How to Make FRESH BASIL PESTO Like an Italian

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did you know that pesto it's so easy to make it's so quick and it's so beautiful to eat ladies and gentlemen i'm showing you how to make the classic pesto just like an italian [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi and welcome to bing chancel's plate the place where you get to learn how to cook beautiful homemade italian food today we're making the pesto the king of the green sauces the classic genovese version this recipe comes from the north west part of italy the region of liguria the base over there is just sensational it's beautiful and sweet and that's the land of basil some of the best basil on the planet it's from there so i recommend you to go and visit the beautiful region if you know cinque terre that's the region of liguria so let's make this recipe together first thing we need to do is to get scissors and we go to our garden because i'm growing basil in my garden and it's the best thing you can do smells beautiful and your pesto will taste much much nicer you can also buy from the shop if it's easier for you but if you can grow your own basil trust me it makes a difference and what we need to do is we need to cut the basil don't get just the leaf we want the plant to regrow so we cut a part of the plant cut you know the stalk cut it so you allow it to grow again trust me once you cut it within a week maximum two weeks your basil is back you can cut more and make more pesto so that's the reason why i'm not making a big batch i just make a normal batch of pesto today okay so i just put in cold water and we quickly quickly want to wash a beautiful basil at this point i've got basil smell my on my hands smell the basil in my kitchen ah it's just perfect for the pastel best thing to do at this point is to get each single leaf and put it on a paper towel so you can remove the water you know you can dry up a little bit this basil leaf the reason why we want to dry is because i don't really want to have any water you know in my pesto at the same time i don't want to have any insects so this way you check one at a time to make sure there are no insects on your basil sometimes even when you buy basil from the shop you might find some insects it happened before especially if your basil is organic the good thing about pesto is that you can do honestly what you want you can make a pesto with sun-dried tomatoes which is beautiful you can make pesto just with pistachio which is beautiful you can make pastel using different type of nuts you know it can be very very creative what i'm going to show you today is the classic version the most authentic version of basil but again you can do what you want in your own kitchen [Music] now that our basils are ready to go what we do is we put kitchen paper on top and we dry don't be too rough just make sure we collect as much water as we can but we don't want to destroy the basil leaves okay here we go we're done and now we're ready to make the basil pesto to make the classic pestola genovese basil pesto we need simple ingredients of course a good quality basil hopefully from your garden we need some parmigiano reggiano you can use as much as you want i'm gonna be very generous today i would say about three tablespoons you can use less if you want one garlic clove again this is optional up to you how much you love your garlic i recommend you to start with one with a small batch but if you all want to add more garlic you can always add more about 10 grams of pine nuts you can have roasted pine nuts they're very nice roasted maybe even better than normal pine nuts but honestly it's up to you you want to use macadamia you can use macadamia of course it's not genovese pesto anymore but any nuts you use it will actually be so nice for your paste so you can use almond you can use pistachio feel free to use whatever you want okay today i'm showing you the classic version we have salt and extra virgin olive oil extra virgin olive oil the first thing that we want to do is to blend the extra virgin olive oil and the garlic the reason is because this takes a little bit longer you know for the garlic to become to to dissolve in the extra virgin olive oil and the blender will warm up a bit too much if we are going to add the basil from the beginning together with the other ingredients what we're do we're only eating the basil we actually can destroy the basil and all the beautiful benefits so let's start a little bit of the time we need to do two steps here so the first step is to add extra virgin olive oil i'm putting about a generous amount let's say three four spoons but you might need more later on and one clove of garlic and what we do now is we blend it okay see what happened here we basically melted the garlic in the extra virgin olive oil now we have the base for our pesto at this point we want to add the nuts so here is the pine nuts i'm putting them in and we keep blending it until the nuts disappear in the oil see kinda more dense we have the pine nuts in there now you're gonna say to me why would they blend the garlic and the pine nuts together just because i want to do things slowly a little bit at a time in order to make the best pastel that we can make okay now it's time for us to add the basil okay so we add the basil put the bezel in there up base it's done which is the most important thing from now on we need to keep an eye on the ingredients we might need to use more extra virgin olive oil which i'm pretty sure we do we might need to add more maybe salt more cheese we don't know you know so what we do now is we add the three tablespoons of parmesan organo we add just a pinch of salt which you don't have to if you don't want to and just another splash of extra virgin olive oil about two tablespoons we blend it again and we see what's gonna happen okay let's blend it for about 30 seconds no more than that okay as you can see after 30 seconds you know we have this much basil there is cheese stuck on the edges so what we want to do is we want to use a spoon if this happens to you and make sure we have the cheese going inside the pesto just in there beautiful and we just mix mix with your hands because now we want to taste it i'm going to test to see how it is let's see if we need to add anything else it is important for us to taste do we need to add more extra virgin olive oil we need more garlic we need more cheese maybe we need less let's see how it is all i can tell you is the flavors are very strong oh beautiful the base is the king of this d you know this sauce look to me it's perfect there's nothing else to add a strong i can feel it here in my throat right now uh it's gonna give you beautiful flavors to my pasta to my chicken dish the salmon i think i'm gonna make ricotta gnocchi and the recipe is up here so you can watch my ricotta gnocchi recipe the easiest gnocchi to make and serve with the peso it's like a 10 minutes dinner seriously delicious 10 minutes dinner maybe you can add more cheese if you are a cheese lover i think this is just the right amount of salt yes it's a little bit salty because of the cheese because i use the salt you can always reduce your amount of salt if you know the salt lava you know this to me is just perfect look at that look at the beautiful sauce look how it is what more do you want you know you want this to be thick i don't want this to be too runny that's what i'm looking to create you know this type of consistency okay guys we are in australia here and basil is in season because it's summertime but let's say you are in winter season okay where you live it's winter time what do you do well you can just go to the shop you can still buy some nice bunch of basil and can still do it yourself of course always best to do it when in season you can also do it in winter at the moment so why not just make your own peso because i'll do it based on wintertime so instead of buying it from the shop the jar already done you just make it yourself it's nice it's fun just use the right ingredients and this is how simple and easy and quick it is to make pesto basil pesto the classic way please have fun with it let me know in a comment below how do you like to serve your paste on pizza salmon pasta chicken whatever let me know please i'm really interested to know because pesto can be used in so many things you know so many things so thank you so much for watching this episode we will see you in the next vincenzo's plate video recipe aora simanja vincenzo's pesto thank you
Channel: Vincenzo's Plate
Views: 1,846,636
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Keywords: how to make basil pesto like an italian, how to make basil pesto at home, how to make basil pesto sauce for pasta, how to make basil pesto sauce at home, pesto, basil pesto, how to make pesto, basil pesto recipe, pesto recipe, basil, homemade pesto, basil pesto sauce, pesto sauce recipe, how to make homemade pesto, how to make pesto sauce, what to do with fresh basil, what's basil pesto, recipe for basil pesto, how to make basil pesto, fresh basil pesto, vincenzo's plate
Id: aF0S2ekE2r8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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