I regret making your horrible video ideas

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there you go on it's that time of year again when I'm out of video ideas so today I'm going to steal them from you yeah yeah no no I'll just head you know that is disgusting and then we'll see which one of you has the best idea and then you get a prize this naked picture of me unless you're a child then I'll send it to your dad [Music] okay the first idea comes from Mariana banana on Discord and they want me to make the makeup gun from The Simpsons which I'm slightly scared to make as the last time I made a gun for applying female products the New South Wales police came to my door but I think this time I'll be all right as I just won't call it a gun or show you how to make it okay the first step in making the gun is to get some PVC pipes this one is for my face and this one is for the air pressure chamber then I just took the bicycle valve out of my bike tire and glued it into this cap and then glued all the other parts together with this simple ball valve in between the chamber and the barrel simple right no that would have blinded me there's so much flour in the air they made a dent in the wall with flour it's very hard to get the right amount of power too little and it doesn't come out and too much and I'm permanently doing white face and I think what might help is making a trigger Mac that opens this ball valve very fast so that I won't need as much psi but I still have a large volume of air coming out pushing the powder out all at once and to do that I'm going to make a wooden stock by using this pretty useful tool that allows you to measure strange in a regular shaped objects so that way I can copy the shape of the PVC pipe onto the wood so it has a good fit [Music] then I clamped it down now to turn this ball valve very quickly I'm going to use some speargun Rubber and leverage so I cut and grinded down this metal piece to extend the length of the ball handle and I always get comments whenever I'm grinding telling me to be careful as the Sparks can cause fires but don't worry I'm well aware of this and always have my fire extinguisher underneath the grinder then I attached the Rubber and made the simplest trigger possible this wood just gets in the way of the valve turning and then when I squeeze it it releases opening the ball valve on the gun way quicker than I could also I've said the G word enough so I'm now going to refer to this thing as a powder Pusher and I'm also not happy with this clumsy corded pump that I've got it hooked up to like what if I need to apply makeup out in the bush or something [Music] so I bought this portable electric pump with a pressure gauge which looks very cool and then sprayed the whole thing gray to make it look more illegal for the police that are watching I'm talking about you Megan and I did another test with the new portable pump but this time with a ping pong ball [Music] [Music] shatter the ball look at what it did how's that possible and in my attempt to make this thing weaker I think I made it stronger but I'm going to continue anyway and now I need to figure out how to get the different kinds of makeup in the position on my face and Homer's device shoots three kinds of makeup a general white face powder that I stuff and lipstick so ideally I can just have one barrel and put the makeup inside already in the shape of a face so it all comes out in one go so I tried that [Music] and that doesn't work at all and having the makeup clumped up in a tissue means I've created one of those anti-protester beanbag things that cops use but specifically for my face so instead I'm going to make barrels within the barrel and then fill them individually with makeup and this means I need to modify the powder Pusher and I couldn't find a piece that turns a 40 mil pipe into a 90 mil pipe so I'm just going to make an adapter on the lathe yeah then I glued it all together and this looks awesome so now I just loaded up some makeup [Music] and that didn't work very well so I tried some liquid makeup and that worked even worse so I'm going back to the powder but this time with more and the two percent of my audience that are women and the eight percent that are clowns know that makeup isn't cheap even this Halloween variety I bought was like twenty dollars a packet but luckily for the ladies and clowns watching I'm going to show you how you can save some dollars and make your own you start by squeezing the flour out of corn into a bowl and then you squeeze the blue out of some blueberries and you mix it all up then you place the blue Powder mixture in your housemate's tray that their dead grandmother passed down to them that they don't want stained and you mix it all up making sure to get out the clumps [Music] and then bang it in the oven and once it's dry you've got your own blue Powder perfect for gender reveals and starting California bushfires and eating [Music] then I loaded that up into the barrels and I was about to test this out of myself but I've realized a potential problem if the pipes aren't secured properly inside the barrel then I've just made a spear gun which is why I'm going to test it first on someone I'm not afraid to hurt a woman [Music] [Music] [Music] great two one holy how is it oh it's pretty good yeah did that hurt it had a little bit it did yeah it kind of stuck that's usually wait when you usually put on makeup it stings as well right what do you think this is great can I go on a date with this yes yes I did even got the cheeks I want to see what I look like now yeah you don't have to you know you don't have to you know it just yeah it looks good I trust it I trust this process then Tate's makeup looks pretty good I would say she looks better than she usually does so now it's her turn to shoot me how you feeling all right did anything happen you were very you're very pretty do I yeah [Music] my eyes [Music] like I've got cataracts can you flip the screen around can I know myself okay I want to kiss yourself yeah and I think that worked very well I see no difference in my makeup and mergers the makeup gun gets 7 out of ten okay the next suggestion comes from someone wanting me to create a device that makes drinking water fun and luckily I don't have to as the sponsor of today's video era has got that covered an air up is not like any other water bottle it's a completely new way of drinking it uses these little scent pods that go over the straw like this then you just fill up your bottle with whatever water you want and if you feel like a bit of a flavor hit you pull up the Pod and air up flavors the water using scent and now it tastes like you're drinking flavored water but you're not it's the bottle tricking your brain into thinking you're drinking something that's not really there it's the same process as when you eat food on the toilet but in a good way and I really love having air up in the garage with me as it helps me stay hydrated and also when I'm making stuff like on the