Are These Products Worth It? (Test)

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- Has soda technology gone too far? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat theme music) - Good Mythical Morning. - And happy Veterans Day. Thank you to everybody who has served. - The soda wars are almost as competitive as the flamin' hot snack battles. - Okay. - I mean, think about Coke. They're always updating their recipe, LaCroix is always thinking of new flavors, and Mountain Dew- - Oh, no. - Well, somebody needs to put 'em back in their cage. - You know how I feel about that. - But soda innovation is not just about flavors. It's also about the experience of consuming the soda. - Yes, and we have found some strange but intriguing doodads and gadgets that are supposed to elevate your traditional soda experience, but who's to say if these newfangled soda ways are really worth the time and the money? - We are. - It's time for: New Tool or Old School: Soda Edition. (dramatic music) - We're gonna pit some soda gadgets against the old-school way of doing what they do, and then we're gonna decide if they're worth it by declaring New Tool or Old School. - Now, typically, when I start drinking a soda in a can, I finish it. - Yep. - But apparently enough people do not finish it in the first sitting that there is such a thing as the Jokari Fizz-Keeper Can Pump & Pour. - I like that name. Jokari Fizz-Keeper- - Can Pump & Pour. - It can pump and pour. And it's also a can pump, and pour. - Okay, but this is what it is. It's kinda like a Reebok Pump. You put this thing over there. - Go ahead and open it first. - You snap it down. - Open the can first. - Then you do that. But yeah, you open the can. - You might take a little swig and just get distracted. - You do a little drink. - "Oh, man! Now I'm distracted." - Or, "Man, I am so not thirsty anymore." - Yeah, "I'm satisfied with just a little swig." - "But I just wanna save this for later, and I do want it to be fizzy." So it's got the place where your mouth goes, so I'm gonna... I guess I just put... Ope! Right there, on it. - Little snap, little snap. - Right there, and then, I take this puppy, push it down, and then, pump it. (pump hisses) One, two, three, four- - That's plenty. - Five. - It said three to four, and you just did a swig. - I felt resistance at six. - Okay. - Five and a half. And then you can leave that for later, and then when you open it... (cap pops) - Oh! That felt very pressurized. - Did you feel that? - Okay, here's what we've done. We've got a can of Pepsi that has been... We determined, first of all, that Pepsi is the best on to do this with, because when we did that other thing about the soda cans experiment, we determined it was the fizziest. So this one's been open. Just take all these and put 'em in front of you. - Because the old-school way of doing this is not just leaving a can open. - Right. Well, here- - That's dumb. - I've got one that's fresh, just as our control group. I've got one that's been sitting completely open for 24 hours. I've got one in which they just put some aluminum foil over the top. I got one in which they used Saran Wrap- - I mean, I do this with food cans. - And a rubber band. And then this one has had the Jokari thingamajig on it for 24 hours. - Who does this? I mean- - [Rhett] The Mythical Crew, apparently. - Every time you got to people's houses, I know you look in their fridge. - And I drink whatever's opened. - Have you ever seen anyone with this in their fridge? - Not on a can. I've seen a lotta kids, especially my kids, not finish sodas and leave 'em- - Good gosh. - Sitting around the house. - Yeah. - Makes me wanna strangle 'em. (crew laughs) Okay, so this is the fresh one. - [Link] See how fizzy that is? - [Rhett] It's so fizzy. You got it, right? - [Link] Stop right there! - [Rhett] Oh, look at that. That's nice. - Whoo, that's nice. - And then here's one that's been just sitting there, open, 24 hours. Oh, nasty. - That's sad. - [Rhett] I mean, look at that. I can get the whole can in there without... Oh, look, look. Is this the same- - [Link] Nope. No, no, it's not 12 ounces. - It almost was. - Like an 11-ounce cup. - Aluminum foil. - The thing that I use aluminum foil with is- - Nothing. - Refried bean cans. - This is even worse