Can You Beat Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night as a Lili?

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foreign [Music] ritual of the night as a lily but first a word from our sponsor this video is sponsored by honkai impact third now I'm sure most of you are familiar with hoyoverse in the newly released honkai star rail but honkai impact third is one of hoyo vs longest running games and it's now being updated with its new version 6.6 update releasing on May 18th honkai impact third is one of hoyo vs many free-to-play anime themed action games that can be played on your iOS Android or Windows computer and hokai impact features a really awesome sci-fi setting beautiful Graphics really cool character designs and an immersive Universe for you to engage with to top it all off honkai impact has some really exciting real-time action gameplay that contains elements of bullet Hells social simulation open world exploration and dungeon crawling the new update adds a ton of new content like new bits to the story new elements to the gameplay new characters new items and some of these are available only for a limited time be sure to use the code on screen to get 30 crystals 288 asteroids and one character trial card for free whether you're a veteran player to honkai impact or you've never played at all now is a great time to experience honkai impact 3. I want to give a big shout out to hoyoverse for sponsoring this video and now let's get back to the video Blood Stained is a game that I grossly underestimated and put off playing for way too long if you've never heard of it it's essentially the spiritual successor to Castlevania directed by Koji igarashi himself granted igarashi isn't the creator of the Castlevania series but he is largely responsible for sending the series in the direction that would define it for years to come and Inspire pretty much an entire genre of video games igarashi was one of several developers in the mid-2010s that would leave the publisher of the IP that he was best known for working on due to creative differences and would create his own spiritual successor that would be funded through Kickstarter the reason I was hesitant to play bloodstained was because well a lot of successors and spiritual successors to popular games funded through Kickstarter or just Kickstarter funded games in general usually are at best disappointments to fail to live up to expectations and at worst raging forest fires that kill the credibility of not only the developers but just Kickstarter projects in general and with Blood Stained a lot of the red flags that were there with more Infamous examples like Mighty number nine were there getting tossed around to and from different Publishers repeated delays and even having Ben Judd involved one of the project managers for Mighty number nine and the brilliant mind that gave us this legendarily inspirational quote and at the end of the day even if it's not perfect it's better than nothing fortunately blood stain did come out and it was pretty dang good it had great level design fun combat good graphics and art Direction good music and everything else that made Castlevania great some people have been suggesting I do a challenge run for this game for quite some time and the one I decided on was beating the game as a lily one of the shards that you can get in this game is unique and that transforms you into an enemy that being the Lilly enemy there are no other items in the game that do anything like this and while this is active you only have access to your standard kick attack this is actually a pretty popular strategy for a lot of people especially for speedrunners but can you actually beat the entire game while in this form and would you want to I'll admit this run isn't so much a challenge more than it is a joke playthrough born from an idea that I got from a friend but I still think it would make for an interesting video I mean what's not to love about a Playboy model going around kicking the crap out of demons the rules are that I have to have the bunny morphis Shard active at all times except for when I need to temporarily deactivate it because of something that's required by the game and I have to be playing on nightmare difficulty that sounds like a simple enough concept but setting this run up actually took a lot more effort than it needed to for one thing I need to be able to start the game with not just the bunny morphis's Shard but also jeebo's glasses because the bunny morphis's Shard drains MP while it's active and this run would not be possible without unlimited MP which is exactly what jibble's glasses gives you there are mods that allow you to put in cheat codes to start with certain shards or items but they only allow you to start with one at a time and they don't even work with more recent versions of the game the only way to start with both is to be on New Game Plus so what I had to do was download an older version of the game use a cheat code to start with gebo's glasses Speed Run the game while avoiding HP and MP upgrades then just before starting new game plus selling all my items and shards except for the bunny morphis's Shard and the glasses and then using the gold bullet ability to get rid of all my money that is the closest I can get to a clean save file with these items and I should also mention that I am playing with one mod installed that being the drop rate Improvement mod which increases the drop rate of everything in the