Can You Beat DARK SOULS 1 With Only Miracles?

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foreign hey it's lemon welcome to the backlogs hope you're doing well over the last few years people always ask me what my normal build is when I play Dark Souls you know normally and I've always answered the same way Paladin all the way this goes for any game I play too if there's a way to Smite my enemies with holy abilities there was never a second option for me and if that build just so happens to also regenerate health over time well all the better now it goes without saying that such a build is absolutely possible in Dark Souls hell some would say it's even encouraged for new players well with the heal Miracle essentially acting as five free Estes uses so long as you're not in the middle of combat but what if we strip the build down to the studs can you beat Dark Souls 1 with only miracles so let's discuss in Dark Souls there are three types of spell casting available to you you've got pyromancy magic and miracles Miracles are unsurprisingly very focused on keeping you alive and consists mostly of Defense Buffs and healing spells for you and your party but there are a few Miracles that do damage very few and getting them isn't exactly easy either I Adventure that the average player hasn't seen some of these miracles in action due to how a number of them are hidden behind Covenant Rewards or just plain difficult to get so with that in mind let's begin cleaning up that unruly unmanageable Beard You've got going on there what your beard you're in serious need of some help with that monster my dude I I don't even you know I'm just an empty suit of armor right well don't you worry with manscape's new beard hedger Pro kit we can tame that beard of yours and get you back to looking proper oh okay you're clearly having a stroke should I call a doctor or oh my God turn it off we all know the story you've got a majestic beard that just won't quit but every trimmer you've tried just can't keep up with your unfiltered manliness well with manscape's beard hedger Pro kit you'll get all the tools you need to keep that beard in check this kit comes with a premium beard trimmer complete with titanium coated blade a single cover that can be adjusted to 20 different lengths a long lasting ion battery that can run for 60 minutes before charging and a travel case that keeps everything nice and orderly the trimmer can even operate in the shower so there's no longer a need to choose between a shower and a trim if you're low on time in the mornings but that's not all the kit also comes with beard shampoo conditioner oil balm a wooden comb to help ease any Tangles a soft brush comb to help give your beard some volume and a pair of beard scissors for quick touch-ups so whether you're just beginning your beard Journey or are simply looking to upgrade your current setup you can go to today and get 20 off plus free shipping when you use promo code backlogs at checkout that's 20 off plus free international shipping with promo code backlogs at you know people are going to complain that we didn't test the product because we don't have hair right well yeah but the real lemon does and he gave it the thumbs up of approval after trying it isn't that right lemon oh come on that guy's just a minute what was that was that a stock asset was that real so let's talk about the start the obvious choice is to pick the cleric class since it starts with a relatively strong Talisman and even comes with a free heal spell it also has the best faith stat out of all the starting classes and we're gonna want that as high as possible right from the word go you'll see why shortly unfortunately you can't actually beat the Asylum Demon since we don't have any aggressive Miracles yet so for those of you who like to be pedantic in the comments no you can't actually beat the entirety of Dark Souls 1 with Miracles thanks for stopping by feel free to write your comment down below and pretend that you actually stopped watching my video at this point for the rest of my beautiful audience wonderful people that you are the Run officially starts when we reach Firelink Shrine I threw myself off a cliff to remove any unearned Souls then immediately got to work I dropped into the valley of Drakes using the master key I took as a gift to open the shortcut gate and begin my collect-a-thon anything that's not nailed down is going in my Undead Pockets especially if it's a pile of loose soles I'm also hoping to wrap my fingers around the red tearstone ring because okay well I'm not dead yet we might still right never mind I don't need that ring we'll do without instead I make my way around Firelink Shrine picking up all the loose Souls I can get then proceed to scoot my glutes around Undead Berg as well grabbing up all the shinies as I go then it's just a matter of setting off the fire barrel and um all right seriously what's going on today why didn't that oh for the love of Gwyn are you serious anyway I make my way down to the tower basement say hello to Havel open the door with my master key then move on into the forest just gonna be one of those