than the one that was just... Look! It's less fizz- - How could it be more fizzy without the- - I don't know. - Foil? - This one is the Saran Wrap. Okay, little bit more. - [Link] That makes sense, yeah. It's clingy. - [Rhett] But still not something I'm excited about. - But I think... (slurps) That's acceptab... Nope, it's not acceptable. - Not acceptable? - It's just past acceptable. - But here, this is the one. This is the one that clams to do what we need it to do. Right here, the Jokari. Link, moment of truth. (cap pops) - Oh, it popped! - It had quite a pop to it. - Here we go. Oh! Whoa! Hey, that's fizzy, son. That's Fizzy Town. - It's not as fizzy as- - As the original. - The original. - Not as fizzy as the original, but how does it taste? (Link slurps) I'll drink right from it. (Link smacks lips) - That's acceptable. Yeah, yeah. - Compared to the original. It's lost a little flavor. - It's lost a little bit, but, I mean, you drank some of it- - And then you can reseal it, then you really gotta do the pumparooni here. - And I bet you they did the three to four, and I recommend six to seven. - Well, and if you got just a little swig in the bottom, I recommend at least 18. - Right, you gotta keep going up. You gotta encounter the resistance. 'Cause then when you open this baby... (cap pops) Oh, yeah. - Here's the thing. If you are what I consider to be the very small fraction of the population that thinks they would need this- - All of my kids, dude! You said it. It's for children. - But kids... Listen, I don't know about your kids. My kids are spoiled. I've tried to get my kids to go back to leftovers, and they're like, "Dad, can we just Postmates?" - Heck no, dude. - Why, you little... Do you know how much leftovers... Sometimes I would have leftovers for a month at your age. - My problem of this is, like, is this gonna be thrown away? You know? - Oh, yeah. - "Where are the Jokari Fizz-Keeper Can Pump & Pours?" - It's just something to get lost. - "Where are they, kids?" - Yeah. - "Did you throw 'em away?" - But this is satisfying. - [Link] So I think this- (cap pops) - Oh, gosh! - This is a New Tool. I am in favor of keeping this. - Okay. - Because none of the alternatives work worth a crap. - What you could do is you could go around your house after your no-good kids leave their little half-done sodas, and you're the dad that comes in here and just does... (pumps hissing) - Right. (dramatic music) - Back in the day, my mom would bring home a 12-pack of Mello Yellos, and I would immediately just take them from the bag and just shotgun two of 'em hot, 'cause I was a crazy, misguided teenager. - But wouldn't they be better if they were cold? - Yeah, but I didn't wanna put them in the fridge and wait forever. I didn't wanna put 'em in the freezer and then forget about 'em and then they explode. - What if I told you in 60 seconds you could have a cold Mello Yello? - I don't know if I'd believe you. - Check this out. (upbeat music) - [Announcer] Have you ever gone to the refrigerator and found that there were no cold beverages ready when you wanted one? Now, having to drink a warm beverage is a thing of the past, thanks to the Chill-O-Matic from B&D Innovations, a product whose time has come. Just insert your beverage can, cover it with ice, and turn it on. The rotating action of the Chill-O-Matic completely chills your drink in 60 seconds. That's over 240 times faster than the refrigerator. - What! - Okay, I'm pretty impressed with the product, but I have to point out that the makeup artist on the woman in that commercial made a mistake called the floating head technique, when you forget to put makeup down here and you just put it on the head, and she has an orange head floating over a white body. - Oh. Can we see that again? - [Rhett] I mean, I've been... - [Link] You want her to put makeup on her chest? - Well, I mean, if she wants to do it like they do it in the big-times, yeah. - Well, you know what? It's a product whose time has come. Bring it in, Rhett. - We've got the black version. - Chill-O-Matic. Now, if we just had two hot drinks. I don't know. Maybe I'll just reach down here into my crotch... (gasps) Look what I found. - Oh, you can find two at a time? - Yep. I'm gonna do the old-school way, which, if you ever worked at a