Can we make SOAP look like a GEODE?

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Hey guys, we're Evan and Katelyn and today we're gonna be making resin, I mean, (laughs) Nah dang it. (beeps) Today we're gonna be making soap geodes. Kind of like, this, but smaller. And soap. And made out of soap (laughs). If you've watched our channel before you might have seen our resin geodes, it's one of our favorite projects. And if you watched the last video you might have seen that we are now soap experts. (laughs) No, no! Oh. Gotta trim it. EVAN: Cut it off, oh no. (beep) So we're gonna try to see how accurately we can like, recreate this complex design but using a brand new material that we're still, very inexperienced with. Very professional at. So here's the plan, first we're gonna try to create the crystaly geodey center. So for that, we're making a sugar scrub soap and we're gonna follow a recipe because we're responsible adults, and then for the rest we're gonna totally wing it. (tinkling) It should be very fun, I'm excited. Let's get start (laughs). (tinkling) (hurried piano music) EVAN: Katelyn are you ready to cut more soap? KATELYN: ♪ In my dreams.♪ We've measured the precise amount. So the recipe we're following is for sugar scrub cubes by the Soap Queen. Hi, I'm Anne Marie, AKA the Soap Queen. KATELYN: Anne Marie seems to be the soap guru of YouTube. She's got her channel, she's got a company where she soaps supplies, and she covers pretty much every soap tutorial you could think of. EVAN: Oh yisss. (drops into bowl) (claps) KATELYN: You know what I bet would be really satisfying? Hmm? Like making soaps and then melting them. (laughs) Just like a continual cycle of, like. KATELYN: Yeah, that's what we should do with all of our tiny soaps from last time. (strange noise) Okay, so with this, you have to add the sugar very, very last, because it's gonna cool the soap quickly. ANNE MARIE: The second you add your sugar, this is gonna harden up really quickly. We're gonna do everything else first, and then add the sugar last, and then it's go-mode. So we want to like make a little, kind of sphere-like thing, and I want mine to have a hole down the center. Oh, you fancy. I know, so I have some instruments right here that I'm gonna try to, like, use to shape it as it cools. (laughs) I'm not gonna do a hole. You're just gonna roll up a ball and stick it in the center? Maybe. (Evan laughs) But yeah so this is also a little different because we're adding almond oil, and it's like, equal parts almond oil and soap, which is very different from last time. The only experience last time adding an additional oil. It was the pizza soap. (laughs) Made it real greasy. EVAN: You're pizza one is leaking (laughs). It's a feature, it's like a gusher. This is like so much sugar too. This is more sugar than almond oil or soap. Combined. Combined. You're tea is ready sir. You're tea is ready sir. Quarter cup of almond oil. Yep. What a scent do you wanna do? Do you want to try something different like peppermint maybe? Sure. I feel mint and sugar would just make me want to eat it. Mm, smells good. (tapping) So this looks nice and liquidy. Yeah, okay so we're gonna pour it into our measuring cup then we'll add color. Oh you're putting gloves on. I should do that too. That's a good idea. So I think color wise we're just gonna add like a white, shiny mica powder, because we want it to look crystaly. So yeah, you do the mica powder, I'll do the sugar and we'll, Well, don't do the sugar yet, put it in and we'll do the mica powder and get it stirred in. No we can do the sugar at the beginning. No, no, no you're not supposed to. You're supposed to fully mix the color first before you add the sugar. ANNE MARIE: Fully incorporate the fragrance and the color before you add your six ounces of sugar. Oh, okay. That's what the Soap Queen says. Okay (laughs) I didn't pay attention. Trust the Soap Queen. (beep) Ready for me to pour? Yeah, yeah. EVAN: Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho yes. All right? KATELYN: Check than like not a ton of white, I feel like we do too much white. Not a ton. Oh yeah. Can you start scooping the, KATELYN: The sugar? Okay one. (idle music) Two. So much sugar! Three. EVAN: All right. ANNE-MARIE: Really mix it very fast. Go, go, go. What do we do, what do we do? Want me to scoop it, shall I pour it? No, well yeah you can. Do what you need to do for yours first. I don't know what I (laughs) I thought you had a plan. (laughs) No I don't have, you go first. I'm gonna just copy you (laughs). You can't cause you're doing a hole in yours. Here's my plan. EVAN: So one. KATELYN: Oh, your just going, okay. EVAN: Two. KATELYN: You're doing really big crystals. EVAN: Three. I'm doing three different sizes (laughs). It's fine (laughs). Oh, yeah, I probably should just (laughs). (laughs) Oh