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hey everyone ro here today we're discussing gilman's alliance with the eldari has he crossed the line there's no coming back from general spoiler warning to begin as we will be discussing events from across the warhammer 40k universe as well as specifically for the dawn of fire novel the gate of bones by andy clark as always i really recommend you read the stories for yourself first as that's the best way to enjoy the law for yourself but with that said let's just jump straight in now we've spoken about gilman's alliance with the eldari some on the channel before for me it's absolutely been one of the most fascinating developments within the current law timeline and combined with some of his other actions namely the overthrowing of the high lords of terror and the legion-sized forces of the unnumbered sons it really isn't an understatement to say he is walking a very fine line for every million citizens who revere him as a returned demigod there is a man in power who fears the primark's actions one of the biggest factors that played on my mind was how does gilman even broach the subject of working with eldari to his commanders we've seen in the events of dark imperium god blight by guy haley that it remains very cloak and dagger the existence of an eldari representative amongst his council is quite clearly still a closely guarded secret and the ulfa guy haley makes it clear that giliman is playing with fire in terms of the imperium at least with a mention of it being a damaging secret and that's it undoubtedly is considering godblight is pretty much our latest point in time at least in regards to the main gilliman story it appears not only is the working relationship with the eldari still in place but it's also something that gilman fears being revealed at least in terms to the wider imperium however during the events of the dawn of fire novel the gate of bones we actually got to see gilman revealing the eldari representative iliya natase to the senior commanders of his fleet which for me was not only very surprising but i can't help but think a very determined yet risky move for gilman to make and the question really is here why if you haven't read it yourself do yourself a favor and check it out because we all interpret the events and law in our own ways how i view the events and how you view them are always going to be different as i always say it's the great thing about the law now the assembly of people was obviously a fairly grand affair considering how large each of the indomitus fleets are anybody and everybody of importance within gilman's fleet primus was assembled from your standard human military commanders imperial navy first born space marines primaris members of the adeptus ministorum basically the ecclesiarchy which is something i want to come back to later and even belisarius call himself with tribune kolkwan of the emperor's custodies it's a gathering of who's who for gilliman's forces and gilman is not a fool he doesn't just roll it off his tongue announcing the eldari like it's nothing it is pretty clear he is fully aware the reception as xenos would get so before revealing anything to the assembly he makes a very clear and defining statement essentially telling them all he has invited this guest that none of them are to act or even voice their displeasure and anyone who even contemplates it will answer to him and again to me this is a pretty defining moment for gilman because he's laying it clear in no uncertain terms well that he is consorting with xenos however you want to look at it at its bearist bones that's what it boils down to he has sought out and invited this emissary there's no mention of we there's no mention of the imperium or even the emperor of mankind it's all a very clear eye gilliman is taking it all on his shoulders now as you might expect when an eldari comes strutting into the room there's the obvious widespread shock and whispers flooding across the rumor and gilman has to shout for them all to be silent even tribune kolkwan the representative of the custodies was apparently unaware given his reaction that this would be happening and before we continue dissecting these events let's try and answer the question of why why would gilman be so open in this if even later during the events of the plague war it's still very much a closely guarded secret for me i see the returned gilman as a very conflicted soul as we've said before the imperium he left was a very different one to the one in which he returned the gilman of the great crusade was a very open man a commander who actively encouraged discussion amongst his legion who openly discussed the theoretical and the practical of every situation with them who encouraged them to question who welcomed it he was raised upon mccrag which heavily resembled the historical beginnings of ancient rome and most importantly its senate as those principles were the foundation of mccrag they became the foundation of gilman and thus they became the foundation of his legion the gilman we have now within this new imperium i believe is a man who still wishes to reignite these virtues to bring these principles to the imperium around him he doesn't want to have to keep secrets he wants to have open discussion and trust he wants his word to be enough the problem is as we know this is a different imperium entirely an imperium of extremes there is no room for discussion only survival even gilman's time as lord commander during the scouring i really believe wouldn't have prepared him for this yes that may have been the beginning of the end for the imperium but he still had the luxury of his brother primarks around him they still had the virtues of the imperial truth gilman