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hello everybody waffle time here if you're here viewing this video congratulations you've attended every stream every new video release and even Revisited every old video of mine to comment thought this was legendary seed part two got excited for a second or he definitely forgot legendary seed part 2 anywhere between 26 and 47 times in a row the text announcements and stream announcements saying it'll be out in a few weeks were simply a distraction you've met the threshold of a staggering more billion comments about it on other videos of mine so now I can finally finally released this video I commend you if you missed part one the full prehard mode experience allow me to briefly catch you up to speed every single block every single mob and enemy not only physically bested me upwards of 50 times in physical combat resulting in me taking several bites out of both of my monitors but morally and emotionally degraded me to the point of absolutely no return our mindset every single time we eat sleep or make a chocolate deposit on the floor of the local Taco Bell employees only restroom isn't in crippling fear of what comes next you see last time we managed to squeak by and beat pre hard mode allow me to break this down for you and tell you what the government doesn't want you to know let's take a quick look at the word prehard mode while you may be thrown off with small distractions such as the Eater of Worlds being the most difficult boss in the entirety of any game I've ever played or perhaps the Wall of Flesh spawning imps that despite my best efforts put Fireballs in every single orifice on my body repeatedly pre hard mode when broken down to its roots is actually bear with me here preh hard mode wake up America think about it it comes before hard mode meaning we aren't in hard mode but now that we've barely and I mean barely managed to scratch and sniff the balls of Flesh we are now officially in hard mode which to me means one thing and one thing only this is going to be 100 times [ __ ] harder than prehard mode how in God's name are we expected to progress without shaving ourselves completely bald in a full early 2000 style TMZ recorded public celebrity PR meltdown fashion needless to say that Terraria themed g string we attempted to waffle stomp down the shower drain in the last episode is being soggy strapped back on because brother we have work to attend to now with a fully ready fully able and prepared mind to completely and entirely corrupt and deteriorate by playing this Godless seed so without further Ado ladies and gentlemen Pro Gamers all around I present to you all beating Terraria in legendary mode on medium core for the first time part two the full hard mode experience and it all begins right after we beat the balls of Flesh in a fabled entirely ass clenching battle at this point it goes without saying that our Bell was rung we were not only [ __ ] but also boned at the same time excited but in crippling fear what comes next Where Do We Go From Here the answer to that question is quite simple absolutely Gob smackingly mindless early hard mode gamer grinding we flee back to our Iced Out blingy old waffle crib and bust open the Wall of Flesh loot sack where we obtain not only a breaker blade but also a ranger emblem the perfect weapon and accessory combo these two pieces of gear go together like unity in making good decisions meaning it doesn't go together one measly godamn bit seeing as we're running a smidge low on gamer bruise to buff with we decided to kill two birds with one fishing rod and go on yet another epic gamer fish blasting session not only to obtain the fish we're going to do unspeakable things with later but also for an occasional crate to see if perhaps we didn't even need to go for any Alters at all to get our hands on some early hard mode armor we aim our Master bait to the water we get ebb and o we get a metric [ __ ] ton of crates we get variegated lardfish and what do we get for our hard work that's right [ __ ] all we get six mithil bars from the many crates we obtained and daddy is not happy about it not one bit the crate is made of mythal can I not just beat it with a hammer and throw it on my body the Silver Lining is that we were able to make frog Gear with the flippers we got which is cool don't get me wrong but it's going to be outlived by quite literally the first sign of early hard mode gear we could find we go on yet another epic gamer fish blasting session however only going for crates we get pearlwood crates we get mithil crates we accidentally get a toxic carp which is actually kind of nice to have at this point we get even more mythal crates and nothing we get nothing wonderful we take our happy asses up to the Hemorrhoid and ass cancer dual infested Wasteland to hopefully get our hands on some souls for making the mechanical bosses summoning items as well as attempt to fish above ground where less Atlantic Cod can terrorize us for hours of fishing at a time yet another epic gamer fish blasting session has commenced and we end up coming out with a damn good amount of crates even with the Crimson Twitter connoisseurs above us who get one hit tweet then immediately try to advertise 27 different products and Pages underneath it which are mingling with the corruption Instagram reals creators that Flex fake money stacks and ask you to DM them for the method the method is a pyramid scheme or bank fraud thank God we built these walls to drown out the noises from out there I couldn't imagine the brain rot that would ensue if we didn't have this added layer of protection we take out our rage we obtained from thinking of people online for a few minutes on some putrid corrupt enemies all of which take turns punching me in the back of the head until I have half the amount of brain cells I once originally had so we're now working with a grand total of a single brain cell we open said crates and not horrible but not great either I'm mad yes but I'm not stressing even an inkling simply on account of the fact that we have another option for getting hard mode armor we have the OG way strapping on our mining helmet and absolutely chopping the soul out of the ORS manually we seek work in the minds we yearn dying in our early 30s due to black lung disease however before we leave our wife and kids behind with no money at all we have to smash some altars luckily in part one of this series we built a gargantuan Safe Haven above ground in the corruption where we can hopefully soon take on one of the mechanical bosses to get some better gear we haul ass up to our tremendous Arena and head down the purple pyramid we entirely ignored earlier to find some altars ah [ __ ] God damn it the amount of Rage that fills my blood when I open a chest and see a full-sized set of ass cheeks press its way out only to then rip a sour one directly into my nose as rivaled by none We Begin double leg over the shoulder pile driver supro smashing the altars and it appears as if we get cobalt mithil and Adamantite yes undoubtedly and Incredibly mid as [ __ ] but any sense of annoyance in our body is mercilessly and instantly replaced with crippling fear when we see what appears to be a giant mimic ready to snatch the soul right out of our bodies like the gun toing absolute beef cake men that we are we teleport up to despawn the mimic as we are very scared of it and don't want to look at it or interact with it very much we go back down and smash more alters and are slightly disgruntled yet also lightly tickled when we see we're gaining access to the other ores it appears to me as if this world has given us the ultimate sloppy on or collection Duty so we smash all of the altars we can find all the while calmly and with utter Zen peace dodging all of the mobs in their various attacks oh my God help you see with tranquility and and calmness there's not much you can't do so try and take that attribute from me and use it in your daily lives college professor takes pride in how many students fail their course because of how hard it is and won't acknowledge they're actually just a bad Professor try screaming as loud as you can in the class while not breaking eye contact with them the boss that your job approves your day off 2 weeks in advance and tries to deny it later and acts like you're putting them in a horrible crippling bind simply grab them by both of the ears and hold your breath until your forehead and neck veins come out while making deep unbroken eye contact it's very simple anyway it's time for pneumoconiosis for dollars of pay a week in other words it's time for an epic gamer mowing session so we grab our spelunkers and get to work immediately how ore distribution may or may not work in this world is even more Beyond me than why some people's baby gender reveals need to involve four tons of pastel blue or pink Napalm exclusively in dry brush however we don't let that stop us and immediately get to grinding out the various ores that blessed our world we start with Cobalt which appears to have spawned in the early snow biome in our world I am going to find whoever is leaving these [ __ ] barrels of TNT down here and beat them with a rock until they turn into a soup we then run to the left of our heav inovator to not even find a mere crumb of cobalt we even check the top of hell and lo and behold hell is not kind to us we then zoom up our mine a bit more and end up finding another splotch of it ready for the mining of a lifetime we collect it all mine some more and teleport home immediately in order to craft up a delicious daring Cobalt pickaxe why a pickaxe I hear you ask because everyone knows drills make your [ __ ] is smaller it's common Terraria knowledge at this point we find our next TI ofor also in the heav evader which happens to be mithil we mine it up mine some more mind some more of that [ __ ] again and again until eventually totally not out of fear for our lives or anything we teleport home and craft up a mythal Anvil as well as a mythal pickaxe we are re- earning our drip that's what Terraria boils down to at the end of the day the constant need want and desire for better drip without any incessant risk of drowning and we need to make our character able to Traverse the [ __ ] Pacific with this being said we go on the long tedious part of the hard mode or grind which is our beloved tier three ores both of the said ores have been more hard to find in the great and fabled dinosaur the keros which is definitely totally just made up just to make me feel bad about myself it's not real after some searching we managed to find a splotch of tight anium then another then some andam man's tights as well as an extra layer of icing on the cake one a viking appears and makes the executive decision that we should not in fact be making any sort of progression at all God damn Mr Frost bit balls bites my balls to replace his great as you can tell we aren't unhappy by this Interruption to our gamer grind but rather we are accepting and graceful about our untimely death pup quiz fuckos hope you've been taking notes what do we do in this situation do we a accept our death B find a safe way to get our Loot and then exact revenge or C torture him with gas bubbles from a fish for the remainder of his miserable no dick having life if you chose C 100 points goes to you and your friends there's a lot of mobs in this game that I would thoroughly enjoy trapping in a small cage then poking with a cattle prod repeatedly until they either starve or die of electrocution but boy oh boy let me tell you all now Undead Vikings are now at the top of that list anyways we collect our belongings re-equip our loot reorganize everything ravor everything then boom find some more titanium thankfully guarded with a threat of death by 1,000 bees looming over our heads but if that ever stopped us it may have killed us a few times yes but if we ignore all of those times that it did stop us it has never stopped us not once we wander to the left and find a bit more and dun splicer decides to take all of our items as well as all of our hard-earned cash money now now dun splicer you remember what happened the last time exactly $2.3 trillion went missing in this economy don't you that's right we collect our items and God damn we collect our items and teleport home to avoid enduring any more degradation by sand warm we head up and find some Adamantite then begin mining give me a [ __ ] break holy [ __ ] we head back up and we head back up and collect our items yet again then teleport home to avoid enduring degradation by H let me check the list here Moss Hornets how I reiterate in the [ __ ] are we meant to progress in a time like this why is it that every time I take two steps forward in the seed I get a supersonic ass clapping 12 steps back who am I anymore what is the point of life the true and only way to find out the answers to our year-long questions is to progress but good sweet mother of hell does it take a toll on the body mind and indomitable human spirit it we Sprint all the way to the left worms worms worms God damn it this takes a crippling Gob smacking immeasurable amount of time we tear our world apart settling for either of the tier three hard mode ORS collecting as much as we possibly can while narrowly avoiding death by worm at every nook and cranny in this absolute hot steaming abomination of a world we soon find Adamantite Heaven guarded by the wizard who has crippling dementia hey wizard good to see you pal you aren't my son where's my house great talk champ we might have the remainder of the Adamantite laye near several unnecessary and unwanted pools of lava after scrounging even more in the equivalent of Hell's [ __ ] we at long last head back to the crib and nearly craft ourselves a delectable positively scrumptious set of Adamantite armor When the Thought occurs with a little bit of elbow grease a Sprinkle of Waffle Time gamer Gunk and four tablespoons of hopes and dreams which fall short instantly upon pursuing we can actually make ourselves a set of frost armor we get to work on blowing [ __ ] up in our ice biome to hopefully give us a chance to spawn ice Golems you see in a traditional Master Mod Terraria playthrough standard Adamantite armor or titanium armor is perfectly manageable to get you through the mechanical bosses however when you're in a putrid amalgamation of every single difficult seed specifically tweaked by Red himself to make you more Angry than you have ever been in your entire life a 10% damage boost to melee arranged accompanied by a chance of frost burning your enemy's dicks right off the bone is more than necessary it is godamn mandatory we take a small amount of time to make an absolutely hor Rous cockroach infested rotten milk-filled house to set our spawn then sleep until a blizzard begins then and only then we get to work when I find one of these ice Golems not a single drop of fear will fall into my heart I will take these absolute imbeciles on in battle without a dash of hesitance ice golems all across the world are going to write me in their history books as the cause of their most devastating time period I will conquer all ice golems and fear none huh oh God what do I do oh oh thank God holy [ __ ] [ __ ] he's stuck oh God no block him off quick without getting scared once we get our hands on our first Frost core and only two more were needed in our fearless ice Golem Rampage God damn it let me Spawn first holy [ __ ] we search for our next ice Golem only Imagining the amount of fear they must hold in their hearts just because of us oh no what do I what do I do please don't do this my God that was a close one I am going to throw up just like that we obtain our second ice core at this pace will there be any more ice Golems for us to make cry out of raw fear any more to witness our gamer prowess for mere seconds before dying of a heart attack as a result of pure Terror from simply looking at us holy [ __ ] blocks blocks blocks please holy hell thank the high [ __ ] Heavens this has been the most stressful day of my entire life our third Frost core pops out of this terrified final ice Golem I almost feel bad for the things you can tell how scared they were and how scared we weren't no rest for the wicked Pro Gamers however we have dripped to a quiet Fire and Ice to obtain we grabb our Adamantite and combine it with our Frost course to make quite possibly one of the coldest sets of armor in existence Frost armor iced to the godamn Bone I heard they call me Subzero I heard they call me Mr Freeze with the amount of ice healthily flowing through my veins currently I heard they call we take to our former Eater of Worlds Arena getting crippling shell shock from even standing in his presence and attempt to collect more souls as well as cursed Flames we get our asses chewed off as expected but teleport home just in time thank goodness we didn't die I can't I can't I can't I can't catch a [ __ ] soon after collecting our gear yet again we realize we can collect Souls simply by standing at our epic gamer corruption coward pyramid we cut out a small section to use not for us to use you sick [ __ ] but for our amarok to use which we found while grinding for ice Golems we grind our little hearts out and by grinding I mean simply standing there twisting our hog hamburger style and occasionally cleaning out the hordes of mobs that accumulate down below we managed to get our hands on a nimbus Rod ooh that is going to be so good for the Destroyer GG Mech gamer dub incoming he has no idea while doing this we come across a mechanical skull oh yes it appears to me as if Skeletron Prime will be catching a 4our serving of these hands first or so I thought we keep grinding we keep dying we keep crying we keep [ __ ] our pants at this point I am losing my marbles that I didn't even know I had to begin with we are going into marble debt no amount of secretly using my future son's college funds could dig us out of this mental hole so we use it on gambling instead and proceed onwards we rinse and repeat this process realizing it's a Blood Moon attempting to grind out clowns and various mobs for hours all in order to either get a banana ring or handfuls of Souls and cursed Flames would you even be surprised at this point if I told you we left the battlefield with two fistfuls of dog [ __ ] nothing if you are surprised you have not watched this channel long enough soon enough we give up on our endeavors and head back to the crib in shame yet again we're organizing our loot a bit when something peculiar happens when we hover over our mechanical skull it appears as a material