Can You BEAT Fire Emblem Echoes With Just Alm and Celica?

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hello everyone my name is Javi in this video we are going to see if it's possible to beat Fire Emblem Echoes Shadows of Valencia using only almond Celica this will be a hard mode play through and I will not be getting any help from DLC so first off I'm not counting the prologue for this it serves as a kind of tutorial and it's not a real part of the main game as no one gains any experience and it doesn't matter if anyone dies and I would say it's impossible to lose since my sin will kill all the enemies before they would have any chance of killing him in act 1 Lucas Tobin and gray are automatically recruited but I don't have to recruit Cliff or Faye Cliff is fine with it Faye on the other hand will be sad forever and she hopes that Alm will eventually come back the first battle is very simple it's not hard to move the others out of the way so that they don't see any combat Terrain in this game is very powerful so I will always try to fight for my forest or grave or anything like that Supply tiles are also good since they give both a void and restore 5 HP every turn magic does ignore terrain bonuses so I will have to be mindful of that all can two round all of these brigands and there are a couple that try to retreat for healing but all can catch up to them and kill them before they can make it to the supply tile the next battle is much of the same I move the others out of the way my first priority will be to kill the Archer then the Bergens will attack home Alm will still two round them and they will try to retreat for healing once again but I can move along with them towards the supply tile and take them out before they can get to it then I make use of the supply tile to heal arm up it's better to make use of the free healing instead of using up my Provisions Inventory management isn't a real problem in this run since Alm and Celica or the convoys for their respective armies so they always have access to any weapon they want to use and they always have Provisions to heal with then I can make my way to The Last Enemy who gets too rounded by Alm next is the thief Shrine I try to avoid the enemies but I end up getting ambushed by three groups of brigands I'm able to keep the others away and Alm kills all of the enemies without any issues he does get two level UPS here since there were so many enemies I get the iron sword and the other items from inside the barrels and boxes I go ahead and just kill the brigging boss and end the battle with him early then I get the most important thing here which is the three points of speed instead of any HP from the sacred Springs I'm not bothering silk I'm sure she'll be fine although I do think she had something important to give the arm if memory serves but I got what I came for and would rather not spend much more time in here I have access to battle preps now so I can undeploy the other units the Battle of ram Valley can usually be difficult because of the leather Shield mercenary however since Alm has been getting all of the experience and is pretty over leveled right now the mercenary isn't much of a threat the other enemies also aren't a threat The Archers are annoying but I think every enemy here only dealt one damage to Alm which is a another thing in this game is that every hit that lands will do at least one damage I used the iron sword in this map to work on unlocking its combat Arts so there wasn't much strategy for this map I just wanted to get on to the supply tile and then from there all would heal all the damage he takes and more and can easily kill the mercenary after a few rounds the southern Outpost again doesn't require much strategy allm can easily two round all but one of these enemies I am still using the iron sword and all will unlock the windsweep combat art this is a single attack that prevents enemy counter attacks it is not useful now but it will be the secret to beating a map in act 3 so I take out the majority of the enemies here then there will be three remaining who all like to sit on the supply tiles I go for the one on the left since he is the easiest one to kill and then I can heal with the supply tile then I go after the middle one and then The Last Enemy is an Archer with a steel bow the easiest way to kill him was to pull him out of his little room and block him off from going back in there so Lucas won't let us proceed without rescuing clear first so I do that and get the lightning sword which sets your attack to 15 and is a one to two range magic sword you do lose three speed but 15 magic damage and one to two range is still very powerful at this point in the game it doesn't have the best accuracy though this will be alm's weapon of choice for the rest of act 1 and the first half of act 3. although he does use the iron sword as well occasionally so the next two battles are a complete joke with the lightning sword they require no thought whatsoever the lightning sword itself one rounds nearly all of these enemies as long as the user has enough speed to double the doubling threshold is very generous in this game your speed just has to be greater than your opponents and you will double if any enemies survive because of the lightning sword missing they will try to retreat for healing but they can't escape from Alm as he will chase them down and finish them off I find both of the combat Arts learn from the lightning sword to be not that great most of the time I find it better to just attack normally though they could have some very situational uses it is required to go to the Deliverance Hideout and talk to Clive so for dungeons I can't undeploy units in the battle preps before you actually enter the dungeon but what I can do is right after entering is tell the other units to evacuate which will leave arm as the only unit I still want to explore Dungeons and get items from chests and break boxes and stuff to get provision items and silver marks and I will try to avoid enemies but sometimes they might follow me into a room and stand in the doorway forcing me to battle them so I do one fight here and om gets a level up and unlocks the final combat Arc for the lightning sword I don't want to grind or anything like that so what I can do is Retreat from these battles it has to be turn three for me to do this but that shouldn't be a problem so I think I will just do that for the rest of the dungeons in this entire game this then removes the enemy from the dungeon as if I defeated it Clive is automatically recruited and then I give all three points of attack instead of any defense from the sacred Springs I'm just kind of going with my gut for the sacred Springs I didn't plan anything out I think I also could have saved these for Celica too but I'll just give them to all then I can evacuate and leave Forsyth and python behind Forsyth might have wanted to come along but Python's probably fine with it now we can attack Slade and Desai at Sofia castle I'm not even going to bother trying to get the Draco Shield it's probably not possible with just Alm and if it is then it requires a much more advanced strategy than I could ever think of so I just go into this map moving as I see fit not really thinking about it too much as ohm approaches the castle he will be harassed by two archers I actually do make some use out of Thunderclap since it is a three-range attack and I can attack one of the archers to make him Retreat for healing but soon enough om will get through that narrow passageway and kill the two archers on the left side then I go ahead and charge in and pull many of the Cavaliers and Slade Alm does get hit a lot and takes more damage than I thought he would but all this requires me to do is make sure I heal him with whatever Provisions I have the enemies get low on HP and retrieve for healing but eventually most of them get killed and I make sure to kill Slade before he would want to retreat for healing after that all can swap between the iron sword and lightning sword to finish off the remaining enemies The Arcanist is the most dangerous enemy here but he is still not much of a problem there is also an armor knight that hits pretty hard but the lightning sword cuts through him with ease overall act 1 was very easy and didn't have much challenge at all most Maps require