runs isn't it I dodged past all the Demonic foliage which I will absolutely be smiting later give a quick nod of acknowledgment to Andre grab myself a fire Keeper's Soul so that I can upgrade my Estus flask then unlock the Firelink Shrine elevator after that it's just a Brisk run through the rest of the undead Parish followed by checking off the running of the bulls from my bucket list and after convincing the spear Hollow under the bridge that I'll put in a good word to Gwen if he lets me pass we've officially unlocked the ladder to the undead Berg bonfire which means we've also unlocked unlimited free Souls thanks to Puff Daddy Drake over there thanks boss I'll be sure to return the favor later I pop all the loose Souls I've got rolling around in my inventory and combined with the souls I've been getting from the Drake Bridge we can bring our faith to 25. time to have some fun because just past the Drake and the bonfire he guards is the sunlight Altar and if you've got 25 Faith you can officially join the Warriors of sunlight and gain the first aggressive Miracle of the Run Lightning Spear unfortunately I've only got one of two men slide at the moment but we'll fix that problem when we need to also for those of you wondering how to join the sunlight Warriors the requirements are pretty simple you either need 25 Faith or you need to participate in Jolly cooperation for every cooperator you help the faith requirement is reduced by 5 5. so if you Co-op five times in Dark Souls you can join the Covenant for free as for lightning spear this miracle is a thing of beauty the charge time is exceptionally slow but the damage is well worth it if you survive anyhow gonna be another one of those runs where timing is important after all it doesn't do me any good to have a weapon that can do massive damage if I can't get a hit off on top of this considering I've only got 10 casts I don't want to use it against bossroom mobs unless I absolutely have to alright you two you've had your [ __ ] out alright that's it I told Dad on both of you you're gonna get such a whooping and here he comes now so with those two taken out of the equation it's time for us to deal with the first boss of the run the Taurus demon and you know what I absolutely could have spared a few lightning Spears for the mobs considering it only takes four to bring the Taurus demon to his knees we may be a bit overpowered yeah I guess that means I can put some points into Health stamina and maybe even a two lemon no we talked about this look I can't help myself all right I see those triple digit numbers and every molecule of my brain just starts chanting deeps deeps deeps and just starts dousing itself in dopamine but enough about me let's talk about lotrec law truck here has two things that I need and you can't give me either of them until he's released from his cell I begrudgingly Grant him his freedom then make a slight detour onto the parish rooftop where we Face Off against the second boss of the run the Bell Gargoyles should be interesting the Gargoyles are a little more aggressive than the Taurus demon so timing will definitely become an issue a fact that I am a bit slow to learn and definitely need to learn considering there are now two of them on the field thankfully the mad deeps that I'm dishing out is more than enough to make quick work of the first gargoyle and the second gargoyle is much less aggressive than the first so long as you keep your distance there's no contest and with two final tosses the Gargoyles go down first try let's go in case you haven't noticed lightning spear has some of the longest ranges of any spell and considering the way it's acquired it's easy to imagine imagine that it's supposed to be used to support your Cooperators from the back lines so that extra range makes sense but we've still only got 10 casts to our name and while we've rung the first Bell with little issue one has to wonder when the ride will come to a jolting halt guess we'll find out when we find out first things first though log truck has some goodies for me that's one well let's not be greedy now laughs that's rich coming from you that he who is without sin cast the first kick law truck and tell Gwen I sent you so with the fire keeper saved and the Ring of favor and protection acquired we can move on now I know we just joined and even went out of our way to get a covenant item for them but at this point in the run I no longer need the Warriors of sunlight it's better to be a part of the way of white and get a few miracles from Petras instead I grabbed Force which will be more handy than you'd think then clear the Titanite demon out of Andre's basement he's surprisingly weak to lightning which is weird considering you know he uses lightning just from soft things I guess yes don't you worry I didn't forget about my promise there's plenty of smiting to go around I acquire the brand armor out of habit but decided that as a man of the faith it is better to remain a man of the cloth than to weigh myself down with unnecessary material objects by keeping the helmet though gotta keep that Dome covered and with that taken care of it's