Can I Survive as a Vampire in Rimworld?

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hello hello hello and welcome back to a new stream here so today we're going to be trying to play as a vampire here in Rim world so we can only have permanent colonists be vampires so that's the plan for this play through so our ideology here is of course the bloodfeeding ideology and we have of course Randy random losing is fun on 500% threat as for silver herself we got tough and uh of course the jeans of a vampire which are pretty damn good so it's simply time to go welcome welcome to the stream everyone now vampires do hate the Sun so ideally we want to get under a roof and that's why I choose a mountain map or chose one so vampires can just live in the dark and I uh preferably we could get the what is it the night vision meme uh or is it the dark vision we only prefer to stay in the dark so that's the plan here we're just going to start right off though by chopping down some wood there are no structures to take over and we also have ancient AER welcome welcome everyone yeah so playing as a vampire is one of the coolest things that you can do so uh where do we construct our first BAS B make a small plan here and of course as for for the goal if we don't die the stream then of course it's a ship launch or royalty ending yeah it's pretty damn good anyway silver you will get a minus 6 smoody buff for being in the sun want to fix that up but uh she's essentially unkillable unless her head gets chopped off first time catching you live thank you thank you juus welcome to the stream all right so for now let relax silver let construct this house want to make sure we roof everything in now we can essentially just eat uh meat I think uh or actually vampires can get food poison so that's uh that's very strange they cannot get can they get infections no they cannot get infections but they can get food poisoning which is kind of strange but oh well I guess they cannot go to tackle Bell without uh leaving the toilet completely destroyed do vampires recover if blinded uh yes they will actually they will have the scarless gene here so scars uh will be regenerated and I'm pretty sure fingers uh toes ears I'm pretty sure those get regenerated but not a whole arm or leg um so that's quite interesting you have the same effect with luciferium if you get a finger chopped off just just take some luciferium and you'll be back to normal ah all right let's get this going here silver you are nice and happy good to see want to get Recreation want to get a bed will you add mods my streams I usually or actually most of my videos I do with unmodded because uh I actually kind of love unmodded Rim world yeah I know it's uh sad to hear but I love unmodded just as much as I love modded Rim world the other reason is that more people can understand van vanilla rim world compared to modded so a broader audience I would say anyways want to make sure that this is a nice room here so we need to get some flowers if you're running the blind I don't think I'm going to go for the blindness me ideally we want to go for the is it the dark vision meme the one where you have the dark light you prefer to stay in the dark that's the that's the one we're going to go for all right let's do this need some food and we also need a hemogen farm here need some blood but we will worry about that later will you be playing Adventure Mode when it comes out for Dwarf Fortress I think so yeah I did play the regular version but I think the last time I played warar Fortress was when it came out in 2022 I guess I'm too addicted to rim world yeah exactly Darkness blood feeder and tuner Colony would be the best for vampires we have a nice Mountain for the tuner Meme and uh they prefer to stay in the dark so vampires are pretty damn good except for the fact that they hate fire so fire foam poppers will be very useful let's see see here we want to get the impressiveness up if you plant flowers you can see the impressiveness increasing uh do they care about Comfort yes we want to chop some more wood want to ideally make defenses even though we can fist people to death we are so strong just punch them what's my favorite mod I think save our ship too yeah save our ship 2 adds the most content and adds something to do after the ship launch which is perfect um but of course there are other mods like uh combat extended which are also pretty damn good all right let's see here here what's the best race in Rim world I think the neander fall even though they have their down downsides they have a slow studies so they learn slower but neander Falls are uh the best comist apart from the haar I think uh because neander Falls have robust strong melee damage so they're pretty damn good yeah love them apart from The Vampire of course tips for beating the game using Royal Ascent uh for the quest itself you can sell off I think it's 22 prisoners I would prefer just getting as many people as possible and then when you get a royal tribute collector you just sell them off that's the way of all was done it it's way better than questing way better than selling gold unless you have a big gold Farm what mod gives you the importance in numbers on schedule not sure which one you mean I only have a mod for the work tab here which makes it more advanced first time catching a stream thank you R thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it anyways spike traps as I said we can take care of Raiders personally but we don't want to take the risk you know just let the traps do it themselves I get to catch you live thank you ignis it's going well so far but uh we can only recruit vampires so uh one way to do it is to get a prisoner and then you implant the genes I think both people will be unconscious for two days uh so he yes try to recruit someone make them a vampire because every permanent colonist has to be a vampire so we cannot accept wanders we even have to enslave our baby if we get one and an implanty genes because vampires if you have two vampires breed they do not give birth to a vampire thank you L Ranger for the Thousand CLP I appreciate it all right so base is up we need some more berries let's get some berry bushes uh where do we have those now we could use our ability here actually you know what let me punch a boar or punch this damn hair uh let me make a club though I think we will be op I see woman with a club forceful organ harvesting thank you El Ranger thank you thank you thank you can you use Mex um I technically can yes but I'm not sure cuz I always go for Mex let me know if you want me to use Mex it's optional all right silver time to go out and Maul some animals yes kill and eat a hair before going to bed look at that do I took a hit but we cannot get an infection and if you've been here previously for my streams or literally any playthrough that I've done infections are extremely bad especially early game uh we are not cannibals though so or yes bloodfeeding cannibalism preferable or acceptable okay so we are cannibals good looks like human meus on the bo uh on the menu boys Vamps can eat berries yep bloody raspberry drink a grape juice which Storyteller I am on my favorite guy my favorite guy on uh losing his fun dragged up to 500% if you want to check it out yeah let's just see how how this goes then I'm going to wall all of this off we also have some uranium here so technically I could make a uranium club which would be oh yeah that would be extremely strong I should do that um from Sweden Mason kite is that K is that how I pronounce it from Sweden every time I call a shaman to make one of my dudes a yoman for the Empire the ritual doesn't activate uh is yeah that must be a bug because they usually should go indoors in a room or something and then you uh you right click the the bestower and then you should be able to do it you need to be sure to click the the one who needs to be bestowed though so you cannot uh click on any col let me know if you're using a lot of mods though because mods break the game cancer club for silver yeah uranium is uh Radioactive so every punch will leave some uranium shards and cause poison damage yeah it must be a mod interference oh exotic Goods Trader we can sell off some uranium oh now we need a little bit more uranium i al don't want to get food poisoning because vampires can somehow get food poisoning uranium weapon yep it's coming in uranium Club anyways maybe I can sell off the remaining uranium now they will not take it uh vampires really need this uh this item here a death capacity serum allows you to use more of the sangu Fage structure so ideally we want to purchase as many of those as [Music] possible and we do need to death rest which is a negative because when we're death resting then uh someone needs to protect us so we should try to get someone really good early on we need to recruit someone as fast as possible and try to have the vampires death rest in a cycle all right our base is up though going to make sure that fire doesn't spread by making a roof right here how will you def rest alone yeah as I said if I have multiple vampires then I should be fine so I need to recruit the first that arrives good evening from Hong Kong welcome Wawa I hope you're having a good day or night now I'm curious on what time it is for everyone here in Sweden it is 4: p.m. 15:59 p.m. Central European Time okay vampires can eat rice without a problem right yep let's grow some rice uh H do I want to go up to the rich soil for that ah let's just go it right here and now I think we should just research so if you are in a forest with a lot of trees then the best thing you can do is get a wood fire generator thank you maku for the 100 bits welcome welcome wood fire generator and get a torch down I mean a a lamp so we need to find some steel find some components can I survive no I mean this should be the easiest challenge no vampires are [Music] op get some of this components all right I need some more food Let's test out the uranium Club shall we instantly dead instantly dead yeah eat that up Silver Perfect vampires are op until you run out of blood I mean the first Raider ideally you want to get two Raiders one of them becomes a Vampire the other one becomes a hemogen farm um but yeah we are running out of blood it's not the end of the world but they will function at 50% capacity rat goodbye rat ah food poisoning H yeah I said earlier that I don't want this and well I guess it's unavoidable until you get a nutrient Pace dispenser or a good cook just need a little bit more steel and then I will get a neutrient pce dispenser I might want to get a butcher's table as well uh do we get no no no we do not cook up Meals we eat from the nutrient paste that should be enough for now a dead rat obviously get sick yep but I do think that vampire shouldn't get food poisoning a look how slow she is yeah is taming animals and making an army out of them worth I mean um in the early earlier stages it's good cuz then they can all gang up on the Raiders but Mech will destroy your animals um and especially people with explosives with AOE damage and of course fire uh fire will instantly destroy any animal that you have so I would say early to mid game but uh I'll just delete them in the late game is vampire's microbiology Immortal as well they have a bunch of good uh things here they have arite metabolism but this doesn't prevent food poisoning they do have low sleep so do not need to sleep that much stats of silver um went for a decent vampire the best trait for the best vampire ah speaking of animals goats join um I mean no why not we only have one in animal still so I think it's wasted time trying to take care of them but o wild woman I cannot do combat well welome Mr gnome to the stream the stream is going good so far going very very [Music] good all right silver please eat thank you Freddy for the two month sub and that's already already been two months since I um started up twitch huh all right silver is quite sad but now that the food poisoning is over she will become happy should be more components behind here yep