part of a set what what set why is it a material I have an innumerable amount of questions right now and it is not it is not good between our undying confusion and subtle but constant fear of the future a beautiful angel visits in our world taking the shape of a traveling Merchant we open his shop and see that there is a fine fine Gat lator for sale holy sweet mother of hell we snatch it up as fast as possible and now not only do we have a badass new weapon to defend ourselves but we've also come to the realization that this is probably the third traveling Merchant in my full Terraria experience I didn't want to physically disembowel it is a shockingly good feeling a good feeling in the seat is incredibly unnatural so in an uncomfortable fit of mixed emotions we don't know how to cope with we buy a metric dick ton of bullets from the Arms Dealer who was a mini shark deep in the nurse but still kind enough to make a sail during that process then we turn them all into cursed bullets to not only give our enemies frostbitten schl longus dongus disease but also the old itch and burn in desperate need of penicillin combo from the cursed effect our cursed bullets offer we equip our Ranger emblem and reforge our Gat ligator going into even further crippling debt but still not caring that much as we ended up rolling unreal after a measly 10 billion attempts hooray the day I find the Goblin tinkerer in real life I'm I'm going to make sure his wife thinks about me and misses me every single time they try and make love we aren't upset about his egregious prices not one bit thinking more about why in the blue [ __ ] our mechanical skull is not only a material but quote unquote part of a set we take it over to the guide to see if we can answer our questions about it there perhaps our mechanical skull is faulty and we need to spend $1,400 including a service fee to replace a part that's only $200 tops this is when we discover what was going to be the utter bane of our existence aam's ra wait no Aram aram's raiser what what the [ __ ] are we talking about here there is no way aram's in the seene right I've never fought that flying horse anus before I I don't know how to compete with him what is what in God's good name is going on while I cannot explain what in the actual hell is going to happen when we use aram's Razer we can deduce what it may be through some classic Waffle Time 101 balls of knowledge rhetoric in your afternoon soup you see aam's razor is a principle that's been said to be created by a Scholastic philosopher William of aam though he may not have been the first to stated the most commonly referred to form of this statement is from William aakam and it statesas as which when translated from Latin to English States plurality should not be posited without necessity now I know your head must be teeming with intriguing and engaging questions for this course just begging to be answered such as what the [ __ ] are you talking about to answer that burning question I humbly retort shut your ass I'm getting to it there will be a quiz on this later worth a full letter grade for no reason at all now plurality should not be positive without necessity can boil down to one of a few things first it's often times drastically paraphrased as the simp simp EST explanation is usually the best one second when simply put is stated as when you're faced with a problem and have multiple Solutions the best answer is the one that has the least assumptions a great example of this is if I lost the keys to my whip AKA The Waffle mobile 9000 I could assume the spirit of the Eater of Worlds took it to spite me one last time and aggravate me Beyond any form of measure in existence or I could assume I just lost my keys or misplaced them it's likely to assume that I just misplaced my keys rather than the eater Fandango as it has far less assumptions about the situation now the last explanation this is the one that strikes fear into my already shriveled feeble little gamer heart simply put it goes as follows entities must not be multiplied Beyond necessity now what can we do with this information what does aram's Razer actually do or create here are my nose before I saw the treachery of what was to come okay if we follow the simplest explanation is usually the best one then it's Aram Aram is in the title of the item it's his razor he [ __ ] shaves his ass with it it's his it's Aram however with that being said it is made of the three mechanical boss summoning components there's nothing oh my God there is nothing simple about this I am so godamn concerned but but the best answer has the least assumptions right if I were to assume red put aquam specifically into the seed is that a reach there haven't been new Mobs there haven't been any new bosses just a [ __ ] ton of absolutely God damn deranged tweaks and Buffs to every block and enemy in the whole [ __ ] filled Planet so is Out Of Reach if entities must not be multiplied Beyond necessity that can be referring to the item itself or whatever Unholy [ __ ] it summons right if it's aam that makes sense instead of three mechs it's one hemorrhoid but if it isn't aam then it's all three mechanical bosses at once and we got to take them all on mechanical Mayhem style so we'll have to take out Prime first probably then the Destroyer just so we don't have a bunch of bombs flying at us then probably the twins to make this battle emotionally viable this is not going to be good by any means that's I'm I'm going to [ __ ] throw up thank you for attending this semester of Waffle Time 101 I hope you learned some facts to tell your family and have them take you to the psych ward for in a desperate attempt to be as equipped as possible before what was going to be the most treacherous battle I have ever experienced we squish some spiders and flush them down the toilet to harvest their fangs not only for the mere principle of not wanting to go to sleep with man-eating spiders living above us but also for a small spider Summoner to to help us along the way while doing this we also swing over to the Arms Dealer completely interrupting the humidity creation session up there very briefly in order to procure an ammo box which was worth the complete and utter sea block we did on the Arms Dealer just then if any of my predictions happen to be correct we would need every crumb of ammo we could get our greasy hands on for the battles to come we continue our spider stomping Escapade when ickle MC Frost balls decides that he's had enough of our Shenanigans and sends us back to hell where we belong we are not happy about this not one bit he's just mad because his nards are cold Frosty and permanently shriveled for all of eternity and while ours may be micros opic and hard to find on occasion they're warm and snug like a microwaved egg in our Waffle Time themed pantaloons and he's simply jealous of that so who really lost that battle we collect our things yet again then go on to make the spider staff we've been raving about all this time we then go on another hourong nail biting downright ass clenching epic gamer Soul collection shenan Rama and nearly die several times nonetheless clingers we cling ass we eat and souls we collect as seen here we actually had enough to feed a family of 20 so that risk of dying that lasted for upwards of an hour was nearly useless perfect we fashion the souls we collected into keys of night which Super Sonic blasts us to the next segment of Waffle Time 101 how to bully big ass mimics like the dumb nerds they are step one run in a straight line step two repeat step three insult either their mother grandmother or even their father if that's your thing step four repeat steps one to three is needed it is that easy these absolute [ __ ] imbeciles stand no chance against us and it almost brings a tear to a real Pro Gamer's eyes instead of expressing our emotions healthily however we instead insist on thugging that [ __ ] out not only stowing our emotions away for them to resurface at an unexpected time later but also killing more mimics to get their delicious loot we managed to get ourselves a bag of that stank we get a silly ass worm hook as well as a set of chain Guillotines derpixon is very lucky I'm not the one who found that mimic aren't these chain Guillotines [ __ ] sick into the dusty ass weapons chest they go likely to never be seen again we try our luck yet again with corrupt mimic tongue twisting and on our first attempt to get ourselves a powerful Dart rifle very nice baitman we get yet another bag of that sewer stew stank and yet another silly ass worm hook which we can't be mad about one bit in medium core as elaborated on in our last video the full prehard mode experience it is indispensable to our survival that we hoard every single accessory in piece of gear we get our gangly skeletal creature Hands-On as we don't have any true way of gauging when we're going to get wholly certainly and entirely Raw by medium core another tidbit to get a 70% chub over is the fact that we now have decent enough potions to survive another 8 seconds in any battle which is Big Time in this disease ridden seed slowly but surely we prepare ourselves for Aram or the mech whichever one comes knocking on our front doors ready to replace us entirely and have our kids call him Dad and us Waffle Time right in front of us little do the mechs and/or Aram also known as o cream no is that those are my kids to abandon then come back into their lives when they're successful my kids college tuition savings that I'll be be taken to the casino to win big my kids to treat extraordinarily harshly all while they're growing up and then pretend like it never happened later the mechs or anram could never even dream of being as good of a father as we will be with this new form of motivation coursing through our veins we peruse our Heaven evader corridors to hunt for mimics so as to get the star cloak cross necklace as well as the philosopher stone to truly drip our accessories the mother [ __ ] out we find nothing we find nothing we walk for 25 minutes and don't even even find a single pile of [ __ ] to step on considering the fact that the standard mimics are in crippling fear over what we did to their far more thick with three C's counterparts it's understandable that they're in hiding so we drink a battle potion and scour hell instead where they begin to show their vile faces tongues all out breath all stank tongue still working perfectly well from what I hear we get ourselves a philosopher stone a stupid dumb dual hook a mimic lodging itself in my urethra and bursting out like a [ __ ] xenomorph absolutely nothing for upwards of 45 minutes which I could have spent staring at myself in the mirror wondering what I've become as a result of this playthrough and a cross necklace when we get a very very enticing message horrible night to have a curse what I mean a curse would explain why I'm being tortured currently but what what does that mean I feel fear what could this possibly mean there's no blood moon enemies spawning or even solar eclipse mobs spawning prech does this mean aquam is cursing us is the game telling us we curse too much clearly whatever it is it is not good we quickly make our way to the arena we created in preparation for the mechanical bosses in the last episode we wait cold sweating the night far too still completely and entirely perplexed as to what could happen next we're left alone with our thoughts simply waiting for the deafening silence to end then it happens meusa what the hell is a meusa oh my God holy [ __ ] oh no oh no what the [ __ ] is that thing oh holy sweet mother of hell it's all of them God damn it what was that what was that did did my eyes deceive me did it have probe shaped milk cannons did that thing have jugs did mcusa have some bouncing Bongos did the meusa have shoulder Boulders today's a learning day I never knew I could be so terrified yet so aroused at the same time meusa equipped with a destroyer as a serpent-like body Skeletron Prime as ahead with all arms active the twins coming out of the eye sockets of Skeletron Prime as well as Pinky and perky aiding them in battle together it all forms meusa never in my life have I been disgusted and testosterone Spike intrigued by a specimen at the same time but today was the day we didn't last a minute in the ring with that gargantuan cantaloupe wielding Abomination one thing we did notice during that short encounter was that each boss appeared to have their own health bar and each boss appeared to be fully link together leading me to believe we were to take on one boss at a time as we sat in silence shock and awe about what we just encountered realizing there was no way around this melon toing weapon of mass destruction who I'd show a weapon of ass destruction we realized that this was now a single entity we were dealing with it was no longer the mechanical bosses it was the mechanical boss it was meusa entities must not be multiplied Beyond necessity what were we to do next there's truly only one answer for that with our needs that are now buckling when we walk on account of the weight of meca's two Globes on our shoulders we do the only thing we know how to attempt to finish our turbo epic gamer grind we need to prepare much much further than we ever thought possible there is no quick Dodges around that atrocity there's no easy way out we must take mcusa breast on I mean head on as there's simply no other way we continue to hunt mimics and get ourselves yet another cross necklace yet another philosopher stone yet another cross necklace a [ __ ] wand of sparking that does 50 one damage and shoots as fast as a mini shark for some unknown reason and at long last the final mimic component we were looking for a beautiful elegant star cloak we quickly take our Newfound components up to the crib in order to craft up some of the most succulent drip of any playthrough that of course being the star Veil as well as a charm of myths what do we do next I hear you ask well considering that we've not only not discovered half of the right side of our world but also haven't encountered the hollow biome at all we go right back to Our Roots that's right more absolutely mindless digging in a single Direction how exciting how captivating how enthralling dare I say riveting gameplay I know all of you must never get sick of this is that that's our second dirtiest block good good now we have we have a backup now I guess that's good soon enough we come across our hollow biome which is decorated with more crystals than Baker's field we quickly set up a totally unique one-of-a-kind housing unit for our party girl ew and our wizard hell yeah brother so we can delve into that sweet sweet pylon on action we teleport home so they move in and begin heading back up when suddenly oh great great meusa and walking denter to worry about great as you may be able to tell we aren't at all upset about this encounter and quickly head to our local coward pyramid Farm to wall ourselves off and wait the event out we wait for the Pirates to burn in the lava occasionally spraying Hawaiian Breeze air freshener to drown out the smell of liquefied scurvy and Gang Green above our heads and wait the event out and hiding like the buff strong absolutely not terrified men that we truly are as soon as the event is over we Haul major ass back to our hollow biome epic crib setup and grab that pylon we've been stressing about this entire time a hollowed mimic decides we have it too good one step of progression is enough in its non-existent eyes so it chases us all the way back to our jungle biome and defiles us what a place to die in medium core the underground jungle here we go we start heading back die we start heading back die die die we grab some of our spare Loot and start heading back die I can't I can't [ __ ] grab more spare Loot and head back get our first set of spare loot die die die I can't even [ __ ] walk outside I can't I am so Fu die grab more spare loot start heading back die I don't I don't have any more spare loot grab crumbs of spare loot collect some of our items collect even more of our items and at long long last collect our original set of items that we dropped that that right there is a perfect absolutely flawless encapsu of what the medium core experience is like if I even had a pathetic measly inkling of marbles left they are gone oh don't you worry it only gets about 800 times worse later in order to decompress from the absolute godamn nightmare we just experienced we make a quick housing unit in the snow biome for the goblin tinkerer and the mechanic to have a one-sided open relationship in we make sure the walls are thin enough for the goblin tinkerer to hear every thump and Creek that happens next door simply as a remedy to us for how much cash he's stolen from us over the years we snatched that pylon on as soon as they move in and proceed onwards with operation gamer grind we keep digging right until we see sparkling puddles in a mystical glittering background indicating to us that we found the Aether biome this is going to be extraordinarily helpful in our travels we throw a life crystal in and get ourselves a vital Crystal ingesting it immediately to give us even the slightest bit of added regeneration to make life easier for us in the future we move in our die Trader and hair stylist and throw down the beach pylon for easy access to Future Buffs we'll certainly need to even get a measly whiff of game progression We Begin grinding out Hollow mobs We Begin walking face first across barrels of explosives and becoming a modern art painting on the cavern walls behind us who [ __ ] left these down here anyways who we collect our things and with our next goal being to get the manliest set of wings in existence we go on a pixie stomping Journey absolutely icing any single one of them that's unfortunate enough to cross our screen stomping the dust out of these little shits is just a therapy we needed after everything we've encountered so far we continue plucking the Wings off of pixies and leaving them to walk around for the rest of their lives when we realize we have an outstanding amount of accessories that could be transmuted into their counterparts to go the extra mile and make ourselves an En Shield a little bit of defense and a lot of immunities to debuff certainly could not hurt one bit am I right am I right you're godamn right I'm right we combine an outlandish amount of our anti- debuff accessories thanks to the raw power of transmutation then actually legitimately 100% real not clickbait actually make ourselves an ank Shield this is one of the very few times I've