game by 10 because with this being on nightmare mode and my level being stuck at one I'm going to need to use all the resources I have access to and that is just not possible with the base drop rates in this game now that we have everything in place let's get started so we get to the title screen select the save file choose nightmare as the difficulty and then get to the introductory cut scene which is something something religion something something Crystal something something demons the point is that there are monsters all over the place that we gotta kill and as you can see as soon as the game starts we have both the bunny morphis's Crystal and jeebles glasses allowing me to stay in my Lily form indefinitely I like how when this is on Miriam is shown in her Lily form in both the pause screen and in the cutscenes that's a nice little attention to detail there now as I mentioned Miriam in her Lily form can't use weapons she can only attack by kicking right now although she will get access to more moves later on but for now the basic kick is my only means of attack and I should also mention that damage is calculated based on Miriam's intelligence not her strength either way it's a rather powerful kick and it comes out fast but it also has very short range and with this being nightmare difficulty I can't afford to take too many hits the enemies are nothing I can't get past though and after kicking my way through the ship I get a cut scene where once again Miriam stays in her bunny form and then I get to fight the first boss vefar a giant mermaid octopus thing like most first bosses this one is pretty easy though one thing you'll notice about a lot of bosses on nightmare mode especially in this run is that they are very much kill or be killed there are attacks deal a lot of damage usually enough to kill you in three two sometimes even one hit but Nerium does a lot of damage in this form so they don't take too many hits to bring down either this boss will alternate between two phases one where it will appear on the right side of the screen and with you with its tentacles and either shoot Bubbles at you or attack with a stream of water and a phase where it will appear in the background and do more of the same but it still has a hitbox and is actually easier to hit during this time all of its attacks are predictable and easy to touch the only one that you really need to worry about is the bubble attack because it spawns enemies which can sneak up on you from behind if you're focused on attacking the boss and this does catch me off guard a few times causing a few resets but once you figure out how to deal with them you're set and I am able to beat this boss in a very short amount of time foreign once we beat the boss we reach land save a little girl from a demon get introduced to our crafting and cooking systems as well as the side quest givers and then we head into the castle the enemies are still dealing a good amount of damage due to lack of upgrades available right now and us still being stuck at level one believe it or not the worst enemies are actually the bats because of how small they are and how they fly around but the bigger enemies are pretty problematic too getting from save point to save point does take a handful of tries but before too long we are able to make it to the next story cut scene and then to the next boss zangetsu this boss is nothing like the first one and it is much much harder first of all zangetsu is a human meaning he is a much smaller Target and his attacks come out much faster he swings his sword in a variety of ways and it has a much longer hitbox than my kicks meaning that when I think he's vulnerable I have to go in land a single kid pick maybe a second one if I'm feeling lucky and then quickly get out of the way unless you want to take a hit immediately after landing an attack your timing has to be perfect to make matters worse a basic attack takes away almost all of my health and his jumping attack does enough to kill me in one hit and again this attack is probably the hardest to dodge you probably won't be able to get out of the way just by running you have to run away from him and then just before he lands you slide out of the way and depending on what kind of controller you're using this could be very easy to mess up there's a very steep trial and error curve to it you have to really know his attack pattern inside and out to stand a chance especially under these conditions and even then there's still a lot of luck involved the only way to dodge most of his other attacks is by jumping but sometimes if you try to jump over him he'll go for this jumping spin slash that is pretty much impossible to dodge the best opportunities to attack him are when he goes for his jump attack and he somehow winds up with his back turn toward you when he lands you usually you can land a good two or three hits when he does this sometimes four but I don't think it's worth the risk however if you somehow are able to deal with significant amount of damage to him he'll then light his sword on fire which makes it deal even more damage and gives his attacks even more range and his jump attacks now have this explosive effect so that back kicking exploit no longer works like I said I don't have a lot of resources that I can use to help at this point in the game I only have access to weak potions and HP Max upgrades are very limited most of these attempts don't even last a single minute due to how much damage he does