PRESSURE COOKER | 6 Dishes Tested by 2 Chefs | SORTEDfood

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(upbeat music) - [Announcer] We are Sorted, a group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (laughing) We've got chefs. We've got normal, (beep) and a whole world of stuff for you to explore but everything we do, starts with you. (upbeat music) - It's fridge-cam time. I'm Ben and this is Mike. - And it's very apparent that everyone loves it when we get our two chefs to test stuff, and this has been massively requested by you guys. - Thanks for your help on Twitter. - Right, so today, kind of excited. This face might say otherwise, because we're gonna experiment with a pressure cooker and cook a bunch of different things. And all the suggestions have come from you guys. - [Mike] My limited knowledge of pressure cookers is that they cook things much faster, and they save energy and money because of their reduced cooking time, and you can use cheaper ingredients and cuts of meat in them. - Question is: How does it compare to if we were to cook it traditionally, and is it even worth it? - I actually haven't ever used a pressure cooker. - You've never used a pressure cooker? - No. - I only say that in such surprise as if I always use it, which is a lie. I think I've only used it twice. - I used to be scared of them. (bell chimes) - [Ben] Dish one: pulled pork. So a hunk of pork shoulder. And for this one, not going to precook anything, just throw it all in, and see what happens. - That sounds delicious, Ben. Are we not gonna even brown it? - Not this time, I don't think so. You can do. - That's fine. - You'll need marmalade, beer, oregano, dried garlic, onion granules, smoked paprika, salt. How long would you cook a chunk of pork shoulder like that, typically, if you were braising it? - Two and a half to three hours. - Should we give it an hour? So the logic here is, you're cooking in liquid, but the liquid is in steam form, and the steam is under pressure because it's tightened and locked in, completely sealed. And that means the temperature of the steam goes even higher than 100 degrees, where it would normally evaporate off. And in theory, for every 10 degrees it increases, you half cooking time. Don't put your hand near the steam, obviously. But as pressure increases, the valve or the indicator, will rise, and you've got high pressure, low pressure. It's pretty much as simple as that. Two different lines. - My God, it's more exciting than watching paint dry. (laughing) - But only just. (spoon tapping) (steam hissing) - You jumped back there. - Yeah. I was worried about him. - [Ben] One hour, pulled pork, pressure released. - We're looking for something that pulls apart easily. - [Ben] I would also hope that it pulls apart and isn't dry on the inside. - [Mike] Oh, no. No. It's at the tender stage. But it's not pulling. - It's not pulling. The edge bits, where it's kind of already falling off, and are separate, those are good. But kind of the center and the main body of the chunk of meat, not yet. - [Mike] Let's give that one a bit longer. (spoon tapping) (steam hissing) - The edges were nearly there before, but this is take two. - That's looking pretty good. - Now, do we stress, at this point, if you were doing this by braising it in the oven nice and slow or on the hob for three hours, you would then want to take the pork out and reduce all of the sauces down so you get a sticky glaze. - So we gave that another 15 minutes. An hour and fifteen minutes, total. - Not disintegrating into just mush, you've still got those fibrous strands. - It's definitely not dry. (upbeat music) - So no pre-searing. We gave it an hour and 15. I reckon an hour and 10 if we hadn't opened it after the hour. - Yeah. Yeah, perhaps. - Let's have a look. Great. - Loads of flavor. I wouldn't say it's any different to pulled pork that you cook for three hours. And it's less than half the time. - [Ben] Also, if you're thinking kind of midweek, I feel like you could cook that big chunk of pork and use some of it today and use some of it tomorrow, or the day after in a completely different dish, with tacos, with beans, whatever. You're right, mate, pulled pork come midweek. - [Announcer] Whew! (bell chimes) - Dish two: oxtail. Ben put out a tweet and oxtail was the most requested dish to do in a pressure cooker. - [Ben] That's the tail of an ox. And then they just go pow, kapow, kapow. And you end up with-- - [Mike] Yummy. - We're going to do it with some Korean flavors, at high pressure and we're aiming for 45 minutes. - For the oxtail, we're gonna sear it really quickly in hot oil before adding our liquid, which is honey, soy sauce, rice wine, chili paste, garlic, and ginger. - [Ben] And a pear. - And a pear, and a pear. Once the chunks of oxtail have been seared, drain off any excess fat and in with all of those wonderful flavors. Clamp it. Pressurize it, 45 minutes. Don't look into the steam. Look into the steam. Look into the steam. Burn your eye. (beep) That let's the steam out. If the heat is too high, they'll be a constant loud hissing sound. - Oh. - Ooh. - Did you hear that? - Did you hear that? - Yeah. (laughing) We have three different pressure cookers. And so far, this one-- - You like the pop. (laughing) - Way more fun. This one's way more fun. - This is a real experiment 'cause I've never cooked oxtail at home. I've only ever cooked at restaurants and hotels. Would I bother at home? - Really excited. And if it does go the same way as pulled pork, I'm leaving. I don't care about the second half of this video. (rock music) - [Mike] They look a bit shriveled. - See it's coming away from that middle