Silly Putty VS Gasoline

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in today's video we're going to see what happens if we let silly putty sit for a week in several different chemicals [Music] we've done some fun stuff with silly putty in the past and in fact we still have we still have a lot of it but we got some new silly putty for today because i wanted the individual colors and it's a pretty simple experiment we're going to be doing we've got five colors of silly putty and we're going to take water and four other chemicals and soak the silly putty in it for a week and see what it does to it here's the basic idea we've got five different colors of silly putty and we're going to test what happens to them if we let them sit in a jar full of a strange chemical for a full week will they melt decompose or nothing this is a silicone-based polymer of some kind that i think will resist some of these but we want to see what happens so we've got 91 percent isopropyl alcohol acetone muriatic acid and unleaded gasoline i've got like three eggs worth for each one and i'm going to take one of each color and just flatten it out about as much as i can that will still fit in the jar and then the other two i'm just going to smoosh together in a ball i want to see if there's a difference between the flattened version with all the surface area and the slightly more spherical version that's much more condensed now they're just going to be sitting in a jar for a week i expect the rounder blob will kind of melt into the thinner blob a little bit but i think we'll still have some thicker parts and some thinner parts as a comparison [Music] all right water we're gonna go with the classic silly putty [Music] this has been sitting here for like five minutes maybe we're just taking a couple pictures and talking about the setup and we've noticed that our acetone has actually already started to bleed some color out that there's like a yellow it looks like highlighter ink just kind of hovering on the surface of this and the i am actually fascinated by this the gasoline is starting to look fuzzy yeah it's kind of coming apart a little bit yeah all right well i think we should carefully set these in a different room try not to stir anything up because we don't want to mess with the results but then we'll put a time lapse camera on and the idea is we'll do it after a week we might have to check in after a little less to see what's happened to things our silly putty has been sitting for a week uh six different silly buddies and six different chemicals and we can already see that some changes have happened maybe not as many as i thought would happen though i'm pretty impressed with some of these like the ice bar with alcohol i wasn't actually expecting much to happen yeah it's completely broken down looking it looks like chalk the gasoline which was our glow in the dark i believe is just it's kind of just one flat layer at the bottom acetone also sort of looks like falling apart chalk the coke the surface of it is a little pitted you can see it took a long like for a long time it was just floating at the top and it did eventually sink down somewhat but not as much as i would have thought muriatic acid this had our silver in it shocked that nothing surprisingly unchanged yeah it doesn't seem to react much and then our water there's like some pitting on the surface of it which is interesting but not a lot changed so i think it's time to open these and see what we can see from the inside i like it it's stuck to the bottom of the jar a little bit but not too much like silly putty do like silly putty do taking out of the water that really seems very close to the original color but oh it has some surface cracking that's pretty interesting as soon as you started pulling it it was fine until then it looks like old gum you left out in the sun indeed yeah the very surface of it look at that it just came right off onto my glove silly put it doesn't normally do that i would have thought nothing would happen i thought it was just going to sit there and then be wet and then we would dry off and go back to 100 normal but nope that's like old gum of degradation just from water wow so i'm curious if that has done the same thing yeah it will rub off if i smear it oh it doesn't sure enough and a little bit more it seems like it could be let's see we're going to get the same cracking yeah but that texture is even more so now yeah it's like the water but just a little more muriatic acid all right and i do have this bowl of baking soda water we'll neutralize it to neutralize it's still floating quite nicely [Music] interestingly this silly putty is floating in our baking soda water too so i wonder if this color of silly putty just floats just yeah is less dense for some reason oh color difference on different sides side that was face down looks burned almost oh as i'm like squishing it some is coming out and it's continuing to react so that's there's like a little bit of acid in the surface of the silly putty wow and that's reacting to the baking soda okay so it is paler you're actually scraping off the pale water you see that yeah and then inside honestly this seems much less destroyed than the water and the coke though it does so the acid really does not react much to silly putty isopropyl alcohol so i can try and get this one out but i don't think it's going to come out in one piece remember how you described it as looking like it was chalk uh-huh i don't think you're far off interesting like wet