ever went so far as to create one of these bad boys but if there's one time we've actually needed it it's now because I cannot begin to describe to you the amount of dread and anguish I experience by simply even standing idle in this atrocious item dropping hell of a land while we chop some trees that sometimes drop ignited bombs for no reason other than to make me pull out my eyelashes one at a time here's some food for thought that Arena up top that we spent hours upon hours building in preparation for the mechanical bosses you remember right yeah that [ __ ] sucks we float because we're in space I thought thought it was gargantuan but turns out the drad was just lying to make us feel better about ourselves simply out of pity so we have no maneuver ability we're [ __ ] we're boned we're getting the rubber glove doctor's office check up there and there's quite literally zero possibility of us even having a shred of a chance against Bona boonga mdusa up there which brings me to our next project project end all tyrannical abhorent self-operating systems or project eat ass for short we need to make an arena suitable enough to actually avoid an attack or two from this disgusting but maybe perhaps slightly alluring mechanical Abomination we don't need no above ground walled off Arena we can fight right here down in hell why because I'm a stud I'm ballsy I don't take no [ __ ] from anyone I drink my Terraria coffee anywhere I want I don't have to build an AB ground wall off Arena like prehard mode waffle time we bomb the ever loving [ __ ] out of hell making an extremely wide set Arena so we have a ridiculous amount of Running Room before we have to figure out a way to get around the fabled mechi we smooth that bottom wink wink in a painstakingly timeconsuming fashion serving as yet another hour plus of my life condensed into a mere 15 or so seconds on screen we end up deciding you know what that's not enough room to get around those absolute Honkers meusa wielding and destruct OD disk downwards even further capping off the bottom of our proud Arena deam mechanica so that our screen doesn't move constantly when attempting to avoid the treachery she hand delivers to our doorsteps we had a row of Platforms in the middle and voila another Arena that took an Unholy egregious time to create in order to have an extra weapon in our back pocket for this battle and hopefully a means to physically wear the destroyer in a place where the sun does not frequently shine we grab our souls of light and take on hollowed mimics not only to throw Mentos in their mouth at full speed to see what happens but also in hopes of obtaining a datus stormbow using our formerly mentioned method we managed to get ourselves an illuminant hook then our Angelic beautiful datus stormbow on only our second attempt which we quickly reforge to Unreal isn't the datalist stormbow amazing you could make someone a human porcupine with one of these things get it it's it's because porcupines have quills right and like like the arrows would look like the quills because they when they come down from above they we quickly get our unicorn statues we collected as well as all of the components we could ever ask for to make an illegal unicorn horn harvesting area these bad boys will sell great in gas stations once they're ground up and thrown in a pill that looks impossible to ingest total organ failure high probability uncomfortably intense erection that lasts for 16 hours straight it's a godamn waffle time guarantee besides gas station boner pills we're also harvesting these bad boys for Holy arrows which will hopefully give mdusa a solid reason to spare our feeble bodies after grinding out unicorn horns for some reasons that are more profitable and perhaps maybe less ethical than others we attempt to expand our Arena even more by blowing up the top part of hell that way we have even a sliver of a chance to get around me oh thank God thank God thank Blood Moon yes I can't get enough of these just keep them coming I I love it instead of getting angry as you may have mistakenly heard we calmly thought of how this could benefit us we still don't have wings so we might as well attempt to grind out wyverns while the spawn rates are high you see what happens when you think rationally and not just with one of three emotions you're humanly capable of that's right space dragons that are happy about disbaling you for some reason come from the Heavens to swim up your anuse this is when something amazing happens you see because our thinking process may have been clouded by the smallest minute Speck of Rage about blood moons happening every 3 minutes in this world we forgot to set our spawn do you know what that means that's right we are completely nude in butt [ __ ] Central considering the vast majority of any mob can already two hit us while we're wearing armor I'm sure you could imagine how this went we die wait out the blood moon and Ash blocks that fall and give us severe cerebral contusions realize that the mobs aren't going away because they could smell our gamer Musk from inside the Ash and attempt to dig ourselves out at 1 mph with a threat of several eyeballs an angry Nimbus and Ash blocks that do a [ __ ] unreasonable amount of damage all touching us simultaneously suddenly an opportunity to make a break for it arrives uh uh go go go go go go go go I wasn't even scared that little wimpy Nimbus was probably twice as afraid as we were which is cool to think about we collect our belongings and still in a blind testosterone filled rage proceed onward with our wyvern extermination plan as there is literally zero chance that we even put a dent in mcusa MC melons without a set of wings a wyvern spawns we Panic teleport to our Arena and have to dodge every single mob that exists in the game while showering stars from the heavens onto the wyver 's dumb smug godamn face lo and behold we actually managed to kill it but can't seem to find where exactly it died we decide to search and a rogue World feeder decides it has other plans for us worms worms worms God damn it realizing that the wyvern may have been smugged because he was holding back a laugh on account of him potentially despawning as we were about to slaughter him we come back with a better plan you guys remember that gargantuan Arena we built for no reason at all perhaps it may be of use we exit out of the top right of our Arena and lay out a couple RS of platforms eventually scaling up high enough for wyverns to start spawning immediately we begin getting our asses physically handed to us little does the wyvern know we're in the cheek eating club and in a fit of disgust the wyvern crumbles spontaneously 19 19 Souls isn't that funny isn't that silly isn't it funny and silly that we need 20 godamn souls to make wings isn't it just we lure another wyvern into our trap and with the help of our gatligator an insanely positive mindset we fold this wyvern into a pretzel as well with enough souls to make wings we quickly make our way to the hollow biome to drive yet another species dangerously close to extinction in order to make the most manly set of wings in Terraria history we need to embark on yet another epic pixie stomping session clipping the wings of any who dare fly our way we make great Headway collecting a downright diabolical amount of pixie dust God man all without dying or getting mad a single time in between sessions of pure pixie Wing clipping fun we collect Crystal Shards while we're here in order to Fashion Crystal bullets when we get back home soon enough after leaving just one pixie in existence alive so it dies alone and collecting as many crystals as possible we head back home and in a sweet sweet release make ourselves a shiny set of the manliest set of wings fairy wings further muckers after quickly reforging our new Wings we have no time to spare we make one of each of the mechanical boss summons and combine them all into aram's razor ignoring the absolute dread and slight arousal in our hearts we make a few of them just for safe measure then in a desperate attempt to further procrastinate the inevitable we take on another mimic for potions that's when it happens again Panic fills our hearts is there anything we could have done better to prepare we've grinded Out Wings mimic loot of all shapes and sizes got our accessories dialed in got kickass weapons made an arena that took an immeasurable amount of time for my life that I will never get back we have the potions we have the gas station unicorn horn pills we'll ingest before this battle is this it is this all we can do mcusa appears before we can contemplate Our Lives any further and she comes with a Vengeance for all the times I've ever put out tutorials completely cheesing and making a fool out of her components we start running we immediately land on a mimic that takes out well over 75% of our godamn health what are the odds what are the [ __ ] odds of that happening God damn it we dodg to the best of our ability attempting to dodge the flurry of lasers Fireballs probes giant jugs staring right at us and bombs that fly our way it doesn't take long to realize that we are ultimately backed into a corner we have no means of dodging better we have no means of getting around this metallic heer any better in other words we are [ __ ] what am I to do what are we going to do about this that was everything I threw I that was everything I had in that battle that lasted 20 seconds we didn't even we didn't even touch its Health there is nothing we could we happily head back to the lab and think things over this feeling is familiar it's a feeling I got when facing the Eater of Worlds and ultimately the Wall of Flesh what did we we do in those moments did we cry piss our pants and scream until our face turned red [ __ ] our pants even no maybe did we simply get good as per suggestion of the most intelligent comments I've ever seen on YouTube as the late and great Heisenberg once said you're godamn right we need to do more damage I don't know if you noticed but the full force of cmer [ __ ] Taj against that metallic atrocity didn't even scrape its Health a quick accessory we can farm for is the magic quiver which would boost the damage of our datalist stormbow greatly so we take to the caverns and go to to Bone town on any skeleton archers we can find skullking about it took 30 minutes oh yeah well it took me 31 minutes to get a magic quiver so you shouldn't even be complaining you have no idea shut your ass we had to Thug [ __ ] out for 30 whole minutes in this abomination of a seed for one measly accessory yeah you ladies think you have it so bad huh not only do us dudes have to worry about drop chances of magic Quivers and Terraria but you don't even want to get me started on how bad sperm cramps can get for us anyways sperm cramps tramps aside we head back home combine our newly found magic quiver with the stank ass scent all in order to get a stalker's quiver now we not only have the damage boost of the magic quiver but we also have a stank so strong that the mobs in our world think we use Twitter for a living and avoid us much more frequently we feel as if now that we're doing more damage perhaps we can try magusa again and see how much of a staggering difference this accessory makes for us we head to our new literal hellscape of an arena and summon her up yet again the battle goes slightly better this time to my surprise our strategy in this battle was to attempt to maintain our distance from the head and tremendous Geneva Convention violating eyeballs with the speed of our unicorn Mount but also to figure8 her lanky serpent ass cheeks when we reach the end of our Arena to be able to fly over her and repeat the process until Victory is reached this strategy Works far better than any of our former strategies as we actually managed to live more than 10 seconds and we take out a healthy amount of our health before I inevitably get my dick tied into a balloon animal there's nothing there's nothing I can do it's over playthrough over future gone balls microwaved and popped man however on this death we did notice something quite interesting Skeletron Prime's head was nowhere near death but when the Great balloon animal incident of 2023 occurred the mechanical bosses were separated this is the first time we see that despawning could be a crippling issue for us but certainly certainly that won't happen again in the future right guys right in lie of and I quote getting good you loser we drag our sorry asses over to the hollow biome Hol out a large Arena and begin flooding it for day 69 of completely flooding a large world in Terraria just kidding we aren't that cool funny or good looking instead we embark on yet another epic gamer fish blasting session all in a desperate attempt to fish up a few prismite for Life Force potions we need every buff we could get our Call of Duty themed Dorito chip dust covered hands on and a life force potion or 27 would work wonders we fish up all kinds of [ __ ] we get crates we get prismite we get prismite we even get a prismite why wife said I either have to give up fishing or give her up I'm going to miss her Viagra is my coffee yeah sure I'd go to college if he taught history if this was my PE teacher and if this thing was the principal upon unboxing our crates after that successful epic gamer fish blasting session we actually managed to get our hands on an enchanted Sundial which was most definitely unexpected but certainly invited we charged down to the arena yet again dick swinging like a grandfather clock and summon mcusa up you know what they say third time's a charm well you know what they are [ __ ] lying for fun because not only did we get our salads tossed harder than ever what am I supposed to do godamn it but we don't even get a drop further than the previous fight at this point I truly do not know how much longer a real one can keep thugging it out in great shame and not entirely flaccid because of mcusa we collect our items and plan out our next devious downright diabolical set of actions before we can take action however ladies and gentlemen I proudly and entirely tranquilly present to you all the most rage inducing hair yanking screaming by far most angering 2 hours I am not joking when I say this 2 hours of my entire life I'll give you all two words to quickly summarize exactly what happened two words that will haunt me for the rest of the time I'm here on this cold unforgiving Planet St stun locked you see we needed the means of dodging there's no way in hell I'm good enough at this game to Simply move perfectly enough to dodge all of the [ __ ] that's on my screen at once when meusa is present so with that being said we went to the hollow to obtain a tool that would help us become more dodgy than unity's excuses about their horrendous decisions that impact game creators this tool being the rod of Discord this this is when it All Began one fatal death that started it all we're minding our own business on the straight up grind in the hollow slapping chaos Elementals on their bald heads as hard as we can when Mr not invited to the party shows up despite his lack of invitation to everyone's demise his gift 288 damage straight to my forehead as well as two literal hours of me being the most angry I have ever been in my entire life we attempt to go get our things get gastr pooted on okay man okay that's oh my God attempt to collect our things get our [ __ ] rocked by the same godamn sword that started this mess attempt to collect our things begin collecting them then become a victim of Revenge by chaos element for all of the baldheaded jokes I make me a break I can't I can't this this is when it begins little did we know while we were busy dying for the 37th time in a row hard mode goblins decided to pay us a visit we rush up to grab our belongings and die for the first time all with our loot being in the caverns above so we have no means of Defending ourselves if we sign out our items disappear we are stuck fighting tooth and godamn nail until the event is over with and unfortunately for us it appears as if we're stun locked holy [ __ ] no oh no no no our loot what are we going to do we have nothing what what in God's name are we supposed to oh dear God we are so unbelievably taning [ __ ] I can't even get out of my house God damn it I can't do this I can't [ __ ] 5% 5% oh oh don't worry it's okay we died we're at five [ __ ] is this is this it for us holy [Music] [ __ ] oh what is this game I am looking at a respawn counter for longer than I'm [ __ ] playing at this point God damn it little did I know I was only experiencing the very very beginning of actual hell simply leaving courtesy mushroom stamps on the cheeks of hell so to speak it only got worse and and worse and worse and guess what even worse it got to the point of where I would Sprint to luckily and I mean luckily pick up my only means of Defense from the floor kill a goblin if I am very lucky then die yet again what is happening oh my God yes yes get genocided we've got to get our act together I'm losing my voice it feels like my head and chest is on fire I'm going to lose my mind we have to take out as many of these green anuses as we can God it feels good to harm them I'm so scared my stuff despawned we've got to keep shooting straight and we'll be okay things are going to be all right [ __ ] why did I do that don't start don't start with me God damn it spawn then die spawn then die spawn then [ __ ] yes yes God damn it we're not even we're almost halfway there oh my d man yes we are in the tunnel of Doom we might be able to get out on top and Ride The Invasion out no no no please no please [ __ ] I am going to freak out do this I can't do this I can't let's give this another try and see how it goes great sweet Mother of God I'm going to I'm going to I don't know how much longer I can take this I'm not coming out of this the same man as I was before I I will no longer feel anything ever this is it Shadow flame apparitions can suck me dry [ __ ] no above 80% baby above 80 let's go God if I ever get my godamn hand on a goblin I'm going to choke it until it's purple holy [ __ ] I can't even move I don't think I have ever been more Angry in my entire life yes thank you oh my dear God holy [ __ ] we still we still need to get our items despite the Goblins fleeing the scene because of our immeasurable strength prowess and the fact we did not die once during that Invasion the battle was far from over we still need to get our main gear and weapons that we dropped in the hollow if and that's a big fat oiled up bouncing if it all miraculously didn't despawn