I Played 100 Days of Lego Fortnite

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today my little Lego legs work overtime as I explore this huge world and contend with its many threats digging deep into my childhood Lego skills to build multiple Villages and many dodgy vehicles too also I may have died a few times I played 100 days of Lego fortnite day one began with me admitting that I was extremely confused by the fortnite menus I could not figure out how to change my character so I'm This Woman This pink-haired Dingus told me what I already know in survival crafting games like this it's a good idea to collect stuff heck yes or I can just collect it I I don't need to punch it I can punch a tree though die tree the bride bomber weow kept trying to provide me with helpful tips but I heroically said I don't want to talk to you I want to figure it out on my own go away Brad bomber I got busy collecting wood and raspberries okay I got my food my Hunger level eating a few of them raspberries obviously dealt with some of my hunger and each Berry restored half a heart too you know what I didn't know what to expect with this game but I like it already this is a good vibe especially cuz I'm a Lego woman for some reason it's true the idea of a fortnite and Lego lovech child had confused me but now that I was was playing the game I had a good feeling about it anyway as I continued collecting resources I discovered I could perform a glorious Dodge roll I punch a sheep get punched sheep the boxing bag sheep murder rewarded me with one meat and this Chicken cops some heat too come here [Applause] chicken its explosive death provided one meat and one feather I spotted something intriguing at top a nearby Hill so I wandered over inside the ruins of this house was a chest give me some wheat give me some arrows give me some feathers no worries I punched it hoping I get a chest as an item in my inventory but no luck oh just gave me wood I figured these ruins might be haunted by the previous occupants so by that logic it was a great spot to set up camp I used three wood to place down a campfire as I was trying to find a spot for my crafting bench I was viciously assaulted by some wild beasts hey I punched the crter to death and they dropped one silk a piece I used three wood and five Granite to place down a crafting bench what do we got we got a forest axe we got a pickaxe we got a torch I need Vines for that I made some tools and I began AB using this enormous Boulder with my brand new pickaxe it yielded a juicy 10 granite and one B became two I can pick this up wo how strong am I holy crap you ready for it chicken as I chased down this other chicken it began to rain and night began to set in as I continue collecting up a storm sopus sisifus with the with the bould the chicken's die is so satisfying wait was that an egg it's fertilizer it did a poop I picked up a poop back at my glorious base I placed down a grill which cost me 30 granite and I began cooking all that meat I'd stolen from those dead creatures I also discovered the building menu where I'd unlocked a bunch of Foundations floors and walls and I also had a blueprint for a starter Shack so I figured I might as well build one of those I also figured I'd better do something to stop myself starving to death eat the meat man oh it gave me bonus health so cooked meat is quite nourishing lots of iron great stuff I assembled the blueprint step by step and each part only cost one or two wood so it was rather cheap okay I buil a shack Village Square establishes a village in the surrounding area Okay as you can see as I crafted in found stuff yet more crafting options were unlocking including a bed which I considered whacking down in my shack before deciding sleep is for the week I discovered my crafting bench was unusable in the rain so I beat it to death and was pleased to discover 100% of the original crafting materials were returned to me I rebuilt it in the jubia shelter of my shack and apparently I reconsidered my hardcore views on sleep as I ended up placing down a bed I decided I needed some light so I chopped up these bushes which earned me some Vines which I used to craft some torches I held one in my off hand and let there be light also day two Dawn so let there be lots of light what is that mystical Beast you're trying to lure me to Danger I headed out with the dawn to explore and collect and I discovered I could pet livestock oh when I pet it it gave me milk oh they're doing a bunch of poos give me that fertilizer man give me that cow poop I made sure to pet any wild animals going forward because I'm a big fan of the spontaneous appearance of produ and also poop woo wa bro it's that is such a sick animation get pickaxed idiot oh how did I not Dodge that I pulled off one successful Dodge before finishing off the rolly poly idiot earning myself a shell which prompted the crafting unlock of an uncommon Health charm so I do have some equipment slots I'm guessing that's where I can put stuff like Health charms okay we can make the health charm with silk thread marble and shell oh I can make a small chest cool I'm a big fan of storage so this was great news but I needed planks and to make planks I needed a lumber mill and to get that I needed to extend my collecting session after petting some sheep and stealing their wool I got to it with a new Axe by the way as my first had broken by this point and as you can see the durability on my pickaxe was getting low too po out an egg for me yeah you too hey come back here I soon returned with a decent hord of goodies and finally crafted my first lumber mill in which I immediately set 15 planks to be cut I also placed down this Village Square Monument thingo establishing my first Village oh my gosh you can do Village upgrades yes indeed upgrading Villages is how you unlock new building pieces and with the birth of my level one Village I already had a bunch more options at my disposal who are you meow all I needed to invite measles to live in my Village was a bed and I had one of those free for the extremely muscular fell so just like that I had my first villager I moved my grill over here and began cooking up some corn I'd collected and I was pleased to see corn on the cob provide some kind of speed or stamina buff for 2 minutes some was soon ready so I ate it and discovered the buff did indeed increase my stamina regeneration speed which was handy to allow me to Sprint more and of course get around faster I got some wooden rods crafting and collected the night of day two away in the morning I used five wooden rods to craft my first sword and six planks to place down my first storage chest I continued collecting yet more resources and with Tier 1 tools that didn't do much damage and broke relatively quickly this was fairly timec consuming and so the daylight of day three was consumed as DUS arrived I upgraded the village for the fairly low cost of 15 Wood and granite this unlocked yet more building options including Log Cabin walls and rustic Roofing which I was pleased about as the shack options are a dilapidated disgrace I also got some more building blueprints but I decided I didn't want want to use them I wanted to enjoy the challenge and creativity of building without assistance and so I spent the night placing and misplacing and destroying and fiddling about as I slowly learned the ins and outs of the building system and somehow all I managed to place were four foundations and four flooring sections at top those foundations a wonderful effort I'm sure you'll agree sunflower paid a visit to my Village but she was unable to move in as my Village level wasn't high enough to accommodate more than one villager just yet I headed out to hunt down a wolf as I needed wolf claws for some upgrades but before I found one of those I encountered more rly poly idiots as you can see I was terrible at dodging okay I could be in trouble man cuz I kind of suck despite my abysmal self belief I managed to avoid death and my collection of shells grew but I had no luck finding a wolf although I did find this cave and in I went oh my Lord how deep am I going there's a skeleton over there I think there was a chest near the entrance in which I found my first snowberry and blast powder oh getting this blast powder just unlocked a bunch of recipes we got toys activation switch boom Barrel small Thruster large Thruster what the heck I employed some Elite dodging skills to take out this Skelly I discovered some slurp mushrooms and while engaged in combat with these two gentlemen my sword broke so i resorted to some juicy axe violence and then yet two more distinguished noblemen assaulted me after that and my beloved axe broke so i resorted to pickaxe violence also a random scorpion got in on the free oh oh as you can see that kafuffle got me down to 3/4 of a heart eat some eat some corn I successfully took out the Scorpion but I was now low on weapons tools and food so I figured I'd better leave and restock I had earned some valuable info though the caves were full of aggressive idiots when I emerged I immediately saw the original Target of this Expedition there's the wolf where were you when I was looking for you before you silly wolf I returned home and got to cooking and crafting and I decided to do away with these ruins to create space for my own building this proved a more explosive activity than I'd been hoping wait what what the heck just happened I was just trying to destroy a wall and something exploded was there something on the other side of the wall that I accidentally punched yes indeed I'd punched a barrel full of dynamite somehow I'm not sure why there was a barrel of dynamite but fair enough I respawned at the original spawn not too far away and I took the opportunity to collect stuff on my walk home once home I realized the explosion had blown up my chests too and I had a giant pile of crap to collect I got rid of the rest of the dilapidated house and I continued trying to build my own house but skellies emerged from the ground after Nightfall and began harassing me all my nerds are destroying these guys beautiful I put up some walls and replaced my chests and I discovered this corner piece was of course going to come in handy for corners but if we're honest my building efforts were pretty dodgy I wanted off to collect more wood and while out I fought my first wolf I was relieved when my bad dodging efforts were only punished by half a heart of damage per wolf slap wolf is not too bad give me four claws as well I logged out shortly after that wolf destruction and when I next logged in my character had randomly