The Genetic Heritage Of The Mentors - 40K Theories

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[Music] uh [Music] the mentors also known as the mentors legion are a loyalist chapter of the adaptive societies created during the course of the 26th founding the mentors are somewhat unique for a space marine chapter operating in a manner that is considered atypical or otherwise unusual by the standards of other space marines unlike other chapters who regularly dispatch strike forces or entire companies to wage war against the enemies of man or even muster at full chapter strength the mentors by contrast do so only in the rarest or most extreme of circumstances instead the chapter will often dispatch only a solitary battle brother known as a tutor or at most a singular squad to aid imperial forces within multiple theaters of war at any given time true to their name the mentors will often use their skills to train local imperial militias and in doing so ensure that the citizens of the imperium are capable of fighting their own battles instead of relying solely upon the adaptive societies indeed the mentors believe that the chapters warriors simply cannot and should not be everywhere at once instead choosing to operate under the belief of one war one cardra this unconventional method of waging war has even resulted in tutors from the mentors aiding regiments of the astra military and even other space marine chapters as a result the mentors are able to obtain the maximum amount of information regarding the fighting prowess strategies and combat techniques of just about any imperial military force the chapters warriors fight alongside following the chapters creation the mentors would inherit the colour scheme and chapter number of the star scorpions who were one of three chapters alongside the celestial lions and emperor spears which were established to stand sentinel over the region of space known as allara's veil however the imperium would deem the star scorpions to be destroyed after the chapters fleet had become lost within the depths of warp space although a number of star scorpions would survive before going on to form a chaos space marine warband known as the pure regardless the mentor's repurposing of the heraldry and other such assets which once belonged to the star scorpions would lead to the chapter being viewed with suspicion and disdained by both the emperor's spears and to a lesser extent the celestial lions who would regularly refer to the mentors with the derisive moniker of false scorpions these feelings of distrust were in turn reciprocated by the mentors themselves not just to the whartons of alaris vale but to most other space marine chapters with such feelings being due primarily to the chapter's highly secretive nature while the chapters warriors have become well known for the aid that they provide to other imperial forces much of the information regarding the mentors themselves such as the name and location of their home world as well as the identity of their primogenitor primark remain unknown to those outside of the chapter's ranks so from which of the first founding legions could the mentors be descended from the first possibility is that the mentors are descended from the 19th legion of the legionnaires dirties the raven guard as detailed within the first rendition of the 8th edition space marine codex while the parent legion of the mentors officially remains unknown many within the ranks of the administration believe that the chapter is descended from the gene line of the primark corvus corax this is due primarily to the chapter's preference for launching precise surgical strikes against their foes in addition to their aptitude for guerrilla warfare which is highly similar to that displayed by the raven guard in addition the chapter iconography utilized by the mentors a nondescript bird of prey is thematically similar to the heraldry utilized by a number of raven guard successors such as the knights of the raven raptors and necropolis hawks chapters with the latter chapter bearing a sigil that is more or less identical to that sport by the mentors save for it being a different color however despite these admittedly superficial similarities it would appear to be fairly unlikely for the mentors to be descended from the raven guard due to one reason in particular the gene seed of the raven guard and their various successor chapters is known to demonstrate a number of physical flaws the most notable of which are the deficiencies exhibited by their melanchromic organ which not only results in aspirants developing deathly pale skin but their hair and eyes will darken until they become an oily black in coloration the gene seed of the mentors by contrast appears to harbor no such physical flaws as shown within the novel spear of the emperor amadeus chiasenkarius and now former lieutenant commander of the mentor's chapter was himself shown to have tanned skin and brown eyes with visible sclera as opposed to the corpse-like pallor and fully blackened eyes exhibited by those with coraxian gene seed because of this unless the gene seed of the mentors themselves has retained a greater degree of purity than any other chapter descended from the raven guard an achievement which appears to be fairly unlikely this would suggest that the mentors are descended from another legion entirely that