I Hit The Worlds Fastest Ping Pong Ball!

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[Music] hey going you know I've collected two groups of people here on YouTube on one hand I have the people that enjoy seeing me make peaceful wholesome videos involving Australian wildlife and on the other hand the people that love danger and excitement and are all silently hoping I hurt myself doing something stupid or actually and the feat demographic as well and I try to please all these people but now whenever I upload a video let's say an animal video I get a bunch of you saying hey what's what's happened you saw boy you trying to be family-friendly where's the danger and then when I do a dangerous DIY video I get do more animal videos please I love them and then feet requests on every video so today I'm going to make a video so dangerous that if I did wear socks it would knock them off appealing to two groups of these people Danger Danger [Applause] [Music] is it ping or is it pong is a table or is it tennis if we genetically modify people to make them really really small and then force them to play tennis on this table is that classified as table tennis or normal tennis who knows they're all good questions that one day I'll answer and my whole life I've called the game in which this ball hits this table ping pong but I recently had my world shook as this one guy at a party told me that it's not the correct name and that I'm actually a racist and I'm pretty sure that's not true as I regularly eat Asian food but just to be safe and not insult anyone from now on in this video I will refer to it as table pong now table pong is a pre tame and Undine Juris game unlike other sports as it doesn't involve moving great distances sprinting jumping doping or slamming into each other at high speed and some people probably screaming at the screen right now saying how can you say that did you not see ma long in the 1976 Olympic Games when he beat Zahran prima RAC with his signature roundhouse flip and I haven't seen that and even if I did I don't care because that's not how normal people play it normal people play it drunk out of their minds and if you can still play a sport while smashed and it's still entertaining and it's not really much of a sport so that's why I've decided to make a table pong dangerous so dangerous that I might become the first person ever to die playing it well apparently this guy died at 116 when his kids had a ping pong ball into his mouth but that's just a spectator death so it doesn't really count so I've still got a chance to get into the record books okay now this is how I'm going to do it and this explanation might get a bit sciency so bear with me yes okay maybe here yeah so basically I'm gonna walk that's that's not really at this part this party will at the bit up that bit at the top you probably try to get something like this way like this yeah but like down just alright this isn't gonna work out this is the this is the diagram he drew earlier before he got on the bottle so how it works is I'm gonna pull a vacuum out of this tube which contains a ping-pong ball and then I burst a thin seal on one side which causes the outside air to rush in pushing the ball down the pipe and out the other end at very dangerous speeds it's pretty sick that the only thing forcing the ball out of the tube is atmospheric pressure I never really think about how much air we actually have stacked on top of us pushing us down at all times and if my googling is correct it's about 1,000 kilos and few American Imperial folk that's the weight of around 2,000 RB meat mountain sandwiches or 300 ar-15 rifles or 200 homeless men that are about to die from a lack of health care and no one really gives these homeless men much credit and recognizes their importance but that needs to change as without these 200 men pushing down on us at every moment every person in the world would simply swell up explode and then float away in a cloud of mush ah thanks guys so this is my first attempt of making the device and I thought I'd get creative and fancy and add some screw cap things with an o-ring on the end to get a perfect seal but this actually did the opposite and the screwing motion actually screwed me up and look that seal moves around inside when I'm trying to screw and I just couldn't get a good seal so instead I kept it simple and just got a PVC pipe placed foil on the end and then put these end caps on and then sucked out all of the air ah you might be wondering why I went for a length of pipe only a meter long as a longer pipe would result in faster ball speeds but I've got a very good reason and that's because this seems to be the maximum length of pipe I can get from the store for free anything longer and people start to get suspicious and now sorry I mean and it definitely pops which is nice but not what I wanted to it always seems to burst prematurely and at first I didn't mind that much but after a while it really started to affect my emotional mental and physical well-being and I've tried many things like tape medications sandpapering the surface until there were no bumps left and even counselling but nothing worked until finally I