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welcome everyone my name's solf and this is my attempt to beat a heart kona's lock of pokemon black with only ghost type pokemon the full rule set for this run is listed down below but put simply only the first ghost type encounter in each route or area can be caught if a pokemon faints it must be permanently boxed no items except health items in battle party pokemon levels are limited to the next gym leader or the final league member's ace and finally the battle mode must be put on set at all times the ghost type definitely a favorite among pokemon fans and for good reason it's a wickedly cool typing both in design and in utility added to that is the fact that it was also quite rare in earlier generations but since then a plethora of really cool ghost types have been released quite a few of which we'll get to work with today as pokemon black and white have a stellar lineup of possible encounters for us but as always hardcore nuzlocke rules do add some complications in fact this will be the only time this run has ever been attempted on youtube and there's good reason for this but i think i've found a way to make it possible and when it comes to making the impossible possible perhaps no game does it better than today's sponsor raid shadow legends a free-to-play turn based game for mobile and pc which you can download using my qr code or links below with millions of champion combinations and wicked team building if you're a fan of pokemon nuzlockes you'll love this game as you might be able to tell from my content i love a good challenge and raid provides amazing strategic challenges with over 600 champions to use but also an insane variety of bosses one of my favorites is bommel the dread horn an insane fire rhino that's basically rydon taken to the extreme in terms of strategy he'll strip your buffs and place bombs you can't block or remove and debuffs only cause him to place more you'll need really high resistance and lots of healing along with minimizing your debuffs and here's a little hint you can use deflection artifact sets to send his own bombs right back at him you're welcome raid's always got cool stuff happening like five wild new champions i can't wait to get my hands on tons of smaller updates and a huge series of summer splash events for the whole month featuring incredible skins for everyone's favorite dwarf trunda a special deliana chase event is also on new and existing players can get the brand new legendary champion from the high elves faction for free by just playing raid for seven days between now and july 28th all new players once you're in game just enter promo code mydaliana to get 50 xp brews to max her to level 50 along with tons of silver new players use my link or qr code to get a free starter pack worth almost 30 dollars a free champion payroll and also this cool in-game loot you'll find your rewards here in your inbox for the next 30 days only huge thanks to ray for supporting us and let's get into the run miss juniper looking good what up you're gonna introduce me to my best friends that doesn't even make sense proceeds to rob my house out of spite for even daring to question her alright it's time to pick our starter that we're gonna throw in the trash in all of 10 minutes and i decide to go with tepig as it would likely be the easiest to face with the ghost type giving us an extra challenge from the other pokemon from our rivals speaking of which the battles with them went smoothly although chiron absolutely smashed us with a crit on his very first attack but somehow we pulled through in the end taking no further damage to think this is a future gym leader we're facing after getting pokeballs our run officially begins but you might be saying self where the hell are you gonna find a ghost type and that's a damn good question admittedly it's a complicated first encounter but we're gonna get there soon in accumula town we witness a historic rally and something i just noticed is it seems like anna's purposefully planted into the audience to cheer and rally up the crowd from within that's deep man up north there's these two elderly people and the man says let me give you the benefit of experience you listening the number of pokemon you can take with you at one time is six whereas the woman says people treat these pokemon with love and affection that's what i think our mutual relationship is uh i think you two need to work on your relationship you two are on completely different wavelengths heading to the next route we get a call from our mom and all right it's time to get serious we next arrive in strides and city the location of the first gym and we don't yet have a viable encounter see our first encounter comes after we meet fennel who gives you the sea gear but we can't get to her until after the first gym so we're gonna make the only slight modification to this game by merely checking the sea gear box allowing us access to fennel and by extension the dream world a black and white equivalent of heartgold and soulsover is pokeywalker which allows you to find and catch pokemon from your pokemon's dreams in this spooky manor area thankfully we have four different encounters that are available as default encounters and ours ends up being a ghastly which i caught and nicknamed venkman venkman ends up having a docile neutral nature and one cool thing is that it also has sludge wave when caught from the dream world a 95 power same type attack bonus or stab move incredible with that it's time to box box me the