god, your making such a mess. EVAN: Oh this is nice to play with. KATELYN: I know right? Don't do you wanna, it's like cookie dough. (beep) I'm gonna try one wild card. I am gonna, uh, oh it's solidifying. Excuse my finger, okay, I'm going in. Okay I'm trying one with like a hole in it. I think that looks kinda cool actually. I'll have one kinda nice round, one semi-hole and one. EVAN: Oh jeez, oh jeez. This wasn't what I intended (laughs). It looks good! My god, there's soap everywhere. Oh you're going all the way through. EVAN: Yeah. KATELYN: It'll be cool looking, if you can swing it. How do I transport it? KATELYN: I think if you just leave it the other soap will, like, glue it together. EVAN: Yeah but I want the walls to be like, so much solid. KATELYN: Oh yeah, you don't want it leaking in. You might need to like add some more right here. Okay. I think we're good. I think they look great. They look great! KATELYN: Hey we have like a whole variety. It's like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Wait, there's only six (laughs). (Evan laughs) KATELYN: But there is like a progression, so we'll get to test different things and see what looks the best. Okay. Okay, let's clean up. (Evan laughs) (record scratch) Okay, I decided to do some impromptu repair work. Wait, this is not going! No, no wait. Don't you want me to record? EVAN: Pouring a little bit of, like hot reinforcements. Okay, oh yeah that, that worked. It's like pouring wet sand on dry sand to like smooths out your sandcastle. Yeah, all right. Okay, okay. Let's clean up. Again. NARRATOR: Three hours later. All right, so the sugar scrubs have solidified enough that I am down to go. We need to spray them with alcohol. EVAN: Oh, we need to spray them with alcohol. Not yet, like. Yeah. Right before so I'll put that here. EVAN: Yeah okay, cool. (dings) Wait, wait, you gotta slow your roll. EVAN: Ready to go in? KATELYN: Yeah. Oh. New method. Nice. Did you heat up that knife? (idle music) (knife cutting) KATELYN: Soap pros. Oh my gosh, nobody ever cut soap this fast. (laughs) KATELYN: What colors do you wanna do? EVAN: This blue, this purple, gold. I wanna copy this pretty much exactly. Some drops of this ink. Oh. Okay so we're gonna have to move pretty fast, because I'm gonna wanna do three pours of four different colors all at once. Okay. So I'm gonna mix these from light to dark, so I don't need to like, change the stir stick in-between. Soap Queen tip. Worst case scenario. It's all ruined. Remelt it all and, Oh yeah. EVAN: That's okay. KATELYN: You could reserve a little, okay. (Evan laughs) Okay. EVAN: White complete, gold. KATELYN: You're doing great. EVAN: All right, so you start with white. Okay. Already looks cool. KATELYN: Yeah. And then you go to gold, purple at the same time. KATELYN: Oh, you have a method. Oh I got some in the middle. That's oh, oh, (laughs). I was gonna say it's okay (laughs). I don't know if that's okay. So, it's a little bit flowier than resin, but that's looking cool though. It's looking really cool. Okay and then? I'm gonna go to blue. KATELYN: Blue yeah. Ooh. Oh, we didn't spray it with the alcohol. Oh. (twinkling noise) It'll be okay right? Where's your confirmation that it'll be okay? KATELYN: Well I have no confirmation for you. They look beautiful. EVAN: I almost want to like, add more sparkles or something. We don't have any like soap glitter. We have normal glitter, you want some holo (Evan laughs) EVAN: All right here let me just add like, KATELYN: (gasps) You doin the inks? EVAN: I'm just gonna try it. KATELYN: Oh my gosh, it actually legit looks like geodes. I'm the heat gun (blows air). KATELYN: (laughs) Actually it's working. EVAN: Does that look good? I think it looks good. Well there's, what, get that one like, this guy. He's a little prominent. Yeah. EVAN: Pretty decent though. KATELYN: Yeah, it actually does look pretty decent. EVAN: Oh yes. KATELYN: Yeah, just make sure you don't over blend because you don't want it to just become one color. Yeah okay, okay, okay. KATELYN: I think they actually look really good. I mean, maybe we can carve out the, soap in the middle of that guy. The spill that I made? (groans) Whew (laughs). I was stressed for you and that's why. Wait, wait, can you film this? Oh yeah. EVAN: We need to break the bubbles. KATELYN: Yeah break them bubbles. (sprays) EVAN: I think that if I were gonna do it again, I might Yes tell me because I'm about to go. (Evan chuckles) EVAN: I might do more gold. KATELYN: Okay. EVAN: I think that's the one thing I wish I had more on this one. Okay my turn? Yeah your turn. (Katelyn claps) (groovy music) What colors are you gonna do? I'm gonna try to do the geodes from our geode table. Oh. So I'm gonna do like teals and greens and golds and whites. EVAN: Nice, oh that's gonna look cute. KATELYN: Thanks. EVAN: I'll just do two whole