I wish there was some kind of hidden exploit or trick to beating this boss but there isn't I spent hours on this fight and it takes me dozens of attempts and a controller that is covered in sweat from my hands but after God knows how many tries somehow I do manage to beat him foreign even though I don't really beat him what actually happens is that British Cynthia comes to interrupt him and then I can keep going further into the castle where we now have to deal with the spinning wheels and the Wicked Witch of the West Barbers but the worst enemies by far are those big ghost things they take a ton of hits deal a ton of damage probably enough to kill you in one hit and they're big trying to kill them at this point isn't worth it so you're better off just running past them if you can now in this part of the castle there is one important upgrade that I definitely want the augment intelligence Shard and it does exactly what you think it does it increases my intelligence and because as the Lily all my damage is calculated with intelligence this should be a no-brainer I get it from the demon enemies and thankfully grinding it up to level 9 doesn't take very long thanks to the mod I have installed and while I could increase the rank as well there's not much reason for me too because all that does is increase the speed at which I cast spells but yeah with my intelligence being higher now you could probably already noticed an increase in damage from my attacks and also by complete accident I get the bloodbringer familiar and yes I am allowing familiars in this run since they don't require me to leave my Lily form and they don't use up mp but anyway I get to the next boss the craft worker this thing is like a weird stained glass hand that walks around like a spider and attacks by Smashing itself on top of you and throwing objects at you sound easy well guess what it's not his fist slam attack is his strongest attack dealing over 150 damage just two hits from this thing is enough to take me out and he also has this grab attack and one where he'll flick me with his fingers while these attacks themselves aren't too bad the biggest issue here is taking damage when I just bump into him yeah that wasn't much of a problem with the last two bosses because the first one was either stuck to the edge or in the background and zongetsu didn't have a damaging hitbox at all but this one walks all over the screen pretty quickly and his hitbox reaches a point where there's only a teeny tiny spot where I could kick him without taking damage which is extremely easy to mess up much like in the fight against zangetsu you don't really have a lot of room to screw up and you can't play aggressively you just have to wait for what few opportunities you have to attack him and pray you don't mess them up however there is one exploit that somewhat seems to work there are these two movable blocks that he's supposed to throw at you but this game doesn't handle collision with these objects very well and it can lead to some pretty hilarious events like the boss falling under the floor however sometimes if you can get him when he's backing up toward one of these blocks it seems like the AI isn't sure what to do when you're standing in front of him and you can use this opportunity to land a good amount of hits and that's exactly what happens in my successful attempt and it's exactly what I do it doesn't kill him though but after dodging a few fist slams I am able to finish him off with a single kick I get The craftwork Shard as well as the Silver Knight familiar and proceed further into the castle now I can go into the garden of Silence move the statue out of the way and Ride The Carriage to the other side and here I'm supposed to go into the Tower of Twin Dragons and then go into the library but before I do that I have another upgrade to crap probably the most important one of the whole run now I can also go into the bridge of evil I'm not supposed to come here until later but the game does let me go far enough to encounter my first lilies and you know what that means I can start upgrading my Lily shark I spend the next several minutes killing lilies until I'm at Grade 9 and rank 7. I can't get up to rank 9 because I need a material that I can't get until much later but anyway the improvements made with a higher grade speak for themselves and with a higher rank I unlock the ability to do a rapid fire kick and the ability to throw knives this is an absolute Game Changer because most of those enemies that were game giving me so much trouble because of how close I had to get to them they're all complete jokes now and I'd say this is the point in the run where the game goes from difficult to mostly easy but that doesn't mean there won't be any challenges along the way now as I'm supposed to I go into the tower go through it without any problems go into the Libre ex machina which doesn't give me any problems either be totally not Alucard who I can rent books from that increase my stats of which I obviously go with the intelligence book and then fight the uh mirrored jetpack bird thing he fights a lot like the craft worker only he moves around faster and more sporadically as soon as the fight starts he'll run toward you and kick and this will get pretty much everyone on the first couple of tries his attack pattern is very unpredictable aside from that kick attack he also likes to jump around and sometimes use this dive attack and then there's this other one where he'll