no thought whatsoever and that last map was the only one where I needed to heal with Provisions from the Convoy for act two we see what is going on with Celica May and Bowie are automatically recruited and Jenny we can skip which makes her upset but I'm sure she will get over it for the sacred Springs I go for two points of attack and one point of speed it's kind of hard to choose one over the other so I go for a mix of both focusing on attack more the first battle is very easy for Celica she can just sit in a gray Brave and the enemies will come to her and get themselves killed I just always attack with the golden dagger at one range since there is no point in attacking with fire and wasting HP but Celica didn't have to worry about HP in this fight anyway the golden dagger's second combat art is actually pretty useful so I want to work on unlocking that saber has to be recruited to proceed to the first Sofia Seaway battle but it's fine because I can just undeploy him and Celica has no problems in this fight I put her on the supply tile and from there she can just kill most of the enemies a couple will Retreat for healing and silica can chase them down and defeat them and Kill The Last Enemy in the process in the next battle I use pretty much the same strategy sitting silica in the supplies and she can deal with most of the enemies from there the mercenary is the most dangerous enemy here but once he gets low enough I can finish him off with fire and he is no longer a problem Celica got defense on a couple levels which really helped her survive against this guy Celica also finally unlocks the Earth spoon combat art I use this a lot because it Awards food when enemies are defeated so with this attack Celica should never have to worry about running out of killing items she learned seraphim at level 5 and it will have a few uses early on here but after that it's not the most useful spell for this run for the next battle I just go straight for the enemies half of them will surround and attack valbar kamui and Leon and the other half will surround Celica valbar and kamui are pretty strong and will deal with their half Leon dies pretty quick which is what usually happens in this map Celica doesn't have any problems and she will learn thunder at level 8. Thunder is a useful spell since it is three range though it doesn't have the best accuracy after she kills her half of the enemies I have her get to Barth before valbar and kamui in the fight against Barth I have to heal a couple times and Val War comes in to help but at least Celica can get the finishing blow inside of the pirate Throne I get a steel sword and a golden apple and and some other things the golden apple gives 100 experience so basically a free level up and I use it right away on Celica available and kamui are an optional package deal so I just leave them alone they don't seem too upset that Leon died the next battle is the first one that is actually challenging well I don't know if challenging is the right way to put it but the only enemy on this map is a cancer but these guys can summon Terrors this guy sits on a supply tile and has the Incarnation skill which is similar to recovery so this guy always automatically heals 10 HP at the start of his turn he doesn't attack he just sits there and summons revenants every two or three turns the revenants aren't a problem except for the fact that they will always deal one damage if they hit Celica and this is what caused my first game over of the run I have to be aggressive to kill the Canter and try to attack him every turn otherwise he will keep healing to full HP he does counter when I attack him and I want to be on the supply tile adjacent to him so that I can heal every turn as well though it is only 5 HP I have this deal sword equipped and after killing a ton of revenants Celica unlocks both of its combat Arts which I thought could be helpful to kill the cancer which they kinda were but ultimately the way to kill this guy was to just wait for a crit Thunder was also a good attack since it is three range and silica could attack without risking a counter-attack she has decent crits only 70 hit though and to use it from three range I would have to leave the supply tile it cost 2 Hp to use and the revenants would surround Celica and Whittle her down to the point where I would have to spend a turn or two to heal and going one or two turns without attacking the Canter allows him to heal back to full HP so basically with what I had available to me at this point this map was like a stalemate and I just had to wait for a crit to happen to end the map which is what happened so there wasn't much challenge here as the strategy was just to wait for a crit seraphim could also have been a good option but only a Celica doubled with it which she couldn't at this point I do get a fruit of life from the cancer and use it on silica to increase her HP by two now I have two options to choose between the C bounce Shrine or the fourth zofia Seaway battle I go ahead and fight the two necro dragons at The seabound Shrine luckily Celica has been getting defense in her level ups and she has enough to take two hits from the necro dragons and then she can finish each of them off with seraphim then in the c-bound shrine dungeon I always Retreat from enemy encounters there are many sacred Springs in here the first is a choice between skill and HP I go for three points of skill here skill does not affect accuracy of magic attacks but it does affect crits for all attacks I think so judging from how the battle with the cancer went I actually think skill might be more useful than HP at this point further in there are two more Springs that are by themselves and do not share their uses Celica can get two points of resistance from one and two level UPS from the other and at level 50 15 she learns the best spell Excalibur finally in the deepest parts of the dungeons there is a blessed sword which is a pretty good sword and is effective against Terrors and grants the recovery skill which restores 5 HP every turn the fourth pirate raid is very simple I use the same strategy of sitting Celica in the supplies and she can kill most of the enemies from there I try to kill most enemies then with Earth's Boon to get more food items other than that none of these enemies are much of a threat to Celica the next battle is the first one that actually required me to plan out my moves as all of the enemies are arcanists Who attack with magic so terrain doesn't help much here I had a couple game overs here because Celica can't take them all on in one enemy phase five of them have the weak two range miasma spell Celica can potentially one round them all and kill them in one enemy phase hpy she is fine but she will end up missing one attack and leaving one alive but it's not a problem the other two arcanists have the power powerful three range mire spell I have to save these guys for last and take them on one at a time so Celica doesn't die if both the miasma and Meyer guys all attack Celica one she will die so taking out the enemies in the order that I did made this map doable after this Celica can go and check out Ram Village Faye is lonely and Cliff is bored they ask to come along with Celica but she turns them down then she goes to check out the thieves Shrine and find Silk who has woken up and seems to be doing just fine as I thought she would then she goes to the Deliverance Hideout and it is good to see that Python and Forsyth haven't been done in by the Terrors they both seem to be doing well then I go back and say hi to Paula and katria then there is one more battle here in act two saber is force deployed here but it's easy to move him aside Celica does get some help from Mr mask here this is a fairly easy map I try to kill all the enemies with Celica but Mr mask swoops in and kills the last one almond Celica then reunite after not seeing each other and years though the reunion ends on a sour note and they are separated once again also Alm automatically gets Miller's turn wheel at the start of act 3. a peddler just shows up and says here you go I guess silk decided that Alm is never coming for her and she just disappeared and entrusted The Peddler to deliver the turn wheel to all at first I didn't actually know this is what happened from the start of this run I decided that I wouldn't use