What Went Wrong In Our Freeze Dryer?

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in today's video we're going to try freeze-drying some more exotic fruits to see what sort of tastes and textures we get [Music] guys big news before we get started today grants book 52 random weekend projects is now available if you're one of the people that pre-ordered and submitted your receipt for the signed copy keep an eye out we're going to be sending you a separate package with a signed book plate insert you can put into your book we are very excited that this is finally live if you haven't ordered one yet head down to the description and click the link to order yours today guys we have some we freeze-dried quite a few things and in doing so we've had some requests for freeze drying other things and so we've got some of those today and just some slightly exotic exotic of course is a relative term we are here in Utah where things are exotic we also have lemons which are not exotic even in Utah but I just wanted to try something with the lemons wow we're freeze drying other fruit but like to give you an idea these are kumquats kumquats this is not exotic this isn't necessarily tropical these were grown in my hometown Roseville California like you could just find these they don't row here yeah so they're exotic to high mountain desert here's the basic idea once again we're firing up the freeze dryer to see what happens when we put fruit in it but this time we're using some of your ideas and some more exotic fruits to see what results we get we've got the lie cheat like you were popping open there yep we have a cup of pomegranate seeds we figured this was easier than suffering to get the pomegranate seeds out ourselves we have dragon fruit both pre sliced up and still in the peel still in the dragon star fruit which is pretty delicious mixed with other stuff in my experience I actually very much like star fruit I've heard people say that doesn't have a lot of flavor but if you get a really good one I love them and then this is passion fruit and on the inside there should be seeds kind of similar to the pomegranate seeds more pulp in there as well so we'll cut those open take the seeds out and we're gonna try freeze drying all of this and I'm really interested to see how textures change the dragon fruit for instance is supposed to have its the very smooth uniform soft texture with a lot of water in it and so when we freeze dry it what's that going to turn into I think instead of pomegranate seeds we're just gonna have seeds there's not going to be any palm I think there might be like a little fluff of juice around so I don't you since much are you supposed to actually eat the seed yeah so this is a cup that you would just be able to land it with a spoon basically or you mix it in with fruit salads what I really like to do I would say that these aren't great but again it's here in Utah when you peel one fresh easiest way to do it honestly is you can break them open and if you put them in warm water and you just submerge it it's not actually difficult to peel a pomegranate they pop right out and if they're under water then they don't fit you with that sprayed that dyes your clothes I don't believe I have ever in my life actually had kumquat it's more bitter than I care for and I'm used to California mandarins allow me that tastes like an exact mix between an orange and a lemon very good yep that's healthy we'll try and extract these and then just freeze dry those parts all right with the lemons my goal I wanted to cut them into slices and then just coat both sides in sugar and then freeze dry it to see if we get anything kind of like candied lemon you need actually really good I'm not a huge fan of this sounds odd but fresh lemon flavor but lemon candies like lemon drops I'm with Dumbledore on that they're fantastic there's a picture that goes around on tumblr and it's it's a it's here's a picture of a peeled lemon and that's basically the entire post and underneath it somebody's written like I feel uncomfortable and somebody else is written I feel like I shouldn't be looking at this I agree so I'm doing it all right passion fruit tough skin on the outside I what that's not a passion for you who opened one of these one day was like I'm gonna eat that [Music] mmm very tart passionfruit like lemons for example has a very strong flavor and is very tart very very little sweetness to it at least any of the varieties that I've tried so it is something you usually add sugar to what I was taught about how to choose a passion fruit at the store it was in Brazil and in Brazil they have a different variety of passion fruit which is yellow on the outside not the purple ones they're also a little bit larger you actually kind of want to look for the ones that seem like they're going bad and look a little bit wrinkled and almost rotten on the outside and you should be able to shake it and hear everything rattling around a little bit and that means you'll be able to get the seeds out more easily and some of these sort of popped as I was trying to get them out so that's what you're trying to avoid generally speaking but that's okay we've still got hope we've still got seeds we've got some juice we're just gonna take it and spread out like this now we're gonna take all of these we're gonna put them on the tray or trays then we're going to freeze them in our regular freezer for a couple of hours and then we'll throw it all in the freezer [Music] the texture of the dragon fruit is so like soft and smooth it's like a soft pear but with seeds thrown in to add some crunch to it so I believe this and this are different varieties of the same fruit which is pretty interesting given the color difference just as smooth smaller countries from smaller seeds even less flavor [Music] yep it's like a pop Oh Kurt kingdom art it's a good flavor like I like the taste I like it better mixed with other things I like it it's just very crisp and clean yes it's a very light flavor and the texture is similar to a cucumber we've got all of our fruit set out on the tray Callie has successfully peeled an