Can You Beat Genshin Impact Without Healing??!!

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healing it plays a huge part in thousands of games whether you're using items eating food or playing as a special character you need those little green numbers to stay alive but do we really I was trained in the art of dodging so I wanted to put my skills to the test by seeing if we could beat all of ginin without healing but before we get into the rules let me just give a quick shout out to our new partners G use code feet for 10% off all of your energy drinks snacks soups waiu cups and more over at gamer Subs you can try out tons of different flavors that are all keto friendly sugar free and have caffeine-free variants you can also order the free samples that come with three flavors for you to try out you can learn more about gamer Subs by clicking on the links in the description it's my birthday so you have to now let's get back to the video here are the rules we cannot heal go figure this includes abilities that heal healing food and the statue of the seven if a character dies they are dead gone never coming back bye-bye see you later and lastly we will be free to playay only for this account this is going to be a war and there will be a lot of deaths now let's see if we can beat ginin impact without healing you [Music] are you are [Music] we start our journey at the Statue once we obtained our animal Powers we had to defeat some pyrro slimes well D this may not seem like a big deal but just remember this damage is permanent the scars will remain and tell a story of how this game tried to break us but it will fail come on I'll be honest I had no idea what I was doing here but this did serve as a reminder to turn off the healing from the statue of the s this was actually a very tactical drowning okay speedr runners use this strategy all the time next we level up our traveler and something weird happened our health went back up to full because of how I wrote this we can logically conclude that leveling up our traveler caused this but at that time I didn't think that was the reason because it happened a Whole 30 seconds later I did quickly learn about this situation later in the run and I did find a way to work around this issue but I will say this right now this did not matter after that strange occurrence we entered the forest and obtained our secret weapon my secret weapon let's go once we shot and suck some Hill CHS we head into monat to unlock the key element of this challenge wishes we had two choices for our First htin poool Noel Banner or standard banner I went with Noel here because one it actually guarantees a character and two because she has a shield thankfully we made the right choice because we got to know Noel and AO our first obstacle in this journey was Amber's Temple I chose to remove everyone else in the party here because I did not want them to take any unnecessary damage since we have access to a trial Amber here one thing you'll notice throughout this playthrough was that I took advantage of these trial characters if this red text bubble was next to a character they work like a dog oh and by the way in the event that I mess up and heal a character on accident that's a tempool and don't worry if an accident was made we just uh had methods to fix that issue oh my God next was ka's domain the same strategy I used for Amber's Temple was used here but since I'm ballsy and I'm a stud I chose to jump over the spikes rather than use Kaa icebridge yeah we're putting on our gaming caps for this run as a reward for our heroic display we obtained a Kaaya who I immediately put onto the team and leveled up additionally I also replaced our traveler with bet when we reached AR7 we received 800 gems from the VGA Awards and made some wishes or no way no [Music] way wow out of all the five stars we could have got in this run this was literally the worst one Chi-Chi has two healing abilities so those are out of the question meaning she can only hit enemies with her stick and getting B it was actually not as good as some people would think I'll go into more details about why later on additionally we re saved a sukrus from character Banner which is actually very good for us our last obstacle in act one is Lisa's Temple I tried to do the skip in the beginning but I messed up and hurt my entire team so I just took the road more traveled by following the end of the domain we are given a Lisa and told to get our money up but more importantly I chose to add an additional rule to this challenge there were two stipulations I thought to add the first was no Shields and the other was limiting our party size in the end I chose to go with the party size reduction because I wanted all characters that we obtain in this journey to have the same opportunity to shine that's right I don't discriminate so until we beat leeway we are limited to having two people in our party and once leeway is over we'll increase that to three which means that for now we're going to be running Duos and I mean that that's not a big deal we're like What 12th of our way done this will be easy before setting off for the rest of the challenge a viewer ask the funny and attractive Mr feat this seems like it's going to be a difficult challenge so who would win you or the game mfeat then replied well if I could only use two or three characters it could cause me a little trouble but would you lose nah I'd [Music] win MOG MOG MOG MOG our first Duo is the team of Bennett and Kaa there's three elements we have to use for the story hyro ano and Electro so I knew I didn't want to use Amber or Lisa I chose these two because we couldn't Ascend Kaa and we also could not use benett burst so I figured if we were to lose some characters these were the most Expendable for our first bit of grinding I made the risky decision to go to Dragon spine this was a ballsy move to make since we could very easily take some unnecessary damage but I chose to do this because this is what I always do in these challenges and I was confident in my abilities I wasn't afraid of catching a cold do they know who I am I take it back I take it back chill get it stop I was AFK since Araya took a lot of damage I chose to replace him with B which was not a good decision Electro and Pyro are both two very dangerous elements for us burning and electrocharged are reactions that both deal damage to us and are very easy to activate in the open world and in a run like this even the smallest bits of damage can matter once we reached AR10 we got a 10 pool and received a colay which was actually not good for us since there is a guaranteed colie that we can get later on this means we lost out on having another character as we kept grinding I began to noticed that for some reason my characters were still getting Health back and then I realized oh leveling characters resets their health so I added a new rule to prevent this if a character gets hit we cannot level them up so this level 9 sucrose is staying at level 9 and that is the last added rule for this Challenge and as I was trying to bring my Kaya back down to low health I completely forgot that frostbite stays on you even when you teleport resulting in the first death of our run Ka huh okay ka's replacement was Chi-Chi since she was the next best Expendable option at 3 hours and 40 minutes I chose to ascend to Amber then we came across ka's puzzle we need cryle for this but since we can't use Chi-Chi's ability and Ka is still God we brought out animal traveler for the swirls to continue that Quest when it came time for act two I swapped out bet for Amber since she was barely holding on and I felt confident that we could beat the eye without taking damage and I was correct although it could have gone very poorly for us because it was doing that one move you know the move the one that hits you unless you fly up into the air and hit it yeah that one if we got hit there our Amber Ascension would have been pointless next was the fatou hide out but do you see that mush duuke [Applause] mush afterwards we had the ruin guard this was a little scary if I had to put it on the FNAF scale of scariness I'd give it a nightmare foxy if we got hit that character was dead but I knew what I was doing so I was confident putting these two up to the task lastly in act two was the domain holding the final tier this part was horrifying for one reason in order for us to kill this mandatory enemy we had to to hit this explosive Barrel meaning we were guaranteed to take damage oh no this would result in both of our characters being put to around 500 HP additionally we encountered one of the most annoying enemies throughout this entire run Electro slimes they are annoying because just being near them does damage to us and since we have two melee characters we have no choice but to take the shock leaving arbo with 79 HP when we finished act two okay fourst star please please character all right don't be so gross we'll take this was also not a good summon for us since we can get a Lynette for free by just hitting ar25 before starting act three we Ascend Noel and Lynette then make our way over to the winery we were flirting