Can A Stickman FLY? | The Henry Stickmin Collection

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[Music] beautiful [Music] hey guys welcome to gta live where we are alive and playing video games everyone we are we're on the couch in front of our new background which is still the old background um matt still hasn't changed out the pictures yet the pictures yeah we have new fan art he's working on it are you working you're not working on it well i've had other things to work on like the streamy submissions that you almost forgot about that i am working on true story he comes in and i'm like hey did you do those streaming submissions because you know we're over the deadline now we're in the extended period and he's like oh yeah i forgot about it like you don't forget you're hired to not forget these things it's a streaming it's fine it matters i know did you know by the way this is this is just cool uh jake roper from vsauce3 yeah a good friend of ours we've done a lot of collaborations with him in the past uh saint jude he was on emmy award-winning yeah did you know that i didn't know i saw his video yesterday where he won an emmy award for his youtube original so yeah right isn't that amazing it's so cool i know i was so happy for that i'm so excited for him i know that is awesome he's like also one of the most deserving people he's so nice he works so hard he works really hard he's so sweet um yeah i wish we had like more opportunities to just run into him because he's an awesome guy he lives in new york i think he's just busy is the thing with him and we're busy too but yeah anyway youtubers go figure are busy but if you want to watch an emmy award-winning youtube original go check out his show which i think is surviving the movies i think that's the effort if you like film theory i think you'll like it like and if you like game lab you'll especially like it yeah it's it's like game lab taken up to like hey youtube is actually giving decent budgets for its originals which is actually true we had a very small budget relative to what they give away apparently for their originals now yeah but um but no it's like if you took game lab and just amped it up to 11 because they're actually recreating full-on sets and scenes from the original crazy which is great i think wasn't rosanna pancino in one of them yeah yeah she's in the minimum so we have friends in it i was supposed to be in one but the shoot date didn't work out i could have been in an emmy emmy award-winning series oh man anyway next time next time so anyways anytime we're gonna play uh we're gonna play video game today well welcome back to the non-emmy award-winning gta live where today is all of the awards in our hearts yeah streamy nominated now gt live hasn't been nominated for streaming game theory is the only one that gets dreamy love maybe food theory maybe food theory maybe food theory there we go make sure we nominate we nominate food theory yeah there we go just chuck it in there and sneak in there yeah so anyway hey we're playing henry stick man actually it's not stick man it's stickman henry stickman uh where we are in the process of stealing the diamond we have escaped from the prison yes and we are in the process of stealing the diamond at which point then we will progress to whatever the next one is which is infiltrating the airship that sounds good oh that sounds great this looks like a lot of fun awesome but uh last time we we did successfully steal the diamond but there's a lot of bios that we have to collect there's also a lot of achievements and routes through it that we have not pursued this is just a big it seems like each installment of this is getting progressively bigger yeah uh so i wouldn't be surprised if by the end of this it becomes this massive thing yeah uh for those of you missed part one it's totally worth watching this is a lot of fun uh this game is fantastic it's so good it's like it's a choose your own adventure like click click yeah like flash animation yeah it's i think it feels like a cross between stanley parable and um the impossible quiz matthew it doesn't it fails to back me up on that but that's matthew has played newgrounds games from back when new grounds was in its heyday and recognizes that this is very much of that ilk yeah so go ahead don't don't worry i just i'm just nerdier than you i'll get i'll take it let's steal some diamonds shall we okay so we got the intro archaeologically i'm just going to set up the scene again we're we're stealing the diamond but first we're setting the scene subject you do okay so we learned last time a lot of mechanics right how you get bios from people how to do all this okay so last time we snuck in we did but we didn't sneak in all the way so i think we continue sneaking that was actually the completely wrong button to have pressed yep that was also the completely wrong i'm just going to just skip it there you go okay so here's the map uh last time so there's four options here i think we go back to stealthing it i think so too and try and run out some of these options i agree so we did the liquefactor liquid factor we did the shrink ray yes let's try the jumble hoppers double hop let's jump hop let's go up up and over dude you got it come on one more bounce oh