Can It Be Saved? Honda's First 4x4 ATV, Dumb Reason Engine Blew.

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definitely sounds like a valve though it doesn't sound like a timing king noise doesn't it hey guys how's it going hey we're going to continue on this 1986 honda four tracks that i picked up from my friend who bought it over a decade ago with a noisy engine he never did anything with it and i ended up buying it off of him hence what you see in front of you anyway on the first video we got into kind of looked did an assessment on the whole machine and found that the camshaft burned up and took out the rockers with it so that's what the engine was noisy for got it to run it actually you know fired up fairly easy with the old fuel that was in it it was infested with mice and you know all the issues that come along with nasty mics destroying things parts i was able to get parts there or the only thing was available was used stuff there was nothing new made for this vintage of a machine and it seems to be a common problem because stuff was expensive it needed a camshaft and a rocker needs rockers if you look on the tabs right here you can see with they are all burned up and cooked and gouged away in missing material i believe they are only case hardened same with the camshaft yeah you have to see on that but that camshaft is cooked it's got burned up marks right there and the hardening on the outside has also gone away so the two of them decided to chew each other up i tried adjusting the valves to getting rid of the noise set them to three thou it was still just as noisy anyway today is a nice warm day it is 60 degrees in the middle of february and this thing was infested with mice all that stuff that you're seeing right there that is all mouse crap it was a huge nest back in the battery box there you still see remnants of mouse nest in there so i'm going to take the opportunity while we are waiting for parts which are probably about i don't know eight days away from them coming in to take this and pressure wash the jesus out of it well it's warm and try to get some of that lovely smell off of the machine make it a little bit nicer to work on and uh it'll be dry by the time the parts come in we're gonna throw a bag over the top plastic bag over the top of the engine and just do our best to avoid that and get her pretty [Music] [Music] that's about a week later and our parts are in a new rocker cover with new rockers on them you can see the damage before how crappy they were and then the new what they're supposed to look like closer to what they're supposed to look like new camshaft newer and i think one of these i was looking at the picture i almost didn't buy this one i thought it was cooked but there's a heat treat i think it is only case hardened which is the outer extremities gets hardened when they temper it and that's probably what that black is that you see there and as that black wears off it gets less and less hard underneath it it's a joke there anyway so we got a can i went with that uh oil filters got a case of oil filters and a oil a um choke cable set up because the plunger is stuck on the ones in that little brass piece right there in the center of your screen is the piece that's stuck in the carburetor hopefully we could dig that out of there and replace it and hopefully that's the right stuff let's go spin around and start working on the bike so i'm probably going to drain the oil out of it and then we have to have access to turn the engine over i don't know if that's going to be under this little cover right here it my guess is it can be like a drive that we can access to spin it with the plug out worst case we use the kickstand we got to get the top dead center and we need to get the chain tensioner off because you have to get this camshaft out of here this is our goal we have to get to and i kind of want to know where this is mark it before we take it apart and i don't know what our access is on this side either i think i'm gonna drain the oil i don't know if we're gonna have to take this cover out of here or if we're able just like i said work with what we got and i also want to change the oil anyway and change the oil filter i think it's under here so let's get that going get that draining while we're kind of screwing around with other stuff yeah too bad that ps get the oil filter out i would think it could be the three on the outside but i don't know what that little black cover is hiding let's just go pop those two screws out real quick nothing just aesthetics all right let's get those three out it's got an eight two tens it's kind of a misfit of hardware yeah this is the workforce bleed out i think i might have found a problem that oil filter might be on backwards i think it goes the other way around i'm doubly sure but i think it goes from the inside of the cover grab something a little poker to get that out of there yeah i'm pretty sure it faces towards the cover you got any metal bits in it yeah that's not doing anything that's that's the main oil feed right there and that goes blank to nowhere that should have the spring on the other side wherever that went that piss out and that's supposed to go like that and that should fit i believe on that cover not positive of that but i'm pretty sure that's the way it goes and that's just a a relief i think if that even has a port in it that's solid yeah i think when we were spinning it i was kind of questioning how much oil it had going to it i do know we cracked the line on the top side it was feeding some oil so we're going to confirm that but i definitely think that might have been on there incorrectly that'd do it explains why the engine got crappy it's amazing how one little thing could really screw you up i think it goes to spring that o-ring is still good that one looks decent piss the rest of the oil out and wipe it off yeah star for oil cause the top men to burn up one how many of these machines kind of suffered that same yeah because you can feel like how snug that fits on that that hole there now that should go like that go together it's the little things that get you sometimes right where was the little one there the eight was there i don't think that matters i think the threads are all the same size i think somebody just lost one of the screws going in yeah i was blaming it on soft metals and all kinds of stuff with the engine they were a lemon now if you don't put the oil filter in correctly that doesn't work too good here go suck them down and see what getting that little plug out of the other side see if you could turn the engine i wonder if we polish that stuff up the cam and the rockers and fix the oil thing if it would have stayed together i don't think this is gonna fit looks a little she's a tad wide let's go hammer in we might have to uh yeah i gotta do a little creative grinding on that hey i'll tell my mac dealer it's an official honda tool now there we go if i could use a coin it has a cut in it like a a semi circle like you get a half dollar hopefully that gives us something yeah it's like a big bolt in the center you can rotate that i don't know where the timing marks would be though