changed I have no idea why I killed another wolf and collected yet more resources in this nearby forest and after grabbing some fresh planks from the lumber mill I upgraded The Village to level three this fell spark plug was visiting and thanks to hitting level three the village now had an extra spot so I invited him to stay all might wants a job so help the village resource jobs collect nearby resources apparently I had unlocked job options for these slaves too I ordered spark plug to refine wood for me I had a look at my new building options I'd unlocked some furniture and now that I collected a bunch more wood I decided I'd better see about finishing this house I made wonderful progress there's silly holes in my in my how do I fill it in man I don't know where's the where's the EES give me some EES bro no that's a ridge what's an eve I don't know who cares I love the animation for the door it's reminiscent of the Lego movie animations all right this is coming together I'm starting to feel good about this I'm surprised I was so optimistic this looks like a disaster I stuffed up the foundation somehow I was unhappy that the foundations were sticking up so high off the ground and I fiddled around but couldn't figure out how to place them any lower no matter what I tried red I powered on regardless but soon ran out of wood yet again so I decided to check on my workers and measles had been very effective in his collecting efforts meal gave me one fertilizer why am I suspicious that meals just literally pooed into his own hand and then gave it to me spark plug had two planks and one wooden rod for me which was a decent effort I got busy collecting more wood and when I chopped this big chunker down it fell onto another tree which was also destroyed I think that's the strategy you just get big trees to fall on little trees I employed this strategy to great effect my plan had always been to get rid of this Shack which is why I'd built my house obnoxiously close to it so I began destruction I moved the beds over here and punched the shack into Oblivion I decided I needed a spacious area for the various crafting and refining tables and rather than stubbornly freeb building like a goose on the loose this time I figured I'd use the porch Shack blueprint to get my crafting Hub up and running as quick as possible I placed it across from my dodgy house and got cracking and after yet another quick break to collect more wood the porch Shack was complete I know I complained about the ugliness of the shack pieces earlier but for a workshop I think it fit the vibe I began placing my crafting stations including my first Spinning Wheel which used up five of the wolf claws I'd collected I also placed a second workbench for some reason I used it to begin crafting some cord out of vines I placed some chests too and once the cords were done I queued up some silk thread to craft all right let's make a health charm silk thread wolf claw bone go I equipped the charm and it increased my armor by one and my total hearts up to four I'd unlocked the ability to craft a shovel at some point so I made one of those and upon crafting it I unlocked a most pleasing recipe garden plot ooh soil and fertilizer okay I thought perhaps the shovel might terraform a little but it seems its only purpose is to dig up sweet sweet dirt I placed some fences down and using some of the poop I'd hoarded and the dirt i' just dug I placed my first crop plots but then I realized I had no seeds with which to plant I did have wheat seeds at some point I think I lost them when I exploded my chest I put the farm project on hold and looked into what was needed for my next Village upgrade I need not rout a sturdy wood found in caves okay but before spelunking again I decided this outrageous house conundrum needed to be solved I spent the night stocking up on about 90 extra wood and as Dawn broke on day eight I did what needed to be done as I destroyed the last of the foundations I was very satisfied to see the rest of the structure collaps and soon it was all gone and it was time to test out my strategy I couldn't get the foundations to place any lower manually but for whatever reason the shack blueprint had built at an agreeable level and I'd worked out if I snapped additional foundations onto the edge of the shack I could solve my problem and so I began building my house again looking at this I think the walls are still a bit dodgy because I've got them hanging off the edge of the foundation but it's fine it took me all day to get it looking like this but with the appearance of another rainbow insect I decided it was time I've been ignoring you for so long rainbow bug but now I will follow I was briefly distracted by another ruined house in which I found some raspberry seeds great news and I was soon at my destination oh what the [Music] heck it it exploded what that was a loot llama and it gave me my first crossbow nice loot loot llama by the way here's the map as you can see I'd explored very little of it by this point I killed a couple more wolves while I was out and about and found this glorious glowing chest with mind-blowing riches inside why was it glowing it had corn and arrows in it it's glowing as if it's the most special thing ever I'm freezing ah run apparently I'd wandered too close to the nearby Frosty biome so I turned back and discovered some idiots guarding another glowy chest I fought them and learned I was very bad at aiming my new crossbow the sun rose on Day N and I switched to a sword with which I found success dispatching the Vagabonds in this chest I found a bounty of seeds more great news and I was hoping for more corn in the glowy chest but sadly I just got some more seeds and dirt hello it's you again are you going to explode the pick of the loot from this explosive llama was this snowberry seed back at base I got to work on my farm successfully planted some corn I added some storage to to the setup and expanded the field adding a snowberry crop plus some wheat I did a little work on my house dug a bunch more dirt and the field was soon expanded even further collect snowberry collect corn it's all legoy okay but I didn't get more seeds interesting how do I get more seeds now that I had a crossbow I figured I'd better craft some arrows so I made a bunch out of wood plus feathers and after stocking up with the serious bag full of tools weapons and food I returned to the cave the goal was to get some knot rout so when I saw this route that was rather naughty I was pleased but my axe did a whopping zero damage to it is that not not root not not root it is not not not root it's not root but I clearly didn't have a tool strong enough to collect it just yet okay so there must be a tier of axe that I need before I can do that can't get this stuff either looks like marble so that was a bit of a fail I continued exploring the cave regardless finding a couple of chests and taking out a bunch of enemies hoping I'd magically find a tool strong enough to get the not route no such luck and so I returned with my tail between my legs to seek the advice of the pinkhead tutorial lady if we upgraded the crafting bench how do I upgrade the crafting bench a I'm so stupid man can I upgrade all of these no let us upgrade the bench after all this time and so I finally upgraded my crafting bench this bone axe will allow me to get the not rud the not Rood the not wood and then I'll be able to get the not R rod and then I should be able to get the marble I had plenty of Bones because during the night the Skelly idiots get murdered over and over by my villagers so I soon returned to the cave with the t2 uncommon variety of the forest Axe and I finally began collecting not root it's still cleared in here from when I was in here before that's helpful it was indeed nice to find no enemies had respawned yet so I was free to collect to my heart's content and after amassing exactly 120 not root my axe broke so I took out a couple of rollers I stumbled upon found a juicy chest slap juice not rot Rod granite slab interesting hey Grain Mill Ah that's how we get seeds nice and I headed out I also logged out and when I logged back in the next day I somehow was this dude which is a skin I somehow received for free in the fortnite store handsome bloke and very talented at eating pumpkins I set a stack of 30 not root rods to craft and I believe I should be able to upgrade the village now right not root planks and granite upgrade as always my building options had expanded and I was able to craft a tier 2 pickaxe long sword and crossbow with my freshly crafted not root rods I spent the night attempting to put a roof on my house but things still weren't lining up so in the morning I destroyed the front of the house and rebuilt the sidewalls a little thinner okay we finally figured it out dude my small brain grows slightly bigger a truly marvelous achievement I made a wall without any random holes in it I placed a new front wall pulled back the foundations here to reduce the size of the porch area to match the new house size and as I was putting up the roof I ran out of wood fortunately I had a slightly higher damage axe now so after putting in a good Lumberjack sesh I returned with over 120 Wood I finished up the roof added a ceiling and I did it finally I decided I wanted to make use of the Attic So I extended out the porch and somehow this took all day as the placement of these railings proved far more complicated than it should be the game only provides you with a few different sized pieces so it becomes difficult to get stuff to fit in properly I don't have them right bro bro I may have been raging mildly but after plenty of trial and error all right we did we did it we got the right L after all these years all right and then this is just a random upstairs area which I can put I don't know something but there was one final bother foundations are not obeying me I really I really I really want to get under there there were a couple of little gaps between the foundation piece and the slope of the ground and I wanted to finagle extra pieces in there to close those gaps but the snapping tool was not obeying me I ended up destroying this Foundation piece here and what if I just cheat the whole thing by putting a random log pillar under there I ended up using this beam pillar piece and I thought it looked pretty good and made sense structurally solving problem problems learning building techniques here baby all right I'm happy I capped off the building session adding some railings to the stairs before crafting a bunch more tools and heading off for yet another cave Expedition a