wait what you got to get your angle of attack right oh geez two points deducted oh man oh sweet flip blow bro bro blah blah blah gravity cap oh this one's just gonna fly off yeah we're just gonna go straight up we're gonna pull a jerry and rick and morty oh man oh yeah you get hit by five geez i totally thought he was gonna get hit by a plane oh yeah that's that's for the next one for the infiltrating airship see if rick and morty has taught me anything it's at this point that you fill your pants right with rocks and rain water yeah and then and and try and balance yourself out right exactly that's it that's awesome pro tip in those situations remove your pants as soon as possible yeah just take them right off rip those pants off bonus points if you have tearaway pants drop trowel hey teleporter this hasn't worked before let's see how it doesn't work this time [Music] oh oh we went somewhere oh no we're going oh we went into the oh oh hey hey hey teleporter oh security guy bye bye oh good good good one the new bio hey the teleporter worked for yeah yes okay good okay how about a tranquilizer that seems like it would be a good bet something tells me that this is going to just be a gun oh oh and turn down falcon punch we're going to do them both i was just trying to pick the successful option okay i don't think i'm going gonna guess that this is just the successful option but i'm gonna say penny it's gonna he's gonna throw it the guard's gonna be like find a penny pick it up and he's gonna get distracted and then we walk in that's my prediction all right all right let's try that actually i'm curious oh wormhole rifle who knows how to break into national monuments this guy oh wait what this guy the fbi is definitely definitely watching us totally yeah they're already they're like oh yeah it's just matpat talking yeah matpat talks okay stuff all right what do you think wormhole riffle wire or just drop that just probably the wire you think i mean the wormhole riffle is is definitely going to be the more interesting bit i think we got interesting in this case let's riffle it all right riffle riffle that wormhole portal gun it curse that heavy diamond oh man it's just portal okay oh my gosh here we go i'm surprised you weren't able to get down there with that amazing portal technology it's pretty strange how those portal guns work i mean it combines the top scientific processes of our time the portal gun contains a flux quantum generator which propels energy blasts with energy values at 4.23 gigawatts with an average speed of approximately 25 meters this is totally a game theory right in the making the speed is the most optimal because it allows the energy to be conserved while still maintaining its speed as appropriate the external plastic casing on the portal gun is constructed of a high polymer fireproof carbon fiber wow this is shockingly well shockingly well-thought-out this prevents the intense energy of the portal gun from burning the hands of the user that's actually smart design good design choice because uh plastic is an excellent insulator of heat the intense energy causes intense heat the yeah oh by the way if you want an achievement click here yes ah i want that i've heard that scientist here here yeah i don't i've got no time for that oh we have time for that i've heard that scientists still do not know what happens if two portals are placed on top of each other the last time that was attempted well i'm sure you heard about that news okay we just did an episode about this yeah we proved that it actually if if the two portals are on top of each other it it will eventually form a wormhole or sorry not a wormhole a black hole nice because there is mass being lost and gained each time and that means that at a certain point there is mass being lost there is yeah it's uh it's a weird i'll have to watch that episode again later i was gonna say are you not watching new episodes of game theory stuff so true story sometimes i only get to read the early versions of scripts or i only get to see an early version of the edit and by the time that the video comes out we've moved on and i'm watching other versions wow so sometimes i see the final version and sometimes i make sure to watch the final version and other times we like oh we were on vacation and i just didn't see it wow well next time i give away an island and then you know make you watching every episode of game theory a stipulation of whether you get to keep that island you might not keep that island oh man make sure that you brush up on your game does it count if i've watched them before they were released no what also subscribe to pewdiepie here we go so that was the riffle that was fun let's drop [Music] great did it work oh did you really think it was gonna work stranger things have happened okay wire wire it is we ray this feels like a bad idea where is it wrecked wow that was shockingly easy um that's totally right laser cut yeah laser cut because everything with lasers is the coolest oh man you get cut by you no bleed answer the laser cauterized it that's accurate that's so cool well played stickman well played henry stickman clapping half for you because that is the accurate answer right it totally is that's also one of the reasons why people