you know just another access hole for looking at that we're doing this without a manual so far we have to get stuck we'll uh look it up but i say probably what we can do is we'll stick a wrench or a screwdriver down the spark plug hole we'll find top dead center and we'll find what the cam shaft is uh with both valves open which would be both cam lobes facing down away from the rockers that'll be the compression stroke at top dead center and then probably we'll do is put a mark on the cam let's see a mark there right now so we'll see what we got we'll go back and forth get that set up let's see what we can find i got a uh breaker bar on so i can go forward and backwards with the motor let's go see i'm going to find that position where it kind of goes high and low i see ya i see a sucky problem at the moment you're like what the gear on the camshaft let me see it right about there feels like top dead center the gear and the camshaft straight up and down if you can see the bolts i don't know if we're gonna have access to the other bolt i don't know if you and i don't know if you get the whole assembly out of there let's go look before i jump over the other side i'll show you what's gonna happen on so it looks like there's a timing mark there and there so we're probably off just a hair that's probably supposed to be you know turned back just a little bit like that something right about there and you can see that there's no lobe on the cam here and there's no low body cam here so we are uh you had a possibility of being 180 out which should be top dead center but you'd have the a lobe up in a low buff working both valves and you don't want that you want on a compression stroke so let's go now over to the other side again the problem is we don't have access to the bottom bolt i was hoping we could just um bolt the two screws of the cam take the cam gear off leave everything on and kind of yeah take the camshaft out put the new one in there and and do its thing but that's not going to work that way so let's go see what we got on the other end this oil lines in our way but let's get rid of that plug so we gotta get tension off the chain okay feels weird is that in the end of the cam shouldn't be let's get the cam tensioner which is this thing right here this holds tension on the chain assembly that's going down and around and it holds pressure against it we take that off there should be a bunch of slack that comes in there so it's got looks like a couple of ten millimeter heads on there let's get them off get that out of the way so i'm sitting here digging a hole getting fuel pump out of the way some of this stuff they get the tensioner off it's got to come off anyway and i thought to myself why don't i just spin the motor around to where the cam is facing up i'll get the bolt out from the other side leave it out of there and we'll spin it back around and take this side off why do i have to have it where you know i'm trying to access it like that why i tell you why it's kind of dopey so let's go do that i'll spin it around take the one bolt out then we'll come back to that one and and see what we make out after the tensioner is off what's he all saying work smarter not harder you decide enough to break it i would figure they probably would have like a loctite on them looks like it all right spin that around and take the other one off work take out the bolt out will get the tensioner tensioner off tension off the tensioner i think these are kind of automatic again i'm trying to go off a long long long time ago i took something like this apart i think you kind of like pulling back and they they auto set themselves if not we're gonna figure out what makes them tick inside right now right yeah yeah i think i think like you crank it in or something with the bolt i forget and then it'll automatically tension itself out either way we should have slopped up in the chain now yeah there you go more than enough let's go get that bolt out of it that should be enough to give us room my guess get that up off of there and hopefully you can lift the cam shaft off this cap should come out too there you go easier to watch from the other side let's go look at the other side maybe that's a spin it so the lobes are facing up maybe yeah it around so that the lobes are up and they're not fighting us yes no i wonder if i should get a i don't think that cam will drop down too far come on you're almost there i'll get her unfortunately i kind of need to stand where you are so i think i might kick you out i'm going to hop that out i'll meet you over in the bench which i wiggle that thing out of there we're so close come on i'll leave you on this side i think what we can do is maybe get the chain right off of the gear let's throw something on it just in case you lose it and drop down inside the engine and we got it should be able to have more than enough room because the gear should should come with it come on no i refuse to look it up i am going to struggle with it until i get it i wonder if i can put the sprocket inward put this rocket back on there it goes that's it let me go put the sprocket on let's go tie that chain to the side all right that's probably a good idea huh let's go look at that mauled up surface that the cam has to spin on hopefully that's not too terribly tore up let's go see what the cam looks like the surface looks pretty good this one not so much you can see what the cam was just cooked kind of rolled over the edge right there i feel the light doesn't get us too much maybe i'll move you hello that's better so my concern is we're using this cylinder head over not taking that part out is the scoring that's occurred on that bearing i don't think that's a removable bearing it kind of looks it a little bit though i don't think so i don't think that shell comes out of there another thing you know you really want to try to maintain is a cam in the head that kind of polished together we would want them to stay together but unfortunately nobody sold them as a set looks like we got some some rolled over there i don't know what we can clean that up with maybe like a um maybe like a scotch brite or something on a i don't know 2000 grit or something just get to see where that burr is right at and you want to call that three o'clock right there on the screen four o'clock and that one that one is gouged up and just kind of hanging there he's probably you know that one that was right there do our best to work with what we got right yeah it looks like it's just all part of the head there's no bearing enough that comes out of there i don't think that comes out let's go look at the other half of the the rocker cover see what that looks like okay so that would be that surface right there this is the one the old one you can definitely the camshaft probably always wants to is getting pulled this direction away from there so i don't think he did much damage to that i'm not using this one over anyway using the new one and that one over there but again it's all just part it's one part i don't think it's a cap that comes out of there not that i want to replace it anyway all right so let's go see if we can get something to polish that