how many do I need uh five of them blood form H you're right get not to combat so yeah I should I should make her a blood Farm that's right well I guess we'll mine this and try to down her hopefully we don't insta kill her but shouldn't be a problem yeah I mean uh instead of a regular human we're getting bacon blood Pig blood that must be much chaser for the vampire who doesn't love bacon all right we have enough components for our electronics at least so uh where do we keep this damn organ donor right in there she will have to sleep on Stone chunks the conditions here are extremely bad but what can she do uh let's sleep first though or actually we don't need sleep I need to make a buter table okay make sure we're not eating raw meat or raw corpses because eating corpses is way worse than just butchering it down and eating a TRW here we go I should just put her on an anything schedule I think that's way better for a vampire what is the most crazy thing that happened to you in Rim world I think the worst thing is when I was playing with combat extended and there was a zit on my explosives uh and on all my ammo so there was a lot of smoke a lot of fire and uh my colony was just dead so be sure to keep your explosives away from wires all righty then miss Ry we're going we're probably going to uh cut or punch her leg off since we're so strong ah that animat Tre location is excellent oh no the goats are mating over here they're mating right next to uh I'm sure Ry enjoyed that site uh do I want to do this with a club yeah literally 26 seconds ago I said that we would punch her leg out and look what we did we punched her leg out instantly okay we just want to down her um might want to drop the club oh my right arm left left leg destroyed please just down her left ear destroyed okay we should just let her bleed out yeah that's the okay let her bleed out oh free Goat uh free food we can just do this actually free food don't have to worry about infections and oh no okay she's fine she's fine don't have to worry about infection so getting bit is not an issue get into your rest who I yeah that is true actually she probably couldn't resist since she's a vampire uh what's the best course of faction capture her I would like to tend to her if that's possible now we don't want her to die though so we will just quag regate there we go our rest what I'm going to try to do is install a peg leg on her right leg remove it and then she cannot get any mental breaks yeah now everything is good about silver except for her medical skills so but we do have the coagulate ability so maybe it doesn't matter now then hemogen farm for Life the bad thing is that I have to feed her so I'm going to have to grow some more rice uh how are we looking at blood we only have 2.7 days left so yeah it's very good we got the hemogen farm down which is the most important and ideally we want to get a death rest casket oh we do start with that wait do you start with death rest on naked brutality I did not know that ah start with research death rest it's from the meme anyways eat the the food yep I want to buy a DLC which one do you recommend uh personally biotech and then ideology and then royalty but for the first DLC I would recommend ideology because it's I don't know it's much easier to comprehend because when I bought biotech I was completely overwhelmed and now it's just like whatever but I was overwhelmed I can tell you that much uh ideally want to get yeah get the wood fire generator want to feed neutrient paste do we have enough steel H Jesus okay just eat that for now hemogen far oh no blood feed is way better right which is better blood feed or hemogen Farm takes more time to extract hemogen but then you can eat it whenever so yeah maybe hemogen Farm is much better otherwise they could just blood feed manually there we go blood bag yeah you actually get some nutrition for this as well yep so you could technically just have like 10 hemogen farms and you wouldn't need any rice cuz you could just consume blood for nutrition so imagine just having 10 people who are incapacitated disabled and you just consume their blood to survive you can actually do that with a uh uh without a vampire as well I'm pretty sure regular humans can also consume blood careful that pig blood is high in sodium yeah a lot of salt huh I need to get out H go out and get some more steel despite this being a mountain map I'm not seeing a lot of uh surface resources so we have components uh but I'm going to have to strip mine I think we do have some steel right here where the hell is the nearest steel now I should get this one up here also the blood does not need a fridge yeah yeah that's the best part minus five mood debuff for regular humans drinking blood yeah I guess you do need the blood feeder uh Meme here yeah now I should have uh I should rip off her leg but we don't have any medicine and we only have zero medical so the good thing is that she is incapable of violence so it's not that bad if she gets a prison break I'm not sure if she can even get a prison break I remember watching you survive a 100 days as a vampire I mean it's quite a quite unique um it does make the game easier but it's uh fun oh no what is this thank you XXX for five subs for five gifties I appreciate it I appreciate it thank you thank you all right squirrel instantly dead butcher yeah this is mostly Manila I think exclamation mods should work unless the bot is broken but these are uh my mods it looks like the link is working so if you want to uh if you want to know what mods I use yes do exclamation mods it's my vanilla Quality of Life mods I've been watching your videos for a while and you deserve them thank you XX thank you so much I appreciate it I love you no homo or actually homo homo uh yeah get some more steel want to get the nutrient paste I want to ventilate the area out here since we have a Woodfire generator in the base how much steel do I need counter 254 D nutrient paste and 24 standing lamp organ harvesting thank thank you Tam vanum for the golden Soul membership I appreciate it save our ship to when well I have a I have a very good thing to tell you I've already done 500 Days in save our ship 2 where I completed save our ship 2 so uh you should check that out you check that out also another thing I like about being able to harvest blood bags is that you can use them for blood loss y yeah that is uh probably the best use if you are 1 hour away from bleeding out you can operate them uh with a blood bag you insert that and then they won't die oh well this is coming up now perfect so at least we have some power and now we don't get food [Music] poisoning um okay I want to get this up don't colonist get IMM debuff from neutrient paste uh they do yeah but um nutrient paste is way better than raw food so you work your way from raw food to nutrient paste to simple meals when you have a good chef and then to fine and lavish meals so uh but no matter what nutrient paste doesn't give food poisoning so even if you can make simple meals you might want to keep on using uh nutrient paste welcome py P hit to the stream everything is going well I think you can add a meme yeah if you add the transhumanist meme uh this one right here uh then you get this thing right here don't mind eating nutrient paste or I'm pretty sure you can also add that manually uh before starting the game I'm not sure anyways this guy or this woman needs some food we have some rice coming in but I think what we will do is some organ harvestry so we want to get her organs and try to get rid of her right leg so she cannot walk so she cannot resist being blood fit on melee or range weapons I think melee weapons would be the best with vampires so like half the vampire Squad should be Mists and the other should be Shooters yeah this vanilla it's 50% vanilla yeah if if you do exclamation mods it's vanilla quality of life and I do not take care of the animals thank you want to hook up everything here no suitable food I guess I do need some rice right now I can't don't prisoner is escaping there we go get back to bed bionic Vamp melee sast ah looks like um people incapable of violence can get berserk uh well we have no choice but to but to take her down yeah please don't kill her that would be bad o her torso is at 1 HP uh if we hit her torso she's dead Jesus silver how strong are you this is why neander Falls are broken um I'd let her bleed out uh she's not bleeding unfortunately I'm not sure about that uh she will um yeah we might have to just uh try to try to hit her somewhere else yeah that's very very bad wouldn't be the end of the world but just wait her out yeah yeah that's true she can barely move so she should get down that's that's true okay do not attack her please just ignore ignore ignore I don't think vampires can get food poisoning yeah we asked if you rewind the stream you will see that we got food poison poisoning ones um so that's uh it is what it is all right we let her out and then she will try to escape the map um actually I don't want her attacking some wild animal and then dying so uh silver needs to eat though there we go uh while we're out here might as well get a table right any tables no no no all right let's just construct a table because eating without a table is a war crime all right get down please you know what I'm just going to harvest some rice nutrient Pace lasts less than a meal really could be I think for the same amount of food it's uh way better isn't it so six rice gives you one meal whereas if you make a simple meal you will need 10 rice or something like that thank you kago for the subscription I appreciate it o oh oh goodbye rat insta kill all right let let's just let her outside if she wants to she can break back in there we go so what will you do now you will punch the door yeah I thank you for hours of your content it's no problem at all my damn door my damn door her torso is still at one HP you should knock her out if I try to knock her out I'm going to punch her torso and then she will die even though she cannot do anything she's still important with her blood since she's incapable of violence yeah she cannot hit anything yes as I say that okay let's just waiter out yeah the food loss is getting to her all right come over here Ry get some medicine uh we're going to punish you by harvesting your organs so it is what it is but that's what you get from misbehaving as long as Silver's mood is all right then I don't really care uh although I would like her to get down now how is it the hardest if the Fret is not independent is independent 12 I mean I do think it's harder but yeah I'm not sure 500% losing is fun is usually the hardest difficulty if you have legs or arms you're always capable of violence yep she should get down soon though and then I'm going to make sure she can never get a berserk ever again oh now do not go for the bores please there we go finally that took quite some time uh door door door all right she'll be fine now she will be fine yep I'm going tough to remove her legs but if we fail the surgery then her torso will be damaged uh there is a chance so I will wait for her to heal up and then we will take out her leg now you need to feed her though cannot have her die uh neutrient Pace please we won't okay why want you feed your nutrient paste I think I know why maybe I just need one space there what is going on here why won't she get fed Neutron paste oh well doesn't matter do not tend to her [Music] please okay now we just going to get some more food clean up this mess of a base there we go welcome doctor to the stream welcome welcome all right she should be fine now getting heat stroke oh quite uh quite warm in there must be the Woodfire generator okay why won't she get fed nutrient Pace this is oh wait maybe I need to remove the chunks we have nutrient paste please eat it mad Boris well yeah rip B free food interesting oh well let's uh continue on summer oh no what growing period did I pick 40 60 not too bad not too bad okay paste no oh modify it uh oh yeah it could be because she's a pig oh wait uh pigs benefit much