don't bleed in star wars because have you ever thought about that when they're sliced in half or when uh luke skywalker's i always thought it was just a pg rating thing no it's it's i mean that is so cool probably a pg rating thing but also yeah the the laser would cauterize it ah that's so cool yep hammer tip time oh so many bios that i missed oh so this right here that's the chalice stuff yes it's like indian jones is it it it is drink if you drink from it you'll live forever oh man no it wasn't the one that looked like that it was the poor man's wife poor man's coming come on performance come on do you even indiana jones cannon cheese or plank steph play things [Laughter] right that was just a delicious snack that wasn't a fail as far as i'm concerned if you just consumed a delicious wedge of cheese that is a win in mind that is a win like that the chapter should have just ended right there right congratulations you won you won you won in life you might not have escaped with the diamond but you won uh let's see and after that they just stopped and arrested him look at that skill get that bio oh snap neck can we just drop the diamond on him yeah i think that's the way to go actually yeah yeah oh my gosh headshot wow oh unseen burglar look at that you be i'm king of the world oh he wastes all his money on all this cake i know he bought cakes where's his where's his supreme shirt because honestly that's where all the money should go is on on on the supreme shirt unbelievable okay so wow wow okay right there are a lot of things no boises oh oh you dumb dumb i told you about stairs i told you about stairs try again so that was snap neck ripple riffle let's riffle it up here's that stick oh those first person shooters make it look easy also you're shooting at things that aren't literally two-dimensional right come on see you got the length but you don't really have the width yeah definitely don't have the thickness no he ain't thick he is he is the anticipation neither c-h-i-c-h or t-h-i-c-c he bare yeah he barely merits the first c right it's just he's just thick dare i say thin dare i say i do dare jump jump what surprise right i am too actually so here's the thing right this game for being as absurd as it is actually seems to adhere to some level of physics right totally waterizing is a thing the heavy diamond is a thing yeah that's i think one of the reasons why our picks are slightly i'd say we're doing slightly above average at like oh i think so too because we're actually i like i like that so we did cheese we did plank let's see hey no no no oh you're full no you're pulling get it get in there get in there oh jesus oh bad bad call i don't think you took the cannonball out oh there we go you almost had it almost all right okay that was two okay two two one one two two okay should this one be glowing for some no right okay why is it glowing i'm the fifth about that that's one out of one two out of two zero out of three oh okay so penny was the clear choice let's see what happens stephanie's choice of tranquilizer again the thickness problem oh he knocked it back oh he did the odds oh see what are the odds of that [Music] i've been sitting on an episode about the falcon punch for years actually uh i i polished it up the other day and it's one that i think might go up in the next month or so oh that's exciting i'm excited about it it's nice to see ones that like come out of the vault and and make it on there yeah i've wanted to talk about falcon but there's never a good time to talk about falcon because it's like what's happening falcon doing yeah what's he doing it's like news and so it's oh this is what i see yeah because that's where we're at visibility pill this is gonna kill me in some way absolutely i've lost myself what happened i lost track of you the cameras the camera's just like it just loses it i love it oh that's really fun okay so we got all these yay so now back over back to oh this is at the world war two exhibit so this is that other route oh geez okay so let's go back to the beginning beginning uh so we've done all this sneaking weekends okay yeah right let's bust in have you done all the sneakers i think so yeah yeah we've drawn them all yeah [Music] [Music] maybe okay oh all right well gotta get both of them okay okay fine yum yeah look at that still wait jumping off the speeding vehicle may not be messed up as much as much of a stealth as a as a oh no there's so much stuff towards the medial section so much gameplay happening coming at you from this way it's coming at you from this way coming at you from straight ways okay we're gonna get him we're gonna get full stop hanging around and do something get it okay [Music] right there yeah oh nice tunisian okay grab it gotta go go cable i guess great yeah oh oh my gosh oh my gosh we just took out a a a copper police officer an honorable officer of the law an officer bubble yes because it's throwing off the laser always always bubble okay here we go that's just a bad place your hands where i can see them that's just bad luck oh oh yeah look at that skill also we died though right no i'm definitely oh hey we washed up on shore i'm like the future [Music] so we got all three endings yes okay so we have a couple more fails man we flew through