Mario Odyssey but I have to kill EVERYTHING

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so about two and a half years ago I did a speedrun of Super Mario Odyssey just like any other speedrun except we had One Singular goal in mind to beat Super Mario Odyssey as a pacifist it was the pacifist speedrun obviously inspired by undertale but in undertale you can do pacifist runs and you can also do genocide runs and that's what we're doing today so I'm going to be beating Super Mario Odyssey but the game was modded by crafty boss so that I can't leave a om until every enemy is dead and also when enemies die they stay dead they do not come back so that's our goal today so without further Ado let's get started all right we got our first enemies coming up here and we're going to see we'll leave the building to show and come back and normally they would just respawn right they're gone the Goombas are gone oh no can I kill these frogs I don't think so I don't think they die there are some gobas here though goodbye gobas you can kill the frogs actually you're right I can kill the frogs I know exactly how I have to kill the frogs by becoming them I'm sorry uh-oh okay we're chilling we're chilling and then we're just going to have to beat the room uh as Mario which I'm an expert at you know maps and all ow get this checkpoint I don't think there's any enemies up here but I'll do a little double check I'm sure we're going to learn a lot about the game here I feel like we're going to learn about a lot of enemies that we maybe didn't know existed but that's cap Kingdom done he won't be coming back right um it's a good question all right what I was told here was not to kill anything until after I beat Madame brood cuz you can see there's a lot of chain Chomps here and the only way to kill them really is by eating them with the T-Rex so we have to make sure the T-Rex stays alive all right we can do Dino skip because the T-Rex won't die he'll be fine he's big chilling we got to make the dinos actually extinct exactly all right uh let's kill everything that isn't a chain chomp and then kill the chain choms huh oh my God I already okay so I guess the T-Rex landed on these two chain choms earlier and they're dead now wait what the T-Rex is gone how he died by despawning oh come on I didn't know using him counted UNC capturing counts as killing that's insane how do I have just start over open the debug menu and disable it wa okay there we go he's back all right we learned we learned this is why we have these things just in case all right so now let's kill everything that is not a chain chomp or a T-Rex uh we got to kill those glomas 2D is still a life that needs to be ripped from this world oh my God uh these chain chops are like probably not killable but I'm not actually sure uh there's no enemies up here I don't think okay let's start killing Chomps so we can't let the T-Rex despawn you know if you stay in the T-Rex too long he starts like ticking away and then he dies cannot let that happen four enemies remain um okay one is the T-Rex but what are the other ones oh in there I don't need you anymore buddy goodbye aha we'll kill the 2D guys you know if the game won't count it we will boink now we go outside and we'll go kill everything in the dino sub area as well all right we just got to kill all these buros kill the T-Rex and then we're done with Cascade it would be very easy to know when all the buros are dead because a moon will spawn the moon didn't spawn what did I miss where is this little goober the moon isn't going to spawn oh really it breaks it all right I guess we killed all them then let's go to the Odyssey and now the run out now the run is really going to start on to sand Kingdom where this challenge is about to get a lot worse and there's one reason mummies the mummies spawn everywhere whoa enemies remaining 60 okay all right that's cool um all right 60 enemies let's go all right we got our first enemies here four enemies right next to each other boom five more boom Bullet Bill I'll kill it just for fun it it doesn't actually matter if I kill it or not there's secret mini Goombas here you're right there is secret mini Goombas here where are the secret mini goomas in a block there's no way they're in a block oh got you your asses you thought you could get me ain't no way I didn't see goom Edition exactly oh no I guess there's no enemies to kill in here but we do need to get world peace in order to kill every enemy you know we have to spawn new enemies and then kill them all right we got to kill all the mo eyes I'm sorry I'm so sorry you know what they may not be considered enemies in the game but I don't care I'm killing the goddamn sheep out of here the Sheep probably deserved it oh they definitely deserved it this one the most die I am the end all be all authority on who lives and who dies and who tells your story Hamilton this guy probably um I cannot kill this is enough punishment you suck you don't actually you're pretty cool well we know there's bll bills in here but they don't count because they spawn infinitely are there Goombas on top or something no guess not all right to the pyramid we go the Sheep is back they truly are Immortal beings there's no enemies up here