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welcome everyone my name is solf and this is my attempt to beat a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon shining pearl with only steel type pokemon the full rule set for this run is listed down below but put simply only the first steel type encounter in each root or area can be caught if a pokemon faints it must be permanently boxed no items except held items in battle party pokemon levels are limited to the next gym leader or the final league member's ace and finally the battle mode must be put on set at all times that's right for the first time in our channel's history we're going to be using the steel type in a hardcore nuzlocke which thankfully the diamond pro remakes make entirely possible with a host of really cool potential encounters i'm not gonna lie this is quite the awesome selection of pokemon and there are some very interesting encounter methods for a lot of them too the steel type has consistently been one of the most requested types from you guys so i'm excited for this one especially in such a crazy game with ev trained npc teams and whatnot i mean we saw in our last video just what they're capable of now brilliant diamond and shining pearl brought back a much wanted feature with character customization and new outfits but i don't want you guys to be limited to some nice fits virtually that's why today's video is sponsored by our good friends at camira a clothing brand that consistently blows me away and here's why they've found the ideal balance between quality reasonable pricing and fair labor vetting their entire supply chain for ethical and sustainable manufacturing their premium t-shirts go for just 20 and they're way better quality than what you'd find from major brands they're made from 100 ring-spun cotton and are made to be comfortable and durable and they've also got long-sleeve shirts polos as well as sweatshirts and hoodies too all my fellow gamers out there are in luck too as kamya carries graphic tees with designs inspired by video games and with unique one-of-a-kind artwork a few of my personal favorites include the moonlit wolf glowing dragon space dimension and flying whales not only does kimira have great products and prices but also service too orders 60 or more get free shipping in the us and there's also a satisfaction guarantee with a full return policy but we're going even further beyond as camaras also partnered with me to bring you guys an exclusive discount code use code self on any orders before december 31st and you'll get 10 off click the link in the description below to check out their site and for some more designs that they have and make sure to let me know which ones you're fond of thanks to the team at camara for sponsoring today's video and let's get into the run we begin our journey in our humble abode and all right i took like eight steps already i think it's time for a nap going downstairs our mom greets us and oh right i almost forgot i named our rival larry something seemed out of place and then i was like oh yeah he took an l already we pair up with mr larry on route 201 and look at us just two filthy degeneres looking for legendary pokemon when we don't even have a pokemon of our own running into professor rowan and dawn he's telling her how he basically left the kanto region because sinnoh is more exciting for research yeah fair enough man i mean this is when they released a metric ton of legendaries after all so kanto doesn't even come close we pick our starter a pickle up which will eventually get the steel type and before heading off on our journey we say goodbye to our mom and wait a minute you know i thought these were initially cookies but the more i look at them they look like the heads of mushrooms that explains the mystical creatures running around i end up naming our piplup monger and monger has a relaxed nature plus defense at minus speed which is kind of meh rowan requests that we help him fulfill the pokedex and you know what i'm gonna say up ahead of sand gem town don tells us we need to go say goodbye to our family and well what family i don't even have a dad hey hey hey touch me again and i'll rip your head off anyway this route is full of b doof and starli both in the wild and on the trainers which is actually pretty good in terms of evs since we want our future empoleon to be a relatively bulky but also reasonably quick special attacker toward the end of the route i forgot to heal ahead of the last battle and we had a ridiculously close call with the shinks it turns out it was also a speed tie but thankfully we won it on the last turn man oh man almost lost the run already after messing around in jubilee city for a while we can grab the quickclaw and head north for some special attack ev training against badou on route 204. the training was much needed too as let's not forget about the kids in the trainer school with abras that have charge beam and the first one got a special attack boost but we had leveled up just enough to clutch it with 5 hp left the second trainer's abra actually outsped us though but we got a miraculous crit to save us sheesh now here i actually decided to use the workup tm on piplup this time which will hopefully help us for our first rival battle against barry which keep in mind this time we don't have anything else to help us because i know his starly tends to spam growl i load up with workup which increases both her attack and special attack that way we know the latter is still increasing regardless meaning water gun is eventually a two-hit ko now we all know his turtwig tends to spam withdraw to raise its defense and it does resist water gun but because of our lord attack his heightened defense and our increased special attack water gun is