tepig what he asked for it in the trainer school we get the opportunity to test out venkman against sharon and what a powerhouse this thing is sludge wave is an incredibly strong move to have this early on for winning we get awarded with some much needed orenberries as berries are hard to come by in these games and with that it's time to hit up the striatum gym most of the trainers here have normal types and they can't use any stab moves against us so the process goes by pretty smoothly just trying to get us to the level cap i went to the dream yard and huh youngster joey is that you wait a minute joey where's ratata where's ratata joey it's time for the first gym leader who's gonna be crest since we picked tepig initially now we do have to be careful here as both of his pokemon have super effective moves against us in bite and lick although ghastly is incredibly frail with base 100 special attack and 80 speed already he's able to eviscerate his lilly pop immediately alrighty then in comes his pan pour though and we hit it with sludge wave but it barely survives in the red but just goes for work up as he tends to do and then after he potions that allows us another hit to ko him and win our first patch that was surprisingly easy venkman is a beast you know there's something about villains physically abusing pokemon only to be stopped by the pokemon's mother who comes in and induces delusions of their boss into their minds so they're terrified and run away that just hits the spot no seriously what the is that story line okay you know what you're a little late fettle would have saved me a lot of trouble if you gave this to me like five minutes ago up ahead in the daycare no i i mean the child daycare not the pokemon one this toddler says seriously guys are all just little boys you know i i was gonna fire back but i mean here i am playing pokemon here i accidentally entered a double battle with cuddy gal our hm mod and well sludge wave is a move that hits everything on the field in double battles so sorry little one venkman is just the harbinger of destruction here in wellspring cave we face off against two team plasma grunts alongside charon and i have no choice i have to do the same thing but his oshawa is actually the second thing to ever survive an attack from venkman this time on just one hp in here we can also grab the tm for thief to get type boosting items off wild pokemon and then we arrive in net green city where the next gym is one of the buildings has this girl who can give us the charcoal item to boost fire moves which is no help to us now but i have a feeling we'll be very helpful later oh look a cafe this cafe has a special on wednesdays it's a sunday enter the nat green well museum which has the gym behind it i was going to make a joke about the trainers being old fossils and being in the wrong section of the building but i mean damn only one thing in the gym survived venkman slaughter but she had just used an x defense so it didn't amount to much from her and i gotta be honest it's time for the second gym leader the normal type specialist lenora now although she can't use stab moves on us i'm still feeling very nervous as she has bite and crunch on her team she leaves with a herdier with intimidate doesn't affect us and sludge wave immediately ko's it unreal it comes her ace though watch hog we hit a sludge wave but it doesn't ko but does get the poison but she immediately goes for crunch and it ko's venkman immediately ouch i was kind of hoping she'd go for hypnosis as i had a chest of berry attached but yeah that hit hard there's just no way that we could possibly survive that us going for hypnosis was possible but that's a 60 chance venkman was a 30 special attack iv ghastly too so we can't possibly hope for more damage and with just one pokemon we get too close to the level cap to do any ev training too we need something more a full reset of the game later and we arrived back in the queen city this time with a ghastly i nicknamed thank men get it now there are two of them but as i found out we also have another default encounter available in a different area of the dream world the icy cave a snow runt i name her janine and janine has a quirky neutral nature now snorron doesn't yet have the ghost type technically but it will and due to limited encounters we're gonna play the way that most nuzlockers do and allow its use since it does become a ghost type after some theorycrafting as to how we can make this possible let's give it another shot i lead the same way as last time although this time around we have lower ivs so sludge wave just barely doesn't take out hurtier and she hits a bite to bring us to almost a quarter before then healing then we hit her again to the red another hit takes her down from there though as we level up which is allowed in hardcore nuzlocke's mid-battle in comes the big threat watchog here i switch into janine who tanks crunch with two-thirds remaining and our moody ability activates raising our special defense and lowering our accuracy we had terrible roles on moody here not helping us at all but we survive or retaliate on just 12 hp before our bury then hit an icy wind for about half which also drops her speed moody is going terribly for us so here i execute the rest of our plan knowing we can bait another retaliate a normal type move and her best way to damage janine i switch into venkman who's immune then we can out speed and hit a sludge wave for the ko and win that was quite tough to pull off but i'm very happy we managed what i