entire lemon for some reason so now what we need to do is take all of these trays we're gonna put them in the regular freezer for just a couple of hours then we'll throw them in the freezer Eyre to go through the whole freeze drying process and guess we're just gonna freeze dry half a lemon all the ones that's strong guys it's been a couple weeks we ended up leaving it in the freezer overnight and then the next day we were busy so they save rosin for like a week and then we freeze dry them so they're still the same they're still we just pulled them out they're crunchy and look neat neat is about the best way to explain this the star fruit is beautiful this looks like a pile of like dead flies yeah I was gonna say dead bugs it really doesn't look like food but I still want to try it because I like passion fruit a lot without any sugar it's very tart yep so this might be very sour [Music] it's pretty sour but not like horribly overpowering really good flavor still now I'm gonna chew the seeds oh because that's where the sweetness is right you know more flavor okay just good flavors great it's got crunch to it my preference is still to make it into a juice or a moose or something like that but I enjoy that okay it's just crunchy and flaky pomegranates chewier it has like an outside coating that's very similar to popcorn and then there's a harder seed inside crunchy the outside is popcorn a like Nate was down I can see this being like a bag snack or something absolutely yeah dried fruit has it come back right now people are buying that in math and it's fantastic I really like this actually now we have the star fruit mm-hmm I do not know what happened here because we have three slices of star fruit these two are the same very light just sound crispy crunchy they weren't hardly connected to the trade all and then this one which just exploded in we juice foam we don't think we should any of the star fruit so that's the idea but I did sugar one maybe just one you know it does sound a little familiar that's sugar you sugared one that's what happened all right that explains it okay I'm gonna try the non sugared one yeah that's basically pure sugar has a slight star fruit flavor oh my happy day [Music] you've ever had banana chips or apple chips like it's so like yeah like you chew it it's just like kind of disappears all once I'm gonna try the sugared one much crunch here sugar crystallizes and has some good resistance to it it's just sugar if you like that then it's better if you don't then it's just gonna be like oh that's too much sugar we have our whole kumquat well whole - the peel quartered kumquat and our halved kumquat mmm oh wow that's tart I was very tired [Music] konna tastes like an orange and a lemon together with all the targets of alone it makes your key you know when you eat something so rich or so sour that your cheek like tight everything tightens my my jaw lock I don't keep doing that hmm that is fun all right the light sheet very foam like this is kind of popcorn you feeling oh yes oh yes yes mm-hmm more of these rice puffs cereal like smacks that's that's the texture a pretty much exactly like that ops yeah or corn pop mm-hmm very similar texture to that fruity fruity corn pops that is so fun what's interesting I like that all right lemon now i sugared all of the lemons because I think we've done I did not sure the half lemon which did not entirely dry out we're not surprised by this guys [Music] as s'more towers without account black words I thought that the sugar would soak into it it all bubbled out so none of the sugar got into the lemon or at least not that I could tell well I want to see if any of the lemon got into the sugar so this is all the stuff I just scraped off so if you see if it's at least lemon flavored sugar yeah actually it is okay I'm very very sugary like that felt like a mouthful of sugar with like a little bit of lemon geez that actually kind of felt like it was burning for a second that like with a tingly sour I've never experienced it it actually is affecting me the sour less than by either my deep but like like I actually just felt that Wow I think it's just so concentrated of acid is doing the same thing like it like it's basically no I'm not noticed it hurt my teeth like don't bite into it yeah it hurt like I it's like licking a battery it's like licking a 9-volt battery which is why we're not stopping oh wow all right dragon fruit this had so little flavor before [Music] I like it though the texture is so much fun to me the flavor of that now is just kind of like yeah plant it just tastes like grind or something it's not the part of the plant you want to enjoy all right the other thing the other dragon fruit which is yes this was like a sort of translucent white before and now it's just gone to a straight opaque white it feels like meringue cookie very powdery like before slightly more flavor than our other dragon fruit delicious it's kind of fun like a soft marshmallow the texture on that's really interesting cuz like it is kind of like the Lucky Charms marshmallows but then there's other seeds in there would just add a little bit of crunch in the middle of it guys we keep doing these freeze drying videos because you keep asking to see them is there anything else that you think would be really fun for us to try in the freeze dryer let us know in the comments below guys that's not all you know we've always got more for you to see hit that box up at the top for a most recent video and I'll see you in the next one talk to you then [Music] you
Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,929,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, exotic fruits in a freeze dryer, harvest right freeze dryer, fruit in a freeze dryer, freeze dried fruits, dragon fruit, lychee, passion fruit, star fruit, pomegranate, kumquats, random fruits, experiments with fruit, what should you freeze dry, what tastes good freeze dried, freeze dried candy, candy fruit freeze dried, king of random freeze drying
Id: eMTlQcngfeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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