Can we improve our Full English Breakfast from 2014??

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- [Mike] Hey, welcome to Sorted. We're a bunch of mates in London looking for exceptional things in the food world that will help make our and your lives that little bit better, between stitching each other up and all the innuendos. Now be warned, we have two chefs. But we give them limited air time. And we make sure all of our ideas start with a suggestion from you. ♪ I'm gooey in the middle, baby, let me bake ♪ (upbeat dance music) - Happy New Year! - I'm Jamie, and this is Mike, and today we are remaking one of the best recipes that's ever been invented since the beginning of time. - Not turkey, a full English breakfast. Are you ready for another one of these? - Today's one of the best kinda days in the Sorted studio. We're having a recipe lab, so we're looking back at one of the old recipes that was really popular a few years ago, we're doing full English breakfast. - [Ben Voiceover] It's pretty clear we couldn't tackle Sorted Eats Britain without doing something very English. - This is what our fine country was built upon. Oh. Oh, good graphics. - It's breakfast Ben made for us. - Breakfast involves lots-- - I just remember that... - Oh look at that Sorted sign! - That's good. - [Ben On Video] Yeah, sausage, bacon, haggis, tomatoes and mashed potatoes. - [Mike Voiceover] Why's that mash potato green? So this video is basically entirely about bringing all the components together so that they coincide with their preparation time. So that you have the whole thing at the end. What they don't do is level up every individual element. - Mike and Baz are gonna recreate the recipe exactly as it was when we launched the video whereas James and I are gonna have a look and see if we can take any elements up a level or twelve. I don't know, we'll see how it goes. It's just a lab, so it could all go completely wrong. - You know I never, never cook bacon in a griddle pan. It's the worst. - Why are they so green? Did I grade this, I must've done. Did you grade this? [Jamie Laughs] - What type of egg do you like in the morning? Is it scrambled? Is it fried? - That is a question we need to ask ourselves. - It's our full English breakfast. - Sorted. - [Voiceover] That music. - Yeah, put it in there! - We mixed it up, back then. - Ah. - [Mike] These are some good steak tease. (laughter) - I'm gonna put it out there that we should put James on the new one. - [Barry] You reckon? - Yeah. - I'll do a newie. I've done lots of old ones in this series. I'll a newie. - Okay, you do a newie. Don't look like that, why are you looking like that? - 'Cause you're in a difficult mood. - We're avoiding the temptation of just opening a can and pouring them into a bowl and heating them in a microwave by actually making our own baked beans, aren't we James? - We are, do you want me to tell you how to make them? What I'm doing is dicing an onion, I am mincing some garlic and I've got some really nice white haricot beans. I'm gonna drain them, and then we're gonna fry the onion and garlic in olive oil with the beans and then we're gonna add some pancetta. (funky techno music) - Our baked beans are just baked beans that will be taken out of the tin-- - Put into a bowl, clean film, microwave, parsley Worcestershire sauce. - I didn't get that last bit. - Worcestershire sauce. Oh come on! - [Barry] We do them our way. - [Mike] We can't do this now because it'll be cold by the end of it, so let's move on. (sizzling) - You can't smell this pancetta cooking, but if you could you would look like this. - We're also making ketchup from scratch. I'm gonna cut all of these tomatoes up. Little bit of chili, some fennel, some basil, and onion. Gonna cook it all down with sugar and vinegar and then I'll blitz it into a ketchup. - Now that our pancetta's browned off in the pan we've removed it, and we've added the onion and garlic in which gives James a chance to go back into the pancetta and really, what's the word I'm looking for? Really? - I'm loving it. - Alternatively, we could've removed the rind before cooking it off, but are you really getting the same flavor? Next up, we're gonna add the pancetta back into the-- Oh. We've added the pancetta back into the pan. - I got excited. - Go on add it into the pan. Show Izzy how you add it into the pan. (upbeat guitar music) - Now that we've got the beans in we're gonna add some sugar, we're gonna add some salt and pepper to season it. We're gonna add balsamic vinegar and then we're gonna add some chopped tomatoes, and maybe some chicken stock we haven't decided yet. (grunting) - Our original recipe had bubble and squeak which is essentially fried leeks and spring onions in butter and then mashed potatoes, squished together and then refried and I can't remember the last time I had bubble and squeak, probably when we did this video so I'm quite excited for this. - I need that hob. - Right, you don't need this hob though, 'cause this is cooking. - Yeah, no, but I need to, I need to use the hub. - Well there's a hub over there. - No, well put it back over there. - I can't put it over there, I'm cooking! - Do you have to stir that every second? - Not every second, but it has to cook. - Gonna put a little bit of... - Come on, you're not getting that back. - How did that get down there? Good job, I've got another. Aw, what are the chances? (laughing) - We made so much ketchup we had to put it in a bigger pan. 