thought would be a complete roadblock a long journey through the pinwheel forest allows us to retrieve lenora's skull well i mean a dragonite skull from her museum yeah that didn't sound right at all and we eventually reached one of the coolest displays of the ds's power in pokemon the sky arrow bridge i distinctly remember the first time i saw this i was blown away quite a step up for the franchise and it doesn't stop there as we arrive in the giant castilla city at one of the piers this girl says when someone's getting under your skin and you want to yell at them scream at the ocean when you're alone of course now items in castelia are definitely more sparse than in the sequels black 2 and y2 but after this girl confesses to second-hand domestic abuse of her boyfriend by having her pokemon use wake up slap on him every morning we can grab the evia light from this scientist for seeing 20 pokemon which increases the defenses of unevolved pokemon now unfortunately up ahead on route 4 our next encounter is available right after this damn guy who blocks us off oh well we'll have to make do with what we've got in one of the buildings we meet one of my favorite team plasma members who admits that he thought it would be funny to put a criminal hideout right in front of a gym what a savage and bianca proceeds to thank them for having stolen her pokemon and returned it what is wrong with you the next gym is upon us the castilia gym and in here we had a pretty easy time as janine could handle the bug and grass duel type pokemon although we had to watch out for pokemon like dwell with rock type moves that's for sure the third gym leader is berg the bug type specialist and after a bit of theory crafting and attaching the evil light on janine it's time to go for it he leads with a whirlpied quite a defensive beast who we have no coverage against especially not on fenkman and i go for icy wind immediately which does a quarter then poison tail slams us with a critical hit for nearly half oof however we then get a special attack raise for moody causing icy wind to bring him into the red then we get brought below half after he uses a hyper potion another two attacks to do the job although we got a speed drop from moody in the process but another special attack increase and a defense increase too which allow us to survive dwell's super effective attacks and smash it for the one hit ko however it comes his ace lee vani who has high speed and high crit ratio razor leaf so yeah not a good idea to stay in here i switch in venkman who resists it and then amazingly in one hikeos it was sludge wave nothing like a stab super effective move now that was a solid battle three badges in the route four gate we have a battle with bianca and her team's a bit tricky at this point but i have a bit of a plan she leaves with a hurdier and i lead with janine we were getting brutal moody roles so i tried using protect to hopefully fix them but it was not working out at all i don't need plus accuracy thank you very much in the end due to getting a crit we got brought below half before taking her out in comes muna next and again i tried to go for good moody rolls but plus attack and minus speed we tank side beam quite well though but can hardly do any damage with minus special attack and she has moonlight for recovery too with two more special attack drops on the next turns and a yawn coming in from her eventually bringing us to the red i'm like alright we have no choice i send in venkman and we get yawn not good but scybeam would have been brutal for us too so what can you do one sludge wave takes her down and then in comes panpour it's all a matter of waking up now and we do after one hit to take her down her final pokemon is cervine and we have a great answer to that thing thankfully one hike owing it as well could have been terrible but we pulled through now after all that i'm like alright we need some help on our team so i allow venkman to evolve into a haunter even though i was trying to wait until it got shadowball via level up cheren's battle up ahead is even harder than bianca's especially due to a damn fast lie part with pursuit of all things but evia light hunter is an absolute monster and sweeps through his entire team let's go surviving anakin skywalker's worst nightmare is our next task during which we find the black glasses and the soft sand items then we finally get access to the relic castle the location of our next encounter a bit of searching has us find it a yaw mask which we catch a nickname egan egan has a calm nature plus special defense and minus attack which is actually pretty great and has a relatively cool moveset already too feeling ready to party we arrive in the vegas of yunova nimbasa city and already we find an elderly man being robbed seems fitting now unfortunately venkman has already reached the level cab so yamas came in at a very good time at the eastern gate we can find a crucial item the macho brace which doubles evs on pokemon that hold it great for early game as it's hard to get evs without leveling too high otherwise bianca then drags us to the damn musical and well i guess it's most fitting to force our newest team member into dressing up this is like egan's equivalent of college hazing you're fulfilling your destiny he does look pretty spiffy though not gonna lie after an extraordinarily awkward ferris wheel ride with n he challenges us to battle with a challenging looking team although his lead a sandile is weak to icy wind and gets ko'd immediately in comes a darumaka though which