Can You Fix a Plate With Milk? (Debunking Viral Videos)

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in today's video we are taking a look at four new Internet myths to see if they really work or we can debunk them Nate Cali blossom came out with another video mmm yeah delightful here's the fun part about this video and something that you might have noticed with a lot of these videos in the past any time you're flipping through YouTube or Facebook and you see these science lifehacks videos they actually put some short clips of things that you can do that are real the problem is is that you might try some of these and some work and some are spectacular failures that is super super frustrating because some of these are sound science some of them are just not real guys so we kind of want to take a look at some of the ones we've seen today that are somewhat possible but don't have the results that they say they do the best lies have an element of truth in them and we're gonna see if we can figure out what part of these videos are the truth and what part is the lie here's the basic idea we've seen another YouTube video that has a lot of science hacks for you to try so we're gonna take a look at a few of them and see if they can debunk them so to start out with in this video we saw everything from things that we've done hydrophobics and you made an entire video on that so in this video there were even some small portions that you've seen us do here on this channel they showed hydrophobics and Nate has proven that that works they've shown how you can dissolve the outside of an egg and end up with a rubber egg I've shown you that on this channel so we do know that some of these are real some of them a little bit harder to believe well first on our list I like I like the look of this over here this is your idea here alright what is going on this is the only element that is not part of the blossom video that Nate was very excited about there's eggs skittles and sprite I don't see I had multiple people send me a video it's a clip where someone takes an egg they put it in a dish they cover it in sprite they add like seven red skittles and then they cover it they say for 24 hours when they open it up the egg has turned completely translucent it's very very squishy except the yolk is a little bit small and it's red bright red the presumption is that it took the color from the skittles and that attached to the yoke that the sprayed itself is what caused this transformation by dissolving the outside of the eggshell without getting into the egg white and adhering to the egg yolk itself and then didn't they take it out and squish it it was very squishy yes very very squishy and and I mean the yolk was completely like water clear almost it wasn't like the translucent when you soak it in vinegar so we're gonna try that we're gonna get a bowl add an egg add some sprite add seven red skittles and then we're just gonna let it run overnight and see if we get that magic effect that they did a very translucent squishy egg with a red Center one egg there you go one sprite one sprite seven red skittles all right there's our egg ready for this add some red skittles I can already see it changing oh wait I'm not looking they covered it perfect no I'm just gonna set this to the side and we'll take a look at it tomorrow for a lot of our projects today we are gonna have to leave some stuff either for a day or two days but there is one that we can do in under ten minutes they showed that you can take a bottle of water and set it in a bowl full of rock salt and ice and in five minutes you should be able to take it out it should be super chilled you should be able to pour it into a glass take a great dip that grape into the glass and it nearly freezes it into an almost solid block of ice around the grape after five minutes one was with grapes and one was just the water bottle they put in for five minutes and smacked it on the counter and the whole thing froze now obviously that can happen when water is super chilled it has no nucleation sites as long as it like stays really still as it's cooling down I'm kind of curious how they hold that off because when you pour it that usually sets it off so I don't know how they manage to pour it into a cup and then dip the grape down in but we can try it okay some ice bottle yep some more ice more ice you got to put them soft yeah I'm salt Franklin yeah there's lots of rock salt mess alright we've got it all set up we good I think we're good start a timer all right here we go five minutes while our water is chilling off for another three minutes we're gonna start setting up for the next one the idea in this one is that you can take flowers carnations specifically take some water to put them in and then in that water drain several highlighters and the ink should then be soaked up by the flowers and you'll get these flowers that just really fluoresce under a blacklight and in the video like the whole flower all of the flowers just like glowing like a beacon the stems were glowing the flowers of glowing it was really intense carnations are known for being able to drink up color I think will actually set it up you you add some food coloring into your water and the tops of the petals begin to change color it's actually pretty cool usually takes about overnight which i think is probably what they said to do but what they showed I think this is a great example of like there is some truth to it but there's also a lot of not true firs there's some stuff that they're portraying as being real but it's not so we're gonna get some water we'll try three just to really give it a good chance of working and then we'll get some of these drinking up our highlighter food so we were halfway through our flowers and our timer went off so we are going to pull out our super chilled water very carefully because if it's super chilled I don't want to set it off alright but now you've got to pour it into this glass and I've got it feels like slightly cool water okay go ahead very quickly yeah you're gonna pour it into that glass and then I've got a grape just like they did it was a single grape on a stem they just put them in and just for a few seconds and the whole thing froze go alright well I'm gonna take it out now mmm gasp no we're just gonna take a drink this super chilled water it's kind of cold it's Italy like if you took it out of the fridge 10 minutes ago weird there is a second experiment in this video that they took like I said just a regular water bottle same thing five minutes took it out and smack it on the counter same thing the instant ice reaction so let's leave this one into ten minutes let's really give it a chance so this was about refrigerator temperature what if theirs was already in the refrigerator so let's yeah let's give it 10 maybe even 12 minutes all right you're going crazy there is another section where they took when we even said they split apart the stem and they got multiple colors we're just going to show you one color here to show you that yes this does work not exactly the way they were showing it they also used roses for this portion of it the color carnations from what I've learned in research they have a tendency to work faster they are better at drinking up the color and so so we're gonna let these stay overnight as well and then we'll check on him in the morning so I got a plate you got a plate here's the video shows a broken plate is a taped back together with all the broken seams lined up just right and then submerged in milk it's covered in milk for two days and the milk heals the plate yeah just puts it right back together so we're gonna see if you can heal a plate using milk now we're actually not the first people to test this actually I tested this he used a wrench to break his plate