chalk see what you can scoop out with a spoon hmm wow it's like gooey chalk if that were a thing that is a strange paste thin paste but it's almost an elastic paste there you go it's burning the spoon is on fire oh weird so i let it just dry on my glove and now it's like sticky to itself it just smells like burnt plastic it's basically what we've done here but yeah it turned turned white it's just ash it's kind of back to silly putty wow stretches sticks together it's it feels like a little thinner consistency okay but it does feel like pretty similar to silly putty hard pass for me but that's neat okay i've got some just out on the table and i'm gonna let that dry off as well and then i'll try and gather up a little bit more of it this was our neon pink color and the neon the fluorescein that was in this really got leached out and so the whole thing glows very nicely under a black light now it all smells like acetone oh even more powdery i think yeah gonna go straight to that spoon method uh that's like jello now it's not gross with the alcohol it was more runny it really kind of turned into a liquid this while it is paste like it's it's like a dryer paste it really just seems like i have wet powder and not a rubbery liquid very excitable about that acetone burns nicely so this has started to dry off and i think we are getting a similar like it's sticking to itself forming these sort of sheets i don't know that it's actually bonding back together as well it's staying maybe a little more crumbly it smells less plasticky when this one burns interestingly enough the yellow stuff in the alcohol was kind of like silly putty but a lot more liquid this is kind of like if silly putty could dry out it's harder and less rubbery like it doesn't stretch quite as well you can see it just stretched and then broke uh we were saying one of them was like chewed gum this is like chewed gum that's been sitting out on a sidewalk that's actually you're getting the exact same consistency i thought it was because i burned it but this is the piece that just burned the same same thing yours just broke so i think yours is a little bit more you know fragile less ductile but mine is you know way less rubbery than the original stuff all right last one up we have the gasoline which i believe this was our glow in the dark so if i hit this with a black light it should charge up at least a little bit a little it doesn't hold it for long we've got studio lights but originally you could see a little bit i think it's lost some of that i'm going to go ahead and tell you right now i don't want to do a burn test on this one it didn't just like start breaking apart it just melted and straight down we time lapsed and it was taking a photo about every 30 minutes but it did not take long for that gasoline one to go it just kind of melted away and then like after it's melted away you can start to see you know the alcohol is breaking down the acetone one is breaking down so it wasn't terribly visual what happened on the the time lapse but it shows how quickly some things happened wow it's like powdery syrup yep not even a syrup that's just like i don't really know what to call that if you watered down baby food oh man look at that just swirls that's how much it's dissolved down i guess we can set this one outside with the others and let it dry off gasoline should evaporate fairly quickly see what's left after doing that all right they're mostly dry somewhat they're like very dry they're weirdly we don't know what they're supposed to look like so because we've never done this before is that silly putty like except for the fact that the sun dissolves off we've also got the little spot i put here on the counter yeah and it's more silly putty like peels pretty nicely i mean this is not exact but pretty similar like it's rubbery yes but it also breaks and it's not it's not adhering to itself anymore it's folded rather than going back together yeah as i mixed mine it got a little better but it does still sometimes just break more easily than new silly putty i'm going to try and get all of it just i want to look at the acetone stuff yeah it's just crunchy kind of an extreme effect of what we were seeing before more brittle and so this has now been mixed together and it's silly putty like but something was taken out by the alcohol more of it was taken out by the acetone i think but yep so yeah there's some stretch to it some squish yeah it's just like a plastic powder stuff yep no rubberiness to it at all guys if you have silly putty maybe don't put it in anything yeah keep it in a nice plastic egg full of air seems to work great guys we've done a lot of videos with silly putty but if there's anything else you want to see let us know in the comments below guys that's not all you know we've always got more for you to see hit that box down there to subscribe so you never miss out on the fun we'll see you in the next one talk to you then
Channel: TKOR
Views: 664,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, silly putty, silly puddy, silly putty experiments, random silly putty, random silly puddy, silly putty in water, silly putty in gasoline, silly putty in acid, silly putty in coke, silly puddy in water, silly puddy in gasoline, king of random silly putty, king of random silly puddy, king of random leave in jar, left in jar, king of random silly, king of random putty, random puddy
Id: _grfH3q3V_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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