Could Super Earth SURVIVE the Warhammer40k Galaxy?

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welcome back to will it Warhammer where I take your guys' favorite sci-fi factions and I put them into my favorite sci-fi Universe which if you couldn't guess is Warhammer 40K on today's episode we have the super Earth from Hell divers 2 with the recent Surge and popularity that this game has gotten I just knew I had to see how it would stack up in the dumpster fire that is the Warhammer 40K Galaxy but before we get into that I'm going to briefly go over super Earth as a faction so we know how it Stack Up superar functions as an ultra authoritarian Force within the Galaxy relying on its populist actively engage in military Endeavors aimed at eliminating any life forms perceived as threats to humanity and freedom a term familiar with held divers players is managed democracy through specialized software super Earth's citizens respond to various inquiries on the galactic wide web with the computer then casting votes on behalf of their responses and this will be important later throughout the Galaxy two principal factions have been identified by superar as the most formidable adversaries the automaton secessionist Shadow to Confederacy and the ter man I love plagiarism super Earth's FTL Tech relies on technology they stole from the illuminates one of the bad guys from the last game if you're wondering this FTL Tech hinges on a critical resource known as e710 conveniently sourced from the decomposing termined carcasses now with those details out of the way let's look into Super Earth's military which is extremely frustrating to learn about due to just how vague it is the game keeps quite ambiguous how big super Earth's military is but we can make some really good estimates hell divers originated from Super Earth's regular army constituting the specialized Branch within it imagine it like the ODSTs from Halo within the UNC hell divers represent an elite subset within the military framework of superar although we can be certain how many hell divers there are I found estimates which put the number at many millions to 200 million thus I will give super earth 100 million hell divers supplemented by 10 billion normal soldiers and if we're saying that the hell divers make up 1% of the Armed Forces this would be an okay estimate the hell divers Fleet is honestly really pathetic it consists of Super Destroyers which are never given a cannon size however a guy on Reddit I know really professional made a good point saying how we can assume that they're double the size of the US Bayer which is 125 ft or 38 M long that's my best guess due to how the Super Destroyer carries one Eagle One Pelican eight crew and four hell divers so giving it about 200 ft in length is honestly really generous but I'm going to give it to them since 40K you're going to need that extra size thus we can assume that super Earth itself has a much larger Navy since the 250t long Super Destroyers are only used by the hell divers which are the Elite of the elite and only used to carry them into battle thus I'm saying that superar has other ships with different classifications but since I'm not going to write entire fleets into existence that don't actually exist I'm just going to try and take this offscreen Force into account now let's get what you guys have been waiting for super Earth versus 40K I'm going to see how they stack up against every faction and then and see how they would stack up against the universe as a whole so let's start off with the super Earth's Army pales in comparison to the forces at the disposal of the Imperium but they are structured in a somewhat similar way you have the regular soldiers allegedly and then you have the elite who drop out of the sky in small squads to [ __ ] [ __ ] up these guys are reserved only for the worst of the worst of battles similarly to the aartis so I feel like the Imperium would be able to stomp out the forces of democracy if they so choose however they can also stomp out to but they choose not to since the force required to do so would mean losing other sectors so the forces of humanity would be able to hold off some of the Lesser Imperial incursions but they would incur massive massive losses in my Confederacy video I made a point of saying that the Imperium would sort of leave them be due to how difficult it would be to steamroll them but they would probably just become another Zeno robot faction I cannot say the same for the hell divers the hell divers are human and a rival human faction at that and I cannot see that flying in the eyes of the Imperium so I believe they would commit more effort into stomping them out than they would the CIS and say what you want about how many enemies a hell diver can kill before dying themselves but I would be lying if I said that the hell divers would stand a chance against the warlord Titan in battle furthermore I believe that the Space Marines are counters to the hell divers in a way one of starties can take on multiple hell divers at once and come out on top consistently unfortunately the forces of Greater Earth don't have anything as exaggerated as a Space Marine in its army they can however take them down with various vehicles and orbal support but I doubt any vehicles are going to be able to stand a chance against the Leman rust tank barreling towards them also the Navy of superar would not stand a chance against the Imperial Navy I don't even think I need to explain why it seems that super Earth's Navy is mainly used to deploy troops and not fight in ship-to ship combat interestingly enough however with Gman now in charge and me wanting to make super Earth forces not get instantly wiped from the map I came up with an interesting reason for how they would strike a deal with the Imperium in Hell divers the FTL Tech is ran by using the carcasses of dead tyranids I mean terid as we said earlier with the Imperium now beset by tyranids I believe that the Imperium would hire the hell divers who seem to be experts in killing the nids to help take care of this galaxy-wide tiid problem imagine the forces of superar becoming hired Bug Exterminators in exchange for new weapons ships and the opportunity to you know live and I go into more detail later when I get to the tyranid however I think that this would be a really good way of explaining how the super Earth faction would survive the war40k universe for these reasons when it comes to dealing with the Imperium I give super Earth a 15% chance survival rating if war is declared but a 65% chance of forming an uneasy alliance with Gillan to be used as exterminators now let's get into this is going to be rough since the hell divers and their troops are not adequately fitted to fight the forces of chaos and the chances of an alliance that doesn't [ __ ] them over is nearly zero since you know it's [ __ ] chaos I will say however that I believe that they would be super hard to turn due to just how indoctrinator to be clones with no sense of Free Will thus I believe that a super Earth human would be 10 times more chaos resistant than Imperial one for multiple factors firstly the Imperium tries to keep chaos Under Wraps when it can th citizen don't know when they're actively getting prayed upon by the forces of Ruin secondly I believe that super Earth would be more than happy to share the fact that chaos exists to its people to make them more aware of the problem and not only that but the people of superar are so indoctrinations who kind of get [ __ ] over