jump up on the platforms and at the top he'll fire these arrows of light at you aside from that kick I just mentioned these attacks are actually very hard to dodge this is just another case where the worst attack isn't even an attack it's just bumping into him while trying to hit him normally this fight would be borderline impossible but thanks to my projectile knife it's not hard at all my knives are doing 80 damage with each hit which is pretty ridiculous and taking him down does not take long at all [Music] my reward for beating him is the double jump Shard which I don't think needs an explanation but it does let me do something else in addition to the double jump which I will definitely be using later in this run for now though I have to head through the Tower of Twin Dragons again and none of the enemies here are a problem once I get to the end of the Tower of Twin Dragons I have to fight well the Twin Dragon ballak and despite volack having two heads on each side they're actually both part of the same boss and share the same health bar but anyway as you might expect voloch attacks with a variety of attacks from one or both of his heads as soon as the fight starts he'll almost always lead off with his fire breath attack when he does this he'll shoot fire at the ground and you'll have to stand in the middle and move around to stay in the safe spot to avoid it you really don't want to get hit by this because not only does it deal a lot of damage but when you get hit you'll get knocked back and this is almost always guaranteed to knock you into the fire from the other side where you'll take at least one more hit this is exactly what happens early on but by some crazy miracle I am able to get out of the way before I take a third hit and then Dodge the rest of it which yeah that's another thing in addition to this attack being hard to dodge it lasts like 10 seconds after that he starts moving back and while he's retraining I just keep jumping and throwing knives at him which is still doing a decent amount this animation also goes on for quite a while and once he stops he does his tongue whip attack which is probably his easiest to dodge attack the first time he'll whip above you the second time he went below you and the third and fourth times he'll do both at once so just lightly tap the jump button when he does this I chase him a little further down the tower and he does his double head smash grinding attack which can be avoided by just crouching in the right spot and after that there's nothing to talk about because after that he dies yeah he grabs me and then plummets to the ground and disintegrates making this the second boss I've been able to beat on my first attempt [Music] I get the silver bromide talk to Dominique so that I can get my picture taken while still in the Lily form take it to Mr OD who uses it to make me a train pass and now I can actually get past that barrier in the bridge of evil once I get to the platform we run into zangetsu who helps us board the train and now we have this really cool timed mission where we have to get through this whole area in under five minutes at the end we have to fight the Glutton train and with the throwing knives or any projectile really this fight is a complete show this boss just sits on the right side of the screen and usually goes for this very slow and easy to avoid projectile attack when he does this he'll slam his arm at the ground and start firing and while the attack is somewhat hard to dodge when you're standing out in the open you can easily avoid it by taking cover behind the pile of rocks in the back technically his whole body is a vulnerable spot but if you hit him anywhere except his tongue you'll barely take any damage but like I said hitting his weak point isn't hard because of the angle of the Lily's throwing knife and the knives that hit his weak points do a lot of damage once he gets low enough sangetsu will stun him with his chain and after just a few more hits he goes down so I go a little further and then reach the next area the underground sorcery lab and even though this is one of the shorter areas in this game this is more than made up for with it having the sirees which yeah even at this point in the game are still a huge problem and it doesn't help that I have to fight my way through two of them in the room between the save point and the boss now the boss here is bothan and he's the boss that I get the reflector Ray from his style is like a balance of physical attacks and projectiles and even though his attacks are predictable they're not exactly easy to dodge his main attack is the reflectory attack where he'll lay out a pattern of lines across the screen and if you're in the way of any of them you'll take a hit it sounds like it should be easy to dodge but it's really not with how small these gaps are plus he often combines this with other attacks like the one where he throws these exploding balls at the ground and the one where he'll charge at you very quickly his other two attacks are this one where he'll shoot a laser at you that moves very slowly and is pretty easy to dodge and then this one where he shoots a bunch of spikes from his body and like I said this one is easy to dodge too all of these attacks take away a little under half of my HP which sounds like a lot but it's actually not too bad compared to the other bosses and thankfully this boss doesn't have a lot of HP and my attacks are still doing a good amount of damage for this