with death in this part of the story if something hit us we would die no doubt about it so whenever we saw the Dirty Bubble we had to book it miraculously we did manage to squeak out the victory here without getting touched as we prepared to enter dealin's Court we were stopped by some hurles here I made a mistake in use Chi-Chi's skill to heal and since she was already one hit I felt that the best course of action was to just let death take over you are so now we had a b with 80 HP being forced to fight basically basically a full health biggie chur with a shield normally this would be a pretty terrifying situation but I'm different this is not my first time fighting these enemies without a pyro character all throughout my experiences I've learned that the key to defeating these guys is to run away whenever you're far away from this enemy they will always and I mean always choose to do this charge attack this move is our key to Victory we can easily Dodge the attack and get some free hits on his back without wasting time trying to hit his shield and slowly but surely our plan worked here B was still holding on with 79 HP to replace Chi-Chi I chose to use Lynette since Bennett was still one hit and Lynette was yet another character who could not use their ability now it was time for the final boss of monat devalen this fight could seem a little underwhelming to some since there was a god-sized elephant in the room but I don't need to use a fin booy for something like this have you read my description I'm the Michael Jordan of ginin impact that's not a title that's a name we were pretty lucky with this fight because he decided to do his attack with the longest animation so we had plenty of time to damage his paw however we were not able to one phase his horn once we reached the top and since we didn't defeat him here we were put into a pretty tight spot because if you do not one phas storm Terror he will do his fesum finale terminite this move constantly damages the floor but thankfully Lynette was fast enough to Glide over and we didn't take any damage for the rest of the battle following 6 hours of unrelenting gameplay we beat monat and were rewarded with a Rosaria and a Barbara twinsies but we've still got a long road ahead of us we have to go from ar18 to ar23 and let me tell you this was a brutal blood covered Road this challenge is L the most unnerving challenge out there because it feels like literally everything is out to get you what was that enemies puzzles and even chests are not safe places this challenge has really made me paranoid to the point where even on my main account I still get a sense of dread whenever I take damage and this challenge just became even more difficult because we lost arbo to electrocharged and Lynette to a hydro slime no you are so now it's time for Rosaria to show up after leveling her up to 40 and equipping her with attack and HP artifacts which by the way is basically everyone's building the challenge so you don't have to ask unless you want to help the video out we got another fourstar wish no and started the spiral Abyss so here's the thing when you start the abyss your character's Health goes back up to full and when you leave the abyss your character still has the same Health they had going into it because of that that I felt the abyss was fine in this challenge as long as I didn't heal inside of it and for those wondering about Noel I literally only used her Shield swap back to Rosaria which did not result in any healing as a reward for finishing the first floor we got two wishes earlier I was wishing on Navia Banner because of the characters but since I already had two of them I decided to start Wishing on standard Banner because we had a higher chance of getting a character we didn't already have of course that didn't happen here but it's the idea that matters after Rosaria cleared the abyss we made our way over to the Wolf Den to start razer's Quest I mainly wanted to include this just to continue the narrative that I will be using trial characters when given the opportunity you can boo me but look at my situation rosaria's abilities cannot hurt him and poor poor Bennett is literally 1 HP you can't even see his health and don't you lie to me I know you can't see his health after beating the wolf we began deluke Quest this story actually does have enemies for our normal team to fight but it's just hilly Turles so we lued out here the domain and final group of enemies in this Quest both gave us a trial deluke to use so say it with me now mush mush with that out of the way we made another wish character we don't have character we don't have please yes yes perfect I was pretty happy about this because it gave us another Crow character and I've never used her before but I know how fontain characters work I knew that there was something in her abilities that had to either damage her or heal herself so I decided to do what no ginin player has ever dare to do her skill is all clear but her burst does heal so that's another one added to the list her first Duo partner was Bennett poor poor Bennett who was just one bad cough away from dying oh our next team was Charlotte and Noel and as I mentioned earlier Noel can be used in this challenge we just have to be extra careful we can't use any of her attacks when The Shield is up so once we press e we have to swap ASAP as possible after bringing Noel up to level 40 we just now started the leway AR conquest at 9 and 1/2 hours first up is Moon Carver and this was actually not as free as it normally is in this place we have a pretty substantial cool down reduction and while that is helpful here we are still very much in danger since there's like 20 guys running at me now I know for a fact that I can take on 20 guys at once pause in game but getting it done without taking any damage is a little difficult thankfully we only managed to take around 600 damage and move on to the ruin Hunter this girl's name is Dusky Ming oh yeah that's going in my cringe compilation during this fight I made a mistake because I didn't know that the shield doing damage also healed the character and I made that mistake again once we took down the machine we went over to Cloud retainers mountain and stood on a bonfire this place is actually important in the challenge because this is where I will be in the future when I accidentally heal and need to lower my health again get used to it the domain itself here was easy since we were able to successfully perform the Skip and as for Mountain shaper we found the Amber all without taking any damage slis assassinated and the right of dissension after finishing act one we had a pretty comfortable trip getting up to ar25 and by comfortable I mean our Duo has still survived but I made two mistakes if you were to ask me if those core lapis were worth it at that time I might have said yes but as a man who has matured in the past 3 months I can tell you it it was not once we hit ar25 we went over to the cooking pot made another mistake and burned ourselves as well as the rocks with our secret weapon Cameron has revealed his secret weapon but this Quest isn't just limited to burning some rocks I usually don't show it in the other videos because it's really not a big deal but in this challenge it is a big deal we have to fight hilly Charles while lighting The Fire And since we did not have a shield for our Charlotte things did not go well for her come on and those things proceeded to get a lot worse my camera these battles were just a lot of running around since we had to rely on Charlotte's take damage to really do anything I didn't want to use too much of our secret weapon here because if she took even just a little bit of damage we couldn't bring her past level 40 and I knew we would need her for later on just somehow Charlotte was able to clear this and cling on to life with just 259 HP while lamber finished cooking the rocks that was one of the required elements done and now there were only two left to worry about instead of heading over to the next part of the quest I decided to go fight aith I did this for two reasons one because we need his drops to level Lisa and two because he's no longer in the Ascension domain for this encounter I chose to keep Charlotte in the battle despite her expiration date arriving soon you may see this decision as dumb or even Brash but I saw this as confidence because me and aiff we go way back okay I know this guy inside and out so beating him without taking any damage was nothing new to me luckily we got two drops from defeating him then we continued act two our Charlotte is still one hit away from dying and the first group group of enemies in here are Electro slimes and just as a reminder getting close to them does damage to us the good thing about Charlotte though is that she's cryo so she can create super conduct which not only does AOE damage but also slows down the slimes from reaching us and because of this we were able to escape that mugging and move on next AR Noel knocked the Geo slime into the hole while taking damage from the spider then we reached the next big death trap so many slimes thanks to Noel's shield and the landmines