right no I don't think so just one just one here you're going down you're the worst one of them all now it's night sand and this is where we have a bad time I do have a picture of where the mummies can spawn and that will help it's still not going to be fun though so to start we're just going to go around killing mummies hey then over here all along here oh God how many mummies are there going to be it's weird when they're not infinite that one killed itself on a on a cactus that's kind of awesome die okay then we keep going this way so it seems like four spawn in each region how many mummies are there uh let's see 14 * 4 so that's uh 56 56 mummies to kill there's a lot of mummies all right now we're going to hey you little brats it's night sand these are different Goombas this is the night shift of goombas I guess they relatives oh that's really sad actually that's way sadder than what I said ow ow my life apart ow so four mummies counts as one enemy according to the list we might be done with these remaining enemies two all right Goombas time to die ow oh uh-oh oops oops oops whoops boom okay God damn it all right we got one big enemy to kill right here one big enemy much bigger than the rest that we've killed come and get me psych psych get punched oh that one was Square in the face that was crazy ah uh oh not even looking at the screen not even looking at the screen I was reading chat instead oh what are you going to cry you're going to cry little baby o there we go Knuck Tech is dead Glon it's your turn buddy you're dead you're dead kid all right are there mummies down here or no there are I knew it uhoh you too buddy you got to die don't kill me don't kill me back oh there's so many mummies oh my God where are they so hard to kill then over here you little son of a gun you little son of a gun is that all of them oh wait they're they're still spotting ow these generators have 40 mummies each what a dude they just keep going what oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God so they aren't spawning infinitely I think there's just like hundreds of them if you die it resets that's so awesome this is the Sands fight sure is coming real early though do you have a mouse I mean yeah oh my God a mouse there's a mouse on my Mario Odyssey click on remaining unlocked holy oh I'm getting good at this baby I'm getting good it's actually really oh my God I got one I got one group I finished one group of mummy spawns it went down from 13 to 12 no God damn it oh my God that's two we got two we got three oh my God it's actually going it's going by so fast now we're killing mummies oh my God I got five are there any left that I get them all no way I think there's no enemies left here but I'll check real fast all right yeah there's no enemies left it says two enemies left Goombas will spawn now right goas kill the gobas and then I think we're done yoink gooa done goa's done we can leave the kingdom let's go okay all right a new kingdom we are an hour in and on the fourth Kingdom luckily though I mean sand is just going to be like the hardest let's start killing some dudes the fish we're going to kill last uh kind of you know I'll kill this guy and I'll kill these two guys just so I don't forget about them and these two like I want to kill the ones that are out of the way but what I meant was I need to save some fish there are some Goombas up here how many enemies do we even have in here 84 no well I think I know where like half of them are to be fair all right that's one enemy right there one big tall lanky ass small it looking a enemy and now here's a big important moment there's going to be a lot enemies to kill in here this is going to be a big one goodbye goodbye yes yes oh my God that was so many wait that was a lot they're like all in this sub area three four 5 six 78 no all right we have one enemy left I don't know where it is you saw a fish oh sh where is the fish wait I think I know where the fish is there it is yes wait two fish uh-oh H H how did Mario make that face he looked like right at the camera that was kind of kind of creepy anyways all right wooded Kingdom to another big Kingdom Lake was quick there now we got a big one we got to kill the fire bro watch this just hit the fire back at him easy as that b oh baby it's piranha plant killing time ow we actually have to go through the maze I didn't even think about that cuz there is a uproot in the middle of the maze that we're going to have to kill here see if I killed him down here I'd be stuck I mean I could warp out but I'd be stuck Bonk yoink all right let's finish let's finish the above ground world and then we'll move down to Deep Woods okay tanks blurp blurp Bonk Bonk I'm remembering how many enemies are here oh God it is very empty out here but there's a lot to do here I made a mistake oh no wait wait wait wait wait wait it won't save it won't have saved right I was so bloodthirsty the door's open let's go wait if I die do i l do does it also he dies forever oh God I'm blocking the shots ow oh God okay okay okay this will be way easier it's so uncomfortable to aim no way did I do it boom it should be it right why is that not counting it there there we go okay boom okay we did it almost soft locked almost