'Cause we're lads. - [James] This is red wine vinegar. - Oh, I love red wine vinegar. - [Ben] Yeah? (upbeat guitar) - [Jamie] Hashbrown techers, grated potato grated onion, deep fried. - And an egg, deep fried. Well, shallow fried. - Deep fried egg? Shallow fried, yeah. - So with plenty of oil. - Yeah, fried. I'm doing something fancy and chef-y which is grating the potato into a clean tea towel so that I can then-- - [Both] Dry it. (upbeat guitar music) - [Mike] Why is this not browning? - How is your bubble and squeak going boys? - Perfect. (laughter) (tapping) - First run of the bubble and squeak didn't go very well because our pan wasn't hot enough, so you need to make sure you get it really really hot so it fries instantly, what we did was sort of just heat it up and it ended up boiling the cabbage and potato so you can imagine how well that smelled. (laughing) - I'm gonna use another clean tea towel just to get all the moisture out. So I'm transferring the potato and onion to that and then we're gonna crack an egg into a mixing bowl and we're gonna combine everything with plenty of salt and pepper. (upbeat guitar) - Great. Good work. - It looks great. - So much. - I'm taking it out. Guys, I hate it. I need to put this in the oven because take two didn't work either. It's ridiculous. - I think our oil is hot enough, James. - Let's put one in and see how that goes. (upbeat guitar) - For our meat we are griddling off our bacon and our sausages. And then once they have a nice char on them they are going into the oven to cook all the way through. - We've got the smokiest bacon you could ever smell. - Frying up the bacon going into a baking tray and the sausages going into the baking tray and the puddies going straight into the baking tray. - Black pudding. - Everything goes into the oven, puddies, saussies, bacon and more when it's ready to go. - The other part of our meat is haggis in a full English breakfast. - Yes! - And yes, you guys kicked off in the last video about using haggis in a full English and how it's not right but. - And you were all wrong. - James thinks it's delicious and it should go in. So we take this out of the skin put it in a bowl. It'll microwave for six minutes. - Nothing wrong with that. ♪ Let's do it ♪ - Trial bread. ♪ Let's do it ♪ - Fried bread, done. - Now we're moving on to the veggie part. - We've got some tomatoes we're going to be roasting off with a do in a tray, olive oil and some mushrooms. With a couple of knobs of butter on top of each mushroom and some seasoning into an oven for about ten minutes. I forgot to put some thyme on the mushrooms and tomatoes. Vital step. - I'm putting a clove of garlic into the butter that I'm going to cook mushrooms in. Just to flavor it a little. - Going to quarter our mushrooms after I've removed the stalks. (upbeat synthetic music) - With tomatoes, I don't think you need to do anything with them. Oil, salt and pepper on top after you've cut them in half. Straight onto the grill. Get them nice and bubbling and golden brown on top and you're done. Am I right? No one's in the kitchen with me apart from Mike and he's cooking a single egg and is therefore so focused. - Two eggs and I don't give a crap about your mushrooms. (gentle techno music) - Let's eat the first one first. - Yeah. - The first one first. - Yeah get stuck in. - Straight into the haggis, mate, yes. - Had get a bit of it. - This is great. (funky guitar beat) - If I went to any cafe, hotel restaurant, whatever it is, I'd be more than happy to be served that. - Really happy. - Right. - Banging breakfast. - We'll come back to that. First off, I appreciate you. - Thank you. - This belongs here. - Jamie - Yes, mate? - You didn't even butter it. - Well you could always butter it if you want. - I've never had such a dry bread get so moist. - Oh God. - What about if you dipped it in the ketchup that we made? - Wait a minute, wait a bit, that's not normal. - That's the spiciest thing in the world! (coughing) - The most delicious thing in the world, you mean. - It starts off really smooth and I'm like oh I could do more of that and then you're like no that was enough. Already, I'm in love with this. - The hashbrowns though. - Fried bread was a stupidly simple addition as soon as we had made the hashbrowns because we already had the oil. I could have just toasted the bread, but if you've got a load of oil there, and it's already hot, wouldn't you chuck your bread into there? - This is the one that is highlighting that you should go and get really really good ingredients. Because there are only so many elements that you can change with a full English. But black pudding is just amazing. When it's high quality. - I think you would be hard pressed to argue that every element on this dish isn't better than every element on that dish, even though that's really delicious and great. I would not be able to afford the time or the money to be able to make one of these at home I don't think, honestly. - But you could take one to two elements. - Exactly. - You could take like you could say, do you know what, I'm gonna go all out on my bacon this week. Or I'm gonna go all out on my sausage. - If you had to pick one element technique or something from this dish, what would it be? - I'm gonna say the beans. - Yeah. - 'Cause they literally like, you can have a little bit of a few beans with every bit of the dish. - Hashbrowns, for me. - Really? - It's so simple. - And like you say, if you do hashbrowns you get free fried bread. - I'd go for the simplicity of picking incredible bacon. Everybody eating a average breakfast would go whoa, that bacon! - Two full Englishes, in the same kitchen, at the same time. With different elements. - And we're left with three full Englishes and a Scot. (laughing) - Did we do it? Did you think we did it? Did you like it when we did it? Give it a like, let us know in comments down below. 2019 is not the year for grammar. - But it is for poems, well done. - Thanks. - I'm determined to make 2019 the year of epic dad jokes. - But this is Wednesday. - And you will find out how we manage to do that on Sunday. (laughing) - I hope your 2019 has got off to a fantastic start. I can let you know right now we have some incredible plans that we can't wait to tell you about. - But you'll just have to watch us every Wednesday, every Sunday to know all about them. - Yeah, that's smart, look at that. Click bait, boy. - [Ben] Boom. - [Jamie] As we mentioned, Sorted is run by a group of friends, so if you like what we're doing then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. (jazzy music) - [Ben] I hate bubble and squeak.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 874,065
Rating: 4.9333611 out of 5
Keywords: full english breakfast, breakfast, english breakfast, sausages, eggs, bacon, hash browns, onions, beans, how to make a full english, full english, fry up, fry up breakfast, toast, cooked breakfast, how to make an english breakfast, full english breakfast recipe, mushrooms, tomatoes, bubble and squeak, scrambled eggs, fried eggs, pancetta beans, how to make ketchup, kechup recipe, ketchup from scratch, black pudding, sausage, best full english breakfast, fried bread
Id: s-nY6tBpCeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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