better from raw food and they cannot get food poisoning okay that's why I was so confused but apparently pigs like raw food and they get more nutrition from raw food okay never mind thank you thank you thank you oh no dry thunderstorm I don't want ah please tell me there's going to be rain which DLC will you recommend for a complete newbie I would say go for the ideology DLC Trust trust me even though biotech is more advanced it's also overwhelming so go for ideology uh allows for more role playing mechanics allows more customization of the game so for new beginners ideology or royalty yes joined what's happening uh trying to beat the game as a vampire only only so permanent colonists can only be vampires yeah all the DLC plus the game is like 120 yeah I did buy it I think I bought it several years apart so it was like I spent 30 bucks uh for the base game and then when the DLC came came out I bought that so if you've been playing for a long time then it's not that bad but if you're new to the to this uh game then spending 120 at once is a bit insane but mods trust me mods provide just as much as any DLC but yeah it's uh as John said it's way worth the money even if it's 120 this is the most replayable game I've ever played most rep rep playable game yeah um might want to start researching now and start making our Mountain Base how are you doing silver a put on a table guess I should get a table the modders are the real MVPs modders in any game provide more content than the base game anyways let's see here table and a wonderful chair why the hell do I have the torch lamp do not need that mountain bases are really cool but bugs are annoying I think in this case as a vampire since the are literally op in melee range uh you just have a choke point three vampires at one point they come in one by one I mean uh to me with this there's no downside to a Mountain Base yeah okay please hold in all the food now I just do hauling I've never seen bugs when I made Mountain bases uh that should be quite quite impossible the only way to not get bugs in the Mountain Base is if it's below minus 17 celsi or something like that or it was maybe even cooler minus 30 I don't know at a certain temperature then it's too cold okay um I should really tend to her torso though that's something I should do yes to train up the medical you disable them or mods yeah if you decide to disable insects then Mountain bases have no downsides can you make other pawns vampires with silver yeah exactly so there's a quest where you can get vampires or every 2 years you can implant uh this Gene the vampire gene into another human and then they will become a vampire so that's how we're going to The Colony so technically every 2 years you can double the amount of vampires is this live uh can't yes I'm reading your name so I think you know now that this is live unless this is all pre-recorded oh no okay a cougar ate one of my goats whatever in a sense this will keep um this challenge will mean that the colony will be quite small compared to a regular playthrough because it's not the easiest to get a vampire I've been playing on PS5 for the past year or so since my laptop stopped running I'm waiting so patiently for biotech yeah uh Rim roll came out on Console a while back I haven't played it but I think they released the ideology or royalty DLC to to it so is it just biotech missing will you ever make a 100 Days with pigs probably not because it's not not game changing enough to be interesting from any other regular playthrough but I think I did a stream with pigs so live streaming it could be an option A bu self tame uh free food but we don't have a freey random thank you spaton he's a great he needs your help to wipe out Deo uh very good 2024 is the best year yet for me so in terms of this Channel and in terms of me being healthy going to the gym so yeah best year so far but unfortunately other people cannot say the same uh now we're not doing much of anything so what I would like to do is get a prisoner room up how do I want this base do I just go for a rectangular or a square square shape or do I go for something unique uh you know what let's go for a circle who doesn't love circles I can always change it later a triangle that's not a I think triangles are the worst um worst use of space because of the corners and such so circles are all right square is perfect uh if you have a square base then it's perfectly optimal so that's probably what I want but we need to make sure we have a good prisoner room so that we can recruit people quite fast hexagon yeah I guess it's not really that important right nobody gets triggered if I make a square base but in almost all my videos I do make a a unique looking base but I guess for streaming go for the simple thing all right her torso is all right so we will install Peg Leg uh right leg yes right leg oh you need level three medical to install a peg leg H but harvesting organs ah this is great it's perfect timing yes I should have picked someone with better Medical but at this time she got down quite fast this is what we like to see yeah James I do watch a few Swedish movies but that was more when I was a kid like uh peepy long stream uh and a few other things but I mainly watch American movies more specifically pey blinders and Breaking Bad those are my favorites py blinders and Breaking Bad how is this looking like awful impressiveness not what we like to see all right keep on working on the prisoner room okay now where the hell is the raid Randy Randy hasn't sent us anything in 12 days guys I think he's planning something very bad cuz this is uh extremely unusual for him to not do anything for 12 days I think ra uh I think Cassandra sends something every 11 days I had to leave the room was not sure if you have answered this question but what is my favorite 500 days I think U medieval 500 Days uh was the most fun yeah medieval Rim World 500 Days save our ship 2 was good yeah okay okay so far so [Music] good no way it's weq what's up one welcome to the stream it's kind of slow when Randy isn't doing anything but I guess that's what I get for picking him and not Cassandra anyways prisoner room is up so that is the most important part get some power over there maybe get a simple dresser H Beggars want four herbal medicine what is this another hemogen Farm an 8-year-old ah the good thing about this one is that they have kind Instinct so I think that means that they will never have any mental breaks uh they will never have any berserks forceful organ harvesting thank you Dr Reaper for becoming a member I appreciate it what do use hemogen Farm uh hemogen is used for vampires uh they need it to sustain themselves you can also eat it for nutrition uh you can inject it into someone with blood loss to restore their blood uh condition okay Randy almost 13 days with no raid I really need a vampire because we need to death rest in 14 days ah silver has nothing to do I guess we should get some more wood hey V thanks for being being a fun and awesome content creator thank you Dr Reaper and thank you for the membership I love you no homo or actually homo I love you homo want to get a chess table who doesn't love chess let me know if you can play chess because I'm actually quite right at it how come no research bench yeah I haven't decided to research for now but now with the basics up I think it is time to research yeah what is this okay we need a vampire to join us so we cannot accept anyone who isn't a vampire I'll be watching your stream while I'm at work thank you thank you Joy wire worth it a joy wire is it reduces Consciousness but gives you a 30 plus Moody buff I think uh personally I think there are better ways to increase the mood but for slaves and prisoners maybe it's worth it or for a depressed person or something yeah thank you Alexander welcome to the stream if you're new to rim World welcome to the best game there ever was even though the graphics turn people off everything else about it is great we how do you keep your mod list slow you know the main reason is performance I think um performance with mods is worse and when I'm making content then everybody can watch vanilla rim roll because they know how it works if I was playing with 300 mods I can guarantee you there would be less uh less viewers thank you XXX for the sub I appreciate it how is our wealth looking 7,000 H I'm doing good Osman thank you thank you are you getting starall protocol I'm not sure what that game is now Starfall protocol okay guys I have a new plan actually uh we did get a mountain map with an ancient danger so maybe we should just crack it open try to get some recruit that way yeah okay if I'm cracking open the ancient danger maybe I should get some more one more bed or wait if I can only get one vampire then I can only get one prisoner which means means yeah we will have to grow at a slow rate set traps yep I will have to set some traps let's make sure silver is well fed and then we will go and do it I do really enjoy your pal world world videos thank you yeah pal world was uh a very nice very nice game for from the rim roll break I think I have like 70 hours on world so but I did complete it so it's back to rim World okay you have nothing to do silver so I should practice organ harvestry oh she had some pretty good clothing and that vampires were tainted apparel or uh tainted apparel no they cannot okay um brosia Sprout Oh free money free money anyways time to do this how many spike traps we looking at maybe six for now I want you to stay in this general area can you share the seed and coordinates for this map uh the seed is vampire uh where do I see that where was it where where do I see the seed I swear yeah the seed is vampire and you can pause right here coordinates is right there you can pause oh you see the seed on world oh my completely ah here we go seed vampire you can check it out thank you thank [Music] you more power world would be nice yeah if uh if the video does well enough my two power world videos and of course more power world maybe something like 100 days hardcore but maybe that will be when the game is in full release H getting heat stroke 48 Celsius okay I need to get a passive cooler H cuz it's 50 celius back at home okay get home get home how can I pause when this is live you uh should be able to pause the stream and Rewind and then if you want to go back to the uh to where we are at you just place the uh place the is it the play button uh where uh at the front far the through right uh you cannot do this on Twitch but you can do it on YouTube okay silver place you're going to die silver silver damn 50 Celsius in a in a tempered Forest have you ever seen that do do you think you will do any more Dwarf Fortress honestly I think I find Rim World more enjoyable so maybe not maybe for now yes R world all right time to do this your mood is my mother Emma died ah this high mate was your mother that is minus 8 for 29 days silver silver loves some bathing yeah you know what I should do I should roof this all up cuz vampires hate the Sun how many hours do I have I I have 3,500 hours in this game yeah you can just check out my steam profile if you want uh to see everything but 3,500 hours how much is that guys isn't that like uh almost 4 months no no it must be way more than a month right I don't even no okay I need to equip my uranium Club should have done that oh no extreme heat stroke um open the door you sound like Seth yeah yeah I used to to watch him I think he's from Denmark and I'm from Sweden so I live kind of close to him both Scandinavians five months I bought the game in 2019 so it's been 5 years so not too bad right five months out of uh 5 years or what would you say guys is that too much that too much please say hey hey people hey hey people Seth here worked cool at yep ah Swedish person Swedish person I love PewDiePie I used to watch a lot of PewDiePie a lot of PewDiePie all right it's almost night so damn it's so damn hot extremely warm outside I would like for the heat stroke to disappear okay I need one more passive cooler this is insane So Randy