Can Humans And Aeldari Interbreed? - 40K Theories

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[Music] uh [Music] the eldari also known as the eldar are an ancient xenos race which once ruled over a significant portion of the galaxy but now teeters upon the brink of extinction physically the el diary sports an appearance that could be considered somewhat similar to that of humans although the xenos are themselves known to be taller and more likely built than the average human with sharp angular features almond-shaped eyes and pointed elf-like ears while such superficial similarities may allow an elder to pass themselves off as human at first glance providing that they keep a low profile and their more alien features hidden from sight upon closer inspection it becomes clear that a vast number of additional and more extreme physiological differences exist between the two species in addition to the previously established differences in height and build the eldari boasts both a skeletal and muscular structure that demonstrates an incredible degree of elasticity which helps allow the species to move with remarkable speed and grace as well as a bony structure analogous to a secondary ribcage located within their abdominal cavity granting an extra layer of protection to their internal organs in addition members of the species are known to demonstrate extraordinarily long lifespans with some individuals such as the farseer eldred alfran being known to live for over 10 000 years as well as this the eldari sport both an incredibly advanced cardiovascular and neurological system granting the species incredible stamina as well as heightened reflexes when compared to a typical human the species is also known to be highly psychic with all eldari say for those individuals known as drukari demonstrating an incredibly high psychic potential however the eldari are also known to be far more sensitive when it comes to emotional sensations experiencing them with a far greater intensity than most other sentient species as a result many eldari particularly those from the craft worlds are known to exercise restraint and even practice meditation in order to prevent themselves from being consumed by their passions although some such as the aforementioned drukari and the more primitive exodites are known to be more open and accepting of their emotions upon the craft worlds the eldari will live highly disciplined lives where individuals will spend decades or even centuries mastering a specific discipline or path such as the path of the warrior or the path of the seer so that they do not succumb to their want and desires some eldari may even choose to abandon the rigid and austere lifestyles of the craft worlds choosing to become outcasts or corsairs so that they can enjoy a greater degree of mental and emotional freedom while only a few physical similarities may exist between the eldari and humanity some have nonetheless suggested that this superficial resemblance is proof enough that the two species are in fact descended from a common ancestor and as a result may even be genetically compatible to some extent so is it possible for humans and eldari to interbreed and produce viable hybridized offspring initially such an idea would appear to be utterly impossible due to the simple fact that humans and eldari are vastly different species despite sharing a number of visual similarities in addition to the myriad of differences mentioned earlier the genetic structure of the eldari is also far more complex than that of humans while humans spot a double helix dna structure the eldari genome by contrast boasts a quintuple helix as well as 20 chemical based pairs as opposed to the four that are found within humans despite this apparent genetic incompatibility at least one confirmed del diary human hybrid was known to exist as detailed within the novel the berry dagger a man named el wintour who served as a confidant of malcolm the sigilite would be revealed to be much to his own surprise none other than such a hybrid however windows hybridization was not the natural byproduct of interbreeding between humans and eldari but was in fact the result of genetic engineering as winter had been repeatedly cloned and gene-spliced from the remains of a dying el diary that had been found within the webway by imperial forces it will later be revealed that each successive clone of winter that was created would degenerate into insanity with ever increasing rapidity which would typically result in these hybrid clones taking their own lives the final documented clone of winter would last be seen prior to the siege of terror utilizing his blood to unlock a webway gate which would allow the founding members of the grey knights chapter of the adeptus astartes to travel to the moon of titan in order to begin their long isolation another individual who was heavily suspected of being a hybrid was the self-proclaimed corsair queen known as karja salomba as detailed within the novel the chapters due salombar not only sported a number of physical features that are commonly associated with the eldari such as a slender frame and almond-shaped eyes but her very movements were shown to display an almost unnatural degree of grace leading to a number of individuals such as the iron warrior honsu to suspect that the corsair queen was in fact an eldari hybrid as shown with the following passage kasha salomba sketched him a roguish her wild blue hair swirling around her thin features honshu supposed that she was beautiful with pale skin and warm almond-shaped eyes of striking violet there were some who said there was eldar blood in her veins and honshu would be hard-pressed to disagree her tall slender frame and inhuman grace certainly suggested an affinity with that ancient race clad in brightly coloured fabrics that rippled in an unseen breeze and armored with strips of lacquered leather she cut a fearsome figure and her lips eased apart in a smile that was at once repellent and alluring salomba was also shown to demonstrate incredible reflexes and agility allowing her to hold her own in battle against warriors from the ultramarine's chapter of the adeptus astartes not only was the corset queen able to skillfully dodge and repost the attacks made by kato sicarius who is arguably the greatest swordsman of his entire chapter but salombar would even succeed in running her sword through his primary heart although salombar would ultimately be slain after being restrained and impaled with a banapal because of her remarkable physical abilities it seems highly likely that kaja salamba is indeed a hybrid although whether she was naturally conceived or artificially created is an altogether different matter while commonly regarded as being a genetic impossibility some individuals still maintain that interbreeding between the two species can produce