found the solution more layers and now the foil pops on cue every time so to help us idiots visualize how the air rushes into the empty tube I've placed this miscellaneous white substance near the entrance and that is good stuff so let's play some pom ball first up let's see how much damage it does to a bat that's that's dangerous it's dangerous dangerous dangerous [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that's pretty disappointing even though it's travelling at something like 600 kilometers per hour it still doesn't do very much to the bat so we're going to need more than just atmospheric pressure and I've come up with an idea which should fix that which is copying exactly what the Mythbusters did so I just kind of borrowed some more stuff from the store and put it together so this is what we have now a vacuum chamber containing the ball and then this pressurized chamber here which some of you may recognize from my tampon launcher and tray launcher video and now instead of bursting with a hammer I'll pump this up to around 150 psi and then open the solenoid valve here hopefully resulting in 10 times more pressure than the atmosphere pushing the ball out at supersonic speeds and you might be wondering why I used a right angle connector here is it because it was the first piece I found that also fits in my shoe no it's because I want this device to be versatile allowing you to play table palm from around corners and I have no added tests it's actual speed hopefully we'll hear like a supersonic crack or something and if we don't I'll just add one in while editing and first test with pressurized chamber day but four three two one that was weak this is very weak so that's we've just minded before it was stronger and ignore that sonic boom as it actually seems a lot weaker than without the pressurized chamber I think the reason is that the solenoid valve is not opening fast enough and I'm regretting getting scientific advice from that baby so I'm gonna scrap the tampon gun and make a new pressure chamber so new plan instead of the solenoid valve we have a burst disc and then I also decide to become a fancy man and design and 3d print this little converging-diverging nozzle [Music] this nozzle is meant to make air travel faster but I don't really understand how or what I'm doing so I'm kind of just gonna shove it into this pipe here so the air has no choice but to travel through it and hope it does what I want [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that was loud so loud that it felt like the air hit me in the face and the ball went straight through the bat and blew out the back and I'm happy this is what I wanted to see that nozzle is doing wonders to the airspeed now you might be wondering why it got a bit spooky and dark in my garage and that's because I closed the door as I didn't want my neighbors to hear that constant explosions get suspicious and then call the coppers so now that we have some more privacy let's shoot some stuff like a soccer ball and I think the ping-pong ball broke up before exiting on this one shooting out supersonic shrapnel cutting a deep circle into the melon and I was planning to attempt hitting the ball and playing some ping pong but after seeing the amount of damage and shrapnel this creates I don't want to be anywhere near the backside of this but because I know we all want to see what would happen if I did stand in front of it I'm gonna shoot this big delicious thick piece of pork belly which I'm choosing to blow apart instead of feeding my family or the homeless [Music] that's pretty insane whoa okay and after seeing this amount of damage I've changed my mind let's do it one man with a very long stick playing supersonic ping-pong yep whoa whoa yeah boy chipped or the would assume that is crazy speeds I think the balls still vaporized when it comes through because why would there be a chip there if it wasn't so it must kind of just come in in as one be kind of shrapnel cloud does this count as playing supersonic ping-pong no was my title clickbait yeah but ignoring that this is how you properly shoot a ping-pong ball thai dancers take note and speaking of people selling out and doing questionable things for money today's sponsor expressvpn now most of you probably know what the internet is in fact unless you're tuning in to me via AM radio or newsletter you're using the internet right now and the internet might sound like fun with its games and its boobs but it's actually a pretty scary place as everywhere you go on the internet you leave little crumbs behind allowing others to watch you and potentially steal your personal information whether that be your hacker neighbor that's gotten into your Wi-Fi the American government who will falsely imprison you on terrorism charges or even just your internet service provider that wants to sell your data to 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Channel: I did a thing
Views: 2,505,893
Rating: 4.9593105 out of 5
Keywords: science, mythbusters, i did a thing, education, william osman, michael reeves
Id: bAKqzAzfXKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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