up on the cylinder head the best we can and just keep moving forward let's show the difference between the two there's the one that's burned up that we took out the difference of that one yeah definitely oil starvation did its number on it somewhere on it actually has like a lip i think it was right there that part of it on top too it's kind of lost a little bit of the the point that's there isn't as pronounced how much it wore off yeah you definitely can see it right there compared to right there all right i'm not convinced i got to tap on that a little bit just to see if that's already sitting in there i see some kind of like divot on the bottom if it's one it'll just pop right out no that's all one here's my thought i grab that a dremel set i'm thinking maybe one of these buffing wheels probably one of the harder ones we'll set up an arbor with that and maybe some valve lapping compound and we can kind of just kind of work that surface back a little bit polish it up the best we can let's go see how yeah actually fits that contour pretty good nice let's go set up a little surgical blanket i want especially rubbing compound or lapping compounds it's a grit so i don't want to go in everywhere let's go cut ourselves a little peep window in for that much just enough where it doesn't get caught up in the uh that might have been a little too much you need your hole too big i'm gonna do another one on top of it kind of make it so we can do our thing without spreading crap everywhere i'll do another one and get it so that it's a little bit more tighter around the hole so hmm ah gonna work on that for a little while it looks like it took already the little nipple off of there let me go a little bit more aggressive i don't know if i have a more aggressive compound what grit this is they come in like just like sandpaper i'm gonna load it up some more mix that around now [Music] nice all fling too much more of that in the lens of the camera i'm gonna keep working that i'll bring you back when we got her cleaned up so ended up using some 1500 grit it cleaned up pretty good you can still see where you know materials removed it's not proud it's not proud it's not sticking up okay what we'll do is we'll throw a little bit of oil on it and throw the new cam in there just kind of spin it a little bit see how it feels we should probably if there's a way to do it i wonder if we can not watch side play i think it's going to be fine i think again once the oil supply gets to it and there's nothing proud that where it's going to transfer aluminum to steel you know that's usually where it's screwed i think we'll be okay well how much more we could do to it right if it had a cap that you can remove you can replace that but i might try taking the rocker cover take the rockers out of it bolt it together just make sure there's no binding on this i don't think so but again now those parts were more matched it's kind of a mix match of stuff and there's no gasket that goes on here you would think there would be but there's not just use a probably honda bond that i have it's a just a sealer that you put in between the two and just kind of take something fine imperfections up we'll leave that out i'll see if i can go do that get the rocker assemblies off and we can put the whole cover on with no resistance are we gonna yeah we might be able to get through because it's got a valve cover here and a valve cover here to be able to spin it you know actually leave the rubber plug out of the end of it maybe we can do it there too the rockers are going to be a bit of a pain he has to get out so i'm going to leave them in place and i took the valve adjusters and i run them in ran them in and as long as it just spins i'm just i just don't want i just want to make sure it's not going to bind on us so i still got to clean it up i cleaned up the valve surface and let's see if we can kind of set that on here how much slop it has on the pins now we're not down doesn't want to go pop that out yeah i can get to the end of the cam and i can't turn the cam i'm gonna go see if i can grab it with a pair of needle nose pliers and we should probably throw throw just a couple of bolts in it just to put some down pressure on it and make sure ain't nothing but actually i'm gonna go take it all apart clean it what was that that's one of the nuts falling off so we can make sure we don't drop them down inside the engine huh that would suck heats up that are all oiled up let's go see if we can drop that on there without losing anything [Music] get a bolt or two in it see that cam still spins with a mismatch of three different components from three different machines we just suck down a couple around the camshaft [Music] we'll see how they do [Music] yeah let's go see if that spins for us okay it's got no sealant on there so i bring it up a hair but not much and that sounds afraid of no good worse we can uh if we have to take the rockers and put them in the other rocker cover that we had i'm gonna go buzz these loose a little bit and see if i can spin it loose and see if there's just maybe a little bit of crud on it but uh i think we're going to might have to go swap some stuff over it backed off on the bolts and it spins it's not much room and plays not much so we're going to go pick away at that a little bit i'm trying to figure out what i want to do you know you put the sealer in there it brings it up maybe just a couple of foul you know not much and you put the sealer in you kind of let it cure up a little bit then you draw it down a little bit more i might have to uh mark it with a sharpie and spin it and we'll see where it rubs looked over a bunch of stuff didn't see anything i'm going to make an executive decision yeah i get the feeling it's just where the where it's sitting just a little bit of a bur not letting it drop down quite all the way i'm gonna i'm gonna do the same on the uh the rocker cover with the camshaft just kind of let it set into the the grooves a little and then wash it back up we'll try it one more time tapping a brass rod into the end of it so they can we can spin it and i'm just gonna snug down those bolts the three that are around the camshaft and see if we can kind of maintain a good movement i didn't like that back one it's close i just don't want to fire it up and cause all hell to break loose because it's it's bound up you know hey my opinion is they machine all these together you know they're probably lined with the camshaft maybe maybe not i don't know yeah it seems kind of that one's about as tight as this gonna get that's now it's spinning in there yeah feels pretty good i think we'll be okay again we get a little bit from the sealer it's gonna be in there and open that gap up just a hair it's either going to blow up or it's going to work right unfortunately there's no way to really feel how what the resistance is once it's all together you know once it came everything's on you're not really going to be able to tell oh well i see we move forward so you know too much we can do and uh start putting the cam chain everything back together and get some sealer on that and yeah we'll just be a little gingerly on cranking