viable offspring within the novel warrior coven inquisitor herod of the ordo zenos would claim that he himself had sired one such hybrid child however the veracity of herod's claims are questionable at best due to the fact that by the time he had penned his confessions it was clear that the inquisitor had gone utterly insane as shown with the following passage the confession which was now over 500 years old had been used as a case study during her training as an interrogator it contained the last gobbled words of an old inquisitor lord of the order zenus he had confessed to everything he even confessed to a range of heresies that the interrogators had known nothing about before the end he had also confessed to being a tau elemental and having fathered a half-breed child with an eldar female [Music] what further makes the idea of humans now diary naturally producing hybrid offspring somewhat unlikely in addition to the previously mentioned genetic differences is due to how the eldari themselves reproduce as detailed within the book xenology while the eldar are shown to have genitalia that are outwardly analogous to that of humans those sported by the eldar appear to have corresponding organs that are designed for progressive gamete delivery suggesting that the xenos reproduce in multiple stages in this case it is suspected that males will supply a pregnant female with additional genetic material during the course of the pregnancy by engaging in successive vaccinating [Music] as such this would imply that in order for a viable hybrid offspring to be produced assuming that the two species are indeed biologically compatible with one another a male elder would need to mate multiple times with a human female in order to provide the gestating fetus with enough genetic material for it to develop correctly however given that we know next to nothing in regards to the biology of female eldari we have no way of knowing as to whether they could theoretically produce a hybrid child with a human male through a singular act of mating or not in either case should a hybrid child be born naturally then they will most likely become ostracized by both humans and eldari alike given the imperium's highly xenophobic nature if a hybrid child was born to a human mother then such offspring would more than likely be regarded with mild disgust at best or utter revulsion and horror worst with the latter reaction likely resulting in a half-breed child being destroyed due to it being seen as polluting the human gene pool conversely the eldari parents depending upon which sect in particular that they belong to would likely look down upon such a hybrid with pity or disdain due to the child not being a pure blooded eldari while it still seems unlikely for natural hybridization to occur there is one place within the galaxy where such a possibility could take place kimora the realm of the drukari the zhukari are themselves noted to be the most perverse twisted and sadistic of the various eldari sects famed and feared for their acts of piracy as well as taking great pleasure in the enslavement and torture of other lesser races the individuals known as the homunculi who are themselves an amalgamation of mad scientist interrogator and artist are noted for being experts in the art of genetic engineering using their skills to not only inflict pain and suffering onto unwilling test subjects but also grant other members of drukari society various biological enhancements regardless as to whether such upgrades serve a practical purpose or a purely cosmetic in nature for example the beings known as scourges will undergo extensive genetic alteration to hollow out their bones implant additional bounds of muscle and adrenal glands and graft large avian or corrupter and wings to their torso in order to grant them the ability of flight with some individuals even going as far as to have large raptorial talons in the place of feet or even have their very skulls altered and shaped into a more bird-like appearance as such it wouldn't be entirely unreasonable to assume that the homunculus may alter the dna of a number of different test subjects human and elderly alike in order to make them genetically compatible with one another if only just to see what could happen through such an unintended biological union perhaps the homunculi simply wish to see what unintended detrimental side effects the offspring could cause its mother during a gestation process in order to determine if such knowledge could be used to create new and horrific forms of torture alternatively perhaps an individual that had been genetically modified in such a way to bear or sire a hybrid child have been engineered for the sole purpose of payment within the depths of kimura there exists a district named sekhmegra or as it is more commonly known to those who inhabit it void town voy town itself which is little more than a nation-sized shanty town is home to countless drukari gangs assassins as well as mercenaries from a variety of different xenos races such as the silith who are more than willing to sell their services to the highest bidder indeed many arcons willingly hire mercenaries to serve as bodyguards or agents to enforce their will if only due to the fact that such warriors are inherently more trustworthy than the average drukari with this in mind it's not entirely unreasonable to assume that a particularly cunning or powerful human mercenary that applied their trade within voidtown could have received as payment for their services a jukari slave that had been genetically engineered to carry or sire a hybrid child such a prize would no doubt prove tempting to many indeed perhaps kaja salamba herself had been conceived in such a manner the daughter of a human pirate andrewkari slave who would grow to in time inherit her progenitors warband or perhaps had even instigated a bloody coup in order to seize power for herself in either case the imperium of man would no doubt wish to purge such hybrid creatures from the galaxy in order to prevent the human gene pool from being further diluted and corrupted [Music] what do you think leave a comment below and thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: 40K Theories
Views: 156,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, lore, theory, theories, explained, miniatures, tabletop, games, collectibles, collectables, 40klore, 40ktheory, 40ktheories, 40kexplained, remleiz, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, 40k lore, 40k theory, 40k theories, 40k explained, eldar, aeldari, drukhari, dark eldar, ael wyntor, kaarja salombar, hybrid, hybridisation, taldeer, macha, can love bloom, love can bloom, eldrad ulthraan, xenology, chapter's due, chapters due, buried dagger
Id: EqT4BWzYn8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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