lot of the marble was on the roof of the cave so I had to employ some staircase Shenanigans to reach and I'd brought two pickaxes with me so I collected marble for a rather long time I fought many a nerd as I spelunked deeper and deeper and two broken pickaxes later this pickaxe is about to break we got like 140 or 150 even I probably should have been grabbing extra not rot while I was in there but apparently I was tunnel visioning onto that sweet marble I bothered some chickens hoping they'd poop for me because I had dreams of expanding my farm and I returned to investigate what I could unlock with the marble sand wolves Sand Shell okay I got to go to a desert biome to get the next upgrade have I mentioned these skeletons simply would not stop bothering me at night the worst part of this was that they dropped nearly broken crappy pickaxes that kept clogging up my inventory anyway while I wasn't able to upgrade my crafting bench just yet I was able to make this Stone breaker out of 20 not rout and 35 marble except it was rather large and my little workshop didn't have room for it so it was time to expand operations I used another Shack blueprint because no one wants to watch me Struggle free building like a goose on the loose again although I did customize this particular building to make it a little bigger I'm just going to go have a pickaxe dump this is so annoying all these crappy pickaxes how do you destroy them pickaxe dumping became a regular activity ongoing great stuff I completed my Renovations and placed down the stone breaker with which I began crafting some marble slabs collecting my first Marble Slab unlocked a pleasing recipe can make a juicer I placed a second lumber mill to speed up wood refining and oh I've got everything I need okay upgrade Village bom okay bro this is like are you serious we got some serious new build options enough slabs were ready to slap down a juicer so I did and it can blend up slap juice slurp juice and snowberry shakes for now all I could make was slurp juice out of raspberries and slurp mushrooms so I got a few of those churning yes poop my pretties poop hello friend have you pooped recently oh you have good sheepy my poop stockpile slowly grows I made my first medium chest out of n rot and marble slabs but it was only four slots bigger and those are much harder to get materials so on going I mainly stuck to using infinite small chests as they only cost six planks as I replaced my broken tools and weapons I realized I was low on not rout already so I sensed another dip into the mines in my future but for now I placed another bed and invited this bloke silus to join the village and used the poop i' painstakingly collected to extend out the farm and when I changed my mind about this railing here here something weird happened dude what how does everything explode like that I'm so confused after that joyous round of crop plot dominoes I rebuilt in a way that made it easy for me to finalize my fencing and my granite slabs were ready so it was time to upgrade the village to level six after some obligatory admiration of the new building options I had to admit dude my Village Square thing is looking beautiful my next priority was upgrading my crafting bench and for that I needed to Vanquish some sand enemies which I assumed lived in the desert I knew there was a frosty biome to the South but I had no idea where a desert might be so I just ran off to see if I could find one it's another Frosty area is this all Frosty biomes man that is actually the same Frosty biome I think I didn't realize I was facing south because I'm a big Goose I found many animals many ruins and many enemies in my wanderings and another cave I'd only found the one cave so far so I wondered if this one would be any different and it did have a varied layout but otherwise it was the same offering up a bounty of not root marble and the odd chest containing mildly used use ful items I collected a few stacks of not root and marble before remembering my original Mission and wandering forth once more to be assaulted by a great many skellies where is the desert I don't know I've explored quite far to the West it was definitely further than I'd ever wanted before but in reality I hadn't gone far at all each biome is rather enormous and my little Lego legs had a lot more work to do I plundered and murdered my way along I slurped up some slurp juice to gain the benefits of its heal over Time Buff and after pivoting North for much of day 19 I found something promising it wasn't a desert but you may be aware that beaches also have sand so I was hoping I might find some of them Sandy enemies by the shore woo what is that big boy what the heck that looks like it might be a desert over there so if my investigation of these Shores failed me I at least knew which way to head to make it to the desert Pirates do I fight the Pirates I fought the Pirates and they had spicy Battle Tactics oh threw Dynamite threw Dynamite at me what a beast follow up his friends this was a fairly dicey battle because these nerds certainly had more health and did more damage than any enemies I'd face back in the grasslands so I had to retreat and heal up a few times but I cleaned up the Pirates eventually what is that it's like the end of the rainbow leprechauns I fought yet more Pirates further along the shoreline and I of course stole their booty and I was trying to find that big monster I'd spotted from up on the cliffs but it seemed to have disappeared probably for the best I think it would find me delicious I gave up on that and headed back the other way collecting slap berries which grow on the beach I guess and finding my first pepper in this chest and soon I was was rewarded for my scouring of the beach a sand rolly poy idiot it was significantly tougher than the grassland roller taking way more hits to kill but I was able to dodge all its attacks and take it out earning my first Sand Shell I also murdered a bunch of random hermit crabs are you a sand wolf yeah oh you're hard apparently my dodging skill went out the window for this fight because uh oh no no I did press Dodge but I guess I was still in my attack animation that is a great excuse I am definitely not just a big Noob I kind of began circling back so it's not that far I paid my base a visit to admire the spicy burger recipe and stock up on the basics before heading towards the giant blue beam indicating where I had died a few minutes later I wandered back onto the beach and picked up my loot by the way look at all the seeds I'd found in my travels great stuff though my bags were overflowing so I spent some time deciding what to keep before continuing on as I fought another roller I spotted a juicy fine what is that sandclaw the roller killed the the roller killed the so something had killed a sand wolf for me and that Sand roller just spontaneously exploded upon merely touching the water very convenient I got a full stack of meat great oh there's the big fell Let's test how much health this guy has run I think I may have made a big mistake oh gosh he's finding a chicken he just charged that chicken into Oblivion after that chicken's glorious sacrifice I decided I'd better just sneak by but it didn't quite go to plan ah he noticed me oh gosh thankfully he lost interest after that Direct Hit And I somehow survived on one quarter of a heart I took out another Sand roller and chomped on SLAP berries which provide the stamina regen buff too by the way and after reaching the end of this section of the beach I decided to head home as I was pretty sure I had enough of the sand shells and Claws I needed after a long jog I was rewarded with a heartwarming Revelation oh I need two more Sanda Claus no so I was was wrong and no upgraded crafting bench for me but it was a successful Expedition overall especially for my farming exploits I'd also collected a full stack of 30 meat which I began cooking I realized I hadn't checked on my work Force's progress for ages and I was pleasantly surprised by quite a bounty of goodies he's got a lot of stuff holy crap most exciting was the six fertilizer poop is premium I placed down a Grain Mill which cost me 20 KN root rods 20 granite slabs and three shells and this machine meant I never ran out of seeds again as this consumes one crop to yield multiple seeds it also makes flour by Milling wheat grain so I got the ball rolling in that process as I figured I might as well begin stockpiling flour for spicy Burgers I expanded the farm some more with that fresh poop from masas and kept up with my harvesting before remarking I don't think I built my base in a very smart area cuz it's not very flat it is true it's not exactly convenient to build on hilly areas oh well too late now I guess I handed in a bunch of rods and slabs to upgrade the village to level s this unlocked toilets great news for my overcrowded bow and a jumbo Lodge blueprint which was indeed rather jumbo definitely not as cool as my dodgy house though I noticed rough Amber which is only found in dry Valley Maes was required to reach Village level 8 so that was yet another reason to find my way to the desert I think I can get this see when I saw the two of these before I didn't realize there was a difference for some reason but I can actually get this as well so suddenly I had four armor and six hearts total even better than that was the realization that I had enough sand shells to make another charm cool-headed charm increases resistance to hot temperatures so if I make this I should be able to go into the desert safely I guess and just like that nine armor and nine Hearts okay I'm a lot stronger now that is for sure I collected goodies from my slaves again and I guess because I logged in and out since I last exploited their labor they had a huge Bounty for me oh they gave me a lot of fertilizer and so I was finally able to complete my first field of crops now you'd think with my recent power Spike significantly improving my defenses I might be Keen to venture forth and fight some more nerds in the Sandy Lands but nope I decided it was the perfect time to build a giant perimeter wall why not honestly building on the slopes was a little awkward but I developed a habit of placing extra Fort walls underneath to fill in any gaps and I of course placed these Palisades to ensure my Village looks suitably intimidating to any vagabonds no vagabonds Allowed no Bandits either please I finished about one half of one side of the perimeter wall before running out of wood and then it was chop time a very long chop time like seven stacks of logs let's uh let's get this wall done man by the