the turn wheel as it's really not helpful anyway since it can't save all marcelica from dying and causing a game over his other use is taking risky plays that could either work out well or end in a unit's death and then rewinding if the latter happens again this isn't useful for all mercelica since a risky play that could result in their death would cause a game over and can't be fixed with the turn wheel now for Acts 3 and 4 I am going to do celica's side first and then do Alm side it doesn't really matter which order for act 3 but for Act 4 celica's side must be completed before you can finish almside alms promotion is also locked behind celica's progress in act four as well so overall for act four it is best to complete celica's side before doing anything with allm in the zofian coast battle Paula and catria are both green units and they both will die eventually I don't bother trying to save them as I wasn't going to recruit them anyway Celica has no problems with these enemies including the boss she can one or two round most of them depending on what she uses to attack she does get low on HP eventually and then she has to race against some enemies to get to the supply tile to heal up I could also just use provisions but I would like to save them if I can the next battle is against some revenants in a graveyard I take some of them out and then I Retreat to see if it acts the same as it does in dungeons but unfortunately it does not so I have to go back and fight them again though there are only still three left which is what was left when I retreated now I have some more options first I go to the Mountain Village to get the items there the most important being some Pegasus cheese which I use to increase celica's speed by two Celica also talks to Atlas who says he will go and fight grief alone after leaving the village I have to fight revenants in the graveyard again and Celica hits level 20 and will not gain any more experience until she promotes later her stats are really good at this point she had a couple bad level ups but overall she loved with upgrades she also learns Ragnarok which is her strongest spell as far as Mike goes it does have a high HP cost and it's pretty heavy it is not as good as Excalibur but it still has some uses next I do the battle at the desert stronghold this can usually be a tricky map and also very annoying with all the archers however with Celica being so powerful and over leveled at this point this map is not so bad the enemies won't come to me so I have to go to them Celica can take out the first batch of enemies safely with Excalibur or something then I go into a forest tile to hopefully take out some archers until I decide to try charge forward and try to take out the boss then there are pretty much just archers left and I can try to kill them while making my way towards the supply tiles I want to get on one of them just to be extra safe but these archers really aren't that dangerous and I can quickly take them out with Earth's Boon a huge problem for Celica and this game in general is that even though she has Thunder which is a three-range spell the game won't let her use it to counter archers from three range on enemy phase there was one point in this map where some archers were forced into attacking Celica at two range and she countered them there so I guess that is the best I can hope for right now I get the items in the stronghold none of which are very useful there was also someone locked in a Cell but Celica is on a mission and doesn't have time to chat next we have to choose between fighting Dean or Sonia I checked them both out and decided that Sonia would probably be easier to defeat so I try out the fight and I drastically underestimated the power of the witches even though they all don't teleport on the first turn after a couple turns Celica will get overwhelmed she can't reliably one-round them and she doesn't counter the ones that have thunder and attack at 3 range it was just too much for her to handle Dean on the other hand was much easier than I thought he would be I try to rush to the supply tile but I never actually make it there and Celica just ends up going off on these guys she just crits almost all of them and then as Dean approaches Celica has just enough attack to One-Shot him with Ragnarok and we get the brave sword for defeating him after he is dealt with the remaining enemies are no threat whatsoever I started using the Blessed sword a lot more often now because I really appreciate the passive healing it gives now it is time to charge into Greece Citadel and defeat him there is also an extra group of Bandits that he summons accompanying him there are three witches two of which will warp to attack Celica and the other will walk to her they are not much of a problem since they don't all warp in the same turn there are a bunch of other enemies that will charge of Celica most of which will die very easily there is one organist who is rather annoying with his mire spell but I can eventually take him out as well without any issues then there is one Canter in this map who will summon like a million bone Walkers they are all pretty weak and will get one rounded by Celica with the Blessed sword the first challenge of this map was the mire Arcanist and the snipers that kind of work together to attack Celica as she first enters the fort area I try to use Thunder to take out the first Arcanist but it is too inaccurate so what I had to do is wait for Celica to be close to full HP and then she could go up the hallway and kill the organist and the sniper with a more reliable spell like Excalibur I do that in the hallway on the right then back out and go around and do the same to the left hallway then I prepare for the fight with grief he isn't all that strong but he is fast and as a dread fighter he is pretty resistant to Magic attacks I want to set myself up so that I could easily Retreat to that Supply tile if they things go bad but to my surprise either grief is really weak or Celica is super strong and she just crits him and kills him in one round I'm thinking it's the latter the rest of the enemies fall soon after there is one more Arcanist that I just go into one range to kill then this Cantor is a joke compared to the very first one of the Run Celica can easily one round this guy and end the map inside of grief Citadel there are some good items Sonia wants to join but we turn her down and Celica rescues a fellow Priestess who was locked in a Cell this was required to progress in the game there was someone else in the other cell but once again Celica has things to do and can't waste any more time on the way to the next actual battle I got ambushed by a Cantor but I can just Retreat to skip past him I also had to fight some terrors in the graveyard in the battle of the valley approach there was an extra group of enemies however they didn't add much challenge to the map the witch warps to Celica and she can easily kill it there is a Meyer Arcanist that I have to be careful with I keep my distance until I can go into one range and kill him then most other enemies will attack Celica and die the boss is also not a problem as Celica can one round him with Excalibur for now I'm just going to skip the Dragon Shrine there is only a resurrection spring in there and no items of any use so I'm going to the battle at the Miller Temple there is an extra Canter here who summons revenants which turned out to just be a nuisance more than anything the boss summons gargoyles and he summons close to a billion of them in this map as I work up the map I am able to Kill The Arcanist and sniper that start out close to the boss then my next objective is to kill the Canter summoning revenants but the problem was that attacking him would put Celica in range of too many arcanists so the strategy here was to safely pull the arcanists and snipers into celica's attack range so that she could kill them with Excalibur usually the arcanists all have Meyer so Celica can't tackle more than one at a time they deal 12 damage image to her which is almost half of her health they attack her at three range so she can't counter them and kill them on enemy phase so after I pull one of them I still can't just run up and kill it unless Celica is close to full HP else she'll not have enough HP to one round it so this map just ended up