down on that i guess yeah i'm just going to leave it like that took 400 grit in oil and when i polish those journals a little bit more i have a feeling just some of that damage that was on there that damage that was on there was kind of interfering with the uh cam spinning on there so i'm gonna try one more time i'm gonna make sure that i got it good to go before i try jacking it up i could didn't have good faith to leave it like that all right after several times of taking it apart finally had the bolts around the cam tight and she's got play in it it ended up being actually the further back journal i kept thinking with all the scoring in it it wasn't because the more i kind of ran it around it would leave like a a black dust which is the aluminum kind of breaking up in the oil so i want to kept polishing that up and then now it seems like it's fine finally that's without any sealer in there too to get that that hair of a gap doesn't allow it to have so all right finally let's go put the cam gear and all that kind of stuff back together and hopefully start reassembling this thing you know if it shows up see it right fine there it was darker than that but in oil but that like this area was always all staying clean when i was spinning it but this would get darker and darker meaning it was taking a little bit of aluminum off as it was trying to spin and finally we got here let's put the cam all together instead of trying to feed the chain and tighten it see if we can work with it as one unit and work the chain over it [Applause] hmm so so do hmm i got to get that little cap which i get straight up and down i gotta get that little rubber cap set up for over here [Applause] that's it'll be pretty much straight up and down the engine should not have turned hopefully let's see if we can get first this out of here and the question is we're gonna have enough room to get that up over the gear that how it is so yeah i think there's gonna be enough room to work that chain let's try the other side close i don't think we're going to be able to get it let's just make sure we're on that bottom gear all the way it's kind of let's see if we can walk that change make sure it's seated it is we can get it to i mean you don't want to put it on like a bicycle chain you're not looking to you know crank it through it's you're gonna kill it it's gotta be able to slop over itself uh unfortunately i think i'm gonna have to take the bolts out of it i think we have the right idea but i gotta be able to let the sprocket drop down a little bit just what it is right now we'll buzz those bolts back out we'll spin it around and um just kind of do a reverse you know in the book there's a real simple way to do it but what fun is that okay get that cam to spin all the way around now let me get to that bottom bolt all right drop the bolt down in there all right so we want to have the cam spin downward we're like 180 from what we should be something like that all right and then we want to be able to get the chain onto the gear roughly in that position are we doing it so we gotta go one tooth that way what do my timing marks look like you see him really paint those marks on the side because i can get i can get a bolt in right there let me go throw one in lightly there's another joke there and then hopefully that bottom end did not turn and we're gonna look at those marks there and there both look good okay you guys can see him or not so i'm gonna go suck down that bolt it looks like if anything it can go this way a little bit but when the chain gets tightened up with the tensioner i think that'll take care of that so let's go and run that top one in and now i gotta spin the engine over it won't be on top dead center anymore but that's okay we're keyed back together again we'll find out we'll uh do a um you know after we get it all set we'll go and uh just double check make sure our numbers are all our dimensions good all right i'm gonna go bolt that up a little bit and then i'll bring it right back all right try to crank her over to top dead center that'll be both sets of valves down they're up now and we should have i think we're there just let me back up i think we're right on there and we should be level across that looks pretty good stick that somewhere so i'm looking at that mark and that mark being straight across the top of the head that looks pretty good all right let's go look at that auto tensioner how we get what we need to go do to go set that back up and go from there all right here's that let's see if we can figure out how as far as i thought you crank it back see if it does anything why not do anything you know drag one i hate those things we backed off guess we could take it apart huh are we gonna hurt it i wonder if there's like a set screw inside there maybe maybe that doesn't do anything it's just a cover i think there's a little yeah we'll get a little screwdriver there might be a little screw tip right in the center let's see yeah there it goes oh yeah that's easy does it oh it's spring-loaded so how do you get it i wonder if you could lock it like in place or something like how would you hold it would you just when you put it in you just kind of hold it back like that and it's just maybe i guess we could do that i guess it won't hurt right because that's all the way out and you know whatever over time yes that allows it to come out and then whatever the tension of the chain or the um the chain tensioner which is that looks like i um look at a rack of ribs a rack a rib one rib that this thing kind of pushes against and that that rib kind of pushes against the chain keeps the slack out and then as it wears over time it allows it to come out more more and more but it can't push back in so that's the how it makes the final adjustment so that's what we'll do we'll just kind of crank that sucker in hold it with a screwdriver bolt the two bolts in and let it rip now let's go just go pushing and see how far it goes without doing anything curry gives an idea how much we got right there yeah so that's how much it has to get turned back which i guess is good that means how much you know tension is on the chain i mean how much life is in the chain nice little bit of a to hold that back though huh there's not much straight shot to get back here yeah maybe i guess i should get some bolts ready too you know when you guys are all in the hand sounds like that allows it to go in and just bolt it up kind of goober it up with a thin little layer of honda bond kind of maintains a rubbery surface thin as possible speak now you see anything i'm missing tell me later get the bolt out of there wire that's it throwing some bolts in there and snug her down hopefully the cam still turns the bolts are snugged down hopefully wrong way it's rocking the valves right now so good it's bound up it's not that bound up all right i think i got it buttoned up enough to spin it if the plug is still out let's kind of listen to it two quarts of oil in it let's see what we get if anything sounds better already let's go crack that oil line it may take a little while for it to prime it let's go see if you get you know the biggest thing is oil getting to