here wants to have an open discussion he wants to be open with his commanders it's a bit of a strange dichotomy that he's a self-appointed regent yet wishing for open level-headed discourse and as we know that's really the ultimate aim of gilman especially at this point to bring the imperium back to its more scientific founding away from the extremism in every aspect now the introduction begins smoothly with natase being as diplomatic as you'd expect an emissary of the eldari to be however it's not long before the undeniable uproar comes from the audience with one officer revealing reports of eldari forces attacking imperium worlds across the rift and he even manages to sum up the courage to tell gilman to his face that the ildari only assisted in bringing him back because it benefited them and well to be fair to the man he's not exactly wrong however his comments lead to a bit of a speech by gilman and while it may appear an impromptu response i get the feeling it's far from it gilman begins by agreeing with the commander that's the eldari cannot be trusted he reveals he has known eldred olfriend since the time of the great crusade and that he's even worked with him several times which off at the top of my head i don't recall gilliman and eldrad coming face to face in any of the books i may be wrong and i haven't gone back and researched it thoroughly but in thinking i really can't remember it so there could be some interesting novels or short stories up ahead however continuing gilliman states that although eldred and ifrane were instrumental in bringing him back he will not be manipulated by them he knows they most likely only did bring him back for their own agenda but they do not and they will not control him if mankind wished to crush the eldari race they could and it's a nicely laid subtle message by gilliman here he's letting his case be known to the eldari don't play your games with me i can and will obliterate you from the stars if i must but he's also subtly belaying the fears of the audience an audience that is rightly so absolutely aghast that the primark the imperial regent has not only been consulting with zenos he's brought them into his presence gilman here is reaffirming to them the might of the imperium that he's not having this discussion from zeno manipulation he's having it because he chooses to because he because the imperium is the stronger is the more honorable it's a very clever game by gilman here using his words to convey two messages and after he has done so he very cleverly tries to unite their calls by mentioning together the joints foe chaos again this appears to be a spur of the moment response from giliman but you get the sense that it is far from it it's pretty clear the message he is trying to send to his own men as much as natase whether he got the response he was hoping for or not only gillaman can say however like i said considering it's still a very closely guarded secret in godblight i don't think there's been much movement in imperium viewpoints in any regard and i can't help but think gilman took a big gamble in revealing his communication with the eldari like i said i understand his reasons and logic for doing so but it's a mighty gamble considering the viewpoint on xenos within the imperium and especially so considering the political opponents he has within the imperium as well there are members of the ecclesiarchy here and this whole assembly is being written down and recorded it certainly takes the theories to a whole new level now we know knowledge is most likely out there within the circles of power at least gilman may entrust the forces of fleet primus but there's no way this kind of news would not have been passed through the ecclesiarchy and no doubt the same can equally be said of the custody's passing word back to terror it does make you wonder how this could all come into play when the revelation of imperium secundus comes to pass when his actions may well be already being questioned more than we ever realized since his return gilman has always been playing a very political game one that admittedly he does not want to have to do however the more we see of his actions while i do not doubt his intentions i just can't help but wonder if he's crossed a line that he just can't come back from and that it all might just come back to haunt him in gileman's desires to reinstill the virtues of mccrag there's a very real risk that he may just be causing himself more problems somewhere down the line but as always guys what do you think considering gilliman knows he has to keep his allegiances with the eldari secret why do you think he revealed it so to the rest of fleet primus was this an attempt to reinstill the virtues of old or was this a move out of simple necessity knowing there was no way he could keep it secret from so many commanders and what do you think of having members of the adeptus ministorum present is there any way this knowledge hasn't circulated back to the rest of the ecclesiarchy considering gilman's already tense relationship is this only going to cause him more problems as always leave your thoughts in the comments below i love to read them huge thank you to all my subscribers your support truly means a lot to me it really does and if you're new please consider subscribing to help the channel grow if you enjoyed this particular vid then why not drop a like on it too but with that said i am off and i'll see you all again real soon you
Channel: Wolf Lord Rho
Views: 70,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roboute guilliman, primarch, ultramarines, space marines, aeldari, yvraine, eldrad ulthran
Id: SCTOqvos6ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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