has a massive power fire punch so i switch in venkman and he misses anyway due to his hustle ability which lowers his accuracy allowing us to one-hit k-ohm with sludge wave next up is a sigoleth so here i switch an egan as he goes for tailwind he then hits us with a side beam for not much damage with the evil light attached then hex does about a third a back and forth leaves us both low but i have no option to switch so i stay in and egan survives on just 7 hp but gets confused oh no no no but we pull through for the last hit holy his final pokemon is a scraggy which has super effective moves on all three of our team members so i switch into janine to tank fade attack and then switching to venkman as we baited the brick break which doesn't affect him then could slam him with sludge wave for the one hit ko amazing some very close calls but i think we played well the nimbasa gym is our next destination and here the traitors were manageable although i forgot that imoga tend to have pursuit which made things dangerous at times but a burn plus hex combo did well as it doubles in power if the opponent has a status when we didn't miss that is the fourth gym leader is elisa the electric trainer and to be quite honest i don't know how we pull through this she has three fully evolved pokemon all faster than every single one of ours and with full switch for pivoting after tons of theorycrafting it's time to give this a try she leaves with an imoga and i send out egan now her imoga have pursued too super effective and doubles in power if we switch so we have to be very careful that she hits us with volt switch and pivots into another but our burn misses which i was hoping to get to lower my concern about pursuit are you kidding me this might be all over off the bat i decide i have to switch and she hits the double power pursuit but we survive as venkman comes out she then hits another for not a ton of damage and then sludge wave one hit ko's her alright we're still in this i guess for a second the molka comes back out and instantly volt switches into zeb strika and sludge wave hits her to a quarter i literally cannot switch here as janine couldn't handle an attack and then a flame charge so i decided to just go for it hoping she uses a dumb move but she doesn't and goes for spark but we survive on just 3 hp and can slam her with another attack for the ko wow her final emoga comes out and because of the level up from deb strika i now know we can outspeed it although the tier is closed and we do for the victory unbelievable that went totally different to how i expected and how i kind of planned it but we improvised well ahead on route 5 cheren battles us again and leaves with his lie part of all things and it has torment to lock us into using the same move which is bad but i figured janine has protect so we can alternate and get the moody boost too in the end he doesn't end up using it anyway so a couple attacks do the job with us at half panzer comes out next though so here i pivoted into venkman to tank flame burst and respawn with the ko duat comes out next and survives a sludge wave hits us with razor shell and gets a crit too to bring us to just 10 hp before we can respond sheesh his final pokemon is tranquil and since we're immune to priority quick attack we can slam it with another hit for the win after the champion of the univer region makes us wipe the floor with some toddlers we get elisa to do our bidding and lower the drawbridge this gives us access to drip fail city the location of the next gym before that though we hit up the cold storage where we find the skull tm which will be fantastic for a later encounter uh what is going on in here maybe i don't want to know oh my just keeps getting better and better oh we can also find the never melt ice here you're welcome janine after grabbing the expert belt to boost super effective moves further from the market it's time to pick up another encounter now that we have four badges the windswept sky area of the dream world opens up allowing us to catch a drift loom which i nicknamed tally tally has an impish nature plus defense and minus special attack kind of meh but it gets the hidden flair boost ability which is pretty cool and might help with that while training up for the gym tally ends up evolving into a beastly drift limb quite an interesting pokemon overall that i can't wait to use now recognizing how hard the next gym is going to be i traveled all the way back to the wellspring cave on foot the only cave we've been in so far and here i spent forever searching through the dust clouds for a specific item during the process we found a dust stone which we're also gonna need later guess we killed two birds with one stone or two stones with okay never mind after picking up 35 total items not including the damn drill bur encounters we finally got it at dawn stone which i use on janine to evolve her into a beautiful albeit terrifying frost lass an amazing upgrade with that let's hit up the jerkfail gym with that evolution and the expert bell janine is able to rip through the trainers with relative ease and we eventually arrive at the fifth gym leader clay the ground type specialist he leads with a crock rock with intimidate which doesn't matter to us and janine now speeds for the one heko with expert ball boosted stab super effective icy wind in comes his ace next excadrill and although i'm worried i don't have much of a choice so i go for water pulse here and it does nearly half and gets the confusion incredible however on the next turn