point in the game while I'm not able to dodge most of his attacks I still do have plenty of healing items and my attacks are doing enough damage that I am able to beat him on my first attempt I get the reflector Ray ability which allows me to go to a previously unreachable area in the cathedral which is where I'm supposed to go but before I do that I want to do a little bit of exploring for reasons you'll find out later I do a bit of side tracking in the Machina so much so that I actually encounter an optional boss who barely has any HP and not a lot of variety with his attacks and goes down in like 30 seconds but I do a bit of exploring in the Hall of termination do some backtracking to gather some more cooking ingredients and once I decide I've done enough messing around I head back to the cathedral to face the next mandatory boss the bloodless and this boss is the first one in quite a while to put up this much of a challenge for one thing this is another human-sized boss making it a much smaller Target than the recent bosses but its attacks also cover a much wider range and last a lot longer some of its attacks like the one where it just swings its umbrella at you when the Scarlet blast where she throws some blood at you aren't too hard to dodge provided you're able to see them coming but some of the other ones like the Scarlet Cyclone where she shoots a stream of blood at you in a wavy pattern well these are a little trickier this one has a lot of luck involved because the only way you can fully Dodge It Is by crouching under one of the spots where there's a gap above the ground but usually you won't actually know where that spot is until after you've taken a hit there's also another Scarlet Cyclone where she'll shoot a stream above you which homes after you which you can usually Dodge by jumping over her or just standing on the ground if you're in the right place but sometimes even when you do that you'll still be able to scrape you with it and you'll take damage this on its own may not sound too bad but this boss also has two phases once you've dealt enough damage to her she'll heal and then start using even more powerful attacks like this one where these pillars of blood will rise up from the ground and move back and forth around the screen you can avoid these by standing in the middle but she's still able to move around and attack while this is going on so getting through one of these attacks without taking any damage is pretty much impossible and then there's that one where she just shoots a bunch of blood at you from the ground I would talk about the strategy for this fight but a lot of it really just comes down to luck you kind of just have to keep moving around and hoping to dodge her attacks all while playing as aggressively as possible this fight does take a good dozen or so attempts but with a lot of pressure and luck I am able to beat her [Music] I use my new ability that I got from her to drain the blood in the fountain so that I can descend and do the Forbidden underground Waterway and in order to move on here I need the DC amishard so that I can move around underwater and unfortunately that does require me to temporarily exit my Lily form but sadly there's not much I can do to get around that other than just avoid the enemies as best I can however that's not all one of the quests given to me by Lindsay requires me to kill eight of these things and by completing it I'm rewarded with the speed belt an accessory that increases my movement speed this item itself doesn't have too great of an effect but it does stack with another thing that increases my speed that being the Tailwind tone which I can now rent from not Alucard now that I have over 50 percent of the map completed hence why I was doing that exploring earlier anyway I keep going until I get to the next area the hidden desert now there isn't much to say for this area in particular but I do do get some decent materials which allow me to make the Scarlet dress which is the best armor piece I could use for this run now at the end I have to fight Alfred who you may remember from some cutscenes earlier Alfred is another human enemy and I'm not sure if I would say he's harder than the bloodless but this is a pretty difficult fight especially if you're going in blind the main reason this fight is so difficult is that it takes place in a circular Arena which makes my throwing knives pretty much useless for hitting him from a safe distance the only way I can really use them is to attack him when I'm chasing him down which yeah Alfred likes to attack and run around a lot and oftentimes he'll warp to the opposite side of the map which can be very frustrating this is why I highly recommend getting the two speed boosts because they make this fight a lot easier the best way to deal damage to him is by bunny hopping this is a common speed running strategy where you'll repeatedly dive kick an enemy from above because once you get the double jump ability you also unlock the ability to dive kick much like in Dawn of Sorrow anyway Alfred attacks with a variety of magic attacks mostly Fire and Ice moves that he tries to hit you with and also poison and stone moves that will temporarily create a damaging effect on the ground where they landed avoiding them is pretty easy but his favorite attack is this homing ball of Darkness that curses you when it hits it's not too hard to avoid from a distance but it can very easily catch you off guard when you're close to and