we were able to take down all of the slimes but also make a mistake hey this is the last time I made this mistake with Noel on this account because this is when I learned that the initial hit does in fact healus at the end of the Slime Gauntlet were two Electro slimes and a cryo slime in which Charlotte took out the electro Duo and Noel slowly chomped away at the cry slime now all that's left in act two is the treasure hoarders at the ballista after this quick burning and if you're wondering why I haven't just killed Charlotte similar to how I decided to kill Chi-Chi it's because Charlotte has a lot more use to us than a child waving around a stick however all that effort was for not as Charlotte proceeded to expire no are I thought that I would just Thug this section out with Noel but after seeing her damage I decided to go back to the lobby things were not looking great for us we could only use these characters and I couldn't level two of them I chose to add Amber as one of our slots because we didn't need pyro anymore and we had an additional bow character on the team with Ki so she could cover the archery demonstration for her partner I chose to add Barbara because she was the most Expendable we needed the bow from Kay we needed the Electro from Lisa and for the other two characters they were both so low they couldn't really do anything Barbara on the other hand hadn't taken any damage so we could level her up to 40 and use her for this section Barbara's role is similar to what Chi-Chi's was since she can't use any of her abilities so she's a normal attack bot but since she does have range normal attacks I felt a lot more comfortable using her thankfully Barbara only managed to lose just about 3,000 HP but more importantly our secret weapon did not lose any meaning Amber was still free to be leveled up and we were done with act two next on our to-do list was the Ascension domain even though this place is not as good as it once was there is still a threat at large the time limit we are basically using two characters who cannot use their abilities and I'll be blunt both of their noral attacks weren't exactly doing the most damage I failed two attempts of this and decided enough was enough I was familiar with that one Albert Einstein quote not that one the other one so I decided to go ahead and use Lisa for this we brought Lisa up to level 44 and went back inside for round three I chose to use Lisa here because I knew that we would need her for later but I felt confident in myself that we could get past this domain without her dying and I placed my confidence correctly because she was able to do this on her first try taking only around 600 damage as a reward for completing this we got some wishes and seeing as how we were really down on our luck this was the perfect opportunity for a new character you knew it was going to be a weapon the second I said that sentence our next Quest isn't available until ar28 so we've still got a lot left to do until then first we took down the Pyro regist Vine and since I've spent 28 minutes on that boss before I was very familiar with its move set so we managed to not get hit during this my my dodging skills would not carry over to the next boss though because once we did the rematch Lisa lost almost 6,000 HP from this one move yikes after that battle we went over to Kay's boss and for the first fight we did pretty well without us even taking any damage I did this attempt before the second Regis Vine fight that's why she has more Health here but I couldn't just settle with two drops we needed more the second fight did not go nearly as well as the first one for starters we lost even more Health leaving our Lisa essentially one hit and to make things worse we only got one drop from this next we went back into the spiral Abyss so we could obtain Jang Ling who we then leveled up to 15 the main duo we used for our grind up to 28 was Barbara and Noel Barbara was pretty low so I just figured losing her was not really a big deal and Noel was just there to pressy I did make another mistake though as I completely forgot that shincho can heal with his swords once we finish Shing Cho's Quest we managed to make another wish okay four star yes all right character we don't have character we don't have please yes yes perfect Yun was a great addition to the team especially since she was our Noel replacement because we unfortunately lost her to fall damage no are yunin showed me that the best element for this playthrough was actually Gio go on in normal situations Gio's reactions are pretty underwhelming it just gives you a temporary Shield that goes away after like two moves but in a playthrough like this those Shields are a godsend since protecting us from a single move that does even like 100 damage means a lot in this challenge as long as there's an element on the enemy we can get a shield up combine this with a character like Barbara who only does Elemental damage and we've got a pretty reliable Duo on our hands after making our first mistake with Barbara F [ __ ] [ __ ] we finally reached ar28 and activated the animal device with our sucrose next up was round two on top of the platform these guards are different from the treasure hoarders while they don't have any range attacks like the crossbow users they do have Spears which does have more range than the hoarders melee attacks we were still able to get through this with minimal damage done to us because of our Barbara Yun Jin combination our next task was to infiltrate the fouille back lines in this Quest there are five fouille agents to fight but you don't have to battle any of them if you can get over to this area you can engage in stealth however there is one important thing to consider this pyro sniper he likes to walk around this area and the paper is located right there what we have to do is interact with the paper while he's in this spot it can be pretty tricky to pull off but I've done it plenty of times before and if you get caught all you have to do is teleport and try try again unfortunately our mission got compromised again but I chose to fight the Pyro sniper there in the moment because the rain would instantly destroy his fire shield with him gone we were now safe to teleport out and collect the paper without doing any more combat following the stealth mission was our performance to the [Music] flowers we your death there's a lot of things that were absolutely horrifying with these enemies number one it's raining and they cryo and as we all know cryo is always far more effective in the rain two they like to move around a lot three they do a sh ton of damage and four they are extremely tanky for no reason but I had a plan for this there's a lake right next to the enemy spawn and we do have a burst that can move these flowers away animal traveler burst traveler being level 16 didn't really matter since we already had their burst and because the three of them spawn together we could use our tornado and bring them into the water to drown them which would instantly kill them it was a great idea but sadly impr practice it did not work out well for us these flowers are jumping they look really angry is this because you sing a song from don't what oh my God are we were in a really bad state right now our only viable replacement for this was Shang Ling so after we leveled her up we went over to some hilly TRS to get energy for our burst and try again and our strategy still didn't work because our tornado did not go towards the water round three fight this time we started with jangling burst then used travler burst so that way in the event that we couldn't drown them we would at least do some good damage but this unfortunately led to our traveler getting stuck and dying but he did take out one of the flowers on his way out so now it was up to Jang link however fate was on our side because one of the flowers decided to do its turret move we had guobo available which meant that he could remove its shield and stun the flower and since that flower was stunned we could Now One V one the other one and knock him into the river once we did that we hit the last flower into the river and won the battle our next obstacle though was a boss fight child normally he's a bit of a pushover but he is actually a serious threat in this Challenge on the FNAF scale I'd give him a withered Bonnie we were losing a lot of characters in this run and we didn't have too many left this was made even worse for us since we lost Barbara here too in the grand scheme of things though this really wasn't too much of a loss for us you are as for the fight this this was just jangling versus child you're going nowhere in the first phase we did pretty well it was definitely slow but we got the job done without taking any damage but what I was mainly worried about was his second phase out of all of his three phases this is the problem for me he has two moves that can easily ruin our run his dashes and his nuke the dashes are fast do good damage and are pretty hard to dodge while the nuke button can completely destroy health bars if you don't remove the Mark we took over 2K damage in this portion of the fight but we