with a lot of dancing around going in and out of enemy ranges trying to get the perfect setup that I can pull them one at a time and then making sure it is safe to kill it and then repeat that for each of The Arcanist and the snipers as well the Gargoyles made this process all the more drawn out since I could not kill an Arcanist if it would end up with Celica at very low HP as the Gargoyles would swoop in and kill her since they will always deal one damage if they hit her once only the boss is left he is not that hard Celica can't one round him without a crit but I just use fire first and then next turn I can finish him with Ragnarok after this map it is clear that fire arcanists are just turning out to be the bane of celica's existence after this so can promote from which she only gets 4 HP there is also a spring of experience that I go ahead and use to give Celica two level UPS now it is finally alm's turn it has been so long since we did anything with him right now Alm is not nearly as versatile as Celica and his stats are also going to be slightly worse and because of this he will have quite a bit of trouble throughout act 3 and you'll get to see what I mean in this first battle here he does not do well against magic users so with there being two witches and one Arcanist in this map he can die pretty easily I failed this map a couple times before I got the idea to just rush to one of the supply Tiles near the top of the map home can cross the river so I don't have to take the bridge the problem is that I don't have the best healing items so I really need the extra healing from the supply tile to deal with these enemies the boss also deals a lot of damage to Alm but once he is in the supply tile he can damage and kill the enemies on enemy phase and on player phase I usually heal with provision to make sure he doesn't die eventually All That Remains are two archers and a crippled soldier that all can chase down and kill to end the map unfortunately for all the next battle is entirely Arcanist two of them have Meyer making them very dangerous and the rest have miasma which is not nearly as bad as Meyer but it is still trouble for all the strategy here is to rush to the nearby Supply tile much like the last map because Alm really needs the extra healing and by the end of this map he will go through almost all of his Provisions with the lightning sword all can two round these miasma guys encounter them on enemy phase they do like to heal each other sometimes but this part of the map is pretty consistent that all will survive and kill them all then there will only be the two Meyer guys left much like Celica all cannot take two of them on at once I have to pull the first one towards me and then I can get some distance and then om has to be at full HP or close to it so that he can go in in one round the first Meyer guy and survive the hit from the other one then I just have to try and run away and heal up and wait for an opening to attack the Windswept on that art is really helpful here since Palm cannot one round this guy so I can use that and the guy eventually decides to retreat for healing and all him can corner and finish him the forest Crossroads battle is much much easier than the last two fights her coot is pretty bulky but this is still a simple map just Place Alm in the forest and let him kill the three enemies we also get a blessed ring which grants the recovery skill that restores 5 HP each turn I then go into the Forest Village and talk to luthier and get a couple Provisions there is not much else here then I wait for the group of enemies to move so they don't Ambush me when I move down once they move allm can attack them and this group isn't very strong there is one Meyer Arcanist but he ends up using his own HP to heal the others making it easy for Alm to kill him Alm also hits level 20 and his stats are much worse than what Celica had at level 20. Holm just has more HP next is the sales Fortress my first objective is to kill the witch this is pretty easy to do as they will either walk towards Alm or warp to him either way as soon as I can attack it I use windsweep twice to kill it I would have just attacked it normally but since it kept going in the forest tiles I thought it would be best to use windsweep for the extra hit and it prevents counter-attacks another thing about this map is the Canter that summons revenants and the problem with these guys is that they clog up the entrance to the Fort area since it is only one tile wide Matilda is also in this map and she is a green unit that will slowly get killed by The Archers and revenants once she is gone I can draw The Archers attention and draw them towards Alm and bring them out of the fort and take them out so that they don't bother me then I want to draw out the say and the armor knights so that I can fight them from the forest tiles I want the lightning sword equipped so that all can counter to say on enemy phase the problem is that it doesn't take much for him to want to retreat to heal and the revenants don't get one rounded with the lightning sword so the air area just gets really clogged up with enemies but eventually I can take out the other armor knights leaving to say and the revenants left to say comes back for one final round and luckily Alm just gets a crit to kill him quick after that I can equip the iron sword to one round the revenants and make my way to the Canter which also gets one rounded by Alm with the iron sword I also made use of the Blessed ring in this map to heal Alm so that I don't have to use any provisions that I can just save them inside of the says Fortress is the Royal sword which will be the main sword that Alm uses from now on it grants recovery and later unlocks at powerful combat Arc called double lion its stats are also very good in the next battle there are only Cavaliers and a couple of paladins all all has to do here is get to the supply tile in the center of the map and all of the enemies will like funnel into him and get themselves killed none of them give him any trouble and he will get a lot of skill points on the Royal sword I go into the Sylvan Shrine dungeon as there are some useful things in there the first being a gold Mark and then there is a spring with two points of resistance and then a choice between HP or experience I think HP will be more helpful for the next couple of battles rather than save the experience for after all promotes so I do that I go ahead and get the reinforcement enemy groups to move around so I can battle them and defeat them to clear them from the world map the Forest North Side battle is actually pretty tough there are witches archers snipers and the boss is a bow Knight early into the map I can take out the witches which is good then the boss gets close and I just use double lion to kill him with double Lion on does two consecutive hits and each one has plus five mites and they still have a chance to crit so it is really good for one rounding enemies and not having to face a counter attack after that though there are still plenty of archers and snipers left that will attack all men can take out a lot of his HP in one turn and all can't counter them on enemy phase and will have to kill them one by one each player phase so what I do do is equip the leather Shield so that they only deal one damage to all and I could get arm to a supply tile so he has plenty of passive healing after getting him back to full HP or close to it he can go and take a couple out at a time then possibly retrieve for healing as needed and eventually om can kill them all and end the map now the sluice gate is another tough map for Alm as the enemies are all arcanists and there is also Del Thea Who currently has witch powers so first thing is to take out Del Thea I think it is random whether she teleports or walks to home either way she is the only enemy that moves at first so I will wait until Alm kills her so that she doesn't bother me when killing the rest of the enemies then I enter the range of the other enemies which causes most of them to move including two Meyer guys om could not take these guys on out in the open he can counter the miasma guys with the lightning sword however his damage output isn't great against these guys and will just put them low enough so that they will just heal each other and it won't get me anywhere