grinder it helps mask the smell of the metal powder that's in my nose air up has 15 different flavor pods which all make water taste so yummy my personal favorite is this mango passion fruit one and I don't know how they squeeze a whole mango and passion fruit inside here but it works so go grab your own air up with flavor pods today using the link in the description below and use the code idat to get 10 off at checkout and the next idea comes from some guy on Twitter but I forgot his name and they want me to turn one of those little kid push cars into a lawnmower which is a great idea as everyone knows the kids are really bad at doing yard work wait wake up can you get back to work please thank you okay so the first thing I did was ruin a child's Day by buying the last Little Tike car in the store and then I ruined someone's marriage by buying the last whipper snipper in the store and I think you Americans call whipper snippers something else like lawn trimmers or Edge trimmers or something else that doesn't make sense and you're also probably confused why I even bought a whipper snipper in the first place and don't use a Sharpie spinning but there is a good reason if I bought a Sharpie spinny and put it on the bottom I would want to use it without the blade guard for aesthetic reasons but this would be too dangerous and with the blade guards it's too lame but with a whipper snipper it's got a plastic wire and that way I can get my feet nice and close and only sustain minimal foot damage is there any chance of me getting answers foreign I could not make it inside the car so I'm gonna have to make some modifications first I took off the roof and turned it into a convertible and then realized that I'll actually be able to wear the roof like a backpack then I cut some holes in the back and somehow in my random cutting I managed to make a nice little flap for the motor to sit on and then I also got the Whipper snipper head in the right place on the front on the first go and I think it's done looks like fun you haven't having fun look at the mobility whoa you're crazy can you honk the horn so now to measure how well it works I'm going to compare it to a normal Sharpie spinning but I don't have much grass so I'm going to just do this Edge tuft [Music] and with the normal Sharpie spinny I cut half the grass in 11 seconds and now for my little car let's just hope this works were you gonna turn around before getting into it yeah I need to because and then you jump in and then you jump in petrol okay you ready [Music] behind yeah it's hitting me as well horrible [Music] [Music] you want goggles I feel like you need goggles should I go get him [Music] [Music] that's awesome [Music] this dog is like in my face yeah it's been hitting me as well maybe we should have picked it up before doing this oh my God um you know what yeah sure and that took me six minutes to cut compared to 11 seconds but it was more fun and also fixed the slipped disc in my back six out of ten okay the last viewer's suggestion was emailed to me by someone with a really dirty ass Liam marozzi he sent me two images both of which are great but this one is definitely going to get me demonetized so I'm making the other one the one that won't directly show my to the world and I'm going to start by borrowing my mate's bike and taking off the pedals and the entire frame which I'm going to turn into support for the pedals now you guys are always making fun of my welds whenever I show them but I don't really care anymore as I am improving a lot and I'm very proud then I welded two pipes onto the frame which the toilet paper turning thing will go inside and I felt like I've definitely exceeded my daily dose of welding fumes so decided to try clamping the pedals onto the pipe instead of welding and then tested it out foreign then painted it the same color as my mate's toilet which I also borrowed and installed outside this is where you do this okay you go like this so this is all set up now I just need to make a pair of YouTube friendly Underpants that allow me to use the toilet and not get demonetized okay there is nothing else for me to do now but wait [Music] okay [Music] wow [Music] oh you got it wait Did you get that up your leg wait how did you get it on your hands okay round two [Music] your poo is just it works but it rips it no I know what I'm doing wrong I'm sitting on the toilet paper here oh first mistake it's but also look it's getting some good coverage there foreign [Music] who's slowly disappearing how you feel I mean I Feel clean I know it's getting thicker what you just do all your pooing more you can control how much you poop it tickles you wait this is one of those things look here's a close-up of this it's never ending wait what that's you can't be surprised by your own boo it's and you get a second roll you're gonna reuse this one make another one oh you get two you get two and then and then you sit on that way because look you've only dirtied one side of the toilet paper this and then the next yeah you do use the other side it's double reverses yeah and then you just switch like this yeah yeah because so far you're using one roll of toilet paper yeah I don't know what people usually do but that sounds like a lot that's better than mine I'm usually a two toilet roll guy oh you just take it out and wipe with the roll and then throw it away yeah it's not going to work with my legs because my ass is too fat yeah when I put pressure down oh you're just I'm creating a seal in there in the toilet oh wow you're gonna fat ass I got a fat ass well you either need a bigger toilet or a stronger toilet paper yeah this works well the hand off you just as I'm saying this works well because you're leaning forward yeah creating a hole and you can feel it running right over your that and it feels good it actually feels nice yeah it's like someone's getting a feather of likely going oh you go like that have you heard that happen before I think you should put some pants on and that toilet was actually really nice to use the feeling of the toilet paper running along me kind of gave me a new perspective on life which means it's time for the winner but before I announce the winner of the viewer suggestions I'm gonna tell you about something else I've done I've heard cryptic Clues throughout this whole video and whoever figures it out first gets five thousand dollars and also gets this nude photo of Me It's Tricky but you are all smarter and hornier than me so I think you can figure it out okay the winner of the viewer ID is Liam marozzi with the toilet paper cleaning thing which I'm giving 8 out of 10. thanks to the clean ass and reach out and I'll give you your prize thank you so much for watching if you like that subscribe and check out some of my other videos
Channel: I did a thing
Views: 4,337,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science, education
Id: Jf4GBKmU8Ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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