that possessed hatchet eventually on the grit and grind we managed to snag ourselves a possessed hatchet and with both of these boomerangs being in our arsenal we have two weapons with different ranges and attributes the paladin's hammer having a slightly shorter range by giving us a power of 90 and the possessed hatchet giving us a power of 80 with a much longer range we stack ourselves up with beetle armor and this bug armor being pressed firmly and uncomfortably on our skin we are officially set for the end game there are officially only four major hurdles for us to complete this boomerang's only challenge we will have to boomer several rings on dick pisserin the lunatic cultists the pillars which i dread exponentially and lastly the big man moon squid himself having this said we charge into the mushroom biome and bald ourselves even more trying to catch some truffle worms which we actually managed to snag a few of we want that cute fish for mount in order to have good evasiveness against the moonlord as well as to completely blame anytime we die a convenient little scapegoat for our own personal faults after collecting some truffle worms we charge back over to the beach in order to summon up dick pisser and then fish his mutated man-pig boar fish ass up out of the ocean and boom the ever-loving rain out of his fish body to my surprise running for our [ __ ] lives and booming the ever loving rang out of him went excellent we were able to deal a sufficient enough amount of damage to him and stay at a comfortable distance away from him as well the true fear arose in his final phase where he realized that he could have been teleporting this entire time thank god he forgot that crucial little detail until he had a tiny bit of health left because this part took for [ __ ] ever thankfully however we managed to squeak by another epic gamer victory and grab ourselves some juicy loot we can't use as well as the much-anticipated cute fisherman mount with this we charge immediately over to the dungeon in order to tend to the discord mod cultists and battle the server owner discord master to defeat him we gatekeep gaslight and girl boss what the [ __ ] is gaslighting you know what gaslighting is no no i actually don't know what it is yes you do stop acting crazy everyone thinks you're crazy excellent now we just have the pillars to tend to which will certainly be interesting with some goddamn boomerangs oh no they all pertain to god awful clickbait click-bait-like fishing posts these star cells died trying to defend their pillar like and follow this page to support nope this vortex pillar is the lucky rare pillar repost for good fortune and follow no this brain suckler has an iq of 10 million better than einstein like and follow for more inspiration i will not she thinks she's ugly like and follow this page to show that she's beautiful i would rather die with those pathetic attempts to gain internet validation completely out of our way we take to the skies at 1 mile per hour because there's no rain and immediately get decimated to no surprise i'm not mad i'm not bad however upon spawning in i begin to think of all the times i've had to grind for the rod of dick sword and it gives me the trembles after grinding for the paladin's hammer for what felt like upwards of 37 thousand years i'd rather [ __ ] in my hands and clap than go on another grind so simply in the name of doing things differently we will not be partaking in a rod of dick sword for this epic moon squid battle we will be instead and i quote raw dogging it we quickly prepare by getting a hold of as many high damaging accessories as possible to equip over our boots wings and shield of cthulhu then go up and make a nurse healing box to set our spawn in because we'll certainly be needing it for this battle as we're using a god damn boomerang to defend ourselves against a [ __ ] ancient lunar deity in the shape of a half-man moon squid we sleep all day and wait for rain and before we can even start dreading the battle to come a torrential downpour occurs in our very own terraria world so we buff up and use our sigil we made to summon him on up this is the moment of truth this is either going to go really good or really really bad he spawns in and we immediately begin attacking his stupid hands trying to maintain as much distance as humanly possible in order to avoid his various eyeballs and several beams we're able to teleport back for heels as much as we can and to my surprise if timed right we can dodge his tremendous forehead death beam with fairies we take out a squid man hands with all the force possible attempting to get in nice and close to do damage to his top eye as much as we can when he extends his turbo slurpinator and tries to suck us dry we chop at it with the boomerang until he retracts the slurpinator and stops trying to slurp our life out so hard we eventually with many heals get all three of his eyes out then start gunning for his heart which is a simple task as the heart chamber does not close but rather stays open for us to throw boomerangs out as hard as we possibly can we keep on dodging and keep on shifting away at his health when eventually to my absolute shock we begin to witness the moonlord combusting into a big steaming pile of deep fried calamari we actually did it ladies and gentlemen we actually [ __ ] defeated an otherworldly ancient lunar god with a goddamn boomerang and truly understanding how that works is beyond my level of mental capacity so we instead fly around like an animal flexing as hard as we can screaming in true victory and triumph having defeated the moonlord i believe that just about concludes today's challenge go on go ahead get all of your you forgot the empress of light comments out of the way because i am not [ __ ] fighting the empress with a goddamn boomerang today we managed to conquer terraria and mastermode with only boomerangs and i'm sure it goes without saying that this was a spiritual journey i'll truly never forget this video did take quite some time to make so if you'd like to show your support please be sure to drop a like and subscribe for more content like this as well as comment down in the comment section below and let me know your thoughts on this video i always love to hear from you guys also if you haven't already be sure to join the discord as well as follow that instagram and twitter they're all fantastic for having a chat conversing and knowing about future updates for future videos and content coming very soon to this channel all of those links are down in the description for your very own convenience thank you all so so much again for watching and i'll catch all of you little rascals on the flip side waffle time boomerang and master out [Music] you
Channel: WaffleTime
Views: 1,838,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WaffleTime, Waffle, Time, Terraria, Absolute Easiest, Tutorial, Empress of Light tutorial, Beating Terraria, How to, how to beat master mode, master mode tutorial, terraria 1.4, duke fishron, terraria challenges, terraria meme, meme, terraria modded, terraria news, terraria mods, terraria hardcore, how to beat moon lord, how to beat plantera, plantera, skeletron prime, terraria 1.4.1, for the worthy terraria, yoyo, can you beat, master mode, 1.4.4, boomerangs, boomerangs only, can, ye
Id: ETUdvPweZWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2022
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