we slam a ton of potions for good measure and begin the journey over to the hollow biome Where it All Began where our soul and will to live was entirely lost we use our snow pylon to get our asses over to the hollow being tormented by all of the hollow mobs when the inevitable happens we die again die again and drop our stuff again we try to run back over we try to run back over and we try to run back over and we tried to a Blood Moon perfect man just due to the blood moon we can't make it a foot through the mines without being swarmed entirely warranting a slight maybe just a dash or sprinkle of blind rage so strong that it could set my apartment on fire and make me explode so we sit and wait the entirety of the blood moon out completely forgetting about a component we obtained that would be slightly handy specifically in a crippling time like this then continue trying to push our way back to our items Oh goodie our backup B back up backup Backup backup Backup backup items good for us three cheers for Waffle time I am legitimately losing my mind we continue scaling our way up avoiding mobs that can piece us up in the most painful way imaginable as we go along when we finally finally make it it was still here cold lonely shivering waiting for its Master to return to it with a loving Embrace and a dry lipped ass kiss from screaming so much during that Goblin invasion in a desperate attempt to not die yet again before we collect our loot entirely we pick up what we can and teleport home we slowly re-equip our belongings before heading back over and collecting even more of our Loot and getting the hell out of there before all goes arai one more trip should certainly do the trick so we rinse and repeat the same process as before equipping the good stuff we were able to grab and charging back into Bakersfield Paradise we at long last collect our Loot and teleport home quickly before a mimic that's as tall as us puts its whole tongue in our ear and speaks in tongue to our brains it is over it is finally over and do you want to know the best part we have beaten a single hard mode boss I am never playing this game again that was a lie we head back up into the hollow and begin setting up holy [ __ ] we head back into the hollow and begin setting up a small area where we can farm for the rod of Discord remember that remember the rod of Discord we were going for to beat meusa remember mcusa we still have to defeat her and her set of bouncing Boulders if you catch my drift we dig out a large area to the left and right of our mini home and begin wasting our lives away enjoying every single bullet we fling at the chaos element mentals who took part in making that stun lock happen in the first place we grind and grind and grind some more collecting crystals along the way for bullets and for quick easy cash dying to mimics who appear out of thin air and make us want to Lodge a toothpick under our toenail and kick a wall as hard as we can collecting our things and grinding some more we grind our profusely sweating man cheeks off running back and forth to and fro and work our way into our second total hour of Rod of Dick sword grinding until suddenly woo W let's go before we get too excited we teleport home so as to not die with this precious commodity in our gamer hands because if we do there will be no telling what I'll be capable of with a headful of steam we collect all of our potions and charge back down to the arena ready to take another crack at mdusa we summon those cantaloupes up I mean sorry summon meusa up and make immediate use of the rod of Discord now here's the best part you guys are going to have a laugh that Rod of Discord we went through that whole entire debacle for that piece of loot we died probably 200 times times for means absolutely godamn nothing in the grand scheme of things I still get pieced up I get lit on fire I get exploded I get gripped which I guess isn't the worst thing in the world I get buzzsaw I get probed we end up inevitably dying leaving us with an amount of Rage greater than I feel when I see a grown ass adult calling themselves hangry as an excuse to be unfavorable to literally everyone around them oh oh you you forget your cheese stick and Juice Box in your lunch pail today is someone hangry grow up so godamn sick of this [ __ ] every godamn preparation I make is nothing it is as my past self was probably thinking at this point what in the blue hell are we meant to do now we have a good weapon we have a rod of Discord and unicorn mount for maneuverability we have a sicko mode Arena what are we meant to do in a trying desperate disease-ridden time like this we begin taking small measures to advance what we already have all in a sickly attempt to get good and ensure our quality of life for this boss battle is pushed to the max we we start this operation Operation just enough life quality or operation jelk for short by expanding the ever loving [ __ ] out of our Arena we take an ample amount of time completely decimating hell's natural landscape not only because we don't like it but also because it's fun similar to the car battery in the ocean equation we keep bombing and God damn it don't have a single mishap along the way we expand quite literally until we get to the point of where hellbats are able to spawn then wall it off we keep smoothing out the arena mindlessly Pro Gamer grinding alone with our thoughts thinking about how mind-numbing and brain rotting Tik Tok live streams are NPC streaming ice cream so good what the hell popping this balloon in 10 minutes literally face revealing taking off the mask and showing my face in 10 seconds you guys and it lasts for 6 hours at a time I have never seen something that makes my brain feel like it's a pile of hot sewage water more than Tik Tok live streams and do you want to know the worst part about it there are actual people that donate to them a lot of money real money money you've worked a food service job for and dealt with a Caren slamming the counter because you don't automatically know her stupid order as if she's the main character of the whole world god what happened to content anyways all internet meltdowns aside we finish up the arena and head topside to see if we could grind for a new weapon a banana ring would be an excellent source of potassium for us but would also be a great form of physical degradation for our enemies I'll leave that one up to your imagination never mind I'm going to Lodge said banana rang so far up their asses that they can only speak and peel from that moment forth that's if fat if we get a banana rang with this being said we grind the entire Blood Moon away without getting a godamn thing and in a very embarrassing fit of red-faced public rage we do some quick reforging grab our potions and summon mdusa for the 47th time for some odd reason expecting something different my thought process was that hopefully with an expanded Arena we would have extended our survivability as such I was wrong granted we do much better than we did before chipping away your tremendous honk I mean chipping away your tremendous amount of Health while having ample room to dodge duck dip dive and Dodge the extended Arena certainly did provide more time to live but unfortunately not enough as eventually we get rubbed out by a bomb that's right we get rubbed out by a bomb sometimes the jokes simply write themselves God damn it man I don't I don't know what rubbed out we got rubbed out by a bomb the bomb the bomb got us guys the bomb made us rub one out of mcusa the most horrific way of death certainly just atrocious rubbed out rubbed one out by we take to unethical methods in order to scratch our itch our itch being to get this metal [ __ ] atrocity out of our face and off of our phus so we moved the nurse in at the left side edge of our Arena hoping we're able to get a classic nurse cheese in what's the worst that could happen we summon her up and oh the worst thing that could happen using this method happened classic Waffle Time blunder we get our salads tossed harder than ever before after three back and forth against this metallic Man soul snatcher as you may be able to tell we're beginning to grow slightly weary of the trial by error attribute of the seed as it never ever ends we clearly have done something terribly wrong in a past life to be stuck in a sick twisted Purgatory sopus himself would shiver when seeing the size of the boulders we have to push up this terrarian mountain this seed makes me want to slowly rip my desk in half like a piece of paper we're angrily rifling through our chests rumaging through our empty lotion bottle plra body pillows and doom Eternal OST mixtapes when we realize we have another weapon we can try the dart rifle we stowed this bad boy away long ago without realizing its true potential you see with our datus stormbow the Stars it rains down are too slow to actually hit the majority of meusa so we're simply counting on Arrow damage most of the time and our Gat lator does this funny prank on us where it dresses up like a gat legator and does absolutely [ __ ] nothing for us the dart rifle however now that that is a different story it can be a variety of different weapons for us each Dart has its own effect for example cursed darts shower cursed garia ridden Flames beneath its Ark ior darts split into several urine cover darts to sufficiently gerate our enemies in the mouth with Crystal darts enter our bosses and shake so violently that our bosses go into shock we have many options to work with so we quickly take our Dart rifle to the goblin stinker and force them at gunpoint to give us a good reforge sometimes violence is the answer especially when you're dealing with the goblin tinkerer it's therapeutic for us I think we test out our quote unquote new weapon against Jun mobs and see that it does in fact sex the mobs up extensively the ricocheting from the crystal darts can potentially serve as the godsend we ow so desperately needed against the mechanical boss's clung together Parts in order to prep further we go so far as to hook up a single heart statue to a quarter second timer that way we get anywhere between one and two Health boosts in this battle every minuscule upgrade every tiny workaround we wind up doing has the potential to be the tweak that gives us the edge if there is one thing this seed has proven it's that large changes AR aren't as good as small ones small changes are small changes are better well but they're more like average changes so average changes are better than the large ones because because we summon up meusa for the 400th time and begin blasting her chesticles right off the bone with our new weapon we make literally one swing and upon running further to the right we notice only the Destroyer is chasing us where is the rest of it where is the boss however this is no matter as there's still a mechanical worm that needs to get got immediately as we may be able to get some hollowed components if were fortunate enough for them to drop their bags individually rather than one single meusa boss bag we see that the crystal Dart two-piece combo paired with our unreal Dart rifle is doing an absolutely obscene amount of damage much further than what we were doing before that is until the Destroyer decides he can now commit to right angles and takes a hard hard left at us barely grazing us with one of his probes and absolutely decimating us in one hit no matter how bad the defeat however we learned something valuable we learned that the dart rifle is the likely answer to to our conundrum at hand and if we're lucky we may be able to despawn a boss or two and take these bad boys on solo so disappointed a bit angry not at all oh my God [ __ ] I can't it's one goddamn boss what the f not mad at all simply soaking in the knowledge we've collected through various trials and tribulations we collect our things grab our potions and try again only this time it goes differently this time we run back and forth then I die before the nurse never in my life have I been more disgusted physically curious and simultaneously enraged by a boss it's an odd mix of emotion that my therapists will become uncomfortably familiar with over the next 496 therapy sessions that I desperately need to go to all because of this seed we decide to take a slightly different approach before my 7:00 however and craft ourselves up a metric [ __ ] ton of cursed darts to give them a spin instead or perhaps even in tandem with the crystal darts we slam our potions summon her up again again sorry for my Outburst I've never felt more angered by a pixel game we try out our cursed darts and holy [ __ ] waffle time you're a genius thank you waffle time did I mention you look rather dashing today waffle time excellent haircut thank you again waffle time we should hang out sometime sorry waffle time I'll be busy oh okay then waffle time yeah a midar skitso maxing fit we see the cursed darts are doing a ridiculous amount of damage against the mechanical bosses the Destroyer especially as his big fat warm body Glides Through the flames that linger and get completely torn up by them our Skeletron Prime unfortunately spawns in the middle of our battle leaving us with two eyes and a tremendous flying fallace shaped object everything someone could ask for in order to have a good time we keep shooting as much as possible while making our unicorn do treacherous amounts of unpaid labor letting us reach supersonic speeds for no price at all we take the long approach dashing back and forth as fast as possible attempting to not even give the bosses a chance to catch up with us eventually we see the Destroyer Health getting cripplingly low and our hope begins to rise for the first time in years a new feeling so new that it's uncomfortable and we don't know how to deal with it so we suppress it and feel nothing instead I.E Thug that [ __ ] out to the max suddenly to my absolute shock we see some beautiful purple texts show up in the bottom left of our screens indicating to us that we've managed to take out the Destroyer entirely yes yes I don't know what I'm feeling was it relief was it gamer angst the world may never know as I refuse to elaborate any further nonetheless we still have the twins to worry about so we go at Mock speed to avoid their attacks as they both decided to enrage at the same time anything anything and everything to make our lives a little bit more difficult perhaps it's programmed in their AI to make us feel every negative emotion at once but that doesn't stop us we continue withering their health away and all is going according to plan we have this one in the bag this is when something would happen that would quite literally send us backwards on The evolutionary chart what what what what what what they just left oh yeah I'm losing pretty bad I might as well just [ __ ] leave God damn it unfortunately appears as if the twins took the pacifist route conven veniently just before dying so we were left high and dry blue bald like the world had never seen before we pick our likely Indigo by now balls off the ground and reattach them with duct tape and Elmer's Glue then open up our Destroyer bag as expected we get our traditional Souls of Might hollowed bars a wheel piece as well as a shiny new trophy to add to the collection the dryad might compliment us on when walking by simply out of pity I'll take it noticing our steampunker moved in we get quite the devious idea now that she's available as one mechanical boss has technically been defeated we grab ourselves a blendomatic show the steampunker precisely what is in our Jiminy fluffer in hopes of a discount do not in fact get a discount then go down to make a staggering amount of asphalt for the bottom of our Arena the extra speed will likely go a very long way so we completely blanket the bottom of our arena in it after this trivial task has been completed we again grab our potions and summon that Beast up once more we stick to the same strategy the ultimate back and forth in eight or 9000 riging our disease ridden cursed Flames Oliver meca's big big ass heads head her big ass head all is going perfectly good and well until and there is always and until the twins decide to despawn yet again if there is any room for something to go wrong it happens this curse may have been a gift in Disguise however as we now only have the destroyer and Skeletron Prime to worry about we keep up with our strategy run back and forth rain down Flames run some more rain more Flames run Flames run Flames Flames run until the Destroyer has again been defeated we get Amazon Prime down to about half Health then take out all of his arms to show him that we do not like him in the slightest and really want him to feel every pin and needle we poke into his pathetic metal skin then switch to our Crystal bullets for a more direct attack life has become much more relaxing without all four of its appendages not trying to laser me or even worse trying to grip me every second of the day in a Once In A Life Time moment we respectfully decline head from Prime this time around as it would certainly result in a quick death I know I know but the cost benefit ratio on this one is well we decide against it blue ball to smithin yet again but eventually having a single one of our nards cured after Prime meets its demise we collect the bag and notice something a little special is dropped for us yo no way if I wasn't thugging it out I would be crying grown man tears right now here it is ladies and gentlemen our very own Terraria weapon just look at this thing it is Waffle Time isn't it holy hell it's shoot waffles this is not a godamn drill it shoots waffles God I love it so [ __ ] much this might just be the only weapon that has a chance against the Zenith I think it is a very potential candidate to overtake the zenth and look at the raw power that's right we got our hands on my very own weapon waffles iron waffle waffle time waffles iron waffles waffle times feels good feels sensual it feels Grand in fact knowing we have the greatest game developers in all of history let's keep it a total Buck we'll keep this Tulie in our back pocket and and build a monument for it later a monument suiting for its Glory a monument that shows the amount of big caucus energy this weapon exerts yes if you wield this weapon you pack another 7 in on top of whatever you're working with so congratulations on the extra inches fellas and ladies congratulations on the new penis use it wisely with our new found ability and prowess we're rudely snapped away from beautiful waffles iron land into the cold crushing reality that's being in this world we