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Welcome to FridgeCam we are SORTEDfood, get your comments and your likes at the ready because it's battle time. And if you hang on to the end I've got something a little bit special for them. Me or for them? Both. Today's theme is broad. It is a seafood battle - the boys have got plenty to choose from, they're gonna go head to head to head to see who can come up with the winning dish. And for added jeopardy, because the tides coming in, we're only giving them an hour. Told you it was s***. Poke bowls. They've been popping up in trendy restaurants all over the US and the UK for the last few months, maybe a year we're still on trend, it's okay, don't worry about it. But where did they originate? Hawaii! So I'm going to make a fairly traditional poke bowl with sushi rice underneath, and then on top it's going to have the topping which is going to be raw tuna and salmon cubed it's gonna be great. For me, the ultimate seafood dish every day of the week is calamari. I've had it in every corner of this country and I'm gonna make the best one yet. Now, they may not look it, but squid, they are a thing of beauty I promise you. To look at they are a little bit gross, but to eat as long as they're fresh and cooked to perfection they are delicious. You know when you buy clothes off the internet because it looks good on the model. I'm making tropical fish and chips, which is why I'm dressed in the clownfish costume not because I'm feeling sexy and free and this comes with an amazing mango ketchup deep fried fish and chips. Beautiful lovely flavors inspired from the time I went to Hook in this video and it's certainly gonna win and it starts with ketchup. Right you've done your intros. Your hour starts now. First thing I need to do ... But I need to start! We're starting with the rice it's sushi rice, I've got to wash it under cold water. Oh noooo - I've watered my flowers What you doing?! Just seeing how waterproof your hat is. Why would you drain your rice on my head... that's going down my neck. My rice is cooking that's going to take ten minutes, we're gonna take it off the heat and then leave it for 15 minutes. In the meantime we can get on with my toppings: seaweed, onion, spring onion, avocado, tuna and salmon. Okay I've got my coriander my limes and my chilli's prepped. That's my garnish done. So to go with my calamari, which is my surf, I've also got some turf. Not grass and mud, I've got some chorizo, I fried some off in a bit of olive oil. I can add that into a mayonnaise to put on top as well. What is it Barry? Frying some more chorizo - big chunky bits to pull top as well to give a bit more texture and a bit more variety. Chorizo a chorizo Jamie. You seemed to put T in it a minute ago. Chorizo, chorizo, forget you're the expert when it comes to this. I can't help but think that if the tables were turned - Jamie would be absolutely slaughtering me if I were making his dish. Why would that be? Because you're not cooking firstly. Oh what's this? You're not cooking your fish you're doing raw fish and you're doing seaweed and I just got a funny feeling that you'd give me a hard time. If the ingredients were high quality enough why would you cook them? That is the stupidest thing you've ever said. Also, you're doing a poke bowl it's a pokey little portion for a pokey little man. Oh oh oh this this coming from the lowest rent Jean Paul Gaultier model that you could find. It is a bit weird - crossed with Paddington Bear. Ketchup consists of peeling mangoes, chopping them and then throwing them into a pan with loads of other ingredients that I'm gonna tell you about in a minute. I'm gonna say there - no! Wait how big is this stone? This is...I'm trying to cut around the stone but the stone seems to be everywhere and it's so slippery I'm gonna take my gills off. There are so many things going into this ketchup that I'm just gonna have to list them, so here they are: mango, water, ginger, squeeze of lime, cinnamon, all spice, cayenne pepper, brown sugar, coconut oil, fish sauce, white wine vinegar. Just like that. Okay let's marinate some fish so squeezing some lime juice in here throw in some Thai seven spice, which is amazing I highly recommend putting it on everything including your cereal, and we're going to leave that marinating for 10 minutes but I'm gonna turn it after five. Can you tell me what the seven spices are in that in Thai seven spice? Yeah. I'd really like to know now they're all in Thai you understand. Yeah there must be some English translations. Yeah probably are. Now on to the fish we've gone... now on to our fish we've gone for sashimi grade tuna and salmon. It's gonna be spectacular. A key factor with crispy squid is the crispy bit. It's really simple to get it extra crispy. All you got to do is get some flour - we're gonna cover them a flower but a seasoned flour that's half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper 1/2 teaspoon of pepper and the same with salt. Mix it up and then we can move on to the fishy bit. If they come already filetted your life is very easy. All we're doing is cutting these up into rings, like onion rings but slightly thicker. With all my toppings chopped up its into a bowl, stir it together, and then we can move on to the sauce that goes with it. It's gonna be grapefruit juice, it's gonna be lime juice, it's gonna be soy sauce, it's gonna be mirin, it's all gonna be whisked together in a bowl and then combined with our salmon. So while my cod is marinating, while my ketchup is stewing, I'm going to chop up some potatoes into 1 centimeter thick chips. I'm patting them down with tissue paper to get rid of the excess moisture because apparently that lowers the temperature of the fryer and that would be bad - then I'm gonna chuck all of these into the deep fat fryer at 180. Watch them crisp up. Right my cod has marinated in the lime juice and my seven spice, now time to pane it before deep-frying. Flour, eggs, bread crumbs, there's some Thai seven spice inside the breadcrumbs as well. It's not cooked properly. Isn't cooking properly... I don't have time to start that again. Okay let's go let's go let's go. I didn't get fresh new pastry did I? When I screwed my pasty up Good job that this is timed. What's happened? My rice isn't cooked properly. What it hasn't cooked on the way through? James' only recommendation is to start again but we've only got 4 minutes. Is it gonna... it's probably not gonna cook in 4 minutes is it? If it hasn't cooked in 56. 