he breaks through and goes for bulldoze of all things trying to lower our speed i guess which brings us to half knowing rock's light would ko i switch into egan with the evia light and he tanks it well he finally hits himself in confusion on the next turn but we missed the burn are you kidding me he hits himself again though but we miss again what is happening he then hyper potions and yup we miss a third time what the f he then powers up his attack with home claws but we finally get the burn he keeps charging up though but we do have a secret weapon the haze move to cancel out his stat changes double power hex then starts doing some decent damage but we got flinched by rockslide at one point we brought him all the way to the red again but he hyper potioned yet again so at the third health i switch into tully rock slide hit us for a quarter but here i have double power hex as well with the ghost gem for extra power but even after the burn it's not enough i have to risk the crit but he doesn't get it and with just 18 hp we take that damn thing down his final pokemon is palpitoed and here i send in venkman as muddy water does nearly half and gets the accuracy drop i have no choice though so i try to go for disable and we miss but then he misses his muddy water i try again and we miss again but he goes for aquaring i have to try hypnosis here but we missed that too and then muddy water slams us but we survive on just 7 hp all of our pokemon are hurt bad though so i have to try another and we miss but he misses again too what is this battle our next turn hypnosis hits and we can now use two sludge waves for the ko i have no words just none that was insane bianca is relentless and challenges us again but this time tally is able to handle her whole damn team by using stockpile to raise her defenses followed by gust and hex like crazy to wither down her pokemon what a beast this thing is funny thing is she also gives us the fly hm for winning which is only going to power him up further speaking of which at level 33 venkman also learns shadowball some amazing power-ups overall here at the end of the charge stone cave stands n this time with a team that has very tough typing for us resisting or having super effective coverage against pretty much everything we have i decided to just go in with venkman with the evil light and spam shadowball like mad through his first three pokemon with us being brought to just 24 hp before klink comes out the only thing he doesn't really have coverage against is egan so i switch him in and go for the burn hex combo to lower his attack and persuade him not to use stab moves and that worked out pretty well for us that dresses access to mrs stralton city where the next gym is and before that we can head up the airport to get a great item the sharp beak to boost holly's flying moves before the gym we can also head north to the celestial tower where our next encounter is on the second floor there's a one hundred percent chance to find litwick which i catch and nickname xedimore xedimore ends up having a bashful neutral nature and is a pokemon i'm incredibly excited to use especially as it evolves we can also find the perfect item for our team right here this spell tag to boost ghost moves at the top of the tower all right do i even have to say any words here let's just say it was a pleasant date filled to the brim with excitement egan ends up evolving into a bulky convagriques which i think should add some more defensive presence to our team the mistrauthen gym is upon us which has a really cool gym design and as i'm sure you can imagine janine ripped through it with her ice moves the sixth gym leader is skyla the flying type expert and i'm feeling pretty good about this one but not getting overconfident she leads with a swoo bat and the obvious choice is janine one of the few pokemon that can out speed that thing and icy wind is a one hit ko with the expert belt and the same thing won for her on pheasant too a solid start however in comes her ace swanna i hit it with icy wind to lower its speed and she used aqua ring for regular recovery now here i switched in tally and my calcs were just off apparently due to aqua ring as i thought we could take her down in a fly and then a hex to prevent recovery while we're in the air but she just barely survives on like one hp before healing uh oh at just 18 hp i have to switch so i send an egan and she got a crit on aerial ace as we switched in oh god egan quickly gets brought low while hardly doing anything so now i switch in venkman and air slash does over half even more than i thought this is not good i have no choice at all though so i go for sludge wave and she barely survives on one hp again i was literally saying my goodbyes to venkman when she misses air slash and the burn takes her down absolutely miraculous i couldn't believe it venkman is fated to survive i swear don't know how we escaped punishment there but six badges with our sixth badge in hand it's finally time to commit to the trade evolution to evolve venkman into a beastly gengar i mean he deserves it just ahead of twist mountain we have our next battle with charon with his team improving quite a bit here he leads with a now fully evolved and pheasant and i leave with janine for the instant ko with icy wind except he survives and gets an attack off before we ko alrighty then in comes simic here next a big threat but because it's raining i can go for weatherball here for the instant super effective expert bell ko incredible in comes lipard next though but