Trying Celebrity Favorite Candy | People vs. Food

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- (gags) Oh my god! Did you see that?! Did you get that? - I should have known that Beyoncé doesn't eat candy. (laughs) - I'm ready to try the candy of the stars! ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (wolf howling) (thunder crashing) - (man laughing maniacally) ♪ (accordion music) ♪ - (FBE) How do you feel about candy? - I love candy with all my heart. - Who doesn't love candy? - It's gotta be certain candy. And it can't just be any candy. - (FBE) Well, today, we're going to be bringing out some celebrities' favorite candies for you. - Okay. Something tells me candy corn will be on the list. - (FBE) For every candy we bring out, I'll give you three names of potential candy lovers. You'll have to tell me who you think loves this treat the most. Whoever gets the most right will win a sweet prize at the end. - Okay, cool. I'm excited. Ahhh! This is so cool! October is awesome. - Oh my gosh! I want a prize. - Okay, either I'm gonna be scary good at this, or I'm gonna be awful. (chuckles) No in between. - I'm ready to try the candy of the stars! - (FBE) First up, we have some classic candy: a Snickers bar. - I love Snickers bars. - I don't like Snickers. I don't like nuts in my candy. - I'm very excited to have a Snickers. Look at how happy I am. They're just giving me candy! - Mmm. This is so good. - (FBE) All right. So, who do you think picked Snickers as their favorite candy and why? Was it A, Tom Holland, B, Ariana Grande, or C, Zendaya? - I think it's Tom Holland. - For some reason, I don't think it's Ariana, 'cause I feel like Ariana is more like candy-candy rather than chocolate. - I mean, it's kind of like a normal candy bar, so, I mean, it could be anyone. So I'm just gonna guess it's Tom Holland. I don't know why. - Oh. I'm gonna go with Zendaya. - This is just an arrow in the dark. I'm gonna go with Tom Holland. - I'm just gonna throw out a guess. Tom Holland. - I just got triggered when you said Tom Holland. I'm actually gonna say Tom. So, I'm gonna go with... Zendaya. - (FBE) That's correct! - Ahhh! Oh my god! - Yes! Write my point down! - (FBE) Zendaya says that Snickers are one of her favorite candies, and they keep her from getting hangry. - Ooh. I mean, I agree with her. These are so good. - You're not you when you're hungry. It makes sense. - As long as it wasn't Ariana Grande and threw me for a loop, I'm okay. - I am very confident. I think I got this. ♪ (accordion music continues) ♪ - (FBE) Next, we've got some Goobers, chocolate-covered peanuts. - (gasps) Goobers. This has to be an older celebrity or something. (laughs) - Oh, is this... this is chocolate-covered peanuts. - I'm actually perplexed as to why I haven't had this before. - They're not bad. They're just kind of basic. - Good. I mean, it's one of those things, where it's like... get a Goobers or get a Peanut M&M. I think I might like Goobers more. - (gags) I did it! Oh my god! Did you see that?! Did you get that? (softly) Yes! - (FBE) All right. So, who do you think is all about these treats? Is it A, Selena Gomez, B, Justin Bieber, or C, Taylor Swift? - Maybe this is a Selena Gomez thing. - I feel like Taylor Swift would get this. She would have these around her mansion. - Oh my gosh. That is so hard. I'm gonna say Taylor Swift. - My first instinct was Justin Bieber. - This is a Taylor Swift favorite. - I'm gonna guess Taylor Swift. - This is complete guessing. I'm gonna say Selena Gomez. - (FBE) That's correct! - Yeah! - I just felt like that was super obscure, and I was like, she feels like the kind of girl to be like, "It's simple. I like it." (laughs) - (FBE) Selena Gomez is the one who was a big fan of Goobers. - Ugh! - (FBE) She has a well-documented sweet tooth and is known for some of her interesting food combinations including Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and pickles. - I tried that in an episode. - (FBE) Yes! - It was actually-- It wasn't bad. I don't like pickles, but I could see how some people could enjoy it. - I should have known it was Selena. She's a little subdued when she do-- you know, in things? So, I should have matched that up. Dang! - (FBE) All right. Next up, we have Jolly Ranchers! - [Bleep] yes! I love hard candy. - Dude! Jolly Ranchers! These were the [bleep] back in elementary school. - These are solid. If only they were more sour, then I'd like 'em more. - Mmm. I'm happy. - I'm gonna go with watermelon, 'cause literally I could eat watermelon anything all day. They're my-- This reminds me of my childhood. - (FBE) All right. Ready to guess who said Jolly Ranchers were their favorites? - Yes. Was it A, Lizzy Caplan, B, Emmy Rossum, or C, Emily Blunt? - I don't know any of those people except for Emily Blunt, so