Is It a BAD IDEA to DEEP FRY Watermelon?

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in today's video we are taking suggestions from the comments about things that you wanted to see deep fried so Nate I bought a new deep fryer you did is that case we ruined our last deep fryer you know what turns out batteries in the deep fryer is a bad idea they explode and sometimes they turn the oil in the deep fryer and their gelatin it was the oddest thing here we hydrogenated argan oil we almost made margarine by frying a battery but we've got a new one and you guys had a ton of suggestions about weird things to put in a deep fryer and guys we're as curious as you are now so we gotta try them oh we do here's the basic idea we've had several comments asking us to try deep frying some strange stuff we're gonna try them out the first thing is something that we had several people request and that is to see us deep-fry a Twinkie isn't this a pretty common thing too deep deep fried Twinkies is something that you can buy like the fair or the carnival sometimes but as far as I've seen they're pretty much always dipped in batter okay and I think that's too many steps we're gonna see what happens if we deep-fry a Twinkie directly a protective batter around it close by lightly or whether it has meat that's just to take it out at fryer our weather has become a bit absurd let's just cut this down before you hurt someone I love this place okay deep-fried Twinkie now a Twinkie as everyone knows is just like an edible sponge full of cream that's probably made from vegetable shortening as a sponge it has absorbed a fair amount of oil I think probably why they normally batter it feels heavier crispy or on the outside Gami I mean there's obviously a lot of oil in it and you don't want it you don't like fry oil is that it's good that you like it this is delicious yeah deep fried make with the shell on that is that's going to explode there there's no there's no if ands or buts about that this is just going to make a mess so I'm going to try two things one I'm actually going to try and crack an egg into some pastry and see if we can actually bake it like sort of like an egg thing the raw egg without the shell but inside pastry yes and see if we can actually cook something that actually tastes good and then of course retaliate wants to see us just toss an egg in the deep fryer yeah there's a whole egg in there seasoned with garlic sweet oh yeah put your glasses on there's some there's some liquid there you sure you don't think that's gonna be good there's a lot of raw bread look I mean like oh that's okay back up still think you've invented a new breakfast delicacy yes I don't want to eat it your house well I wanted to lean in for longer oh well it it just looked really Brown do that were just garlic bread that's awesome what have you got there tally I already tried the the egg in the bread dough and by retried I mean I took some of the eggs that had leaked out of the other one and I put it back in and then I just cooked it for a longer for the monstrosity you just deep-fried it smells like breakfast it's not like a bad smell I don't think that's all the way cooked no that was just raw egg yolk and raw egg and dough that's right a whole egg in its shell and nothing else we're just gonna lower this egg down into the fire we're just gonna lower this egg down into the fryer and then I think we're gonna run away because we highly suspect it will pop we don't know how violently but some amount and so we're just gonna put this in the fryer and leave it until something happens bravely run away and go and go and go Josh come on run bravely John there you go this is fine do you think it's gonna be as explosive as the batteries cuz those were kind of disappointing no I actually think it's probably just gonna break open and then we'll see maybe some fizzing and bubbling from all the the moisture inside the egg well I do see a little bit of movement on the surface of the oil we're good it broke oh well that was less explosives than we thought that looks worse than what I made wait no keep cooking it see if this is any way to cook eggs or do this Oh more bubbling now lots of bubbling okay I think that one was actually more more violent mm-hmm why is this still oh that's not clear okay it was just a stream it doesn't look like calamari okay I can Oh a little touch touch it's not what you usually get when you ask for a fried egg they're so good we could also crack an entire egg down into the oil and that does [Music] remember how you're saying Gordon Ramsay was mad before this is not how you're supposed to poach an egg no it is not can you imagine ordering and all get a restaurant and getting this back I wanted a fried egg we fried it I'm at this did you want to eat art from tall height dropped him Friday oh yeah we got a try it also this one is amazing it's like it is a soft-boiled egg I put some of our black garlic powder on it this one's kind of like generally egg flavored styrofoam at least the part I just ate well yeah so it turns out your deep frying an egg gets better just leave it in the shell all right so we are trying to scale up we are starting with food items that way we can try them and then moving on to other things there is one more food item that we need to try that's right it was requested to see what would happen if you deep-fry well they just had deep fried watermelon but I think we're gonna try deep-frying a whole watermelon what terrible idea okay and thank you I appreciate very much your carefulness and placing that watermelon [Music] bubbling like a little bit not a lot I can't tell if there's any open spots on it I expect that the watermelon cooled down the oil by a fair amount all right well don't fry watermelons kids I like this over here we put down a tart to try and protect the cement but enough hot oil exploded out of the machine onto the tarp it melted right through the tarp is just plastic so we're gonna have to scrub that with some detergent I think that is delightful is it weird that it smells amazing Wow oh it doesn't smell amazing anymore this looks like raw meat that's awful you don't like hey guys oh man that's not good okay so part of it is that this right here that's actually the white part of the rock yeah it actually cooked into it we'll have to try a middle piece well let's see here I don't think watermelon is good warm right there's also like the burned oil flavor in there a little bit maybe a hint of egg and fried bread I know let's take a look at what is going on inside this watermelon just gonna cut it all the way in half that is really soft so we can see the part that was really down in the oil that got really soft and goopy and gross and fried the texture changed a lot up here this part doesn't feel like it's you know this this is cool to the touch for the most part I think it's largely unchanged that's just normal water moan there's nothing weird about that we've now got a comment asking us to deep fry gallium let's try wrapping some in biscuit dough how cool is this gonna look if this works if this melts inside a biscuit and doesn't leak out if we just break it open and have molten metal pouring I'm gonna eat it no not food as good as eggs this is like frying the dough so quickly I don't know if the gallium is even have time to melt all right think they're good to go or she'll give them a few more I think it's probably good all right let's see what happened deep fried gallium oh yeah Oh can I eat it now no definitely not oh I think there's some solid oh please don't see there's some solid going solo some solid solo still some solid solo still sits so there's yeah I made my puff pastry a little too uh too thick so there's a few you still have some is molten metal and then we got this with good chunk here pretty cool that's pretty this Lego figure just compiling those at it on I was very interesting to see molten metal pouring out of a pastry Kelly we have a request to deep-fry a mean yeah we've got a meme here here we go and then I got this one too king of random branded meme and I guess we're gonna try and deep-fry these yeah [Music] all right so for our next comment what happens when you deep fry soap we're gonna find out so I think we should just put one soap bar in just completely on its own let's do it our fry oil is a little dirty at this point kinda hard to see what's going on it's just do anything you want to put it in the basket so it's a little I can't grab it weird it's like it's slippery like it's so large something hey I'm sure how that happened yeah there now we can still see it [Music] there's still something so blessed it's like one of our eggs now but now you can actually see where the bubbles are don't up guys this has been a lot of fun frying a lot of stuff thank you for your suggestions if you want to see more click that box up the top and we'll see you the next one docked it in [Music]
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 5,203,584
Rating: 4.7014155 out of 5
Keywords: can you deep fry watermelon, deep fryer, eggs in hot oil, meme in a deep fryer, batteries in a deep fryer, what should i deep fry, twinkie deep fried, how to, exploding watermelon, science experiment, random happens, grant thompson, watermelon challenge, deep fryer recipes, deep fried gallium, jalapeno poppers, fried egg dough, pillsbury dough deep fried, breakfast food, memes, tkor, thekingofrandom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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