by their own government time and time again but in the end I doubt it would really matter cuz at the end of the day what the [ __ ] is a hell that are going to do when a world eater is charging at them at 70 mph the only thing I can see happening that's a positive is that the elites of super Earth encounter a war band once they piss the bed and they start begging the Imperium for an alliance so when it comes to dealing with chaos I'll give super Earth a 5% chance survival rating if War's declared and a 1% chance of forming an uneasy Alliance because you never know next up we have the the TOA are a great exception in 40K and that they disagree with the mentality of shooting first and asking questions later they are also a fledgling Empire in the universe of 4K with a lot of potential and a desperate need to make friends the only issue I see here is the fact they are alien and when it comes to xenophobia the hell divers are very biased towards aliens however with many humans already in League with a to I can see the government of super Earth slowly beginning to get buddy buddy with the TOA they would by no means join the Zeno authoritarian regime because after all democracy with air quotes is the only way of life they know but an alliance would be a possibility in the event of War however the forces of superar would be able to go toe-to-toe with the TOA in terms of numbers but when it comes to Tech they're getting [ __ ] obliterated the TOA on average have better Tech than the aser militarum which is probably better than whatever the regular army of superar has and with one to crisis battle soup probably taking down multiple hell divers per engagement I don't think that the humans here are going to sustain a war for long unless they are backed by another Galactic player the rulers of super Earth do seem to be cunning however in the way they control their population and spread propaganda plus I think that they would spread human Centric propaganda to the human population of the TOA Empire in order to win them over and not only that but acquire much needed Manpower and technology that they would need to usurp the tow later on just as a side note I didn't know where to put this but while writing the script I remember that that's how have an avatar of the greater good that was birthed due to the billions of humans in their empire and I thought it'd be funny if after a while what if an avatar of democracy came into existence I don't know I just thought it'd be funny to think of Urgo going toe-to-toe with Uncle Sam so when it comes to dealing with the tow I'll give super Earth a 20% chance survival rate if war is declared but a 70% chance of forming the lions with a 50% chance of the humans trying to snake the Tower with the first given opportunity next up we have the and due to the nature of the Orcs I doubt any sort of Alliance would be possible unless a greater threat like the nids emerges during a battle and all that I could see happening would be that h d is relying more heavily on flame weapons to counter their ability to replicate with spores so when it comes to dealing with the Orcs I'll give super Earth a 5% chance of survival rating if war is declared and a 1% chance of forming Alliance because you never know let's get into the the Eldar already think of the Imperium as primitive so they would probably just ignore the humans of super Earth entirely what I will say though is that I see no reason for them to fight and I believe that the two could work together if the circumstances demanded it the Eldar have worked with humans on many occasions God you is lucky and thus it wouldn't be too far-fetched oh my God I wish I was you is to think that these two factions could work together and not fight each other one interesting thing however is that we all know that the to got raided by the Dark Eldar and the TOA declared war on the regular Eldar due to them not knowing the difference and I could see something like that happening here the hell divers would eventually get raided by the Dark Eldar and they would just attack all Eldar du them not knowing or not even caring about the difference in this case however the humans would get [ __ ] because they have nothing that can counter the Eldar the Eldar are space elves with magical Mystic iCal technology that the hell divers cannot even comprehend thus not even a one hell diver would be able to go toe-to-toe with one lar sorcerer so when it comes to dealing with the Eldar I'll give super Earth a 10% chance survival rating if war is declared but a 55% chance of forming Alliance until the Dark Eldar attack of course next up we have the hell divers are experts in fighting robots due to their ongoing war with the automaton secessionists but the necrons are a lot more dangerous and a lot harder to take down hell divers would go into battle thinking it would just be like fighting the automatons from their universe but be surprised when they get massacred by gaus weapons not only that but their necr armor would prove more than capable of weathering attacks from all but the heaviest of human ordinance and superar would not be able to nor willing to form any sort of alliance with the silent King due to their ongoing war in their Galaxy against the automatons so when it comes to dealing with the necrons all give super Earth a 5% chance survival rating if war is declared and a 1% chance of forming an alliance because at the end of the day you never know lastly we have the I left the nids for last because I have a really good idea for how it would go down and this is what inspired me to make this video the nids would be the best thing to happen to the hell divers in 40K and just hear me out the hell divers are already experts in crushing the nids due to their war with the termin nids which is the same [ __ ] thing thus I think that over time the forces of superar would give up and trying to establish themselves as a galactic power and instead just get hired by the toao Imperium Eldar and other factions to assist in their battle against the nids just imagine this an astrom militar Force losing and then they pay the hell divers to assist him in battle this would be awesome since the hell divers would eventually become experts in killing the nids becoming exterminators who sell themselves out to the highest bidder would be very lucrative for the elites of superar who would use propaganda to convince the people that their Duty against the nids is not driven by profits but rather driven by their fight against the terid in their own Galaxy and after a while 40K Tech would get adopted by the hell divers who would get better and better and better at countering tyranids having a faction with the sole purpose of fighting tyranids and wondering the Galaxy looking for contracts would be really cool and the best possible outcome for them so when it comes to dealing with the nids I'll give super Earth a 70% chance survival rating if Wars declared a 0% chance of foring under the alliance but a 60% chance of becoming a cool exterminator force in the galaxy of 40K and that about does it and if you wondering why I didn't mention the leagues of otan it's because I don't care about them thanks for watching the video and please go check out my other stuff on my YouTube page
Channel: HelmetHead
Views: 116,156
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Id: I9h-kej8ozs
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Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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