by far the better option and takes him down in four hits moving onward manga reaches level 11 where he learns charm which lowers opponent's attack by two stages with that we arrive in orbit city where the first gym is and given that it's a rock type gym monger is able to demolish the trainers with ease after some grinding to the level cap of 14 it's time for the first gym leader rourke now keep in mind last time we had a psyduck to work with but this time it's just piplup you might think this would be easy but think again kranidos is a terrifying monster and i've tried this in the originals before to no avail but i have a bit of a plan here he leads with geodude and well what choice do we have get out there monger water gun is a four times super effective ko on it and in comes onyx now here's where my strategy comes in i know that onix's attack is the lowest on his team so i go for charm here twice in a row as rock throws bring us to three quarters now that his attack is lowered i start loading up on workups and after two i hit it with water gun to its sturdy ability and then he uses a potion so another does the job in comes the massive threat kranidos with us just above half health this thing definitely out speeds us hits us with headbutt we survive on just 8 hp and thankfully don't flinch so our super boosted water gun ko's him in one attack oh man one flinch or one crit and that would have ended us but we pulled through you see what i mean though in the originals you can't get charm or work up on piplup but we definitely made it work with that strategy for winning we're also given the stealth rock tm which should be of good use while leaving jubalife don claims that 90 of all pokemon are somehow tied to evolution and you know i really want to actually count that out just to spite her somebody please do the research on that one our next destination is flo roma town where we have an incredibly interesting situation if you have a save file of pokemon sword or shield on your switch this man here gives you none other than the mythical pokemon jirachi which is a steel type now we generally have rules against legendaries and mythicals but we never really get a chance to use mythicals in-game like this and jirachi has base stat total of 600 is the same as garchomp i'm not gonna use this thing for now but it will be on our party as an almighty good luck charm and i do have an idea for it later in our journey i nicknamed it everhart and it has a bold plus defense and minus attack nature which isn't terrible while battling a galactic grunt monger hits level 16 and evolves into a print plop getting us ever closer to that steel typing north of floroma we save the honeyman who gives us you guessed it honey for saving him which is weirdly enough the key to our next encounter although you wouldn't really think it i slather all the available honey trees and time for a long 6 hour wait thankfully on our first batch we actually got what we needed a burme and it ended up being female which makes it viable now some of you are probably like self what the hell that's a bug type but just you wait i nicknamed it pepper and she has a quiet nature plus special attack and minus speed which is actually pretty good up ahead at the valley wind works we have to battle commander mars and she leaves with the zubat as i send out monger water gun hits it below half and then it uses u-turn to pivot into per ugly from here it flinches us with priority fake out and then hits us with scratch to about half but i can now use charm to lower its attack and wait for my oranberry to activate so now we have a little more health that's actually technically worth more too after two more water guns i realize we're still being outdone so i take the risk thieves work up and in the end this saves us as we take it out with just 11 hp remaining her zubat is then an outspeed and ko with a hypercharged water gun after the battle this girl's like thank you trainer i think the balloon pokemon will come visiting again you mean oh oh no our next destination is eterna forest which as we learned in our last challenge is pretty terrifying compared to how it used to be thankfully this time we have pepper with us and she absorbs the abras energy balls amazingly well but also has same type attack bonus or a stab super effective bug bite to respond with to take them down eventually we arrive in eterna city where the second gym is located this gym is a grass-type gym and with only a print plup we'd be hopeless but burmy gives us a fighting chance now something that's really interesting is that burme has three forms that can switch between depending on where it last battled however it evolves into one of these forms permanently at level 20 and because we're using it indoors we can make it evolve into the form we want the trash form alright don't make fun of it for its namesake this thing is amazing being part bug and part steel type and let's be honest is one of the most forgotten pokemon of all time however it does learn quiver dance upon love a lot too after getting to the cap it's time for the gym leader gardenia now if you think about it wormadam trash form is an absolute gardenia destroyer on the face of it bug and steel type meaning it quad resist grass is immune to roserade's poison typing and has super effective stab against pure grass types what i'm essentially able to do is load up on quiver dances against chercherubi which raises our special attack special defense and speed while the most it can do is dazzling gleam and raise its special attack with growth now we don't have a special bug move only bug bite but it's still a one hit ko on cherubi and now we out speed and take down our tertway to the red and because of her potion she eventually gets reflect up which