hasn't sent me a raid in 15 days so one quadrum and all he does all he does is send me heat waves I on Silver okay that should be good enough oh space ship ship chunk it's no point mentioning Norway cuz we are already Grand Champion ah good thing you discovered oil huh now Norway is a very good country Norway is a very very good country okay I might want to make a door here just in case please don't let it be no no no no no I need to open it up from here I think interesting a centipede burner uh how do I do this guys the military should be an easy kill y now the problem is that we hate fire if we get caught on fire we're uh we're dead yeah the centipede is the worst case but if we do something like this um okay how do we we could melee it since we are tough and robust but I need to lure it into the U traps all right you know what try to make a door maybe now good thing we built this door here so we technically shouldn't take take okay here we go here's the big hits unat yeah maybe I should just melee it cuz I think we could do it imagine if there's a Persona weapon here uh four Advanced components not too shabby I don't want to risk opening this up in case there are four ancients uh I really think we can melee this thing guys yeah I really think we can melee this we have our uranium club and we're a vampire I guess we'll have to see how much damage have to keep a lookout for her health oh my f we're demolishing it now uh hopefully it doesn't hit us in the head or something yeah we cannot run now because then it would shoot us so oh stun it's dead guys we have done it it's it's just dead another problem is that our wealth will Skyrocket 10 10,000 isn't uranium Radioactive in vanilla rim world no but there are mods that do make it radioactive but yeah the centipede should be dead unless it uh unless it punches our neck off good good good good good come on 16 HP I I get some glitter W medicine and psychic animal pulsers could be useful yeah this is taking quite some time but better late than never come on come on there we go guys see that was surprisingly easy because uh we have the tough and robust trait I would uh I would assume that a solo neander fall could do the same thing yes guys a lot of loot So the plan now I think is to make a bow make some more spike traps or actually we could just melee all the Ancients now yeah we just make a bow so we can open the crypto seep caskets from a distance and then we try to recruit the best one okay the heat stroke is over uh how are you serious pain okay maybe T to yourself you should tend to yourself it would be cool if I could try the fog of War mod fog of War for Rim world that would be very different could be interesting yeah anyways time to make the damn bow it's unfortunate that her mother died yeah that's a huge mood debuff oh well I think it's time to do this it's just time to do this so we open up this one so what do we have here oh my um okay this one right here Sarai has tough and is volatile so will get a lot of mental breaks but she will essent essentially become the best vampire like silver uh so we loot these people and we try to get one of them for hogen farm and we tried to recruit Sarai yeah yeah okay uh yeah that's the plan that's the plan so what we want to do is melee this guy uh I should capture them yeah I should capture her and take her clothing uh yeah capture you 100% okay I cannot do it right now look I'm using her as a human shield are you going to shoot me I have a human shield yeah I could I could hand to hand her there's nothing that she could do Lee down her want her loot but she's high on yo so yeah never mind all right we want your armor who becomes a hemogen farm I mean if we make someone a hemogen farm maybe later we could recruit them so this guy right here also pretty damn good yeah uh we will need a lot more food which is the only problem H all right uh I can leave you here no can need attend to you I don't want silver getting at days now would be horrible didn't they have like yo oh they do have yeahoo I will I will be sniffing that snoring the Cocina I never would have thought to turn the engent danger into the prison yeah need to make sure there's a door though then you can carry them here to the base thank you firefighter for the five bucks I love you I love you okay we're going to rescue her thank you Chris Christopher Christopher thank you for becoming a member I appreciate it but yeah we're going to rescue her because there's a chance that she will join us and if that doesn't work we capture her thank you firefighter for the $5 donation oh you know what I could do I could just uh insert him into the crypto sleep casket and then when I need him as a recruit or he Farm then I can just release him your Spanish is so good I took 3 years of Spanish in high school and uh I was born in Spain I lived there for seven years until moving to Sweden so uh I do know a little bit of Spanish I could technically get a Spanish citizen ship if I wanted to all right we leave you here we need to we need to feed these people I need to make sure that we bring some food for the prisoners I'm going to Caravan little trick you can do in vanilla or you can have pick up in Hall you just make a caravan and then load and you can pick up items so go all the way back no way in what part of Spain alante so southern Spain uh Mara Bara Mara yeah this is only vampire every permanent colonist has to be a [Music] vampire okay we insert you into a crypto sleep casket um what about you wait who are you guys maybe I should um maybe I should strip her and insert her as well she could become a future vampire 2 years from now um okay I need to down her there we go she should get to bed now [Music] she's my heo farm yeah I can I can release her I will need the hemogen farm once I turn her into a vampire yes to save on food I will okay why can she not ah food po oing there we go and carry to Krypto sleep casket and then we can deconstruct this one right here get some steel for our efforts place it uh guys we have assault rifles and chain shotguns but unironically we have no shooting skills so we will have to melee everyone and we do get some marine armor which could be really useful okay let's Caravan again and haul all of this loot [Music] back wear all of this are we going to make them into side casters uh we could get some yeah we could get some side casts I think vampires with side casters would be quite good we could do that uh there we go all right that's good enough for now we have done what we can perfect what are memes this is our ideology right here blood feeding pretty damn good pretty damn good so now guys we are going to progress quite fast I think because we have one more recruit coming in I missed the start it's a Randy random Randy random losing is fun on 500% so we're playing on the hardest difficulty on commitment mode ah she's decided to leave okay that is [Music] unfortunate uh arrest her oh she has no resistance but we still need to convert her good thing vampires have good social from their Gene perfect perfect okay so once we once we recruit her then I will I will implant our jeans we will be out in our coma for 2 days but I assume the Raiders should die to the spike trap what I should do is get a stone cutters table make sure to replace everything with stone and then we should be good perfect perfect other mods here you can do exclam mods if you want to check them out exclamation mods that is you know what I'm just going to get a little bit of hemogen from you Sarai that's no problem right just a little bit of hemogen uh speaking of which I still wanted to do some organ harvestry so why not try it what is your medical you have one medical H I need a better medic and I probably shouldn't Harvest her organs because then she will be depressed h ah who cares who cares is Oscar or filla expanded Swedish uh no I think his name is Oscar POI or something I think it's polish if I'm not mistaken or or somewhere in Eastern Europe I'm not sure out of I don't think he's Swedish let's see if we fail this probably because she's on the floor ah we got the organ would you look at that our first organ harvestry that deserves a screenshot okay please work on the [Music] base I thought you couldn't live with only one lung yeah I don't I'm not sure I think you can live without one kidney but yeah in Rim world you can only live with one [Music] lung okay let's see here what is this conversion we still haven't gotten a raid guys this is extremely concerning extremely concerning um it is what it is let's just recruit you you actually can the other lung straight up expands and takes on some of the responsibilities of the other one hey is that the same with the kidneys as well and the testicles and everything else so you can adapt the human body is strong stupid donor okay Get Down For Heaven's Sake please get rid of her right leg so she cannot do it do this anymore okay uh her torso is at 2 Hp guys once again so with tors so quite damaged I think we should just we should just let her go oh my goodness this prisoner is being a nuisance um yes do it you guys want me to attack her no no no she's going to die I should be a shter we have weapons now H okay I'm not risking it or do I I'm not sure I'm not sure please follow me I got backup blood okay let's try it ah she's going to die now I actually don't want to risk it she's too useful I'm afraid we will shoot her torso and then she will die I could uh get of course my other hemogen Farms but this one is way better since she consumes less food [Music] please follow me please follow me just follow me follow me wait can I blood feed her piercing spine no no how about I lure you to a rat there are no animals take off her legs so she can't escape I was going to do that but we oh we're almost at threee Medical so if she gets down now then we can my damn door please don't break it uh this exact same thing happened earlier so what we did is just just get her out into the open and let her do her thing so we'll just get her like this like this okay she should be fine now she should be fine this time she's got food yeah but she should just wander around aim yeah she should just wander around like this she's not close enough enough to the door so this should work and Sarai new recruit Sarai okay so once we got rly back then we will insert our jeans into her that should be good um sacred from my Patron membership I think welcome aboard you can do construction crafting and intellectual oh yes yes crafting construction yeah she's pretty damn good now she is pretty damn good uh uh vampire vandalism no vampire vengance vampire vengeance is going to be the name of this Colony I think that's I think that's good think that is good all right you can research for now so what do we research H yeah I mean batteries would be good go for batteries have we ever have a pawn spawn with the name choer Lucario kemish Lucario I might have seen him I'm guessing that's uh someone you added in but I guess it's quite rare all right so she should get down soon very good uh speaking of which I should make a new [Music] bed or actually you can keep that bedroom you are volatile so you need to be extra extra healthy extra happy I would also like to assign the role of the leader to Silver yep I will become the leader is St away I can see VQ older emeralds twitch streams yeah I'm streaming this on YouTube and twitch so the VA on twitch is up for 14 days and it is up Forever on YouTube so just go to my YouTube live stream and you will 100% see it yeah streaming on Twitch and YouTube okay very good work drive increases the work speed by how much was it 50% okay where is she oh she's going to escape if I had forgotten about her she she would have just run off the map yeah more Ambrosia there hasn't been a single raid since we started this stream or started this play through 19 days no major event what is going on guys should have picked Cassandra but actually I enjoy the peaceful time I enjoy the peaceful rest okay we almost have three Medicals so I will try to harvest her her kidney and then install the peg