The FPS That Simulates Modern Trench Warfare

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well tarov dunked on themselves with their $250 version lying to their most supporting customers gry Zone Warfare launched yesterday with the same glaring issues that I noted on the first play test so I've been spending my time deep within the trenches of Armory forger oh something's front you see that car front car front car front guy over oh oh my gosh holy crap I'm suppressing their position now hit the left side we'll hit the [Music] right contact in the open right [Music] side okay rotor gone if you asked me a few years back where you could find the most realistic peer-to-peer conflict simulator I would have a trench warfare game be about 50 lines down that list but in today's age in armor reforger it's super common to be stuck in trenches with modern weaponry and in a match that can last hours you never really know where or when the enemy May attack the modders are steadily gaining a foothold on the modding Suite I think the community of modders has really blown up recently adding more balanced Vehicles refined weapons Scopes and gear it's not super competitive to the quality of the vanilla assets in the game but it brings re forger to the modern sandbox we all enjoy today we're jumping feet first into the mud of the trenches and later we're jumping into the cockpit of a modded Cobra and doing some epic two ship rocket strikes also did you know there's a 60% chance that you're not subscribed and that's okay I'm taking it entirely personally of course but if you want to see more milsome shooter game content like this we have tons of it on the channel so make sure to sub and let's jump in hard question for you but I can't really tell your voice is kind of there are you thei no I'm grank from emperor's new Grove I'm a good voice actor that's why I Nam myself the I think that's what you should do oh I'm overtaking this guy better Speed Up Slowpoke and this Max for what the hell what happened did he just crash into a tree he crash and dies I recorded that oh my God you pitted him pretty hard there did I pit him no he was shot because it was it was lus Rus he he Reed no way I pitted him did I pit him on your screen squeezed him and he just didn't he just didn't do anything about it exhilarating milsim gameplay High action high octane war God you never be able to tell was you that was like a good uh What do you call call it movie Guy voice yeah early 2000s coming 2002 I wonder what would happen if I did that all right you got to try you got to try now just Chan on my inner Batman no that's pretty good man it sounds just like me oh oh I see birds Disturbed I've got Disturbed birds like 500 met out to my Southwest 209 there are enemies apprach roaching probably with vehicles on direction we got uh Southwest about 400 m i saw Disturbed birds and trees and there are no friendes out there crossing in the trench line they're likely going across the yellow MSR to our West they may approach you from your direct West oh eyes eyes vehicle Northwest of us gas in the center of the field Southwest of you cop it's going to be in your it's going to be in your Western Tree Line uh actually no it's coming up diagonally I I'll keep calling I would expect Western tree line is their approach angle yep right check check the sky there's Disturbed Birds they hit a tree they're in the tree line to your West another vehicle to the left yep another vehicle passing us now coming from the south South Tree Line West vehicle should be on you and there's the boom all right let's go driver let me know we should Dismount cuz I I don't see map we should hide enemies by the trucks uh on the east west running tree line break about 50 to 100 me west of the north south intersection Tree Line got it man if he keeps being lazy like that flying directly over I'm going to hit him with a hecking rocket what is he doing what is he doing he's going to do a turn right on top of us this is going to be great come on big old buddy do a turn so I can hit you in the butt right over here got him engaging yeah buddy there he goes he's going down woo oh they may have what what I'm going now got H here HMG South there's a 50 technical behind me down to my South friendly died on the south side in the trenches possible possible hostile South Side I'm high I'm high good kill on that it I didn't mean to reload is that 50 c down yeah I think he got the guy in the South trench another enemy helicopter to the Southwest flying flying East check that that way there's friendly friend is there a guy in the tent how how many friendlies are over there that's friendly it's mostly who's prone in the tent oh that must have been the M60 going off there is a re [Music] station what is helicopter flying northeast southeast of the cap that's an AK he may be in the tent oh jeez he killed everybody [Music] all these goobers looking