What Happens When You Use TOO MUCH Laundry Detergent?

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nate i feel like this is something i always wanted to do as a kid it's laundry day but not in a good way in today's video we're going to test out what happens if we run a load of laundry with an entire bottle of laundry detergent and an entire bottle of fabric softener i have had this question for about two weeks so cali's been thinking about it for a lot longer than i have just like what happens if you like just there's no oops i put in too much so you use too much laundry detergent or too much laundry softener what will happen well what if instead of just using one cup you just used one this says on it 64 loads and the fabric softener actually says 105 loads so clearly you're supposed to use less fabric softener than detergent not going to do that but i think we're going to use all of it the basic idea for today's video is pretty much what we explained in the beginning we're going to run an entire load of laundry but rather than the recommended quantities of laundry detergent and fabric softener we're going to use the entire bottle we want to see what this does to the clothes and to the machine and we want to see what that does to the clothing like how much they actually absorb how bad does it affect towels supposedly you're not supposed to put towels in with laundry softener as it is because then they don't absorb as much so i got brand new towels just and this is a not brand new yes so we have some that we've had in this video a very not brand new towel shirts that we've destroyed with previous experiments no these are perfectly good shirts they just need to be washed that's what i mean they're right they're dirty these pants are actually kind of dirty too so i wore them with the intention of i will put on some king random sweatpants throw these in as well and you know hopefully i'm going to end up with extraordinarily clean and very very fabric soft jeans but i suspect we're gonna have to run these all through a regular wash again after this i didn't know this was part of the plan and i'm thrilled i honestly think that we're probably gonna end up with clothing that like feels like it's coated in wax or something like that good i'm so excited that's the plan i'm gonna try and clean a window with one of these towels afterwards we went and got a washing machine that is not like used for anything else it's a used machine we got it just for doing experiments with and if it still works after today then maybe we can come up with some other things to do with it as well but i want to make soup in a washing machine she wants to make soup should we go do some laundry do the laundry i'm going to change pants cool i'm going to go start start the load i guess this is gonna hope we have enough so we have our new washer and all of our clothes and some towels okay now i was just reading through the manual for this particular model and it does warn against adding too much fabric softener or detergent does it work it does worn about detergent uh it says don't use too much and it says don't pour it directly into the container so fill that okay [Music] just a little more just a little more a little bit more yeah we're not pouring it directly in we're pouring it in here and it happens to be overflowing don't pour it directly into the barrel so i'm not gotta obey the rules we are obeying the rules i think that looks like about enough detergent i'm not positive i'm hoping it's enough pretty dirty towels in there i think yeah after i washed my hands i dried my hands off on that towel so yeah and it's it's filthy all right now we're going to try i downloaded the manual just to try and figure out this machine because i'm using the kind of like poke whites or colors start you know you can change the water temperature but all right so oh it sings us a song good okay so i think we want to add the fabric softener option so that added some more time do we want to put on speed wash or do we want to do just cotton i i think we need to let this run its full regular wash load so we're going to just try and keep an eye on this thing here and hope that this machine is not so smart that it will freak out and be like oh you added too much detergent so we'll see all right all right it's in the washing stage okay the water is actually coming out yeah we can see okay i think it's now flushed most of the soap through the detergent so yeah now it's water falling down onto the clothes now this whole setup is supposed to i guess now says time remaining 51 minutes so we probably have a while before the rinse cycle we're two adults being entertained by a washing machine welcome to quarantine see we weren't sure if we were going to get bubbles but i think we got some bubbles detergent doesn't bubble up nearly as much as some kinds of soap but we used a lot of detergents now we let it run and try to add our fabric softener when it gets to the rinse cycle and it does have a pause button on it which i'm just going to see if it okay it lets me pause and it unlocks good we're good all right resuming so i'm pretty sure that no matter what once we get to the rinse cycle i'll be able to pause it open it up pour in all the fabric softener and let it do its rinse which i don't think is going to be very effective we'll see i just hit pause because it started blinking rinse cycle and i saw water flowing down through and like the this the amount of fabric softener that we had put into the correct spot flowing out with water so i think that means it's time we add the rest okay absolutely we just didn't have enough it almost seems like we've dyed our clothes blue at this point and it smells so overwhelmingly strong of detergent and soap at this point i think you mean of clean breeze oh that is what i meant yes clean breeze all right let's fire this thing back up [Music] all right oh boy so this is the first drain after all the detergent and this is the drain like the rinse cycle i mean it's clearly very blue because it does have an entire bottle of fabric softener in it this is how much water it takes to do a load of laundry in case you're wondering now i don't know exactly like we just turned it on so i don't we didn't like choose a size