Can We Find The Name Brand?

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- Can we tell a real Sprite from the lemon lime posers? - Let's talk about that. (gentle upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning! - Whenever you're browsing in the soda aisle next to your favorite brands, there's always some cheaper knockoffs lurking down the way. - And do you ever buy any of the cheaper knockoffs of the sodas? Or does like, the label give you the ick, as they say? - You know, I like to buy the generic medicines. Like, you will not catch- - Oh, that's fun! - You won't catch me with an Advil. Oh, no, I'm not gonna do Advil. I'm gonna do Equate ibuprofen. You know, 'cause it's not about the taste. - Advil and Dad-vil. - Have you ever tasted Advil and like- - Oh, yeah, man. - I can taste the difference. - Oh, yum, yum, yum. - No, no, no. - Some of them are sweeter. - But when it's things that I can taste like soda, I don't. - That's a good point. - I don't accept substitutions. - Well, maybe you shouldn't be sleeping on the lurkers. - Okay. - 'Cause they may be just as good or better. It's time for "Knock-Off Knockout Sodas Edition." (gentle upbeat rock music) We dabbled in this topic four years ago for the first time, we did this format where we tested all kinds of knockoff liquids. Not just sodas, but juices and even beer. - Even beer? - Even beer, Rhett. - But today, we're drilling down on just sodas, specifically sodas that we've never done on this show. I mean, is that still a thing? There's sodas that we haven't done this thing with before? - Well, we're doing it. Yeah, 'cause we're doing it. - Wow, there's things we haven't done yet. Stevie, we're ready. What are we picking out? - [Stevie] In each round, you'll have multiple versions of a popular soda in front of you. One will be the name brand version. The others will be generic store brand versions. You'll taste 'em all and then- - Taste them all! - [Stevie] Correctly guess the name brand. The winner will get custom speech bubbles in Good Mythical More. - Yeah. Sounds great. - [Stevie] And we're gonna kick things off with Diet Coke. - Diet Coke. Okay. Listen- - We got this one. - We're cutting back budget cuts. - Oh, yeah? - So we don't have straws. So here's how we're gonna keep up with this. I'm gonna always drink from the far side. - [Link] Okay. - I'll drink it from the far side and when I set it down, I'll make sure my side, which is near when I drink, becomes the far side again. - But I'm gonna drink first every time. - Yeah. Well, no, 'cause I'm gonna drink this one first so you can't do that. - Oh, I'm gonna drink with a herpes side mouth. - But I'm gonna drink from the far side. And then I'm gonna set it back down like that. - I'm gonna drink from the near side. - You're always the near side and I'm always the far side like this. - Okay. These are both different than each other. Very different than each other. - You like how I drink like this? - And then you're going back to that one? You just. Yeah, you did it. You did it right. - Oh, I've got my technique. Maybe you drink from the far side of the next round. See how it feels to do this. - Man, they are all so different. None of them are good. And I'll drink Diet Coke as a treat. - As a treat. - That's my cola treat. - Well, welcome to the treat. - But I don't really like it. - You don't? Maybe you find one that you like. - I don't like any of these. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Please drink it. - No, no, no. - Look, I turned it. Did I? I did this. - [Rhett] Are you sure? - Mm-hmm. And then I did that. So now you just drink it normal. - No, I gotta go like this. - No, that... Oh, there you go. (crew laughing) (laughs) Okay. And then... - Oh, this is hard. - It should be easy. - Are you keeping it straight? - Yeah, I'm keeping it straight. (crew laughing) Why is this so hard? All right, I think I have a 100% confidence in this. - Hold on. - And I'm gonna use my Diet Link to indicate it whenever tall boy- - Dr. Rhetter. - [Link] Dr. Rhetter. - Hold on, hold on, hold on. - You ready? - Three. - hold on, hold on, hold on. - [Stevie] Two, one. (Link grunting) - No. You wrong, son. This is the Dr... - It's not Dr. - Diet Coke. - It's not Dr. Pepper. It's Diet Coke and I'm not very confident in my guess. - [Stevie] The real Diet Coke is in glass number one. - What? Yeah. (buzzer ringing) - Yeah. - This one, right? - [Stevie] Yeah, the one that you didn't guess. - I got it down to these two. - Don't touch where my mouth goes. Really? - [Rhett] Yeah, I- - Neither one of us guessed the right thing, as you can see. - [Stevie] Yeah, the others are Big K from Kroger. - Didn't love it. - Big K. - [Stevie] Signature Select by Safeway. - You like that? - Well, it tasted pretty good. Yeah. - And then what did I like? - [Stevie] And Sam's Walmart brand. - Oh, I've always known you're a Sam's man. Always known you're Sam's man. - Sam's Cola diet? - [Stevie] Mm-hmm. - I don't drink Diet Coke. I drink Coke Zero. - And I drink Sam. (upbeat rock music) Oh, look what I found. - Oh! - That's Sprite. Who put that there? - Oh, that's my Sprite. That's my zero sugar Sprite that I keep. - Oh, that's right. That's not mine. - I keep warm down there. - It's not mine. - Are one of these Sprite zero sugar? - [Stevie] One of these is Sprite. - Oh. - All