that one good job us wow well done team yeah right oh man look at that they're all our zeros out of three though those are because we chose the right thing i know but because we chose that look at that look at that streak beautiful straight through beautiful street okay beautiful should we get a couple more fails the game that i was born to play straight do you feel like such a completionist right now just checking off the boxes matthew just wants a game could you imagine all the germs you'd be rolling in right now true good point i need to fail again because i want there you go there's good one good one oh i also need their bios there's so much stuff that needs to happen okay yeah okay good got it got it slammed yeah i bet i believe that yeah absolutely that does not surprise me in the slightest oh man maybe that's why we're decent at this game right because we paid attention in physics class i did i paid a lot of time i built a trebuchet like a mofo i trap you [ __ ] like a mofo matthew's proudest life moment true it's not the birth of his son or our marriage it's that time he built a trebuchet like a low folk that's important okay you don't have time to stand around okay well that was good done great next next okay so i used rock last time right this time we use branch i didn't really think that went through it it kind of worked right uh we did get away we got away you just know they got the diamond man the bubble was so smart though because when you shoot the laser into something that has a that has like a clear surface it will refract the laser so that it's pointing at something that's not actually you so you're really awesome so the usage of the sticky grenade right there yeah accurate depiction of me every time i played halo in the early days i could not use those things for the life i i don't use grenades in games yeah because bombs in general are just never a mechanic that i i'm comfortable with in games i don't like them even like recently ghost of tsushima has so many projectile weapons and so many bombs that you use and in theory i'm like oh these sound like they'd be a good idea i just hate using them yeah anyway the worst yeah i'm just bad at using them man that was escalation to a whole new level that was completely unnecessary all i did was be a jewel thief right i know you just you picked up a rock and started running you do not comply i will be forced to fire upon you oh no i don't think you're going far that way sir place your hands where whoa that usually works hey you have a very big diamond everyone could have done very well i'm saying we could have all taken one trip to supreme yes sir place your hands where i can see them you do not comply i will be forced to fire upon you leave me no choice sir wow man wow something well that was a that was a very sad that was so fair is right over there that was that was tragic all right let's go back over here okay we got a little bit of timer uh plane was the one that worked right bombs in a museum accurate okay uh we tried gun didn't we i think so yeah oh yeah okay so this is the next one so last time we knew retro room was the right way to go right that's right so let's go must be a light sleeper oh he maybe he thought i was a statue right where is a cardboard box when you need it oh yeah why can't we solid snake this thing right i feel like this is an opportunity to solid snake our way through i'm just saying right there's gotta be there's gotta be an homage to that in here somewhere we're also missing one round two oh the times jeopardy is gonna profit off of that henry stickman it's okay we've profited off of jeopardy too we did two film theory episodes man can the internet petition for me to be the new alex trebek when he retires i would love to be alex trebek oh he's amazing no one can replace alex trebek he's just he's a national treasurer oh this conversation can't be that interesting okay if you are you are kind of fighting an uphill battle there's no way you could those are such huge shoes to fill crowbar oh the head crab what oh no oh crabs hate when i get crabs when that happens it's true curse the head crabs every time just when you thought i would have learned from half-life alien go metroid see this is gonna just go yeah oh yeah we all saw that one coming my way so that's three for that one okay and then up here because this was these choices so we chose this one right i bet this laser just destroys the planet oh that's a satellite i'm gonna fire no i'm gonna fire my laser what i thought maybe we'd just get better tv reception maybe that's what oh look at that like independence day holy cow that's so funny i maybe that's why our choices are slightly above average on these two because again having played the new grounds games and knowing like i'm a fire in my laser yeah and all those references i'm like oh i get this sense of humor yeah where this is headed okay let's divide by zero yeah divided by zero it's going to break everything oh yeah everything the world's just gonna collapse where is everyone that's great i love that and finally and finally biohazard [Applause] well with that we've created fallout good we got all the kills don't feel too bad he probably camped for the 25 kills he needed for that nuke uh it's true matt you