time for the next boss the Moonlight Butterfly the butterfly is incredibly annoying if you're not a ranged character but luckily for us I've got nothing but range and with as large a Target as the butterfly is it takes nothing at all to hit it with several lightning bolts almost impossible to miss actually again with one final cast of lightning spear the butterfly goes down with minimal effort move right along you know we bought the force Miracle we might as well explore what it does for those of you who don't know Boris is essentially a shock wave that emanates in a 360 degree sphere around your character you can push enemies off of cliffs make enemies Ragdoll away from you and even deflect arrows and Throne objects if you time it just right an effect that we'll use in a way that I guarantee only a handful of you have ever thought of later on in this run but before I could show that little technique off we've got to get past the dogs in the low run dead Berg thankfully there's plenty of environmental hazards for all the pups so I don't need to use any of my spell slots to get rid of them and if we Sprint fast enough we can get past all the thieves as well which means it's time for the Capper demon now we just have to figure out how to kill the dogs without fire pits I give myself a little breathing room then repeat my breathing exercises while on top of the Alcove which gives me just enough time to get a lightning spear off against the enemy of my choosing down below repeat the process and eventually both dogos are down for the count which means cappra and I can now dance one on one it's just a shame that Capra has two left feet right who's next I kindly asked the howls of fire link to move so I can pump more souls into Faith the request that they unwillingly oblige then start making my way through the depths not much to see here we haven't hit a DPS wall yet and enemies are still going down in one or two hits this is probably because of the way Miracles work in Dark Souls 1. in the first game you can't upgrade your Talisman what you get is what you get however this is actually a boon for the run I don't need to grind materials of any kind to upgrade my weapons and every point I put into Faith directly increases my damage this takes a lot of routing and planning out of my run which is always appreciated so with nothing else to gather in the depths let's move right on to the boss the gaping dragon as big as this thing is you'd think this would be the point in the run where I no longer have the damage to progress and you know what you'd be right the gaping dragon has a massive Health pool and my 10 casts aren't going to be enough damage to push through unless I aim for the head turns out the dragon's itty bitty brain Meats take extra damage when hit which means my lightning Spears do extra damage whenever they connect the only way to reliably hit its head is after a slam attack though so we have to play keep away until we can lure that particular animation out it's not a difficult fight but it is a lengthy one which means we have to stay vigilant and focused for several minutes at a time thankfully by the time we've used forecasts it's very obvious that we'll have enough damage to clear the fight and despite missing the head with cast number five the damage isn't different enough to ruin the attempt so after a quick bit of napkin math I decide that I've got enough casts left to fire at will and begin throwing Spears with abandon and just like that the gaping dragon goes down now here's the thing we're rapidly closing in on the faith stats soft cap of 50 which means we're about to hit a wall when it comes to increasing our damage and in case you didn't notice every boss is getting closer and closer to using up all of my spell slots so while I make my way through Blighttown we need to do some thinking there are several ways to increase our damage further but they're a bit further into the Run we could always go back for the red tearstone ring which would give us another 40 boost to our damage so there's always that and we've still got a few more points of Faith to go as well so we haven't quite hit that damage wall yet either outside of that there is another ring we can use to increase our damage and a headpiece we can use as well but there's one problem a majority of these items I just alluded to are in the mid or end game which means the steamrolling Extravaganza we've enjoyed up to this point is about to end from here on out it's an uphill battle to keep Pace with the boss Health pools which brings us neatly to quailag let's see what we're up against well she's relatively slow with her attacks and her Arena gives us plenty of room to maneuver so getting off a tax isn't an issue and despite all the mental math we just did we've crossed the 50 mark on Quail egg's health bar without using 50 of my spell slots which means while we're getting closer to the point of needing additional help with our damage ain't it and so with one cast left to spare here way lag is down and out we're not dead yet so with the two Bells rung we can now access Sen's Fortress but we've got a few more stops