bit, nicely. And these little nuggets of deliciousness, I feel like that could've had a bit more time. But I think that's pretty good goin'. - I think it's a success. But it could probably do with some more experimentation. - I don't know enough about oxtail to know if this is 70% or 90% of the way there, but it tastes great. And it's a very cheap cut of meat and I think a talking point, if you're gonna serve that to someone who also hasn't tried it. (bell chimes) - Dish three: potatoes. Now, I was once talking to the Potato Council, and they were concerned because our generation don't eat enough potatoes any more because they take too long to cook, 15, 20 minutes of boiling. More if you're roasting. - What? What do you mean they take too long to cook? - Our generation, they-- - 15 minutes! - They want rice in 10 minutes. They want pasta in nine minutes. Potatoes take too long. We're gonna cook them in a pressure cooker, six minutes. - That's ridiculous. - So I guess we're gonna compare these to boiled potatoes or technically we're gonna steam these under pressure. Water in the bottom of the pressure cooker, new potatoes, I've just cut them in half, in a steamer above it. This is another different one so we'll keep an eye and see what happens in this one. - [Mike] I don't like this one. Not a fan of this one. - [Ben] Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. (steam hissing) - The thing is, with six minutes, a minute over is a really high percentage of overcooking, isn't it? - Yep. Once the spuds are cooked, we're gonna toss them in chives, mint, and parsley, chopped up with a squeeze of lemon, glug of olive oil, salt, and pepper. So release pressure, quickly, using the steam valve. Ooh. - Just. - Just good or just under? - I think just good. - Well, like perfect, you mean? - I think they might have worked, which is annoying. - It bothers you, doesn't it? (upbeat music) - [Ben] Completely dairy-free, but I want them to be buttery on the inside, like a good new potato. - Ooh. - Good, well seasoned potato. I wouldn't moan if it had another minute. - I think it could've had another 30 seconds. - The small one perfect, the big one, you're right, another 30 seconds, a minute, perhaps. What does that tell us? Same thing I've been saying for the last 10 years, if you're gonna cut things up, make sure they're all the same size so they cook evenly. (snickering) - Works, isn't it? Six minutes. - It does work. It does. - You hate that. You hate the fact that this is working. Why do you hate it so much? - I don't hate the fact that it works. I just don't understand why you wouldn't have 15 minutes to cook potatoes. (bell chimes) - [Mike] Recipe four is risotto. Potential game changer. - The thing with risotto and the thing I love though, is that gorgeous texture. - And you get that by stirring it the whole time you cook it. - This method, supposedly, about 10 minutes, and with a lot less of this. Butter, onion in a pan, softened. Flavors we're adding: garlic, oregano, thyme, black pepper, into the softened onions. Rice in. Wine in. So far, not a lot different than normal risotto. Stock in, twice as much as rice by volume. Stir and cook at pressure for seven minutes. - Regular risotto, 30 to 40 minutes, usually. - After seven minutes, release the pressure, take off the lid and give it a good stir. And then we'll add in our peas, parmesan, and cream cheese. Seasoned to taste, fingers crossed, risotto. (upbeat music) - That is a big ol'... That is a Ben-size portion of risotto. It looks a lot better, now, than when it first came out. It does look creamier. Again, maybe 30 seconds more? - The good thing about this one was those seven minutes under pressure. When you take the lid off, you're then stirring it and you can go back on the hob for that extra 30 seconds on the hob so you can, actually, keep control of it. To put it in for eight minutes, could be a bit risky 'cause then you could lose the texture and the bite of the rice. I don't know whether risotto is one of those things that lots of people cook in the pressure cooker or whether you guys just suggest it cause you know I love risotto. But a lot of suggestions for it and I absolutely would do that midweek. - It's creamy. All the grains are individual and just cooked. It's good. (bell chimes) Dish five: puy lentils. These were massively requested. And I guess it's because they are the perfect midweek meal, apart from they take ages to cook. - Yeah. And you also asked for a different few flavor combinations. So we're gonna do it with pancetta, leek, and cider. Now, here's the thing with legumes. So lentils, peas, beans, normally we'd have to soak them first. But with the lentils, they're going straight in dry. No soaking, with three times as much, by volume, we're using cider. Under high pressure, 15 minutes. Now, if I think back to when we were talking about gut biome and diversity, we were told we have to be eating more in the way of lentils and grains and beans. But they take 40, 50 minutes to cook. And if can't be bothered to do potatoes, I'm not doing that midweek. This could change that. (mumbles) isn't it? - I haven't done one of those, yet. It'd be nice to-- - Please do. - The whole video, I haven't done this. Ooh. (steam hissing) - Don't put your face in it. 15 minutes at a high pressure, then a quick release. And then we will stir through fresh herbs, little bit of lemon juice, and season to taste, if they're cooked. (upbeat music) - [Ben] The leek is almost completely disintegrated and the lentils, kind of saucy, spoonable, all still individual. - I'd be super-happy with that consistency. Definitely cooked. - Delicious with a side of