the top of that that cylinder [Laughter] i think i just lost the compression washer oh there we go like to see that all right let me go find that washer bolt that back up again that's the kind of oil we get to the top end that's pretty good yeah just drowning that camshaft in oil now compared to before i don't think it was getting much if anything and that's spinning slow too not rubbing her up nice let's go put the spark plug back in it put those valve covers on i did adjust the valves already same as if you haven't you don't want to see it it's on the first video but the valve covers up with the plug in it and see if we can fire it up see what sounds like i don't want the capacity to choke it the choke is still jammed up inside there let's see what it does like to square it off one of these buttons come on all right quickly oh that's a lot quieter oh yeah like a kit [Music] starts knocking it blows up that's much better awesome just gotta run a minute i gotta top the oil off of that too i got two quarts in it to let the pump fill up and let it run through [Music] nice let's go a couple of rounds i'll take it [Music] awesome [Music] i'm not going to count it as a success yet i get a little bit of time on it hopefully we're not dripping oil [Music] nice nice nice [Music] i'm gonna let her run a couple of minutes probably the next thing we can get on is that carburetor we gotta get that broken enrichment or choke valve out of there i tapped it i shouldn't have done but it was running rich with it like a choke on it was kind of running funny and the levers up there i can push down wouldn't make any difference i popped it off over the table is here somewhere [Music] and found that the plunger was stuck in the up position that guy so i tapped it back down to keep it run right and it does but you know of course now that the ends of it are broken off so we got to figure out how to get that out of there that sounds good huh no flacking no nothing all right call start or restart i'm happy with that all right in the car down in that hole it's a plunger it looks like that it's all stuck and jammed in there the cable catches on these two little nipples on the top these are broken off and together to run right i actually ended up tapping it down a little further i soaked it in some [Music] pb blaster overnight let's see how that goes i don't there's anything left i don't think so i was kind of hoping i'd get in there with like a screwdriver and be able to get a little bit of a rotate on it get it pulled up i think we're gonna have to come in probably with the drill bit right down the center of it so you can get a hole down the center maybe get an easy out in it like a screw possibly get it to turn i know if we're better off taking that carb out of there on the bench or working kind of right where it is i'm going to loosen the boot up a little bit so you can tilt it towards us to look at it if so if not we'll i will put it in the vise there's a little bit left on there i don't know if you can get a screwdriver on it okay you get a little bit of a turn out of it down it though maybe that piece is just breaking off right juices kind of work up you figure it's probably like the same with a when the carb bowl gets crappy it's the uh the piece there it is that out of there the carbon carbon the cakiness varnish that's not a word i'm looking for that builds up might be what's in there also that caused it yeah you got much to work with huh there's just a little tip on that side not enough to go turn i don't know if you can get any nose pliers on that neither it's just a little to work with we look light we can see a little better i just can't what are wire cutters these are a little more stout oh no way don't get over excited ain't on it yet right better she's on the move you guys getting saturated with light [Laughter] can i get on there so close it's like right there let me get under it with a pick maybe so i need like two of these i think that unfortunately that's where it was stuck before so it probably has a ridge that it hits and as far as it would come up i thought we can get it but i don't know what a dentist feels like i think might be right i'm just trying to drill a hole right down through the center i'm still going to get i'm going to pick away a little bit and go move you guys out of the way because i can get a better shot coming from that angle kind of working on the side right now see i can get in with like a little dremel dremel a little key slot in there and get screwdriver in it again do the rotating to break the crud off of it it's coming out just doesn't know it yet unfortunately i ended up pushing it back down you're gonna have to go in and drill hey take an air gun blow out all those little remnants because that's gonna definitely jam up on the sides watch your eyes yeah maybe i wonder if we could actually take the drill bit but if we take the drill bit backwards just kind of jam it in there and how deep i got can we arc it to the side and pull up on it what i mean not very deep but i don't want to go break through the side of it and screw up the board either you know i'm gonna blow that a little bit better so you can get a yeah an easy out in there that's what i mean by easy out the lights can you but where is it see it's got a little barrel on it you could generally on a screw and a screw breaks off and that's normally what you use them on you jam it in and as you rotate it in there it wants to unthread the screw coming out we don't have threads in there but if we can get that no it's too large too small rather if we can get that to jam in there against the walls you kind of twist it a little bit and pull up my problem is it's brass so as you you push that tip in there it kind of spreads it out it actually gets tighter against the walls so so i decided to drill in a little deeper lookie what happened awesome i don't know if that's the same size or not but i got lucky it spun it in the bore and gave enough to get out of there now getting all that crap out of there which is going to be next to impossible um yeah and try to tilt that carburetor upside down maybe blowing it out with some air we got it hopefully the new one's the same one took a pic and i just kind of drew up let's just see if you can rinse it out they fill it up with carb cleaner and hopefully they let it fill up i'm not sure what it has for a passage down there you know that's not hurting it if we find that our choke does not work later see that packaging package that plus that passage got blocked off i'm gonna go blow out compressed air now and i hope for the best of course we have to take it apart and you know put in the ultrasonic cleaning so be it but at least you get that piece out of there the diameter looks the same but the length is definitely much more and i don't think we're going to have that's probably going to pop right up you know be up out of the groove i know it came with a lot of cable stuff i wonder if there's room inside like that jacket for it to go like it can like live a little proud of it let's go see what's on the end of the other cable actually looks like that might be able to go in there i think the