don't get it because you don't play video games but it's but it's really funny if you get it you've played modern warfare no way elite modern warfare gamer where were you i was like fifth prestige noah what's it called when you like mod to get the hacking hack you don't hack it i didn't knock it real you that's so funny well hey look at that that's great look at your elite gamer all right so we didn't get so we got all the fails okay we didn't get all the achievements because we're missing some of the bios and i think we're also missing some of the art that said i would like us to infiltrate a plane i think that would be fun we did lose how much time do we have left matt oh no we have time so you got like 10 minutes oh i wonder what this is and then at the d6 we lost two plus two points yeah okay here we go let's infiltrate the plane shall we so that was good i feel good about stealing the diamond i feel good about everything yup now that we're rich and successful with our diamond it's time to continue our life of crime right by infiltrating an airship right or something that's an awkward way well look who finally decided to wake up you've been quite elusive but your skills make you worth the catch you'll be perfect for the job we've been having some issues with the group of thieves yeah we know they're guilty i need to remind you that we've got you on several charges attempting robbery breaking yourself out of prison even stealing the tunisian diamond we've got quite a lot of counts on you you this job right and we'll drop all charges against you we'll be bringing you close to the airship the rest is up to you find a way to bring him down thickening oh the plot is thickening thickening yeah not him he's still he's still a stick yeah so i don't think the the gropple gun will work um okay i i i'm also inclined for sticky hands sticky hand yeah yeah stick to everything they are really good they do they don't eat those anymore i haven't seen one of those since fourth grade i don't know they're probably a choking hazard oh definitely not sued into oblivion or something like that all the best things do okay uh so what are we trying to do here ball and chain so what's our goal to get into this i don't know i think no i think it's to take down the airship i feel like zero point energy is pretty interesting i think we go on chain okay yeah yeah great awesome fantastic all right oh we're still there go live oh yeah wait wait what what lightning is yes [Music] you win a winner is you i win fail you're sending me messages that's great i love that you're sending me a lot of mixed messages so funny i got the you win achievement uh i thought i did it in record time sometimes the most special thing to you is that tony brown yeah nothing [Music] i don't really know where you're planning on putting that okay okay so that might have been a dead end actually yeah so that was kind of a dead end okay fair enough we did we technically won and got an ending though right right earpiece that was very simple okay c4 knock acid or vacuum i feel like knock right that's the funny option anyway i don't think it's going to work i don't think c4 will work because it will blow no that'll blow them off acid i think has a good actually it's going to blow in his face vacuum i actually like the idea it's either knock her back yeah yeah yeah they probably would have let you in if you had girl scout anyone will let you in with girl scout cookies true that would have been brilliant vacuum it is yes that disguise glue trans-dimensionalizer disguise what do you think you're doing smith right what are you doing here mate your wife's just going into the labor day it'll take you right to the hospital oh good great don't worry i'll tell the chief oh no it was it was okay to be fair funny we didn't immediately die like right we were on the right track it just didn't last let's try glue i guess oh [Music] invisible platform helper tails charles the guy or gravity bubble hmm maybe definitely not very helpful grab your bubble not down it's fine just just reduce it up increase gravity air that's great it's a good question right all right invisible platform okay let me just uh [Music] really was that easy oh man whoa mind control gatling gunner remote access remote access yeah i think so all right uh okay [Music] yeah he's he is not good right don't rely on him he's the worst i think mind control [Music] wow oh my gosh our co-pilot is not not the one bone melt yeah just do bone melt let's melt his bones just go back to the old bone melt classic there we go classic bone milk nice i thought that one was going to be like you don't have bones right man i remember this i think nobody knows about this you're going to be in a lot of trouble [Laughter] hello mr spider oh geez yeah oh my gosh that was awesome there's no way you're getting through there lots of guys and lots of guns today it looks like you can get around leave me alone make an animal noise shut off the power reroute the power i love that this is now the mass effect like options right i'm sorry i just thought you needed some help [Applause] [Music] good hustle right because he's not going to help me no absolutely neither of these is going to immediately kill me right shut off the power light help okay i