Can The Tyranids Ever Fall To Chaos? - 40K Theories

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[Music] um [Music] highfleet chronos is a tyranid high flee that first appeared within the galaxy shortly after the formation of the colossal war proof known as the secretary smeller dictum of all the various high fleets kronos is undoubtedly one of the most unique due to the specialist role that his bio forms have evolved to fulfill while each of the various high fleets will demonstrate their own unique traits and characteristics such as the toxic spores produced by the organisms of highfleet gorgon or the diamond hard exoskeletons displayed by high fleet tiant the creatures of high fleet chronos appeared to have been bred for the sole purpose of combating against the powers of chaos indeed following the creation of the great rift the energies of the warp will begin to permeate throughout the material realm at an exponential rate making it easier for demonic entities to not only manifest within real space but maintain their physical forms for lengthier periods of time this in turn has also resulted in hundreds of worlds being consumed by the great rift denying the higher fleets a significant number of potential resources despite assuming a corporeal form when materializing into real space it is commonly believed that demons are incapable of providing any form of sustenance for the great devourer meaning that the tyre runners would have nothing to gain from coming into conflict with such entities prior to the rift's creation the tyre run its would more often than not attempt to avoid any potential encounters or demons whenever possible although this would nonetheless prove unavoidable on certain occasions however with the formation of the great rift encounters with demonic entities and other such creatures that have been corrupted by the powers of chaos have proven to be increasingly inevitable and so in order to counteract this threat the tyranids would give rise to highfleet kronos to aid in their battles against the servants of the ruinous powers the bioforms of kronos will typically engage their foes from a distance and have even developed a number of unique biomorphs such as the bale thorn cannon that have proven to be devastatingly effective against the denizens of the warp in addition kronos is known to demonstrate an unusually strong connection to the shadow in the warp the psychic white noise generated by the hive mind's constant psychic communication with lesser tyranid organisms indeed kronos is linked with the shadow when the warp is so intense that it not only causes intense physical pain to non-tyranid cycles that are exposed to it but the high fleet is even somehow able to augment its bioforms by draining all nearby psychically sensitive beings of their spiritual energies so specialized has kronos becoming hunting down those that have been tainted by chaos that the hively will seek to converge upon sites of intense psychic activity before laying waste to war worlds that have been conquered by the servants of chaos in order to prevent the fabric of reality from being further rent asunder while kronos may have been bred for the sole purpose of combatting against the servants of the ruinous powers an important question remains concerning the high fleets and their relationship with chaos as a whole is it possible for the tyranids to fall victim to chaotic corruption initially such an idea would appear to be utterly impossible due to the presence of the hive mind the aggregate consciousness that guides the actions of all tyrannic bioforms under its sway as detailed within the 8th edition tyranid codex the hive mind itself is not only unaffected by emotional sensations such as fear and terror but it is also said to be utterly immune to demonic corruption however it is important to clarify that this immunity to demonic corruption extends directly to the hive mind itself not to the various organisms that make up a high fleet tendril it should also be noted that it is indeed possible for individual bioforms to become separated from the hive mind either by design or by accident in order to exert its control over the various bioforms that comprise a hively tendril the hive mind will make use of a number of specialist organisms known as synapse creatures these synapse creatures which include organisms such as hive tyrants tervagons and zoanthropes are essentially living conduits of the hive mind's will guiding the actions of lesser organisms such as termigans or hormagons in a manner similar to that of battlefield officers however should these synapse creatures be slain or otherwise become separated from their charges then many of the lesser bioforms under their command though by no means all will simply revert to their baser instincts for example termigans bio-force and gargoyles will instinctively seek shelter in order to avoid danger engaging the enemy only in self-defense by contrast hormones and tyrant guard will undergo a type of feeding frenzy attacking anything within their path in order to consume it as such should such creatures become separated from the hive mind's influence then it's perfectly reasonable to assume that they can at least theoretically become corrupted by the energies of chaos even if only in a way similar to how a common animal such as a dog or a horse can after all there are a number of different life forms that exist within the galaxy such as the shade molars from the world of malignant or the frost worms from the gates of moment which are at the very least suspected to bear the taint of chaos in some form but is there anything to further support the notion of tyranid bioforms specifically becoming corrupted by the powers of chaos surprisingly yes the organisms known as jean steelers both pure strain and hybrids alike have been documented as succumbing to chaotic corruption on a number of different occasions one such example as detailed within the eighth edition gene steeler cult codex is that of the cult nebras as the cult made their journey through the void seeking to spread their influence to yet another