way that golden ethereal barrier you can see there marks the edge of my Village area so that's exactly where I placed my wall I realized I had half width Fort walls at my disposal which was handy to make the wall the proper length and by morning I'd completed one side to my satisfaction and I was pleased with how it looked following the slope of the hill I kept at it deep into day 24 second wall done before having a break to knock over some chores and collect yet more wood because believe it or not building a giant wooden wall costs a lot of wood as day 25 dawned I was back at it gently follow the gradient of the hill Oh that's not right I got picky about the positioning of the doors replacing this one so it was more Central and I somehow misaligned this entire section of wall so I had to tear it down but as evening arrived I placed the finishing touches oh yeah the wall is complete I don't know what else I'm going to build inside the wall the wall is complete and after that glorious distraction of the building project it was time to see about the desert items I needed for progression we stride North to a new future I don't know I said future like that future who are you nerds get some I fought a group of goobers back at the beach and with my new charms these guys who previously gave me trouble did pretty much zero damage to me the Sandy roly poy idiots were much easier now too I followed the shoreline killing them as I went and when I saw this brute I apparently forgot to dodge his acid spit oh crap it turns out brutes still hit hard even if you've got a fair bit of armor as I fled the angry fellow I moved from the grassland into the dry Valley finally i' had arrived at the desert there were some cacti that were immune to the ply swings of my tier 2 axe immune Cactus and there were spicy pepper bushes all over the place I took out any wolves I saw because I need their claws and they were fairly manageable as they only hit me for one heart of damage I Top This Mesa I spied the Amber I was after I got collecting but soon realized I'd made a big mistake I only B one half broken pickaxe that's bad it of course soon broke and I only managed to collect a disappointing 14 rough Amber I took on some loiterers in this ruined town and I noticed the gem cutter i' had unlocked upon collecting the rough Amber required sand Claws and shells too so I had even more hunting to do I got into a dicey battle with some double wolf action on Awkward hilly terrain and when some rambunctious skellies joined the it got even more dicey but I made it through as you can see I made a bunch of slap juice which is quick to chug down for a decent heal and it provides that stamina buff I found an old bridge over here I kept busy banding about with violence and oh wait what that's the end of the rainbow is right here what the [Music] heck no loot though where's my loot where's my loot the big boy and the Wolf are fighting I don't think this ends well for you wolf yeah you just got smashed thank you for the free claws big boy my original base is so far away man by the time I was done beating up sand wolves and sand rollers I had 48 sand Claws and 11 sand shells quite the hall cow bowling yes we're on target we're kind of on target no no no no no damn it that didn't work out on the rather long run back to base I spied some blue smoke what is this blue nonsense even when I cut down the trees it was caught in the strange balloon package refused to descend so I climbed my way up but I don't think Mother Nature wanted me to have it what I don't know if it was bugged or if I was doing something wrong but I couldn't get into it so I gave up and continued the journey home there it is look how strange it looks from a distance I upgraded The Village to level eight with the rough Amber I invited Hy to be a permanent villager that's four Villages total now and I discovered the next Village upgrade was going to require even more dry Valley materials that I wasn't sure how to get yet I got organized around town setting stuff to cook and craft but I was unable to upgrade my crafting bench because with all the effort that I put into getting the sand Claws and shells I'd used up all my not route crafting weapons and tools and so I found found a fresh grasslands cave and got busy sadly I was only able to get about 80 marble as I hadn't had the not Routt needed to stock up on pickaxes but I had plenty of axes so I was determined to collect an absurd amount of not rout in hopes I didn't have to bother with another grasslands cave for a very long time after getting rather deep into this cave Network I found another exit so out I went I entered there and I just exited here so I guess some caves have multiple entrances I used up the durability of three tier 2 axes and after two full days down there I was done I think I have 323 not rout surely that keeps me going for a while I could have gone so much more look look how much this is another entrance I entered there I exited there and here I headed home and expanded my storage to facilitate the abundance of not rout and once I crafted some not root rods all right we finally get the bench upgrade this of course unlocked tier three tools and weapons as well as some juicy new charms and crafting stations we got a loom we got an Essence table enchant weapons and tools what oh there's a banana here peely after that thrilling encounter with the banana I stocked up on everything i' need to settle in a new land and off I went with no intention of returning anytime soon see this is where I wish I'd built my first Village like up this way close to the border of the desert close to the border of the frostlands yes indeed in hindsight it would have been nice to settle such that all three biomes were close but alas I was destined to jog I took the scenic route to the desert as I figured I might as well unveil more of the map and once there I got busy trying to find a suitable place to create my dry Valley Village I eventually settled here as it was a relatively flat area and it was right on the border of the biomes and it had a lava cave nearby do you unlock different things for being in a different place or not yes indeed villagers in different biomes require totally different materials to upgrade and the rewards are new too as you can see the dry Valley villagers unlock a bunch of medieval castle building options very nice I stubbornly spent a rather long time attempting to make a building for a workshop but I gave up before I even started on the walls and instead placed down this Pleasant Pavilion blueprint which was much easier it was soon done and after customizing it to my liking I upgraded this Village to level two which only cost a bit of wood and granite I placed a crafting bench and immediately upgraded it twice with materials i' brought with me bringing it up to tier three matching the bench back at my first Village look at this thing by the way that genuinely is majestic I whacked a lumber mill down some storage too and suddenly the desert was beginning to feel like home I collected some wood and the desert was understandably not as good an option for wood farming but fortunately I had the grass lands right nearby if I ever wanted to indulge in a bigger Lumberjack session I used that wood to stare my way up onto this nearby Mesa because it was time to collect more rough Amber I collected about 35 before returning to base where I realized I made a mistake gem cutter I didn't bring enough marble slabs no so I wasn't able to turn the rough Amber into cut Amber because I failed to bring enough marble with me just go into this cave and see what happens this cave was right on the border of the biomes so I wasn't sure what I'd find inside but it was definitely not a grasslands cave I decided to poke around a bit and despite having some heat resistance from my charm I was still taking damage from the extreme heat but I just kept eating food to counteract that the fancy looking rocks in here were immune to my crappy pickaxe and I did this for some reason inspiring an army of skellies to throw Dynamite at me as I fled back down this passage I think I was overconfident because I've been finding the enemies outside in the desert pretty easy but inside this cave the rules were different more explosive oh my gosh and guess where I respawned I think I can set spawn but I'm too dumb to have done that you can indeed set your respawn Point by sleeping in a bed but it's something of a recurring theme in this playthrough that I completely forget to do that causing a great deal of inconvenience the bright side of that silly death is that by this point I decided the desert would be my new main base of operations and I was conveniently back at my original base with an empty inventory so I decided I'd P for an absolute buttload of not root and marble also I made some spicy Burgers these provide cold resistance so I guess I was stocking up on these in preparation for one day venturing to the frost lands I made the Walk of Shame back to the the desert where I plunked down a stone breaker in which I began crafting marble slabs and a gem cutter in which I began cutting Amber I upgraded The Village to level three and once some cut Amber was ready a rare Forest axe this T3 axe cost five cut Amber and three not rout rods and it allowed me to bash up this Cactus flexwood okay the fact that I had to get not wood from caves was very frustrating flexwood being readily available like everywhere is going to be amazing finding flexwood unlocks some rather juicy toys the dynamic Foundation and some Wheels I had quite a collection spree stocking up on flexwood wood and granite before beginning work on this Village's Farm where I planted some slap Berry seeds as I was a big fan of slap Juice by this point so I wanted to get production of that up and running my next goal was to make a couple new charms for which I had most of the materials but I needed some wool thread and another Sand Shell I headed over to the grasslands and began petting sheep and I employed a new tactic to get more wool and poop too at some point I'd realized that if you leave fruit or veggies on the ground animals will eat it up providing a chance for them to either create extra produce or drop a massive crap they also eat Vines so I took to destroying these giant bushes and leaving the vines lying around for the sheepies to devour which earned me some extra wool and poop I also dropped some veggies out of my inventory and soon I had the six wool I was after I placed a spinning wheel down and began turning s wool into wool thread and I placed a juicer down in which I began