trying to damage him for this reason I definitely recommend bringing along a lot of holy Waters and healing items for this fight but the worst part is that after his health gets low enough he'll summon these orbs that slow you down keeping up with him before this was bad enough but now you have to deal with constantly getting slowed down every time you step into one of these and yeah you can try to jump above them but this also set you back and leaves you vulnerable to many of his other attacks I'm not exactly sure what triggers this but I seem to get extremely lucky on my first attempt because once he does this it only takes me one hit to him so yeah somehow I was able to be Alfred on my first attempt that was some serious luck that carried me through that fight but I'm not complaining anyway for beating him I unlocked the Shard that allows me to freely walk around underwater meaning I can not only stay in my Lily form underwater but I can also use my directional shards including the reflector Ray which allows me to go through this previously inaccessible Gap and move on to the next area the secret sorcery lap where I finally start encountering the lamashtu enemies which drop the materials I need to max out my Lily Shard it doesn't do much though it only makes my rapid fire kicks a bit faster but at least now I can finally say that I fully upgraded my Lily ability I do a bit of grinding for ingredients to make more food items and at this point I can now make most of the curry dishes which provides some of the best bonuses in the game and an absolute necessity for nightmare difficulty now the boss I have to fight for this area is the doppelganger and if you played any of the Castlevania games that have the doppelganger as a boss you pretty much know what to expect this one mostly attacks with a sword and a few fire abilities and the attacks are pretty predictable but at this point I've upgraded so much I don't even really need to think about it I just move around to keep spamming my knives and bunny hopping whenever I can I do get hit a good few times but the attacks aren't really doing a lot and I still have plenty of healing items I am easily able to beat this boss on my first attempt in a balanced minute [Music] a little bit later I reach the next area The Inferno cave and this is the first area in a while that actually gives me difficulty in fact I'd probably say it's harder than the boss of this area this is mainly because there's hot lava all over the place which you know as you probably expect damages you when you touch it but there's also a lot of enemies that fly and run around to projectiles like the volcano Morts the hellhounds and worst of all the fire Elementals not to mention it's a good while before I reach a teleporter or a safe point so I gotta be extra careful eventually I do reach the boss the aura boss and this is a pretty insignificant boss but it actually does take me a couple of attempts because it has a really weird attack pattern this thing attacks by shooting fire you and also by running and jumping at you the main gimmick is that it will invert gravity for itself allowing it to walk around on the ceiling but its attacks are the same either way and they're pretty easy to avoid the bunny hopping strategy is great for dealing damage to him when he's on the ground but this can also catch you off guard when he does his fire from his back attack and when he's on the ceiling the best I can do is just throw knives in him like I said these are pretty easy to avoid but much like the last boss his attacks aren't doing a whole lot and I really just want to get this fight over with as fast as I can so I just go all out with attacking and don't really make much effort to avoid his attacks it's not as effective a strategy as it was against the last boss in fact it takes me a good couple of attempts and this thing has a lot more HP than the last boss but without too much difficulty I'm able to take him down this gives me the invertibility which makes pretty much every part of the castle reachable now but before I can move on to the next area I first need to backtrack to the Tower of Twin Dragons to get the igis plate which allows me to move through spikes so I can access the next area the Oriental sorcery lab another pretty difficult area now we have to deal with these monkeys that are really small targets and hop around everywhere and the ninjas which take a ton of damage and can attack you from pretty much anywhere on screen the worst part is that you have to travel a pretty long distance between the teleporter and the boss so if you find out you're underprepared for the fight if you don't have a way Stone you're not only going to have to fight through them again but on your way back you're also gonna have to fight through them again and probably use up some of your healing items along the way and yes you are going to need to do a lot of preparing because the second fight a kid's son Getsu is ridiculously hard you might think it would be easier with it being just an upgraded version of a boss I've already fought but believe me the upgrades that zanketsu got since the last fight more than make up for this first of all the throwing knife doesn't really help because on Getsu automatically blocks 90 of your projectiles but in addition to his fire sword upgrade thing he can now do the same with electricity and ice now his fire abilities are just as annoying as they were last time only now he has this move where