is not good in comes rosarite with us right about half but petal blizzard is four times resisted so we stall out the reflect and bug bite also steals our citrus berry so we eventually take it down with just two hp remaining in the end much closer than i thought but pepper got the job done just in time with that we get access to the underground from the underground dude and after about half an hour of searching i finally find what we're after the armor fossil which is exclusively available to shining pearl which is the reason we're playing it another 15 minutes of searching brings us another encounter down here magnemite which tend to only spawn in ice and water biomes as a special encounter i catch it and nickname it jarvis and jarvis has a modest nature plus special attack and minus attack absolutely perfect and quite a rare thing for us to get a good nature not only that but i noticed it was also carrying a metal coat which raises the power of steel moves unbelievable on our way back to orberg we can also use cut to access this hidden area which holds a very valuable item for us the silver powder to increase the power of bug moves so i put that on pepper right away it's time to hit up the orberg museum where this guy can actually revive our fossil for us he says you go outside yes please now time alone is what i need no jesus dude no need to yell i literally proceeded to step outside and step back inside and he says you were gone too long you kept us waiting unacceptable you just can't win with this guy can you but he gets the job done as we receive a shield on i nicknamed him patriot and he has an adamant nature again perfect for us with plus attack and minus special attack wow just wow our next stop is the galactic hq and it was here that i realized how amazing magnemite will be for team galactic not only is he immune to poison but electric works really well against the zubat line too in no time we reach jupiter who's a bit of a different story with her skunk tank but i thought of something that might work she leaves with zubat and i send out jarvis who's able to out speed and one hit ko it with electro ball damn and comes her scum tank next which has flamethrower i realize i have to risk it and i keep jarvis in but our sturdy ability saves us from the ko and thankfully we don't get burned although i had a rost berry on just in case from here i land a thunder wave now and immediately switch into monger now that skunk tank is crippled we're able to start chipping it down but here's the problem skuntank has snarl which lowers our special attack i have to switch to pluck now and in the end we're able to take it down but aftermath hits us too and we survive on just 9 hp while poisoned that paralysis was definitely necessary and sturdy saved us as wormadam is 4 times weak to fire after all after getting a slick new green bike we have access to cycling road and our next point of interest is actually below the bridge in wayward cave here after a while of searching we can get our next encounter a bronzor i catch one successfully and nickname it whiplash and whiplash has a brave nature plus attack and minus speed which definitely works in mount cornett we run into cyrus and hey man let's party again we quickly arrive in heart home city and because fantina is scared to battle us right now we just pick up the shell bell and also encounter this kid who's complaining that his sisters get all the attention and no one notices him i see you little guy i may not like you but you are seen heading into amity square i'm like yay our pokemon can follow us now but apparently jirachi isn't classified as being cute this is like a widely known top-tier cute pokemon okay sure open its third eye and it's terrifying and kills you but i mean come on if you're playing your own run it's also helpful to know that you can get the volt switch tm here so it's worth grabbing in the end i decide to rebel and have jirachi walk with us and hey why are you looking at me like that why are you running why are you wrong upon entry into the contest hall this random girl is like oh my hero and then our very own mom is like oh hello silf barry interrupts our exit at the city with a battle challenge and although i accidentally led with monger our pivoting game is surprisingly strong at this point as jarvis handles starly with ease a switch back into monger takes care of his ponyta i switch into pepper handles grottle quite handily and finally his weasel is taken out by jarvis as well i have no doubt that barry will become a lot tougher but for now we're smooth sailing after picking up strength from the lovely old ladies at the lost tower we can head to the seleccion ruins which have two key items for us in the bottom room the mine plate and the odd incense which both boost the power of psychic moves by ten percent and given that we have everhart and whiplash i'm glad that we get two normally i'm like what the hell is the point of this all right this is gonna seem random but i was just beginning a battle with this girl and what the hell is that face ugh like seriously why just just why on route 215 we can pick up the fist plate which i have a very funny feeling is going to be useful later on upon arrival in veilstone city we can pick up the metronome item thanks random person with a giraffe rig and we can also grab some nasty plot tms from this legend in the department store i make sure to pick up the usual reflect and light screen tms but also some amazing tms like thunderbolt for jarvis and psychic for everhart and whiplash now we have a bit of a dilemma here as both of the next two gyms have a level cap of 30 meaning whichever one we do first will have to roll in a bit under leveled ultimately i decide that the pastoria gym will be a bit more manageable