blending my newly grown slap berries into slap juice and just like that my new Village had pretty much caught up with my old village at least in terms of its production capacity I crafted the rare Health charm replacing my common health charm and increasing my Max Hearts to 11 and my armor to 13 I hunted down another Sand roller too and we get the Hardy totem now too all right up to 15 and this gives bonus Health after a few seconds when you have full health I made some tier three pickaxes out of flex wood rods and sand claws of which I still had plenty thanks to my murderous desert Rampage earlier I continued expanding my storage and I made a new Forest axe too as I was now well and truly stocked enough to make rare tools my new standard great news as these of course do more damage and are more durable I placed down a loom okay silk fabric wool fabric it also unlocked yet more toys okay this is nuts attach large balloons onto existing structures and dynamic objects I placed an Essence table which cost a bit of cut Amber and flexwood but I was initially confused as to how to use it though I worked it out soon enough as you'll see and most excitingly I could now make a glider I was going to need a fair amount of silk and wool fabric though all right give me the silk thread and we're going to turn it into some silk fabric I don't have enough though but that's fine I upgraded The Village to level four which was still relatively cheap costing only grasslands materials of which I still had plenty and after queuing up a bunch of stuff to craft I returned to the lava cave the stuff I dropped days ago was still there so I grabbed that not that it was particularly useful anymore but why not what are you you're a fiery boy I managed to finish off the fiery boy before he exploded and he dropped a blast core my Nifty new pickaxes did a juicy nine damage and I was able to collect some bright core obsidian more blast cores and a bunch more obsidian as you can see I was hot as indicated by the big letters saying saying you are hot but since I crafted that charm that continuously gives you bonus Hearts if you're at full health I was healing faster than I was taking damage and so the impact of the toasty temperature was nullified I made a point of hoovering up everything as my assumption was I'd need heaps of each material I stumbled upon some rubies which as you might expect are the rarest material you can get in lava caves so this was a good find and I soon found some copper too so that made four new mining materials as well as the blast CES from the explody rollers all of which I wanted to stock up on I soon realized the pickaxe does full damage to rock idiots so it actually did four more damage than my sword and made these exploders pretty easy also they kept respawning like crazy I don't know if it was a bug but I got a juicy eight blast cause in no time back in that big cabin where I'd enraged a hord of skellies earlier I found a decent vein of copper once I'd collected The Ore I began to clear out some of these enemies but my sword broke plus my bag was full so I took that as my Quee to head out by the way this night fow lionart was a part of my village now I demanded he go collect resources how do I upgrade copper bar obsidian slab brute scale oh I've got to kill a brute to get to the next crafting bench I brought home a decent haul from the lava cave including about 80 obsidian so I began turning some of that into slabs and as day 40 dawned it was time for an experiment the dynamic foundation and wheels only cost a little flexwood so this is technically a Cactus Car the thrusters and activation switches are pretty cheap too it's kind of like tears of the Kingdom how do I steer though I don't know about that weird laugh but clearly zooming on a weird Lego car was pleasing me though it is true I did indeed have no way to steer so I guess I just kind of pointed in the right direction and then hope so what was cool in theory was kind of useless in practice because there was no way to steal at least that I could discern bro these chickens need to get out of the way oh damn it I just broke the whole thing that was not my plan I harassed some cows because I wanted milk to make snowberry shakes and while I was here I figured I might as well head into this grasslands cave to top up my marble supplies a little and now that I had a nine damage pickaxe collecting this was much quicker I had about 270 marble piled up in short order I collected all the animal produce I could get on the long walk back and once back I plunked down a second Stone breaker to increase slab production I also placed a metal smelter which cost me 15 bright core 35 obsidian slabs and three blast cores this is the most halfhazard nonsense all right let's get some couple bar smelting you need a whole bunch of brightcore to smelt interesting my production Pavilion was indeed rather crowded and smelting copper does indeed use up brightcore two for every bar I was going to need a lot more I made an inner fire charm which provides even more hearts and armor plus some cold res which came in handy later and when I picked up my first copper bars make an oven cook more potent Foods nice copper long sword seven damage yet more charms and we got a Grappler heck yes I unlocked dry Valley Village level five with some not rout rods and marble slabs unlocking yet more impressive looking Castle Mana type buildings and I invited cuddle team leader to join the village hopefully this will bring a great many cuddles to the community I sent the pink bear off to refined Stone once I crafted 10 cords Joy of Joys I was able to make a Grappler and it is pretty cool it's only got 30 charges though I worked out later these 30 charges reset every time you log out so it is all good I made a copper long sword and finally figured out how to use the essence table essence of durability essence of damage each weapon can be enchanted three times and the durability enchant only costs one rough Amber and 10 granite slabs so I immediately got busy stocking up on more rough Amber oh what the hell I didn't know it was going to do that since when does the Geer do that turns out geers shoot you rather high up in the air I collected about 60 rough Amber and got enchanting I was tempted by the damage enchant but it was much more expensive costing one Ruby and one blast core so I just put three Essences of durability on my new sword for now theoretically damage is the better choice but I just want it to last ages so I don't have to use more copper I extended out my farm and I'd been Milling slap berri so I had plenty of seege which I planted so I could keep making infinite slap juice I Enchanted a tier three pickaxe and Forest axe with triple durability and made sure to keep granite slabs crafting because I plan to do many more durability en chants and I don't know precisely how much durability these Essence upgrades add but as I headed back into the nearby lava cave and got busy mining it felt like my pickaxe was breaking much slower wonderful news I spent the whole of day 44 in this first cavernous area of this lava cave collecting everything until finally my enchanted pickaxe broke after it had Faithfully helped me collect 158 copper ore 91 brightcore and eight rubies I gracefully grappled my way out vowing to return soon because I was no doubt going to need more briatore obsidian and rubies what the heck is going on in there what are you guys doing I got these idiots to give me the fruit of their labor they gave me 30 slabs they gave me some serious stuff oh brute is there a tried and true way to find a brute if there is I never figured it out I needed a grasslands brute scale to upgrade my crafting bench to the next tear so off I marched to find one and this was a long search the plus side was that I collected a lot of wool and feathers on the way look at this corn field what the heck is going on this isn't what I had in mind though I was hoping for a brute oh my gosh and there's a pumpkin field as well there was no brute in these rolling Hills no brute near this dilapidated Pavilion no brutes lurking in the dark but at the dawn of day 47 after two full days of searching oh I think yes this may actually be the same brute I saw on the beach ages ago I'd assumed they despawn when you log out but maybe not either way I was just glad I'd finally found one and as you can see my strategy was to keep my distance Dodge his spit and shoot him many many times get shot out get shot at you big idiot yes is it only one it's only one yeah I think I only need one to upgrade my crafting MCH again so that's good considering brutes had proven very hard to find I'd hoped I'd get more than one scale because I needed three more for a charm I was hoping to craft but the crafting bench was the main thing so I was pretty happy I decided to have a look see over at the snow biome I think I run slower in the snow I do for sure look how slow I am and I soon spotted a friend how do I find a frost brute I don't think I can find a frost brute surely it's much stronger than like a normal brute despite that guess what I did I employed the exact same strategy but I guess the frost brute is a little faster than the one on the beach because he seemed to catch up to me more easily oh he uh oh damn it I didn't realize he was charging I thought he was going to run up to me and then swing at me no I'm so far away this stupid bed as well i' placed a bed to set my spawn point before taking on the brute on the beach but for some reason I didn't set a new spawn point before taking on the way harder Frost brute because I am a goose I struggled my way back to pick up my dropped Loot and as Darkness fell it was extra cold and extra dangerous but I made it back in one piece I even claimed some free Frost Pine because the big brute had knocked down a tree with his wild flaing I paid a quick visit to my original Village on the run back to the desert and I chose a Meandering path back hoping I might stumble upon another grasslands brute but I had no such luck I picked up some snow berries while visiting the snow and a heck of a lot of milk too so I blended up some snowberry shakes and I popped some snow berries in the mill to get some seeds to plant crafting bench bench upgrade the final crafting bench upgrade earned me the Epic tool variants which weren't actually too hard to make the axe required copper bars and not root rods and the pickaxe obsidian slabs and frost Pine rods there were also yet more rather expensive charms available I unlocked Village level six for the cost of some marbles and rough Amber and what do you know