Can I Beat ROUND 100 in BANANZA?! (Bloons TD Battles 2)

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ladies and gentlemen update 1.9 is finally out for everybody to play in BTD battles 2. and with this update they added a new event which is called Bonanza a classic favorite makes its battles to debut all sources of cash are doubled all income changes for balloon since they're doubled including negative ones and finally sudden death lasts only one round and starts on round 100 instead of round 40. and the only way that you can play custom game modes in a private match is if you have VIP so if you plan on purchasing VIP make sure that before you do you click this button in the bottom right here in corner and enter in code boltrics so with that being said we're gonna be playing this new game mode in today's video against my boy Ryan mihalik and if you don't know who he is he's a fellow battle suit YouTuber and makes amazing content so if you haven't already go make sure to check them out I'll link his channel down in the description below but when we play this game mode we're gonna be trying to make it all the way to round 100 for the very first time in battles Tuesday history before this update the max round that you can make it to in battles 2 was round 50 but again with Bonanza sudden death lasts only one round and starts on round 100 meaning we can go to round 100 but the ultimate question is is this actually even possible well let's find out right now ladies and gentlemen we are finally playing Bonanza and battles 2 against my boy Ryan mihalik Ryan how are you doing my friend dude I am doing awesome I've been waiting for this game mode forever and we're gonna try to hit round 100 today because Bonanza has a new resentment round it's gonna be really interesting try to be the first ones ever to round a hundred yeah because the max round needs to be around 50. look at the amount of cash we already have by the way yeah dude I noticed that at the very start we start with like thirteen hundred dollars you're like so rich in this game mode off the very start so definitely balloons shouldn't be too difficult we're also on docks so then we have the best chance of hitting around 100 since the ramping in this game is going to get really difficult yeah most definitely oh no sending me space screens have because I play farm a lot used to sit in the space greens but yeah we're chilling they said should I have my Azalea more towards the back of the map so I don't anti-saw that's kind of what I was thinking but it probably won't matter since we'll just have so much money it's Bonanza anyways that I don't know if the anti still ever stole is gonna matter that much this game but yeah that was just what I was thinking but it probably won't make a difference yeah that is true that is true so you already got the Super Monkey down too yeah yeah I'm so rich I feel like maybe I'll just start saving up for a um we have we both have the same Loadout here I think of Super Monkey ICE Village maybe start saving up for my um bald and path Village to get that increased Eco yeah that's exactly what I was thinking as well because I mean why not the more the merrier right when it comes to money we're gonna have literally you think we're gonna have by round 100. oh my gosh so it's hard to say because I'm also gonna be building up defense right so I'm gonna have like the entire map filled hopefully with like dark Champions or something so I don't know how much I'd have on hand but if like if you're selling all your defense as well and like putting it in total probably somewhere in the tens of millions I'd imagine yeah easily I guess and our Eco that's gonna be insane as well but I'm excited to see how the ramping exactly is going to be in this game mode because obviously the ramping is already insane in this game but yeah going all the way to round 100 I don't know it's gonna be tough man yeah I I have no idea if it's even possible to hit around 100 that's why I wanted to do this on like docs because this is the easiest map in the game and Ice also works really well in this map because you can freeze the water so there will place like super monkeys everywhere so you want to go with the dark Champion route you're thinking yeah so I was thinking like so obviously you want to get like the three tier five super monkeys and stuff thinking about like the tier fours maybe I'll place like a couple Sun temples I don't know if they would really do anything but then like compared to like the tech Terror or spamming Tech Terrors or sun avatars or dark Champions I feel like dark Champions just do the most damage because like prices won't be really be an issue since we're gonna have like infinite money that is true yeah every dark Champion to be 55 000 just for that upgrade alone like that's insane to think about like if we have like a hundred thousand plus Eco at the end of the game like we'll be getting those every income boost you know right yeah so not only you can boost right so not only are we hitting around 100 we're also gonna probably have the you can KOA record as well that's true that is true I think the current record is what I got one of my videos it's like 125 000 so we'll have to keep that in mind in today's video