so I noticed this Supply tile that is also situated at the end of a narrow Hall this is the perfect setup to force most of the organists to attack Alm at one range so that he can counter and kill them on enemy phase thankfully allm can cross rivers so I can get him across and into the supply tile and get some distance between him and the enemies then from there Alm can still die pretty easily and he needed to dodge like two attacks to stay alive and kill those arcanists then there were only three enemies remaining two Meyer guys and the boss who has the even more powerful death spell I can take out the first Meyer guy no problem then om has just enough resistance and HP to take a hit from both the mire guy and the boss in one turn then luckily these guys don't really chase after me and just return to their starting positions and all can kind of sneak closer and closer to them I also spam and turn a lot to get on back to full HP then I could get to the point where I can pull the boss and kill him with double lion then Retreat once more for healing and finally I can finish off The Last Enemy with another double lion with all that done we can begin act four now we will go back to Celica and do her side first I also went back to the Dragon Shrine and checked it out and got whatever items were in there Celica did end up getting two level UPS because of a fight with some necro dragons that were guarding the entrance to the Revival Shrine and the coral ring but there really wasn't anything special in there then I go back to the basements of the Temple of Mila because there is now more to do down there I give two points of attack to Celica and there is a mage ring which increases the range of attack spells so that is incredibly useful she also finds Noma down there who got lost and tells him to find his own way out so now in the battle with the Dead Man's mire Celica is extremely powerful with the Mage ring Meyer guys are no longer the bane of her existence since she can counter them on enemy phase and also safely kill them from 4 range on player phase though with how this game works with enemies always dealing at least one HP when they hit Celica is not invincible and still has to be careful not to face too many enemies in one enemy phase there are also still snipers that she cannot counter on enemy phase even with the Mage ring there are three cantors in this map one being the boss and they all summon a different type of Terror though all three are pretty weak The Dread fighter in this map is the only enemy here that Celica cannot one round but she ends up getting a crit and killing him in one round anyway I did have one failed attempt at this map but that was only because I let Celica get attacked by too many enemies in one enemy phase and it was too much for her Celica though just slowly plows through this map without too much trouble it is really satisfying to kill the cantors and then watch all their summons disappear all at once then in the Meyer Bone Yard it is just a fight with a few necro dragons they are pretty weak as well and Celica can win by doing almost nothing to oath keep can usually be a pretty tough map but Celica here will make it look like a walk in the park so Dolph summons necro dragon who are not very strong compared to Celica though she does have to equip the Blessed sword if she wants to one round them and that was basically the strategy for this map I switched between the Mage ring and the Blessed door to fit what celica's needs were in any particular Moment Like if there was a swarm of necro dragons coming I would swap to the Blessed sword then if I had some time to breathe and could take out some snipers or mire guys I would use the Mage ring there were a couple of times where Celica got pretty low on HP but I could usually use provisions to heal her or just wait out the pass of healing then once I get within range of dolls I just make sure Celica is close to full HP just to be safe and then I go in and kill Dolph with Excalibur and end the map then right after this map Conrad automatically joins then in the Lost treescape there is a silver sword Lance and Beau as well as a spring with three points of defense for Celica then in the Sage's Hamlet there is a grimoire ring which increases magic power there is also a couple stat boosters and I Forge a Killer Bow and then finally talk to Halcyon so that when we return to Alm side he can go and promote right away then I go all the way back to the Mountain Village to make use of The Peddler there to send the Killer Bow over to Alm there is nothing special about that Peddler I just figured to use him and leave the three in the sages hamlet in case I want to send anything else over to Alm before ending celica's side I had a few stat boosters that I use on Celica and her stats are just crazy right now resistance is the only thing that she lacks but that is just how this game is resistance growths are almost non-existent the next battle is at dumagate the first thing for Celica to do is kill the witches that are near her this map only took me one attempt so I can't say for sure but it seems very unlikely for all of them to warp or attack Celica on the first turn it seemed to me like the game will only let about half of them move or warp to attack Celica and thanks to her Mage ring she can one round and kill them on enemy phase then I just move her up and heal her so that she is prepared to face the rest of them on the next enemy phase she kills all but one of them that Dodge an attack I guess but I can easily finish it off on the next turn then afterwards the boss is powering up his special move that damages all allies but in this case it is only Celica on the map it's not really that strong as it deals 10 damage to Celica but I would like to kill the boss as soon as I can with the Mage ring Celica can attack the boss from pretty far away with thunder she has the damage output to one round him Thunder's low hit is the only problem but I go for it and Celica crits anyway to make it easy then I want to be careful taking out the remaining enemies the Meyer guys have now upgraded to death guys so it is still dangerous to take on too many of them in one enemy phase so I work around the edges of the insides of the gate to kill the death guys and also make it to the cancer who has been summoning many annoying gargoyles and kill him the dread Fighters then are easy to kill for Celica as she can one round them at one range the one with the lightning sword took the longest to kill as he attacked two range forcing Celica to use a magic attacked counter which dread Fighters have very high resistance compared to most enemies next is the battle with Jeddah which is an easy battle since I don't have the kill Jetta and he leaves on turn six he does drop a draco Shield if he is defeated which would be nice to have but I didn't even try to fight him as it was very unlikely for Celica to kill him by herself theoretically it's possible but it would require an insane amount of luck with the RNG as Celica would have to fight him for three turns before she would even be able to damage him due to how his special ability works and she would have to dodge his attacks in the first three rounds and then in the fourth in order to one round him she would need either a lucky crit from Excalibur or with Ragnarok she would just need to dodge his counter attack so that she would have enough HP to cast her second attack the other enemies in this map are really easy for Celica to kill and the map ends pretty quick Celica then arrives at her final destination Duma Tower in here I first go and grab the ladyblade and then exit the dungeon and return to the Sage's Hamlet to forge it this is a very strong sword for Celica so I might want to use it and I don't have anything else to use my silver and gold marks on then back on the first floor of Duma Tower there are two Springs that I use to give Celica two points of speed and luck also at the end of each floor is a required fight in the first one Celica hits level 20 and has no issues killing the enemies the second floor has a spring that gives two points of skill and the battle here is actually easier than the first floor battle none of these enemies can really hurt Celica on the third floor there was a spring that gave two points of HP the forced fight at the end is very easy