he'll surround himself with these rotating Fireballs which are pretty much impossible to avoid and he can still attack while these are active now when he switches elements his properties don't change too much like there are some small differences like when he uses his jump attack with his electric sword it has a bit more vertical range and when he swings his sword with his ice ability active it will shoot ice attacks at you from the ground not too much of a difference but the main difference is and what makes this fight so difficult are his special abilities I already talked about the one where he'll surround himself with Fireballs but with his electric one he'll trap you in this bubble that you can only Escape by repeatedly spamming your dive kick fail to do this and it's a one-hit kill then there's a special ice attack that launches some ice at you from the edges of the Arena this itself isn't hard to avoid but it is when he's still attacking you while doing it the worst part though is that there aren't really any strategies that I can exploit here bunny hopping doesn't really work because there's no way to predict a win he'll jump and swing his sword at you and he's such a small Target anyway the knife doesn't work because like I just said he blocks most of your projectiles and kicking doesn't work because that requires you to get really close to him which is just too risky with all the attacks he has there's really not a lot you can do you really just have to decide which of these options is best given the situation and play it how you think is best it is impossible to over prepare for this fight and you're definitely going to need every healing item available to you surprisingly it doesn't actually take me that many attempts though only about four or five this is probably because I did a good amount of preparing in advance but that still doesn't make this fight easy you also have to be patient because zangetsu has quite a lot of HP but if you are able to hold out long enough and keep damaging him he will go down so zangetsu decides that we're worthy to face jeevil and he gives us his sword and now we go back into the Hall of termination to fight him I should mention that it is possible to fight geeble as soon as you're able to enter the Hall of termination but if you beat him without the zongetsuto all that happens is you get a game over screen what you need to do is fight him normally until the moon turns red then equip design getsuto slice the moon in half and then the fight will be over after that you may remember in the garden of Silence there's a room that also had the red moon well yeah you go there and you do the same thing and this opens up the den of behemoths which is basically the garden of Silence but a lot bigger and the enemies are a lot bigger and tougher too once we get in there we run into Alfred again and zangetsu asserts that Dominique has been using us the whole time either way we gotta beat grammary but not before the valafar this area is boss now I could fight him normally and have it actually pose a challenge or I could just do this [Music] let's put your luck to the test s is all you have [Music] [Music] that was easy so yeah after that we go a little further and make it to the glacial tomb which is the last area and as to be expected has the toughest enemies as well as the hardest boss in the gate even more so than the final boss that being gremory this boss is basically this game's equivalent of death from Castlevania it has some of the strongest attacks in the game but the worst part is that there are these little sickles that fly across the screen or in this case Crescent Moon shaped beams which are much more numerous harder to avoid and deal way more damage as if that were bad enough gremory has some of the cheapest most hard to dodge moves in the game on top of having to avoid all these things like one where else she'll try to cut you with a giant pair of scissors one where she'll create a moon that will fire beams all around her that will cause a screen to shake one where a bunch of hands will come up from the ground and follow you one where she'll shoot these blackish purplish things at you and one where she'll fire a laser if it circles around the screen and is pretty much impossible to dodge on its own you can try oh you could try to be strategic and avoid the attacks and fight her the way the game wants you to but under these conditions that's just not gonna work she has a metric ton of HP and given how little damage you'll be doing along with how hard to dodge and how frequent her attacks are along with how much damage they do that's just not possible not as a lily the normal ideal strategy for this fight is to use the welcome company Shard to block most of the yellow beams but that's against the rules here the best I could do is use the dollar Hammerhead familiar and hope that they block the beams but that doesn't seem to be the case the only way to do this is to just forget about everything and go all out with bunny hopping usually there will be a small gap between where grammary is floating and the ceiling and whenever this is the case get in that little Gap however you can whether it be through jumping or by inverting gravity and Bunny Hop as much as you can each of my attacks are doing 53 damage which for the frequency I'm dealing them is pretty good but that on its own still isn't enough you may think it will be best to do this then get out of the way when you see an incoming