for us so i head there first it's a water gym and obviously jarvis is incredible for it being able to slam through most of the trainers at one point there was a trainer with a gyarados though and because patriot was so low leveled compared to the rest of our team and has sturdy i was like i'll just switch him in for a second and get him out for extra xp but he uses whirlpool which traps us in oh no amazingly though he is a substitute and scary face in the process meaning we got to switch at the last moment on just 10 hp yikes that was close during the process jarvis hits level 30 and evolves into magneton which should be a great help for wake himself before the gym battle i also teach monger grassnot for a particular reason and it looks like we're set to go jarvis are we ready buddy it's time for gym leader wake and geez i just noticed how large of a man he is he begins the battle with the gyarados so jarvis is a perfect lead as he's unaffected by intimidate and can one hike him with thunderbolt after he just landed a crunch he next sends in quagsire and this is the exact reason i taught grass not to monger as it's an instant four-time super effective one-hit ko belotzel is his final pokemon and a switch back into jarvis gets him hit below half with bite but thankfully our citrus berry brings us back up above half as brine doubles in power if the opponent is below half health so that was actually surprisingly close as we take him out with thunderbolt with 18 hp left three badges i take the time to explore the route 212 area which nests us a bug buzz tm just what we've been waiting for for pepper and we can also grab the sooth bell from the pokemon mansion which i have a feeling will be useful for later we're running out of room for this level cap so it's time to take on the veilstone city gym it's a fighting type gym so whiplash does an amazing job being fairly defensive even though he's unevolved and being able to put some good damage down with mine plate boosted psychic too the fourth gym leader is meilene and right before the battle i was all confident but then realized something about her team her meta type also has flash i was thinking just going in and quiver dancing with pepper and then using psychic would be good but i think we're gonna have to get a bit more creative low accuracy would be dangerous and we need a lot of quiver dances to out speed her lucario she leads with meditide and i send out jarvis it looks really dangerous with her having drain punch i know but i use thunder wave to paralyze it before it uses light screen i then switch into monger as meditait uses bulk up here i use charm to lower her attack and she gets another bulk up off and then another charm before she hits up with drain punch but with lowered attack it's not doing much here i switch into whiplash and i set up reflect as she remains paralyzed with reflect up her paralyzed and her attack lowered a bit i can now switch into pepper and start quiver dancing she did hit us with flush though and got up light screen again but i used protect to stall it out too we miss our first psychic though and get hit by drain punch to two-thirds and then our next bug buzz hits and takes her out in comes machoke which is an instant one-hit ko with psychic her final pokemon is her beastly eevee trained adamant lucario with a big root item and it turns out we still don't out speed as she hits us hard down to 9 hp with drain punch before our berry and then psychic doesn't even do half uh oh this is not good i immediately switch into whiplash who gets hit to below half but our berry brings us up above so we can take another on 15 hp and get that reflect up with that up i can now switch back into monger and get two charms off to lower its attack with just 11 hp left then i switch into jarvis to hit her with thunderbolts even though she healed up a couple times and we lift one final drain punch on 4 hp before being able to ko man oh man that was terrifying our entire team was destroyed to low health from that but we made it through deathless while leaving the gym don is panicking about team galactic attacking her and i'm like oh my god we've gotta save her but she'll don is just like i operate at my own pace do not disturb me mortal up ahead we find this woman's missing sweet key and she invites us in for some reason immediately after this grunt absolutely smashes into shield on with the power of a thousand sons hey i'm walking here i'm really excited listen to me we don't talk like that we don't say things like that you understand we then mace the psyduck in our way thanks cynthia and on the way to celestic town patriot ends up evolving into a beastly bastiodon man oh man look at how slow he walks this is hilarious okay wait what how is this that's not even how physics works patriot you absolute deity whiplash doesn't want to be left behind so he also evolves into a bronze on which should be quite helpful with the levitate ability jarvis also learns the flash cannon move finally giving us a reliable steel type move since we haven't really had one yet after picking up some surf teams from cynthia's grandma and teaching one to monger we can actually do something really cool there's an early part of mount coronet available really early in game which means we can take jarvis there and magneton actually evolves if leveled up here so now we have a beautiful magna zone on the team amazing a bit more grinding later and it's time for the heart home gym whiplash handles the ghastly line really well and patriot handles the driftloon line so i'm happy we got those evolutions just before the gym leader monger evolves right at the level cap into empoleon rounding out our team evolutions for the time being although it did accidentally over level to 37 so we won't