How to Make PASTA BROCCOLI Like an Italian

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this is pasta broccoli oh yeah a beautiful pasta from calabria and other southern italian regions made with love it's a simplicity at its best this is something that you need to learn how to make because honestly it's so easy [Applause] [Music] i and welcome to virgin sauceplay the place where you get to learn how to make beautiful homemade italian food this is an example of an italian masterpiece simple ingredient a few ingredients mediterranean healthy well depends how much you eat and full of flavors so guys this is what my wife grew up eating a family is originally from calabria when i was introduced into this dish it was very new to me i never eaten pasta broccoli because where i come from in abruzzo we don't eat pasta broccoli this really changed my life and in calabria you know broccoli eggplants they're very important and they do a lot of recipes with eggplants and broccoli and this is probably my favorite recipe broccoli because it's so easy done in 10 minutes and you can feed the whole family with this just with one broccolo and one packet of pasta so let's make it together come on let's see what's behind this magical dish we just need one broccoli one broccoli for two people i think that's enough then we need some spaghetti i prefer spaghetti for this dish and you can use 150 grams per person i like to use one clove of garlic per person so two cloves in this case extra virgin olive oil beautiful extra virgin and pecorino cheese pecorino cheese is from the sheep sheep milk cheese and use as much as you want first thing we need to get the broccoli broccoli and what we do is let's remove this part we don't want to eat this part okay it's very hard and takes longer to cook now what we do is we want to break each single piece of broccoli here saying we just want to divide take your time please to do it let's try to make the mass small so when we combine the broccoli with the spaghetti it looks nicer and we can make them a little bit creamier and i'm about to show you what i'm talking about see guys we keep this part okay it's very important that we keep it now what we do is we try and make it as small as possible so what i like to do you can do what you want i cut this enough enough again and then i make small pieces because this part is hard and it actually takes longer to cook but if we cut it small it will take it will be much faster to cook okay this is such a simple process a simple method first thing to do is we get a tablespoon of salt and we put it in boiling water when you cook the pasta your water must be boiling this is the amazing technique we are going to boil those broccoli yes we are just putting broccoli in pasta water we are giving flavor to the pasta water we are going to boil them for about five to six minutes and then we will be cooking the spaghetti in this water okay in the meantime let's prepare a pan what we do is we put a generous amount of extra virgin olive oil now extra virgin olive oil it's a very important ingredient in this recipe many italian recipes how much i would say four five six tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil that's your sauce and then what i like to do i like to use a garlic crusher i love to crush my garlic in extra virgin olive oil i love to do it because i like when the garlic is crushed it gets all the beautiful flavors out of this beautiful broccoli you want the garlic just to bring the flavors out of the broccoli you don't want to add chunks of garlic this is what i believe now we turn the stove on a medium heat and we gently gently saute the garlic let's relax when we cook and don't stress too much relax put some music on open a bottle of wine and let's cook together this is a trick so you don't burn the garlic i got one spoon here of pasta water from you know broccoli and cooking i'm gonna put this in the oil and this will avoid for the garlic to burn we don't want to burn the garlic so now we're gonna put the broccoli in the pan with the garlic the extra virgin olive oil and saute low gently until the spaghetti are ready okay so we're gonna boil the spaghetti now and when they're ready we're gonna put it in this pan and mix it together gently now see i want my broccoli here to be half mushy because that will create the cream that i want to get in this pasta but half of them i want them to be like the whole piece so not only it will look nicer when i decorate it but also it's nice to get that chunk you know broccoli in your mouth it's it's a nice texture very nice texture so gently leave it in there with the garlic so they can make love together three simple ingredients extra virgin olive oil garlic and broccoli but very powerful and very good for you now we put a pot back on the stove as you can see the water is boiling the water is green it's got the salt in there it's got the flavors of the broccoli and now i'm gonna put the pasta in there and i'm following the instruction on the packet the pasta packet says to cook it for 10 minutes so i'm going to cook it for 10 minutes no more no less just follow the instructions very easy the pasta now it's going to be boiling there it's going to boil for 10 minutes when you put the spaghetti i always recommend you to make sure you push them in push them in and then you stir okay they will get soft very quickly and now you can go and open a bottle of wine because you're about to eat be ready because it now will take no time [Music] just before you put the pasta in put some salt and pepper of course just be very generous with pepper i love pepper in pasta if you don't like pepper don't use any pepper but i love pepper and i think it brings the flavors more flavors out our pasta is ready the sauce is ready let's get a monk and what we want to do is we want to take some pasta water out okay we do need this to combine our ingredients okay so what we need to do now we get the pasta straight from the boiling water we put it into the sauce please don't show me that you put the pasta take the pasta out and let it rest somewhere it will dry up you don't want to do that take the pasta out from the water straight into the pan and mix it with your sauce okay once you put the pasta inside we want to put half mug of pasta water in there now that you got the pasta in you want to add half mug of pasta water in your pasta okay add half of it because that pasta water full of starch will help you to combine the ingredients and you help you also to get a little bit of creamy you know the bottom part of the broccoli will mash a little bit more it will become creamier and this pasta will become creamier thanks to that oh yeah now it's time to add the pecorino cheese or parmigiano but make sure you grate it please this will be grated fine let us know you know i need to be grated so please just be generous and put as much as you want but don't forget this is not catchy paper okay so you don't want to put too much cheese we want to mix it with the sauce mix it and stir yeah i like to flip i like to do this flip and flip and flip it ah the smell the flavors i like to see i like those flavors coming out look at this pasta nice creamy green you tell me why italians in italy never get fat they eat pasta every day for lunch this is healthy my friend there is no cream involved there is no heavy stuff involved this is healthy light perfect for lunch dinner whatever you want at midnight you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys this is real food for real people nothing fancy just real let's put this beautiful pasta in the plate oh yeah let's put it inside the plate look how beautiful it is close those broccoli on every single spaghetti we've created a nest now let's top off the nest with the spaghetti here beautiful and now we're gonna add some more cream on top finish it off with some beautiful broccoli on top [Music] okay guys let's see let's see let's see this beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful pasta pasta cooked perfection the broccoli like i said we've got creamy broccoli basically covered all the spaghetti i've got pieces of broccoli which is a nice texture and just i have a little hint of garlic guys you have to make it now guys i hope you enjoyed please write a comment below follow us on instagram just share the love please i'll do this for you for free because i love sharing this is my passion i need your passion back give it to me please thank you so much guys see you in the next video vincenzo's plight
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 746,590
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Keywords: how to make pasta broccoli, how to make pasta broccoli like an italian, broccoli pasta recipe, how to add broccoli to pasta, how to make creamy broccoli pasta, what is broccoli pasta, pasta with broccoli, how to make broccoli pasta, spaghetti with broccoli, how to make spaghetti with broccoli, pasta broccoli recipe, pasta broccoli garlic olive oil, pasta broccoli sauce, pasta broccoli pesto, broccoli, broccoli recipe, pasta e broccoli, pasta con i broccoli, vincenzo's plate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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