attack if you even can see them but no just keep doing this and when you take a hit and get knocked off heal back up get back up there and keep going do not stop to do anything else the only other thing you should be keeping an eye on is your health make sure you bring every healing item at your disposal because you are going to need them even with this strategy this boss still takes dozens of attempts there's really not much you can do a lot of it just comes down to luck you have to go all out with your attacks and keep trying until you get it down that is what I do and I cannot tell you how relieved I am when I do finally beat her so once I beat her I get the dimension shift ability which is a directional Shard that lets me teleport small distances and outright go through walls there are some things in the castle that are only accessible through this but they're really not all that important this mostly just exists to let you get to the final area where we fight the final boss none other than Dominique Dominique is actually pretty easy especially compared to gremory she plays kind of like a mix between Alfred and zongetsu she has this whip that she'll swing at you and obvious throwback to Castlevania and sometimes she'll attack you with these magical projectiles she also likes to run and jump around a lot but she's really not hard to beat and the bunny hopping strategy is actually pretty effective here because she doesn't have any attacks that reach directly above her if you want to play it safe it is a more than viable strategy to keep your distance and spam your knives but either way the fight against Dominique's human form does not last long at all but of course that isn't going to be the final boss the real final boss is bail and this thing oh my God Bale is he's actually not too bad it certainly looks menacing with it being made up of three heads that are circling around you all of which are firing projectiles from all sides but these actually aren't too hard to dodge bunny hopping also works pretty well here when you do it on the heads that are below you now the boss's attacks are actually surprisingly easy to dodge and don't even really deal a lot of damage the red one shoots the slow-moving Fireballs the cat shoots these purple beams which also travel slowly the Frog shoots these two electric balls that create a beam of lightning and Dominique will also appear on some of them and she'll shoot two lasers at you or a purple beam later in the fight these are the most common attacks but sometimes they will do these attacks that can be unpredictable like sometimes the cat does this roaring attack that can catch you off guard when you're attacking it sometimes there will be lava on the ground that will damage you sometimes the Frog will whip you with its tongue sometimes the Frog will summon these bubbles maybe the head will slice you with its tongue these all deal a decent amount of damage but it's nothing I can't deal with and I can't prepare maybe a little too prepared I have a bunch of beef Curry bowls which almost completely heal my HB and my strategy is pretty much the same as it was against gremory I'm not really thinking about dodging the projectiles I'm more focused on dealing as much damage as I can this boss's attacks are really little more than a temporary setback than anything else even these projectiles don't do anywhere near as much damage as the ones the gremory used did and they're a lot easier to dodge with the way this boss is designed bunny hopping is extremely easy and doesn't leave you vulnerable to attacks in the way it did with gremory I'd say the hardest thing about this boss is the amount of HP it has this fight takes me a good five minutes to beat which is considerably longer than most of the other bosses but with me keeping up the pressure without too much trouble Bale goes down [Music] so Dominique gets defeated the castle disappears and then the credits roll so is it possible to Be Blood Stained as a lily well kind of there were some parts where I did have to leave my Lily form to continue on like when I needed to use the DC amishard to move on through the water and when I had to slice the moon in half to beat jeevil but there weren't any times where I needed to damage any enemies or bosses themselves outside of my Lily form and I'd say that is enough to make me count this challenge as a success but let me know what you guys think did you enjoy this video do you want to see more Blood Stained videos be sure to let me know Down Below in the comments be sure to rate comment and subscribe and be sure to check out my other links in the description until next video I will see you all later [Music] foreign
Channel: Nyarly
Views: 139,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloodstained, Castlevania, IGA, Igarashi, Koji, Konami, Indie, Ritual of the Night, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC, Steam, Metroidvania, Metroid, Challenge, Playthrough, Bunny, Rabbit, Castle, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Valve, Lili, Lilim, Tail, Costume, Easter, Bunnysuit, Haruhi, Anime, Miriam, Belmont, Video Games, Gaming, Speedrun, Commentary, Guide, Joke, Cheat codes, Curse of the Moon, Symphony of the Night, Review, Hare, Cosplay, Moon, Buff, Hoyoverse, Honkai, Impact, Genshin
Id: PtzrGaavAyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 32sec (2552 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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