smoked pancetta. Definitely cooked, but only just. - The cider's really good. (laughing) - You could give them another little minute or two. They wouldn't suffer from that, but actually, nothing wrong with that at all. That is definitely a pass in my eyes. - Mm-hmm. (bell chimes) - Number six is dessert time: cheesecake. This was a suggestion from you guys on Twitter. Confused by it? Apparently, it works. - How long does it take? - In theory, no more than 10 minutes to get it into the cooker and then 45 minutes. - How long does a normal cheesecake take? - About 10 minutes to get it into the oven and then 45 minutes? - Hmm? - The logic here is... No, it's... I'm confused by this one as well. (clapping) (laughing) - Funsies then. It's a funsies. - This is like a New York-style cheesecake. - Yep. - That you can do if you don't have an oven... (laughing) And just a stove top. If you do it in an oven... - Mm-hmm. - Our recipe, 50 minutes of baking and then you open the oven door but leave it kind of just ajar with a tea towel to cool gently for another 50 minutes and then you chill it. This'll be 20 and 20. - 20 and 20, that's the key. - Rather than 50 and 50. - I'm convinced, guys. - And this is a face that says, exactly. You're so, so hard to please. I've gone for ginger snaps and butter for our biscuity base. - For our filling, we are gonna use cream cheese, double cream, caster sugar, an egg, some flour, some vanilla extract, and that's it. Even though the intonation was wrong. We're putting it all in a bowl and mixing up to a smooth cream cheesey mix. - Cup of water, base, something for the cheesecake to sit on, aluminum for a sling. All the cool kids are doing it. Lid on and cook under pressure 20 minutes. Cheesecake's done. I'm gonna take it off and let it cool naturally. This one's got a a pretty good wobble. It smells vanilla-y. Almost souffleed and not necessarily in a good way. We'll chill it and then we'll taste it. It's got a good wobble to it still. Let's give it a bit of love. (upbeat music) So it looks pretty neat and tidy. What is your idea of perfect baked cheesecake? Baked cheesecake. - In a baked cheesecake, I like a slightly grainy texture on the outside and then a creamy texture in the middle. - [Mike Voiceover] Mm, I'm pretty sure we're thinking the same things. - Good biscuit base, good vanilla flavor, slightly eggy. - Definitely eggy. I don't think you'd wanna serve this cheesecake. - Mixed feelings about that one. Really easy, a fraction of the time of cooking, not any better, not even as good. - I'm gonna say, a fail. - Six dishes, what have we learned? - I guess I'm slightly converted into pressure cooking. Especially since it's, basically, buying a sauce pan and having an extra use for it. So, there's really no reason not to get one, if you wanna just cook slow-cook meats in half the time. I've always thought of meat when you think of a pressure cooker, but actually, the recipe that probably impressed me most was the risotto. - No, I completely agree. I think the risotto was banging. I think the potatoes in six or seven minutes was great. And I think the lentils in 15. I think those three were the ones that I'm more likely to use, if I had one at home. - It's weird that we both think those are the best ones when you just think of slow-cooked meats. - As ever, thank you for all of your suggestions. We did six of them. There were many more. Keep 'em coming in. But we enjoyed playing around in the kitchen with new stuff and experimenting. If you want to see more of it, let us know what else we should be testing. - Hopefully, that hasn't ruined your opinion about this series. If you like them, keep "liking" the video, we'll know to make more. And comment down below with the gadget, bit of equipment, thing that you'd love to see our chefs test next. - And one extra post-it note, our amazing A.M. Menu book is shipping next week. So those club members who have opted for the book, it's coming your way. If you haven't opted for the book, you've got one more week to do so. - The link is down below. Go and get all the information. It's definitely worth having a look at. - I had to go last time. - I've got a dad joke it is from Jamie, so I'm shunning all responsibility. However, what is the difference between roast beef and pea soup? - No idea what's the difference between roast beef and pea soup. - Anyone can roast beef. (laughing) Yeah, I got him. - [Ben] That's a silly one. - [Mike] It's bad, isn't it? - [Ben] Terrible. - [Announcer] As we mentioned, we don't just make top-quality YouTube videos. - [Man] No. - [Announcer] We've built the Sorted Club where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's, hopefully, interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching and we'll see you in a few days. (beep) - Yeah. - Cause it was no different. - You go out, enjoy your day, go to a musical and then come back and pressure cook. - I have to be honest, I'm less keen on matinees. If that's what you're tryin' to do.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,562,022
Rating: 4.953783 out of 5
Keywords: pressure cooker, pulled pork, oxtail, potatoes, risotto, puy lentils, cheesecake, pressure cooker pulled pork, pressure cooker oxtail, pressure cooker potatoes, pressure cooker risotto, pressure cooker puy lentils, pressure cooker cheesecake, pressure cooker recipes, what to cook in a pressure cooker, how to use a pressure cooker, best pressure cooker recipes, pressure cooker cooking, testing a pressure cooker, chefs test pressure cooker, instant pot
Id: dy2t27KrhAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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