and see if we can pass that because that would be pretty interesting as well yeah most definitely oh my God wait so you already got your monkey City I just don't even have my yikes oh don't leak yeah we're killing just sorry I saw yellow balloons go past but I think that's just sometimes you see one thing on one side but it's not happening on the other yeah a little bit of screen lag yeah I probably should have went with the Super Monkey route most definitely actually hopefully I don't leak here we're good we're chilling I just had to spam that ice I think no oh no oh my God leaked I'm done I can lose five lives I can use those easy totems oh yeah we're chilling I completely forgot about that no I was like okay dude we gotta restart I'm sorry oh my goodness yeah I should have just went with the Super Monkey man it's like normally this either totem loses 10 lives but at the certain level it switches to One Life loss so all I need to do is get that and then use it five times and then it'll be the same yep that honestly is a 200 IQ play I forgot about that I'm gonna go for a monkey and toners Bureau right by my Super Monkey so then once I get the Plasma Blast so we'll be able to hit everything definitely I mean dude you I feel like you already have so much more money than me what's your Eco right now I'm at 3200. okay yeah so I'm a little bit behind I just hit 3200 recently so not too sure we're both gonna have like infinite money I don't think it's really gonna make a difference too high is 100 more equal in round ten so change the monkeys I forgot about that it's 20 000 now oh yeah oh my God yeah that's super exciting I think they made it give more crates though so I think it like before gave I don't remember what the change was it was like four to six or something for the crates yeah yeah full balloons so I don't know are you do you think it will defend them let's see let's see let's see I think I'll be good I'm gonna go for Jungle drums on that MIB as well and I think we're chilling are you chilling too I'm chilling I just got us some icicles too the icicles are really good nice the nice part is I can go for the middle cross path on it because I have an MIB next to it so it shoots faster I think things are going decently well so far yeah I agree I agree um I think the next thing I'm gonna do is probably get my monkey obvious up and just see how that gives me money because beforehand if I remember correctly it gave you 2 400 per round like when you just got it with zero Farms so I want to see how if it gives you more now or like how much it's changed because it is five thousand dollars more expensive so do you think it could be a viable option in an actual like ranked match I sometimes use it with Eco strategies like if I have a village in an Eco strategy I'll get it up eventually just because it's some extra money production but it's hard to bring a strategy that has farm and Village together because then you're only relying on like one Tower to defend everything you know yeah that is true I mean it's such an expensive tier five upgrade now yeah and for sure you're probably better off just putting that money elsewhere per crate okay 1200. oh because we're in Bonanza so yeah 600 okay that's three crates four five six it would have gave 3 600. so it went from 2400 to 3600 per round for the base one okay but it costs five thousand dollars more yeah dude this sun Avatar actually just shreds the group purples holy cow so wait can it pop purples without MIB I don't think so no yeah I didn't think so either I remember someone saying that but I was like I never really use it in like an actual match if I'm using Super Monkey but I think if they made it pop purples it would be definitely a viable option oh for sure and by the way I just hit 10 000 Eco for around 16. oh nice me too I just did it as well so 10 000 Eco already on round 16. that's pretty crazy yeah definitely about and dude I'm trying to have Pixel Perfect placements oh yeah we should be stalling now I just talked about that as well I'm gonna get one of these up in the top just to make these rounds a little bit longer so I think the next thing we definitely want to do is so once you get like your true sun god up it will make all of your um other Towers cheaper right because you'll have the support cross path on it so ideally we'd want to wait to get a ton of Defense but um after we get our true Sun God so let me have all of our defense cheap but then you also have to think about it like once we are true Sun got up that's gonna anti-stall the rounds too so it's there's a given a take I guess yeah that is true how long do you think we could wait until we get that out I mean I'm not sure to be honest like well definitely need it up eventually just to defend everything just in terms of like being able to afford it we'll probably afford it like around 20 around 21 because I'm already at like 150 000 on hand I'm I'm pretty rich right now yeah likewise okay what level is my Azalea I can actually let me just upgrade my ZD so it gets to the one where it's one life oh yeah for the total 16 is easy that does the one that I've told him so I got there now now I can start using these totems and there we go look at that 149 so I just need to use four more