bar, and you wanna cool something down quick, you just put in there and you just turn it around. - And I'm gonna do the Chill-O-Matic way, which is to place it on there, put this sucker in there. You give me some ice. I put ice on the top here. You know, loose pieces here. - So I'll actually compare not waiting 240 times as long, but me just doing a manual spin. - Turn it on. So we're gonna go with 60 seconds, starting now. (Chill-O-Matic whirring and chugging) My way is easier. But you also had yours kinda in the ice for a good- - No, I didn't. - 10 seconds before me. - [Link] You just spin it. - It feels like it's getting slower. - It is spinning twice as fast as mine. Maybe 240 times faster than mine. All right, now we're down to two seconds left outta 60. - And off, okay. - So I'll let you taste both of these. - Well, it feels pretty cold. Right back-to-back. Mmm! Big difference, mine is colder. - Well, I don't wanna taste it. I just wanna believe you. - Here's the thing. - How much colder? Like- - Yours feels as cold on the outside. - Uh-huh. - But mine, the beverage has actually received the coldness. - Does it feel as cold as you'd want it to be? - If you handed me this, like at the big game... (crew laughing) I'd be like, "Thanks, man." - And then you'd drink it, and you wouldn't think anything of it, right? - I'd be like, "Oh, it's a cold one." - So it does work. - Yeah, it's definitely a cold one. It totally works. - Do you think this is a New Tool? Because to me, it's like- - Take away the consider... I am taking away the consideration of, like, you gotta put this on the counter and put it in a drawer. You gotta have batteries. I mean, of course. That's the case with anything that requires any batteries, right? - What about complaining about our kids again? - I'd put my child's hand in here as punishment. - So I'm leaving this to you. - I wouldn't do that, okay? I don't do that. - Do you like the New Tool? - I believe in positive reinforcement. Yeah, I completely believe in this New Tool. I think it worked way better than your technique. - This is cumbersome. - It's less ice. - It does suck. - And it kinda looks cool. And it's a conversation starter. You put the Chill-O-Matic on your counter and people are like, "Well, tell me about that." "Well, step right up." - "It's a product whose time has come." (dramatic music) Over on TikTok, people are trying a certain Coke slushy hack. Take a look. - [Rhett] Okay. "Best soda hack ever. Shake it up, stick it in a freezer for about 3 1/2 hours, release a little and let some of the fizzy out, then pour and enjoy instant soda slushy." - Okay, so we have one that's been shaken and frozen. I'm gonna... - Just let the air in. - Let the air in a little bit. (air hisses) - [Rhett] Like that, like that. Like that. - And then- - Oh, look. Look at- - It starts crystallizing right at the top immediately. It looks like it's still going. And now I have- - Just pour it out slowly. - I've taken it... - Let it continue to crystallize. - [Link] Oh, it's ploppin'. - We got a lotta slushy right there. - [Link] It's like sludge. - Gimme a little bit, just right in my spoon. Oh, thanks, Link. - So it's pretty cola-y, but... Take it. Try it. - There's some slushiness on it. - There's variability in it, but you can get this thing really slushy. I mean, ours is just like a- - I mean, it's kinda... - It's more like a nice iced beverage. - It's not a slushy, it's just slushy-y. Okay. - So with mixed results, there's a product that Zoku has made in collaboration with Coca-Cola, the Float & Slushy Maker. It claims to do the same thing in seven minutes. - Now, we paid 22.99 on Amazon for just one of these. And again, it is an officially licensed Coke product. - So, with the money we paid for this puppy, hopefully it works better. You take this part and you freeze it overnight. And then put it in here. They got a nice little Coca-Cola scraper. And then- - You pour your whole beverage in here. Here's the thing about TikTok hacks. You're seeing the time that it went right for the TikToker. Our experience is that it never quite turns out exactly like they say it's going to. - Yeah. See, we don't do dat. We show you the un-entertaining version. Which is real life! - Yeah, that's right. Verite. - There's still a little slush