being said however according to the book deathwatch honor the chapter the raptors chapter who are themselves a raven guard successor do still retain a fully functional betcha's gland despite the organ being absent within the raven guard themselves in a similar vein this would also appear to rule out the possibility of the imperial fists as being the potential primogenitor of the mentors as the genesee of the mentors unlike that of the imperial fists is capable of producing the susan membrane an organ which allows a space marine to undergo a state of suspended animation the second possibility is that the mentor's chapter is descended from none other than the thirteenth legion of the legione astertes the ultramarines the reasoning for this possibility is twofold firstly the ultramarines are themselves known for establishing the single greatest number of successive chapters with up to an estimated seventy percent of all space marine chapters being a supposed scions of raboute gillam this by itself would render the odds of the mentors being an ultramarine successor if solely from a statistical standpoint extremely high the second and admittedly far stronger piece of evidence to support the idea of the mentors being descended from the 13th legion comes from the novel spear of the emperor during a battle against the forces of the pure amadeus kaiosenkarius of the mentor's chapter would sustain a number of injuries that were so severe that not even internment within the sarcophagus of a dreadnought would be able to save his life the only chance amadeus had to survive was for him to cross the rubrican primaries undergoing the complex surgical procedure to transform him into a premaris marine however amadeus at the time had been sent by his chapter to monitor the actions of the emperor's spears and thus the corresponding organs that were specifically assigned and gene coded to the mentors themselves were unavailable in a desperate attempt to save the mentor's life ducarius a druid of the emperor's spears who served as librarian chaplin and apothecary would nonetheless begin the process of transforming amadeus into a primaris however at the time the facilities upon the spear strike cruiser the hex where amadeus himself had been injured were incapable of manufacturing the three unique organs of a primaris marine the belisarian furnace magnificat and sinew coils from scratch forcing ducarius in addition to taking blood offerings from his still-living battle brothers to harvest the necessary organs from the corpses of his fallen brethren but in order for such surgery to have any chance of success ducarius believed it was necessary for the mentors to be of the same bloodline as the emperor's spears who themselves were an ultramarine successful chapter as shown with the following quote you're sworn to keep the mentor legion secrets eye but the only way any of this surgery will conceivably work is we share a gene source with amadeus he's using our blood our implants that makes the mentors the same bloodline as the spears they're born of gileman's genetic code like us this would appear to heavily suggest if not alright confirm that the mentors are indeed an ultramarine successor chapter that being said however there is still a chance albeit an incredibly minor one that ducarius's claims may be partially inaccurate this is due primarily to the fact that blood transfusions and organ transplants can be sought from individuals that are completely unrelated to the patient requiring them although in the case of blood transfusions the patient is nonetheless required to be of the same blood type as the donor as a result it is theoretically possible albeit potentially highly improbable that a space marine from one chapter can receive the organs derived from the gene seed of another providing that said organs demonstrate a certain level of genetic compatibility because of this it's not entirely outside the realm of possibility that the mentors could be descended from a legion whose gene see purity and stability can be considered on par with that of the ultramarines or at the very least close to it this then leads into the next possibility regarding the primogenitors of the mentors that the chapter is in fact descended from the first legion of the legionnaires the dark angels the reasoning for this is that both the mentors and the unforgiven the collective term given to the dark angels and their successor chapters are known to be extremely secretive and enigmatic though such secrecy in the case of the unforgiven even extending to their fellow battle brothers indeed within most if not all unforgiven chapters it is only once a battle brother becomes inducted into the ranks of the death wing that they learn the truth of their parent legions sorted past as well as their secret mission to hunt down the fallen those members of the original dark angels legion that turned traitor during the course of the horus heresy in addition the gene seed of the dark angels is amongst the purest and most stable of the nine loyalist legions being second only to the ultramarines in this regard making it theoretically possible for those with dark angels gene seed to accept organ transplants from donors descended from the ultramarines the main problem with this particular possibility however is that there has been little to suggest that the mentors have