of them and then we'll be the exact same 200 IQ dude I literally told Ryan before the match that I was like oh I kind of want to run over to smudge because I'm scared I'm Gonna Leave down and the thing is I think um the way of rounds work in battles too it's like btd6 but um half of it so round 100 in battles 2 is going to be around 200 in btd6 yeah two four to five bads is it two yeah I think it's two fortified b80s and they're gonna be so strong too because battle suit ramping is like a lot stronger than btd6 ramping so it's gonna be crazy yeah do you think they changed the ramping specifically for this game mode or just like left it how it is that is an interesting question I'd imagine they just left it as is but um I'm honestly not certain because if the ramp is the same then yeah it's gonna be super intense super hard it gets around 100 I guess we're just gonna have to wait and see but here comes the round 20 Moab obviously shredded on both sides shreds that yeah I think it has a base damage of one it just shoots like a ton of projectiles so when you give it like the um super brittle buff or like the true Sun God I think odds damage to as well it gets a lot better and Son avatars pair up pretty nicely with ice as well oh I should probably go for another one just so I can stall these camos I'm at 19 000 Eco yeah I just hit 19 we're pretty much the same at 19 200 right now okay I'm a little bit behind but yeah pretty much the same almost 500 000 on hand as well I'm at like almost 400 000 because I spent like I spent like a hundred thousand dollars upgrading a zealy but um it's all good oh yeah I need to keep using the totem speaking of which so will the life count not matter then until round a hundred oh I'm not actually sure how that works um my thought process was that so it's Sudden Death Mode right that's what the it's called my thought process was that Sudden Death Mode still started around 40. it's just that after that the game would hit around 100 but maybe I'm wrong maybe the sudden death starts at around 100. yeah I think I remember seeing it say that sudden death starts at Round 100 and only lasts for that round I could be wrong though as well but I guess we'll just see once because when Sudden Death Mode comes you go down to one life as well so we'll be able to see which means we won't be able to use totem than targeting which is kind of unfortunate because that's a pretty good ability to use yeah because once sudden death happens there's no time to use those we're mainly using ozili though for the Moab hacks yeah I need for the AI legend of the Night by the way only works on player scent balloons so if you happen to leak to the AI the black hole won't spawn for that oh really I didn't know that the really good thing about the hex 2 is that it's not like a base damage value it's a percentage right so it's I think it is 40 of the beauty health so even if the beauty Health increases it still just does 40 whatsoever really I did not know that million dollars now I didn't even notice that yeah and they actually abbreviated it now oh yeah they used to have it just like a big number in the and when you have like a high Eco in a um a lot of money it would like overlap each other you wouldn't really be able to read it I remember that but yeah once you have like 30k Eco dude my my money is going up so fast like I feel like I was just at one million and I'm at like 1.35 million right yeah so they kind of had uh to abbreviate it especially for this game mode because like you said we're gonna easily have over 10 million dollars if not more than that didn't they also make the true son got cheaper recently like it used to be 500 000 now it's 400 000. I mean I guess it won't really matter because we'll have so much money but that is just something that I remember in one of the pouch notes yes yes they did make that cheaper which I'm thinking they did that so that it could be like possibly more usable and ranked but still nobody uses it yeah so I just it's it's just so hard to get that much money in a ranked game maybe if you had if you had Maps like docks and ranked then it could definitely be usable but all of like the super long easy Maps kind of got taken out of all the Masters I went for a dark Chant by the way just to be safe you never know let me get one of those down as well why not straight up heard in my uh money or at all yeah barely even notice it literally literally could even go over the legend at night just to be ultra Ultra safe I keep forgetting to use these totems okay I've got to use one more after that one so I'm at 146 right now one more totem use and then I'll be equal in lives I'm gonna go look I'm gonna go for a sun Temple right here it's on the water currently yeah and stays oh it does so he's got he's got the BTD knowledge there I didn't know that you know I've went late game a few times in my day so oh yeah use the totem ability one more time too there we go now we're tied we're tied on lives easy class easy clap you can already see the ramping yeah already a lot stronger because I remember at the start like my son um Avatar could can reach over like a little bit to hit the moabs before they come around and remember at the start it was like popping them easily and