were still able to move past this phase and move on to the final section as I alluded to earlier this phase isn't too bad for us in all honesty it's probably his weakest one if you just play around the side and back you can trick his AI into doing moves that are very reactable to dodge we did this for the entire phase and thankfully this allowed us to only get hit once during this section and finish the fight next was the defense against oosile for this part the game does unfortunately reset our health back up to full but since Barbara died I felt that it was only right to not use her here the other unlucky part about this was the fact that the adepto Buffs do in fact heal you and I'm pretty sure that you have to be healed at this part because the game does make you take damage from the water cannon so while yes we are getting healed it wasn't for my control so I chose to treat this section like the abyss in that as long as we don't use a heal from our ability or food I think it's fine once we finished I brought my health back down to 4K where it was at the end of the child fight and at 19 hours and 13 minutes we finished leeway but we've still got a lot left to do in order to beat the game to gain the remaining XP needed to start leeway I chose to do the J chamber Quest first I felt that this was the correct choice for two reasons the first being we have access to a TR shinha for both of the combat sections so you best believe that I used her and the second being it gave us the opportunity to gain resources to level up our Kay with our Kay now ascended we began the dlift quest the first portion of this Quest went pretty smoothly we mainly just put guoba down and swapped over to KI to do some charged Attack gameplay however once we reached the end we encountered a glitch with the hydro Abyss Mage he was stuck down there so we had to reset which was actually not a bad thing for us because I remembered that we could use a third party member so I chose to use our level n sucros this team comp covered a lot of elements we had pyro damage which is good against most elements dendro damage for the hydro Shields and ano for grouping up enemies as well as serving as our answer to pyro Shields since pyro and dindo don't really do anything against them for the next fight I chose to remove Kay since I felt that these two could get the job done and I didn't want her to take any damage luckily these two completed the hit and finished the first stain quest with jangling left at 399 HP but we still had to do the second quest to start Inazuma unfortunately for us we lost jangling in this domain because I got caught in the bubble and since falling into the void damages everyone in the party jangling had to pay the price for sr's mistake I killed my teammate I killed my teammate oh my God oh my God and to make things worse we had to bring down a hydro Abyss Herald all the way down to a third of its health with a level nine sucrose that would die in one hit it was time to lock in thankfully my multiple encounters with the heral showed in this fight because we were able to bring the heral down to a third of its health and leave this place oh now we were down to two there's good news and bad news for this the good news is that we could level up Kay a little more and most of the remaining enemies in this Quest are Hydro the downside is that there are still a lot of enemies left in this Quest and our sucrose is about to die I chose to add Amron to the team simply because of Baron bunny we really didn't have any more choices so I felt that it was necessary to use her if we wanted any chance of passing this Quest the scariest section in this Quest was coming up next though in this part there is a ruin Hunter a cryo Mage and a hydro Mage along with some hilly Turles despite all of the prevalent dangers around us we played this part pretty well you see there's a way to manipulate the ruin Hunter AI if you are standing on top of something the ruin Hunter will recognize that you are above your normal standing level so they will proceed to fly in order to find and attack you normally when it flies it's a very dangerous situation because they stay up there for a long time and their missiles do a lot of damage but this is actually good for us because it activates the ruin Hunter's weak spot and since we have archers we can easily snipe its critical point stun it and focus on the other enemies this strategy worked wonders for us and Ed us to pass this section with minimal damage being done to our Kay after Kay swiftly took down the next Hydro Herald we were met with perfect timing because a new Banner had just come around just not benett just not benett or a weapon please D but now we have one last obstacle between us and Inazuma this Hydro Herald in two Abyss Mages our decision to keep Ki and sucr safe paid off in Spades here sucros was able to infuse her swirl with Hydro to easily destroy the Pyro Shield while kle quickly broke the water Shields with her bombs we started inauma but things weren't looking good for us AR continued to take damage from the treasure hoarders leaving her with only 600 Health we completed the prologue but at what cost we had a sucrose that was on de's bed a level 46 Amber a Lisa that I accidentally leveled so she was banned and a colay that just died because I closed the game at the tournament stage so when I loaded back in a ruin Hunter killed her we had one last shot one glimpse of hope to have a chance of completing this challenge we had to get a fourstar character from this Banner this was our last chance of completing the Run we had to get a character yes not been it not been it not been it we were basically stuck with just our Amber and there was no way we could beat all of Ena Zuma without healing Amber at least once we only had two options here either break a rule and spend money to try and get more characters or start over Outlanders your journey ends here yes I really did this this time it was serious no pop-up screen no on plays best of compilation in the background it was time to lean in it was time for this wolf to step out of the Shadow and into the sun we were starting all over again with all of the additional rules put in place at the beginning if you want to see me pick up to where I was when the last account ended you can go to this time stamp now I'm not going to go into great detail about every little thing all over again since this video is already very long but I will hit the important stuff like this I was extra careful to not swirl these slimes at the beginning because I remembered what happened last time and since I knew for a fact that I wanted to keep traveler alive for later I chose to use my skills away from the slimes and finish them off with our sword keeping our traveler at full health we then walked out of the forest to unlock our secret weapon Amber that's what it is your secret weapon Amber once we unlocked wishes we summoned on Noel banner and got Noel and shingo things were Beginning to Look up for us again luckily for Amber's Temple we left unscathed and for the other two temples we just used the trial characters as for the wishes we got two BOS on the Noel banner and a yo-yo from the character Banner for this run I chose to take a different approach for our characters we were being way too liberal in our last playthrough and by being liberal I didn't mean we were complaining about it I meant that I wasn't saving my resources I was just giving them out to everyone even if they weren't being used at that moment this led to me being out of books and money for our characters so for this run I was going to become more conservative with our play style and by conservative I didn't mean we were going to be complaining about it but rather value our resources more instead of just throwing them out there on the characters that would die in 3 minutes this is why I kept calling Amber our secret weapon that's why it's my secret weapon it wasn't a meme because we had Baron bunny you see Baron bunny is not good if you're trying to use it for damage it is horrible but it does work work if you're trying to get an enemy's attention sometimes I didn't use Amber much earlier because I just had this idea that she would be the one who saved us in the later portions of this run but it turns out that using her in the earlier portion was actually the solution all along I felt like such an idiot I should have been using Amber but I didn't I had to make things right in this playthrough basically our entire strategy was to just throw out Baron Bunny and run away yes that was it seriously hi we threw out Baron bunny then used our aim shots eventually I did grow some balls and added characters like shincho and Kaa and since we couldn't level them past 20 they would serve us well in the earlier portions of the game we got some characters like cave and Bennett then suffered a pretty unfortunate event in the Shang Ling story Quest I tried to walk over the branch but since the game just had to show me where the puzzle was I couldn't time my jump and we fell off hurting our current team whoops all right get ready because I'm going to start going fast now before