technically still have one mechanical boss to beat out of the trio before we can actually move on for the first time this entire playthrough it has become shockingly apparent that losing HP might be part of the problem as to why we're dying so much so we slam a spelunker then search for more heart statues to rig up to our timer and search and search and search and search find absolutely [ __ ] all on the left so we swing to the right and search and search and search well it seems to me as if this world does not want us to progress that's new and fresh to The Waffle Time Channel God we find nothing zero zip zil notada nothing for an extraordinarily rare Waffle Time occurrence we do something that isn't stressful and makes us happy instead of making us want to hold our breath until we pass out repeatedly we build a waffle meat Shrine that's right remember the waffle meat Fort from all those years ago we build this Shrine out of crimstone wet and squelching to the touch as it's made of Flesh and meat we've evolved we've grown and it shows in the way that we craft up this masterful display for our legendary waffles iron waffle meat Fort I barely know her waffle meat Shrine however ever now that's something I can get behind we Adorn it with several lights to truly show off the raw waffles iron Glory now that that is good [ __ ] that makes us feel good just look at that architectural Masterpiece it almost brings a tier or 26 to a real Gamer's eyes doesn't it no time for Tears of Joy however only time for tears of Anguish the twins still need to fall so we grab our potions again and summon up mcusa everything goes great our strategies still hold strong they despawned again God damn it life is not fair we finish out the battle just as we did last time no twins take out the Destroyer with the Flames then finish off Prime with the same brutal treatment we get another bag from each boss which is nice but we get another waffles iron which is and I must emphasize steaming creamy beyond measure we quickly make a set of hollowed armor with our outrageous amount of hollowed bars thinking it' benefit us greatly since you know it came from the dick noses we just killed but about halfway into this battle we die and get the Sensation that every muscle in our body is cramping at once and no matter which way I stretch to alleviate one cramp three other ones get monumentally worse we try again this time using the dataless stormbow to see if it damages the twins more than anything and get our ass cheeks tied into a knot so we can no longer take a dump properly I am going to I'm going to do something harsh we triy One Last Time All or Nothing Our Best Equipment versus meca's best bouncing Bazookas we are caught in a gray area we want the twins dead we don't care about the other mechs we need to run away in order to die Dodge the flurry of attacks but we need to stay close so the twins don't despawn we Dash back and forth attempting to tie the Destroyer into a pretzel while damaging the twins as much as possible these rat bastards will not be leaving our screen unless we're about to die and so long as we have the nurse around we abuse her healing as needed we make terrible use of our Rod of Discord as we get paralyzed in testosterone in great fear that switching tools will result in US dying so we only use it on rare occasion when we remember it's important for this battle we are not good at this if I had a nickel for every single time I died I'd probably have enough to buy 50 McChickens and make whoever is working the register at McDonald's that day completely and utterly miserable Beyond repair because of how many nickels I just dumped onto the counter soon enough with copious amounts of close calls already the first to go naturally was a destroyer goodbye and good riddance you metal dick holder now very carefully as if we're playing a game of operation we stay close enough for the twins to not despawn and keep attacking our health feels permanently low as [ __ ] but we keep pushing and dodging to the best of our ability and by the best best of our ability I mean bad really really bad Hellen godamn Keller would make my dodging capabilities look pathetic and it's sad with the Destroyer out of the way we have so much more room to dodge and run for our miserable lives we keep using our asphalt but run just slow enough to where spazmatism flame can't reach us and with retinas are getting the money shot by us earlier without us even realizing it and all of Skeletron Prime's various gripping mechanisms melted down and remade into a very specific very particular type of plug it's simply erasing Against Time and hoping spastische in as you may be able to tell as we would not like a third noise complaint from the neighboring houses so much so much has been unlocked for us we just about have a whole new world to conquer the jungle is growing Restless there's new weapons armor bosses and progression at our disposal but where should we start we need to get right to work we have no time to waste first things first while this Dart rifle has served us well it's about time for the shell shock ridden fella to retire and scare his family for his last 20 to 30 years it's time for something bigger something sexy here we grab our kns Edge as well as all of our souls and craft up the True Night's Edge but how do we really know if it's a True Night's Edge no one would dare hire an 80-year-old but somehow it's okay for them to run Congress make and change laws wow true the term carbon footprint was brought to fruition and made Popular by British Petroleum with the help of PR professionals ogl and Mather with the idea of pinning climate change on individuals and shaking the blame from oil companies even going so far as to release a quote unquote carbon footprint calculator so people would be led into thinking they're the ones responsible for atrocious living in decaying land completely shifting public perception of the issue onto itself while money hungry oil companies laugh to the bank so true actually ass over tits any day oh my God true holy hell this sword is a real deal now we know it time to go to work considering we made ourselves a pickaxe axe we also took the time to make an Excalibur no no not to use right now you lovable little [ __ ] it's a surprise tool for later we quickly jam on over to the Shimmer and toss our emblem in refor forging ourselves entirely in the Flames of the earth to come out a warrior rather than a ranger it feels good it feels Mighty it feels right you know what doesn't feel right Goblin Roth's child tinkerer making sure I get every reforge except the one I want I only wish I could reach through the screen and grab him by both of the ears and scream in his face as loud as I possibly can legendary up next on our list is something we haven't really experienced in a little while it's a little something I like to humbly refer to as an epic gamer session but this time it's chlorophyl oropy for a variety of things such as making our standard Excalibur into a true Excalibur how true is it you ask well much like the true Knight says we should put it to the test and see what it has to say social media addiction is crippling to any and all generations who unhealthily partake in it in their daily lives and due to the carefully proctored in advanced designs releases of small dopamine boosts are unknowingly administered to the brain as a reward system even by something as simple as getting a like on a picture the consumer without knowing is often times as addicted to social media as a gambling addict is gambling and as an alcoholic is drinking wow true modern architecture is incredibly uninspired simply for the price of creating awe inspiring architecture in a world where originality is painfully scarce who's to blame when the buildings are all the same shape same color made with temporary efficiency in mind and no passion behind building dilapidated concrete cheap stucco dull colors of paint perhaps money is not only the root of all evil but is also partly the cause for the slow death of inspiration and originality tough take true true kns Edge really cooked ass over tits any day of the week holy [ __ ] true okay this thing is going to be the real deal we keep mining all the chlorop FY we can find using and abusing the top side layer of the underground jungle as well as both sides of our underground underground jungle we make our true Excalibur then with a seemingly infinite amount of chloride filling our pockets hunch for Life fruits all across our jungle not finding much besides a few Strays hanging around in our nether region we pluck them out because manscape is incredibly important in life and decide to build a long platform out of mud in our jungle for Jungle grass to spread and some juicy juicy life fruits to Blossom we're grinding the ever loving hell out of our life Fruit platform when suddenly the horrors have oh my God damnn it what now what could possibly be more horrific than what we've already endured so far the answer to our burning question was revealed when we come face to face with a Reaper whose sidee looks like it would peel us like a potato at the finest five-star Applebee's establishment you could find this is in fact a solar eclipse we go to our coward pyramid farm and after realizing that no event enemies are spawning there we get ballsy yet again and WWE we Super Slam our way to the bottom deck to fight some of these beasts and creatures as you can see it's not that cool because we do let me check here real quick ah right no [ __ ] damage to these atrocities our full might against them is equivalent to that of a mere shrimp trying to battle a whale we sit above our asphalt platform raining down what probably feels like a refreshing breeze on the ab ABS solute putrid amalgamation of mobs that gathered down below we get hit for what feels like the first time by a vampire which does 359 damage I have never felt more outraged in my entire life we work we work we work all day long the least we could expect is I don't know some sort of appreciation for the amount of armor we've worked for ungrateful household seeing my life flash before my eyes and knowing I don't have the mental capacity or fortitude to endure being stun locked again without turning into an ASMR mukbang Channel we go back up to the coward pyramid Farm never willing to go out of our comfort zone ever again it is here where we wait the event out far far away from those foulmouthed stank ass creatures of the eclipse safe sound flourishing in my Lane hydrated gambling 24 beers in driving thriving ah finally the event is over with time to get some rest thankfully nothing else is trying to harm our bodies oh what's that yes more invasions please keep doing that yes we yet again flee to our coward pyramid Farm yet again let one rip in this unventilated room and have to deal with the nostril burning consequence of seeking stomach relief all until the invasion is over yet again uh here's something new a pirate ship stuck in our front yard everybody likes to act gangster until the spiders get near urethra get them boys remember when the black spot used to be good Pepper Farm remembers at this point it occurs to me that I may be legitimately losing my marble between pepp farm and bad cases of urethra spiders it's hard to discern between what's real and what's not so we do what we do best and take the next step necessary in achieving sensual straight up romantical game progression game progression I hear you shout how exciting how daring and adventurous I wonder what it entails without a shade of doubt it must mean battling monstrous deities of the most demonic omnipotent caliber we need life fruits yeah yeah that's right as if this seed hasn't provided us with digging to worry about in the first part of this experience we are doomed to dig eternally pure sopus style until we've learned to enjoy the struggle and hardships of life because without them happiness would have no meaning except we don't ever learn to enjoy the struggle and hardships of life we instead complain and gripe the entire time and complain even further about not feeling happiness for oh I don't know over 27 Purgatory sentences now we expand our platform incredulously spanning across a large portion of our jungle then here comes the fun part we sleep that's it we sleep and wait for our jungle grass to spread to hopefully get our hands on some life fruits we of course are naturally interrupted by several Blood Moons all of which we attempt to grind out clowns in to get a banana ring they clearly have no idea how deep our coilia lies because if they had any idea how desperate we are for a crumb of clown usy they would drop their Loot and leave out of Staggering disbelief but instead we get absolutely nothing over and over and over again bam distraction from what I said earlier clown women me I love clown women man you must have hit your head pretty hard we just finished building this cool boss Trophy Room isn't it cool isn't it hip it has fun or something well anyways now that we're done with totally not being obsessed with clown women and instead building this cool boss trophy room I guess it's time to grab this orange zapinator just to have it and check on our life fruits jungle mimics are the bane of my existence anyways we collect our things with the help of the best weapon in the entire game and collect aoup couple of Life fruits then head right back to bed we rinse and repeat the same process collecting as many life fruits as we can until eventually at long last our health is maxed with some leftover life fruits we have we throw one into the Shimmer and eat us a good oldfashioned egis fruit thankfully boosting our defense because God knows we need all of the defense we could possibly get in this eldrich deity pubic parasite dumpster fire we are currently residing in in L of a constant desire to progress or I'll feel like I'm going to die in real life we charge back to the Jungle to commence operation annihilate nervy annoying loggerheads or operation anal for short that's right we need turtle shells to make some turtle armor with really come out of our shells with this one get it shells like turtles turtle shell tortoise yeah I'll be here all night we actually managed to gather the shells quickly either they drop at a higher rate in this seed or we simply got lucky for the first time in our lives of course though we get the first two fairly easily then have to grind our asses off for the last one until we have a set of inverted cheeks bone ripping through the skin when we squat set of cheeks it is brutal so we teleport home to heal before we die and realized we had a spare sitting in our chest this entire time so 90% of that grinding was for nothing wonderful at long last we grab our shells grab two fistfuls of chlorophyte then proceed to smash them together as hard as we can repeatedly until it sticks in turn making ourselves a delectable delicious set of turtle armor we begin to ponder we have the armor we have the tools necessary to challenge planta what else do we need that's suitable to battle our favorite leafy mil that's right an arena large enough to contain that tremendous leafy but donadon she wields we immediately get to work our plans much like pla's Rump Shaker 9000 are tremendous we will not be making the same mistake as we did with meusa no sir we don't have time in our gamer grind to partake in such atrocious mannerisms we are going to make an arena so huge so Grand so immaculate that it compensates for every single one of our physical IAL shortcomings I have no idea what planta will be capable of every boss gets a little quirky at night quirked up with a saw so to speak and proceeds to act very differently in this seed so we need to be prepared for the absolute worst we'll not only be having a huge outline of our Arena but we're going to be filling the entire [ __ ] with walls which God damn will take an incredible amount of time but it's going to be worth it as no mobs will be able to show up mid battle with their live-action Tick Tock behaviors it's giving uh it's giving turtle armor it's giving not good at the game it's literally it's literally serving get good shut up we Cho trees sleep the day away waiting for more bomb wielding trees to grow then shop more in order to I just got these new Tik Tock famous leggings they make my shut up you've left me no choice triple testicular torsion tribeam ha it had to be done that annoying Tik Tock robot voice is where we draw the godamn line anyways we chop as many trees as possible as we're going to be making the entire Arena out of Ashwood something we can never truly run out of We Begin carving out the outline of our gargantuan arena in Li of our beautiful plant headed mil outlining as much as we possibly can with all of the Ashwood we've managed to collect through various grind sessions we buil through all of the queen PE Kens who try to grab us by our work shirts over the counter because they waited for their order 4 minutes longer than yesterday with the help of our trusty walk the plank head ass Mount we lay down walls for what feels like hours but our work has Just Begun you see everyone always needs a good oldfashioned oov tunnel in their world it's true I won't deny that but because of inflation being on a constant rise the cost of absolutely [ __ ] Bing on planta has increased we are going to make our entire Arena into an osof tunnel making what appears to be the world's first osof Arena that's right there are revolutionary mechanics being implemented into this video and nothing can stop it this revolution goes so hard in fact that there will soon be microplastics in our terrar aran's blood and we will use this newfound lifespan shortening power against every last one of these bosses so help me God the process repeats expand the arena build walls chop wood then head back to the arena for more expansion we deal with copious amounts of Honey spilling into the bottom of our Arena all coming from The Hive we found in this beautiful piece of nature which we chop through for our own financial gain we keep expanding we totally oh my God totally don't die a single time either making the process easy and smooth with no silly desk breaking keyboard smashing hiccups interfering with our work eventually we see a light at the end of the tunnel we clear out what appears to be just about all of the blocks polluting the inside of our safe haven then keep pile driving forward with slow monotonous block swapping and wall building it's here where you can truly see the caliber of our osof Arena this thing is and I quote lanky and swanky to the