I'm just gonna go with Emily Blunt. - I think I knew Emily Blunt, but the other two I definitely didn't know. Actress number two. I don't know. - This is hard. This is really hard. And you don't give me any hints. I'm taking away too long. Emily Blunt! - I'm gonna go with... B. - I feel like maybe Emily Blunt has my style. - I'm gonna go with Emily Blunt. - I'm gonna say Emmy Rossum. - (FBE) That is correct! - Yes! I've heard that hard candies can help your voice, and she was in Phantom of the Opera, and she's an amazing opera singer. - Goddamn. I'm smart. (laughs) - (FBE) The Shameless star Emmy Rossum is known for keeping a supply of Jolly Ranchers in her purse at all times. - Yeah, I have these in my purse too. They're great for just, like, pop 'em in. If you don't want a mint, you can have a Jolly Rancher. - I think I should start doing that. (wrappers crinkling) Except for the blue one. I don't want that one. - (FBE) Time for our next one. - Is it Twix? - (FBE) It's Twix! - Yay! (clapping) This is my favorite. Oh my god. - Yes! (laughs) I was just talking about 'em! - I love Twix! - Not my favorite. Is it a chocolate bar? Is it a cookie? Who knows. - I could live without it. It's not the best. - It's like the golden wrapper, it's just like I know I'm about to eat something great right now. - It's beautiful. It's just like a-- mmm! - (FBE) Well, who do you think loves this chocolatey biscuit delight? Is it A, Miley Cyrus, B, Katy Perry, or C, Beyoncé? - Mmm. Only because I love Twix so much, I'm gonna say Beyoncé out of hopeful guessing. - I really don't know. I mean, Katy Perry seems like the kind of person that would like a Twix. Beyoncé also maybe. I don't think Miley Cyrus would like a Twix. She'd probably like something fruity. I guess I'll go with Beyoncé then. I'll stick with Beyoncé. - I feel like they would all enjoy a Twix, you know? That's the issue. But maybe Beyoncé. - Gosh. I'm gonna go with Miley Cyrus. - I'm gonna say Katy Perry? - I'm gonna say Beyoncé. - No! I don't know! Crap. I think it is... Miley Cyrus. - (FBE) That's correct! - Oh my god! I don't know how I'm guessing these. I'm literally thinking of their personalities, and I'm like, "Can I see them eating this?" - (FBE) Miley Cyrus is actually the one who is all about Twix. Of course, we don't know if she's Team Left Twix or Team Right Twix. - It's a controversial topic. We don't get into it. I should have known that Beyoncé doesn't eat candy. (laughs) - The only right answer is right Twix, okay? It might just be a marketing campaign, but it's a damn good marketing campaign, okay? - (FBE) All right. Now, we have a polarizing Halloween classic: candy corn! - (gasps) I love candy corn! Oh my gosh! Candy corn! You know what? Candy corn and peanuts mixed together, I'm telling you right now, that is the best combination ever. - A lot of people don't like this, and I don't know why. It's so good, especially the pumpkin ones. - I hate candy corn with a burning passion. It does not taste good whatsoever. - It's just wax. (tapping) - Why would you want to eat this? - It's like one of those things that I could keep eating but not like it. - (spits) (spits) That is nasty. - I have to wait until the last week of October before I buy it, because forget about it. I'm like... "How you doing, neighbor?" I mean, it's just crazy. - (FBE) All right. So, which two celebrities do you think said candy corn was their favorite treat? Is it A, Steve Carell and Portia de Rossi, B, Rainn Wilson and Kerry Washington, or C, Jenna Fischer and Jimmy Kimmel? - Jenna Fischer and Jimmy Kimmel. - Ooh, so it's an office scandal combo that love candy corn? Interesting. I'm gonna guess Steve Carell and whoever he was paired with. - I feel like Jimmy Kimmel would hate this. I'm just gonna go with option one then. - I'm just trying to figure out which one's gonna break my heart, you know? Is it Jenna Fischer and Jimmy Kimmel? - I'm gonna go with C. - Let's go with C. - Ah... man. Who was the second couple-- or not couple, but-- - (FBE) Rainn Wilson and Kerry Washington. - I'm gonna go with them. - (FBE) That's correct! - (laughs happily) YA-HOO! YE-HOO-HOO! - (FBE) It's actually Rainn Wilson and Kerry Washington. - That was my next pick. (chuckles) - Dwight Schrute and Olivia Pope both said candy corn is their favorite sugary treat regardless of the time of year. - (disappointed) Oh, Rainn Wilson. - Dwight! You really disappointed me. That's who he is? That's where he was-- Okay. Dwight! (chuckles) - That's weird. That's weird. (laughs) I wouldn't eat this if it weren't like for Halloween. - How can you trust a company that can't even get their own candy right? See? It doesn't even wanna stay in my hand, because it's rebellious. It doesn't even like me. ♪ (accordion music continues) ♪ - (FBE) All right. So, for our