What GW Should Have Done With The Ynnari Story Line | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl most of you know that I have a big thing for The Elder and not just because my Ultimate Fantasy is getting crushed by the powerful thighs of a dark Elder succubus I love their aesthetic and the way they seem to be able to subtly nudge the strands of Fate creating these unforeseen Butterfly Effects that completely changed the outcome of key moments in the lore the resurrection of giliman the survival of Vulcan even saving the Imperium and preventing the cabal's prophecy was all because of interventions by the Elder well mostly eldrad but the Elder can take the dub it's just a shame that GW seems to despise them although we have recently gotten a range Refresh on the tabletop the first large update in nearly 20 years Eldar law has recently fell completely on its face the psychic Awakening event was promised to be the elders rise to the Forefront taking them from a bunch of [ __ ] space selves on the edge of getting genocided to a galactic player once again kinda like how the necrons are at the moment but no in their own yanari novels they run around in circles gather a crew and then all get their asses beaten by a small Shard of a random mini boss that slanesh just pulled out of their gaping teeth [ __ ] The Shard which was literally just a small fragment of the power of one slaneshi demon was enough to almost beat the entire yanari the best the Elder have brah the books were then discontinued and as far as I know the Inari are twiddling their thumbs and back on the bench it was very disappointing and very poor by GW but I can either complain about it or I can tell you exactly what they should have done instead and what they could still do to give the Elder the respect whilst at the same time maintaining the status quo before we get started it's pretty common knowledge that the number one goal in life is to get laid everything a man does he does to improve the chances of getting laid or increasing the caliber of people to lay this isn't an opinion it's just science well today my fellow scientists I present you with a shortcut manscaped women literally pull manscaping and hygiene as their highest priorities for a potential partner and I backed that in I've met beautiful men and women with hygiene issues that turn from an 8 to a 2 in an instant so how does manscape help with this by creating the ultimate getting laid package the Platinum package 4.0 everything in here is designed to sort out any hygiene issues you may have the lawnmower 4.0 gives you a nick-free trim of your man downstairs the ball deodorant and toner annihilate stinky wiener the shampoo conditioner and deodorant all have this mature refined scent that will keep you smelling fresh not to mention a high quality travel bag and a very comfy pair of boxes all of these have been bundled into an insanely well-valued package you are saving hundreds over buying these items individually then to save even more money use my link below for an additional 20 off and free international shipping cheers to manscape for sponsoring this video and dramatically improving your chances of getting laid today I will briefly go over the completely trash lore us Elder players have been given before then diving into exactly what GW should and could still do to fix it let's get into it all right so I touched on it briefly in the intro but why are us Elder fans mad well it isn't just the recent psychic Awakening yanari [ __ ] over the years the Elder have received some dope law showing them as a force to be reckoned with and not out of the game yet other law has them painted as retards who failed to fight off a single Space Marine chapter from their Craft World despite having millions of Elder including thousands of aspects Warriors who are more or less equal to Space Marines warlocks farsiers and an avatar of their [ __ ] war god the Elder are often used as the other faction's punching bag with the avatars of Kane being a walking meme since every single character who doesn't wear a helmet in battle has managed to beat one avatars should be Primark tier maybe slightly lower not [ __ ] Space Marine Captain tier so when GW announced the psychic Awakening and the primary role the Elder would play we were cautious but hopeful well just like a white van with free candy written on it we got pulled inside and our innocence was stolen despite a decent start with interesting new characters such as your Reign the visceral Arch and The Hectic yinkani and a cool setup that being our band of Heroes slowly but surely upgrading their gear and expanding their Pokemon collection in preparation for a gnarly climax it all just Falls flat on its face let me set the scene your brain is traveling from Crawford to craft world Gathering supporters and finding the legendary Crone swords god tier Elder weapons that she begins giving to her greatest allies she had won the visrach had one the encani had another Prince Uriel also had one with a spear of Twilight it was also revealed that if they retrieved all the Chrome swords then their death God yanet would awaken and fight slanesh for Supremacy Over The Souls of the Eldar race previously every single Elder would have had to Die For You Ned to awaken but now there was a way better solution your brain also manages to gather a solitaire AKA a harlequin demigod as well as the largest and greatest Avatar of cane Shard not to mention pretty much all the Phoenix Lords join in as well so you've got the Elder United with harlequins