we started act two we wished to again on Banner froze the eye with shincho and Kaa then entered The foule Hideout mush duuk mush then we froze the ruing guard and entered the final domain for monat this time I made sure to bring in Amber so we didn't have to worry about getting hit by the explosive Barrel fire you son of a we finished the domain with K taking about 90 damage then we did the first floor of the abyss and started act three this time we didn't have any problems at the gate thanks to freeze but before we actually fought devalen I decided to level up my traveler to 40 I did this because I wanted him to have some levels for later on and I knew for a fact that I was going to take some damage during the first phase which I did once it came time for the ground phase I chose to use viny because I wanted to be able to one phase him and we thankfully did we finished modat in nearly 8 hours but we are in a much better position in this account than the previous one next was leeway in which we started at 10 hours we also picked up aara in the grind up to here but I didn't have it recorded because I'll be honest I was beginning to run out of space I know it sounds sus but you're just going to have to trust me on this for the deer we are still running the kashing Cho Duo because freeze is pretty broken in this playthrough if they can't move they can't hurt you freeze also helped us take down the ruin Hunter without getting hit to end it off we managed to do the Skip and Cloud retainers place and for the mountain shaper we found the correct Amber and finished Act One during our grind I decided to give Kaa a break and brought out cave who had only 2K Health left he was very much a victim of burning now it was time for act two on the way to the cooking pot we obtained our free lyette then we swapped out Shing Cho for Amber and I'll go ahead and show you guys what characters we have so far no deaths yet but kave shincho Kaaya and Amber are all pretty low the level ones haven't been used yet the three Electro units also haven't been used yet because I want to save them for later then we have the traveler and Bennett who are both stuck at level 40 back to the cooking pot cave was the DPS at this point because he actually does pretty good damage right now and Amber is still low going into the teapot I chose to swap out Amber with Bennett because I still wanted Baron bunny in the future we played this way more smarter than the last run everything was accounted for even the spiders I came up with a strategy here which included running at the B smacking it and swapping to Cave's burst for the eye frames every bit of damage counts in this run and I was starting to take this more seriously vnet took some more damage from the slimes But ultimately we still finished in the green as for the treasure hoarders vnet yet again took some heavy damage but we did managed to end act two without any fatalities and as a reward we got a sucrose which is still amazing for us yes sucrose yes we then entered the Ascension domain but ended it with our Duo heavily damaged without medkit but more importantly they were still alive for completing this we got two wishes one gave us a sucros constellation which is not as bad as it would seem and we also got a five star yo a five star please be a character to begin act three we still didn't have any deaths yet but there were multiple characters who could hear the knocking I had used geot traveler some since he would allow for crystalize and if you're thinking that I use the statue to heal I'll have you know that it is set all the way down to the minimum amount and just turned off to prevent this sort of thing from happening we then used our now level 40 sross to activate the ano device as for the guards on the platform we use the combo that I just mentioned earlier getting the Skyward blade was actually kind of like a blessing in disguise because it allowed us to use geob burst more giving us crystallize some more Shields which ultimately helps us minimize damage we then did the stealth mission on our first go and it was time for the whoer flowers I changed our team to to be that of Shang Ling and sucros I wasn't looking to drown the flowers this time but rather just straight up nuked them that was easy to accomplish because we had sucros burst two uses of her skill jangling burst woba and the rain to help with reactions needless to say this plan went a lot better than the previous one because we only took 1,000 damage here instead of losing two characters next up was child and I chose to swap sucros with traveler because because I figured we could use crystallized Shields to help us in this fight and it did with Travelers still living at 500 HP and jangling Standing Tall with 8,000 we finished leeway at nearly 18 hours then we leveled up sucros to 50 and yo-yo up to level 20 she didn't need to be built because she was literally just a dingo applicator the painter was back in business but not for long though because during the D Quest I completely forgot that uu could heal so that was was another whoops make that another one whoops to avoid more of that in the future I chose to swap her out for Amber and baron bunny which did unfortunately lead to our first death in the run you are we honestly can't complain though because she has done a lot for us in this journey you were magnificent Amber I shall never forget you as long as I live during act two sucros took some damage somehow and we managed to get by the bubbles without taking any damage once we left I chose to replace Amber with Sara because I wanted a bow character for the upcoming ruin Hunter segment the strategy we implemented last time did not work as well this time but I decided to play this a lot slower by teleporting to reset the enemy's position this didn't respawn enemies but it did heal them back up which was fine by me because everyone was close enough to each other so we could get some good AOE damage on them that was the hard part finished because for the Heralds we just used the previous strategy and we were done I'll be honest I didn't even record the J chamber section because it was just the shinha show like last time but we did start Ena Zuma at 20 hours and 11 minutes the prologue consisted of the tournament which actually had a serious threat to our traveler because he could have died here wrong she got hands as for the other fights sucrose was our answer Gua allowed for for easy safe pyrro swirls so we didn't have to worry about getting hit by small attacks after 21 hours we surpassed our previous account with only one fatality but more importantly we could finally reach Ena Zuma the hardest part of the challenge with the biggest looming threat out there the nation that I was the most afraid of for reasons I'll explain as they happen to begin we had the transport Mission my first nerve there's a lot of enemies here plus the Ronin is also extremely tanky but we lucked out here because this transport is essentially a large Baron bunny all of the enemies here did not care about us they could not give two sh so I made Barbara our main DPS because she's in the club plus we need to save our other characters and since we have guba out she can get some pretty easy Vapes from Barbara Vape Vape comes out in the mother next was the prison my second nerve this place has groups of enemies in very small areas and there's this one move that the large guards used that I am absolutely terrible at dodging I was very surgical in my Approach here if I could single out a Target I did I was not taking any chances in regards to this area thankfully my caution was rewarded because we did not have any deaths here but sucros and jangling were pretty close to it I didn't record the AA and yoia Quest because both of the combat sections have trial versions of the characters so there's not much to say I did have a mess up though it wasn't recorded but it is in the notes at 23 hours it was time for the first fight against the almighty Ryden Shogun the fight did reset our health but we ended the battle with basically the same amount that we went in with oh my God oh my God next was the archery demonstration which we were able to use Sara for the only thing is we had to make sure that we did not get hit by the Lightning God [ __ ] pressure getting to you lastly was sar's special men in which we executed a near perfect swap to save our Barber from taking damage we will take that now we were ready to start the hardest section in the game Ena Zuma act three the beginning is filled with the simple stuff we took our time taking down the Samurai and activated the pillars with our Sara but I was prepared for the next part I knew an electro biggy turle would spawn in so I chose to bring out Kaa to quickly destroy his shield and freeze him this was risky since Kaa had less than 300 HP but it did pay off for us however these weren't the areas I was concerned with no that would begin with the delusion Factory I had a plan for this area the first step was leveling up Noel to 50 then we watched tee die after that we entered the delusion Factory and the first thing we need to do when inside is not use our Barber skill