another huge building blueprint I spent some time organizing my chests because up until this point stuff had been thrown in willy-nilly and when I checked in on bright bomber's wood refining progress well 10 knot rout rods that's not bad there's hope for the villagers to be useful I finally put the finishing touch on this field all right the farm here is finished it's half slap slap berries and half Snow Breeze it felt great to have my slow accumulation of poop result in a glorious farm and on day 50 I had that wonderful fancy take me once more the profound desire to build a big old wall I made it a castle fence with these glorious pointy corner pieces and I of course made sure to fill in any gaps underneath that appeared due to the slope my daughter paid me a visit and summarized the glory of my world like this um sister with with the fire and that little square thing and and then the big bad wolf don't come in that is true there is no way the big bad wolf will be able to breach these walls this hill here was too steep to manage so I cut this corner and somewhere in there I upgraded The Village to level seven and as day 51 arrived I ran low on granite so I had a collection spree but soon enough I was filling in the last of the dodgy gaps under the wall pieces well we managed to make a wall it's keeping this idiot out I'd collected plenty of wool in my earlier brute searching travels turned it into thread and then into cloth and so I was finally able to craft a glider obviously this called for a test Wooh even better was the ability to combine the height gained by the geysers with the ability to Glide and cover ground quickly how's my base look it's fine sick boy The Cheeky Frost Pine and the brute had gifted me allowed me to make an epic pickaxe which I enchanted with one damage and two durability Essences and with such a glorious tool at my disposal I immediately headed back into the lava cave I used up an entire unenchanted tier 3 pickaxe before I moved onto the enchanted tier 4 one and I finally broke that triple durability sword from earlier before making use of one I'd enchanted with two damage Essences oh 13 damage woo so that was an extra three damage per enchant the damage enchant on my pickaxe didn't seem to work to Grant extra damage to rocks and minerals though so that was a bit disappointing either way after about 2 days down there I emerged with 210 obsidian 140 copper ore and 120 brightcore and my tier 4 pickaxe wasn't even half broken I figured it'd be nice to make a home for myself and my Rabel of villages so I began laying the foundations for that but my ulterior motive was that I wanted wall against which to place yet more storage in which I dumped the Bounty I just collected I was running low on flexwood so I had a cactus murder spree I continued making copious amount of slap juice I leveled The Village up to eight which set me back some flexwood rods obsidian and rubies and I began work on another Farm area where I planted some wheat I invited Aura to join the village and asked her to find gems for me and I somehow squeezed an oven into this Gap here flour meat and egg 20 healing and 20 hunger restored pumpkin pie flour and pumpkin oh okay this is my going to be my a new default food I think pumpkin pies aren't the best food but they are very easy to mass-produce because they only require flour and pumpkins so a crop Farm is all you need to maintain production whereas the other good food options require meat and animal produce I checked out some of the new enormous castle blueprints i' unlocked and I upgraded The Village yet again hey look an even bigger castle and then it was time for a long overdue experiment and uh yep the balloon floats mystery solved quite a lovely view so I'd guess that if you did that plus a Thruster you could get some pretty good move movement theoretically yes and I did test the balloon plus Thruster combo later with very chaotic results for now I was grateful for these two chickens that had somehow gotten trapped within my walls because they were prolific Poopers as were these chickens just outside the village I guess animals only poop if your character is close by and so as I potted about doing chores these Cluckers digestive systems had been working over time this led to a solid expansion of my second field I planted some pumpkins I added some wall candles to my workshop and when I decided I want wanted to adjust the fence here I enjoyed some more Farm Domino's silly willies I don't know what that mechanic is but it's very stupid I spent quite a while figuring out the perfect fence perimeter and by the end of it pretty much all the crops had been exploded so I replaced them all at the back of the area I added some of these lanterns that are made of one copper bar and one bright core and honestly they don't illuminate much but they're better than nothing I began cooking my first ever pumpkin pies in the oven I upgraded a couple of Epic axes with triple durability and the new Farm continued to expand at record speed thanks to the poopy chickens as you can see it was half wheat half pumpkins unlike the slap Berry and snowberry bushes wheat and pumpkins have to be replanted after every Harvest so this was going to be much more of a chore to maintain but I hoped the pumpkin pies would be delicious enough to make it worth my while I also began cooking 15 more spicy burgers in further preparation for a proper expedition to the snow hang on let's kick the Bri bomber out cuz I think she sucks I don't know why I was so rude to the poor lady but I destroyed her bed and she told me she'd leave in a few days see you nerd I had my first significant pumpkin harvest allowing me to cook a bunch more pies and when I was trying to top up my Amber supplies I somehow found myself in this position oh for goodness sake no damn it I haven't set my spawn still I keep forgetting to set my spawn I'm so dumb I was in the building menu there so it didn't let me pop out my glider therefore gravity I took the opportunity to once again piler from my grasslands Village and this is a good time to mention that the run back to the desert takes about 6 minutes which includes pausing to collect the odd resource but yes it is long flaming long and so by by the time I'd finally made it back I'd totally forgot about my intention to set a spawn point in the desert because I am a goose eat some pie I made a fresh T3 crossbow and I added one durability and two damage enchants to it so this will be a juicy 16 damage bow I collected the stuff I dropped earlier and I saw something outrageous what is going on up here what the hell what happened listen to that I'd found the glowy chest motherload and there was plenty of Handy stuff for me to grab like sand Claws and wool I PE ited away and it was a slightly buggy EXP experience as you might expect all right well that was a rewarding experience after dumping all that magical loot back at base this happened what the hell okay I've been trying to figure out how to steer again so I wouldn't have to run so far on my next adventure but as you can see it didn't really work out flying high with geers and gliding along was a decent substitute for traversal and this added speed in my journey towards the mountains I found my second care package and I was was actually able to open this one but it didn't give me anything too exciting as I finally arrived at the frostlands I encountered my first Ram from whom I stole some heavy wool and this is going to be a bad idea but we're going to do it anyway that's right it's my best friend Frosty spiky boy big Fell's being an idiot cheesing him behind some trees as I heroically shot the frost brute in the face he tried over and over to spit at me but his spit kept hitting the tree he was stuck on so I was totally safe this is the strategy this is definitely the strategy the unenchanted crossbow had started with broke so as you can see I swapped my juicy 16 damage one and I used a whopping 76 arrows killing the big fella finally holy crap I don't think I would have got that done without the cheese so it wasn't exactly an honorable battle for me but I snagged myself a frost brute scale nonetheless the lesson here is honor is meaningless by the way I had eaten one of them spicy Burgers so as you can see I had a cold resistance food buff on top of the cold resistance charm I was wearing so the cold wasn't giving me any trouble I grappled my way up this ice shelf and my objective was to get my frostlands Village established so I was looking for for a nice flat area oh what's this it's Malachite and it was located on a promising flat area after mining a bunch and taking on a frost roller and Woolf I placed out a brand new Village Square but as you can see it was night time and after suffering big damage from this wolf a bunch of super skellies started chasing me and it turns out pumpkin piie has take a very long time to eat damn it I had 1 second left I had 1 second left on the food finishing takes so long to eat a pie fortunately I'd set my spawn fairly close nearby but without my spicy Burger buff it was too cold for me to survive some loot I dropped early at a free up bag space was nearby so I grabbed that before expiring once again I'm just going to chain D now I had the bright idea to slowly move my bed towards my destination but for some reason I didn't drink that snowberry Shake which would have topped up my health significantly i instead panicked like crazy no dude I can't find a bed no honestly hugely embarrassing stuff Goose on the loose Behavior smooth brain on full display obviously since I'd destroyed the bed and died before I could set spawn at the new bed I'd returned to the original spawn near my grasslands Village I topped up my health and marched off on my biggest Walk of Shame yet I grabbed a bunch of snow berries on the way which heal a solid two hearts and I relied on these to keep me alive through the cold I had to build a staircase to get up the icy wall as I had of course dropped my grappling hook but soon I was wandering back into my fledgling frostlands Village and look at me being a clever fellow remembering to set my spawn for once I had my T4 axes that i' made out of copper and not root so I was able to chop down the these pine trees and begin collecting Frost Pine this was actually the key objective of this Mission because I needed the frost Pine to make more tier 4 pickaxes the blue Squire was visiting so I invited him to stay and since the skellies of the frostlands were hitting me for a scary four Hearts each hit it was good to have him as a meat Shield but even with his help things got