to make before we tackle that particular brick wall first things first let's mess with ceaseless a little bit I'll get him good and upset by telling him about our Lord and savior Gwyn run just out of range of his well-thought rebuttal then finish off with a forceful retort well I tried to anyway Force isn't enough to actually get him to fall off the ledge turns out finesse intact are more effective than Force A Life Lesson to remember and treasure to be sure looking at you comment section antagonizing the audience aside I clear the worm guarding the demon Rune bonfire then make my way over to the oh ah [ __ ] okay this definitely throws a wrench into my plans I was going to run down to the izales shortcut door and kill sunlight maggots for a few hours to grind out some sunlight medals but I definitely forgot about the golden fog this complicates things right new plan if we can't grind out sunlight medals and move forward in the Warriors sunlight we'll just have to join another Covenant instead I pushed my way through the catacombs kill the Titanite demon in the mausoleum and collect the three eyes of death he was guarding then I get all nice and snug on the nearest open coffin and contemplate life for a few hours you know if it weren't for the bones of whoever was already in this coffin before me this wouldn't be half what was that get [ __ ] me back Tony Tony let me out I don't like small spaces I can't breathe after what felt like ours I arrive at my destination nido's Arena but rather than fight him we're actually here to ask him for his Blessing forgive me Gwyn but I must do what I must do for the good of the run I must dance so while I pick up the Homeward miracle from Petrus before he decides to go into the tomb of giants let's talk about the gravelord sword dance it may say it has 40 casts but in reality it's more like two it's an area of effect attack that doesn't have faith scaling so it's just as effective now as it would have been at the start of the run which is why I didn't really want to use it but we need every offense of Miracle we can get at this point and what better way to test it than by going back to the beginning of all things I do my best egg impression and make my way back to the Undead Asylum then give the sword dance a try that is not a promising start I've heard rumors that it does better in enclosed spaces but I'll be damned if I can actually get a cast off with this thing the casting time is absolutely ridiculous so unless your enemy is completely winded from its last attack chances are you're not going to get it off in time cool well considering how big some of the bosses are maybe it'll be more effective with them okay well maybe that was a fluke second time's a charm all right zero damage awesome really glad I ran into the catacombs for this piece of [ __ ] so yeah this miracle is complete ass it's completely inconsistent when it comes to damage and that's only if it hits at all and unfortunately we've finally hit the DPS wall as far as Lightning Spear is concerned even if we were to somehow get sword dance to hit with both casts we still wouldn't have enough damage please stop the ride I would like to get off thank you okay new plan with our faith essentially maxed out at this point I think we can finally obtain a more consistent way to increase our damage I clear the Hydra in the Dark Root Basin then disintegrate the Golden Golem hiding in the Alcove freeing dusk in the process and while she doesn't sell anything that I can actually use in this run the very Act of summoning her actually causes her outfit to spawn back at the Alcove and dust Crown as broken as it is actually gives us 20 boost to our Miracle damage we will take an additional 30 damage from Magic attacks but we were already a glass cannon that extra 30 probably won't matter anyway and with that little boost to our damage acquired there's nothing else for it time for Sen's Fortress I push my way through all the traps and mobs then meet up with Carl turns out the Golem up above made fun of him and has him feeling a little self-conscious about his body I'm sorry to hear that friend give me a moment would you you dare make fun of my boy like that that man has been with me since the beginning we've been to Hell and back together and I would do anything for him look I get it life sucks sometimes and we're all scared but the next time you're scared and need to feel big about yourself don't push your feelings outward onto others look inward instead and if you keep working at it I promise the good feelings will last far longer than any brief relief putting down others gets you now take your ball and go home I continue pushing through Sen's Fortress but wouldn't you know it another giant is besmirching all the hard work I've done to get firebombs a good name honestly what is it with these guys today if you're going to use my weapon of choice against me use it correctly right then with both Giants removed from the equation it's time to see what the Golem is made of I'm not exactly optimistic but hey you never know oh really now turns out that extra 20 really makes a difference we're gonna be