craftwelders and Elder their best characters who've all gotten a power boost and what do they fight what is this final boss a [ __ ] hologram of a random new Keeper Of Secrets and they almost lose this sliver of the keeper kills the Solitaire your vein and the Vistar arch before finally getting taken down at large cost then your vein and the vistaracha brought back to life the keeper is then like La Mao that was just one percent of my power also the final KRON sword is in slamesh's Palace so literally inaccessible see a letter nerds and that is where the law leaves us are you [ __ ] kidding me but enough complaining what should have GW done to sort this out well the setup was pretty cool an absolute dream team of Elder taking on slanesh since slanesh has been so useless and sidelined in the law recently it would have also been a great Spotlight for slanesh players the last thing before I get into the improved version I want to remind you guys and gal about Sarah gorrach's prophecy which more or less states that slanesh in her sluttiness will be her own undoing her actions will directly bring upon her own downfall keep that in mind so here is what should have gone down the heroes unite level up and get ready to take on shellax the hellbane The Chosen of slaanesh and Bane of the Elder just like they do in Canon they battle shellacity not some [ __ ] Mirage but the actual shellacity herself whole Squad is present with four out of the five Crone swords we have our [ __ ] your brain the most badass sympath of the visaraj Uriel with the spear eldrad shooting lightning out of his dick hole and yes the very demonic looking Yin khani with these big-ass Crone sword not to mention the warshadow of Kane and the Solitaire and [ __ ] it let's just throw some Phoenix Lords in as well it's a hectic battle pipio's good skirt but instead of everyone getting wrecked they hold on with the Solitaire going beast mode and carrying the team eventually after a devastating battle that kills or memes all the Inari present including some of the Phoenix Lords except our main lineup shalakste is beaten but instead of banishing her the Solitaire uses some Harlequin Ninjutsu to turn shellacity into a living portal that leads to the dark Prince's realm see with granting shellacity a large shot of her own power she created an extremely strong bond between shellacity and the realm of slanesh a bond that the Solitaire was able to exploit this also ties into Sierra gorach's prophecy in which the actions of slaanesh would lead to her undoing hence lanesh trying so hard to crush the Inari gave them access to a realm shellacity screams in agony not the fun kind as our heroes walk through the portal and begin the Galaxy's most hectic Heist movie seeing the dark Prince's realm there are six domains that act as a ring around slanesh's Palace each domain which is more like a layer provides a different Temptation our heroes must struggle through each Temptation which also gives us the radar a really good Deep dive into the inner insecurities and mindset of each of Our Heroes each layer should test one of our heroes to the max perhaps the circle of power attempts the warshard the circle of canality would exploit the love the visaraj has for urine the circle of vanglory would tempt your vein etc etc through efforts meaningful moments and challenge Our Heroes struggle through and reach the palace everyone's sanity has been pushed to the brink other than the incarni and the Solitaire who seem quite unbothered by what they just experienced they finally reached the palace yet they are shocked to find it empty and quiet they had expected hectic orgies and [ __ ] but all they see is the final Crohn's sword it's obviously a trap and they hold back but then the Solitaire walks forward and grabs it at the protest of the others he is racked with pain and is petrified turning to Stone as the dark seductive laughter Burns across the palace the palace lights up with sound and stimulus countless demons materialize and join the laughter it's horrific with only the presence of the Crone swords shielding Our Heroes from instantly losing their sanity and joining in on the depravity a hermaphrodite demon not quite a demon but more so an avatar of slanesh a fingernail of the Nash approaches them it is as terrible as it is beautiful with the hero struggling to tear their eyes away from it as they feel blood running down their faces from their tear ducts it is said that gazing upon Nash will instantly corrupt anyone no matter their will however our heroes are not just anyone and with the power of the Crone swords they can resist that as well as the fact that this is just a small representation of slanesh and not the true God although despite this they are frozen in place and can barely move from The Gaze upon them the slanesh thing begins mocking them saying it has followed their progress from as soon as they entered a realm and now they have delivered all the threats to slanesh's Dominion on a platter she will Feast on The Souls of the elders greatest and have the Chrome swords locked in the palace forever you've ran can't believe this is it she can't move she can't hear her God the encani is similarly Frozen unable to do anything the warshared Roars and breaks free from its psychological bonds Kane and slanesh are mortal enemies and he refuses to be undone like this the sliver of slanash merely smiles and obliterates the war shot with a single hit only his gem heart and sword survive with the rest of his body destroyed slanesh turns back to the Elder