dicey and I ended up running around like a goose on the loose and I discovered I could gift The Squire a long sword to increase his Effectiveness in battle fortunately we survived the night feels like my problem now how like how do you get wood reliably up here since all the trees up here Frost Pine instead of regular old wood this is indeed a challenge but I did manage to pull the wood and granite together to hit Village level two I was pleased to discover the building style for the frostlands is Japanese Shogun Vibes I managed to get a lumber mill going and I was happy these ruins had two big old chests I could make use of to manage my inventory I collected the slim pickings of wood from bushes and the odd random log I enjoyed the fact that quite a few Rams were just chilling here providing me with heavy wool and a steady supply of poop and I soon got to work building based off the starter Palace blueprint and then I immediately destroyed it because it was too small by the way even though I had my spicy Burger buff the dead of night was still too cold for me to handle so this campfire took the edge off while I foolishly attempted to freebuild because this Village was only level two I had unlocked barely any of the building pieces in this Shogun style and therefore it was basically a very stupid idea to make a custom build at this point especially when you take into account the fact that I am a goose without the broader variety of building pieces I'd unlock later it was just a pain trying to get everything to fit I managed to get the front looking all right but I just have to put another door on cuz there's no other way there was no way to get this back wall done without gaps so I just left a hole there hoping I'd unlock the perfect sized wall piece later I attempted to at least get the roof sorted but I had the same problem and so I abandoned this building project for now I spotted a frostlands cave nearby so I wandered in to check it out and right at the entrance I found some iron which I was able to collect creepy man but my pickaxe soon broke and I was only going to be able to craft more of these epic pickaxes back at the desert so I came away with a M 14 iron ore I had plenty of Axe durability though so I collected Frost Pine all night and once I had about 240 I did some of these ones why is it not flying I swear one balloon was enough earlier but I guess I put on some weight there we go I hit the Thruster and zoomed forth but as you can see the aircraft wasn't exactly leveled we're making progress theoretically now I'm just no I'm going in a circle I'd been hoping for a straight shot West towards my desert village but adding the second balloon had made that impossible I added a third which leveled things out but now I'm facing the wrong way and I can't make another Thruster no I'm just going off in the wrong direction now okay but I traveled very far very quickly so if I'd buil it correctly so I took that as a loose proof of concept for hopefully launching a successful flight in the future that's a that is a sand brute man I don't think I should take it on in the dark though I made this zesty ancient bed out of frost Pine set my spawn and conducted a test since I had no arrows it was going to be a melee battle and I wanted to know how much damage he did before committing to the fight and he too hit me despite my many charms so I decided the fight would be too hard without r attacks and I bailed I was soon gliding towards my desert village where I got some Frost Pine rods crafting I can make this because I cheesed the frost brute 14 armor and five Hearts okay that's going to help I brought some heavy wool back so I immediately began crafting that into thread and at this point I was growing tired of only having small chests and I felt I had enough excess obsidian and copper to afford these 20 slot chests So I placed a couple down I brought home a bounty of poop from the Rams so I finished off this big field and used this front section for pepper plants so I could keep up spicy Burger production I harvested and got a bunch more pumpkin pies cooking I crafted a bunch of Epic pickaxes and a sword did some enchanting too and so equipped I headed to an as yet untouched lava cave I was hoping to find blast cores for that juicy charm and I needed rubies for the final desert village upgrade but I was of course also Keen to further hoorde basically everything but when I had to go AFK suddenly I forgot to top up my health so my bonus health regen charm was not activated and I slowly melted away in the heat for goodness sake man I always forget to set my base I don't think it's too far though it's at that ancient bed that I made oh no where am I I'm like really really really far to the southeast why admittedly I'd forgotten to reset my spawn point at the desert village but I did have a spawn point set near that sand brute so I have no idea what the hell happened but I was absurdly far away I began raging about the way I died when you're solo you should be able to pause and I developed a genius strategy I think I just die right and hope that it takes me back to that ancient bed so I let this rly poly idiot whack me in the face and no the game is bugged how is this 0 0 not only had the game forgotten I'd set my spawn point it had also decided that coordinates 0 0 were about 13 light years away rather than where it was originally right next to my grasslands Village I was genuinely tempted to rage quit and make the video end here at I played 69 days of Lego fortnite but in the end I resigned myself to jogging it out can you go away wolf you idiot after running west along the border of this frostlands for about 10 minutes I realized I had to cut North through the snow there was simply no going around it oh I can see I can see stuff that I've explored before it's a miracle I think I had enough food to help me survive the cold damage but I hadn't realized night was about to fall and I'd forgotten that you start running way slower when you're cold I'm dead I'm actually dead there's a thunderstorm as well eight I was so devastated I just sat there in silence that was over 15 minutes of running wasted but I was soon to be greeted by a miracle H okay it remembered that I had a bed over here that's where it should have spawn me before but it decided to send me to the the the southern Abyss like literally 10 km south of there as I ran home I had a glider fail and took fall damage down to half a heart classic Dingus Behavior but I made it and I was finally able to return to my lava caves Expedition after two full days of nonsense I just I just I feel like I've lost a piece of my soul running back to just I logged out soon after this and when I logged in a couple of days later I think I was in a better mood eat a pie eat a yummy pie and I was even happier when I found this oh what that is a glorious find a free sand brute scale is crazy I definitely need to keep checking the chest then and I was even happier when I realized some of the materials I was gathering were now stacking to 50 instead of just 30 wait what you can do stacks of 50 obsidian as well not copper though so clearly they dropped a patch between my play sessions see increased stack sizes was a huge deal for inventory management and it of course meant these four Rays into caves were going to be more efficient as now I'd be able to take more items home and I'm pretty sure being able to find a sand brute scale in a chest was an update too because I'd never seen that before this Cave System proved to be rather enormous so it kept me busy for quite a while oh another ah no no he destroyed the brute scale rip to that brute scale that would that was a free brute scale I was lucky enough to find a constellation brute scale later so these were definitely not so rare anymore I found three scales total in about 2 days down in this cave 83 rubies 250 obsidian 350 briad core 120 copper a cheeky sand brute scale only four blast cores I need more blast cores so that was a rather profitable expedition in a rather huge cave when I returned I invited Burger head here to join the village Frost shells and mik oh yeah I just need Frost shells okay sweet that sand brute scale was glorious fine I smelted that iron I'd snagged in the Crosslands cave and discovered iron bars can help me make epic weapons and the final Health charm and once I'd cut 30 more rubies I was able to claim the final desert village upgrade level 10 and a great achievement I needed some more blast cores for that epic charm so I returned to the first lava cave because I record its abundance of explody rollers and true to form in this particular area they kept constantly respawning that entire giant cave I only found four and I've just found eight in like 2 seconds making nine when I returned I invited peely to be my fifth and final villager and and I set his banana fingers to work smelting metal this is ridiculous this is one of the best in the game just skipped the entire rare tier this gave me two more hearts and nine more Armor Plus even more cold resistance I had just enough iron bars to make an epic long sword and another juicy use of those blast cores I'd collected was adding a couple of damage enchants to my new blade making it deal 15 damage I then had a wood and granite collection spree because I felt like I was due for a building session after moving these beds out of the way I got to work on some sleeping quarters getting this Village to level 10 meant I had every single Castle Building piece at my disposal so I spent quite a while choosing exactly what I wanted and I constantly changed things up until I was happy these chests along the side here ended up being in the way so I got rid of them and instead placed six of these big chests along the front and after whacking on a roof and fiddling about finalizing my wall choices I was done yeah completed a little house I think I should have done the flooring differently cuz the walls at the moment are on the floor also these ridges are overhanging all right now let's do the interior honestly I'm not happy with the exterior but I guess at the time I settled with good enough and moved on to adding an interior wall and ceiling beginning work on the interior made me realize I needed to redo the back wall so the windows wouldn't be weird from the inside I soon sorted that out and got to work decorating I tried to fit a toilet area in but gave up on that idea and went for a more normal bedroom decor all right I've got a bedroom now my beautiful bedroom I gave my villagers a resplendant decorated quarters too very generous sleeping Quarters here these idiots