soft locked almost had to restart the entire run but we're fine there any enemies down here oh there sure are ow all right how many enemies are left 14 14 enemies that's it easy peasy better not accidentally kill this uproot n no way if you hit the laser then you will be no look see ouch uh oh wait okay actually though if I die psych I was just raising the suspense all right it's time for Deep Woods there's only 10 enemies left they could all be in Deep Woods can I kill him like this I can okay cool all right we need to do a full sweep of the entire Kingdom break everything destroy all I'm not seeing like any enemies well sure hope we don't need the T-Rex goodbye my friend why is he still here no he's Immortal that's not supposed to happen well I'll just kill him again well he's dead you son of a gun I see you I see you for what you truly are a Target that's what you are goodbye glide on it goes on for so long five more more enemies where the hell are they oh oh wait there's like an uproot right over there isn't there there we go I never killed this guy four more huh someone said I missed an upro in the tower I'll go check that how did I miss this it's actually crazy is that it nope there's another one oh wow were these always here crazy I got two enemies left two count them where could it be two enemies huh there's two enemies here but they do not count technically but I'm glad I got them even if they don't count for the count Deep Woods has two things to kill okay tracker saying one enemy remaining in here not getting properly detected is Dead uhoh goodbye there he is dead but not counting as dead do the button combo to kill everything in the stage okay oh it worked okay let's go T-Rex is dead baby let's go is it here okay it's not in the Overworld it is in a sub area okay let's go check all the sub areas extinct once again NOP not yet we got to get to Metro Kingdom you didn't kill everything in the first scenario oh so it's soft locked what did I not kill all right well we were close enough we were one enemy off so we're going to count it and we're going to continue on to Cloud Kingdom there is only one enemy to kill here and his name is Bowser all right Bowser you're going down buddy punch him in the yo right in the all right there there it is Bowser dead all right Lost Kingdom we got 25 enemies to kill okay you need to die does this count as dying oh no ow die that's what you get all right now we're going to get klepto boom dead we are at eight kills so far out of 13 uh I don't even know where the other five would be ow w why won't you die crafty knows why why crafty I can send you a new build that fixes it sure uhoh wait it looks like we're kissing this is so romantic all right five more enemies to kill will the trapal die for real now it died for reals one more boom not actually one more we actually need several more by several I mean three two more after this one more um where would this Last Enemy be there is a wiggler in the captain Toad room I don't know why I I fully thought about that and I was like there isn't one [Music] no I see you you son of a gun you get over here boom okay that's it all right let's get the hell out of here let's get out of here lost Kingdom's done finally make absolutely sure you get all the enemies here that is true all right oh my god there are so many enemies here holy moly 152 enemies how many in the stage 97 I've killed 75 so you have 22 left in the Overworld of night Metro oh my God they are everywhere we got four enemies left out here where the f are they you sons of a guns killed 94 enemies all right I can go to the boss and then if those tanks don't count I'll just die and respawn and then kill them we got 32 to kill inside and there's definitely some enemies over here on the side by some I mean like a lot three three more where are these bozos oh there you go there we go that's it that's all of them that's 32 we have one enemy remaining wait what okay it updated oh oh no I already killed them I already killed the tanks I killed them outside and they're the same tanks what I just need to die yeah that'll reset every single one on the stage we're just going to have to start the kingdom over basically okay so now there should yep okay so there are tanks down here now I don't know what to do there's six though okay so which of you are actually in the fight I'm going to guess those two right I don't know man let's go into the fight see what happens oh yeah you're right they're just not here let's see let's see let's see if it works remaining enemy zero perfect here we go yo I'll kill the other one just for good measure all right we can finally move on new donk City's pest problem has been taken care of Mario's not just a plumber that's right he's also an exterminator we have no enemies in this stage right okay so everything we going to have to kill is going to be in sub areas starting with this one we got one enemy and we know its name oh goodbye T-Rex we're going to have to talk to all the musicians so that we can kill the things in the sewer which is important all right uh oh I know where there's a bunch of enemies God dang it ouch is that everything that's everything in this one I'm protesting this sub area I'm not going to get the