other one does the same thing though yeah i think that the same setup not sure it doesn't actually i won't even thread it in there anyway will it totally different thread set up yeah that's not even going to go in there i wonder if we can let's go put that barrel on that cable you know what actually before we do anything i'm gonna go upstairs and look at my uh carburetor stash just in case we have one of the steel parts from any of that style of carburetor don't recall at all i'll keep picking away we do we do we don't we'll make what we got work i can't possibly be it yet hmm go bring that down so you can get that out of there see what size it is kind of even looks like the same carburetor too doesn't it closing that one's a little shorter yeah that one's shorter so realize it came in so many sizes [Laughter] uh i think this one we can probably work with maybe just lengthen the cable go screw around see how it makes out so that's what it looks like without the plastic bezel on it says choke off and choke on and this is that little bezel that was on the inside of it there the problem is there's a stopper where this body hits it can only draw up so far there's no adjustment a lot of times you have like an adjustment on the cable you can run it in and out and get some out of it there is no adjustment on the upper end or the lower end what i think we could possibly do though is maybe we just drill that right out so that this whole assembly can kind of slide up more because right now it's well you see that groove right there that groove has a clip that goes in and grabs it on that and it just bottoms up i was able to drill it and we need about that much more room if we can do that and then possibly i don't know epoxy or something that the top of it to hold it in place or put a clamp or something on it to locate it on the cable it should work let's go see what we get sticking in the hole before we get into that make sure it even plays well with others i'll put you in a stand sock if it doesn't even fit right that's good so that's all the way down yeah so right there so i think that'll work i'll drill that out i'll have a cable to drop down a little bit further and that's kind of where it needs to be held and then if you could pull the choke up which is also doing is that pin is opening a path on the inside so it's got just got to travel that that much if that all right go put it together i kind of didn't open the hole up all the way just so this actually has some drag on that metal barb so we can actually kind of you know influence where it stays so it might get give us a better shot that is what choke off choke on i can spin that in there let's go put that together we'll fire it up and we'll see if we get choke working and not working we should be able to hear it the way it sounds different too and again i can tug on that a little bit right now that should be choked on [Music] [Music] run a second [Music] [Music] choked off choked on you hear it [Music] see what's making the difference [Music] i had the lever in the opposition [Music] right about there i'm going to try to figure out how to anchor that so it doesn't move that's what hold it just put a clamp around it so it can't pull the cable in and then pull up on the joke now install a little poof [Music] generally you know even if it's 70 degrees out and it's cold you really don't even need it my other machine my suzuki is pretty much that way so good we can start buttoning up all the things that need to get buttoned up as far as sheet metal and tins and plastic we can put a battery in it i think i'll fast forward and all that junk and oh if i find anything that's kind of goofy i'll bring you back if not uh i'll see you at some point i'm not sure we're gonna return but uh again we start buttoning some stuff up at the motor mount back on the top all the plastic that for the intake got a new air filter for it all that kind of stuff new oil filter oil filter air filter actually maybe oil filter is the correct way to say it because you take some coral soak into the filter then you ring out the best you can that's how it collects dust oil air filter and new battery let's go see what we got we on dc anything out of 12 4 i got to charge it yeah good enough full fully charged battery probably around 12 9. it's looking pretty good other than you know chasing hardware that was missing and finding you know nuts and bolts and bending brackets to line back up again we are pretty much there except for just putting outside skin on and i figure maybe before that we'll see if we can play doctor on this front end here i don't have this piece that's missing all together i grab one of these glue guns i call it that's called something else what's a guess plastic welding gun and it has a bunch of different sizes of like letter s and it goes into a probe it heats it up and it kind of goes into the plastic kind of the same idea is drilling two holes and putting tie wrap through the plastics and stitching them back up but done with these never tried it let's go see how it works that's what it looks like a little branding iron looking thing haven't pulled the trigger yet let's see what happens smoke's pretty quick all right let's give one a shot actually let's go for the an easy crack just go for it now do i wait till it cools before i pull it out be my guess right i also just come right out with it there we go neat i think you just cut off the excess when it's done i'm gonna leave those on for now pliers are hurting more than helping yeah see if you could throw a couple more in there let's try burn myself that's like powerful monkeys i wonder if the no okay i was freaking that's gonna get pretty cooking every time you want to go change a bit or a tip or whatever you want to call it a staple get in there i want to say that's the most graceful i should probably keep my finger off the trigger too right i didn't break one off it's fine here it goes tight all right but you don't have to put it in that far stop it pretty cool idea let me knock a bunch of those out i'll bring you back we'll see how it does yeah that's not exactly the best first getting them in seems like either the staples have a lot of crud on them work a little bit see we get um so didn't like that one i think it overheated and turns on for a second it goes right out will it cool off see if it comes back again it's new to me that turned into a pile of crap rather quickly didn't it i'll let it sit for about a half hour okay i like it oh yeah your mig welder it's got a duty cycle it doesn't say anything in the paperwork but again the paperwork is that that's your paperwork good luck so it's after a half hour and yeah get about five to ten seconds and it just shuts off before the coil even gets hot if you take the piece off of it and don't and just hit the trigger with nothing it stays going my guess it's got a fuse in it all three and the fuse probably goes like a resettable fees be my guess inside here something let's shut off and turn back on again or it could just be a piece of crap just saying there's a light up in here it could be um i would think that wire probably just goes right to each i side really