the sugar. - All the sugar. - This convenient. - Go first. Be my guest. - Do you want me to do and you do my thing? - Yeah, I'm gonna do your thing. - Okay. So I'm doing near side. - You're going to the near side. Yeah. - You do far side because it's tricky. I want you to. It's tricky. You gotta be flexible. - Yeah. Okay. What you mean? It's not that tricky. I just go like this. - [Rhett] I don't know if you did it right. - That's good. That's good. It's a little under fizzy, even though it looks very fizzy. Speaking of which, they are all sourced from the same container. These are all from a two liter bottle, to remove that variable. - Because that is a variable. We did that on this show before. - That's a good Sprite right there. This one's better than that one. - Oh, that one's got a bite. - Oh, I like a good bite. - Everyone's doing a good job. - Oh, wow. - Everyone's doing a good job. - This one has so much more bite. - But everyone's doing a good job. - And that one has so much more bite than that one. - But are they doing a... You think it's got too much bite? - No, can't have too much bite, man. This one has less bite, but good flavor. - (coughing) That was mostly cough. - [Link] I'm gonna give this one... - You don't have to give it anything. - I'm gonna give this one the flavor award. I'm gonna give this one The bite award. Wowza. Wowza. Okay. Do I go with flavor or do I go with bite? Which one is the Sprite? - Oh, gosh. Okay. - [Stevie] Three. - If this one isn't Sprite, then this is my new Sprite. - [Stevie] Two, one. - I think it's actually this one. - Yeah, me, too. - This has got too much bite. - Too much bite makes it just right. - [Stevie] The real Sprite is in glass number three. - Dang it! - Oh, the bite! - Yes! - You, Sprite, with your bite! - Sprite has so much bite! - Can't have too much. - I thought it was too much bite. - Never! - [Stevie] The other ones from Rhett's side. Great Value's Twist Up. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Signature Select by Safeway. - Too sweet. - [Stevie] And the last one is Big K by Kroger. - Big K. - Kroger coming through with the taste. - Listen, Sprite, we didn't think you had that much bite, but you do. You have so much bite and it's just a right amount of bite. - And we need to apologize. - Sprite, we're sorry. - But I've given you so much free advertising over the years and finding you everywhere. - That's right. Not sorry. - I feel kind of like I can do what I want with you. - Right. Exactly. (upbeat rock music) - [Stevie] You're trying to find the Dr. Pepper in this round. - Oh, here we go. - Listen, I feel like I should be able to do this. - Here we go. - I like Dr. Pepper. - Well, you know, being as a guy as I am. (crew laughing) Who doesn't like Dr. Pepper, I'm just going to have to see if I can taste. - I'm doing far side. - Okay. I'm doing near side. I'm gonna have to see if I can taste my wife's breath after treating herself. (crew mumbling) - Can you hit the undo button? (crew laughing) - Christy loves to treat herself to a Dr. Pepper. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, but can you hit the undo button on life so I don't have to know it? - It's my wife's breath after she treats herself. - [Rhett] Because I... - Christy. You been drinking the... Am I on the near side? - Yeah. None of them tastes like Dr. Pepper. I think I've been drinking so much Diet Dr. Pepper. - One of them is rich, but Diet Dr. Pepper tastes more like regular Dr. Pepper than Dr. Pepper. (chuckles) - Real quick. - These are candy-like. There's like, something that's candy. This doesn't smell like wife breath. Smells like... - New from Dr. Pepper, wife breath. Okay. - You should know, man. I think I do know. I think I do know this one. I think I know it! - I'm surprised at how difficult this exercise is. I thought- - I know because I watched peoples do this on a TikTok and they got like, five or six and they just do it so easily and I'm like, that's my job and I can't even do it! - This is a crapshoot. This is a crapshoot. - I don't think it's a crapshoot. I think there's one that tastes like Dr. Pepper to me. I mean, I'm probably wrong. (laughs) But it tastes like what I think Dr. Pepper tastes like. This one tastes grapey. Both of those taste fruity. - Ready! - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Yeah, I thought this one. - It's gotta be that! Please tell me it's one. - It's the only one that doesn't taste too fruity. - Please tell me I'm not going crazy. - [Stevie] The real Dr. Pepper is in glass number four. - Yeah. Okay. - Oh, good. - Man, that was my round you got it, too. - Right because I just sniff that face of hers. - You gotta ruin Dr. Pepper for me. - Whenever she gets close one. Are you having a good day? Are you treating yourself today? (sniffs) That's what I do when I get home from my work. - And she doesn't leave? (laughs) She stays? You know what? Good for her. - She's like. - After all these years, she hasn't left. That woman needs a medal. - [Stevie] Do we need to know what the other ones are? - Yes. - [Stevie] Big K's Dr. K. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Signature Selects. Dr. Dynamite. - Did you have to use Dr.? - [Stevie] Dr. Thunder. - [Both] Dr. Thunder! - We would do that every once in a while. - Great name for it. - Somebody would bring Dr. Thunder to the class party. (upbeat rock music) You know what? Before we taste this, I wanna let you know, we have a lot of very talented people here at Mythical Entertainment and some of them are very talented in the standup comedy genre. - For reals. - And we featured a bunch of them on the Mythical Society for our first ever standup comedy special! - It's out today. It was a lot of fun. We hosted it and now we're making it available to all degrees. Third degree, second degree, and first degree. Go to and get you laughs. It's a, you know what? It's like a Netflix comedy special, but just for you, society members. - Exactly like that with multiple comedians. Now, before we taste this, let's acknowledge the fact that we typically have this at high altitudes. So I feel like we should get as high as we possibly can. So I'll grab these two. You grab those two. Keep track, okay? Come back here. - What do you mean? - I'm just saying, let's just get as high as we possibly can. - So we're gonna go back there, huh? - [Stevie] And you're looking for the Canada Dry ginger ale. - Okay, I'm gonna drink the far side this time. - I'm going near side. Okay. (crew laughing) - Give me the far. - Get a little higher. Get tippy. - That was good. That was better. Am I far side? - Yeah. - That was pretty good, too. And I'm far side. - You think that was good? - That's not bad, either. - Near side. - Give me a little bit more of that. Far side. No, no. Other one. This one. - All right. See, we gave that the best shot we could. - Yeah, I'm actually feeling pretty confident. I put myself in an airplane. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - It's that one. - Yeah, it's the best one. It's fizzier. It tastes so much better than the others. You can't skimp. - [Stevie] The real Canada dry ginger ale is in glass number two. - Yeah, that's right! - What's the problem with these other ones? I mean, it's not that- - You said that one was good. It's not. - [Stevie] The first one is 365 by Whole Foods. - Okay. - [Stevie] And then Big K by Kroger and Great Value by Walmart. - But this right here. They've just done something. - There's something distinct about it. It's so Canadian and so dry at the same time. - It's drier. It is drier and friendlier. (upbeat rock music) - [Stevie] Okay, guys, you're all tied up. In this round, you're looking for Barq's root beer. - Oh, Barq's? - Have you seen that can? It's all silver. - It's a good looking can. - I used to see that can as a kid and feel a little bit fancy. - Far side. - Versus A&W, which felt... You don't like? - Yeah. - Near side. - I don't really love root beer, so I'm gonna have to just think about smelling my son's breath. (crew laughing) When he treats himself. Hey boy, did you treat yourself? Come over here. Breathe in my face. - I like root beer, but I don't think I've had enough of it to be able to tell you which ones Barq's. - I just don't get it. Why do y'all want to drink stuff that tastes like medicine? Why do you wanna do that? - It's tasty, man. It's good because it's interesting. It's challenging, Link. It's challenging. - Challenging. - [Rhett] It's challenging. - This one's the creamiest. - Don't you get tired of drinking the same old things? - Far side. - Something that's like, whoa! Nothing tastes like root beer except root beer. That's what's beautiful about it. - Near side. Listen, I drink Topo Chico every night. It has no flavor and I look forward to it. Every time I pull one out of the fridge, I just get a little boost of happiness and I'm like, gather around family and smell my breath! Nothing to smell! Hello! It's great. It's nothing but bite. It's like drinking bite. None of this medicine. If I want medicine, I'll go to the doctor. I won't go to the grocery store. Barq's, you say, huh? - Okay. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - I thought this was the tastiest. A little creamy. - [Stevie] The real Barq's is in glass number two. - Yes! - Oh, man. - I dug deep into my childhood and I got inside that silver can. - You pulled that thing out. Far side. - [Stevie] The other ones are Signature Select, 365, and Great Value. And Rhett, you pulled off the win. - You pulled off the win? - Pulled it out. I get speech bubbles, whatever that means. - In Good Mythical More. - Yes. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is! - I'm Kathy from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. - And I'm Ahmed from Jordan. - We've been married for three years. It's movie night and it's- - [Both] Time to spend the Wheel of Mythicality! (Kathy laughing) - What? - Just straight up tomatoes for movie night. - That ain't movie night. - Sigh me up! - That's a stupid night. - Click the top link to see what the best drink and snack combo is for your favorite movies in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - I know this is supposed to be a roast, but I didn't write any roast jokes 'cause I love you guys. - I didn't know it was supposed to be a roast. - Is it not? Okay, maybe it's not because a lot of people about to say some mean (beep). (crew laughing) (laughs) Prepare yourselves.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,218,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: zbpeUHpuRWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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