at us is there's an AK shooting right behind them did you say GL west or east I killed one I I killed a guy in there he RPG w we need he be 46 hiby 46 uh coming coming no that is not hiby 46 yeah come here damn I laid a whole belt into it don't worry I won't tell no one a lot of RPGs are hitting that hum to Northwest lot of RPGs from the Northwest copy Northwest Northwest wait where am I where am I's east's east's East sorry yeah correction was Northeast east east is out of control I think I knocked out it tail rotary control now yeah correction Northeast sorry my bad GL that whole Tree Line East don't shoot my head please I'm going to pop up I see you yeah Tree Line East we got a lot of RPGs and gl's coming from that way you in this bunker Bo yeah cool do you see anything for the tree line one enemy in the field about 75 M off thee line I got three crossing the field copy I'm ranged to 150 out of them bun e bunker hey spread out spread out spread out spread out guys you don't want to get G I can barely even hear you two enemy infantry east line 75 me your impact copy 75i Logan Logan I I I know I know just shoot the bad guys get a hold of yourself Soldier shoot the enemy and shut the [ __ ] up down I was in one of his intros actually I was in two of his intros I was in that Russian I'm going to be pulling out of run gosh I love meeting you guys in videos by the way but man sometimes you good cat oh shoot are you dead dead oh no cat's down yeah we got we got snipers front they're along the left side of the tree line about 200 me down [Music] [Music] got him got [Music] [Applause] [Music] him all right I'm out careful we do have a friendly up there yeah I'm H bad guys take some of cat's mags Road um they were peeking out left side I I dropped one peeking left side I'm going to take another mag somebody's down behind us Jeep behind there any corpses in the trenches get copy with you downed Russian my body my shot my shot another helic [Applause] sou oh shoot they just killed wigs I'd stay back I'd stay back let them come to us enemy gunship helicopter landing de South come back come back come back what what frequency are you guys on 27 that's ours right that's ours right okay yeah it's [Applause] ours I'm be stupid get a hard cover gunships coming in I think gunship gunship gunship is there am here oh it's the heli getting rocket oh my God that's on us that's on us on us on us Dive Dive Dive Dive Dive oh my Rocket's empty no we the I forgot my Rocket's empty yeah yeah yeah Tree Line tree line I'm bleeding I'm should be fine we can get under this bridge the up two up two 2.0 Up 2.0 uh 35 355 355 copy bandaging is this the new one yeah yeah I don't know if you've shot the rocket punch in these but they typically go like right on the top line in between like the I don't know what you call the top part of that like lens where like gotcha I see a guns I think is that is that what it is no it's small arms okay south of us some yeah we're looking for I think closest estimation is that T intersection the paved want to go support uh uh yeah we can we can get out of here just one guy on Infantry down in the field yeah I see him uh clean check T intersection before it left side he's on the road yeah left side of the field see him out I think he's 100 me before the tree line in the dirt road left of the dirt road on see him see him okay one sec one sec I'll get rockets on him oh they're they're hitting him oh he's got to be dead he's down he's down he's down he's dead now okay we're tailing you wherever you go poor goober why do you even shoot bro you attack helicopter ATT helicopter I can do this bro you're not going to get a battlefield clip you're not going to hit a battlefield clip shoter going to shoot boy Sho going to shoot we actually had a CLI of the week in the Discord where a guy hit 44 Rockets like RPGs on Delta by MSR Road and MSR one to both don't hit the pole done that too many times bonus points dude the best is when you wear avgs and you can't see it and you're like that was badass run you just [ __ ] F this [ __ ] out of me just had a per flying these cobras is pretty cool like it gives you an idea of what it could be like eventually I'm going to go like a little bit left avoid yep we're following we're off your rear left about 200 me small arms right lumber mill we got friendly heli on MSR fob we should go Delta East can't see over there this [ __ ] little radio in my way dude jumping over to the right we're on your right all right I'm going do a run then I'm peel left copy s friendly Rockets we got three cobas in a row let's go hit him from the open repeat last say again last I'm swinging right then we're going to come around high and I hit him we got you got two cobas tailing you yeah about to swop up high with you all right I'm hit them for car breing left God damn am I playing DCS right now yes sir didn't even have to buy the $80 Apache I'm