4 minutes! Okay right so my fruit has stewed. There it is off the heat I'm now going to blend that up and leave that to chill. The chips are done so I'm gonna raise them and now I'm gonna empty them out onto here cover them with salt straightaway so it gets on them. Obviously some more seven spice. Now it's time to go in with my fish. It's flour-y! Oh god! Oh sorry mate. Sushi rice 2 is nearly done and then we can construct all of this. I can't remember if I already told you this or not so I'm going to tell you again just in case: sesame seeds into sushi rice, sesame oil into sushi rice. Give it a stir. Into a bowl, top it all off, make it look pretty, get it in the yummies and then we can eat it. I didn't tell you about this bit it's sambal, it's a chilli paste and it's gonna finish the dish off. Ben, where do you want to start? Shall I go left to right? Yeah. Take your hood down - there you are! He's the same colour as his outfit. Number one it looks great. Thank you. I like the fact you've gone for the tentacles the crispy bits. Smearing piece. It's very kind of tapas-y style thing going on with the chorizo mayo. Phwoar, that is good calamari. There is nothing worse than chewy calamari and that is delicious. It's just cooked but the flour is crispy on the outside it's well seasoned. The chorizo, the lime. It's simply delicious. That mayo is quality mate. That's Spafftastic I love this. Okay let's go for these poke bowls. This is the most un-Jamie thing ever. Why? because it's poke. I like that I like that this year we're going for things that aren't as obvious to each individual I don't think this is obvious for you. It's not. You know what you have to do with it. Yep, I'm also wondering how hot's that sambal before I mix it all in it. It's about as hot as the chillies that you guys have been using. That is brutal. So bit of that, a bit of the fish. Seafood battles great fun but what made you go for poke bowls. Because I wanted to do raw fish I wanted to do something that was like sashimi went through a few different options and these are massively on trend *was* ...2015-2016 means that we're now getting into it in 2018. It's not sharing with anyone... It's no good. Nice rice I like the sesame. Took a couple of attempts. Again good quality fish doesn't need a lot I like the fact that in a seafood battle the seafood isn't necessarily just the fish you've got the seaweed in there as well. Do yourself a favour and dust some of that chilli off. Is it warm? It's very warm chilli. My garnish is so hot. First off, idea inspired by something we did a few months ago. I copied it. The idea was copied but you didn't have their recipe so you've been working on it. But yeah look I've done you fish nugs. So beautiful flakes of fish - that mango ketchup is a game changer. Probably the best bit init. Oh you should try some chips guys sorry. This is close this is very subtle degrees of cooking from no cooking to just cooking to perfect cooking when it comes to the white fish and it flaking. Everyone loves fish and chips and that is a very very good version of that and something you want on a Friday, fish is Friday, that is awesome. That is something you want every single time you get together with friends with a nice cold drink outside in the summer and this is something I'd been wanting to so as a recipe on the channel for ages and you beat me to it, it's delicious. What we can really take them is if you need to cook all three. You need to go and get yourself some amazing fresh fish, go to a market get some fresh fish and try all three. My least favourite, and they're all my favourite...okay I like them all but I think on this occasion number three based on the fact it's the only one no one went back for seconds for even though it was delicious. We were all drawn to fried fish and I think it's gonna be 2, 1. Because that Thai 7 spice and the mango ketchup is to die for. That was nerve-wracking. Can I just say I think it's really difficult to keep going back for seconds this isn't really a picky dish. They were all delicious you want to give them all the go and get all the recipes downstairs but also you get another vote on the polls so check that out on YouTube and see where you would have put your vote. What a wonderful outcome. Was it? Yes. I told you to stick around didn't I for something special. This is my dad joke of the week which is gonna be a new segment that we're gonna have. Oh really? Yeah, I'm gonna have dad joke of the week and the reason that we're gonna have that joke for the week is - you're a dad. I'm a dad. And you're a joke FridgeCam comes out on a Sunday so people get to Sunday blues they don't wanna go to work, school, uni tomorrow whatever it is that they're doing so I thought why not cheer them up a little bit. Or potentially make their Sunday worse. Or potentially make their day a lot worse. I love dad jokes! Right I came for this. Hit me yeah. What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? I don't know. Anyone can roast beef Ed actually groaned from behind the camera. I like this, how long are you gonna keep this up? That was one of the shorter ones, I've already planned some longer ones for the next few weeks. Oh wow, great. Well if you like this video please give it like, but until Wednesday have a wonderful week and we shall see you then. Good bye!
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,080,948
Rating: 4.9602127 out of 5
Keywords: calamari, crispy fried squid, fried calamari, how to make calamari, fried calamari with lemon mayonnaise, jamie's crispy fried squid, £4 fish and chips vs. £50 fish and chips, proper fish and chips, fish and chips, london's best fish and chips, homemade fish and chips, heston's fish and chips, poke bowl, salmon poke bowl by brooke williamson, tuna poke recipe, salmon poke bowl, how to build a perfect poke bowl, weeknight poke bowl, mango mayonnaise, crispy calamari, seafood
Id: Tbk-L0woO8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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