shards moon but I will get this one no all right we have 13 enemies left to kill we got to get into the sub area but ain't no way I'm buying the Builder outfit nope is there things for me to kill here yes there's buros okay I thought so we obviously can't kill the fuzzies unless there's a Yoshi here three left there we go wait that's five oh wait it's like three groups right there any over here there are there we go all right let's get out of here eight enemies remain right I think they're probably all underground so let's do that clip about the other enemies I'll go back for them I just want a flex boom we did it all right oh we got a lot of enemies down here no what was it all for okay I've killed 154 out of 152 enemies call me an overachiever baby I'm crushing this and we are good to leave Metro Kingdom boom we are halfway through the Run but I think we got all the the harder kingdoms done I think like sand and wooded were just like really hard so we should be speeding up a lot here 14 enemies in this stage but the little secret is that all these little uh rooms on the side all count as the same stage cuz they're not actually sub areas so let's start with the Rango room all right we do have to kill Rango I think he counts all right does it count did that count as killing it did not that's okay let's do this room now lots of spinies needs to kill that's going to be important oh what beautiful movement dude what beautiful movement goodbye boink seven enemies remain I think they're all going to be in this glomba room actually we got to get the four Goombas onto the button and then murder them it's very important that we do it in that specific order they're about to die they don't even know oh there it is there it is there it is Bonk Bonk Bonk ow all right now we got to go clip out of bounds there we go get out of bounds get into the race oh God it's a bad start you guys it's a really bad start oh God not a good first lap this is not a good first lap it's okay we're going to bring it back here better second lap that was much better uh-oh bad bounce there really bad bounce come on bring it back bring it back there we go 5955 all right now we got enemies to kill baby okay we got some fish to kill that's going to be our main thing two three four five and then I'm in number six baby all right we got 16 enemies left they're going to be in these sub areas eight eight enemies oh this one okay yeah duh ow that's all of them we got eight more where there's only two sub areas out here right I think the count doubled up okay so I just force it okay well then we won we can we can leave we beat snow Kingdom we checked everywhere there's no enemies left now on to Seaside oh seaside's going to suck there's so many fish let's see let's see how many oh 122 enemies in the Overworld here okay got it that's one it's a good start all right let's get to [Music] work just keep on murdering these fish there won't be any cheap cheps left in this world once I'm done with it this is a very relaxing Kingdom I'll say that much we've already killed 44 that's it God there's going to be so many fish in weird ass spots like this one and Kelps what is this dude this [Music] sucks B all right we got 41 enemies left in this stage no idea where yoink yoink my God so many Kill iies what are they called Kies or something KPS what are they called comos what the that makes no sense we got 25 enemies left that's insane the issue is if I capture a fish or whatever I can only use it once second I uncaptured it dies okay I guess let's do this to maybe spawn in some more gusion and then murder them a here we go here's all the gions we were waiting for and a fish okay that's good to know remember that you guys need to help me remember fish by the uproot room oh wait is that gushan okay what the hell is this wait they're all dying like that what the hell 11 enemies remain 10 no these don't count uh-oh these don't count all right well let's just kill this guy then oh goodbye okay well we got some gussion Ling around maybe now it'll count oh it counts would you look at that and they're not just turning into flat weird little monsters boom there's another one boom there's another one boom there's another one you already know what I'm going to say boom I see another one over there and another one further wait this is my last fish I can't let it die no no no no no no no no I think that's the last fish how many left 17 that's insane kelp where's glide on you have to die my friend wait how am I going to kill you I guess just like this right yeah there we go 14 Cal the inlet seed I think you're right I don't think I got those huh no 10 enemies left there's a gushan I need that there's a fish I got to keep him alive well there's definitely some guys in here yeah oh uh okay let's be smart about this I can make it this far with no capture oh this is the last one okay Kel it spawn your fish clip you're right oh my God that is so clutch that only counts as one all right we're down to five left here we can see what it all is real quick we we got a puku pooku a Hui three 13 long generators what's a puku puku that's a cheap cheap a Hui is probably a gushan you're saying there was oh there's a fish right there yeah you're right that's the