Cambodian Street Food at RUSSIAN MARKET - Snacks and Seafood in Phnom, Penh, Cambodia!

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hey everyone its mark Wiens I'm in Phnom Penh Cambodia and this afternoon I'm at this market which is called cool boom has our cool stuff spoken for super cool okay that is a tongue twister for me and it's also in English it's known as Russian market as the nickname at the Russian market so that's probably how you'll see it called we're just going to walk around maybe eat some Street food snacks but mainly I want to come here in the evening and eat some grilled include some grilled fish particularly this evening so this is going to be a video of eating at Russian market into Phnom Penh [Music] I'm hiking ho quintero for what okay [Applause] with these types of street food desserts not so much fun to watch being made he takes the batter and he rhythmically smoothes it out and in circles to become nice and fin and in a clip form and that any wait till it's nice and Christie's and he adds on the cream and then put all that around as well and then as done Oh unions already go into this in seconds okay and then he adds on a little dab of coconut to the center and then rolls them up into like little thin wafer cookie type of quick okay let's take this well I've get full afters in your mouth it sort of has a fortune cookie like pace to it kind of like that sweet crispy batter and then there's a thin layer of that kind of like meringue but almost like caramelized meringue in there and then just with I got a little a little bit of like roasted coconut in there that's good they're very airy very light almost like cracker cookies it's looking like it's about to downpour oh I can feel like apple drops so we're going to go walk around on the inside of the market and then hopefully the rain will pass and then for dinner we'll be able to walk around on the streets there's going to be some good food starting in the evening around this area as well put on pen is just full of these all-in-one markets where you can buy everything all under one roof and this is another one of those markets right now we're walking through the motor bike and auto parts section what's amazing about this market if you can just be walking in a clothing section and then all of a sudden you just cross over a little a little line and all of a sudden you're you're in the midst of fresh vegetables hanging chickens and it's just a wet market so it's really all you can imagine under one roof [Music] a little mountain and [Music] it's downpouring outside you can just hear the rain falling on the metal pin roof up there but it is it is a wonderful eating environment inside Russian market and found us all that serving the fresh wrapped criminals as well as deep-fried three year old and also a type of green papaya salad really finely shaved green papaya and then she added on some herbs she added on a handful of noodles fresh noodles and then from tricks and forks and peanuts I'm not even sure there might also be some thin strips of pork skin on there and kind of a very interesting salad mixture so this is a going to make a fantastic afternoon snack especially in the rain while it's raining outside conditions in here are no doubt a little bit crammed and very tight but it makes for a perfect dining environment and also I just it's just one of the joys of life to be able to eat right in front of where they're making the food and right in front of where they're assembling the food it's that connection between the chef you see the food you feel being made you see it being assembled and then they pass it to you over the cabinet and you just stay here and eat it that adds an extra component to dining and I think there's tries to hear there's noodles in here is it support not written in writing all the urged in there our government the Vietnamese car yonder in particular and then there's a lot of noodled in there there are bean sprout and just a thin layer of pork and then all wrapped up in that that right paper so refreshing so good I need to re-up on that chili before proceeding an another scooped in my my thought that sauce is delicious and then while I'm at it I'll add some chili to that to the papaya salad as well it's a little bit spicy but it's actually really really fragrant it's not that spicy all right let's go in for that fried four-year-old [Music] that's very tasty but for me the wrapper is a little bit on the sick side but it's very crunchy and then inside I think it's a mixture of meat and maybe maybe cabbage and mushrooms and this is a winner of a bite I got all that stuff on there that chewy those spring rolls are both good but I really like the fresh one better and now let's move on to the papaya salad and this is this is quite a beautiful mixture of ingredients and herb you can see the basil and the noodles in there yeah that definitely has to be some Pig kid I think and then there's pork in here there's shrimp sit around this looks very refreshing all right I want to get some of those herbs those herbs in noodles and shrimp in this Mike yeah that is awesome sounds like a an herb salad with noodles and to balance of flavor salty briny very very refracting very very herbal I think we can use a little more a little more chili is this - Tim no this one's a little bit different a little bit more chili sauce on here and that will make it just perfect the sweet basil is really what stand out in there and then the peanut flavor had had excellent and it will feel light I love the crunch added by the papayas and the peanuts as well [Music] oh