world their ship would be dragged into the depths of warp space before inexplicably materializing within the garden of nergal the chaos god of pestilence and decay after bearing witness to what knurkle deemed to be the true horrors of parasitism and infection the cold would devote themselves to their new patron deity another example is shown within necromander the book of ruin which details an unnamed gene stealer cult that pledged themselves to the chaos gods although how the cult managed to do so remains unknown to imperial authorities this pledge of devotion to one or more of the ruinous powers is not solely limited to the more human members of a gene still occult as the cult's patriarch the alpha jeans dealer that originally founded the cult can also become for lack of a better term a champion of chaos those patriarchs that dedicate themselves to the chaos gods which become known as gene steeler oracles can even become symbiotically possessed by demonic entities granting an anchor point within the material realm in exchange for bestowing the jeans dealer with greater power and the blessings of their patron god what makes the notion of chaos gene stiller cults particularly interesting is that genes still occult are known to display their own miniature version of the hive mind which is known more commonly as the brood mind the brood mine effectively allows gene steeler patriarch to psychically exert its influence over the other members of its cult be they pure strain hybrid or brood brother however should an approaching hive lead tendril come over in close proximity of a world that a cult is operating upon then a jeans dealer's connection with the brood mind will be overruled by the indomitable will of the hive mind while the hive mind supposedly grants tyrannobioforms and immunity to chaotic corruption the brood mind by contrast offers no such protection this in turn would appear to suggest that other types of vanguard organisms such as lichters could also potentially become corrupted by the powers of chaos due to their autonomy and prolonged periods of separation from the hive mind in addition it is not just gene stealers that have been shown to be susceptible to the taint of chaos as other tyrannic organisms have also been documented as being corrupted by its energies or at the very least partially within the novel storm of iron a bioship is shown to be under the control of an iron warrior's traitor legion warband being utilized by the astartes as a transport vessel to bring the gargantuan creature under their control the iron warriors would sever the bioship's connection to the hive mind by infecting its neural pathways with the obliterator virus despite the bioship attempting to fight off this infection the warband sorcerers would use their psychic abilities to whittle down the ship's mental barriers causing the creature to eventually succumb to the virus however whether such an example can truly be counted as a tyrannobioform falling into chaos is admittedly somewhat debatable a similar such outbreak of viral corruption is documented within the novel ragnar's claw when warriors from the space wolves chapter of the adapter's austerities attempted to recover a fragment of an ancient artifact known as the talisman of lycos from a tyranid-infested space hulk they would discover that both the hulk itself as well as the various organisms on board appeared to have been afflicted with some unnatural contagion this plague whatever it truly was was shown to affect multiple bioform strains including jean steelers tyranny warriors and termigans the space wolf ragnar blackmane would know that the overall aura of sickness and corruption permeating throughout the hulk was reminiscent of that displayed by the followers of nergal and that prior to this particular encounter there have been no documented accounts within imperial records of the tyrone heads ever succumbing to disease making it appear as if some dreadful power was indeed at work ragnar would even go on to speculate that there may have been some sort of connection between the unnatural sickness displayed by the tyranids and a virulent plague that had been ravaging the hive world of iris which in itself was linked to a demon of nurgle named botulis however the space wolf would also go on to admit that there were many gaps within the imperiums archives regarding the high fleets and that little was truly known with any degree of certainty regarding these particular xenos but again whether this particular incident can be truly regarded as the tyrannic succumbing to chaotic corruption or if they had simply fallen victim to one of nurgle's creations is once again debatable ultimately it would indeed appear that at the very least certain kinds of tyrant organisms can indeed fall to chaos providing that they are not shielded from such energies by both the shadow in the warp and the guiding will of the hive mind however should the secret tricks miller dictum continue to grow and allow the energies of the warp to bleed into the material universe in even greater quantities then perhaps one day the powers of chaos may grow so strong that not even the hive mind can prevent one of its many tendrils from falling under the sway of the chaos gods thankfully however it seems improbable that such a situation could ever occur although admittedly it is not impossible what do you think leave a comment below and thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: 40K Theories
Views: 112,769
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Keywords: warhammer, 40k, lore, theory, theories, explained, miniatures, tabletop, games, collectibles, collectables, 40klore, 40ktheory, 40ktheories, 40kexplained, remleiz, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, 40k lore, 40k theory, 40k theories, 40k explained, chaos, tyranids, genestealers, kronos, hive fleet, hivefleet, cronos, tiamet, gorgon, genestealer cult, genestealer oracle, cult tenebrous, storm of iron, ragnar's claw, ragnars claw
Id: OMsM02g6cx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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