soil level or anything like that it's just the the basic whatever it thought we should do on the cotton slash normal setting so this is one cotton normal load from this washing machine wow it seemed like kind of a lot let's take a look smells like detergents and fabric softener well this shirt was white it's got a blue tint to it it's very blue now gotta check out my jeans i will say it is very soft it is soft it is it it does honestly feel like it might be like a little waxy kind of feeling like that absolutely built up a bit the pockets are bluer and now of course it is still wet so we're going to run things through the dryer very very strong of that clean breeze goodness we're gonna use a regular dryer and hope it doesn't like build up too much on the inside the other dryer that we normally use for experiments is suffered an unfortunate popcorn state so maybe someday when we clean it our clothes are out of the dryer are they frozen towels um this is interesting they just smell like room fresheners at this point i mean it smells very strongly of whatever breeze fresh breeze that was this one's still blue the white shirts have kept their blue tint to them so if you see us wearing these in the future if they look white it's because color correction did that but they are ever so slightly blue and you know what's kind of remarkable is how close the fabric softener color was to a lot of the cloth yeah i didn't actually think about that when i first put them in here so you can't really tell how blue these squares are in comparison they look white but it's definitely more blue than when i put them in there i will say this this is the softest shirt i've ever it does it does feel very soft now it's it's not like some magical level where you're touching you're just like ooh it's like a chenille blanket now it's not like that but just oh this is but handling it you're like it feels different somehow and maybe it's just slightly more slippery well i'm gonna try spilling some water and see how absorbent some of our towels are go for it [Music] it's absorbing not the way you would want a towel to absorb though it's more spreading all right so it's not doing a perfect job it's it's drying but it shouldn't have taken two towels to dry that little mess this this towel still dries and it's very comfortable there's a chance that we've used so much fabric softener that this is gonna like cause a rash or something like that because it's a lot clearly i also have noticed before if i've ever thrown a few in with my regular clothes that they start to streak so i want to and what i mean by that is like streak on glass when i'm trying to clean with them so i'm going to test that out it's not drying well actually now there's there's some it's streaky to me that's pretty streaky you can't really clean with it put this much on it we kind of knew that but interesting to see you're gonna close your eyes i'm gonna hand you both t-shirts and you're gonna see if you can identify which is which i'm gonna do it five times this one is absolutely so laundry detergent i'm gonna go with no laundry detergent no laundry detergent not laundry detergent laundry detergent laundry detergent laundry detergent okay she got it right every single time okay so mostly i just handed you these two shirts over and over okay just to see if you could tell the difference between the two and then i threw this one in just to mix things up if you go just straight from the middle they feel about the same but then feel the edges normal clothes aren't described as crunchy but when compared to this it was crunchy and i'm wearing the jeans oh no so i put them on i do want to say that washing with an entire bottle of detergent got them much cleaner than they were not necessarily cleaner than a regular and correct amount of detergent would have done but they did get nice and clean which is nice how comfortable are they right now so two things that i'm noticing one like just putting them on i'm like oh okay they're just like jeans um do you want to walk as i like high step around in them a little bit so i it does feel like the texture on my legs is a little bit different and it's really hard to describe it wouldn't be my first thought to be like ooh soft but it's just like different a little like smoother and i keep describing it as a slightly waxy feel and i think that's pretty appropriate overall would you suggest that you use twenty dollars worth of full bottle three liters of detergent and nearly the same amount of laundry sauce i can't even come up with an upside to this most of that detergent got washed away without doing anything useful you saw how blue the water was you could have used that water as detergent by the time many many cycles like you could just put two cups of that and i'm sure it would have washed well while it doesn't stop it from absorbing completely it's probably not good for cleaning because you get more streaks and the feel is just a little softer anything else you want to see us do with the washing machine because we have to have a washing machine we haven't figured out a good way to hook hot water up to it yet which i do think would be pretty key for making soup some washing machines i think actually have water heaters built into them so they like heat the water up more but they do still use the hot water to start with so things you like cs wash you can easily see into that machine so it's kind of cool you get to watch it all happen let us know [Music] guys that's not all you know we've always got more for you to see click that box over there to subscribe to the channel so you never miss out on a cool video and we'll see the next one talk to them [Music] you
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 2,829,839
Rating: 4.8558216 out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, overfilling the laundry detergent line, what happens if you put in too much laundry detergent, can you overfill your laundry machine with detergent, how much laundry detergent should i put in, laundry detergent, fabric softener, how much fabric softener to use, washing machine, How much water does a washing machine use
Id: HnKQoQu3LD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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