once again the fourth floor has two Springs one gives two points of attack and the other gives two points of Defense the last battle is simple except for the Moguls that just love to multiply which only serves to prolong the fight Celica has a little chat with Jetta and now we go back to see how Alm is doing so the first thing for all to do is go to any Miller Shrine and promote he gets one HP from his promotion he also gets to use bows now which is why I sent over the Killer Bow from Celica I then go and Forge that Killer Bow all the way up the Killer Bow is the MVP of the run as he gives the powerful combat Arc called Hunter's volley which will be very useful for the rest of the game almost first fight is against purcuits and a bunch of other enemies these gods are actually pretty strong and can deal a lot of damage against all the first thing for all to do here is Kill The Arcanist thanks to the Killer Bow he now has a way to counter and kill the mire and miasma guys on enemy phase so he can kill two of them on the second turn and then I can kill the others that move one at a time on the following enemy phases these guys initially don't move but they do start to move on their own after a few turns go by so my best option was to kill them quick before Alm gets surrounded by the other enemies especially the armor knights recruit and Fernand and their gang will also start to move on their own eventually but once the arcanists are taken care of I move on to a forest and from there he can deal with many of the remaining enemies as long as he has healing from Provisions om will be fine the only problem is that the enemies will Retreat for healing when they get low on HP but overall it didn't make much of a difference then I'll get to a point where I can safely move out of the forest to kill those annoying snipers that have been harassing all for most of this map The Last Enemy will be a lone Arcanist and I just make sure Alm is healed up and he can kill that guy pretty easily before this next map begins I just use some Pegasus cheese on Alm that I have had for a while now and just have been forgetting about it so this map is basically just all wins by doing absolutely nothing conveniently there is a supply tile right beside arm and all I really have to do is stick him there with the Killer Bow and he will just kill every enemy here on enemy phase there are a lot of witches and they are pretty scary but it's very unlikely for them to all gang up and attack Alm on the same turn I'm not exactly sure how which AI Works in this game or Gaiden but it seems to me like only one or two at Max will work to attack all in the same turn then for the rest of the enemies all can one round them as well the boss wouldn't normally get one rounded but all crits to make it easy the boss drops more Pegasus G so I use that after this map ends now I have two options one is the fight with Marla at fear Mountain on the way to newly Baba's Abode and the other is a fight with Jerome and Zeke at Regal Plains Nui Baba's Abode is not required to beat the game so for now I go to the Regal Plains battle the enemies here aren't too strong most of them only deal one or two damage to all so like some other Maps my goal is to get to one of the supply tiles so I just move on North and he can cross the river to get to the supply tile on the way though he will kill the majority of enemies with the Killer Bow on enemy phase the bow Knights are the only problem since they have either four or five range so all cannot counter them other enemies will also try to race arm to the supply tile Zeke actually makes it there first and there are two other enemies that arm just kills on the way there then Alm can kill Zeke and take the supply tile by force and after he gets healed up he can take out the bow Knights one by one meanwhile tattoo arcanists on this map have just been standing around watching the fight they must not have gotten the same memo as the other enemies did to just rush after allm at the start so after getting armed close to full HP I can equip the Killer Bow and Kill The Arcanist on enemy phase a home unlocked Hunter's volley in this map which is a very powerful two-hit attack similar to devil lion Hunter's volley though has a very high crit chance and it can be used to kill almost any enemy or Boss Next is the battle at Regal Falls this was actually a pretty tough map it took me like three attempts to beat it in the beginning there are a few bow nights golden knights and two arcanists that will charge after all these guys aren't really a problem and by swapping between the Royal sword and Killer Bow Alm can take them out pretty quickly and keep his health okay as well the biggest problem in this map is Hestia and the thousands of witches she summons there is also a character who summons gargoyles but he is the least of my worries so for the most part the coral ring is the solution to the witch problem luckily the witches all have fire so om can counter them and kill them without the Killer Bow and with the coral ring they all deal four damage to him and the ring also gives recovery so Alm gets some passive healing from that I've just come to understand that the witch's AI must be completely random because anywhere from one to three will warp to attack all in the same turn and sometimes they just won't do anything at all which is what actually saved me in this map so after those starting enemies are killed my next priority is killing Hestia unfortunately to get to her I have to go through the group of enemies behind the broken bridge the three arcanists are the major threat here they all have death which deals close to half of alms HP and I need to equip the Killer Bow to kill them on enemy phase there were a couple of different ways to deal with this but I ultimately decided to First heal all up and then pull the first Arcanist by itself and kill it on enemy phase then going any further would put arm in range of both of the remaining arcanists so unless I want to go around to the other side of the bridge to pull them one at a time I'm going to have to face two of them in the same enemy phase so that is what I do and Alm takes a hit from both of them but kills them in return home ends up very low on HP and any of the witches could have killed him if they wanted to but for some reason none of them did I can't explain how it worked out like this but I'll take it so after that om can kill Hestia and stop the onslaught of witches then he can kill the Canter and stop the Gargoyles spamming then there is the boss and a couple other enemies remaining and as long as I am smart about it Palm can kill them without any problems the last Bastion is a very quick map and much easier than the last one the most dangerous enemies here are the mire Arcanist but thanks to the layout of this map it is really easy to take them out one at a time by focus on killing the boss first which is a simple task for Hunter's volley then I can just make my way up one of the hallways killing orcanist and bow Knights on the way the armor knights are tanky but still not a problem for all Slade is also very weak and ties to a crit then I just swap between the Killer Bow and Royal sword to clean up the remaining enemies and this map is over soon enough now we arrive at Alma's Final Destination the confrontation with Rudolph this is another quick and easy map as all you have to do is kill Rudolph so arm can reach Rudolph after a couple of turns and I use an Ambrosia that I had to increase arms defense mid map just because there was nothing else for him to do then once Allen was in range he can kill his father with Hunter's volley getting a double crit he only needed one so the extra crit was just for show after this I go back to the secret Shrine that I could have went to after the Regal Falls battle but I just forgot about it in here there is a spring with three points of defense and a nectar item that gives two points of luck so if I were to go ahead and proceed to act five then Nui Baba and Marla will just disappear and I could go into the fear Mountain Shrine and Nui Bob was Abode and get whatever items are in there without having to fight them and while it is cool that I could do that I would still like to play the maps anyway just for fun so that is what I'm going to do on the way there in the Regal Plains I