open it it's got screws in but i think it's soldered together this will get one and plug it i in already one minute then the light kind of tells you when it's working that's it you get like it stays on and it cooled off for like a half hour or so so i think it's a piece of crap the idea is good i think that's a piece of crap i went in deeper took those two screws out and that just pulled out it's got a light on the end of it and remember it's plugged in right now so what resets that chip where it kind of feels too much current a little bb resistor right there or diode well i've asserted i have what you call it [Music] i've gone back to old faithful a glue gun just kind of going over what's there i can let that thing cool off let me try it tomorrow maybe i was overdoing it i don't know but i could always work on it while it's on i figured it'd just be easier right now doing it this way i'm just gonna go inject some glue that for the win for now [Music] well i was gonna make a piece for there out of a red plastic lid but without those staples i don't think it's gonna have a very good success rate glue doesn't really stick the plastic all that great i don't expect much of a uh outcome but it'll help kind of sorta again i'm either gonna try to find another one of those yeah that does tomorrow if it overheats that quick that kind of sucks let me try to find a better one i like the idea and yeah i could do the patch when it's on we're gonna keep moving forward now i'm gonna go throw this back on the machine and uh get it ready to rock and roll we're almost there you know what time it is time to play see how she does [Music] all right let's figure out how reverse works you get something like that you can knock it down one gear alright guys whoops a little starting gear hmm [Music] let's go for some heavy snow right away [Music] brakes haven't been used in a little while so temporary failure i think it's having a fuel starvation problem i'm gonna try and correct that bent on the ball loose see how much gas you get out of it it's happening right there it doesn't look bad i'm gonna have water in it too from pressure washing it i don't think it would have got in there but grab ourself a cup so my screw up was the enrichment or choke cable i had routed through here it's supposed to go under there so when i went and i turned the handlebars it pulled up on the cable and it could not retract the choke so it was running with the choke on that would do it so reroute it i think i'm gonna take actually a hot glue gun put some around there just try to tie these two together and if you ever have to take it apart you can peel the hot glue off see how that works out for us let the games begin so [Music] so in the face so [Music] well she's breaking up a little bit i'm not quite sure why then it recovers breaks up then it recovers kind of seems like it's a fuel issue like it's actually getting a little too much uh probably have to go investigate a little bit see what's going on but it seems like everything else works okay four-wheel drive seems like decent brakes are doing what they should be doing it's a fun toy but i think on this video as well as far as we're gonna go get i already checked the differential fluids that kind of stuff and all those were okay but i want to go through and bleed the brakes and you know kind of get into it a little bit more do some fine tuning and figure out what is going on with the uh the stuttering of it through a new plug in it's not that anything possibly i'm thinking it's possible maybe the valves are a little too tight and we're starting to lose a little compression that's just a guess on my end right now but yep if i would have cleaned it earlier it would have been fine but because i didn't clean it nothing see anything terrible other than just your average kind of patina the pin on the slide this adjusts the air fuel this adjusts the fuel mixture to the air this is the pin that pulls out of the venturi of the fuel and allows more fuel as you give it throttle and it's got a little snap ring on the top that you can adjust up and down to increase or decrease what the amount of fuel it's getting over its uh window right now it's on the middle one it is such a pain ass to get to you definitely have to pretty much tear it down almost this level just to get to that to go change it i mean not to take jets and everything out but you got to be able to access this cover the top cover pull the assembly out with the linkage and get to it so i don't know if i'm going to change that or not while i'm going through it i'm still going to go through readjust the valves while i'm at it that far down and if i don't see anything with the valves then i may go with playing with that and just because i wanted to make sure everything was right and it was going to pop up in the questions that i was off the tooth on the timing i ended up digging in i pulled the little window off for the time because you can see you feel to a screwdriver but top that center mark is right on its guy and if you look across the top of the cylinder head actually can i get you in there hold on sweep your neck see the mark on that side mark on that side it's gonna be level with the head let's put on the money that ain't it and i said valve adjustment was good too so i just want to confirm everything i didn't really feel like digging back in there but i didn't feel like doing it twice either so i confirmed that that part is good i'm pretty sure it's in the car all right it's been a little bit let me get you caught up on what's gone down so i kind of just double checked everything that i worked on i took the top of the rocker cover off look to make sure the cam was good made sure the valve adjustments were good uh carb took it apart cleaned it put it back together uh still doing the same thing and as you can see when your rabbits you kind of want without the uh intake attached to the back side of the carburetor it wants to throw gas out of the back and the exhaust restriction four strokes really don't do that when it runs it pops out the exhaust fairly well i don't think that is my issue i started tearing into the carburetor again i wanted to try to find out possibly why is running so rich so i actually have two carbs one on the right is the original one the one on the left is the other one that we stole some parts off of the one on the left is a slightly smaller bore i'll show you what i mean so you can see the the two bores are different this one's smaller than the other one so it's meant to run a little smaller engine the outside ids ods rather are the same for bolting it up should be the same jetting slightly different it's got a smaller jet all the way around than that one kind of obvious to match the airflow that is going through it what i think is happening again it's just a guess so the enrichment circuit which let me get a poker the enrichment circuit which is that plunger that we drilled out here's one that goes in there punch we drilled out got a pin on the end of it and it kind of seals it i don't know if that pin just allows a little passageway to open or does it allow another window to open and down to it because there