God damn all right for real now there are a total of 11 enemies in this area three of them are pyro snipers so I knew I wanted to use Barber for her Hydro damage there's two Electro enemies a witch and a hammer one hydr Gunner and the rest are two animal boxers one Geo agent and a water witch the elements most effective in this area would be cryo and since Kaa was still our only cryo character I felt that we should use him here but since he's such low health I figured that we should bring in Noel to use her Shield so we can safely cover Ka when he tries to use his cryo abilities once the cryo has been applied we can freeze them with Barbara and hopefully just win let's see how this worked and I messed up again our first Target was the enimal boxer there was no point in going after any of the other two agents because if we destroyed their Shield the boxer could instantly restore it so we took a slow approach towards the boxer by just using ka's skills and barbar's attacks the next Target was the Geo agent I chose to go after him because the Pyro snip only has attacks that go in a straight line so they're pretty reactable to dodge also Noel's Claymores were effective in weakening his shield so we were able to land some good damage on him after breaking it once K took him down it was on to the Pyro sniper where Barbara easily destroyed his shield and we got the job done the next floor was even scarier though because of the electro witch she was the main threat because of this move when she does this the only way to stop her here is to break her shield and if we don't have K skill up then this run is basically over I did accidentally attack her with Noel when we had the shield up so that was another mistake for about half of her health we Corner trapped her but after taking a moment to realize that I did in fact mess up we gave her the opportunity to use the move I feared the most luckily Noel's Shield was available for us to use and it was just durable enough for us to tank the damage and eventually defeat the witch we then took out the remaining enemies one by one until it came time for the final room if you haven't been keeping track we have five enemies left the first is a group of three a hydr gunner an animal boxer and an electro Hammer the hydr Gunner was the obvious priority since he can heal the other agents but we had to exercise a lot of caution when dealing with him the animal boxer likes to hang around the agent which meant that we couldn't just use Kai's skill because if we use an elemental attack on the boxer during the block he does the vacuum punch move and we aren't guaranteed to be safe from that so for this I chose to slowly chip away his health with Noel's Claymore once we killed him the other two agents weren't too big of a deal but now we had two enemies left the water witch was the focus since she did a lot more damage and had more Health our free strategy did work though as Barbara and Kaaya continue to take down her health slowly but surely with her defeated it was smooth sailing when it came to beating the Pyro sniper the second scariest part of the game was finished next was the anti- Shogun training we swapped out Kaa for sucros since the second part of this Quest deals with groups of enemies and I wanted that AOE damage afterwards we burned our Barbara to make up for the mistake earlier then we went inside of the Tim Realo commissions HQ where we were spared by being able to use a trial Sara praise be but now we had the scariest part of this entire challenge ahead of us Senora putting this on the FNAF scale we're looking at a nightmare Freddy folks yeah this is the big time I knew that what we had currently could just not compete you can make Arguments for literally every fight beforehand that getting hit was just a skill issue but in this battle taking damage is unavoidable so we had to prepare it was time to regroup we leveled up sard to 40 accepted our Kay that we got from the abyss and entered sumaru to take on her boss and collect the mushrooms we managed to not let Sara take any damage from the boss battles then we leveled up K to 50 this was our strategy for Senora charged Attack gameplay these two would just keep using aim shots in the corner next to the weather things while Noel's Shield would protect them I even practiced the strategy on my main account because I knew how important this moment was the first phase wasn't too bad we made sure to keep our distance and even though kie and Sara got hit a couple of times they didn't take too much damage whenever our weather Bar got high we would just use Noel to tank it eventually we forced her to retreat inside of the crystal then we began the real problem phase p he builds up extremely fast in this fight and every time Senora moves she leaves behind a trail that damages you when you walk over it we had to be extremely careful in this situation aggravate was the best reaction we could make and sar's burst was our best source of damage but after we used our ultimate we didn't have any more pylons to break we had nothing to stop the weather so we had to use everything K's skill sar's charge attacks anything we could to damage her and some how by just some miracle we found a way to beat this without losing any of our characters yes you wrong but but how yourself um that was uh that was really bad to end Ena Zuma we had the final battle with the almighty Ryden Shogun Andi which was pretty underwhelming compared to what we just did I'll be honest we had our health reset at the beginning of the fight which didn't matter too much because she hit us like maybe four times in total the second phase is when she gets more dangerous you should kill yourself it's not too much of a challenge for us especially when the game unfortunately automatically heals us but I wasn't too upset with this Senora was the real final boss of this nation my biggest worry was gone and my confidence was back I knew that I could finish this challenge before entering the chasm we burned our characters down to the health they had after the Senora fight I chose to keep this team since we didn't necessarily need anyone in particular anymore the main threat prior to the danli quest was this Geo Bishop these enemies are tanky and do a lot of damage but we managed to not fight him here because of the skip if you jump over this box and hug the wall you can Mash F and you will interact with the diary that you have to read all without ever getting the Geo vish's attention oh [ __ ] the next problem was the duo Abyss Mages kie swiftly took down the Hydro One but Sara did receive some damage while taking on the pyom Mage once we made it to the Dan Quest I decided to swap out our Sara for Lisa I chose to do this because I wanted to save arsara for later since she's a bow character and for now I wanted to be able to use a character to tank damage if we needed that to happen plus we had a colay so we could make aggravate reactions much easier than with the Sara which did help us take down these enemies quickly Kay was extremely helpful in this Quest mainly because she was our answer to the hydro Herald and Electro Lector our other two characters couldn't really do anything to them so she had to put them on her back for some of this for the abyss Mage Gauntlet we managed to not lose any characters but our Lisa did take some damage and Noel was now on pack watch we were finished with the chasm and we were getting ready to go to sumaru my main strategy for sumaru was basically what I was already doing throughout the chasm I felt confident that Lisa could be our Cary because her attacks have long range and can easily react off of collie's abilities plus she'd also have Noel shield for that extra protection we just had one more thing to go through before entering the nation of wisdom the ar35 domain this place served as a cautionary sign telling us that we were not ready you're that guy pal trust me you're not that guy okay our strategy was working and we weren't taking any damage but at the same time we also weren't dealing much damage Lisa was our only real offense here since the other two characters didn't have leveled gear we did the final challenge but failed our Lisa took a lot more damage than I thought and sadly we couldn't finish the domain we just did not do enough damage and it seemed like we were going to be stuck here but then I remembered something just a couple of seconds ago I said we just had one more thing to go through the lie detector determined that was a lie we could just go straight into sumaru there was literally nothing stopping us for the previous Ascension domain we had to do it because if you don't you will not be able to go to a higher Adventure rank you will still get the XP but it will overflow until you pass that gate and progress normally leeway act 3 is locked behind ar28 so we had to do the ar25 domain in order to get to 26 and 27 but sumaru story just requires to be ar35 and to have done the quest beforehand so while we did start sumaru our journey just got a lot harder because of the unnecessary 6K damage Lisa took in the Ascension domain but I was still confident the first bit of combat was the