on top. So then the frozen outer core is gonna slowly freeze the Coke that's against it, and then we're gonna slough it off. - And kinda just sit there. This is right down your alley, just sitting over a beverage with a spoon. This is like you every morning with your smoothie. - Mm-hmm. (slurps) That's how I eat my smoothie. But it's... This could be like a meditative experience. - Yes. - Which I like. So then... - So it says it takes about seven minutes. - Oh. - So what are you doing later? - All right, so we've let this thing sit like a minute or so. So let's just start scraping down the side with this tongue depressor. - Oh! Well, there's ice on it. - Oh, yeah? - I mean, a little bit. - Well, don't eat it. - Why? Why can't I eat it? - Keep scraping, man. You wanna make the whole thing slushy. I'm not seeing any ice happen. I think we have to keep scraping. Oh, yes. I'm definitely- - Whoa, okay. - See, I waited a little bit. - [Rhett] Look at that, look at the size of that one. - [Link] And now I'm getting some slush action. - Whoa, slush time! - All right. Let's see how this looks. I'm getting a little impatient. I hope I'm not doing it too soon. - There's a lot. - Oh, see, look at that. See, it doesn't wanna pour. See, that right there- - That's a lotta slushy. Oh! (crew laughing) Okay. - I think you're just supposed to drink out of it. - I didn't think this was gonna be the messy round. - See, look at that. Look at that! (glass pounding) - You know, I think I'll just stick with the way I'm doing it. - And then you can eat it with the tongue depressor. Mmm! That's Coke! - That is really satisfying. (Link smacks lips) Mmm. - I don't know. I think I'd be willing to do this with a six-pack and hoping to get one that looks TikTok-ready, versus dropping $23 on this. I'm saying Old School. And then real old school, going to the- - Yeah, I'm saying Old School. - 7-Eleven. - Just get a slushy. - Right. - Just go get a Coke-flavored slushy. - And plus, then you're not taking up room in your freezer. - Oh, you know- - With these things. - And then when it's not in the freezer it's in the cabinet. - Oh, and then it's all over the place. "Stop bringing this stuff into the house, kids, that we have to put in the cabinet!" - Let me tell you what'll happen at my house. This gets separated from this, and then this gets separated from this, and then like seven weeks later, you just see one of your kids eating cereal with this. (crew laughing) - Yep. It's over. - And then you're just like, "I have failed." (dramatic music) - We developed a party game called- - [Both] We're Still Good! - With our friends at Spin Master. You play by filling in the blank with the best words to create ridiculous disasters, and then everybody competes to write the most positive spin on that terrible situation. Don't worry, we're still good! It's at - Yes, it is. - It's a lot of fun. - And Walmart stores near you. - And it's an injection of positivity for your friendships. - Okay, now, if you're at home playing We're Still Good with your friends, everybody's gonna want to drink from a two-liter, right? - Yeah. - That's a good segue. - "But I wanna drink from it like it's a keg, man." - Right. - "Like a dispenser, dude." - We've actually got two different products that we're gonna be testing head-to-head. Mine is called the Bingxqiso Creative Soda Cola Drinker. - And mine is called the SOSOS Creative Soda Dispenser. They both have "Creative" in the title. - And they're both only $11 on Amazon. - Such a creative way to pour your soda. Mine is more elevated. It has more pieces. - Mine feels relatively simple. There's a washer right there. Let's get that nice and tight. - "Install beverage inverters. Aim the water intake at the beverage..." Oh. I don't know, I don't wanna read all that. So I'm putting the tap on this thing. - It seems pretty self-explanatory. - And now, ope, now the problem is this is upside down. Do I keep wrenching it down? So... - I'm so ready to turn this over. And they- - Yeah, this. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - This. Okay, yeah. - There you go, Link. - There we go. - Think about it a little bit. - Yep, gotta use that noodle. - And also, they both come with push pins. It's almost like these are made by the same company and they're like, "One of 'em will work." You know? Good luck. Because obviously you have to create a way for the air to get in to replace the liquid that's leaving. - Okay, go ahead. - Hold on, I think mine's upside down. - Yeah, yours is upside down. - Yeah, but I think I can do this. And this, and then- - You gotta loosen that. That's exactly what I did. You're tightening it more. Ope, ope, ope, ope, ope! (Rhett sighs) You got a little leakage. - And then check this out. Welp, why is it leaking constantly? - 'Cause it's not... - What? What if I did a little hole here? - Now close it. - [Rhett] That's open. - Close it! - That's open, that's closed. - [Link] Close it! - That's closed. - Close it! - That's closed! - Close it! - It's closed! It is closed! Everybody step right up! - What, what? What? (Rhett grunting) Ope! Now, there you go. - Oh, okay. - See, I did it. See, don't panic. Do not panic. - I was just gonna give everybody Coke. (crew laughing) I didn't think there was a problem. - I think mine is gonna be better than yours. - I hope so. But mine's kinda working cool now. But yours is better, more elevated. You can get big... Ope. First of all, it is the same company, dude. - Yes. - It's the exact- - They're the exact same thing. - They both are making things and hoping one of 'em works. - Yep. And then I'm gonna... See, but this one is higher. - Yeah, right. - But you have to- - You have to open it and then- - And then put the glass underneath it. - That's weird. Push it in. - Oh. Oh! - Oh! You push it in! Idiots! (both shouting) - We're smart! (crew laughing) Dang! - Mine's a little bit skewed. - And then if I make a hole... (groans) - [Rhett] Look! Look at me, I'm making Coke too. - Can you help me? (crew laughing) I can't make a hole with this thumb- - Go to the side, to the side. Don't go in the very middle. That's the hard part. Go right in there... No, no, no! Not, not, not in the water! - Oh! (crew laughing) Hold on. - I got it. - This will fix it. - Okay. Hold on, hold on. Listen, I can make Coke with that. Tilt it a little bit. - I'll tell ya. What not to do! - Hold on, I'm stuck. Hold on. Hold on, hold that glass. Hold that glass. - This? - Hold this glass! - It's over. I'm below it. - Okay. Okay. Well, I've made four Cokes. How many have you made? - I made one Coke. I'm about to make a second Coke. - I think yours is better. - And then that... Oh. (crew laughing) I keep forgetting! - Hey. Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! - Oh! This is awesome. - Yeah, it's really- - It's really easy to use. - It really works great. - It's fun for everybody. - Yep. - Except for whoever has to mop. - Just remember, never put a hole below the surface before the... Oh. - It didn't work that time. - Oh. - (slurps) It's permeated, though. - Look at that. - All right. - It's leaking a little Coke. - I think this is New School, man. Otherwise... I mean, what are you gonna do? What's the alternative, dude? Uh... But it's not as creative. - I made a Coke. - I'm sticking with New Tool. You with me on this? - This is pretty fun, and I think once you get it down once and you don't make some of the mistakes... You know, learn from the mistakes that we made, and you won't make 'em. - [Link] Get the one with the stand. - Yeah, I agree with that. All right, so hopefully you learned some things today. Sometimes going New School's worth it. - Mm-hmm! - Yeah, so again, those ones that we approved, the Jokari Fizz-Keeper Can Pump & Pour- - Mm-hmm. - The Chill-O-Matic, and also these creative soda dispensers. - We're very open today. - Yeah, we are. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Okay, Rhett and Link, here we are at Christmas Eve, and we just did a blind taste test with different kinds of sodas. - [All] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality! (all cheering) - What is it we're doing again? - Whoo! Hello, family. - Who's this for? No, they're all Mythical Beasts. Click the top link to watch us test out weird novelty bottle openers in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. We're Still Good is available at and select Walmart stores near you.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,184,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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