be able to use it until we get the badge it's time for the fifth gym leader fantina a ghost type trainer she leads with driftblim and i leave with jarvis her dripblim is really designed to take on physical attackers with willowisp strength zap and aftermath but jarvis tanks hex quite easily and instantly ko's her with thunderbolt next up is our gengar which outspeeds and confuses us right off the bat and we hit ourselves we get brought below half with dazzling gleam but then our thunderbolt ravages gengar in one hit magnuson's got some power our final pokemon is miss maggious and it really has no coverage against us at all although phantom force brings us low thunderball brings her below half but also gets the paralysis even though we doubt speed now we're still confused so i switch into patriot who tanks phantom force and rock tomb lowers her speed so combined with paralysis we quickly outspeed her and take her out in a few attacks after she hyper-potioned twice on the way to cantalave we had a really funny situation where this guy whirlwinded whiplash out and brought in magnazone against a star raptor congratulations you played yourself above jupiter life city we can pick up the sea and sense to help mongers water moves and then we arrive in cantaloupe city here we have another battle against larry and his team has gotten quite strong at this point his starravia is easy pickings with thunderbolt but then he sends in heracross now this thing would absolutely ravage our team but thankfully whiplash is neutral to fighting and tanks brookbreak well he does have thief though which is super effective brings us below half and takes our mind plate but whiplash still has enough power with psychic to ko weizel is then handled by a switch back into jarvis pony tau by a surf from monger and grottle is again hard countered by pepper gradually becoming tougher though that's for sure with that we can head to a place that is essentially just an item bonanza for us iron island which was basically designed to help out steel teams as you might imagine throughout the place we find the iron tail tm the iron ball item the magnet to boost electric type moves even and the iron play to power up steel moves at the end of helping riley out he gives us an egg which actually counts as our next encounter except he kind of like disappeared if you've been around on twitter you know this game is riddled with glitches but this is one that i hadn't seen yet where did he go the cantaloupe gym is a steel type gym but a lot of the trainers have parked ground type pokemon so monger clears a lot of it by himself but there's a problem halfway through and all of our pokemon have reached the level cap now when we did our water run we had like 10 encounters but i knew this would eventually happen since up to this point we've only had five or six but this is why we kept everhart as a good luck charm as it can single-handedly save the run by wiping through the rest of the gym trainers even smashing steel types with resisted psychic amazing stuff and so fun to use something like a jirachi during the main playthrough this leads us to gym leader byron who i'm feeling relatively okay about although he uses the same type as us he starts with a bronzor and i leave with monger c incense boosted cerf does about three quarters and then he uses trick room now he out speeds and i thought he'd go for confuse rey but instead he used sandstorm so another serve takes him down in comes his steelex next and with trick room it actually outspeeds us and i thought monger was bulky enough to live it and we do just barely on 12 hp so we can take him to sturdy man that earthquake was not only stab and super effective but also boosted by soft sand a plus attack nature and 100 attack evs so i may have underestimated it here i switch into whiplash with levitate and he uses the full restore i set up reflect after we get hit by thunderfang and trick room ends i sent in pepper since she's not weak to ground but we got paralyzed right off the bat by thunder fangs so that didn't work out too well and i switched back into whiplash who's the only one who seems to be able to handle this stealing so it's a four minute long grind but eventually with the help of reflect we're able to take him down with psychic being brought to about half in the process his final pokemon is bastion and since he can't hurt us a whole lot i stay in and go for a couple of psychics followed by a reflect before we're brought to 22 hp from there i switch in jarvis for the predicted thunderbolt and then flash cannon takes him down in three hits from there since he has no ground coverage much crazier than i expected but we got through it with our sixth badge in hand and some flash cannon tms for winning i'm beginning to get those crazy ideas again about a deathless run let's see what happens before anything though we need to get out of this terrible outfit i want to die in this thing so i activate my mystery gift to receive the platinum outfit which we can change into at the veilstone clothing store ah much better at lake verity we face commander mars and i've gotta say whiplash is having his time as he completely walls everything she has quite an amazing team galactic counter i'll say that much in mount cornett we can pick up two great items the light clay to extend the duration of reflect and light screen as well as the soft sand to power up ground moves after making it through the treacherous snow roots of route 216 and 217 we arrive in the beautiful snowpoint city the snowpoint gym is an ice type gym and interestingly enough there's actually a bit of a glitch you can do here where you just take this path and keep bumping into the ramp at a certain angle and it takes you straight to candice without excuse me