don't understand what that means [Applause] shut off the power okay i thought maybe we could get like another achievement by doing enough of them yeah you think so yes shut it off the rerouting power will just re-route it straight to your face [Music] all right fine fine great that was shockingly easy banana bomb flashbang sleeping gas force gun force gun would probably push the helicopter right something yeah sleeping gas flash bang that's going to blind me as well and get in the helicopter i think sleeping gas i think it's either sleeping gas or banana bomb let's do sleeping gas oh it's coming from him i thought it was coming from me [Laughter] it's news news or in this case don't snooze oh that's funny i thought it was coming from me yeah right come on so if it's coming from him flashbang [Applause] yeah no i know yeah that was brian all right great gun all right we're backward logicking now they're overthinking oh that's the one that comes from him come on oh nice what oh that's amazing this could be a problem that was shockingly good usage of that technology government supported private investigator yes the top hat gang has been apprehended oh many are still at large though this is so exciting tipped off by an anonymous source [Music] oh and we changed apparently we changed inputs hello cool wow this is so exciting that was very exciting i think i think we're going to have to pretty much wrap it here do we i think so huh yeah oh are you going to call me honey i i caught it i was like oh no oh that's so sweet of you get out of here keep playing the video game what a shocking display play the video games i'm embarrassed by your affection towards me don't be gross play the video game i've been looking at the numbers what do you think ah yes let me have a look oh oh here we go oh man look at this chair laser thruster chair chair yeah buddy yes [Music] oh yes that was amazing look at this beasting [ __ ] uh-oh uh-oh get ready for some quick time oh shoot i i tried to click beans i missed it the more you eat the more you're able to avoid metal doors shutting behind you okay robo pants yeah i kind of want just rubble pants two rubble pants [Music] yes yes panting it up oh come on that was such a good idea that was a good one okay try like a couple more here [Laughter] too much metal bend too much you're a bender harry no no avatar no i was gonna say you're a bender aang come on i was gonna say tough reference there come on i i didn't think i thought rocket jump was gonna be a joke about how rocket jumps are immediately gonna kill you in any like tf2 yep oh man pulling out the uh that's an earthbound girl oh yeah totally oh now we're playing earthbound oh we gotta bash it we have to end this stream what is going on what what's my psi abilities flash flash beta oh that's a bummer okay it's a rolling hp counter the point of the rolling hp counter in earthbound is so that way you can catch it i can catch it and heal myself before i immediately die right the sand yoyo dirk oh no okay he's a boss too that spiral in earthbound means that he's like i know it's very serious all right what goods do i have all the multi bottles oh okay that is a killer yes yes oh my gosh that's amazing i figured you wouldn't bash him with a yo-yo because he would immediately lose yeah fountain ah bound to the earth that's okay that's great oh that was that made me so happy any earthbound reference makes my soul very happy glider uh glider sure let's try oh beautiful that was so satisfying that was very good i surrender they are shipped to you don't believe them don't believe them oh what do we do parachute missile or tank clown snake what do we do i don't know parachute dummy missile oh i get to choose which side [Music] [Applause] catch me catch me right it's okay it's a new grand thing it's fine yeah it's fine nice huh he seems like an okay guy zachman certifies that henry stickman has been paroled there you go friends okay look at that okay okay we really have to end this was super fun okay we're gonna keep playing this is so sexy uh in a future stream thank you guys for joining us for this one this is so fun maybe we have two more on this one yeah maybe one two one because we're halfway through this one yeah we're halfway through this one and there's two more games left yeah what's this one fleeing the complex these are great i love these games okay this is super fun so anyway yes that's all we have time for today we've stolen a diamond we have infiltrated an airship in many different ways we'll continue infiltrating that airship next time and also fleet complex until next time before we complete the mission that was gt live let's do it see you next time and remember that wasn't a stream but it was a video for your enjoyment during a weird year staying laughs staying alive you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 616,588
Rating: 4.9442081 out of 5
Keywords: henry stickman, henry stickmin, henry stickmin collection, henry stickmin game, henry stickman dance, henry stickman dance off, henry stickman distraction, matpat, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, gtlive henry stickman, henry stickmin gtlive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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