withering Zone we took our time dealing with the Fung guy but the real test were the branches whenever you hit them with a charge attack they will shoot back and that attack does a lot of damage so we had to be extra careful with our dodging luckily we were and we could cleanse this place and if you notice the health change that's because when you're in here it reduces your total health by a percentage we didn't heal any damage we just kept the same percentage Health we had prior next was the tree domain we almost lost our Noel here but thankfully our defense artifacts came in clutch those were the only real enemies we had to fight here so the rest of this place was pretty easy lastly we had the mercenaries which we took down without losing any HP act two was basically a break for us I don't record act two footage anymore because it's literally just walking around the city for 60 minutes then fighting some treasure hoarders at the end act three however started off a lot more interesting for us oh another five star who another weapon the first group of enemies here were three rounds of mercenaries luckily for us none of the enemies here had any ranged attacks so all we had to do was Zone them outop it Che I literally just kept running up and down the hill while constantly using Noel's shield and Lisa's long ass attacks to hit enemies but the next group of enemies were far more problematic the wolf Clan these enemies not only do damage over time but they also hurt everyone it's like that one kid in school who got in trouble and now the whole class gets punished it's not a class it's a family or in this case if Lisa got hit everyone had to suffer things weren't as bad as they would seem though because I had accounted for this since Shields don't work in against these enemies I swapped out Noel for sucros who is still alive the goal here was to keep these wolves together and spam them with everything we have Lisa did get hit once during this but thankfully corrosion cannot kill your party members so we survived with minimum damage being done to us we did almost lose Ki though her head was about to be chomped right off another fourstar perfect another constellation act four was a very bumpy road in our journey the hospital is filled with hilly turs and eventually we have to fight a geol lava turle which have some of the highest damaging moves from a non-boss enemy in the entire game Noel was the first to feel the wrath of the lava tural because its leap attack completely broke her shield and killed her we didn't even get a chance to see her leave she just disappeared so now we were left with two characters that would basically die in one move without a shield we Contin continuously ran away from this monster but it kept jumping after us and using its range attacks but by just some miracle Lisa managed to tank one hit from this monster and survive the fight now we just have to activate the dingo pillars but this is where hoyse decided to be dead because in order to activate two of them we have to fight some enemies first you want to get to him you got to go through me desperate to keep this dynamic duo alive for just a little bit longer I leveled up Lynette to 40 and used her as our main DPS I didn't want to level her Beyond 40 because to me there was no real reason to the first group of enemies weren't the problem though the issue would be these mushrooms over here there's a geom mushroom and a flying dingo one two the geom mushroom is annoying because they just run at you that is literally all they do they run at you like a brain dead idiot while the flying ones just fire projectiles that can be very difficult to Dodge I struggled a lot during this point and felt utter shock when our Lisa died we managed to defeat the shrooms with leet but we were in a really tight spot right now I had planned on using Lisa for literally all of sumaru we needed a new damage dealer I had to choose between shinan or B and for now I chose to use jinyan because I felt that pyro was a much more needed element for us at the moment after looking for Violet grass losing our lyette in obtaining another boss drop we SED our xinyan but could only bring her up to level 51 so I did the event that was going on and managed to get her up to 54 I was nervous about completing the rest of sumaru but I still felt that it was possible xinyan was our last hope in order for us to have any chance at completing this run she had to be the one to finish sumaru and this pyramid was her first test and for her first test she did great she was basically the perfect character for this challenge she did a lot of damage and had a shield I was worried that we might get jumped at the top floor but surprisingly we completely nuked two of the mushrooms and only got hit once during this entire domain we even managed to pull the skip off here because if you go too far a bunch of geom mushrooms spawn in and after seeing what happened during the last fight with one of them I felt it was best to avoid seeing them again but now it was time for the hardest section in sumaru Act five the first combat section was not much to worry about we did get an arrow in our butt however we still came out of the fight without any troubles the next battle was going to be against foule agents two pyro snipers two Electro hammers one Geo agent and one pyro agent I still wanted to use sucros since every fight was going to involve two characters but I felt that we should swap out Jang Ling we needed another element to help since pyro really wasn't going to work against any of them so I decided that cryo was our best course of action and luckily Araya is still alive from his last encounter in the delusion Factory and update yeah I forgot to burn him to around 200 hp but let me just say right now it doesn't matter because at this point in the game he is dead to no matter what the first Duo was the Pyro sniper and Geo agent but we were able to dispatch them pretty easily since we hit them with everything we had next was the electro hammer and Pyro sniper this was the main reason I brought Ka out as long as we have our Shield up K can use his skill and since super conduct gives us a physical damage increase jined could do even more damage with her attacks and eliminate them cryo doesn't really do much against the Pyro Shields however but since they're easy to work with we played this patiently and won the second round the third round was a little tricky though because of the agent he can do a lot of damage and since he can also go invisible it can be difficult to keep track of them when you're occupied with other enemies AR xenan did take some damage but luckily for us the agent got stuck behind the tree and since the agent was also there we got some easy swirls for sucrose and was able to finish off the agent with shin man then freeze the Hammer with Ka our carry was still alive which meant we had a chance Flash Forward 30 minutes of story and we were ready to enter scar mush's Factory but I had this area scouted I had a plan from the very beginning of how we were going to get around this I doubt you remember since this video is already so long but earlier I mentioned how I wanted traveler to be leveled because I knew I was going to use him for later well this is what I was saving him for in this domain there are a total of 11 enemies here but what if I told you that out of those 11 we only had to fight six well here's the strategy I thought of I knew I wanted Kai in this domain because he would be helpful against half of the enemies we had to fight and for geot traveler you'll see what I'm going to use him for the first Target was the hydr Gunner K could freeze him xinyan could get a shield and traveler could give us even more Shields so we were pretty protected for this first fight next was another electr Hammer but you already know this was another easy battle but behind him was the key a victory in this domain we have to activate four knobs and beating him unlocks the first one the next knob was behind a crow Gunner and at first I tried to do the skip but then I realized I have a pyro character so he wasn't much of an issue the agent also couldn't really do much to us since xen Yen's Claymore attacks kept stunning him we activated the second device then made our way over to number three there was a sniper here so we knocked him off but for some reason he didn't die so we spawn camped him and he was not alive for much longer after the third pillar was when things started to get creative ever since the Barbara video I always had this idea that it should be possible to activate this knob without having to fight the rest of the five enemies here but I never had a character that was tall enough or at least not until now with the classic Duo of geot traveler and Kaa teamed up once again to climb up these pipes in activate the fourth pillar now it was time for scar Moosh come unfortunately the game does bring our health back up to full but let's not kid ourselves here we both know exactly how this would have went had our health not reset but the real problem was the polluted area this was also another reason why I brought geot traveler here in this