amazingly janine outspeeds hits it below half with icy wind but it's berry brings it back above half and it uses torment not good now here i almost sent out gengar but realized at the last minute this thing has unburden which raises its speed after it consumes a berry so it would have gotten two hits off in a row and taken us out without us knowing close call so here i switch in egan instead and get the burn off to lower his attack activate mummy to get rid of its ability and then switch into venkman knowing we can now survive and take him out his final pokemon is duat and we do have to watch out for the water boost from rain so i switch in tally who gets hit to 37 hp before landing a final fly to end the battle a scary one but we managed well a rival to icarus city always makes me nostalgic for some reason and the they doing over there traveling a bit further before the gym to route 8 we can pick up two great items the poison barb to raise the power of venkman sludge wave and also sludge bomb which would have been good if we didn't have a dream world gengar before the next gym i also head all the way back to route 4 where we can now use surf to find our next encounter a frilish which i catch a nickname dana dana ends up having a timid nature plus speed and minus attack which is actually fantastic the icarus gym is upon us and here i have our little boy litwick go to work with the eva light attached being able to do some big damage with flame burst when he's not getting frozen by ice beam that is the seventh gym leader is bryson the ice specialist and unfortunately two of our most important pokemon for this battle litwick and frillish evolved just after the level cap so we're gonna have to try and make do with what we have he leaves with a vanillish and i send out xedimore and flameburst brings him to the exact range that i thought causing him to waste all his hyper potions and then a final attack takes him down after he merely got an astonish off his next pokemon is a beastly bear tick and knowing it has brine i switch into dana but he went for swagger not ideal but after getting hit by icicle crash we land a skald and get the burn nice with his high defense egan is a great pivot here although he confused him as well causing us to hit ourselves twice in a row and then i kid you not i was getting a package delivered at this exact moment and got incredibly distracted accidentally clicking hex again and we got hit low then hit ourselves in confusion but we survived on a singular hp goodness gracious i switch into janine then saves the day from there and his last pokemon is cryogenol for which i send in zetamor again whose flame burst does the job with us at 31 hp before leveling up our final encounter location is then the dragon spiral tower where on the first floor we can find a really cool ghost type golet which i catch a nickname raymond who gets sent to the pc because we have a full team already i'm gonna leave him in there for now along the climb up the tower dana ends up evolving into a bulky and powerful jealous end after which and goes absolutely nuts summoning legendary pokemon up the wazoo i don't actually know what that means i just kind of like the term okay i trip back to the relic castle allows us access to a new area where we can get the best tm of the game for us shadowball which four of our pokemon can learn giving a massive upgrade to all of them let's go zetamore also ends up evolving into a lamppin who i'm gonna leave the evio light on for now our final battle with bianco is actually one that i completely forgot about luckily i had healed but we were left with the same party order we had for the gym and with the rain it made it quite difficult since xedimore was effectively useless aside from being able to burn with willowisp but our team rounded out pretty damn well as we could alternate effectively between venkman dana and tali to handle her semi-poor musharna and superior man i always thought this two-blind bridge scene was hilarious you're just stuck running for like 10 minutes to get to guesses i'm coming gets this i'm almost there i'll see you in a bit actually i i already see you but you get my point that long trip later and we arrive at oppalucid city where the last gym is i tried to go ahead to the next route but wow they really got lazy with these roadblocks huh the appaloosa gym is a wicked looking dragon gym and as i'm sure you can imagine frost last is a nightmare for the gym trainers the final gym leader in this game is dreiden the dragon specialist and i think i have a decent strat for him he leaves with a fracture which we can send back to the dinosaur age with one expert bell boosted attack and then next comes drudogon icy wind actually only does about two-thirds then knight slash hits his heart below half that would have been a ko crit actually whoops i really wish we could get ice beam but another takes him down his final pokemon is a monstrous haxorus and we have a great counter for this thing in egan who i pivot into you see he likes to dragon dance and he hits his heart with rivalry boosted assurance but our mummy ability gets rid of his boost and then we get the burn off lowering his attack even further and we can now compound that even further by using haze to get rid of his dragon dances now he hardly does any damage so a hex finishes him off that was just disrespectful on our way through the final route we have our last evolution as i decide to stone evolve xedimore into a chandelor a ridiculously powerful and surprisingly fast threat at