max even simply viewing it on the mini map you just know this isn't your average run-of-the-mill Arena no no it's an osof arena and hot diggity damn is it beautiful eventually after several more Purgatory sentences we finish off the walls of our Arena then soon after finish the platform laying this Arena deserves that's right we no longer use the term lay pipe here at Waffle Time Inc we instead lay day Bloom planter boxes we run around the world specifically our hellish set of platforms to collect all of the Arena Buffs we once used down here and stick them up in our newly implemented osof Arena and voila chef's kiss we are done with this TR mendous godforsaken Arena we make small touches such as adding a teleporter that goes directly into set arena in the case of our inevitable and gruesome death by plant cougar but other than that it is complete that took godamn forever I'm glad that it's complete want to know why because it's planta time baby there's now nothing stopping us no more roadblocks on the long road to mil City and we intend on going 90 the entire way there we quickly upgrade a few accessories grab our potions and run to our brand spanking new and world-renowned osaga arena with only one thing in mind defeating doming and conquering wine drunk cougar mode mil planta and collecting all of her spoils after indulging in a regrettable sugarm mama monthly allowance now what I didn't realize at the time was that making an osof arena could come at a price and I only noticed it when instead of slinking toward me sensually as she normally would she uses 27 plant-based rocket boosters on her back to propel herself at Mock speed at us to stroke me silly at full power that's right our Arena and I never thought I'd see the day where I said this is too big if we go anywhere near the middle her vegan booster mode activates and we're at constant risk of taking immense contact damage from planta because we're technically no longer in a jungle biome on account of the Jungle tiles not being close enough to us now don't get me wrong is planta he who pulls me out shall be named King Arthur make no mistake but we're trying to beat this playthrough we need to win not settle so we stick to the script of this battle and use our true Knight's Edge to inflict as much damage as possible while dodging every attack she throws our way by flying in circles for the first phase a funny little Quirk she likes to do is Lay Thorns all over our godamn arena there it is silly boss Quirk as well as the one we manually brought out by spending hours upon hours building this godamn Arena what's the point what does it all mean our thoughts are rudely interrupted by planta going into wine drunk mode AKA her second phase where she really shows her ruthlessness by ruthlessness I mean breaking it the [ __ ] down full seizure mode on the Dance Floor while planta shows us her spazo style maxing dance moves because of the strobe lights we make use of the sheer staggering size of our Arena staying well away from Mil Central saving our own lives but at what cost salvation is right there but we must remember we're pro Gamers and also terrified of women so we must Prevail no matter how tempting our succulence is we dance all the way around our Arena making use of the true Knight's Edge as well as its long-range attacks in high power we keep this up dodging her tendrils as much as we can while we attack and slowly wither planta Health down until she bursts into a big pile of love and we're able to bask in our Victory and rewards from our potted plant sugar mama on an epic turbo first try gamer Victory the seedler we got from planta is absolutely amazing don't get me wrong but the real spoils we were seeking was this temple key this this right here this will unlock the lizard temple and allow us to Beat gollem to Death several times to feel better about our constantly deteriorating mental state and minuscule stature but one thing to accelerate the growth of gray hairs in our l just skullet is the fact that we have no idea where the temple is will this be another grand blue ball session of never being able to progress because of the raw treachery of the seed we Ponder upon our undying questions as we collect handfuls of ior for crafting some flasks where in God's name could it be we hollowed out half of our jungle already making another Arena that didn't work properly is it even in the jungle in the seed we decide to go to the middle of our jungle at the top of our Arena and begin to dig up with all of our visual potions slammed in hopes we see a trap or lizard mob wandering blindly this is going to take forever and I know it already no trap so far oh oh there it is wow holy [ __ ] okay that wasn't bad at all what the hell after about 30 seconds of Oso back breaking hard work and ruthless amounts of complaining for absolutely no reason we've managed to find our Temple completely red and sitting conveniently directly above our Arena We Begin digging around to find the entrance but every single mob that ever existed in the history of terar decided that we were not permitted to find the entrance without being beaten with rocks and brass knuckles every 4 seconds it truly shows how little we're able to get [ __ ] done around here when in order to find the temple entrance we dig to the left interrupting urine octopus dig to the left hornets from Hell dig to the left honey from Hell take a different approach lava in my eyes go to the right instead interrupting spiders hornets from hell every mob known to mankind from hell we decide to make a quick housing unit for the nurse and the Arms Dealer next to the temple simply for for ease of commute no more traffic on I5 because 17 floaty grosses and nine Moss Hornets decided to breed in the middle of the road no more tortoises doing Flying Sumo Slams on cars we dig up and honey from Hell lava wraith flying demon axe floaty gross wraith floaty gross R flying demon at floaty gr floaty floaty oh my God [ __ ] leave me alone we finally finally make it to what appears to be the front door of our Temple then quickly set a home in order to not have to do that procedure ever again it begins We Begin pillaging the lizard temple and oh no the temple it's made of annoying social media niches the horror oh for [ __ ] sake the first layer is the money muggle Master social media tier they are ruthless cunning and seemingly lie for fun hey man how's it going I worked 22 hours today I don't sleep I work if you want to make real money you don't sleep you invest in crypto meditate work out for 9 hours a day on top of working 22 hours a day it's about the grind we grind in this neck of the stop lying breaking news unknown forbidden secret money method to make $10 million in one year has been revealed meditate cryptocurrency invest make thousands work out don't sleep meditate invest make millions it's up to you to grind shut shut up shut up everyone knows if you want to make real man money you buy out Bowerstone Oldtown because it's cheap then turn the rent all the way up and become a five-star blacksmith for 12 hours straight man exposes Millionaire's secret way of making millions oh really let's watch I [ __ ] my pants 26 times a day 26 26 times why it motivates me to invest I have to get up and go work for those new pants I have to grind for them if you want the women the Yachts the money the women the Yachts the yachts it'll come naturally [ __ ] your pants that's how you break the Matrix go out and just buy assets assets cover your bills buy more assets with that money Financial Freedom in three simple steps 26 times you [ __ ] yourself 26 times a day that's three per NFTA purchase every single day wow and this has made you what thousands millions millions a day yes it's about it's about investing grinding side hustles right right investing I mean I talk about it all in my course I teach only $129.99 a week for Financial Freedom thank God we're out of that first layer certainly nothing could be worse than that oh sweet mother of hell it's the dark anal recesses of Fitness Instagram I'd give it that 85% of Fitness Instagram is fine and dandy will'll definitely teach you a thing or two and can be motivating to see growth and New Concepts behind lifting it's all great who doesn't like getting swole to the max but crawling out of the depths of the butthole that's Instagram's recommended algorithms are the false inventors new way discovered to shred your triceps secret formula to getting huge in 10 days it is the literal equivalent of boner pill advertisements on the old Hub except these ones have way less schl longus and bresles in the foreground do you want these do this [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] Moon longer dead if this doesn't work for you you're not working hard enough real men don't take rest days yeah yeah really it's that simple here's a new secret way to get shredded in two days like the Hulk revealed by AR himself and as always you guys here is how you do it you guys doing this has given me such an insane back pump you guys have to try pumping iron working out love it taking social media brand new discovery shortcut instant shred formula workouts at face value I'd rather [ __ ] in my hands and clap the worst comes last and we find out the third layer makes me more angry than anything in the world content thievery now now this comes in all shapes and sizes there's various forms of this there's various different ways this is executed there is [ __ ] layers to this and all of it makes me equally as angry let's break it down Brick by Brick here's our original clean video free of smudges crumbs hairs and several other substances we shall not name hey guys here's my cat check it out engage layer one hey guys here's my cat check it out how original engage layer Layer Two hey guys here's my cat when you are holding your cat riveting engage layer three this is so me when I'm holding my cat check this one out hey guys here's my cat when you are holding your cat how fresh engage layer four this is so me when I'm holding my cat check this one out hey guys here's my cat when you are holding your cat how invigorating engage layer five this is so me when I'm holding my cat check this one out hey guys here's my cat when you are holding your cat want some icing on the cake hm yeah sure take it take every bit of it this is so me when I'm holding my cat check this one out hey guys here's my cat when you are holding your cat originality is on life support and these videos make me want to peel a hangnail all the way up to my shoulder want to know the best part I had 10 more layers 10 more 10 more to add that wouldn't fit but I just know there's a quote unquote content creator out there that would make it work internet Bandits eventually through all of that muck we managed to make it into gollum's humble abode which happens to be the size of a crumb it's also here that we realize we've had the rod of Discord this whole time and we could have avoided all of that by simply teleporting in and making an arena in a fit of rage we make a quick additional coward pyramid down at the bottom of our world not only for the solar eclipse we want to indulge in but also in case we get stun locked again because I don't know about you but if I have a single repeat of what happened earlier on in this playthrough I will immediately want to delete my channel and start making those reaction videos I mentioned formerly we hook up teleporters for the moth and we'll be hunting and ignoring child support orders from then oh what a surprise look who decides to show up damn it damn it damn it as soon as we endure that Interruption long enough we triple double Jackhammer our way down to our lovely Hell Arena and summon up the solar eclipse we're after those moin for one thing and one thing only the broken hero sword once we have that unlimited power will fall into our hands as we would then have the means to create the ass Smasher 9000 aka the terrablade the beginning of this event goes on regularly dumb idiot stupid doofus mobs running face first into lava to try and get us they want us so bad it's embarrassing we wait and wait and wait until suddenly the foul shrieks of questioning where alimony payments are begin to Echo in our pyramid greatly we know that means one thing and one thing only so we quickly begin a battle with mothan running back and forth in our Arena then suddenly fing deadly fear are you kidding me we try and get our stuff damn it then decide to wait the event out in the safety of our gamer coward pyramid Farm instead of dying again and getting angry enough to grind our teeth down to the gums we collect our belongings after the day turns toight grab another solar tablet then sleep until day to repeat the same godforsaken process all over again only this time Moine doesn't even give us two whole minutes before charging at us yet again asking where all nine of her baby's college funds are um at the casino you winged heer what do you think Bozo she chases us down acting like we weren't one more hand away from winning big this time and we make sure to navigate up and down through our platform so as to not have any random mobs quadruple Barrel punch Us in the back of the head directly into moin's terrifying and Loud buzzing filled grasp we keep up the battle when eventually she crumbles and decides to drop us the eye of cthulu yo-yo instead of the broken hero sword we're mad yes but naturally not stressing as usual as we now have a high-powered yo-yo in our back pocket in the case of our able death and incessant desire to collect our items we worked literally the entire playthrough for we do a Gob smacking amount more waiting get ourselves a nasty death sickle yeah I love sniffing ass and sucking toes ew nasty [ __ ] you're Nast oh I get it eventually another Moine rushes in but it possessed was screen checking or screen peaking as some would say in our split screen Modern Warfare 2 1v1 on Rust causing me to scream out loud in Anger resulting in us not only being beaten in Modern Warfare 2 but but also being beaten with a belt in front of my friend for being loud a loss on all fronts but a shocking win however when we're able to collect our items through our farm now we just have to wait for a Moine to spawn and wait for a Moine to spawn and wait for a moth the event is over we grab another tablet again wait for daytime again wait for mothan again take it up to our platform again say those kids are not ours again go to court and do a backflip in the courtroom again but this time it goes quite differently as we wither our health down to nothingness we see that we didn't just get the eye of cthulu yo-yo again but we also collected a beautiful downright Immaculate broken hero sword the terrablade is one solar eclipse waiting session away so we wait out the entirety of the event in our coward pyramid Farm plugging our ears and crying like a man soon enough the event is over with and we head up to make our new ass Smasher 9000 the torch God has made a surprise guest Cameo appearance for little to no reason at all pop quiz Busters what do we do in this time of rest do we a play it smart go back to our Arena B stay calm collected and stoic in the face of great danger and fear or C piss our pants Panic really really badly hold back tears and try not to throw up you got your answer are you locked in all right let's see what happens oh no oh [ __ ] what do we oh God no no no they're jumping me they're jumping me if you chose answer B 25 waffle points to you you are correct we clearly as you saw stayed calm and collected not afraid of a thing they're simply torch lights after all why would we almost have a heart attack over that that would be ridiculous so not us anyways praying that we don't have another mild inconvenience slap Us in the forehead so hard our hairline recedes we collect our belongings including both the true Excalibur and the true Knight's Edge as well as our broken hero sword to create a brand spanking new top-of-the-line ultimate weapon of mass destruction we make the terrablade and with this we will hopefully be able to make a lick of progress at a stronger Pace than crawling at 1 mph while every mob Waits their turn in line to discombobulate me with their full strength we spend only half of our soul two of our arms and three of our legs reforging our new teror blade to Legendary dreaming of the moment we're able to hold a magnifying glass over the goblin tinkerer's bald head in a hot summer sun in tournament to a medium rare goblin filt we then get to reforging all of our accessories to Violent so we shoot beams as fast as we become unreasonably furious at any small inconvenience that anyone else would shrug off within 4 seconds meaning incredibly out courageously fast with our new load out we haul ass over to the temple and go right underneath the Trapper from hell right underneath the goleem chamber to set a quick home and God damn it teleport up at a moment's notice we build a half-ass arena for what we believe will be a pathetic curb stomp boss get a blood moon hyperventilate realize we can skip it then head back to the temple our strategy here is to teleport in put our Rod of Discord back in the piggy bank battle and if we die respawn right beneath the temple grab our rod from the piggy bank below and teleport right back in we'd repeat this process until we get lucky enough to win we proceed to deck out our arena with heart lanterns campfires peace candles bass statues stationary Buffs such as sharpening stations and bewitching tables and even a sunflower for safe measure with us grabbing all of our potions I believe it's safe to say we're sufficiently stacked enough to Jungle mimic from Hell begin this battle after we are done healing what will gollum's silly little Quirk be what will he do to make this battle 1,000 times harder than it should be there's truly only one way to find out feeling prepared for the absolute worst to come we grow microscopic nards just big enough to summon him hit the Altar and not again baby Gollum that's right baby Gollum has made a swift return from our forther worthy playthrough and boy oh boy as he has puntable as ever he's fast jumps high enough to Honey Dip harder than Vince Carter in his prime and is cranky beyond belief because we forgot to give him his afternoon Juice Box what in the hell is happening in this seed there is nothing I can properly explain L what is his a little microscopic cork I hear you ask what is he hey hey he's eating my torches put them back now that's right any torch he appears to come in contact with immediately disintegrates resulting in a rather unfavorable