okay I make the mistake of being a little too far away from the Golem once or twice but After figuring out the appropriate distance the Golem goes down with little to no issue another first try kill actually that's been the case with every single boss except for the stray demon pretty wild to think about but before we move on to Ann Orlando we've got a few bits of business to take care of first I pumped my newly acquired Souls into faith and hit the soft cap then put the rest into Vitality that's what you all wish I did now I put them into dexterity why you ask because I like to make the audience squirm in their Collective seats and for no other reason nah in actuality stupid as it sounds putting points into dexterity actually increases your casting speed in Dark Souls 1. at least it does at higher levels of dexterity like ridiculously high levels we're talking levels 35 to 45 and while it would probably do me good to have a bit more Health in the short term I am concerned about future fights against the more aggressive bosses in the game you know the ones besides we've already made it this far with base health and minimal Shield use no reason to start pumping Vitality now speaking of a lack of Vitality it's time for pinwheel place your guesses now for how many hits it takes one two three three hits more than I was expecting if I'm being honest and now to collect my prize oh look garbage I jump head first into the tomb of giant pit putting that new dexterity to work grab myself a skull Lantern then talk to Raya about her current situation you'll know hello how are you I mean I can see why you'd think that but no no I'm not why'd you say it like that I put Reyes two companions to rest get a useless miracle from her for my troubles give patches a Stern talking to until he gives me a twin Humanity then clamor my way back out of the tomb of Giants and eventually the catacly help me base God and after a short detour to pick up the Darkmoon Seance ring I escape that unending hellscape and make my way up to the undead Parish to see Raya let me just make a quick detour before I go Gwyn is very disappointed in you Petrus very disappointed now say 10 great heals and think about what you've done back up at the undead Chapel Rhea is now free to sell us whatever Miracles she owns and she certainly owns a lot we could get more Force casts which would be nice and the extra defense from Magic barrier would certainly help mitigate the defense loss I have for my headgear but wrath of Gods [Music] now then I think that's about as much as we're gonna get out of this half of the game time to push forward time for Anor Londo but first I think a demonstration of God's Wrath is an order don't you oh yeah God is very angry today man that casting time though I know we only get three casts but who baby is that going to help after failing to realize how quickly the painting Guardians behind me would catch up I took my time and made sure to give God's love to each and every painting Guardian in the room except his love yeah that works too and with the other gargoyle literally blasted to Pieces it's time time to deliver God's wrath upon an entire world there's not much to see here the enemies here go down in only a few hits and before long I'm standing before the fluffiest Abomination you ever did see I'm sorry my dear but rules are rules Gwen wants you killed and I am but a mouthpiece of his will and when need be his arm I'll be honest she pulled a fast one on me at first but after that first hit I was able to hit her several times with [ __ ] at least I think I did it's the weirdest thing I know I cast [ __ ] right next to her all three times but she never left invisibility you'd think it would have high Poise damage but there you go guess I should have brought Force instead all the same Priscilla goes down you know something about that fight felt off I know I've been acting in Gwen's name and my faith is strong but with everything I've seen thus far I don't know something isn't right and for the first time my faith wavers but then in the darkness a light and a voice and with the power of the dark moon hunteth the enemies of the Lords by the power of the dark Sun and what enemies does thou wish slain very well your will shall be done it appears I have a mission and for my fealty I am given a gift the Ring of the son's firstborn which increases my Miracle damage by another 20 percent but first a quick backtrack um cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese I brought on back through Sen's Fortress and collect a very necessary item the golden serpent ring then it's back to the painted world to hunt my prey for it is these Abominations that gwyndolin once destroyed and I shall not disappoint them and after slaying several dozens of the beasts I finally have collected enough souvenirs to please the Lords above and for my troubles the best Talisman in the game the Darkmoon Talisman maximum damage has officially been achieved and what better way to celebrate than by helping out my boy Carl you having trouble friend I got you from downtown [ __ ] that chair in particular I guess wait the chair yeah