HIGH Rounds Are WILD in BTD 6 but You're the Bloons!

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today we're going to be playing balloons but you're the balloon I am gonna be going for the oh I'm gonna be going for the HP upgrade that's what I'm gonna be doing oh no bomb Shooters bomb Shooters are so scary because like they they're so bad at like being ooh there's normally so bad at being accurate but when they do hit you they just oh my gosh I'm down to a red balloon the holy cow we're gonna be doing the ultimate mega late game strategy I'm Gonna Be Seeing exactly how far I can get in this game the game has been changed so like the ultra late game strategies aren't as powerful for the balloon but on the other hand you can become a zomg now and that's pretty crazy so I think my plan is I want to just become a MOAB as quickly as possible once because Moab gives you 25 HP which is a crazy amount of HP and once I get Moab I think I'm just gonna go Moab and speed like I think I'm just gonna Max those two and not worry about health or regrow and then I'll get some abilities but really I don't even think I'll get super speed right like I don't even think that matters oh okay oh my gosh they put glue down right on the track that's so rude that is so rude okay give them the give them the old wiggle give them the wiggle I'm dodging left oh my gosh oh I'm down I'm a red balloon and I'm kind of scared for my life what are they doing what are they doing are they gonna put a tower down if they put it down what are they what are they doing I don't trust them what are they doing what are they doing they're just getting in front of me they're just being members you're kidding me I need five dollars to be a MOAB you're kidding me I can't believe I need five uh uh uh I'm dodging it I oh I got hit I'm a blue balloon no okay okay I'm on red balloon no no no no no no that's really scary and then I can focus mainly on just upgrading speed I this is probably this round five Moab let's go let's go oh my gosh but I am but now I can just full send speed because I don't like I'm so I'm so tanky I don't really have anything to worry about I might get a little bit in health in case the Moab Pops I don't get just like instantly messed up but I don't think so I think the plan is we just go full Moab and now we just focus entirely on speed and every once in a while we'll get another Moab HP so maybe we like even out the price so maybe I do like like you know like eight to ten upgrades in speed and then one upgrade in my Moab so one two three all right now look at this now oh my gosh they're go doing the recursive cluster Strat that's actually not too shabby against the Moab just because all the little cluster bombs actually jump out and hit me too ah and the good old fabled tax shooter the tack shooter is quite quite dubious especially once you get it upgraded but it does cost a thousand dollars and the normal monkey does not get a lot of money to work with there just more speed like I just want I just want to be fast okay I want to be a fast boy I want to not have to worry about all of these peso holy cow I got popped that was crazy okay I'm gonna get some more HP then that okay I got messed up I got spanked by these cluster bombs all right I have to be paying a little bit more close attention to the bombs I think that's kind of what the only part where I went wrong was I just wasn't paying attention ooh do I just get another Moab HP just to be safe I think so I think we've upgraded our speed quite enough and I want to make sure that oh my gosh they're just putting out so much AOE it's a war zone out here go in the description down below click on the link friends click on the link download it it's free you can play with your friends you can do private games with your friends have fun play with a random stranger hang out it's a good time we've actually had consistently like a hundred people playing at all times which is amazing thank you guys for downloading and playing the game that is like wild look at that now we're starting to pick up some speed now we're now we're moving we're moving and grooving moving our way through we're already at Round 10. I need to just get like crazy speed I think that's the play now the speed boost does not work very well for the Moab so I don't even know if it's worth it I think just upgrading raw speed is probably the best potential for us all right I'm just gonna get another Moab HP because look at them look at how many bombs there are right oh and they got the tax shooter I think just having more points into this is gonna just allow us to get a lot further I don't want any unexpected surprises right I'd rather be a little bit slower and be able to make it to the end and then just die if I had to choose between those two I think it's pretty obvious which one that I would rather have I might be able to get fortification I'll get a fortification as my next defensive upgrade ninjas having darts rain down in the sky just having it rain down all right let me get fortification and keep upgrading my speed and now like look at my fortification they're not even making it through fortification they're full they're full sending the tag Shooters yeah I respect it okay I respect somebody who's who's willing to just full send a strategy like that it is a lot of tax and that is a lot of damage there I need to just keep once I get a certain amount of speed though I think we're gonna be good I'm gonna buy the super speed and I'm just gonna see if it actually does anything like that's me using the super speed it just it doesn't do anything it's just not it's just not that great once you get the Moab it lowers your speed the ability on the speed I don't think it says that directly but I'm pretty sure that's what it does do and this is actually scaling down too as you can see you're actually getting less and less speed upgrades for everything that you can so at some point you do kind of hit this like wall like this Max but we're still pretty fast we're still kind of just like moving oh wow we are it is oh they are getting a lot of balloons now though I think it's probably better if we just buy the the speed boost yeah the speed boost does help a little bit now that if you look like the upgrades for our speed it's it's not really it's oh my gosh they went ahead and then they got a plasma monkey that upgraded very quickly well if that's the case let's just buy more Moab HP by the fortification and now we can get the speed boost let's go through well this is gonna be technically the last round but I really want to just see how far we can get through if we just full send it so I'm just gonna keep going we're gonna let's do a little free play Let's have a little fun here get some more Moab oh boy I'm a BFB baby once you get into free play you start making such crazy amounts of money it's insane I want to try to get like a thousand HP even I