fought through some witch reinforcements where arm hit Level 20. overall Alm is a great unit Celica is stronger stat wise except that arm has better HP than her both units are great though in their own ways since Alm has Hunters volley and Celica has magic in the fear Mountain battle there is an extra group of witches so at the start of this this map I equip the coral ring so that the witches can't do much to Alm if a lot of them were to warp and attack him but they end up acting really weird like warping to places where they would just be one space out of range of attacking Alm so they probably weren't a threaten no matter what I did the physical enemies in this map are very weak and the strategy here was to just move forward to get to Marla as soon as possible so that I could kill her before she starts summoning tons of witches Alm can still die to all of these magic users so I did have to keep an eye on his health and heal with Provisions as needed but once it is safe to do so I can kill Marla with Hunter's volley and then the major threat of this map is now dealt with the rest of the enemies are easy to kill with the Royal sword and that is this map cleared we get a Soma from Marla so I use that to give all of two points of attack then I go straight into the fight with Nui Baba there is an extra group of witches that show up near the starting point of the map so I take care of them first using the same strategy of equipping the coral ring so that Alm doesn't take too much damage I don't think he needed it but it's better to be safe than sorry then for the rest of this map Nui papa is the most dangerous enemy here she has a mage ring that extends her attack range to 7. luckily she doesn't move she uses the Medusa spell which if it hits a unit it reduces that unit's HP to one or if the unit is already at one HP it kills them so this is very dangerous as if arm gets hit by Nui Baba and his HP is reduced to one then all it takes is one hit from any other enemy on the map to kill him the Canter beside Nui Baba exemplifies this as he summons gargoyles and they could easily swoop in and kill Alm if he were at one HP there are also Mountain tiles in front of her so arm cannot just run up right away and kill her with Hunter's volley so the way to beat this map was to circle around to the back where there is a path that does not impede almost movements and from there he can sneak up behind Nui Baba and kill her with Hunter's volley so as I circle around all can kill many of the other enemies on player and enemy phases and he can do so safely outside of Nui Baba's attack range then once the coast is clear all can kill Nui Baba the Canter and any other remaining enemies to end the map there wasn't much inside of nuibova's Abode there was another Granite that will increase off skill by two in the fear Mountain Shrine there were a lot of items and two Springs with one giving speed and the other giving luck I decided to give three points of speed to all I wasn't sure which was more important at this point I just figured it would probably be speed as far as items go there was a blessed bow a speed ring and a hex lock Shield there were others too but those three are probably the most important then I go ahead in end Act 4 by talking to Mison after which he is automatically recruited so for Act five the game won't let me Evacuate the others so the fight against Pursuit will be rather annoying since I will have to move the others and keep them out of enemy ranges this normally wouldn't be a problem but in this fight Renea summons witches who may teleport and attack my other units I guess it's not really a problem since they won't counter or damage the witches but if possible I would like for the other units to not see any combat whatsoever so my strategy was to find a way to kill Renea as fast as possible the method to kill her will be Hunters volley the usual the problem is actually getting to her since there are these three fiends that are very bulky and require a double crit to one round with my current setup one way to get to her is for her to entrap Alm letting her do the work and bring all right to her the problem with this is that the three arcanists will go and easily kill all then on enemy phase so I give on the angel ring to increase his avoid against their attacks and hope he Dodges and survives but then what ends up happening is I put him in range of reneas and trap and she goes for it but she misses so then I have to kind of improvise and things still end up working out I might have just gotten good luck that the witches didn't want to teleport and then I am able to get all Main Range to Hunters volley Renea and kill her with the witches out of the way I really don't have to worry about my other units seeing combat and I can just focus on having Alm kill the rest of the enemies leaving berkut as the only one left bertrude is pretty tanky but I just make sure Alm is healed up and I try for the one round with Hunter's volley but didn't get it but it's fine as Alm will still finish the job regardless next is the part of the game that actually forces you to solo with a home so this is incredibly easy since all I'm here is much stronger than he would be in a casual playthrough so there is nothing out of the ordinary that happens here so now for the final map I'll go ahead and show all met celica's final stats Celica is better in everything except for HP and they have equal speed and Alm also has five move while Celica has four still though both are great units this is their first time actually fighting together aside from the prologue and they have like a default support that gives them both crit and crit avoid ohm gets 20 crit and 10 crit avoid while Celica gets 10 crit and 20 crit avoid they have to be within three spaces of each other for these bonuses to be in effect starting off in this map I have the speed ring on Alm and the Mage ring on Celica the speed ring on Alm is just so that he can quickly get over to Celica just so that for most of the map I can have them together and make use of their support once they are together I can just focus on taking out a lot of the Moguls as well as the bow Knights dreadfighters and the gold Knights now killing Duma is going to be a challenge he has 200 hp so I don't think one rounding him is an option and killing him in one player phase is also not a reliable option he also moves and his attacks are five range and are very powerful as at that range they target resistance so he can can easily two-shot both arm and Celica they are fairly inaccurate though with roughly a 35 hit rate so it is essential to kill all the other enemies in this map and then I can deal with Duma once he is the only one left aside from the Moguls that he summons Marla and Hestia both summon witches and Jeddah summons more Moguls and all of this really crowds the map and makes it difficult to do anything so I skip over Jetta at first since it will take four turns to kill him Hestia is easy to pull and kill since she moves when entering her attack range Garn and Marla are the tricky ones since I will have to enter Dumas attack range in order to attack and kill them so this is a bit risky on my part but my only option is to use Hunter's volley to kill Garn in one round and then on the following enemy phase I will just have to hope that all Dodges at least one of the two attacks from Duma and Marla he Dodges them both which is great and Marla moves second allowing herself to be killed build on the counter attack and her witches die along with her before they get to move then I can move out of Dumas range and thankfully he doesn't follow me Jeddah is also tricky to kill since I have to survive three rounds of combat with him until I can actually damage him he won't initiate combat so all will have to do it on player phase and Celica will heal him when he takes damage Jetta deals a lot of damage so I will have to make sure om is close to full HP before I can safely attack him for the first three rounds but finally for the fourth round I can just use Hunter's volley and kill Jeddah and stop him from spamming all of those Moguls then fighting Duma is tricky since I have to make sure that allm has enough HP to survive an attack from Duma on player phase and then one on enemy phase I think most of the time I need arm to dodge duma's attack on enemy