the time for mocking is done it is time to consume her jaws distend and open impossibly wide as she begins to grow she will devour them both physically mentally and spiritually the terrible attractive Visage peels away to reveal a distorted monster made of teeth and tentacle but then laughter cackling over the top laughter this lanesh monster stops pulling its tentacles and teeth back into its original form and turns the Solitaire is standing there laughing all five Crone swords floating around him the war shard's demise was not in vain but the ultimate distraction to allow the Solitaire to collect the swords from each of the heroes your brain hadn't even noticed but how he was petrified Frozen is equally confused until the Solitaire begins to grow in size his mask distending into a vicious grin the Solitaire with zero gorrach all along Not For the First Time The Laughing God has taken the form of one of his most powerful Sons but definitely for the last with a flick of movement the Crone swords smashed together five become one as as a deadly Jagged sword emerges this shot of slanesh lunges at Sierra goratch but the Harlequin God laughs as he swipes the blade up eviscerating the slanesh thing in a single cut he then turns to our Elder Heroes who are just freed of their entrapment and he cuts empty space ripping open a portal that leads into the web way sir goraj tells them to go through and follow the golden path pointing at the warshad's gem heart and sword and telling them to bring it as Kane's role in the universe is not yet done he then shrinks the Crone sword and gives it to your brain telling her to take it to a specific planet to perform the Awakening of your Ned the heroes pick up the heart and blade of Cain with eldrad shrinking the cane so it's a holdable size and they run through the portal as the palace begins shaking and senesha's scream of Rage starts sounding the entire Realm of the Dark Prince vibrates as the entire realm is slaanesh and slanesh is the entire realm massive spiked tentacles begin sliding around the palace circling sir gorrach who was close the portal to the weirway behind him despite it being shut he needs to to hold off slanesh long enough for the Elder to get through the web way and to safety he laughs in the face of the prince of pleasure as slaanish attacks the battle isn't very long it's very one-sided as sloneshi's many magnitude more powerful than the Laughing God but even as the god of the harlequins is torn to shreds and consumed he still laughs the Inari survivors run through the web way and can see what looks like a golden crack surrounded by hordes of demons trying to break through it they charge into the Demonic horde all empowered by the proximity to the combined Crone sword they are a walking meat grinder banishing Demons by the thousands every minute as they carve their way towards the golden crack they reach it and your brain slices it open with the Chrome sword the web way gladly Parts open for the Crone sword as the Crone sword is an elder artifact and responds well to the eldar's dimension they jump through with your brain then using the Chrome saw to permanently seal the wayway behind them they are back in real space but not just anywhere they are in the Imperial dungeon with the radiance of the golden throne above them they have just permanently sealed the web way under Terror taking off a mountain of pressure from the god emperor of mankind perhaps freeing his focused to do other stuff such as saving Gilman's life when mortarion injected him with the god blight I'll end my retcon here but it would be cool to see how the elder get out have been surrounded by 1 000 custodies or if the emperor has anything to say to them can they get to the specific world to perform the Awakening or will slimesh send her greatest champion fulgrim to stop them this also ties directly into and fulfills Sia goruch's prophecy that slynesh would cause her own undoing first by sending an empowered shellacity then by allowing the Elder to reach the fifth grone sword in an attempt to trap them the Elder also don't get a clean win here the war shot is broken and the Laughing God is dead which means the harlequins lose a lot of their power so Nash also isn't beaten or dead however the Elder now have a chance to bring their God back and become a proper player it also changes the emperor's recent boost in power from being caused by the opening of The Great Rift to the permanent closing of the web way which I kinda like as it means the emperor isn't getting empowered of the Galaxy having its [ __ ] torn open the lore itself would be so awesome seeing the Elder take on slanesh overcoming the circles of Temptation whilst also giving us some good God verse guide action this is what GW should have done and to be honest can probably still do all they need to do is track down the real shellacity recruit the serial goraj Solitaire then bam my law can do the rest it can even still work with the emperor getting empowered by the shutting of the web way let me know what you think in the comments below is this just a fanfic wankfest or would this be the most Boss Ass elder law to ever exist if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up a major mini maybe even the space of gesture it kinda has context to the video hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more retcon content join us with more memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 181,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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