obliterated the damn thing anyway on to the next bosses hornstein and Smo I'm not gonna lie to you I struggled on this boss at least more than every other boss thus far the good news is that Smo takes heavy lightning damage so we're probably good there the bad news is that I really suck at fighting or Scenic smell at the same time I'll be perfectly fine as soon as I can get one of them burst it down I just need one of you to die oh wait a minute I forgot to take off the Golden serpent ring that might help a bit mm-hmm yep that's a little bit better just a smidge and with smoke defeated that just leaves super Ornstein let's give you a taste of your own medicine well that sucks guess it's a good thing I brought a backup strategy then now wrath of Gods wasn't enough to kill him outright but it was enough to get him into killing range and while it was much closer than I would have liked much much closer than I would have liked Ornstein goes down with a single casting of lightning spear despair not even close baby and with the Troublesome Duo defeated we've officially crossed the halfway mark time for the next big push speaking of big pushes Carl's back at Firelink Shrine turns out he heard how much trouble I was having with Ornstein and decided I'd need a little extra assistance cool thanks I probably could have used this before on scene in Smo but hey better late than never I head down into Firelink altar using not to put Faith to slow my descent then wait for a sign from the gods on what to do next uh I mean it's certainly a sign but could you be a little bit more specific hello nah screw it I'll just make it up as I go let's start with the stray demon Wrath of the Gods does a decent chunk of damage but with all my Buffs now in place Lightning Spear really takes on a life of its own and that's the stray demon destroyed who's next considering I need the silver serpent ring to make sure I completely round out my build it looks like Neato is next on The Chopping Block be gone pests the likes of you aren't worthy enough to even be considered prey I will say I'm a bit worried about neato's constantly Reviving skeletons though maybe we need to make a short detour back to the fair lady who offers me a trade 30 Humanities for the chance at increased power a trade that I begrudgingly accept but before that there's one more mistake I need to remove from the realm the demon fire Sage I blast him down to almost half with [ __ ] then finish the fight from a safe distance another blight destroyed time for a test of faith here amongst the sunlight maggots and Demon spawn I will find my treasures here amongst the filth will my faith be renewed and with Carl's gift an immense amount of patience it is finished sunlight medals stolen from my brethren now return to the altar from which they belong and for my troubles the strength that was promised to me great lightning spear for those wondering I did a quick damage test it's essentially a 100 damage difference between the two not exactly game breaking but if you change your perspective It's actually an extra 10 cast of The Longest range miracle I own with an added bonus that it does an extra 100 damage each cast which is definitely worthwhile I backtracked through the early game destroying any foes that may have given me trouble in the past then return to my original prey Neato lord of the undead as predicted his skeleton soldiers are a bit of a problem but after luring out a toxic blast attack Nito unwittingly destroys his own defenses leaving me to throw great lightning Spears at will and with only six throws the lord of the undead goes down which means it's time for the next false Ally of Gwyn to be destroyed seeth hiding behind his Sorcerers golems and armored creations None Shall Escape I collect trinkets from the dead then confront seats Crystal General ye of little faith and then it's time time to face the scaleless traitor himself behold Lord Gwynn's Wrath what no no my faith is beyond compare there's no way a faithless coward such as yourself can but why foolish puppet I I don't understand I've done everything they've asked never questioned their reasons Lord lack thereof have have I really just been a pawn a tool so quickly discarded and forgotten amongst the rebel of this Dying World perhaps perhaps it's time I find my own reasons my own truths my own fuel wait wait oh God oh God we've been lied to this entire time these bonfares aren't here to guide us they're here to contain us to use us as fuel I've got to get out of here can't let them do this maybe the damage isn't too far done maybe I can fix this fix everything I've destroyed or if not that at the very least finish what I've started I raced through the Duke's archives decimating any opposition as I desperately search for a solution into seats Crystal Caves his lair and laboratory turns out C's been trying to solve the problem as well bastardized solution to an unnatural problem well seeth such Limitless potential ruined by your envy and lack of foresight what good is immortality if the world around you crumbles the dust I hurl wave after wave of lightning at the Beast just like the Dragon