sir what did you say the gym leader's name was i oh wait hi it's it's candy candy never again this meme format is over but yeah without facing any of the trainers or doing the puzzle or anything but since our rules don't allow any glitches or exploits technically i went and did this stupid puzzle nonetheless still useful though especially if you're feeling over leveled now i was thinking about candace's battle for a long time and eventually realized something her snover has zero coverage against pepper so that's right it's time for some quiver dancing i get three off before obliterating it with super effective bug buzz first nasal comes out next though and according to metallics it should still outspeed us and i know this thing is likely to use dig against us in terms of its coverage so i go for another and she does so the hail hits us below half to activate our citrus berry then i can use protect while the sneezes underground to then take it down with bug buzz unreal from there both her metacham and obama snow are one hit kos with the same move now that's what i like to see seventh badge acquired knowing what lies ahead i spend some time working on our egg and eventually it hatches to give us none other than a ryolu which i nicknamed fury fury has a gentle nature plus special defense and minus defense which is meh for that extra fighting coverage i'm going to replace everhart for now i give fury the sooth bell to raise his friendship faster since that's how it evolves and also getting a massage in veilstone for the same effect after taking on the galactic hq we take on cyrus and why does his overworld model look like this while his in-battle model looks like this the discrepancy between the two is just madness anyway jarvis has super effective coverage against his entire team so that's the pixies freed on our way to the summit of mount coronette we pick up the rock slide tm and fury ends up evolving into a lucario much earlier than i had expected but i'm definitely not complaining at the summit cyrus summons the almighty legendary pokemon palkia who seems to be very unhappy my dad the commanders then challenge us and bury to a double battle and since we've got monger we can just attach the metronome and use surf to destroy everything on the field including barry's pokemon with an increasingly powerful attack each turn their bronzor also didn't use light screen this time so that made it even easier than last time it's time for the final battle against the galactic boss cyrus he leads with a haunch crow and i send out monger i decide to just use charm on him while he uses defog and then switch into jarvis we actually outspeed and then smash him with thunderbolt for the ko and in comes gyarados now this is why i switched in jarvis the way that i did gyros will outspeed us and has four times super effective earthquake but we have sturdy so we survived on one hp and slam him with a four time super effective stab thunderbolt but his wakanberry activates and just barely lets him survive in the red i'm forced to switch now so i go into whiplash to avoid the earthquake and whiplash is able to kill him in a few psychics after he heals and hits us hard with crutch in comes weavil next and it just uses fling and gyroball just barely doesn't ko he hits this once more to 32 hp and another takes him down his final pokemon is crowbat so i switch in patriot who eats up everything he throws at us as rock tomb ko's in a couple of hits a little messy but i think we managed that well alkia is all that's left up here and oh what's that i think he's saying he wants to be trapped in a tiny ball for the rest of eternity here you go little fella wanting to match the stylishness of our outfit i upgrade our pokeball stickers and i must say they're looking quite fancy now we arrive in sunnyshore city one of my favorites and of course flint has to come and scare us before we head to the lighthouse walkner says i'm gonna unleash everything in my arse oh arsenal on you okay i i might have misread that a little bit the sunny short gym is upon us and magna zone is able to tank through it pretty well with the help of his typing and tri attack and whiplash helped a lot too unfortunately our team does become overleveled though so it's time for everhart to save the day once again proving to be a massive problem for the trainers oh what's that okay i'll tell them uh guys for everhart's contributions to the run he says all he wants in return is for you guys to follow me on twitter so the link is down below a pretty fair request i'd say it's time for the 8th and final gym leader volkner the electric trainer he leaves with a raichu and i send out jarvis surf is the best he's got against us but he ends up vote switching on the second turn into ambipom who tanks the second try attack he then hits us with fake out followed by a double hit which brings us to 29 hp before another takes him out raichu comes out again so i'm forced to switch so i send in whiplash who tanks surf followed by volt switch to about half and then we hit artillery with psychic for a bit less than half but we get the special defense drop and he just uses focus energy so another chaos him raichu comes in and volt switches again and lux rey tanks psychic with over half here i switch into patriot who tanks crunch and then iron tail before hitting him with rock tomb but his citrus berry activates he misses his next iron tail though we hit him again then his thunder fang paralyzes us but we make it through to koem his final pokemon is a stupid raichu so i send in monger to tank the serve survive won't switch on 37 hp and then smash him with surf for the win all eight badges let's go a long trek through victory road brings us to the pokemon league and well apparently there's a one percent