now it like the mobs have to come all the way down before they get popped now so I'm gonna get my true Sun God right here now the question is where do we want to place the super brittle because that's going to be important to place it in a good spot as well since the Superbird is going to have a lot of range as well because it's going to be range buffed by the true Sun Gods we range buffed by like a primary expertise you can have the bottom cross path on it as well to get the extra range so you want to place it in a spot that's going to have good map coverage but I don't know where exactly that's gonna be oh by the way these Ceramics oh my gosh dude you're not going anywhere we aren't speeding up this gameplay as the rounds progress the moabs get faster and faster so like eventually if you thought think about like a normal Moab speed that'll be like the b8e speed later on yeah which is why I I feel like the most important Tower with dinner strategy is zilly that mob hacks is going to make a huge difference against this round 145 bads yeah for sure yeah like and we'll have to micro it too because like we'll have to buy and resell as easy to get that ability back fast because we'll have more than enough money to do it I think it costs like 200 000 to buy and resell it so it's expensive but we're rich I have eight million dollars right now you have 8.15 million dollars about to yep 69 000 Eco love that yeah so like I said before not only are we gonna be making it to round 100 we're probably gonna beat the Eco world record as well and we're gonna have the money world record we're gonna have every world record we're gonna be multiple world record holders here that's gonna be exciting and 76 000 Eco round 40. here it is oh my gosh okay let me let me upgrade this dark champ to a Plasma Blast oh wait I know what I can use here wait for it I'm gonna use the hex the hex can just that's what I thought yep yeah I'm gonna wait till you get damaged a little bit though from the super monkeys and then we can just hex it down I'm gonna hex it as well Homeland defense because why not he homelanded it bro that's EMG is gonna nowhere I did okay the round's gonna end though oh see look sudden death and start oh you're right yep did not start but here comes the intense ramping the intense rounds these rounds are absolutely no joke we do not want to mess around when it comes to them I think at some point soonish will probably need to get that true sun god up just to be safe yeah most definitely because you can already see the BFB slowly but surely push in we I don't know how much ego we're gonna hit because we don't know how fast these rounds are Beyond round 50. BTD to six much so it's I'm not too familiar with these late game rounds and how long they are right I would have to assume that they would be long yeah I'd have to assume as well we probably won't be able to stall much though so that does make a big difference as well but we will definitely toss the record I think oh we're only forty five thousand dollars off the um Eco record right now I went for a couple more dark Champs at the very back just to be safe I kind of I think maybe we'll go for the true sun god like around 45 around 46. it's around 40 somewhere around there yeah and remove that obstacle that's been bothering me this entire time I'm holding on the purple button this entire time when I have a balloon bot on the mob I've done two I forgot I had a balloon bot oh dude oh my okay yeah let me just set that down now I don't know if this like is a thing or not does it send Eco just as fast yes I think so it just sends it in wait all right guys me and voltrics are back and I literally just hit a hundred thousand Eco we had to um restart the whole thing because we disconnected but um what's your Eco looking like it's about to hit a hundred thousand so I'm a little bit behind I was having some technical issues but you know what we're getting there anything about technical issue found out the issue actually of why we've been disconnecting so you have a balloon bot piece placed right now because we think which was causing us to disconnect when we like both made us equal purples with it so we're not doing that this time and hopefully we won't disconnect throughout the entire match that was indeed the problem I think it's because both of us were using the balloon bot not just one of us but we don't even want to test the waters we're not even gonna try it because we obviously don't want to disconnect again but yeah just watch out for that if you play Bonanza don't use the balloon bot or else you could just die and lose yeah oh my yeah fortified moabs during these rounds it feels like they have infinite health honestly right so me and Ryan we've decided that I'm going to spam Sun avatars all across the entire map on my side and he's gonna be spamming dark Champions so it's like Sun versus dark which is better the sun Avatar pairs up a bit better with debuffs like the ice so I honestly don't know which one's gonna be better I don't know either because the sun Avatar is really good with debuffs and um the true sun god also adds damage to your Towers too so do really good with that dark Champs are a lot more expensive so they're gonna um be better as a base Tower