blind Arena setup thankfully however he doesn't appear to be affecting the Torches outside of his vicinity as well as our campfires and peace candles so we're able to glaze past his dumb little gamer cork with Fair ease that is until we realize he shoots IE beams like an automatic shotgun and we pay the price greatly for this oversight to Gollum to Gollum God damn it this doesn't phase us however as it's our first time fighting this boss on this seed how could we possibly beat ourselves up Gollum Gollum out of all the bosses gollem hads it we take a slightly different approach on the second run and place more torches than we believe he can eat he's that small there's not a chance in hell his tiny stomach can handle eating every single torch in this room boy was I wrong and we find that out the second we summon him again as he immediately begins vacuum inhaling every single torch that we placed however this doesn't stop us from soaking him in as much damage as possible while they're still light what gollum's Benjamin Button ass didn't know was that because he's so tiny it's much easier to dodge him in this small of a room so we stick to the outer edge and take out his arms as well as eventually his head and we're left with nothing but a pebble-sized body to beat to death with a sledgehammer we do just that we still have lights up in the corners of our Arena so we're able to see enough to only get hit 20 out of 21 times times just enough to scrape by and eventually by a godamn thread we managed to put Gollum up for adoption and have him sent away entirely that was interesting we open our loot bag and see that we got a pixa as well as a staff of Earth which we will probably never ever use fantastic what's more important than that is that we were able to turn him upside down and Shake all of the beetle husks he has out of his pockets with enough of these bad boys we'll be able to make the armor set that will take us all the way through to the Moon Lord with this being said we place a ridiculous amount of campfires all around our Arena to solve the great Gollum Temple lighting crisis of 2023 then proceed to hand deliver a 20th trimaster supro directly to the punchable mud brick Golem yet again this time getting a Golem fist which we will use to fist our enemies only in the case we don't have access to our beautiful terrablade feeling quite confident we take him on yet again we decide to hang on to our confidence and definitely do not battle him again as that would surely result in our confidence and manhood being torn to the Bone by a boss who deserves no Victory see we didn't die here the proof is right there while deep in thought we create our new set of foreign Beetle drip yeah people who don't watch waffle time probably never heard of this we got it from Beetle land it's vintage and exclusive and stuff all of the drippiest of drops aside we begin to ponder are we ready for the lunatic cultist we are so close to the end what else is to come will this final set of bosses be the ones to finally push us over the edge resulting in US tattooing the Red Cloud across our chest in a fit of rage we need to test ourselves and and find out we go down with our new weapon as well as our new drip droppy set of armor and summon up mcusa to really see how much we can we are so unbelievably [ __ ] we go down with our new weapon as well as our new drip droppy set of armor and summon up Queen slime to test our might after completely beasting Queen Slim's gelatinous bonus Maximus several times in a row it's very apparent to me that we're ready the only thing that could stop us is us us and stuff that does damage to us but if we don't take any damage we can't be stopped think about it we as players die from taking damage if we don't take any damage at all in the fights then technically we can't die Checkmate liberals feeling confident and brave we Sprint to our dungeon at Max Speed stacked to the absolute core with upgraded weapons armor accessories and testosterone coursing through our veins like Bane from Batman as it turns out the above ground Arena was not completely useless after all we can fight the lunatic cultist in that Arena it is there that we'll tip The Dominoes toward giving the moonlord prosthetic legs that aren't weather resistant then watching him tip over in the rain after they rust with this simple thought being the only thing left in life that brings us a mere inkling of joy we absolutely mop the cultist crew and flee up to the arena as soon as possible the fight goes phenomenally at first we see that not much has changed about the old lunatic cultist his attacks are just about the same except they're faster which is completely manageable in our book what's not manageable in our book mentally however is getting him to less than a quarter of his health and AC entally taking 20 shotgun blast Spirit orbs straight to our chrome dome for the world's most degrading bell ringer his [ __ ] Health he could breathe in too hard and die give me a break we waste no time in grabbing our items that spilled all over the goddamn Arena and sleeping until the next day so the cultists respawn and do that dumbass dance they love doing we hit some curls in our room at 3: in the morning off of a sudden surge of motivation that will not last longer than an hour then Slaughter this Chumps replace bement group of friends leaving him friendless entirely which is kind of funny if I'm being entirely honest what he doesn't know is that we actually did him a favor as his hooded acquaintances would simply invite him to hang out out of pity and even made a separate group chat without him included to create actually fun plans because he's such a mood killer he thinks otherwise as he shoots every spell in his book at us this time however it goes much much more smooth we're able to dodge his attacks in an efficient enough manner to heal when needed and dish out quite a staggering amount of damage with our teror blade so much so that the dryad actually texted me back it doesn't matter if she sent me a screenshot of my latest 24 messages to her and said OMG kill me quickly followed by sorry meant to send that to the nurse it's a text back it's the thought that counts soon enough with dodging attacking and dodging some more and with an assir of close calls we make the unfortunate mistake of actually defeating the lunatic cultist and not just leaving him be I see you noticed I said mistake instead of Chad Von thundercock decision I stand extraordinarily firm on that and here here's why we open our map ready to take on the pillars and slowly realize that all of them are underground the godamn pillars are underground in this seed just when you think something is going to be in order in this seed it's not even the opposite opposition has order this does not this is so disgustingly out of control that it hurts physically when I breathe all the way in words cannot even begin to describe what I'm feeling right now I have never felt more disgruntled in my entire life I'm going to throw up I'm I'm actually going to throw up in Li of proceeding with thugging that [ __ ] out to the max I quickly locate five things I can see four things I can touch three things I can hear two things I can smell and one thing I can taste then hatch up a plan that would rock the gaming industry entirely we grab all the wood we can and begin tunneling over to our first Target the solar pillar we dig our hearts out even going as far as to get rid of the lava in the way of our tunnel of Doom and Misfortune we need an expedited way to get our items in the sad event that we die but with this genius strategy it's hard to imagine us dying even once what we do next will shock you keep those Terraria themed panties on because this [ __ ] is about to rock your world as this is the manliest thing that has ever been done in the history of all that has ever existed we get directly into the vicinity of the solar pillar then quickly exit as we're scared of the monsters then build ourselves a cool Hideout that's right we hide we cower in fear over the existential nightmares we can already feel brewing in the backs of our heads hence why we decided to partake in the manliest of strategies we set a quick home tunnel our way to the pillar and go to work killing enemies left and right great great great strategy man God damn it thank you Waffle Time what a chill guy total Chiller in my opinion anyways we attempt to collect our items get rubbed out by a deranian we got rubbed out yet again but this time by a deranian certainly not the worst thing a deranian can do to us but I digress we grab some of our spare Loot and actually managed to wee our way through our tunnel sha shank style and collect our original gear we decide to take an even more manly approach and briefly enter the solar pillar's vicinity lure out a few unsuspecting idiot dim wit solar pillar mobs beat them to death quietly then rinse and repeat the process again slowly but surely we managed to drain this Behemoth shield and I'm sure it goes without saying that we'll be employing the same strategy for the next three pillars after this one God give me a chance what am I supposed to [ __ ] as you can see we're far from struggling with this genius method we've employed I'm going to lose my goddamn M we eventually wither the pillar shield down and go directly for the source all of this without a shred of struggle or dying even once we do an epic block placement shees where we're safe sound and snug and chip away at the pillar's health until eventually Against All Odds we managed to defeat our first pillar that was horrendous we have three more to go which will all be arguably much worse than the solar pillar so what what do we do next we make a Daybreak as a reward for our hard work of course we then fly directly over to the vortex pillar and repeat the same procedure we build a cowardly Hut to hide in set a spawn and get to work this pillar certainly shows that it's nowhere near as bad as the former as we're able to knock it shield down over halfway before [ __ ] our pants and running for our lives progress ladies and gentlemen we destroy the vortex pillar shield with Fair ease but the true problem arises when we see the placement of the pillars in an incredibly inconvenient spot placed around several bends and twists which makes me want to bend and twist I've been advised by high counsil to not finish that joke we try several different methods of getting to the pillar to no avail and of course die relentlessly over and over again I don't have anything what am I supposed to do my items we go back and not only collect our belongings but also manage to dig our way to the ridiculously placed Vortex pillar and unleash a barrage of pent up rage on it that we've been stowing away for years all until the pillar has disintegrated entirely man that felt great great time to bottle up again and repress for another 23 years we go back home and create an entirely unnecessary amount of chloride bullets for the upcoming moonlord battle because no no we do not want to be anywhere near that absolute godamn atrocity when it decides to sprout 20 new sets of arms like Doctor Strange simply because we're in the Wacky World on the wonky seed not a chance in hell the gun will be using of course is the vortex beater which if you didn't happen to know inflicts our enemies with a debuff that makes them suffer with memory of their younger selves being extremely cringy or embarrassing every single night they try and sleep resulting in them not being able to sleep which guess what gives them more time to remember themselves being cringe ass na ne babies so long ago and man oh man do we need that type of power in our arsenal we start the Stardust pillar off by dying collecting our things dying then of course making another one-bedroom unit for $3,200 a month in rent why $3,200 a month well I mean look at the view isn't it wonderful We Begin our battle with the Stardust pillar and immediately see an issue Milky Way Weavers hands down are the most petrifying infuriating creatures to ever set foot in our world they do an unreasonable amount of damage they move at the speed of light and they could not care less about our police for Mercy they want to take our lunch money then spend it on a date with our mothers and send us selfies of them two having a great time luckily though we managed to find a star cell walking alone minding its own business no no I I don't want any trouble I believe were the words uttered by it before we knife it to death wait for it to recover and knife it more all the way until the shield is entirely deteriorated then we wipe it out completely very kind of the star cell to walk down Waffle Time Inc Avenue with full Pockets it will be considered a nice donation to our cause here comes the interesting bit the pillar needs to get got so we attempt to run over to it and die die die die get some backup gear die again die die die get more backup gear die collect our first set of backup gear die die I can't I can't I can't I can't move a [ __ ] foot without getting space wormed god damn it nearly make it to our stuff and die die die then come up with a genius master plan to get our items back never in my life have I felt more Furious than we are currently so we have quite literally nothing to lose when we decide to press our face against hot lava honey blocks until we have enough tombstones laid down to craft up an insane amount of beehives that's right we plan on clogging up the enemy spawn rat so much with the tiny bees we've grown to hate over years of playing this game that no Stardust enemies can spawn at all we make over 400 beehives in our fog filled crafting stations then run back over fully and entirely confident in our expert gamer plan we break an outrageous amount of beehives and spawn bees until nothing else is spawning around us it's radio silencer around here other than of course the loud droning of a thousand bees behind one feeble wooden door our plan is working if they directed their attention at any mob except for me we dispose of the mob then quickly spawn more bees in their place we slowly painstakingly work our way back to where it all started making sure the absurd amount of bees are all in working order following our every movement it's a delicate delicate procedure one mistake could end it all for us what no please no no no no no God damn it how did that even happen For the Love of All that is [ __ ] holy I'm going to beat my desk to dust with a goddamn Rock our plan failed miserably what in the world happened why did that happen our thoughts are soon drowned out by the fact our items are still near the pillar being rifled through by Stardust creatures rage has boiled up inside of our souls and hearts to a point of no return there is no coming back from this moment whether things go good or not I am now permanently fixed to be be a hollow husk of a man we try to fetch our items and have to make a disgusting disease and waste infested sewer line to navigate through to get around the mobs die keep navigating over worm from Hell keep navigating over wraith from Hell keep navigating over make it back to our beloved coward housing unit die die die collect some of our items then it happens the crowd is silenced as waffle time gets into a stance he breaks free he's breaking free and heading for the goal poost the 40 the 50 the 20 holy [ __ ] Waffle Time made it he takes it all the way the crowd is screaming but he weeps uncontrollably in the fetal position on his bedroom floor he's throwing up Waffle time is throwing up he pissed on his floor waffle time has lost all control waffle time is definitely taking this one out on his future family hell of a game tonight gentlemen sorry about that full mental snapping moment we get lucky enough to grab the remainder of our items after dying a few more times and are left alone with our thoughts causing us to not only spiral an unhealthy amount of times but also to attempt to hatch up a plan for how in God's name we can put an end to this pillar once and for all it's very clear that a top- down approach would work best so we take the man's man approach sprinting over and throwing Dynamite above the pillar to have a direct line of fire above it and teleporting back home anytime there's anything on our screen that even has a slight edge of danger about it eventually we throw enough Dynamite to where the pillar is exposed and after many teleports home we manage to make it over and do our first honest amount of damage on it every swing we land is a testament to how confused my therapist will be when I pull out diagrams of the Stardust pillar to explain why I've been pulling out my eyebrows and eyelashes during the day we try over and over again to get back to the pillar and keep teleporting home at a moment's notice because we are not doing that again we can't do that again or there is no telling the amount of Carnage that will happen to my keyboard desk microphone and monitor for that matter soon enough we get another golden opportunity to soak the pillar in damage and do just that swinging as hard as we can while trying not to throw up at the mere side of it a star cell just lets itself in and makes itself comfortable great great every inconvenience that happens from here on out is one more hair I'll be pulling directly from my scalp with tweezers and I'll be the first to tell you I will be very lucky to even have a scalp after the completion of this godforsaken seed at long last another opportunity arises and we did it it feels like we beat the game but we know deep down that the worst is yet to come if the pillars have made me take 29 bytes out of my desk so far there is no telling what the moon Lord is capable of there's no time to celebrate the end of that 3our long item collecting session however as there's still one more pillar on our stabby stabby slap stab list in order to not be the only one suffering Beyond repair in this world we craft up a Stardust Dragon staff so he has to sit through exactly what we sit through no longer will we be suffering alone instead we get to watch our Dragon Friends suffer as well one wonderful with this being said we work our way over to the final pillar the nebula pillar by far our least favorite pillar and get to work when all of the sudden oh no oh [ __ ] me oh no okay you know what that wasn't that bad of an attempt it's clear to me at this point we're simply unable to feel emotion on account of the great Stardust pillar incident we stick to tradition and build ourselves a coward Hutt set our spawn and get directly to work this pillar immediately is nowhere near