last fish now we need the kelp should I just teleport to them and see huh oh you're joking that's ridiculous okay there's one wait it's just random spots you have to ground pound huh this one's just in the air oh no there it is oh how do I not see this I definitely went by here no I definitely did that's crazy all right what is this last one they're telling me I don't have huh wait it's actually broken I know but I think we have enough to leave yeah yeah yeah it counted one extra so we're good to leave I think though that it's going to go pretty quick from here on now but I think Bowsers will be easy runed will obviously be very easy lunchin I don't know can you even kill the lava bubbles will I have to like fly them all off the cliffs all right how many 131 only 42 in the Overworld H okay we got these boys here do these count these do count and then let's get a lava bubble and see does this count that does count okay that's oh boy okay H okay now where are all the enemies at that's the question here how am I going to kill these guys oh no boom clutched okay very nice very clean unfortunately cannot kill these Forks so this won't count for anything we've killed 16 enemies out of 100 131 this is not a good start oh why did I kill them I shouldn't have done that I'm a speedrunner baby I've always got a backup plan I want to try turnup clip I've never done it before it's insanely easy that's crazy there's a spiny up here right this there is of course dead do we're at 30 9 kills out of 131 God damn it I see you fire brosy you're dead mate buddy do you die to fire you do die to fire what what what are you floating on I can't move what is happening what is happening in this mod he's shocked too yeah he has no idea what's going on we've killed 57 we're almost halfway there wow you're going to put spinies up here are you serious okay there die what I didn't know was life apart all right let's beat C where are you going bro Bonk wasn't even close to hitting him in the head Bon Bonk all right 30 enemies remain on the outside all right now we got a lava la a lava lava B bubbles to kill probably you need to die sir check out the Juke oh no I'm standing on the ledge boom get baited idiot oh this is targeted uh 17 ah enemies left here we go there's two no Lava bubbles here I don't think lava bubbles would be easy to miss they're not even spawned in half the time see and there are a million of them pretty confident there's two in the big pot most of them are bubbles we have four not Bubbles and then 10 10 lava bubbles I guess you Sons of Guns uh kuribo hack work oh I killed these ones okay that's all the Kurio hacks it it was that they like respawned all right so we have how many lava bubbles eight okay and it's telling me there's also like 30 other enemies outside of the Overworld which I simply do not believe let's see if there's any in the pot what three four is this it I could have sworn there's one more up here here we go there's another one we got two more okay but I think we can agree right there's definitely not 40 more more enemies right right the outfit sub area that's one but that's not going to be 40 we do coincidentally have enough purple coins there are a lot of guys in here actually lot on the line here if I mess up I guess I can't get the moon or can I not progress are they moving a well I got them all oh my God I almost bonked we have three bubbles left let's just see what it's all about what I got this one I got this one and I got this one too and I got this one as well and it's not actually here the rest of the enemies are probably double counted bubbles okay so we got them all we got them all we got them all we're done with lunch of Kingdom huge lunch kingdom is complete we're moving on to the final stretch of the Run finally all this killing could come to an end all right the ruin fight should be simple there's only one thing to kill and it's this dragon and that honestly doesn't even count for killing all right the dragon is not dead which sucks but it's as dead as it's going to get all righty Bowser's Kingdom not bad 52 wait there's 48 in the Kingdom but 52 in the Overworld very interesting there is also no sub areas at the start so we got to kill 48 guys we've already got I think 11 here moving on we got two poke here and some spinies we are off to a a quick start here oh okay these guys are going to be a little tougher but actually I know exactly what to do I don't know where I think I'm going you'd think there's no way to kill them but you'd be dead wrong because there's a weird hat of a pokeo here that will soon turn into oh no oh no it can't spawn in cuz it has to spawn in it's like the tanks again uh-oh crafty help reload the stage I don't know if that'll work H it somehow got worse you killed him good job no that's not the problem you remove the lock it might fix it it's just a hat now God damn it and I have to redo everything dope so we can't get that pokyo to spawn in unfortunately which also means we can't kill the spinies that we are going to that we were going to kill with that pokyo so we're just GNA have to move on and I killed myself oh my God he's back the one that got away you're not getting away this time buddy not this time topper I won't let you get