phase so that on player phase bomb is already at full HP and I can attack Duma and then heal arm with Celica I use Hunter's volley to take out most of his HP and then eventually I can finish the job with Fortune so we beat the game we see the credits turn counts were pretty high in most Maps the number beside of enemies is the total sum of the stats of all of the defeated enemies in that particular map so the maps where it is 9999 is because of all the summon Terrors then we see all of the other units have zero battles and zero wins so overall this run was interesting I really enjoyed many of the unique challenges this game presents such as there being no such thing as dealing zero damage and teleporting witches all met Celica are very powerful units a home definitely struggled the most during act 3 but then he got much better after he promoted and got the Killer Bow and Hunter's volley Celica doesn't really get much from her promotion compared to Alm she was pretty good the entire time and the Mage ring was a huge game changer for her in act 4. then we can see that Celica had a better win to battle ratio than Alm but there is still more for all met Celica to do they have a new mission to travel to arcanea and put a stop to some evil going on over there so starting out in Acts 6 I Forge Parthia I can't get it to Max right now but I will a little later then we have the first arcanaian Seaway battle in this one I mostly just use allm with the Parthia to kill the enemies I want him to start gaining skill points so that he can unlock parthius combat art the enemies here are pretty weak so overall it's an easy win then the next battle is slightly tougher as there are arcanists who can still do quite a bit of damage so I just have to be careful that all marcelica aren't facing too many of them in one enemy phase there is also a Cantor that I want to kill as fast as I can but by the very end of this map Alm unlocks the trance shot combat art for Parthia now this does have a use for something much later the last battle at Sea here is against mostly errors and some other things the scariest of which are the dragons with water breath at the start their attacks Pierce defenses so they hit pretty hard almond Celica can one round them though and take them out before they become a problem then the rest of the map is basically just sitting around waiting for the enemies to come to me and get killed on enemy phase none of them are strong and I have plenty of Provisions if I need any healing then once on the mainland I get gold marks as a reward and I can finish forging Parthia now it is time for the post game dungeon thabe's Labyrinth I have everyone else evacuate and almond Celica will take on this dungeon by themselves the first two floors don't have anything good but in the third basemans I gave three points of skill to all it was either that or luck so not really the best options to choose from in the fourth basements I give three points of attack to Alm as he will make the most use of it for what is to come the other option was speed and at this point I think they both have plenty of that on the same floor I gave some boots to Celica it only gives plus one move in this game but using it on Celica allows her to keep up with all when moving around which is helpful the fifth basement has a required fight against a fire dragon and some other enemies most of these guys are harmless the Canter summons revenants with Redding Claws and 30 attack and those were the guys that scared me the most but all can just Hunters volley the Canter and then the problem is solved the sixth basement presents me with a difficult decision between HP or defense or a mix of both I'm thinking three points of HP for Celica would be best the ninth floor has Ambrosia that I give to Alm and it also has a very dangerous fight with some fire and water dragons I fight these guys because they are guarding two sacred Springs so for the fight with the dragons they are pretty strong and with so many of them I need to be very careful their attacks pierced through defenses and can easily two-shot both arm itself and Dodge tanking isn't very reliable either so the strategy was to try to only face one at a time on enemy phase and try to kill one on player phase as well luckily they don't all start moving towards me at the same time and they are rather spaced out so as long as I plan my moves carefully this battle can be cleared so one of the Springs gives resistance and the other gives speed there are only two uses shared between these so I give two points of resistance to all then I evacuate because the fight on the final floor is the most difficult in the entire game and I am going to fail many many times and your progress isn't saved if you lose in the final fight so I don't want to have to do all of this side tracking and getting the springs and items every time I have to go through this dungeon so here we are on the last floor the creation is waiting for us at the start of the fight I'll show almed and celica's final stats they haven't changed much from act 5 and I will also show their final opponent the creation has 185 HP and its attacks deal 36 damage and they ignore defense so it two shots anyone and as if 185 HP wasn't enough its dragon skin skill halves all damage against it so it is a very difficult thing to kill especially with only Allman Celica its attack range is five and it moves it will always attack at 5 range making it impossible for all marcelica to counter it on enemy phase if it was by itself it wouldn't be a problem because Alm could just attack it on player phase and then Celica could heal him if he gets hit it would be just like the fight with Duma so the major problem of this map is all the other enemies all of them are strong and dangerous in their own ways and there are also reinforcements every turn that are infinite as far as I know many of these other enemies are magic users that deal massive amounts of damage and there is also a cancer that summons revenants with Fenton claws that will poison almond Celica and cause problems that way so the first objective here is to kill the cancer and cover his spawn point so he can't come in again as a reinforcement his spawn point however is in range of the creation so the creation will move and attack on luckily though it only has a 30 hit rate and I need arm to be close to full HP to attack the creation on player phase and also still be able to survive against all of the other enemies but this is where the Parthia comes in because it has the trance shot combat Arc which is a six range attack for Alm so that I can attack their creation without facing a counter-attack and this is just what I needed to kill it originally my plan was to get to the point where I could safely attack the creation with both Alm and Celica when they are close to full HP and then just hope for a double crit from Alm with Hunter's volley and then Celica would also need a double crit with Excalibur and together they could kill it in one player phase alms crit chance is 84 sense and I give Celica the angel ring to make her crit chance 70 however in many of my first attempts Alm consistently failed to get a double crit even with his high crit chance so that is when I got the Parthia idea because with Tran shot I could safely and slowly chip down at some of the Creations HP and not have to rely on double crits than to kill it the only problem would be managing Allman celica's HP while this would go on and hope they don't die though I did end up just getting double crits with both of them anyway which was a little Overkill I think so I didn't get to use the Parthia strategy to its full extent but I am just happy that I was able to beat this map it was really annoying to go through all of thaves Labyrinth for each attempt of this map but the thrill I felt seeing Alm and Celica double crits to kill the creation made it all worth it in the end and that is really all I have to say for this video thank you for watching and if you enjoyed it like comment subscribe and have a great rest of of your day [Music]
Channel: Halvey
Views: 71,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r77Wv_nJr30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 4sec (3784 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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