chance to find steelix in here which we couldn't get at iron island since ryolu was technically our encounter there but yeah we've already got a full team don't get me wrong i love steelex as much as the next guy but maybe on another run right before the league we have a final battle with barry who has become ridiculously powerful with eevee trained pokemon with competitive sets and items so this should be crazy he leads with a star after and i send a whiplash this time since he now has close combat of all things he uses sunny day as i go for psychic to bring him low he then uses u-turn though and sends out torterra as i get the 8-turn reflect up with the light clay item now he uses stealth rock and psychic does very little and he has leftovers yikes i have no choice though so i hit him again but then he uses roar he brings out pepper though which is the best thing possible for us as super effective bug buzz takes him down rapidash comes out next thankfully after the sun went down so i switch into monger who tanks two flame wheels before cerf wrecks him he sends out star raptor next and i switch whiplash back in predicting close combat but he used sunny day instead i go for psychic but he used turns into snorlax which has crunch i use reflect again and he uses yawn on whiplash eventually i switch into fury who tanks resisted crunch but our defense gets drops but amazingly orosphere does the job from about half staraptor comes in and i switch in pepper but the damn thing goes for sunny day again but then hits us with close combat but pepper actually eats it up entirely and destroys it with a flash cannon up next is flozo which has no coverage against us and one bug buzz does it in his final pokemon is heracross which thankfully doesn't have a fighting move but he gets the flinch on rockslide and or reflect goes down thankfully without a fighting move he can't do much on patriot so rock tomb finishes him off a bit of a complicated battle and could have gone south but we made it to the league while grinding up fulfilling the rest of our evs and upgrading our movesets and items i gave our pokemon a bunch of bitter herbs to fix that stupid affection mechanic that these games have that give your pokemon extra crits and allow them to survive when they shouldn't and whatnot with that said it's time for the eevee train fully competitive elite four the first elite four member is aaron the bunk trainer and he gave us a hell of a time with his drapey on last time and we could use empoleon with drill pack but we don't have an intimidate gyarados to switch into heracross this time so after thinking about it for a long while i realized our best option was pepperer as his lead a dust docks has no coverage against us so we can set up a ton of quiver dances while stalling out light screen and then sweep his entire team with psychic and flash cannon god that feels good as his heracross and drapeon could have destroyed us the second elite 4 member is bertha the ground type trainer given that we're a steel type team her team is terrifying for us but i at least know what we're doing for our lead she leads quagsire and i lead monger who of course has four times super effective grass knot which is a one hit ko she sends out golem next which is evie trained in speed and attack with sturdy so i switch into whiplash who's immune to earthquake hit it with a psychic since the most it can do to us is stone edge and it does over half i then use reflect with light clay and then take it down with another attack sudowoodo comes out next and i figure she'll try and sucker punch so i switch into fury but she actually went for low kick which thankfully only did about half on the switch since fury is pretty light then aurosphere pulverizes it wiscash comes out next which does have bulldoze so i try to pull off the strategy i was hoping for i switch into whiplash but she went for hydro pump instead damn i was not expecting that i switch into monger here knowing we've locked it into hydro pump and she actually misses and grassnot does only half since it has a rindoberry to lower the power of grass moves we get hit by bulldoze and have our speed lowered and another takes her down after we got hit by hydro pump her final pokemon is hit pout on and i know it will out speed after our speed was dropped by bulldoze so i switch into whiplash for immunity and to bait the crunch so i can switch into monger again now with our speed restored and take it out with one serve amazing the third elite four member is flint the fire trainer and his team is looking pretty tough especially with infernape which has two types super effective against us but i came up with a strat that might work elise with rapidash as i leave with monger and i thought he'd use hypnosis so i had a chest oberry on us but he went for flame charge before we took him out with surf interesting we need as little damage as possible for my plan so i'm not liking that in comes low punny next which is fully eevee trained in hp and i'm not liking this thing either i switch in whiplash who gets hit by high jump kick and then fire punch then i get reflect up now that we can survive i switch in fury but he gets a crit on fire punch oh no this could be the end but i have no choice but then he misses high jump kick so we can one hike him with orosphere unreal i thought it was over but our luck balanced out to the point where we should be steelix is then a one hit with orosphere as well since it's sheer force not sturdy and then driftblim comes in now this thing has no attacking moves so i switch in patriot who i taught taunt so after a minimize and burn i use it now here's the key i know his infernape has a focus sash which could end us because it guarantees a close combat on us somewhere but here with