place there are more wolves for us to fight but since I didn't feel comfortable fighting them I figured that geot traveler should be able to use his rocks and allow us to jump over the island without having to fight them luckily for us this strategy worked and we were able to skip about half of the enemies in this place as for the rest of the enemies I don't think we got hit a single time after that one swipe from the wolf we were now finished with this area and done with Act five but we still had one last test in sumaru after this quick burning first up was a bonfire which we lit successfully and then unfortunately our health got reset again from the statue I think this was just a special case though because I turned the statue off so things like this couldn't happen however I think it only healed us because we are technically not in the normal open world so this statue acts differently from how it's supposed to act in my world unfortunately we had to go back to the Statue again which meant we had to go to the bonfire again but finally we could start the abandoned domain the problem child of this area is the cryle herald but since we have a pyro character who gives us a shield we were still looking good and we finished sumaru but if we wanted to go to Fontaine we still had to get past ar35 Lord have mercy I'm about to bust at this point I chose to go with sucros xinyan and Kaa for the Ascension domain since it seemed like they would have the best chance at killing the enemies the fastest and they Prov themselves to be right because they managed to complete this domain with xinyan taking some damage along the way as a reward for finishing this domain we got official not from the wishes of course but thanks to the star glitter we got from all of The Wishes we made up until this point and as we drew closer to Fontaine we began to slowly grind resources for our final two characters B and FAL the best part about this was that these two shared the same boss and since me and aiff are pretty familiar with each other getting his resources wasn't too difficult for us however this is where things started to go downhill for us we still had to get more resources and by doing that we lost some characters not [Music] no everything was riding on B and official success for Fontaine to get XP we did some story quests like CLE it was a difficult decision to make but I chose to use B here I knew I wanted to level her up so it was risky to have her out and take even just one point of damage which would stop her from reaching level 70 story quests were our best bet for safe XP because they give us trial characters to use so having this clear out here helped wonders for us but we still had to get a lot of XP left so I chose to do the safest option possible and be patient I would log on only to do dailies because I couldn't risk B taking any form of damage we did lose our sucros from electrocharged water and our coli from electro slime but luckily our beta was able to reach level 70 and fishal was now level 60 but we were still not in the best situation right now as our was now half Health in her journey to get resources for fishal it wasn't going well for us and there was some doubt going through my mind questions like am I a fraud is this even possible can you do this and the big one would you lose n I'd win Fontaine Act One easy just watering some plants with Shing Cho Fontaine act two the first domain of the nation in which we had gotten some health back at the beginning of the section and since I didn't have any of the other story Parts recorded I was genuinely confused as to how both her and Shing Cho had recovered health and honestly I even thought that I might have cheated Bish show hadn't taken any damage going into Fontaine so I knew she was fine I thought the game restored her HP because I did the math and figured oh it's at 80% but then I looked at my previous footage and other people's footage and saw that the game does actually not reset your health here I was very confused about this until I saw the Jonathan go through this healing ring and figured oh wait that's probably what it was so here's 20 pools ultimately though the added Health didn't really matter as for one we didn't use shincho and two B only took around 1K damage but let's get into the real meat of this nation the real final test before we start though let's go ahead and burn bet the first group of enemies went down swiftly and we didn't even lose a single bit of Health which was good because we were going to need it for what was coming next we made our way up the tower and came across our biggest threat yet two Rogues and a ruin guard my plan was to take out the animal Rogue first since he's very annoying and we can stun the ruing guard with official's aim shots the hydro OIC isn't much of an issue because its attacks are just awful B burst was our best and only real line of defense here because we had C1 which gives us a shield whenever we use our burst this area is extremely difficult to move around in it's a small circle with objects placed along the side that can easily get in the way of us the ruin guard was the biggest threat since its attacks took up so much space and did so much damage to us we were trapped we needed to kill the ruin guard we had to go because and it's just too much K died to the Rockets offishal got caught on a treasure chest during the ruing guard spin move and B got stuck on a box during the Rockets I lost I couldn't beat it the challenge was over but I still wanted to try I knew that in my heart of hearts there had to be some way that this was possible with our team so I got the band back together put him back to the same health and went for round two this was the real lockin time K died quickly after being put in a position where we had to get hit by the Rockets our strategy was basically to run around in circles and use Oz as Oz does his thing we use charge attacks on the guard and animal Rogue and hopes to stun the guard during its main damaging moves our strategy was working just like my first relationship we were taking it slow but we were still getting some progress made while taking some stray hits along the way eventually we took down the ruin guard with both of our characters at around 2,000 HP but we weren't done with this area yet we still had to take down the Rogues yeah they patched it out you have to defeat all the enemies here now we still played Super safe with these two even with the ruing guard being defeated I wasn't going to take any chances so we just kept moving forward around the opposite ends of the room and shooting him in its head eventually that got the job done and we were finished with this section I was locked in for that entire fight I did not talk even once during it but there's still two things we have to do in Act five there's Fin's meccas in which we used shincho and I did bring him back down to the health he should have been at earlier we continue to play Super safe against these enemies as we didn't even let them get close to us it was as if we had put a restraining order on them and now we were at the final part of Fontaine the whale once again we made it to another boss fight where the game resets our health but at this point it didn't matter I basically said to myself that if official and shingo got hit I would just consider them dead since they were already one shot but I mean who cares we beat the whale and we were done with Fontaine after 49 Hours 27 minutes and 48 seconds we did not beat ginin impact without healing this is a very difficult challenge easily the hardest one we've done so far could I have maybe done this if I didn't set up the additional rules probably but I didn't so we're not going to know the answer I changed the rules to fit my need for a challenge and I was met with that I didn't win but I did have a lot of fun doing this having to strategize with the limited characters and having to save them for later use was really fun and satisfying to pull off I'm glad I didn't use four team members throughout the entire game because it wouldn't have felt like a challenge it would have just been a ginin playthrough without using a healing character and I didn't want that I wanted something different and challenging and well I got that so yeah I enjoyed the challenge and I hope you enjoyed this video this was the longest real video I've ever done and if you want to see more dumb challenges like this it would mean a lot if you liked and subscribed see look the things glowed and who knows maybe I'll attempt this again in the future when more Nations come out it'll definitely be a lot more difficult but next time I know I'll be ready will I lose again nah I'd win tell me why I'm here and what's the reason I am here today if I recall it was you you wish I
Channel: MistahFeet
Views: 366,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, genshin challenge, can you beat genshin, how to beat genshin, mistahfeet, mistah foot, mistahfeet traveler
Id: A1SGpl0TTKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 38sec (4538 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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