the end of route 10 stands our final battle with sharon one that's looking quite threatening indeed as his team is hyper-powered now but i have a plan he leaves with his unpheasant and i send out totally this time hoping to stockpile like crazy to raise our defenses it works well initially as he goes for detect as i know he tends to do but then he got a crit air slash and flinches us oh no not good i'm forced to baton pass earlier than i wanted now and i passed the boost to venkman he just used detect on the switch so a sludge wave deletes him from existence lifeheart comes in next but gengar's speed out does it and slams it for the ko samurai comes in and sludgway brings him low and gets the poison then aqua tail hits us to below half but we survive thanks to the stockpile so another kos his final pokemon is semi-sear and i know we'll out speed so i hit the sludge wave but he barely survives on just a sliver then nails us with a flame burst but the baton pass saved her life on just 5 hp so we could pull the victory off man oh man that crit flinch was devastating speaking of victory it's time for the road of victory victory road some might say and this game has one of the coolest entry gates of them all an extraordinarily perilous and long journey brings us to our final destination the pokemon league after fulfilling the rest of our evs and getting any remaining tms and items we need it's time to enter the elite four the first elite four member is chantal the ghost type trainer now you might say self this is dangerous her team is super effective against yours ah but do not forget my friend ours is also super effective against hers i attached her expert belt to venkman and then went to town out speeding with stab super effective shadow ball which ripped through her first three pokemon then her jealousyn came out and we just barely don't ko getting an incredibly low roll and then she hits us back but venkman tanks it on just 15 hp so we could take her down on an actual proper roll after she healed might have gotten a bit overconfident there the second elite 4 member is a huge danger for us grimsley the dark type trainer who's super effective against us and who resists us too i theory crafted for a while and expert belt focus blast would do the job but has incredibly low accuracy and one miss would cost us gengar so alternate strat time he leads with a scrappy so i send out tully i go for stockpile knowing we owed speed and he went for sand attack not good i was hoping for crunch another stockpile and hisses with crunch and gets a crit but we survive on just 4 hp before a berry what the hell man i'm forced to baton pass early yet again and here i switch into dana who i attached the rocky helmet onto for extra damage i start the rain with rain dance and then try to kill him with skull but don't forget the lower accuracy got passed to us as well so he won't stop sand attacking us it's a brutal grind but we do have recover too so we finish him off with near full hp by taking advantage of his throw restore turns in comes crocodile next an absolute monster but the defense boost helped a lot as we were brought just below half before skull did him in in comes lipard next a big threat with night slash but my plan finally comes into fruition after every cover as cursed body activates and now he can't use it anymore so setting up the rain again powers up skull for the ko and then his spy shark comes in he hit us below half before we hit him low then because of his forestore timing i had to risk another as i can't switch into anything and we survive on just 11 hp but our rocky helmet doesn't quite do the job and we didn't get a single burn either oh no i have to risk it here so i switch into xedimore and no crit we survive on just 11 hp before out speeding for the flame burst ko sheesh now that was a wild battle up next is caitlyn the psychic type trainer and i have a great answer to her zettamore with the expert belt you see a lot of people don't know this but chandelure actually has a way higher special attack than even gengar and has the added benefit of not being weak to psychic so he's able to sweep through her entire team with expert belt boosted stab super effective shadow ball destroying even incredibly bulky pokemon like reuniklus and musharna in one hit what a monster the last elite 4 member is marshall the fighting type specialist and i actually spent a lot of time theorycrafting for this battle you see his throw has guts and payback and the rest of his pokemon have either dark or rock moves brutal for our team but i came up with a plan and go for it elise would throw and i send out tally dangerous with high crit ratio stone edge but i thought he'd go for payback as it's more damaged since we outspeed but he goes for stone edge apparently as i use stockpile uh-oh i get too off and he hits us low but our citrus berry brings us to good health but still within crit range so i go for acrobatics and it just barely doesn't ko however i know this will trigger four restores so i hit another as he wastes them then another and then i decide to take him out in the end now he brings in sock and the speed tier is closed but i'm pretty sure we outspeed according to my calcs but we don't somehow i literally don't get this my calc told me we should definitely outspeed 105 to 101 but i don't know it didn't happen and we survive in the red before getting the baton pass off to egan from there egan's defense is massive now and he's able to shadowball the living hell out of the rest of his pokemon even