last candy, we have one of the most popular candies of all time: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups! - Oh, yes! - Reese's! Oh my god, guys! I love the old Reese's commercials, you know, ♪ Reese's Puff ♪ ♪ Reese's Puffs ♪ ♪ Peanut butter chocolate flavor ♪ - A classic. I think everyone, unless you're allergic to peanut butter, loves Reese's. - They're dope. I'm a fan of chocolate and peanut butter together. It's the best. - You could never hate Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. - No, I don't like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I like Reese's Pieces. Reese's Pieces are bomb as hell! - I just love that they're in a little tray. I feel like I'm about to have a little meal, you know? - Oh my god, and look. You know how it gets stuck to the bottom sometimes? It literally didn't. They're so good. - I always think of my sister when I have Reese's. But only in this form, which is funny. - They put crack in that peanut butter. - I'm glad I got to enjoy this without a pickle on top. (chuckles) - (FBE) All right. Are you ready to guess which two incredible celebrities said this was their favorite treat? - Mm-hmm. - (FBE) Is it A, Kristen Bell and Neil Patrick Harris, B, Maya Rudolph and Jason Segel, or C, Ted Danson and Alyson Hannigan? - Mm. I'm gonna say Kristen Bell and who was it? - (FBE) Neil Patrick Harris. - Neil Patrick Harris. - I feel like all of them probably love it, but I'm gonna guess A. - I have a feeling that-- crap. Neil Patrick Harris would definitely like this. - Neil Patrick Harris. He's cool. He plays Barney, right? - I'm gonna say A. - I'm gonna go with the first couple. - (whispers) Who are the last ones? - (FBE) The second two were Maya Rudolph and Jason Segel. And the first two were Kristen Bell and Neil Patrick Harris. - I'm gonna go with them. - (FBE) That's correct! Kristen Bell... - FINALLY! - (FBE) ...and Neil Patrick Harris! - NO WAY! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! (laughs) No! What?! I should've just picked the person I liked the most this whole time. - I felt like Neil Patrick Harris struck me as a Reese's guy. (laughs) - (FBE) He is. He says he loves these treats. He finds them very addictive. Kristen Bell also loves Reese's Peanut Butter Cups because of her love of peanut butter. - Oh. She does seem like a peanut butter kind of girl, actually. - I'm happy that I at least landed on the board. It's good to finally have a point. - (FBE) So, you got a total of four of those correct, meaning that you are the winner of Katie Holmes' favorite Halloween giveaway: a king-sized Hershey's Bar. - Oh! Yay! I love this. - (laughs) I won! You best believe I'm going to eat this. Not in all in one sitting like I was nine. - (FBE) So, as I mentioned at the beginning, we did have a sweet prize for our highest-scoring reactor today. - Oh, that's definitely not me. - (FBE) And unfortunately, it's not you, but we're gonna make you look at it anyway. - Okay. - (FBE) So, this is Katie Holmes' favorite thing to give away on Halloween: a king-sized Hershey's Bar. - We gotta go trick-or-treating to her house. - This is giant! - I'm not gonna look at it then. I'm just not gonna look at it. We're just gonna pretend she doesn't exist. - Aww. I don't get to take it home, though. Just go like... But that's fun. - It's okay. It's okay. It's all good. - (FBE) So, you just tried a whole bunch of celebrity candies today. Who do you think has the best taste and why? - Miley Cyrus with the Twix. I feel that in my soul. (laughs) - Emmy Rossum. Also, that was just fun getting that right. - I think it's between Emmy Rossum and Selena Gomez, 'cause Goobers, great, Jolly Ranchers, incredible. - They're all the great staples of America, baby! All of those candies! (laughs) - Thanks for watching us try celebrities' favorite candies on the React Channel. - Subscribe for new shows every single week. - If you liked this episode, hit that Like button. - Which celeb candy is your favorite? Let us know in the comments. - Bye! - Hey, guys. React producer Mary here. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to check out past episodes of this series here on the React Channel. Thanks for watching, guys. Bye!
Channel: People Vs Food
Views: 4,271,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kristen bell, miley cyrus, zendaya, Trying Celebrity Favorite Candy, do they know it, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, react gaming, people versus food, staff reacts, guess that, secret pro, in one, find the flaws, you're doing it wrong, can people guess, TMI, Most in a minute, do teens know, do parents know, do kids know, do elders know, halloween, candy, PVF1935
Id: lG2iAhIJiz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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