so it'll be interesting to see which one comes out on top for sure oh my gosh look how many bfps there are this is insane so this is the equivalent to what round 94. is there DT's next round or is there any more DT rounds because the ddts are so fast on these rounds especially with like their ramping so I want to see ddts come out and just show you how fast they are actually yeah it's kind of crazy I think it is next round I could be wrong but I think it is next round yeah we didn't get to show you guys it was what round 40 something I forget 45 I think had ddts yeah the ddts were lightning fast like it's definitely scary but we have the icicle on pill of course dark Champs like we're gonna be fine but the speed of them is just insane I mean look at how stalled these emgs are too they're moving so slowly like it looks cool to see all like the blasts go through them too it's satisfying yeah until they pop down and then everything gets pierced cupped right and we don't even have really all that many Towers on the map right now which is the the craziest part but definitely just pushing over on my son I use an ice ability I'm gonna go for another champ oh actually a good idea accidentally went for the legend tonight okay it's all right what 22 million dollars so it's yeah yeah I did it didn't hurt I think we should go for the true Sun God now probably yeah around 48 uh if you want to I'm down I'm down whenever okay I'm gonna start going for mine I'm gonna start going for mine okay so of course you already do know this but for the people that don't you have fifty thousand dollars worth of sacrificing from each and every category within your strategy to have Max sacrificing in battles too super brittle icicle and pale Homeland defense and a dark champ easily 50k from three categories right there okay I'm gonna sacrifice if you're ready to sacrifice oh you did it oh did it no no Sun Temple I'm a little bit behind I do apologize but it's okay I'll get there round 49's here round 98 in btd6 hardest round in my opinion so let's see I'm gonna go finally two for the true sun god cause I had yet to do so yeah there we go with that go for the Super Range as well perfect go for a monkey to tone Shapiro bar a lot and oh my God you know we probably should have it's gonna be so hard to see our screens to place down all these towers now that I thought about it but true true it will be very difficult and here comes the round 50 bad all right let's see let's see so maybe we should I don't know maybe we might have to use Homeland defense I'm honestly no no wait wait we can attacks if we need it oh yeah and honestly I'm actually not doing so bad I think we might defend oh yeah dude oh we got this in the bag easily and we both had Kevin detection don't forget about the camera detection I mean you already have that but to the people out there you don't want to forget about that yeah nicely done let's freaking go okay and then we have that um superstorm pushback because of the magic tracker I kind of just want to point this out right now because I see this comment a ton people always wonder why there's a Perma Spike on the map from the true Sun God that's because of the support sacrificing I know there's no Spike factories but in battles too that's just how it is so I set my true sun god slightly higher than yours I don't know I thought it would be a bit better oh holy oh my God but we made it past round 52 ultimately in battles 2 for the very first time that's really really hype but yeah like I said I have my true sun god a bit higher than yours so I wonder if that's actually going to make a huge difference or not yeah I don't know I'm trying to figure out where I want to place my super brutal as well but yeah definitely buffing our ices with the primary expertise all the good T5 ices is definitely gonna be crucial in my opinion especially when it comes to regards of the super brittle because like you said the range having that goated range is definitely super important oh you know we also need to do bull tricks is get up a um a fourth tier Temple to buff our true Sun God very true that that is very true you know what I'm actually going to start doing that right now so with the support Tempo you just need Max sacrificing from the support category and not necessarily it we're on round 60 now we're coming up on the rounds pretty fun through these indeed so the next notable round is going to be around 70 because that is round 140 in btd6 and that is the first round of the first four to five vad comes out which obviously is going to be intense yeah it's gonna be intense for sure fortified Beauty but hopefully by then we'll have pretty adequate defenses a lot of our Towers upgraded and stuff so I think we'll be good but I'm definitely excited for it oh my God wait oh oh I I thought it was around 70 I was like no way I'm not ready for this so quickly these dark Champs are crazy oh my God yes you did yes oh my I gotta upgrade some of these so um yeah so I'm starting I'm cross pathing every single one of these super monkeys with the Epic range uh I'd rather have more range of course and then I get extra peers and then I can just get the cam detection for having uh the village within my strategy so hopefully that's the play I