leg oh no we should not okay we should not Harvest anything now because if we fail then silver might cut up her torso and she will die so let's organ Harvest when she's nice and healthy yeah we're going to rip off her leg this time it will work it should work all right silver why are you so sad why are you so sad okay then need some more wood as I said I need to expand upon defenses make SA for a vampire um okay here we go let's make a few more spike traps sa need a gun yeah I could give her that assault rifle should do it assault rifle maybe go for hospital beds yeah I should make her a proper bed you are right here we go that would make surgery way better I need you to do stone cutting now so let's do this are you going to wipe out all factions like Dragon Ruby my uh 100 or my I destroyed every faction series was quite good but that is something you do once because destroying every faction takes a a lot of time a lot of time how many spike traps are enough six should be good it has been 19 in-game day so far yeah uh okay silver you are not so happy huh not too happy need to make sure we have a b phasic sleep schedule done just in case okay I need some more wood just a few more spike traps and then we will see how to implant these jees going to need death rest already yeah that is true good thing we got one more vampire another berserk on her jeesus and this time we shoot her what a Rowdy prisoner yeah rip uh rip rip rip that can happen that can happen the hemogen farm has died so now I need to blood field what mods I use if I do exclamation mods it should [Music] work yeah I do have backup right here so it's not the end of the [Music] world okay so far so good uh maybe expand upon the spike trap Corridor uh something like this so pretty much vanilla yeah exactly but technically do have some mods yeah squal quality of life once make sure we have a lot of spike traps in case there's a raid I swear he's going to send us two raids when we're death resting or when we're implanting jeans any games you're looking forward to uh right now not really I've just played pal world and I didn't even know it was going to come out um so for now yes Rim World okay time to replace the base with stone all of it with stone because fire I can promise you fire is the worst thing for a vampire that's the worst thing that can happen perfect perfect I am playing power world at the moment but I Like Oxygen not included in Rim world yeah my most viewed video is Rim world and my second most viewed is oxygen not included both are great games um get some more wood all right that's good enough for now no more Spike trap uh I mean stone blocks I still need to get all of this loot here but we can do that some other day yeah maybe we go for the meanor but I'm not sure maybe we don't need them ah War Merchant welcome welcome now we can sell you some yeah we could sell you some weapons uh silver yeah silver is depressed it is what it is um let's see what they have to trade selling off the long psychic animal ERS I probably don't need them but I can keep and yes buy some herbal medicine I think yeah this is good enough I think no gold damn almost a thousand silver have you tried mods that add meanor genes and memes meanor T jeans yeah not sure I have played with Alpha mix which adds a bunch of new meanors but mostly vanilla recently okay we have every single Spike trap if this isn't enough then I don't know what to do uh have a lot of food yeah we need to make sure we're well fed I think we will starve if we do this while we're hungry you eat you eat yeah and now yeah now we will okay we do it in here because we will be incapacitated implant jeans oh wait silver doesn't get down only the person being okay now I see how it works great another vampire is coming in very very nice to [Music] see and we should expand upon the Mountain Base now so we're going to Diggity dig perfect I'm going to need a bit more rice bit more food ah silver is depressed what can we do awful bedroom yeah I should move all of these items in here guys there's still hasn't been AR raid and it's been 22 days oh my goodness is it broken Randy random quite the sleeper is this pre-recorded or live what the f dude okay I said your name so I think now you know if it's live or not I guess once you get the gene manipulation you can get uh I don't think you can get rid of jeans no you can uh overwrite them and add jeans but or wait maybe maybe you can I'm not sure cuz I cannot remove this sagage Gene here that's impossible I cannot un vampire a vampire be sure to move the stock P Zone in here all right 1.2 days until sacred is up but at this point Sil silver is going to get K catatonic um I mean there's nothing we can do about my friend dying but why did you eat raw food soaking wet minor pain okay oh well yes keep on mining this up I think this will become the workshop here so workshop and recreational area in here that should be a good plan okay silver I need you to snort some yo you are depressed absolutely depressed hi VQ I'm sorry I missed the 100K sub stream I mean uh everybody lives in different time zones right so it's impossible for some to watch and some people have stuff to do you can always watch the VOD doome it was great it was great uh let's see here waser not a vampire yes continue on mining and I think we should get the dark Ness meme so maybe try to do a few rituals Y and once it has been 2 years then we can double the vampire population but the only way to get more vampires is to plant our jees or to get them from the is it yeah it's the vampire Quest where they do their little ritual I think it's going to be quite some time until we get up to Five Pawns which is very unfortunate bul Goods Trader nice okay um we can buy some stuff that I need from here let's see here I want to buy components I think cuz we have a th silver I can also sell off two advanc or three Advanced components I do not need a lot of those mm mm um what is the latest news about the new DLC they have been absolutely silent uh about it nobody knows nobody the theory is that it's multiplayer so that's my only guess but it should come in a few months let's see here what's the beauty in here damn guys uh awful impressiveness that's okay we might need some sculptures do you have any cu see good bedroom they don't have anything oh you sell off some stuff they don't have components but this is a tribal Trader yeah you're useless you don't even have any beer no smoke leaf that I can smoke change the floor yeah I could uh change the floor but I would have no flowers alternatively I could just make flower pots so maybe I should do that and we do have marble towels so look at that sacred the up yeah let's just make marble tiles I think that's the best way to go good BL goodbye goodby goodbye flowers is what I was going to say and over here and then we want to make sure we get some flower pots because we cannot afford our ponds getting mental breakes make silver fence you know what could actually be could actually be good silver fence all right all righty new bed for sacred renovate how much mood can you get from flower pots um you only get the beauty so if for example it's 14 Beauty it will s slightly increase the beauty standard here we want to make sure that we get as much Beauty as possible but I think room impressiveness is more important so if you have a rich room then the impressiveness goes up and that's uh that's a better mood debuff hi what game is it do you mean this game this is RI world and we're on day 23 day 23 without a raid can you believe it can you believe it um yeah we have to move all of you in here I would like to expand the I would like to expand our Corridor a bit here we go should be good yeah Randy is glitching out love your content turtle thank you Mamoo I appreciate it I also love it is this the new Pokemon this is if you want to try out the new Pokémon then go to power world that is truly the new Pokemon do stress want to make a door right here need a bit more Steel game name p world or do you mean Rim World cuz this is Rim world but P world is the uh biggest game of steam right now so that's pretty damn good all right going well so far though you have steal in the ancient Danger Room oh yeah you're right completely forgot about that thank you I guess I'll just hold that back don't lie it's CS go is it did the power world fall under ah yeah CS go 1 million interesting I think uh P world was number one for a week or so got to say I'm loving the stream I'm a delivery dri so I don't have something to listen to to fall asleep well thank you Mr do Reaper I love you uh more steel I don't know you don't need to go go there just stay in the work area VQ there is going to be space Haven I have no idea what space Haven is but I'm uh but it's probably a game now uh desperate Refugee well she isn't she isn't a permanent colonist so doesn't matter if she's a vampire or he is a vampire or not uh crafting social oh not too shabby you could do hauling maybe do some crafting why is your vampire sleeping at night uh they only have low sleep they're not actually night owls so yeah y join hello space Haven would be up your alley I've just played saor ship too so let's see if it's any similar okay I need you to cut up some [Music] marble Ry planning to jump you I mean we have gotten zero it has been 25 days without a major event I need to make sure this is not broken we have major threats I mean all of this is default on the hardest settings what is going on here what the hell is going on oh well we will see what happens we will see what he will send us but I have nine spike traps so can't be too bad oh well silver is Happy the refugee is also happy so we're not doing too bad actually we're not doing too bad uh silver I might need you to go get some more steel yeah let's have you do plant cut and Mining now we do have some steel nice nice yeah vampires have sunlight sensitivity so that's why we're expanding upon the Mountain Base ah insulting spree yeah it was uh it was inevitable you know you can already play multiplayer in power world I haven't uh played multiplayer I might make a server or something for uh for everyone but if uh the next DLC is multiplayer and I will 100% make a server like this with you guys a dedicated server for Rim world but that's if the next DLC is multiplayer we do not know we know nothing we know nothing [Music] okay and we're soon done with batteries yeah I should research micro Electronics Jesus I should research microelectronics and then get up to Machining the standard the standard research path uh the deserter Quest yeah know if I'm honest fighting the Empire would be a waste of time they are way too strong vampires or I mean the Empire is way way too strong I'm still waiting for the raid cuz nothing is happening absolutely nothing is happening seven plus deal to to betray the refugee I could get that with 50 silver that's nothing that is nothing oh well basis um look at this space now it's almost completely renovated let me know what you think looks absolutely lovely um what else can we do what else can we do while we wait for this guy to send us something maybe just expand upon defenses make a small choke point okay silver sacred is depress now okay she was insulted oh [Music] y but he look Look At That Base baby that is how a base should look like okay we need to clean the base up but other than that okay tantrum is not the worst ah hemogen yeah you're you're right I need some hemogen um I will need to open up the the ancient the ancient danger uh yep damn the bad thing about tantrums is that vampires have such strong melee damage they will just destroy everything all right I will have to go get some more uh more blood okay destroyed okay she didn't destroy too much come on Silver who do we open up um we get this guy right here I it's was this woman yep she's the next hemogen farm so I want to make sure to capture her uhoh we need to death rest in 0.2 days surely Randy won't send us hell when silver is death resting right we can get a death rest casket which yeah we need this we absolutely need this uh