Exotic Meat Party 3 | SORTEDfood

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hello and welcome to fridge cat if you eat food then this is the show for you coming up in the fridge today I level up bacon sandwiches going on then we have an international food quiz and the forfeit is the world smelliest food but first I've been shopping again and I've come up with some mysterious beats and/or extractions from meat based things I'm going to pin for these guys do you have two now we've done a couple of these before in your own time you may want to go and check those out today we're improving it based on some feedback last time people said I made them too nice and disguise the flavors with too many other flavor combinations so today we're keeping it a bit more simple secondly the person directly on my right I will tell them at what it is they're eating they will be able to see it and they will know in the middle they will be able to use their eyes but they will not know what it is they're eating the person on the end will be blindfolded they'll just be aimlessly putting it in their mouths and hoping for the best these guys will rotate first one mystery meat number one now looks fibrous not too bad it's a long slow cook smells like beef stew it looks like beef stew it's got some slight fruitiness in there with a little bit of red currant jelly some blue Brits but also red wine oh okay yeah Mike would you like to have a little peek mom this is what we're eating that smells like Guinness where it's quite okay okay ah starting easy okay mmm it's elk is it yeah it's not too bad well what an elk I've also nailed okay number two the big reveal oh that looks like you fashioned it yourself I know for us I want to see Thor's give you that okay so this has been oven roasted with oregano cumin salt and oil and we're serving it with a Peruvian pesto yeah oh it's got hairs on it no don't say that are there are hairs all over it dig in in three two one what is it the squirrel as a squirrel take your blindfold off to everyone off on the phone so this was the closest I could get to guinea pig uh-huh so in peru in peru they serve this often with roasted guinea pig and the closest I could get in the UK I thought we slept like a squirrel number three and for this one portion size is a teaspoon oh okay I think I'm okay with that I'm not sure yet these have been up Android with a few curried spices so I have masked some of the flavor not all oh no okay they're not quite what you think no I know what you think they are but they're not quite that and there's the crunch absolutely they smell worse earlier on when we didn't apply the curry paste no curry spices they are in fact the larvae of moth so lost so they would eventually have become a moth I ate a butterfly just then know a lot oh they are grim that was actually a benefit I've been subscribed to you for ages but I see now that YouTube have unsubscribed me thanks Obama whack it in the oven whack it into the fridge boys and I think you've got enough whacking in your lives please keep it away from the food oh I need more James this isn't satisfying I don't know how to react to that but there mike has become so fat yeah some comments you just can't argue with number four but that's not a portion size portion so I'm not gonna be well here take the pride come on let's just do I'm ready three two one and you go cut your milk what now I couldn't do that so they are consider a little bit chewy I know what it is come on I guess yeah it's a chicken heart I'm impressed it absolutely is a predictor for in a Brazilian restaurant we had it they carve at the table they come round with skewers and this is marinate oh yeah I the help I've really helped number five Oh what I did first was boil it rapidly and then once you bought it rapid about 15 minutes you can ski you can kind of peel off the outer skin and then dip it in vinegar the distilled vinegar helps to get rid of something I'm not entirely sure what then a long long slow cook this was eight hours in an aromatic broth now I'm not gonna lie not that aromatic so you can still taste what it is crowding you do that while you do what yeah it's oh look stall right just put your hand out oh okay it's stuck away too you know what it is three two one go ah this is the reaction you odd there we go actually he's not so keen either bike is just battling through well these guys could see it so they know it's tongue okay it came from a pig so just like a pig's tongue in my ear you can take it off now Jane you're technically French kissed it oh that is not pretty is it the final one number six now the previous five I have prepared and tasted I've gone along this dish I had a few years back and I am never eating it again I'm gonna go prepare it in the meantime James can level up a bacon sandwich it's now really the right time to level up I don't want like I've never I never thought I'd say this but I don't want to face a sandwich right now welcome to level up this is where we take an everyday dish and with a few simple tips and tricks show you how you can take it and level up because we're not chefs we're all please tell me it's not just add more bacon it's not just add more bacon we're going to start with maple syrup in a bowl mixed with a teaspoon of oregano a teaspoon of smoked paprika and a pinch of cayenne pepper lay your bacon out on a tray and brush it with the sauce heat a large frying pan over a high heat lay the bacon into the pan sauce side down and turn the heat down to a medium high fry for three to five minutes until the bacon is just starting to blacken in places turn the bacon and repeat give me a second got a little bakery and farm er down there obviously we're going to butter our bread so anyway taming the hotel all the butter transfer the bacon onto the buttered side of the brain making sure that you angle the bacon to get maximum coverage sandwich the bread and spread butter over the top side of the sandwich return the baking pan to a medium heat and place a sandwich into the pan butter side down fry for a minute whilst pressing down with a spatula butter the face up braid and flip cooking for another minute before removing the sandwich from the heat slice into quarters and that boys is how you take a bacon sandwich a level up and I think we should put that through the sections don't you put it in my mouth but it in my hand please or that doesn't need ketchup brown sauce or sour cream that is amazing I'm making this Hey phenomenal well done thank you well I'm a truly a level up with them oh you're not the worst thing is I just remember where we've gotta go back to now great level up sandwich was awesome are we ready no I just want to savor the taste of a bacon sandwich for a little bit longer number six kamil blood us blood for ourselves yeah here it is it's that it's that no no no no no no if you're that flipping half cooks born little stack o ways it is about half born chicken thing Oh what was that that smells like eggy I don't want to do it no yeah that's why I thought yeah you're why are you served in porridge it's on a nice bed of kanji which I beautifully seasoned partly cook from chicken stock I see for like a wallet coin and you'll be glad to know I've cut it into four so you only have to do a call to each room your left hand and I go to the hand of the spoon in it that is so heavy I can't even smell it without gagging definitely won't get open this definitely unlikely to get off this three two one go the thing with century eggs is they're preserved in a combination of salt lime and ash for several months and in that time it changes the pH to a point with a whole texture change wrap the white becomes nice and gelatinous inside the yolk almost but the texture of cheese preserved for months to come ah hey exotic meat party and other expressions have come from meat based animals number three now consider this that video contains seven recipes but I think you're only going to want to make one of them so if you want to find out how to level up your bacon sandwich here to sorted food calm for the full details and remember we have done a few other exotic meat parties by all means check those out but do be careful equal amounts of spit tuning remember do subscribe because usually we will make you hungry usually do you know watch any I think that fridge cam had everything it had some serious bacon highs it had some very unusual pods of animals we wouldn't normally eat within these four walls I would call them lows okay highs in the low rise and the low and it's about to have an international food quiz where the loser is going to have to eat the smelliest food in the world this is nasty until next time goodbye do we have to eat do we have to do this now well it depends on how clever you are whether it's a problem only got a ticket le
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 963,069
Rating: 4.9254661 out of 5
Keywords: sorted, sortedfood, fridgecam, the fridgecam, the fridgecam show, bacon, bacon sandwich, level up, pig tongue, how to make, how to cook, moth larve, grubs, edible grubs, bush tucker, insects, century eggs, eggs, fermented, fermented food, challenge, game, party games, exotic meat, exotic meat party, elk, stews, stew, squirel, pesto, gross
Id: LNvFg0ykVho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2016
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