saying dude shit's fre trial [Laughter] always bro if only the Apache was this fast in DCS holy crap this thing flies bro yeah dude when you do it like down like top attack and then you go ground level you're like holy [ __ ] it's like a plane if only like the like I don't know if the night Ops were just better I feel like the mvgs are sometimes hard to spot in this yeah no avionics no HUD is kind of weird too yeah yeah it took me like a day and a half to get that uh get that like Top Line of the [ __ ] radical glass crossair top right high right high right sing with you going to stay low and then come up on him he's spinning sorry there you go there you go goodbye well holy [ __ ] oh my goodness oh I love how I can hear the chop of the Cobra behind us too parachutes dude just like 20 guys up another [ __ ] La while it's flying down D these things are so cool like so fast they're like surfing what do we got boy we got boys pushing up by uh Power Go's getting pushed right now we got Boys on Western Farm maybe we could go Western Farm do it north to south or we're out of rockets and two but I think we still have guns uh you're completely out of rockets Press B you have four pods % you just click V and then go to another pod 30% on Rocket correction two has three more pods I didn't know I could switch pods I think it's 17 shots per pod huh so V is in Vector correct weird Okay test it real quick just see if you have more shots I'm pretty sure ignore this shot okay yeah we got more Rockets if you want to get real crazy what you do is you spam V while firing at the same time and you start launching from all the pods and you do like a straight that's so curs cuz like you would just shoot Rockets instead like it should just come out of all four that's weird yeah oh re forger basically just like switching between the different pods and then launching the Rockets from each of them it's really goofy sorry I got a little lost it's only because they just don't support any like weapon Tech in helicopters just not that part of the core scripting yep try not to Rocket them I'm going just scan the southern buildings for enemies I think they got it any there yeah SE anything it'll be a lot of fun once the uh mi8 with the uh whatever that [ __ ] gun is that we were talking about last night uhhuh two of those on the side the auto cannons yeah the dog fights are going to be really [ __ ] crazy on the server once that happens potentially do uh run on a lumber mill we do that let's this is so sick let's take this uh take this power line into Lumber bu then we're going to break right and hit Lumber copy you going to hit Lumber like running in or you going to turn and then hit Lumber yeah we're going to turn and then hit Lumber gotch you we're with you I think we're taking fire yes small arms rear we got some friendlies down on the south side of industrial to our North as well we probably hit that on the way back to main Lumber's ahead hit the left side we'll hit the [Music] right contact's in the open right side friend friend friend oh no friendlies friendlies yeah friendlies friendlies friendlies they're alive they're know yo this guy I was aiming at them uh yeah let them know sorry but I thought Lumber was just all bad guys I didn't check maybe let's get maybe before we strike something we get a small report wigs give us a report for every AO we're going to strike all right yeah they're good zo into the map next time those dudes are like oh the friendly helicopters they're like yo look how badass they're playing is that Rockets uhoh let's southide of industrial's enemy south side of industrial's enemy we got in the forest a SW up on him smoke uh white smoke could potentially be enemy I'm yeah contacts on the white smoke the white smoke is friendly though careful in white smoke is hostile yeah buddy nice nice hey is that an enemy gun truck on in the field behind us I think it like there's a dead mi8 hip no I saw like to be likey I'm not sure and there's four total pods right it's not like switching sides right so there's okay cool Co cool hit four times gotcha there's not really any way to know which pod you're on though that's the problem yeah that's why you just shoot one until it's out and then hit it once but kind of cycle through gu I guess weird but see green smokes there yeah completely out rtb uh we'll hit it once more we're going to hit it once more and then we'll rtb oh Stinger Stinger left of industrial west of industrial in the island clearing Forest thing island of forest west of industrial Stinger I'm I'm I'm we're knocked we're knocked we both goodbye sweet world yo that was so sick just I think the trench and there's a vehicle flanking you flanking you right now yeah there's a vehicle flanking you to the north who's that is that your ve is that you in there I'm in the truck I just hit their mrap I'm getting out I'm going to spray them good morning hey we can