where do we place it down right here and you become my hemogen farm although would like to convert you first so you don't get sad from being bloodfed on we will just have to blood feed you manually there we go I need a crypt yeah I will get my own our own room for death resting but for now this should be good yeah getting insulted 10 times is as bad as getting your mother killed that is a bit strange but I guess words do hurt all right silver it's time to death rest drop your club and hopefully Randy doesn't send us anything surely uh steel steel make some steel spike traps are you good at plant nope medical emergency okay you're fine you're fine a please clean the base though please clean the base [Music] our wealth is at 22,000 so the rate that he will send will be quite large quite quite large um okay Workshop Workshop is almost done now sacred is cleaning up infestation yeah yeah an infestation would be very bad uh what can you do okay sacred you do research and the refugee just chops up blocks perfect perfect my generator will blow up and yeah if that uh generator blows up and silver gets hurt that would be bad in fact I should get fire foam yeah but I would like to get wind turbines and solar generators first how long does it take to death rest three days left three whole days left maybe doing nothing at all is just Peak randomness no no no this is I mean 27 days without a raid I mean can't say I I mean I've probably gone longer without a raid but I guess he is uh more realistic than Cassandra cuz Cassandra will guaranteed send you a raid or something every 11 days or something hi VQ how's it going so far so good we were surviving quite well surviving quite well what world seed I used uh vampire you can uh pause right there and if you want the coordinates you can have them right there just pause good but so far so good Randy hasn't sent us anything when silver is down so yeah oh damn uh somebody yeah please feed please feed her ah the refugee is in our ideology guys he is a very good Refugee I might have to capture and recruit him but he's not a vampire so I want to okay batteries solar solar panels what the a waste pack infestation wait we don't have any waste packs ah never had that happen before what the hell the first event huh the first major event finally what the hell is this I mean to be honest we could easily take that out though sacred is tough and a vampire so all the refugee needs to do is shoot I don't want to waste the spike traps on this even though we know or I know that we can just we can just melee this I can leave it alone I like to take care of things instantaneously I mean that is absolutely nothing that is nothing so let's see here Mega Scarab I think you should kill the actually kill the mega spider first oh Jesus no no no how did it push through I mean sacred is taking no damage because she also has marine armor okay that was uh quite easy what's the next thing he will send us I don't want I don't want to eat insect meat but once we get the tonger meme then then insect meat becomes yummy okay now we want to do some rituals want to be able to reform it eventually and silver is up in 2 days draw pod raid he's going to be silent for another 27 days I mean that that wasn't an event worth mentioning that was way too easy I want a raid all right yeah just improve the prisoner room for now smooth out the walls I think that's the best we can do for now yeah it will take forever to convert someone from the Empire because their ideology let's see here Global certainty loss factor is way too high eight for without a table yeah let's get a table down there get a nice table down how long will you be streaming this time I think for 3 hours until I eat dinner yeah so we will see we will see but I mean nothing is happening so wonder what he's up to what's for dinner chicken and rice chicken in the oven this will be very tasty very yummy very yummy I will 100% eat the dinner with a table you eat dinner at the dinner table okay prisoner cell is not too shabby yeah this is going to become a mountain based the this is just the start of it so we will expand further in will be a long journey I can need more wood I need more godamn wood Refugee leaving oh no he has my chain shotgun oh my goodness he's going to leave with the chain shotgun now that sucks but at least we have an assault rifle so H it is what it is H worker Quest useless there was a gun outside the ancient Danger Room yeah bio coded lmg a short ball all right sa cred I need you to get some wood Oh No 5 Celsius now we're getting hypothermia a this is taking so long come on Silver please get up do we have no steel for the heater nope a food poisoning why didn't you feed her neutrient paste sacred needs to be fed that is true and silver 2 soon make wood Farm yeah I mean letting trees grow naturally is a it's a time saer in in and off itself compared to Growing it you just have to travel some distance for wood which is not the biggest issue but what we do need is steel yeah we're doing a vampire only run Foo so everybody who joins our Colony has to be a vampire yeah yep do you have sangu Fage expanded I have played with it before but this is just vanilla so vanilla vampires Vana ah silver is finally up welcome back yeah I do have batteries researched but I do not need one with the wood fire generator I'm researching solar panels and once we have solar panels I will get rid of that and make a proper power uh system anyways Workshop is fully done the workshop P been constructed howdi how are you thank you I'm very good the one very good except a little bit bored because Randy has only sent one major event so far look how much vomit you get from food poisoning yeah nutrient paste is the way to go nutrient pasta you so you can only double your population every two years yeah exactly unless we get the the sage Gathering Quest harvesting savore thank you for becoming a golden Soul member I appreciate it yeah we can only yeah we have to keep our population low yeah that conversion was really useful this prisoner will soon be converted but it's going to take quite some time I need more wood need more wood perfect but the Mountain Base is coming along quite nicely and I'm back to enjoy the stream you missed one waste pack infestation so yeah you you you missed a lot all right so far so good maybe get a skull Spike that is plus one mood oh I should get the osia here yeah I think Ambrosia needs to be in a freezer which we don't have spoils in 50 days not too shabby do you have a story line that's explaining what's happening um yeah not really we have um not had much happen all right prisoner is Happy nice and happy what we like to see never knew Ambrosia needs to be frozen yeah I'm just going to put it in a shelf outside because it's 3 Celsius outside so it is nice and cool actually I should make a small perimeter where I can have all my power and such so for now want to make sure it's all [Music] symmetrical we should have enough stone blocks for this but we will wall all of this off make our power generation and stuff over here so we go like this like this make a door right there that's kept open and that should be good enough and then I can pop down my wind generators and everything and grow my food in peace uh shelf shelf the grid yep is 11 by 11 good yeah what I'm doing is 13 by 13 uh where the walls are and then the inside becomes 11 by 11 by 11 I mean yeah this is um probably the best room size yeah well I mean so far we're doing really good the best Colony yet so we are surviving we are surviving M gazelle okay Randy still no ra keep this door open yeah so they can enter our base the body got smashed apart that's what we like to see so let's see here wind turbine this is a pretty good yeah this is pretty good let's get two wind turbines for now yeah Randy that's nothing is happening it is what it is but we're going to keep on researching and trying to convert this woman what's your favorite stats for a character I think what you're looking at here is quite good but early game you want to try to recruit as many people as possible so social medical plants Mining and construction those are the those are the best ones the best skills I need some more stone blocks all right where do we we have Sandstone Ratt out here get to [Music] mining okay I should switch up our schedule a bit so that they sleep during the day so 1 2 3 4 this is all right make sure you're sleep sleeping during the day because vampires hate the sun it doesn't make much sense because the light you're seeing during the night is also from the Sun see us being reflected off the moon to the earth so Moonlight is still sunlight okay base is coming up nice nice oh I need more hemogen damn she will take forever to convert will you make slaves this run do I go for slaves guys I mean technically I can make this woman a slave until she becomes a vampire what do you say okay finally a raid ooh five neander Falls breaches now this is um this is interesting oh this is interesting okay we have yo okay how do we do this silver gets the club wait what uh two raids what the hell oh my goodness run two events at once this is uh this is a bit insane no so this is what he was cooking up this is what we do guys this is what we do thank God we have the psychic animal puler huh no no no stay IND doors stay indoors and just like that you cannot do anything [Music] uh yep look at this pigs are fleeing and the neander Falls will flee too that's how you do it okay that is closed everything is closed yeah the whole zoo well we would have have to dealt with all of those so thank goodness we had the uh psychic Manhunter PS from the ancient danger very nice and now we just have to stay indoors until they go back to sleep it will be quite some time uh can you do research yeah silver can do some researching yeah the whole map's on fire the whole map is on fire anyways we're soon done with solar generators so don't have to worry about that how do you resist the urge to build wood wood shelves I have built one so I cannot resist they're uh very cheap and if you you have fire foam poppers then wooden shelves are quite quite quite all right great great and we have a couple of visitors and we get and we are responsible for this [Music] okay I mean we can take care of the rest free experience yeah only a few of them are um yeah not a problem we're instantly killing them there we go oh we need so much hemogen might have to open up and get the other hemogen Farm what interesting there was no warning about blood feeding will kill her uh great okay well what if our hemogen forms Su died I guess we'll have to get the backup get the backup what's happened to the long sword uh this was a naked brutality start yeah naked brutality solar generators okay micro Electronics next now we can we can go out yeah there's almost No Loot from the Raiders left a some picin all right this is the new hogen Farm hopefully you will be better yes put him on hemogen farm and that should be good we could actually enslave him right now but maybe we should convert him first let's see [Music] yeah now every single animal is right out right outside of our base uh what's my favorite ideology probably the transhumanist meme yeah transh humanist or high life or the tuner meme those are pretty damn good a look how much meat we have uh it's yeah it's way too warm it will all spoil that is unfortunate why is it called a meme uh I have no idea you would think it's um an internet meme you know uh not sure though I think you forgot about the cannibal Meme and that is also quite good eating humans but yeah the transhumanist one is the is the best one okay let's get some actual power up we will need some more [Music] steel oh that will take way too long to convert I'm just going to enslave this guy our first slave it will be I mean he's actually quite good he can do Mining and art we do need some sculptures so make an art bench a royal Ascent might do this all right these animals need to get out of here cuz they're going to eat my rice yeah please get out please there we go there we go our first slave uh