wonder what's the max you can get to I have no clue I actually don't know what the maximum I there might not even be a maximum HP I hope that like the next update we can add the bad where you can literally just upgrade all the way that would be so cool or maybe like every upgrade in time that we play the game or it increases like the further round that you need to go to right like eventually you actually you know you're playing around 100 which would be a little bit crazy okay I'm almost as OMG let's go I'm a I'm a fast BFB you know I love how slowly it turns it turns very slowly and boom Oh my gosh we're now as OMG look at how tanky this OMG is it's a beast oh my gosh there's that is so many bombs holy cow they just want my screen filled with explosions all right Moab all right I want to become a full zomg like I want to be a complete Beast look at how many Towers there are there's so many they they popped through the ones oh wait they're actually starting they're they're kind of starting to do some damage now they're kind of they're kind of doing a lot of damage now look the Moab it costs seven thousand dollars to buy the upgrade I still want to become a full zomg look at that we're still not even a Fool's OMG I wonder if it's even possible to become like a full zom G without any problems it takes so long to spin this OMG around I guess it makes sense like if you're a blimp that would be quite difficult all right boom I don't know if it's possible I think this OMG always just spawns in this like partially damaged State maybe you have to get all the way up to 500 HP which would be kind of crazy like kind of insane if that was the case we'll see nope you're just kid you're always like gonna partially damage the OMG but I assure you my friends we have 400 HP so I think we should probably get more balloon fortification and try to get that upgraded as much as we can balloon fortification balloon fortification blue fortification blue fortification all right oh my gosh wait wait there's so many planes in the sky now oh my goodness oh and now they have a bunch of ice monkeys trying to stop me why are you putting ice monkeys down friend you can't even begin to slow me down so let's get some more Super Speed I guess okay let's see oh wait I can't even buy the balloon fortification I don't even need to buy it we're already at round 33. they have quite the setup here they've got like quite the big boy set up I got a lot of money though let's I can just get another Moab HP 425 450 oh wait wait I thought oh maybe it was a fully thing hello why hello my cat up sorry friends my cat wants to my cat wants to oh my gosh I'm getting pummeled oh no I might pop I'm trying to fight cats sitting on my arms okay no you got me killed Luna I guess I can just keep buying speed but I don't know how well this is gonna work for me oh my gosh they've got quite the they have they have the ultimate setup here it's a it's an absolute crazy setup glue gutters and all these Dart monkeys actually I lied look so now I am a full zomg now that I have gotten all my HP up and my speed is just like my speed does not go up much faster than this I think we pretty much hit terminal velocity I would love if we can get all the way up to around 50. we guys gotta push we gotta push through I think I'm just always just up okay super speed I don't think that upgrade doesn't need anything anymore oh my gosh that's ridiculous so our speed I don't have any in regrow I've literally never bought in regrow I could try to upgrade so the thing is I don't want to become a balloon because if I become a balloon look there's four ice monkeys at the end there and they're gonna get me and I'm gonna lose and I'll be very sad but the speed also just doesn't do anything the speed upgrade what about the oh the super speed literally doesn't do anything you look if you buy it look it doesn't even upgrade it just takes your money I'm being robbed out here everybody I'm being absolutely robbed can I upgrade the the multiplication I think I can get the multiplication to times one probably oh my gosh it takes so much money all right it's not gonna go above like the times one there's no way so I think I just focus more on Moab HP it's really all I get they just they just put Road spikes down on the ground that's so funny and there's so much happening on my screen we gotta get to round 50 go go go and then at Round 50 let's see truly how powerful we've become let's see if we've become truly a force to be reckoned with we have 500 HP that's a lot of HP friends 500 HP is quite a lot ten thousand dollars to upgrade it that's a lot of money ten thousand dollars is quite a bit of money to get one one upgrade I want to upgrade my health a ton wait look at the wait look at the glue the glue just like goes on forever I can barely see what's happening let's see how many times we can upgrade our health let's go to round 45 and then we'll upgrade our health completely with however much money we end up having we have 39 000 my goodness Bring It On monkeys these guys don't stand a chance they got nothing on me they got absolutely nothing okay round 45 let's get fifty thousand so we were at eight 48 we got literally exactly 40 upgrade points with fifty thousand dollars what a waste of money actually that's literally two Moab upgrades at a certain point you just have to get Moab upgrades that's that's ridiculous let's go up to round 46. let's keep going we need to get to Route 50. I think we I want to see how strong we are I want to see if they can actually pop me I don't think they can I have 625 HP all right I'm gonna just sit right here let's see how tanky we are oh my gosh that's insane there's no way okay that's how long it took for them to pop me there's no way that they could actually do this legitimately I had to sit there for at least what 15 seconds maybe 30. I can just walk through it with oh my gosh they have so many balloons or so many monkeys so many like Towers trying to stop me they'll never stop me one more round let's go and JuJu round 50s let's go thanks for watching everyone if you enjoyed you know what to do hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications and I'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 232,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6 but you're the bloon, Bloons TD 6 but you're the bloon, Bloons but you're the bloon, BTD 6 but you're the monkey, BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, Bloons Tower Defense but you're the bloon, Fan made, fan made game, Tewtiy, BTD 6 multiplayer, Free game, free bloons, free bloons game, Bloons TD 6 multiplayer, tewtiy, custom game, Engineer Monkey, Engineer, ZOMG, Engineer Monkey BTD 6 but You're the Bloon, coop, update, ZOMG Update, BTD 6 but you're the ZOMG, high round, highest round
Id: Vsj8zu67LHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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