got stuck again but they were actually working away quite well at their jobs giving me stacks of stuff like marble slabs and cut Amber which was very handy so I forgave them their silly willies my next project was to attempt a little decorating around town I ended up with some random crates in front of the workshop and a wooden path I went through a few iterations of this path's design and ended up using various sized flooring pieces to make it somewhat randomly textured and to ensure it wasn't just a weirdly boring straight path I then had another wood and granite collecting session because now that I pulled off a fairly simple build it was time to get more ambitious my goal for this build was simple make a castle My ultimate goal would be to build up the whole village filling the entire area inside the walls so I needed something to go on this hill here so I figured it might as well be a castle this took a very long time by the start of day 83 This is Where I was up to by the end of day 83 I decided I didn't want any foundations visible and I realized there was no reason I couldn't just use these wall pieces as a foundation and I think this looks much better by the start of day 84 I was doing some of these ones and the reason why this was taking so long is because it's really finicky trying to get stuff to line up the way you want it fast forward to day 85 and here I am suffering indecision about the way this porch area has turned out and here I am later that day going to outrageous lengths to get these wall pieces at the exact height I want them the only way I figured out how to do this was to build a wall piece at a spot further down the hill so I could place it lower and then snap other wall pieces to it making a chain across at the desired height if that doesn't make sense to you I can't be bothered explaining it further so just know it was very finicky there we go now it's all smooth smooth and welcome to day 86 where I believe the porch front area was pretty much done but I'd gotten distracted making a path later that day some walls actually started going up if you can believe that it's day 87 and I'm devising a little indoor stair situation but here's day 88 and I've decided I absolutely hate the way the flooring is exposed on the porch so it's time for some distraction and I guess I'll fix it later here's day 89 and the second floor's wall is getting some attention it looks like there might actually be some flooring down too revolutionary stuff but then I guess it was time to randomly start making some lamp posts these posts are actually pretty cool I used the palacial corner from the frostlands building set plus a wall light and happy days I placed a couple along the path before it was time for a granite restock and after placing a couple more posts plus some wall lights either side of this door it was time to sort out this porch section I tried slapping a roof up there I don't love it but I don't hate it I placed down some railings too before getting to work on the walls at the back of the structure this involved plenty of trial and error as I attempted to achieve texture and simmetry by the evening of day 91 I was busy attempting to get a roof up on the house proper but this was doomed to failure firstly there are no corner pieces in this green Mana style so it was impossible to neatly navigate this corner secondly I'd built this structure such that it was impossible for the slanting roofs to actually meet properly in the middle the spacing simply was not right look at this thing it's so close to being cool but it's just not cool I think I just make the top of castle at this point by that I meant I should just place battlements to make it look like a castle so that's what I did by the way the process of building this thing had destroyed nearly the entirety of this field here great stuff not annoying at all I toyed with the idea of having a staircase up to the roof but decided it was too finicky and finally I was done I finished connecting this path over and added some more lamp posts the street is probably one of the coolest things I actually really like the street chickens are just pooping up a storm I swear my my lamp post designed is cooler than my castle it is a cool street but I sound kind of dejected about the building there I think because it was so much more complicated than it should have been mainly because of this game's limited building piece options but really I was quite happy it was a relatively ambitious project and I managed to put together a nice looking building and a worthy addition to this village with that Mammoth project completed it was time to pay another visit to the frost lands and I wanted to take everything I needed to fully upgrade a crafting bench and fully upgrade the village over there so I Googled it and worked out exactly what materials I'd need and attempted to fill my inventory with precise amounts of what I needed I even placed a chest on my aircraft to fit in some excess stuff all right this is where we find out if I'm a genius or an idiot oh no I'm an idiot to be fair the last time I had just one balloon on one of these things it didn't give me any lift at all so I was hoping I'd be able to quickly place two balloons one on each corner but uh nope and so it was time to salvage my floaty mistake no no don't go higher oh no I tried to land on the chest and get the second balloon placed but oh no I was on so guess what time it was that is right balloon number three this time I added some weight to try and get lower in a less risky fashion but it took me too low so I destroyed the stairs floated back up again and tried again and failed again yes what you are witnessing may be the stupidest nonsense in the history of balloon flight so consider yourself lucky I logged out for the end of that gaming session and when I logged back in I was this Christmasy goober and surprisingly my balloon fleet was still up there I decided to whip out a Stairway to Heaven and I painstakingly got myself in reach of the failed balloon another object is in the way what object no don't do this to me for some reason it wouldn't let me Place Another balloon so I switched tactics attempting to make use of this stranded Dynamic Foundation instead I managed to place two balloons but where'd it go what why is there a balloon here bro this game is bugged I could have run to the frosty zone eight times by this point that is true but I was determined to Pilot a successful flight also it gets worse it's not letting me Place anything what is going on what happens if I disconnect this it's actually pretty stable buto why is it going so high you know what that means that is right right a bigger staircase wait this how where did the second balloon come from what the hell's going on so the disappearing balloon had reappeared and this aircraft was relatively stable yes yes I'm actually going in the right direction but not really it was actually turning a fair bit to the right as I was cooking up a solution to this misalignment I accidentally pressed control what the heck did I jump backwards for a deeply buried Minecraft Instinct had surfaced and I pressed control to crouch so I would fall when placing the small Thruster which doesn't even work in this game and control does not make you crouch in this game it makes you dodge it's all good we were about du another giant staircase anyway but as I jumped down to get some more wood I was in the build menu so when I pressed space bar the glider didn't come out at least I actually set my spawn point back in my glorious bedroom bro my bedroom is actually pretty sick worth it worth it to die so I could enjoy my beautiful bedroom I'm losing my mind here soon I was back up there adding a small Thruster on the side hoping it would provide some course correction no no no what that's not course correction all right we managed to Veer a little bit further left so we should you head the right direction now is what why did I fall off th there was no reason for me to fall off I didn't I didn't my hand wasn't on the keyboard bro I hate this game I'm going to kill someone nice bedroom though cannot be bothered going up to retrieve that right now I'll do it later who cares and so I jogged it out leaving the chest high in the sky to collect later and that was a waste of several days failing to fly what a circus I leveled this Village up to level three and built a pavilion here in which I placed a crafting table I then upgraded The Village to level four unlocking this glorious Palace Gates blueprint and I invited this Yeti to become a resident I placed a temporary Stone breaker down and got some marble slabs crafting and I upgraded my new crafting bench to Max rank making use of that brute scale I'd randomly found in the lava cave and so now I was able to craft everything I needed right here making this Village a viable base of operations I needed a higher Village rating to upgrade the village further though and a sure way to up your rating is to build stuff so I got to work on the walls beginning with Palace Gates but I soon found I was low on wood so I headed back to the grasslands to get busy chopping I also attempted to reather the wood from this giant staircase but the lake ended up with most of the profit i' cool off from my rage earlier so I was now emotionally ready to build yet another staircase to collect the goodies in this floating chest I spent some time in a grasslands cave because I'd worked out I need a bigger stock of marble and not route to get properly established in the frostlands village and early on day 101 I returned with a bag full of goodies to finish off these glorious Gates I think that's how we finish the 100 days I think it's technically day 101 think I may have gone over time but that's okay we end with a big fat red door that's what I'm talking about poised to make a glorious Frost Village I need to go back and finish off the Sand Village and grasslands Village got badly abandoned yes indeed there is a lot more work to do in this world so if you want to see 200 days let me know check out my 100% playthrough of Dave the diver featuring the funniest cut scenes in a video game hands down yeah
Channel: Floydson
Views: 344,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: floydson, aussie, lego, lego fortnite, 100 days, 100 days of lego fortnite, i played 100 days of lego fortnite, i played 100 days of lego fortnite and here's what happened
Id: VmQELWcxTrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 54sec (4314 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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