let's see here Mr Reaper I think he's a member so welcome aboard you will do mining okay probably do cleaning first then you can do Mining and art so wait ah slaves cannot do art interesting I did not know that a slave in marine armor is that a bad idea is that a bad idea I mean if he Rebels then we won't insta kill him because or right should I okay guys let me know if I should take it off we will see okay Terror we want to make sure that he is nice and terrorized so we want to get a skull Spike yeah he's our only source of femo gen yeah it's good I mean he can also fight for us so a slave with a gun would be be good um I'm going to have to make one more Club uranium Club because we have a lot of uranium you sitting around and I believe uranium has the best blunt modifier when applied to a weapon so we're going to have to make one of those hul pkin a not a Sandstone club now make a uranium Club okay so skull Spike uh can he sleep in here uh let's see here okay so the slaves can sleep with us that's good to see okay so are we surp pressing him I've never actually now that I think about it I have actually never had a slave I think this is the first time that I'm enslaving someone because yes recruiting them is way better but maybe I should have more slaves guys I uh never thought about that damn why don't I have more slaves uh never mind you are the owner here perfect 3,000 hours and no slaves yep exactly I have harvested organs eaten humans but I've only had prisoners no slaves actually I think slaves came in ideology so maybe 1,500 hours without slaves slaves are like disposable cameras use them once and forget about them I mean it's more work right you have to suppress them and you have to make sure that they're that they do not Rebel cuz a regular colonist will not Rebel unless they get a mental break or something which uh yeah but a skull Spike should bring Terror uh a steel gibit cage will also bring Terror so bring one of those let's see here oh there we go 25% Terror very nice and then a gibit cage so do you know what I'm going to do here I'm of course going to to insert a skeleton here oh wait our ideology actually thinks corpses are ugly so the gibbet cage will not be active for [Music] now okay you two the vampires have clubs and the slave gets the assault rifle yeah we colonists do like skull Spike so we get a plus one mood from that okay I need more hemogen okay silver haul this back and now it's time to build up our power generation uh battery the battery can go here and hook up all the power to this is it a good idea to give slaves guns uh I mean he will be good in combat right but we should suppress him [Music] [Music] right okay you see a little bit oh I need components now components yeah we don't actually have okay we have a lot down south a lot of components where else do we have components uh yeah this one is closer you can give them guns only during raids yeah then I'll do that sounds good dude with an assault rifle wait are we slowly converting oh no he's converting us H yeah I love slaves already I do love slaves in Game of course in game slave suppression okay so it's actually it doesn't actually take a lot of time because the time invest m is what I care about if it takes a lot of time to keep slaves uh in check then I don't want them then I would just want a regular Pawn but I guess this is not too bad yeah I can get some slave apparel as well but I I don't think he will Rebel but but apparently it is guaranteed to occur which is quite bad do you ever strip mine stuff yeah of course if we're late into the game then it's strip mining do I participate in rim rim minion ship no I don't uh I don't compete in Rim world no maybe I should but uh for now just videos and live streams I recommend changing his legs nah he's perfectly fine for now [Music] okay we probably shouldn't butcher humans because the slave doesn't like that okay power is up so I do not need the wood fart generator anymore uh and yeah so far so good connect this power here yeah when is the next raid Randy when the hell is the next raid why do I always name my starting Pond silver I have a exclamation mark silver command so I think you should see it see it in the chat but yeah silver was one of my first ever patrons and I really like the name so that's why that's why silver is silver that's why she is always the protagonist okay need some more steel now as always this slave is not doing too [Music] good uh where the hell do we have steel ah we have some right here very nice very very nice uh yeah not much happening though we are doing quite quite all right so far wooden skull Spike I need more wood yep and looks like winter is here minus 8 Celsius probably want one more heater uh ancient Mech yeah no no mechs for now no mix for now I think we're good ah hogen Farm oh my goodness undergrounder tough night all literally the best vampire oh my goodness um okay we're accepting her and we're capturing her so uh we will convert her she will be a hemogen farm for now and then in the future become a vampire jeez if you were to do a survive as long and get as rich as possible what would you want in a map uh personally temperate forest marble Sandstone all year growing period uh and I think small or large Hills yeah I think small hills is worse early game but more space for deep Drilling and such uh so that's what I would go for that's the best and easiest thing to do now we can convert her even though she's in she is paralytic basic okay so yeah let convert her and blood feed on her now we have two blood feeders welcome Abdul to the stream welcome welcome yeah I'm seeing no it's been almost 40 days no events uh now we are not getting any rice because it's winter so I think I'll have to rely on hunting I will I will have to make a freezer I think uh yeah definitely yeah winter has begun winter has truly begun uh yes keep on converting since you're in a mountain a fungus farm would be good yeah I'm going to make a fungus Farm once we get the tuner meme but we need 10 ideology points to reform so yeah I've been doing a lot here but it will take quite some time until we get the tunder [Music] mem ah perfect yep so far so good so far so good I need more components as always go down South for that go down south hello everyone welcome new people to the stream uh you haven't missed one uh haven't missed much if you're uh if you're here 40 days only only three major events there's actually two that happened right there it has been a passive play through with Randy random okay okay okay you're going to go down in mine the slave is Happy everyone is happy did you had to restart a lot or this stream uh no we uh we have not restarted this is the this is the first attempt the first attempt and we're doing good 600 steel eight components going to get one more wind turbine and uh I'm going to make a ritual room so we can get the tler meme as soon as possible want to deconstruct all of this 5 by 11 let me see here all right goody a sad W well she is volatile so it is understandable wait new lovers silver and Mr Reaper are lovers that is actually insanely good because people in love um they are much much much much happier so that's what we like to see even the children of your pawns won't be vampires no if it has this blue hexagon background then it means it's not inheritable though the kids will will be regular humans oh you cannot sleep with the slave H interesting cannot sleep with this slave but we cannot recruit people until their vampires so for now they will have to keep on being slaves H Relic Quest maybe maybe maybe but if you toggle the double bed to be for slaves ah now that would that doesn't work unfortunately now would you look at that a very impressive room so now we're very happy my goodness okay when it's spring then I'm going to go ahead and get some what do I want I want cotton want a bit more food a little bit more rice cotton and heal route okay silver time to make the ideology room please just mine for now when the hell is the next event Randy I am waiting waiting very patiently our wealth is getting a bit too high though so hopefully the next event won't be too bad okay cut up some more stone blocks maybe get some more marble next event milk Pod Drop if Randy sends me milk then I will know that he's listening to me the guy is always listening almost 50 days ah here it is slave rebellion this is what we dreaded okay of course he gets the assault rifle the assault rifle we have no choice but to down him yeah if the um if he didn't have that marine armor he would have been a mess but I guess now he won't Rebel for a while right yeah Bonk him spunk the guy Bonk the dude okay let's do this moving out the floors what did I miss you missed absolutely nothing you can check here maybe you were when this raid was here but you haven't missed much uh yeah maybe I should switch over to Cassandra classic but the randomness is also quite interesting a royal tribute collector yeah I have no business with them so nothing that I want all right please just mine need a bit more hemogen hogen blood feed blood feed H we have so much osia maybe we should take it if we're sad man Hunter pack ooh 21 Fox yeah we need to close this door the Empire should take care of them ah never mind the Empire oh my we get oh uranium long sword uh un ironically the long sword is worse than the club imagine a proper sword dealing less damage to a in a club Booga club and the silver Longs I mean I guess it has 19 okay stab damage is better oh no actually no 31 damage With Ur Jesus in this game clubs are better than swords but I guess uh I guess it makes sense huh the only reason you want the sword is to cause bleeding so yeah looks like we won't be equipping any clubs I want to make sure to store meals in here as well there we go yeah so much food I'm afraid that the foxes will eat it all up we also have this guy here with some pretty good armor yeah we should go for shield belts so micro Electronics into Shields all right almost converted cupcake and okay now it's time to do this so we're going to construct a lecturn uh Christmas tree we can get can get a light speaker as well and what do we need this our ideology wants a blood Chanel this thing right here plop that down and a light ball for parties let plop that down right here I want to get the tunn meme as soon as possible so this is quite important oh not using vanilla sag FES expanded this is a vanilla with mostly Quality of Life mods ah this guy was a an orgon Farm in his childhood that is H quite good get some marble tiles o 200 how much marble do we have barely anything hm we have a lot of Steel can't wait for the legless prisoner blood Farm yeah for now our blood Farms are walking because I want them to be recruits one day but yeah for now just have them there I just need to look for some more people I need to look for some more vampires especially yeah that will be tricky because you can only get them through quests okay it's all constructed it's all up vampires of the bloodlust trait uh actually no I don't think so they are aggressive but they do not have it no okay we just have some foxes we don't need this dramatic music I actually have some good OST good music [Music] okay let's see here this is pretty good harvesting hemogen increases medical skill VQ oh damn I did not know that well and I guess we will do that for cupcake when have you been converted okay very soon you will soon be [Music] converted uh flash storm what is this yeah there has already been a fire there uh the foxes are still rampant ah all my food all my food rip rip rip rip even the swords will burn up uh a bit too many foxes h [Music] okay I need more marble blocks I need to kill this we need the food the slave can take the gun yeah I I doubt we even need a gun I mean I mean this is good enough already there's two people with clubs look at that damage look at the damage all right the food will be saved um is there one more of them okay this one but two more yeah go and hunt them yep instantly dead and get all the food vampires in catract armor are scary yeah that's uh let's see