away so easy you're not going to hurt anyone else Harriet you are also The One That Got Away actually I forgot that I fought Harriet already you need to die now cuz I forgot that you're alive all right we got some more enemies to kill now baby let's go blinging bling a what what the hell was that why didn't he go in did the spinies just die oh no they're safe just kidding their safety was very very momentary I'm going to kill this ogre the only way I know how Bo okay you die please how many enemies left seven we got three right here ow why why wouldn't he pick up the nut ow you jerk yeah minus the three broken one so now there's one left I think I know exactly where it is oh there's two here that's fine boom what those didn't count okay anyways but there is one more enemy that the game's not considering and its name is the meca brutal or as it's actually called apparently the robo brood okay clutched it was about to kick me off we're not messing up now though nothing will stand into my way and not even a giant robotic bunny I also definitely killed all four of you some of you multiple times already so it's time to put an end to this uh-oh oh no I missed Target acquired this is so sad uh-oh that's a bonk moment God God dang it he he can't spawn pokeo I have to get up on the leg he actually cannot spawn pokeo that's awesome there we go there we go a and there it is okay no taking the easy way out not that I would have anyways not that I would have but the game wouldn't even let me even if I wanted to so we have um wait it jumped up by a lot 15 enemies now it changed the number changed we're not done like like I thought we were where the hell are these 15 enemies oh wow I think I found most of them 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 okay now we have three enemies left and I think we already know what those three are it's looking like it's the three that were glitched out so I'm going to go ahead and hit ZR up and then kill the enemies that are left um because they're glitched out and I can't kill them unfortunately so we're just going to make it nice and simple and leave the kingdom we got one Kingdom and one Kingdom only left and her name is Moon Kingdom all right how many enemies in Moon 26 that's not bad we have four in this stage I'm guessing it's all these big octopus guys so let's go ahead and kill them and those do those do count as kills so we're doing good so far don't Dry Bones not die I don't know what happens if you drop them in lava we'll see where am I missing one cuz I only see three here what else could I kill is it the oh it's the Frog it's the Frog at the end right I guess we'll find out into the moon cave we go all right do you die in the lava that is the question we're all wondering yes you do okay he does it just took a minute but he did die from the lava yep follow me follow me oh my God the tanks the tanks with the assist goodbye we have five enemies left in this area I know there's a moi and I know there's a charging Chuck what is there past that what I hate the mo eyes you son of a gun you'll pay for that there's two dudes here oh what a Dodge okay three enemies remaining will my damn brute even count does it count I don't think it counts it might it's so it's because what the when I uncaptured them nope okay they're still there damn it Bonk did that count it counted oh my god that actually counted all right so we this one we got to figure out oh wait it's this simple isn't it okay yeah it is this simple boom there we go we go that's one okay I'm a gamer I'm a gamer there's no need to worry I've got it in the bag there it is and that's it zero enemies left in here let's go absolutely saved absolutely trounced absolutely bonked and how many enemies are left in Total One Singular enemy frogue frog it's a frogue Goodbye old friend wait he's like actually screaming in despair are you guys seeing this look at him he's so mouth aape he's screaming and you can't hear it cuz we're in space Oh this is so sad there is only one thing left to kill and his name is Bowser the first so let's get it done let's finish this what where's my triple jum I'm just trying to make it intense for you guys one Health I'm not even going to pick up that heart can't take damage normally you damage boost on this one but I don't need to I'm a goddamn gamer I'm a goddamn gamer Bowser get over here two three one more one boom that's the kill on Bowser and then there's three more kills to do that's right I bet you didn't think it was real did you Bowser Mario and Peach also must die and that's it time we killed every single enemy and every killable character in Mario Odyssey and if you want to know the exact number it's right there wow that's a lot of kills oh my God that's crazy I feel a little bad for the things I've done but it had to be done to protect the Mushroom Kingdom and protect the citizens that live within it so thank you for joining me on this journey and may we all see each other in the pits of hell
Channel: cjya
Views: 236,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: G_XgIG_RjRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 28sec (2548 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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