Wars of old and just like the old Wars the dragon is no match against the strength of the light back into the demon ruins the lost city of izalith destroyed by the chaos which is ambition and hubris rather than try to sustain life they opted to create it instead but it grew wild and out of control it created beasts monsters demons pure unadultered chaos I put its torture screams to rest I see the effects of their wild magic firsthand see how even now they struggle to fully understand what they've created what they've done they shall worry no more I dive into the Bed of Chaos Into the Heart of corruption itself with limb and Claw the chaos attempts to survive driven strictly by Instinct a will to exist I extinguish its Flame and then I turn my gaze to the puppeteers themselves to the so-called gods of this forsaken world I turned their own wrath against them I use their own hatred Their Fear of man and make them into weapons of my own Their Fear is strong good it should be empty tombs empty Halls empty promises humankind is paid dearly for their treachery evidence of this fact is everywhere you look even our greatest allies have turned against us what few allies we had forced to fight one another forced to choose between two evils I make my choice even our own blood has been corrupted the history of humankind once rich now filled with tormented Horrors and shapeless memories entire cities of my people drowned at the hands of those higher beings we worshiped in the name of containment our own leaders turned against us corrupted by a wish for power for control but can you blame them the curse was spreading the curse that the gods created and we were forced out of their cities as if we were nothing more than plagridden rats our Kings may have lost themselves to corruption but it was the Lords who planted the seed I bury this past and go in search of another perhaps if I look far enough back I can find a solution maybe if we made different choices things could be different I can only hope it's enough but as I walk through the warbling strings of time I realize that I'm too late the corruption is spread here too wind's influence has already corrupted this land his fingers dig deep I press onward in hopes that something yet may be done but I have little hope left the Beast here are twisted amalgamations of reality all razor sharp fangs and too many eyes or too few the eyes themselves strip with a mental Venom a gaze into the abyss that created them I send them back from once they came I wouldn't have thought it possible but the corruption is stronger here physically manifesting itself in Inky tendrils and masses spreading along every floor and wall I go deeper deeper into the darkness into the void into the cold searching for something answers Maybe I'm no longer sure and I find it in the depths of the inky Blackness not my answers no something else this thing is stronger than anything I have faced thus far it's grown powerful down here in the dark my faith protects me and the light I carry with me brings the Beast pain a single Survivor amongst all this wreckage all my efforts for a single young girl whimpering in Fright I pray it will be enough and then I return searching for changes looking to see if my efforts have borne fruit it appears not rather it appears that things have inexplicably gotten worse Ash covers the inner lands of the Kingdom the flame that once lit its Center is nearly extinguished however my hope still Burns brightly I've cleansed this land of its Lords and slain the imposters that have brought us to ruin there's only one final foe between me and my goal but despite my efforts despite my determination and strength it's simply not enough I cannot beat the self-proclaimed Lord who has brought us to this breaking point he is even in his decrepit state too powerful my lightning Spears so potent throughout my travels become little more than singing Sparks against his flesh they are his creation after all and they are not so easily converted to my cause My Hope starts to waver and flicker and then just before it is lost a thought occurs it may not have been able to change this world's present by visiting its past one cannot expect a single drop of water to change the flow of the ocean after all but what if I change my own past will that change my present my future will a single Choice make all the difference a man hopes [Music] the channel [Music] s [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Backlogs
Views: 812,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the backlogs, challenge run, dark souls, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, elden ring, bloodborne, demons souls, sekiro, dark souls challenge run, dark souls 2 challenge run, dark souls 3 challenge run, elden ring challenge run, bloodborne challenge run, sekiro challenge run, dark souls miracles only, dark souls 2 miracles only, dark souls 3 miracles only, elden ring miracles only, miracles only, miracles only challenge run, deus vult, dark souls miracles how to
Id: Rg8Yw9DGIUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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