if we can get that let's see I mean it should be quite easy because vampires are so strong the game becomes easier but we will see for okay yeah let's keep on researching this might be the the least active Randy playthrough I've seen so far it's quite different here you're staring your thoughts just watching the colony grow uh what do I want now yes micro Electronics maybe I should just mine out the W of the mountain I'm going to do a few rituals now though with this thing going up yeah I should go out and trade I think the yeah it would be a good idea ah 3.6 days would be a good idea to sell off the Ambrosia since we're not getting any Traders uh yeah oh we we're fine let's just stay here and relax let's just relax we can do a Christmas tree party though this will be good 54% to be good who doesn't love Christmas very very fun there we go Unforgettable that's what we like to see that is what we like to see not taming any rable animals this is Manilla so you cannot ride animals here but Caravan animals I could tame yeah the problem is that we don't have anyone with animals I think actually our slave has eight animals so maybe I'll maybe I'll get him oh well this is somewhat impressive which is not too bad ah converted cupcake take you will become a hemogen farm till we try to recruit you yeah we will uh have to implant the genes in 2 years though let's see here what is it we can reimplant the genes in 1.5 years uh yep okay now I really need to research those sacred we're just going to forbid this yeah this is uh near ultimat soundtrack it's uh really good really good love it okay this is soon up what memes we got here so we have the bloodfeeding meme uh with the fluid ideology so you can always get more memes if you get the ideology points so it's quite good quite quite good uh let me get a styling station here I need a bit more wood but Roundy burnt up my entire Forest so no wood for [Music] me okay let's see here so we can do party of hunger um what is this Mech cluster oh no three Mech clusters never in my life by the way how did you manage to learn English so well well I think Sweden is the most proficient in English so that has something to do with it I guess and uh well all my videos are spoken in English so naturally you learn faster I love English ah is it that's not good vampires hate fire vampires hate them [Music] we still haven't what the hell Randy doubles it uh thank you copy for the 15 bits I appreciate it that is strange too oh no I'm just dumb I I need to cover the damn battery there we go I needed to cover the battery thought that was uh Ry doing his thing thank you maku for the 175 bits thank you thank you thank you ah me cluster with an altim Mor we're never going to accept that no no no never never yo VQ you bought Rim World yesterday you choose What scenario I start uh if I'm honest even though everyone goes for crash landed I think if you want the true beginning experience you should go for the tribal start you get more people uh five rather than three and it's way more satisfying seeing people go from the tribal era to the spacer era rather than the industrial to spacer era so go for the Lost tribe start you will see it the Lost tribe or if you want to be hardcore go for naked brutality but uh you will die if it's your first time playing this game good good need you to research prob you should get some yeah get some chairs down get some chairs got it by the way one of my colonist is silver everyone needs see silver in their colony is this Manilla yeah this is uh if you go into the description or type in exclamation mods you will see it mostly quality of life yeah mostly quality of life what the hell is this mad squirrels now H interesting uh only one ah quite a bit of them I don't want them triggering my traps so do I ever get bored of Rim world no no no no never never never I never get bored I mean I have 3,500 hours so that should say a lot um because you can do anything you [Music] want come on okay how many more four squirrels [Music] ah what is this Relic Quest ancient complex ah maybe we should take out the ancient complex [Music] yeah hello from Mexico welcome welcome hope you're having a good day how many hours I have 3,500 hours [Music] uh Eclipse that is perfect you know what I'm just going to go out and uh take care of this take care of some uh ancient complexes all right we bring out silver only silver yep very good I'm going to take out some complexes and get some [Music] loot all right silver there we go and out you go when is your next video out that will be a surprise of course it's comes when it comes yeah nowadays I'm mostly posting like um several hour long videos so it will will take some time uh silver almost [Music] arrived can't wait for the P world mod for for Rim World there is a mod called poke World which is essentially the same thing cuz you can organ Harvest uh Pokemon I'm sure in Rim [Music] World okay silver almost [Music] there my goodness Randy it's been uh it's almost been 50 days guys almost 50 days and no 50 days and almost nothing happening okay caran has arrived now we want to not get caught on fire that would be the worst exactly that thing right there is exactly what we don't want so I'm just going to punch this out and try to trigger it on this seems passive okay this one this one is a bit more difficult two milor H okay we don't want to yeah there we go come on will you continue your Void game play if I'm honest if I do an overpowered uh video then of course void will be included oh no scorcher okay kill that you know but uh if I will probably do a overpowered Rim world so then I will play with the void yeah get over here all right time to do this uh okay everything is burning down but we do not care my goodness who what will I do with uranium that's the real question yeah this was the worst ancient complex yet ah some wart never mind guys beer I can only carry 20 wart huh guys who doesn't love beer no as much as I want it it's just a waste of space uh let's head out go for the next ancient complex uh Mr Reaper you go ahead and mine some more having a palm beer right now that's great to hear who doesn't love beer all right we're soon yeah we're halfway there until we can reform the ideology then we will start growing some Nutri fungus and make a proper Mountain Base I think that's the goal come on silver one day away one day [Music] away let's see here Yaks join yeah free food free food H come on Silver almost there now sacred needs death rest now so one more of those caskets H we can get a death accelerator which one is the best one we can barely afford anything this has probably been asked a million times but why silver called Silver it has been asked a million times yeah the uh exclamation silver command if you want to know it what's playthrough has been the most fun for you so far uh probably medieval Rim world I also like sea ice yeah medieval sea ice but medieval was a lot of fun medieval 500 Days anyways time to make the Nutri fungus area need to leave to get shot uh thank you but thank you for uh being in here you can always watch the VOD on YouTube and the vods are up I think 14 days on Twitch not sure why it's not permanent like with YouTube but you want to see this VOD one month from now it will be up on YouTube ah what is this oh really Quest I want to do this where is it uh okay that's too far away I remember watching the 500 Days in medieval Rim World yep it was fun come on Silver oh you you've had food poisoning uh okay someone needs to harvest himo Chen uh no Warden oh Jesus blood feed please get some blood why don't use the pickup and Hall mod but use a caravan to do the same stuff yeah I don't know maybe I should maybe I should I guess less mods less performance issues come on here oh raid from wasters m all right let's get the wasters and the mix to attack each other yeah the mix are still sleeping wakey wakey time to wake up um I should have damn they are tough okay 57% HP damn another organ Farm perhaps but they are a waster I don't want to have to take care of them with drugs and such no drugs for you okay oh no they just had to wake up now need to eat some food okay eat some more food silver is quite sad so okay we want to pop this open make sure there's some air flow in you should just drink them out oh you're right actually yeah I can do that as a vampire oh but it's cooking oh my goodness it's so warm vampires can just do this huh okay take care of we cannot be too close to fire because we will run away from it ah what is this arite my goodness this is uh a great one of the best Genie packs I've found jeez okay pigs yeah plural there's just a singular Pig uh okay this should work come on Silver what wait what silver got down from that from a milor with marine armor oh my goodness uh silver just uh silver is gone she somehow died to a milor that is uh that is funny okay rip uh rip silver ah rip silver oh my goodness silver wow that is um damn it must have hit her in the leg or something maybe she yeah she must have gotten down due to pain damn silver uh I mean she is only lost she's not dead so technically she can appear on the map again so um but we have three pawns right here so it's it's no problem my fiance silver lost minus 10 for 20 days oh my God uh silver is gone guys uh but of course this is Rim world the main character doesn't always win yep [Music] that is a bit annoying but I guess I should not I guess I should have gotten out of there when I was that low on health yeah did not expect that though we die from a [Music] milor yeah I inan the slave this slave is very sad without silver the round has no meaning yeah I used to reset the game when my character that I love died but if you play on commitment mode you will have to get used to [Music] it ah yeah okay we will just continue on yeah I have I have at least transferred the genes of the sage so the vampire Colony lives on but sacred needs to death [Music] rest I mean if you see here this death casket is still bound to Silver wander joins they're not a vampire though so we will have to [Music] reject [Music] [Music] let's see here this will be Unforgettable ah okay we're soon able to reform the ideology soon there [Music] and I guess we should get some Nutri fungus now but we need fungal gravel so we still need to wait for the tuner [Music] meme okay Randy still no major event H halfway done with micro ronics taking a long long time we will see need some more food now need to go out and hunt a the visitors gave us a whole Christmas tree a that's funny thank you all right need some more food yes please yes die this guy has 11 shooting though so not too shabby Garland pod Sprout honestly never bother with that why do you need it when you have Mex okay now we have some food at least and butcher that up um we need to feed the prisoner [Music] please MH H yeah so far the bad thing is that vampires are very rare so it will only be sacred for now until at least 1.4 years until we get a sagage quest it's really bad that we lost silver because instead of getting two more vampires we now can only get one vampire uh one vampire in 1.4 years H that's unfortunate yeah vampires can eat humans they have the cannibalism acceptable meme o finally components ah good this is good but uh I've been streaming for 4 hours so I'm going to go and eat dinner now everyone I'm not sure if this Colony Will Survive much longer actually sacred needs to death rest we also have way too much wealth but oh well we will see uh but I'm just going to thank you for watching this 4 hours going to go and eat chicken and rice yeah vampire Vengeance silver died once again to our damn milor but yeah thank you for watching and hopefully the next DLC will come out out soon it's almost time guys it's almost time for the next DLC anyways thank you for watching and I love you goodbye
Channel: veequeue
Views: 30,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YQ3f5ul6BkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 242min 47sec (14567 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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