ever taken part in the hunt for the fallen nor does the chapter appear to have an equivalent to the specialist deathwing or ravenwing companies which most if not all unforgiven chapters have at their disposal but given the chapters modus operendi in operating in small covert units as well as the highly secretive nature this could lend some credence to the possibility of the mentors being descended from one of the traitor legions specifically the alpha legion much like the mentors the alpha legion were known for utilizing small covert units in battle as well as training civilian militias who internal operators agents for the legion in order to undertake covert missions of sabotage infiltration and reconnaissance even long after the events of the horus heresy the alpha legion were known to sow and cultivate numerous cells of cultists upon a number of different worlds in order to harass imperial authorities by generating pandemonium and unrest within the local population indeed the warriors of the legion still retain their partial for secrecy even to this day with much of the truth regarding the legion remaining shrouded beneath a veil of doubt and deceit in addition the alpha legion much like the modern day mentors chapter is known to demonstrate a mere insatiable compulsion to acquire information with the legion in turn treating any data and intelligence gathered as valuable commodities the psyche known as shir as shown within the novel legion would inform john gramaticus a human agent of the xenos organization known as the cabal of the alpha legion's desire to obtain intelligence and information as shown with the following quote the alpha legion prides itself on knowing everything they tries knowledge above all things and hate the idea of anyone knowing more than they do not only this but if the mentors are descended from one of the traitor legions then this could explain as to why their primogenitor primark remains unknown to the wider imperium for if it ever came to light that the mentors were descended from the alpha legion then this could theoretically result in a chapter being persecuted by other imperial organizations due to the actions and atrocities committed by their parent legion while the idea of the mentors being descended from the alpha legion is indeed an interesting one there are once again problems with this particular hypothesis the first of which is that the gene seed of the alpha legion as detailed within index austerity's volume 4 is known to exhibit a number of random and oftentimes extreme mutations and physical deformities with those who manifest such mutations utilizing them in battle in order to gain a psychological advantage over their foes the mentors by contrast have not been documented as ever exhibiting such excessive genetic defects although given the highly secretive nature of the chapter itself it is admittedly possible that such information has simply been kept hidden from others in addition if the mentors are descended from the gene line of the primark alphareus then one would think that the alpha legion themselves will be potentially aware of such a genetic link between the two factions as detailed within the novel sons of the hydra arkhan rezner a member of the alpha legion warband known as the redacted was himself originally a battle brother of the mentors who have been forced to abandon this chapter after being found guilty of committing tech heresy due to his actions involving the reverse engineering of tau pulse rifle technology if the mentors are indeed an alpha legion successful chapter then this would have made rezna a truer member of the alpha legion than most other members of the redacted whose ranks included a former nightlord and a warrior from an unknown ultramarine successor chapter individuals who were commonly regarded by other members of the alpha legion as not being true sons about various due to their differing genetic lineages if rezno's parent chapter truly had their genesee derived from the 20th legion then one would think that the leader of the redacted occum the untrue would have been made aware of such a connection in some way although this is admittedly assuming that the alpha legion would indeed be able to recognize that genetic mark within any potential loyalist successive regardless as to which of the first founding legions that they are truly descended from the mentors will nonetheless continue to utilize their skills to train others in combating against the enemies of man and exploit whatever information they glean from both friend and foe alike in order to become more efficient killing machines what do you think leave a comment below and thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: 40K Theories
Views: 47,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, 40k, lore, theory, theories, explained, miniatures, tabletop, games, collectibles, collectables, 40klore, 40ktheory, 40ktheories, 40kexplained, remleiz, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, 40k lore, 40k theory, 40k theories, 40k explained, mentors, mentor, mentors legion, emperor's spears, emperors spears, spear of the emperor, amadeus, celestial lions, star scorpions, space marines, alpha legion, raven guard, dark angels, ultramarines
Id: rvELMg36S-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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