through a crit rock slide that brought us to the red wild now and goes even crazier than normal here and tells the champion of the region that he's lost and not to speak not often we see something like that happen and somehow summons a giant castle from underground the gym leaders come to the rescue against the sages though one of the most epic scenes in any pokemon game and we make it to the top where n is going wild with legendaries again we're forced to catch rashiram but i leave him in the box i think i've prepared the best i can for this so let's give it a try it leaves with a damn legendary zekrom of all things and i leave with janine my calcs tell me we should just be able to do over half with icy wind although it will be close and we do seem to as fusion bolt then slams us to a quarter before another thankfully does the job alright the legendary is down in comes caracosta next a huge threat for our team with sturdy too but i have a good plan i switch an egg into tank stone edge then i know he's gonna use crunch it hits us low but this means our mummy ability now makes him lose sturdy so four times super effective grass knot bypasses it and does just enough to ko amazing it comes to archeops next so i switch into dana and he misses stone edge finally one of these trainers misses a damn stone edge crunch then hits us below half and after rocky helmet skull takes him down in comes cling clang next so i switch into zettamore to take the electric move and respawn with a flame burst one hit ko zoroark is a huge threat for our entire team too and i have no choice to switch here so i say goodbye to zetamor but he survives on just 2 hp before flame burst annihilates him unreal this grants us a perfect opportunity as his final pokemon vanillux comes in and flame burst eviscerates him for the win and the championship by technicality with just 4 hp left after level up i can't believe it we did it well almost guesses comes in furious as ever and challenges us to the ultimate final battle it's not over yet the game forces you to use the same party order whether you want to or not here so we're forced to send in janine against his cough agrigus shadowball barely doesn't ko him unfortunately so he lands a toxic on us before he then heals causing us to have to waste another turn of damage hitting him again for the ko he next sends out a massive thread high drygon although thankfully it doesn't actually have a dark type move dragon pulse is still insanely powerful though with 125 base special attack and we have like no coverage against this thing so i have to go for icy wind while we can which does over half and then he takes down janine instantly rest in peace you already dead beauty that sacrifice allows us to send in venkman for the revenge kill with sludge wave at least in comes bouffalont another big threat and here i realized i can't really switch into anything and focus blast was feeling too risky at this point so i used sludge wave and got a crit to take him down venkman wasn't gonna die to any non-stab move he had anyway but hey i'll take that next comes seismitoad quite a tough pokemon to account for but thankfully we have a great answer with egan and grassnot although he did use a raindance on the switch he then went for muddy water but missed so we got a free hit and the ko even in the rain that would have done less than half but still in comes his next pokemon electros which has no weaknesses whatsoever and knowing it's gonna use crunch on everything i go for the burn immediately to lower his attack from there hex gets the double damage boost and his final crunch hardly touches us before a final attack takes him down in comes his last pokemon our worst nightmare by sharp if i'm honest i know he outspeeds us and there's nothing we can safely switch into a high quirk ratio super effective stab night slash on so we have to let egan go a job well done my friend alright it's time to finish this i send in dana who slams him just below half with a skald but no burn then he hits a nice slash but no crit so we survive on a quarter and can evaporate him with one more skull for the win we did it we beat a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon black with only ghost types and it was a ton of fun ghost types are really interesting to work with with varying base stat and typing specialties creating quite a balanced team overall i hope you had fun with the run and if you did don't forget to hit that subscribe button as it really does help a lot and grows our community a huge thanks to my youtube members and patrons who make these videos possible if you'd like to support and get your name up here the links are also down below if you enjoyed drop a like down below to help the video out and leave a comment letting me know what kind of run we should do next and i'll see you guys for our next challenge video [Music] you
Channel: SilphSpectre
Views: 260,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, can i beat a pokemon black nuzlocke with only ghost types!?, pokemon black nuzlocke, pokemon white nuzlocke, pokemon black hardcore nuzlocke, can i beat a pokemon black nuzlocke, ghost type nuzlocke, ghost type only nuzlocke, ghost type hardcore nuzlocke, ghost hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke only ghost types, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore monotype nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke ghost only
Id: qJNB336VAnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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