thought you said round 70 was the round of the Fortified Beauty oh yeah you're right what wait it should have been how many pops does your true Sun God have let me check I got 14 million 23 million 23 million that's how much your um dark Champions are helping you out that much true yeah yeah so I didn't set down my banana farmer guys because I was scared that it could possibly crash the game like the balloon bot so I I wasn't gonna risk it yep Oh here comes the fortify bad what about 90. what that is very strange I think we're actually popping a similar Pace yeah it's not even an supervisor okay I popped it earlier but that was honestly expected we popped it really similar yeah wow this is actually this is gonna be kind of close because that didn't even get hit by the super brittle mm-hmm yeah this is actually yeah like you said it's gonna be super super close and we've defended all this without using a Homeland defense or a boost yet which is crazy we have all three Tower boosts still Ryan accidentally I think use the balloon boost accidentally used a balloon boost so so like coming to play a game we'll see it might I don't know yeah it definitely are that valuable though Tower boosts are definitely a lot more valuable than balloon boost oh 100 but yeah the ramping overall does not seem as intense as I expected no I thought everything would be pushing pretty hard to be honest yeah I thought we would barely defend against the AI the reason why is I think in battles 2 the ramping is linear and not exponential so it adds a certain amount of Health every round if that makes sense so it like it looks like a ton when you're like talk about like round 30 to around 31 around 32 ramping but then when you're on these rounds that linear amount is not near as much as a percentage did you pass 70 million yet yep just did 70 million you might I don't know I don't think I'm gonna there's no way I can hit 200 000 Eco I'm 4 700 Eco off I'm not sure if I'll hit it no it's close you might be able to hit it it depends how long these rounds are yeah I don't yeah I don't know like it felt like some of the rounds after round 50 were super quick yeah it did feel like that once around 100 starts and the rushes happen I need to remember to boost Homeland and azeli hex immediately yes most definitely I don't it's gonna be so hard to micro as silly too I have like no room I'm probably just gonna sell my monkeyopolis down here to have a bit of room that's a good idea because we won't need that obviously like the money doesn't matter I mean the money really hasn't mattered but we just wanted an insane amount of Eco oh my God it's here it's here oh my gosh oh my God no it's all good it's all good oh my oh no I'm still sending purples oh no oh no are you good can you send I'm trying okay let's get in there it's get in there I got a hex two oh no oh my God you're shredding yes I am oh my God anywhere I popped the AI bad faster than you what I mean I did Tower boost immediately though maybe that's why I'm not too sure this is insane literally one FPS oh my gosh oh my God yeah I gotta sell my homeland but I also got to send at the same time this is this is tough this is tough dude they're getting nowhere [Laughter] I mean that was with the tower boost my tire up is probably isn't active at this point though so yeah I want to make sure you always have Homeland octave that's the biggest thing I think you know yeah I'm trying to put it down but it is absurdly laggy like I can't I can't place another one down I literally can't oh here comes the second bad fortify bad around 100 wait so it's not sudden death technically still wait yeah because I'm still getting income does it go beyond Run 100 I thought round 100 was the limit that's what I thought too I'm not sure okay I'm gonna Tire boost again oh wait it's about to be back it's pushing a little bit on my side but I haven't used Homeland in so long yeah I need to use that Homeland also maybe micro Azalea I don't know if you're gonna be able to micro both though it's a little I'm trying man I'm trying it's so slow okay our Tower boosted finally all right and now it's starting to get within the range of the super griddle so I should be absolutely shredding here sudden death wait round 101 what no way wait Soul says around 100 for me it says around 100 for you yeah for me for me oh okay I'm a bit behind but it says round 101 so you can go beyond round 100 in battle two wait should we stop sending and I don't know I mean it's up to you but I thought the game just ended I thought so too I didn't does it let you go to like infinite round I guess so should we stop sending and see how far we can go I mean it's up to you I think we're both fine against the four to five bags I've sent you like 100 bro yeah this is absolutely okay okay I thought around 100 was the limit but wait wait wait look at the look at the AI four four to five ads already it changed from two to four look they just infinitely send maybe there's another dude yeah just infinitely sends them okay let's see how long we can defend they are then so they're a bit more spaced from the bads that we were sending but still yeah it looks like there's just infinite this is not what I expected at all I got a micro Homeland so badly