we're gonna use pliers that might make the difference we'll see the tool that breaks the plate that's what makes a difference you never know alright that's pretty good oh and I think wow that's being held together by the sticker on the back but yeah we got well he got four pieces we've got four easy we're gonna do what they did exactly in the blossom video we are going to red tape and only tape across a few key point place it very gently in our pan and pour the milk on top perfect that's exactly they have and our timer just went off for our water bottle perfectly to the side here I think it's your turn to do the honors take our bottle up give it a little all right we're ready 12 minutes enough that is double what they had so I don't think I don't think we back to bidding in here let's set our milk aside for two days and see if our plate gets healed so we are going to snap back to this in one day and we are going to check both our egg and our flowers now we'll come back to the milk in two days and hope we haven't stunk up the studio with the fact that relief in a virtually just full pan of milk out on the counter doesn't say to refrigerate it or anything or two day seems like a bad plan I didn't even get fat-free I want to make sure the whole thing I think the fat is gonna gonna make it by cuz it's gonna be the milk proteins combining with the fat that are gonna make this ceramic I can't spend 24 hours it has been 24 hours so our egg and our flour should technically be clear transparent with a red yellow glowing so guys this is kind of what we wanted to show you these carnations yes carnations can suck up colors so can roses carnations are better known for it we added so much dye now in the video that we saw they added maybe two three drops of dye Nate how much did you put in here Oh like just so much and probably much more than was necessary I just wanted to make sure we got a good result and we did it started turning up a different color after what an hour yeah we have the time-lapse in here it looks really cool on the time-lapse the ones in the highlighter ink don't really seem to change on on time ups but the blue ones that's a really cool time-lapse we also saw the flowers like drink up a little bit of water and so they opened a little bit more and then yeah these these blue ones or they're now blue mm-hmm it worked really well I also do think it's interesting Blue has not only shown up in the pills and a little bit on the stems you can see some blue dots this one's actually very oh yeah yeah that you got several of them yeah now that does lend some credibility to the highlighter ink carnations because the highlighter ink almost looks like he's glowing you know it's very very bright we squeezed three different highlighter pens into this in the video they only use one they use one green one one drink we use three yellow ones we did because the yellow is a more pure flora scene that's the actual fluorescent material in it so it really really should work so technically all we should have to do is turn off the lights and these are just our four they didn't say that they did anything else but from what I saw it looked like they were hitting it with a different light probably a black light and now you can kind of see it same thing that the other ones did and it's super pretty they are glowing just on the very edges do see that this is also something that they showed in the video even the stems were glowing just a little bit here's what we dislike in that video it seemed like they just turned off the light nice and you just started glowing and they were so bright and it looked like lighting up like something out of the Avatar movie it was crazy even if you're assuming they used a blacklight yeah really really bright and they had a lot more green than like we're getting a lot of purple light and that's just from our UV light here are you gonna try and recreate what they did I have a theory oh no I think they may have just coated their flowers hang on I'm gonna shake it off a little bit seems similar like their flowers even the stems we're growing so much brighter for them but this this feels a little bit almost more like what they had looked like if they just drew on theirs with their highlight oh my gosh you know not a bad idea if you compare it to the blue ones if you do the side-by-side the same thing the same edges start to suck up into the petals but it's just it's not what they were showing it's if you look at these there's some massive difference 24 hours egg soaking sprite and red skills it should be completely clear with a radio and squishy okay ready go okay wait wait okay it did go clear that's it yellow yolk wait okay so you're just sitting here okay well the skittles completely dissolved disappear like magic oh wait wait wait we're totally lying guys this is a toy you can buy a little bit it's the same thing this is the same thing that was in the video it just has a yellow yolk which is just a little piece of rubber inside in the video the yolk is the same size this tiny little ball now for the real reveal here's what actually happened that's a mess hey an egg it it has a little bit of red color on the outside that wipes right off for all we know maybe there's a red yolk in here ready ready we did yeah there is a grain of truth to a lot of the videos you see on the internet but things are exaggerated can't believe what people can show you with camera tricks kind of gives you an idea can you replicate some of these English home absolutely are you gonna get the same results no don't be disappointed do some research I'll figure it out I regret everything that's gross like not even fully liquid in it no oh no you've broken that like gross fatty layer guys all right laid out some tell us the plate to 48 hours on the counter and whole milk we taped it together it should be sealed and this is not what it looks like in the video when it comes out like you're supposed to refrigerate it but they didn't that taper moves pretty easily after soaking milk for a couple days all right see if you can pick it up a little bit do they work all right basically like this surface tension yeah I mean it's held together more than before the milk but usability okay I could see why you could fool somebody for about 30 seconds with that you pulled it out and it was like that I can shake it slightly and those pieces haven't even come apart but then they do but to be fair I think I feel like water would do that if you were to soak a ceramic in water same thing possible all right so Nate soaking ceramic in milk doesn't if you want your plate to stay together for two seconds of not using it but I'm guessing no you can't repair ceramic with milk also don't you know leave your milk out on the counter for 48 hours guys gross so gross I mean where is this away now I'm gonna we're done we're done here guys we've done a lot of debunking videos you seem to like it if there's anything else you want to see it let us know in the comments below if you want to see our latest video go ahead and click that box up at the top and we'll see you in the next one talk to you then [Music]
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 3,744,847
Rating: 4.7776542 out of 5
Keywords: debunking viral hacks, can you make crystals with coal and peanut butter, blossom science, blossom, diy, life hacks, 5 minute crafts, hacks, so yummy, blusher, diy clothes, hair hacks, blossom clothes hacks, diy hacks, blossom diy, clothes hacks, life hacks for girls, diy videos, how to hacks, room decor, arts and crafts, hacks for girls, life hacks for home, craft videos, craft, relatable, skits, tkor, thekingofrandom, lead to coal, debunking, mythbusters
Id: jlKlxZUqchg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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