talk oh [ __ ] a rocket there's a there's a rocket coming in oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh gosh that's a b that's a BTR I'm down oh no no he destroyed me we're going mock two in this thing right now we're going 80 70 m an hour right now oh gosh going 110 kmph I I'm uh I'm watching the weat pass through the floorboard I think we just got shot at we did right there where you are oh gosh cross this road is going to suck I think there's a ramp big one I think we're fine if we if we land on all feet uhoh y you we are oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness get to the trees go go go go we are is this Frankie tree line is he the next one the next one will be him we're at Michigan I'm the one across okay okay we might get murdered here I don't see any oh I see one enemy yep floor where where where where where he's to the right uh inside Michigan okay got it y woo do we uh do we lose a tire no we're fine I mean I I Feel Fine so we must be good okay this is yeah this is the tree line right this is the correct tree line yes hey that was quite the mission you have actually come back to save me all right I'm hand breaking I'm not so totally certain that you needed saving but we are here thank you all right so I think honestly I would have survived that last fight if we didn't have like the surprise BTR moment and I was out in the wheat field so I think if we play it more careful now that it's just us we'll be fine Roger I think we can do the same exact attacks but then as long as we're just running keep that in mind yeah keep that in mind I grabbed some hpgl but I don't know if they're going to do anything I've got the lat and the saw hello is that the real Frankie it is hey manello another us coming down really yeah yeah yeah yep another uaz coming down left side he going to turn he's probably going to turn but we'll see he's coming on the right side of the road that I feel like he's going to come right at us oh he's coming right at us yeah he's coming at us no no he turned he turned if we can hang out on that corner right there be oh [ __ ] rear left [Music] that guyy still alive yeah he is not anymore he's dead now yep yep yep you got the gun they jumped out they jumped out nice you got [Music] him one's prone one's prone at the base of that tree right side of that [Music] tree he's down he's down good shots good shots yeah he's oh wait no he's bandaging he's bandaging we're hitting him okay he's dead now he's dead he's [Music] dead hey we got a free tiger let's go what the [ __ ] was that I think Duke is trying to out his M60 that's Duke for you all right so you said en cing enem capping enem cing coming there's a lot of friendlies there red red red one down R inside Red Bar North Side North Side north side inside and the round out assume coming up to your house from the south I'm approaching I'm approaching red outside oh are you on the left side the Red Bar I'm hit I'm here they're pushing me close oh [ __ ] good hit I'm I'm uncons where the hell oh my gosh closed door [Applause] are you still alive still up I'm on hille watching you drew you got to shut up wigs [Music] [Music] hostiles Northwest of this building in Big Big Red Barn coming hey watch that door there might be one right at that corner of that Barn where'd you go W where'd you goest Northwest cor West Side he's dead he's dead he's dead caring you how do I drop him I have supp yeah I've got just just cover the door cover the door I got this i got this i got this I've got the door spread out from us too spread out just spread out spread out spread out [ __ ] come on come on come on come on open Med kit no Med kit open you have blow yeah you got it you got it dude why is it pulling out my rocket okay he should be down there's a guy SP got need a pick up from you there's a guy there's a guy right next to the [ __ ] jeez I need to give wigs EP and we have shots in the building yeah yeah one came in I got him right let me try and get get me up guys hey they can hear us too just know that thanks copy yep I'm going to push through and clear I killed two on the west side and one in the trench on the North side I've got all the Stu you need to get me up I'm going to die though if you don't bandage me up you got you got people I'm near bro we know we're working on you just give us a second the enemies here you too just give us a second we're working yeah getting you get you good thank you yep chest needs I got it I got it I got him sine legs too I'm guessing cuz both are bloody I his right leg left arm butons okay okay you should be good yeah thank you guys I appreciate you I've tried I'm tried my best there were so many pushing in yeah I did kill one outside the door kid like crazy we got to check this out um yeah it's unarmed uaz uaz oh yeah yeah sorry okay I'm going prone to engage him yeah you just SL him all this time I'm going to really focus oh come on bipod