rows. Two hole rows, okay. Yeah. We got extra, we'll just you know, party. Yeah, we've gone through a lot of soap in the past couple of days. (Evan laughs) EVAN: Oh that's the best angle. (alarm goes off) Today's video is brought to you by NordVPN. And to demonstrate what a VPN does, we brought some props. So imagine this clear tube is the internet and this is your data moving along inside of it. Oh I can see it so clearly. Everyone can see it, but with NordVPN, no one can see what's going on in there. What's happening? And that's what you want if you're on a public wifi, like if you're at a coffee shop, or you're traveling, you don't want everyone seeing all of your data. Yeah, so NordVPN it works on Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and there's really no excuse 'cause you can try it out, they have a 30 day money back guarantee. So if you wanna start taking your internet safety seriously go to We will have a link below and you can get a special offer of 75% off a three year plan, that's just $2.99 a month and use code EvanAndKatelyn for one month free, so, use code EvanAndKatelyn. Thanks bye! Thank you Nord and thank you you guys for listening to our ad. (Evan laughs) (beeps) KATELYN: Okay, I think we're chunk free. EVAN: No more chunks for us. KATELYN: You ready, am I ready? (Evan laughs) No. We ain't got no recipe for this part. Go time (makes whooshing noises). Oh my gosh that's so much (laughs). (shushes) The white might be too much but it'll be like the least evident if there's chunks. (Evan laughs) This'll be interesting. My colors kind-of look more like Easter eggs then geodes. EVAN: Is it time? KATELYN: I mean, I think it's, it's like goodish. EVAN: That's what we aim for here on Evan and Katelyn. (together) Goodish. KATELYN: I'm gonna reserve a little blue and some green, two spots of green here. To look a more mixed one there, okay, okay. Oh there's a big chunk of pigment in the gold. I did too much of the gold. (Evan laughs) Yeah it'll be like a blender. EVAN: That looks great so far. Thanks. I think that the amount of pigment you did is the right amount. These might, oh, I almost, I almost flung that one. I'm just gonna keep pouring. I think, I think, yeah keep on pouring, I think pouring might distribute them some too. Oh yeah look at that. KATELYN: Yeah that's cool. Yes, I'm feeling this. You, it's interesting you can kinda see like flow patterns. EVAN: You're being so much more controlled and patient then I was. Oh, really on top. KATELYN: Oh yeah, I'm gonna do both. EVAN: Bold. KATELYN: And just like one on the mold. For good measure. (Katelyn sprays) EVAN: Nice. KATELYN: Okay. Oh, they're flowin. I'm trying to just add in some more texture. Oh I can like scoop from the bottom. I guess I should be filming this. Yeah what the heck. (Evan laughs) KATELYN: I, feel like mine looks a lot less like a geode then yours. EVAN: It looks cool. KATELYN: It looks cool. My colors were maybe a little off. But this is helping. Like I'm scooping from the lower and like dropping it. EVAN: That's like forming the like cracks in the surface kind-of, you know what I mean? Yeah. Huh, I think I'm good. We'll see. EVAN: This one's my favorite. Yeah, that's pretty cool. That one's really cool. Mine kinda look like eyes. Oh my gosh! KATELYN: What if we did black sugar scrub next time and then it was like soap eyeballs? Okay. Well I guess we just need to let this cool. Yeah. And then it's time to reveal our final product. I am excite. I'm also very excite. Okay, see you guys in a few. (Evan makes noise) All right Katelyn you ready? Yeah it's been about three or four hours. Oh wait no I wasn't. (Evan laughs) I wasn't ready to film, I wasn't ready for this. Okay, it's been about three hours, we're gonna see if we can pop these out. EVAN: I'm just gonna try pushing from the bottom. (gasps) Oh that's magical. KATELYN: Oh, oh it's like a little tart. Whoa look at the alcohol ink. Wow. Weird They like settled down strangely. Kinda wanna like, KATELYN: What are you, what are you, your like completing the hole? EVAN: Yeah look at that. Okay and then also on this one I'm gonna test something. I kinda wanna like, Oh your gonna like shave it off. EVAN: I kinda wanna like flatten this down. Oh look at that. KATELYN: That does look nice. EVAN: That looks nice. KATELYN: But I feel like you should do the edges. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. EVAN: Let's clean this up. KATELYN: That's really cool. Slicing it made a big difference. Yeah. Cause it made it actually look like a geode slice. EVAN: Yes, and the surface texture difference is like a lot. This is smooth and slick, and then it's like a rough. KATELYN: Oh yeah, yeah. EVAN: I'm actually like, kinda of excited to try this out, like wash my hands with it or something. KATELYN: Wait we definitely will test one of these. Oh yeah yeah yeah. In this video. I'm cleaning out the inside. KATELYN: Oh that's like (hisses) scraping a hole? I dunno know. (Evan laughs) Oh so satisfying. EVAN: That's nice. Not so much. That's nice, we learned some lessons. KATELYN: Yeah, but we only need one side to look good. Yep. (claps) More. (upbeat music) KATELYN: Look at that oh, yeah. That's, that makes such a huge difference. EVAN: Oh yes. (Katelyn chuckles) God dang it that's good. Yeah cleaning out those edges makes a big difference. Let's start with the ugly one. (Evan chuckles) EVAN: Or, what if that turns out to be the prettiest one? KATELYN: It's like so smooth. I'm gonna try to cut off my extra scrub as well. Nice, oh yeah that does look better. My top is pretty clean. EVAN: How did you pour more cleanly than I did? Don't answer that question (laughs). (upbeat music) That looks really neat. The flat looks really nice. It really does look like crystals honestly. Yeah. It really does have a crystaly look and a crystaly feel, which is super cool! That worked out better than I expected. (upbeat music) EVAN: Oh that is great. And there's still a little bit of an edge. Oh yeah you're right. Oh there we go. EVAN: Yes. Damn, I'm really pleased with these. EVAN: Yeah, wow! KATELYN: Do you want to? EVAN: Put them to the test? Yeah try one out. Yeah. KATELYN: We can test, should we cut it first before we like lather it up, you know? Well maybe do it for this one (laughs). I'm sorry. Okay so, we'll cut him first. Yeah. And then we'll test how it feels to use the soap with the scrub integrated. Yes. Okay. All right who gets to cut? I mean we're cutting mine, I feel like I should get to. (Evan slaps fist) On shoot? On shoot. (together) Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. (Evan laughs) Just like, do good cuts okay? (laughs) Just do good cuts? KATELYN: Okay you ready? EVAN: Are you ready? KATELYN: I'm ready. How is it? EVAN: Ah. KATELYN: Oh it sounds so good! EVAN: Oh it's so crunchy. KATELYN: Oh. (Evan laughs) KATELYN: Oh that's so nice. Show me that cross-section, give me that other one. (together) Oh yes. KATELYN: Wow, look at the way that the gold swirled. Wow! And the colors swirled on the side, I love that. that's like Starry Night kinda stuff. EVAN: Oh my gosh! KATELYN: I took my spoon and I dipped it down and stirred it. Evan] Oh you did. That's amazing. Okay, do you wanna further cross-section the cross-section? KATELYN: I do! Okay, here's what I'm gonna do. EVAN: Oh yes. Oh that's amazing. KATELYN: Oh my god that crunch. (crunches) EVAN: Oh, oh it's like a slice, it's like a lemon slice. It is. Just put that in your drink. Maybe not. EVAN: It looks so tasty. KATELYN: I know, I know why do I just, no, I can't. (Evan laughs) (biting noise) Should we try, lathering up? (water faucet) KATELYN: Ooh the sugars kinda nice. EVAN: Oh and it's foaming nicely. KATELYN: The alcohol ink (laughs) might leave a little staining. (Evan laughs) KATELYN: Oh! EVAN: I'm going for a thick lather! Really test it's durability. KATELYN: It's still holding together! Yeah! I'm impressed, I'm impressed! EVAN: It can deal with Evan levels of crazy. KATELYN: Evan levels of cleanliness. (Evan chuckles) All right, so how did we do? (idle music plays) I think we did awesome (laughs). KATELYN: I think we did pretty darn good. I think that the only advice I'd give, if I were, if you guys were gonna try something like this, is maybe dilute those like concentrated inks, a little bit into something else so they aren't as concentrated. Maybe, or just like don't care what the bottom looks like, that's kind a how I feel. Well also when we were washing our hands some of that stain came out a little bit. Oh yeah, that's true, yeah do what Evan said, don't do what I said. (Evan laughs) EVAN: Well I hope you guys enjoyed this video as much as we did. KATELYN: We'll probably move on to non-soap projects for the next one since we did two in a row, (Evan laughs) but this has been super fun. Let us know if you guys wanna see more, and we'll see you all next time. Bye. Bye. Oh, also check out our gaming channel, Wait, Evan and Katelyn gaming. Bye. Bye. (Evan scuffs shoes) (idle music plays)
Channel: Evan and Katelyn
Views: 1,093,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soap making, how to make soap, soap making for beginners, soap experiment, beginner soap making, soap diy, diy soap, soap cutting, melt and pour, melt and pour soap, melt and pour soap making, botanical soap, easy soap, diy soap bars, soap attempt, following a soap tutorial, evanandkatelyn, Evan and Katelyn, how to, DIY, husband and wife, husband wife, E&K, evan katelyn, geode art, soap geode, DIY geodes, geodes, geode, vpn, vpn best, vpn client, online privacy, vpn for pc
Id: 8sDOurdTAPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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