driftblim immobile i use stealthrock now i switch in whiplash to get the reflect up once more and then i switch in jarvis but with the taunt gone now he uses baton pass which passes the minimize to infernape oh no stealth rock then hurts him and it all comes down to if we land this after he hits a close combat and we do to smash him into the ground with thunderbolt oh man from there drifblim is easy pickings we did it somehow we found a way to take on the biggest threat to our team let's go up next is lucian the psychic type trainer and it's time for pepper to shine once again he leads with a mr mime which does have light screen and reflect but pepper resists both dazzling gleam and psychic and both of his types are super effective against both of mr mimes so we can set up a million quiver dances okay not quite that many and sweep through his entire team with stab super effective silver powder boosted bug buzz and we even outsped alakazam which i was kind of surprised about would you like some salt to go along with that pepper it's time for the final battle the champion the bane of our existence cynthia i theorycrafted for what felt like an hour for this battle and let's just say i was super nervous especially after last time this time i tried to think about her battle differently not in terms of what i need to immediately do but how i need our team to end up looking in the end game to handle the big threats like garchomp and milotic let's see if it's of any use i use the rest of our rare candies and go for it she leads with spirit tomb and this time i have nothing super effective against it so i lead with patriot who i think will out speed in because of this i use iron head and as if fate wished to return our luck we do indeed flinch it as i was hoping for twice in a row her citrus berry activates and then she hard switches all of a sudden into milotic oh god i send out monger skull does little to us and then i hit it with grass not for some good damage as she can barely hurt us she then hard switches again though this time into lucario who grass not does little on i know i can't switch in anything to two hits in a row though so i stay in and she just goes for nasty plot but surf barely doesn't ko she then hard switches into gastrodon to absorb the surf with storm drain oh man but from there grass not does massive damage before it just goes for rock tomb weird it does lower our speed but i'm thinking we might just outspeed it still and we do taking it down with another attack she sends lucario back out and after much deliberation i know i can't switch anything in so i have to sack monger for the first death of the run definitely the latest first death that we've had though from here i send in our own lucario who i know she outspeeds but we have priority extreme speed which does enough to take him down in comes spirit tomb next and i go for nasty plot knowing it can't do too much on us and we need the power so she doesn't heal shadow ball brings us below half and then flash cannon does enough to take it down rosarit then comes out and i switch into pepper who tanks shadow ball well to half and then i use quiver dance twice since our special defense also raises but psychic just barely doesn't ko and then she uses a full restore we hit it again down to the red but then we survive the next shadow ball to take it out amazing she sends in milotic next and uses a forest door and then bug buzz does only a third man that thing is bulky i have no choice though so i let pepper go to a scald in the end with her milo take now low i switch in jarvis who i knew i needed to reserve for this thing and thunderbolt just barely doesn't ko but her own burn takes her down from the flame orb marvel scale combo oh man now here's the key i knew i needed to save our sturdy pokemon at full health for garchomp which would sweep through our entire team otherwise so magna zone survives a four-time super effective stab earthquake on one hp and hits a try attack but no status and then we get taken down but this is it i knew whiplash was the key to all of this he has reflect is immune to earthquake and her only other move is dragonclaw which we resist after setting up i'm able to slam it with a few psychics and we live on 62 hp before destroying her with one last attack all with a sturdy full health bastiodon waiting in the back man oh man it was all about that forethought knowing what we needed for the end game and just managing the beginning effectively what a fun run that was our first deal run and our team ended up being pretty damn cool if you ask me if you had fun with a run please don't forget to hit that subscribe button as it really does help a lot and grows our community a huge thanks to my youtube members and patrons who make these videos possible if you'd like to support and get your name up here the links are also down below if you enjoyed drop a like down below to help the video out and leave a comment letting me know what kind of run we should do next and i'll see you guys for our next challenge video [Music] you
Channel: SilphSpectre
Views: 493,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, can i beat a pokemon shining pearl hardcore nuzlocke with only steel types?!, can i beat pokemon shining pearl, pokemon challenge, pokemon shining pearl nuzlocke, pokemon shining pearl hardcore nuzlocke, can i beat pokemon shining pearl nuzlocke, steel type nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke only steel type, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore monotype nuzlocke, shining pearl steel only, shining pearl jirachi
Id: 1xayHO5XUFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 40sec (2500 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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