is a hole down inside there there's the pinhole and then there's a hole on the side i think it's this cavity right here i don't know quite what that does that lets air i don't know what the purpose of that is anyway it seems like you do get a difference if you push all the way down and block off the port at an idle you can hear it run different so it does open a passage for more fuel but i have a feeling that something is damaged in there where is not allowing it to block it off all the way is just my guess because when it's running it just seems like it has a ton of fuel wait excess fuel so it exits there enters enters there the ends plugged off and it exits and adds fuel going this is the side of it that goes to the engine and just dumps raw fuel on the side of it to enrich the mixture my guess is that's kind of what's happening what i may do is put this one back together we'll just throw it on there and just if you get any kind of run difference out of it and if i do suspect that there is something wrong with this one i can plug we could probably take like some silicone or something and we'll just pack this port right here up so that no nothing can kind of flow through i ordered a car it's not the same as this it's you know kind of like a universal car and whether that'll be good or not i don't know i'm still just trying to solve the problem what the issue is could it be spark related i kind of doubt it just because uh it was running good at denial you get on and kind of break up it just yeah it seems like it's just too much fuel and just seems like it's running very rich this may have been a problem when this machine was put away too i don't know the answer to that maybe somebody did something to try to get it to run decent when it was starting to blow up because it did have bad camshaft you know bad rockers and all that kind of stuff so it may have been having run issues that uh more problems were introduced during that time again just to guess all right putting that card back together again and we'll throw that on fire it up see if it does anything all right so everything i hooked up with the fuel line i just shoved it in there there's no throttle hooked up i can work all that by my fingers and i put a plunger in where the choke enrichment goes i figure where the throttle is there it is all right let's take a second fill with fuel anyway so now you didn't knock the plug wire off or anything should go so so sounds better already gonna turn that idle speed up it's gonna die on me in the [Music] i'm hitting the middle [Music] don't let it run from this dude it does does that turn the vents down let it blow out like i said the exhaust generally if there's a restriction on the exhaust it kind of evens the pulses out you don't get the good hook coming through so i don't think it exhausts an issue [Music] i think it's in the car again who knows that was just a piece of crap that was laying upstairs you know i might even button it up with that for now and run that one and that would make that slide the correct one for that carburetor this is the one that came out of here [Music] if i pull this up it should die she get rich and die i can grab it [Music] yeah see that part's working let's see what it does i may take some silicone and block that other one let me take some silicone and block up the other one and try it and see if that was the issue on a car but i really like to try to figure out zero right down to what was causing the problem you know so i i may still do that not sure well definitely like this carburetor much better [Applause] and put the original car back together and i jammed a toothpick in that port where that fuel would come out from the enrichment circuit so we'll see what difference that makes throw that one on there all right original car with the uh it's richmond circuit club take a second to fill up still seems rich on the idle part i am one and a half turns out on the air fuel mix for the idle circuit but as you can see it's still wanting to run way too rich way too much fuel trying to go through it i don't know what the issue is with it stumped that's okay uh for now i'm gonna go clean up the other carb i'm gonna go put all the back together with that carb on it and see how that one performs if that one performs mine we'll go with that i did last night look up on a couple of forums and people it seemed like it would pop up on a couple of these machines and there was really no cure for i never found anybody really coming up with the actual solution so i don't know something is how the carb goes that is the passage that i wouldn't think a passage would get blocked you know maybe internal fracture i i just don't know i'm making stuff up right now but go throw the other one on there [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] that's it that's how it's supposed to work that might be a little shaky hey so so [Music] so [Music] your tire i don't know if this is a trail or not you see anywhere to go me [Music] third gear and we're in about about six inches that's a little ruddy don't want to flip her with nobody around me yeah crawling third gear ah well guys you put up a little bit of a fight but got it all figured out i did not want to leave it you know half-assed not getting all the problems kind of cured in it turned around really nicely it does everything it should power seems decent it doesn't seem like it's really lacking anything with a slightly smaller carburetor and all its problems pretty much started out as a oil filter that was put in backwards is what killed it funny how that works huh maybe kind of steamroll from there awesome little machine let's see how it does during summer doesn't seem like it's hot at all yeah just a little bit of snow melting off of it and it sounds nice and quiet everything you should be doing for a well you're saying 86 38 years old 34 years old we go 34. came back real nice what do i got into it i paid the grain for it 310 bucks for the cam and the rocker cover battery i think was 70 bucks and air filter i think was like 15 20 bucks probably a couple of smalls here and there so say right around 1500 to have a decent machine the plastic gun that i was using to weld up the plastic that crapped out i tried using it the next day same thing it ran for about five seconds and shut right off i ordered another one yeah that one worked out i like the idea anyway guys i think it's going to wrap it up sure this is a fairly long video but you know i guess i wanted to make it so it was complete and on that i'm going to sign off thank you all for hanging out with me doing some wrenching doing some riding have a little bit of fun we'll do it again soon until then i'll see you bye
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 775,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, atv repair, honda atv, diy atv repair, four wheeler, 4 wheeler, how to, will it run?, honda fourtrax, atv repair shop, honda atc, atc repair, will it run, honda atc repair
Id: FuCZyIsb-wY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 41sec (6521 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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