as bad as the start us pillar it's mostly brain sucklers trying to suckle our brains thank goodness they aren't going for our heads that would be disastrous our Stardust Dragon goes to work as well happy because it's his first day on the job and he hasn't seen anything grueling as of yet little does he know God damn it we keep withering the final pillar Shield away taking an ample amount of time to heal up when we're on the brink of death then charging directly back into battle only with minimal amounts of interruptions by the Empress of light why why why why why why why eventually we end up taking out the pillar's shield entirely and thankfully this pillar doesn't happen to be in that grueling of a position this time it's in the open no putrid routes we have to take to get to it none of that extra ye work to make us further lose our Marbles and go into even further marble debt so thankfully we only die a small amount before actually being able to destroy the pillar it's only now that it hits us impending doom approaches this is it this is the final boss of the entire run we've spent so much time on we have the opportunity to end this playthrough once and for all but what does the moon Lord have in his back pocket what silly cork will he have will he actually have real legs will he grow more arms will there be even more various eyeballs there's only one way we can truly find out we grab all of our potions and go down to our Hell Arena as fast as possible bracing ourselves for the absolute worst suddenly without skipping a beat he spawns in and we run wing and foot away from his various eyeballs he has an absolutely insane amount of health is already doing a crippling amount of damage to us but certainly that can't be it right there has to be something he does to what moon Boulders what the [ __ ] is a moon Boulder are you kidding me Moon Boulders that's right you heard correctly Moon Boulders and they hit harder than our parents do after eight cold ones this makes no sense Moon Boulders how does that even work how how does he do that where does he summon those from what we did notice is that it happened directly after his death ray attack and that the boulders bounced all over the arena at unreasonable speeds both issues we're going to have to find quick fixes for if we actually plan on beating the seed it's clear and obvious as well that we're in desperate need of more speed but there's not a chance in hell I even want to imagine taking on dick pissin in a world like this meaning all of our options are extraordinarily limited both mounts we could think of that would be incredibly useful to exploit in this battle are both obtainable through the Pumpkin Moon so we go to the dungeon and do the only thing we could think of that's reasonable and completely entirely bully the Eater of Worlds not only for the ectoplasm but also to show him exactly how he felt during the full prehard mode experience of the series we get plenty of ectoplasm from him but also get an extraordinary amount of satisfaction from bringing great harm to his fat cancerous vile worm body we wormed the worm reverse worm if I do say so myself if you haven't thought of what we're going for by now we're going for either the hex Branch for its insane speed or the witch's broom for its very good speed and its unlimited flight capabilities either one of them would be greatly helpful so with no other options left we plant some pumpkins have exactly three gooning sessions then in a somber state of post goons sesh Clarity we craft up a couple of pumpkin moon medallions and get straight to work the waves are very easy to Breeze by with our funky fresh set of Gucci Beetle armor as well as our ass Smasher 9,000 terrablade going to town for us it serves as no surprise when we're able to beat Morningwood with Fair ease since I've been practicing doing just that to my own yogurt launcher every single day at sunrise for as long as I can remember we get nothing we kill another we get nothing we kill another we get nothing having nothing left to lose we activate our purebred Pitbull Stardust dragon's kill mode by pointing at the mobs and telling our Stardust Dragon that all the mobs trying to attack us are all toddlers it goes full rip and tear Doom Eternal mode as intended eventually the pump King comes in and we show him who the real pump King is one swing at a time we managed to kill even more Morningwood actually managed to get ourselves a hexed branch and a spooky hook which is absolute perfection for our cause we get a spooky twig from a Morningwood but due to the horrors we've seen all through the seed this is more like a normal regular twig to us just a glimpse of the [ __ ] up insane reality we live in every day we're in the middle of describing why we the people of Waffle Time Inc are the true pump Kings of the land to this absolute buffoon when the event abruptly ends thank the high heavens we got ourselves a hell of amount so what comes next firstly we go on yet another wyvern Extinction pushing mission to make some spooky Wings soon after we realized the arena is in desperate need of some type of upgrade we chop the land down to equal height then make slanted Pathways leading up in case we need to use more of our Arena we then hook up teleporters to each side of the edge of our Arena spanning a great length all the way through hell simply for momentum continuity and to not get slapped or perhaps even tickled by the moon Lord's various Boulders we do this for both layers just in case on that note we also go to the bottom layer of our Arena and do the same so we can teleport up and use the full length of our Arena at a moment's notice soon after we make a nurse box but this time it's a mechanical nurse box and set our homes in it the plan is to teleport home pay an outlandish amount of money in a time of horrible crisis to the nurse to feel slightly better for upwards of 20 seconds then drop down to one of the teleporters below to immediately be Zapped back into B battle giving us a very small window of time to actually get our asses moving again more willing to pay the nurse and Goblin tinkerer their ridiculous demands of money at any cost a desire because once the moon Lord has been defeated we no longer require their services that is when the fear should hit them when they're no longer of use to us we craft up our Vortex rump spanker then proceed to go on what may be this world's final epic gamer mowing session mining out a ton more chlorop FY for bullets which as shown by the moonl Lord's Gob smacking amount of HP we will desperately desperately need to survive we of course take time to reforge dreaming about painting our walls with Goblin every single time we have to hit the reforge button then reforge our Stardust Pitbull as well as all of our accessories to further prepare us for this epic final battle lastly we hook up our heart statues to our Arena to dispense out as many hearts as our feeble gamer body can digest at once with all of this being said and done with all of the gamer strategies we can possibly think of being brought to fruition it's time we make a Celestial sigil grab our potions then head down to our newly upgraded Arena to attempt the final boss of this deranged downright sickening run we summon him and have little to no time to react as he spawns in with a Vengeance only the rum spanker 9,000 content to so we flee the scene at the speed of sound on our unpaid intern Morningwood who was kind enough to give us a piggyback ride all the way through this battle with our new Mount speed were able to dodge a large amount of his attacks however his various eyeballs as well as his various Boulders still tune us up in a way that is simply not ideal for our whole wanting to live situation with this being said we attempt to soak him in as much damage as possible and when we get low on health we quickly heal at the nurse and get right back into action our plan is working we're doing a solid amount of damage to the calamari Overlord while being able to dodge the majority of his attacks what more could a Pro Gamer and part-time gooner ask for in his day-to-day life the Nurf strategy Works excellent as well we're able to heal and get out as fast as possible we keep up with a Strate stry keep dodging keep running and gunning and sticking with the master plan we brewed up all is fantastic all is so fantastic in fact that we get both of his hand eyeballs out of their sockets and gun for his big ass forehead with all of our might all is perfect until the worst thing that could possibly happen happens we are unbelievably screwed but there's still a chance if we manage to get his top eyeball out we can keep our distance and let the bullet go straight to his heart we can do it bam laser bam laser Moon Boulders oh no no no no godamn it what the [ __ ] is a moon Boulder you seveney no-legged octopus [ __ ] we failed we have enough pillar components to make two more Celestial sigils total the strategy was working did we simply have a stroke of bad luck we take one of the sigils down to the arena and try out the same strategy running and gunning as fast and as tough as our feeble little gamer hands will let us this time however we don't even get close we run and utilize our rump spanker 9,000 but we do nowhere near as much damage between having to heal something in our strategy is arai as if doomed by Fate itself we take a moon Boulder directly to the head so hard in fact that the boulder is now wielding my teeth as a waffle tooth necklace accessory The Boulders are everywhere I I can't Dodge I can't outrun them I can't do [ __ ] I have no balls the genius master plan failed yet again and just when we were on the brink of greatness just when we think we've lost it all a glimmer of light shows itself a soon as we respond notice the boulders notice their reaction to blocks The Boulders are breaking they're bouncing off of blocks and breaking does this mean by some Divine miracle if we're somehow able to have the boulders spawn initially in a place filled with blocks they'd be rendered useless we have quite literally one more shot at this one more shot or we have to do the pillars all over again and start from square one is it worth the gamble do we dare try and uproot our plan we've already created well ladies and gentlemen everyone knows all gambling addicts quit one hand before they win big so we have work to do we start by uprooting the nurses terrible living conditions with one goal in mind to make it even worse for her as she permanently and constantly deserves less we dig up to a block fied section above the arena and make an even worse home with far worse living conditions just for the nurse then rig it up to a teleporter similar to our format before simply so we can heal and get back into action licky godamn split as an added layer of Defense we throw some blocks above where the moon Lord's top eye would likely be if the boulders get trapped in these blocks or the mud blocks above the nurse's God aul Homestead we may just be able to complete this wretched abomination of a seed after a few tests we see the teleporting is working according to plan our master plan here is to teleport up to the nurse and heal every single time he shoots his tremendous fantasmal death ray because directly after that attack his Moon Boulders show up if all goes according to plan his Moon Boulders will be stuck between blocks until they're broken and we'll be free of 400 plus damage causing Moon Lord kidney stones flying around our Arena at Mock speed we quickly craft up an Avenger emblem to even further enhance our damage output and soon realize the inevitable is now upon us this is it this is the final showdown either we're launched back all the way to square one or we complete this challenge once and for all we grab every last one of our potions and prepare ourselves for the nightmares to come we have no choice we must push forward we take our last celes steel sigil and use it soon enough the moon Lord arrives ready to wipe our existence from this world we take a dash and immediately begin soaking him in as much damage as possible we carefully watch his top eye and prepare for his laser blast and kidney stone flurry either this strategy will work or it's over for us his eye begins to charge the blast comes at us we Dodge and at the last second teleport to the nurse it worked our plan worked no moon Boulders show up to plag our Arena no sudden bumps of 400 plus damage we have efficiently gotten rid of his most powerful attack but our work is far from over we keep dashing to the right and shooting with everything we have his beam charges and fires we Dodge teleport and our plan works a second time it's foolproof it's official we can actually do this we rinse and repeat this process determined to keep this future W in the bag at all costs we keep teleporting back healing shooting dodging the death beam then teleporting once more then it happens we teleport up and our nurse dies we we don't even have one of his eyes out yet and our nurse has been destroyed are we finished is this it for us are we going to be sent back to square one and have no choice but to have a public meltdown at the next VidCon we have no choice but to keep battling this big squid son of a [ __ ] and hold out as long as possible the silver lining in this all is that while we're no longer able to heal at a moment's notice we can still utilize teleporting back to null out the moon Boulders so we do just that soon enough we pop one of his various eyeballs out of its socket giving us a direct line line of fire to his top eye if he has no top eye if he has no laser can he still shoot Boulders at us there's truly only one way to find out we attack his top eye with everything we have dodging his laser trapping his Boulders then shooting even more every hit we take makes us physically Revolt in real life knowing that one wrong move could be the end of it all taking a few hits we run by our heart statue set up as many times as we can and heal as often as our potion sickness permits here's an idea why don't we just drink another potion while we feel sick oh boo woo my stomach hurts shut up there's an eldrich deity shooting [ __ ] eyeballs at you I think we can worry about your upset stomach later soon enough we take out his top eye entirely there's only one eye left to deal with so we shoot at it in hopes the top eye being out results in no more Boulders being able to spawn we shoot and shoot and shoot and no Boulders show up have we done it no more fantasmal death ray no more kidney stones do we have a chance at winning this battle we push forward only teleporting back when we reach the end of our tremendous H Arena and keeps shooting in the offscreen eyes Direction in hopes that the chlorop FY bullets are actually making their way over to it we see the moonl Lord's core open exposing his heart meaning we've taken out every single one of his various eyeballs this is it this is our chance we have no room for error we can't make a single mistake or it may be the death of us entirely we keep teleporting keep running and shooting and are actually able to run fast enough to avoid his barrage of various eyeballs that swarm our way it takes an absolutely in insane amount of time but his health gets lower and lower and we are not running out of bullets anytime soon we teleport shoot teleport shoot until we physically hook him up to life support this is our final run we keep shooting as fast as possible until at long long last come on come on baby we got this we so got this yes yes I did it God damn it yes yes yes the moon Lord is nothing to me don't we did it we actually did it the moon Lord is gone this putrid seed has at long long last been conquered this was an experience I will never ever forget until the end of time I'd like to extend a personal hug and many thanks to the entire Rel logic team for making this seed as maniacal as it was as well as an extra endless thank you to the entire team as well as those lovable freaks red and Senex for giving me my very own Terraria weapon thank each of you guys individually 10 million times for all of your constant hard work and for being the best godamn game developers to ever do it with the moon Lord finally being defeated in this world it's over we have officially beaten the get fixed boy seed and I personally speaking could not be more thrilled about it this was by far the most difficult ruling experience playing Terraria I have ever had the nauseating pleasure of partaking in and I will not soon forget the treachery the seed has unfolded into my mind we are far beyond therapy at this point there is no coming back from this seed it'll be very very troubling trying to explain what medium cor is to my psychiatrist but that is certainly without a doubt a later us problem with all that being said and with the moon Lord officially being slain stuffed and put on a sizable mantle above my fireplace that about concludes our very own zenith legendary mode medium core playthrough thank you all so so much for watching and tuning in all the way to the end of this extra long extra special video this video did take a staggeringly long time to make so if you enjoyed please be sure to drop a like And subscribe for more content like this as well as leave a comment down in the comment section below to let me know your thoughts on this video also if you'd like please be sure to drop a follow and check out my Instagram and Twitter for future video and stream updates as well as my secret Facebook page where you can watch all of the videos that get demonetized instantly on my YouTube channel all of those links are down in the description for your convenience thank you all so so much again for watching and for making this experience so amazing I'll be seeing all of you feral ghouls in the next video Waffle Time Zenith seed Destroyer mode out
Channel: WaffleTime
Views: 892,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WaffleTime, Waffle, Time, Terraria, Tutorial, Empress of Light tutorial, Beating Terraria, How to, how to beat master mode, master mode tutorial, terraria 1.4, duke fishron, terraria challenges, terraria meme, terraria modded, terraria news, terraria mods, terraria hardcore, how to beat moon lord, can you beat, master mode, 1.4.4, legendary seed, getfixedboi, fixed, boi, zenith, mode, mediumcore, medium, core, beating, first time, for the, prehardmode, pt. 2, everything, hardmode, moon, boulder
Id: Lx5WfpOPJ0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 10sec (8290 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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