oh my bip pod's not able to be deployed oh he just drove off he might have seen me I'm following up with uh aimed round oh just flip big time you're hit the back of this vehicle he's down he's down he's down you got him I'm checking East is he out did he jump out he cuz he's not yeah no he's dead he's like spped right now on my screen right on M are you shooting I am yes I just want to make sure he's dead dead do he you like flop right as the vehicle flip yeah yeah I'm going to get to those rocks on this side because people are uh people are driving on the right side of the road and if I get to this right side I can get a front rocket on them without having to lead them got it just have them driving directly at me inbound sure oh it's a rocket heli oh God it probably got he probably called it out yeah try and get low I'll uh I'm going to shoot at him no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's a rocket heli he can kill our whole Forest I'm just going to go hide at this rock he's turning back around now yeah Roger I'm in a bush I have a small Boulder to my name never see you can you shoot Rockets while prone you great question I think you can I don't know any reason why you can't man why would your bipod undeploy that's so annoying I'm going to go check that guy's radio okay I I'm worried about people who are like regrouping or spawning on Industrial or something mhm cuz they would have called us out and they did have a lot of lodgy trucks too so that means that people are going to be spawning somewhere in the AO yeah exactly well it seems like they're relatively coordinated that would be the other thing I mean uh can you guide me to his body uh yeah give me one second oh vehicle is about is passing me now it's a full uh G or us it's just did he hit a mine a guy just ran past me enemy got it got it I'm botted uh shoot I can't aim down scope though I just killed two okay trying to get a bipod one sec my I'm falling back yep I'm suppressing him bipod work as intended you stupid bipod out of GS I might have got three you there's still one up pressing their position now I'm going to pull back and then reack on the other side of the okay are you in a fighting position or no barely okay I'm goinging back up I'm at the uaz carcass right now copy oh [ __ ] they definitely hit a mine holy crap um I see I think I killed one and I think you were killing quite a bit there with those gl's I don't see any more movement there's no movement in that tree line got it I heard one speak before I withdrew okay okay probably need to push those bodies and then grab a radio I'm watching though if you want to push back up I'm watching I can see I would say everything is very threatening from the left side of that tree line for you I can see everything on the right if something pops out right I'll kill them got it I'm on the left side of the tree line moving North now I'm going to go 1X radio secured okay careful this hip May hip is about to Rocket the north side of the tree line oh my goodness he is yep Run f run no I think he's I'm okay okay HT all right he broke multiple limbs but I'm good oh my goodness oh oh he's coming around again coming around again I'm I'm probably going to die I hear another heli from their main I'm just running I'm running South yep holy [ __ ] oh I heard it on the radio at the last possible second what did he say oh I'm down there's somebody right on top of me so he infantry came from industrial it's all good he he's on the east side of the tree line I'm getting this Jeep in drive then yeah he's right on me he's still right on my position I don't know I doubt you have an ankle no I don't so I'm on the east side are you still alive I'm still alive he's standing right on top of me [ __ ] okay okay okay one sec one sec one sec oh hope he doesn't shoot me okay east side of the tree line looking for you yeah right on my position he's standing above me uh shoot okay you probably can't see me he just executed me oh no oh I just saw him too it's all good it happen oh I think they see me they're calling me out oh that's an mi8 oh my gosh holy crap mi8 is chasing me now this is hell I'm going give you the hardest Target to hit oh my U is on fire run [Music] run oh my gosh how am I alive come on does he know does he know does he know it's possible somebody else sees you right from the yeah yeah yeah yeah he's coming in yep there's the Rockets oh and I'm dead nice try oh man they so I the last so I picked up the guy's radio and the guy is like on 42 I think it was it's like I recommend a saturation run on the north side of the forest everything got [Music]
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 518,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: re-wMKOxQAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 24sec (2724 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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