oh my goodness it's just so insanely laggy this is insane I could probably use hex I didn't even micro hex by the way did you micro that I just microwave my hooks I don't know how you're doing that it's so lucky I don't think I have the ability really to do that wait the air won't stop coming I'm gonna send you it's not coming stop coming on my side at least oh well we can go beyond around 100 right all right unless it's just round 101. here I sent you some more I sent you some more you should be able to pop Ai and then my balloons will keep the round going if that makes sense yes yes because you yeah you already popped down everything oh my God yeah you're doing way better than me [Music] to be honest the hex is so good that is true so I think I might be lagging a little bit less than you which is a little bit of an advantage I'll be honest the hexes helps out a lot I can't even sell my Village I think I'm fine though against the AI instead of clicking the hotkey it normally works better if I think if you click the button and log okay gotcha that's what I've noticed I'm gonna I'm gonna send you a few four to five bads too because uh why not we have money to do it I don't know I might run out soon you're about to finish off AI so is it around 102. I guess we're gonna see here because it should end it has to end zero income now actually so they this might be the last round it's got to be the last round it's last round for sure because there's nothing coming out we're at zero income so round not 100 but round 101. is the last round which I find very interesting as to why they wanted to include that is interesting yeah and not just ended at around 100. I I don't know if we'll be able to kill each other I don't know yeah I don't know if it's possible I I don't know if that is actually going to happen because I'm not even microing hex you're a migraine hex so you're gonna be absolutely fine and once these bats are within the range of the super brittle I absolutely shred I feel like I do have a tower boost left in case I need to use that but when homeland's active like you said it's just GG like these aren't getting anywhere Super Monkey is just two op Nerf it right now I literally just let my hex cool down and then I just use the Ability so it doesn't even seem like it's necessary to micro the hex and I would micro the hex don't get me wrong but if you see my point of view like I don't think it's very viable because it's just that laggy mind you I have not even balloon boosted at you looks like it's starting to push a little bit though over on your side oh gotcha gotcha not much should kind of um eat away at the pile on top of that we had the legend of the night if all came to worst although it only lasts seven seconds but that's true it's barely pushing I don't think we can die I don't think it's possible I did not think so either like we don't even need to use boost to the defense so it's like we pretty much there's no way we're gonna die because because obviously you eventually run out of boost but if we don't even need them then we don't need them and we'll never run out of money I mean eventually we will might have to sit here for a few days though so at what point do we just say it's a tie I don't know we could just stop sending and let the round end have it be a draw what happens stop sending hands off the keyboard hands off hands off mind you again didn't even micro zilly so it would have been even easier for me if I would have done that yeah I don't even know where my zilly's at I don't even know where I found her and some of my super monkeys don't even have range to hit these Beauties yep all the ones up top on mine that is true hey I'm Mike Green Azalea finally when it doesn't even matter both of our screens are running out of V8s yep it's just it's just a GG that's all it is it's too easy for both of us I ended with in 0.93 million 69.81 million dollars over here I did not expect this to end in a draw but I mean I'll take it I guess I mean there's just nothing we can do it yep draw that's a GT that was crazy absolutely insane holy crap go make sure to check out Ryan's Channel Link in the description if you guys want to see more content in Bonanza definitely let me know down in the comment section below and if you haven't already make sure to check out this video where we meet the strategy that should be illegal in Bloons TD Battles 2 Druid Spike Factory boat it's absolutely insane if you have yet to see it you need to watch it go do that now
Channel: Boltrix
Views: 201,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: btd battles 2, bloons td battles 2, btd battles, bloons td battles, bloons update, bloons td battles 2 update, btd battles 2 update, bloons td 6, bloons, update, battles 2, bloons td, btd, btd 6, battles, btdb2, boltrix, round 100, round 100 bloons td battles, round 100 bloons td battles 2, round 100 btd battles 2, bananza, hacker versus hacker, lategame, bananza lategame, lategame bananza, temple, world, record, lategame hacker, bananza bloons td battles, bananza bloons td battles 2
Id: 6DaAgldY0Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 56sec (2096 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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