it looks like it's not that big but it actually is quite a lot he really tacked in the papaya salad [Music] what I like is that you can really take the the texture difference you get some of those soft rice noodles then you get that crispy green papaya and then you get the gelatinous pieces of pigskin that was a high-quality snack afternoon snack at Russian market the only thing is that there's not a there's not a whole lot of airflow movement within there so almost anything you eat you just start to sweat and drip what the food was really good especially like the fresh spring rolls and the green papaya salad was amazingly good as well I think the rain is hitting ready to finish so hopefully we'll be able to go outside soon and walk around the rain has pretty much finished and in the afternoon here they have a fresh wet market on the side of the road right outside of the Russian market and there are all sorts of fresh vegetables and there's fruit there's meat there's fish all sorts of Cambodian cooking ingredients we're going to stop here to buy [Music] so if you take one girl [Music] maybe you should just leave this yeah this restaurant they prepare everything across in the alley down here and then they transport everything over to the market side over here when it's time to open it has just been raining off and on the entire afternoon so it's just a very very rainy day but luckily in the evening right on the outside of Russian market there's a big seafood restaurant and literally like right at about 5:30 they bring the food from across the street and the grill from across the street set up right in which is normally this area is normally a motorbike parking lot for Russian market and lots of people come here to hang out at night to eat seafood they have the grill going at the front of the line so you have the other additional okay yeah drilled Sabha pole and then also this place is fantastic they have the cold just roaring just lava hot at the front here they're grilling up squid and oysters and the fish are actually wrapped in foil before they're grilled over that really really hot fire but it looks like it's a family-run restaurant very very great environment here it's relaxed but it's busy and they have the full works of seafood we ordered up a fish we ordered up some oysters and also a little bit of shrimp too eight so this is I'm looking forward to this my mouth is watering for the few food we're about to eat and I can feel those coals just just illuminating my face right now my face is on fire the seafood has all arrived and along with the good-looking seafood this actual restaurant the location the atmosphere here the friendliness this place is very very popular locally popular lots and lots of people are here hanging out it's spacious it's pretty cool because of the rain this evening there are so many different sauces going on there's a green chili sauce there's a red chili sauce there's like a dipping salt there's a brown which looks like tamarind sauce I got to begin with the oysters if ever you order a meal with oysters that is what you have to begin with I ordered both fresh oysters raw oysters and grilled oysters and for the grilled oysters they put them on the grill and then he added on some sauce which might have been one of these seafood chili sauces and then he grilled it and then he turned it over so you can see it has like a brown grilled edge so that even that soft grilled on it's like stuck to the oyster I'll just melt-in-your-mouth moister you can ate the garlic me chilling thoughts which is sort of caramelized on to it although that's good and it's not overly cooked it just has the the flavor of the coals on it but it's still raw within the inside the oyster has also come with this plate of garnishing which are crispy shallots and this is an herb I only know the time name go just got heat and normally you eat it together with that but I all I'll add some of the shallots and I'll probably add some of the seafood sauce and then chase it with a an herb we have a spoon over here [Music] well that is just slimy and just melt-in-your-mouth and the highlight of that for me is the crispy challenge all right let's move into the fish and it looks like there's a bunch of ginger there's some mushrooms and some cilantro and I'm not sure what all the seasoning is and this is a type of mackerel it's a black napa and this was the I think this is the only picture they have the evening all wonderful all the meat all the meatiness of that look at the strings of fish you can see mmm oh it's so meaty that really is almost the thickness and the density of chicken it's really a firm fish texture is good the seasoning is actually very very light you can date that little bit of ginger kind of masking the fishy taste of the fish and then there might be a little bit of like an oyster sauce of a type of flavoring in there but the seasoning is actually very like maybe that's you can you can use the different sauces to dip the fish into and eat with a fish that's probably that probably would be a fantastic idea okay and then finally just got a small plate of shrimps which have been secured fried up with green peppercorns I guess this is a carrot typing and some cilantro on top the green peppercorns are actually a little bit mild or maybe they take a little while to kick in they're really really fragrant colors delicious though that sauce is kind of kind of sweet and kind of creamy the sauce is it's okay but it's a little it's a little sweet for me and kind of has a nutty creamy almost milky taste to it okay and then the last dish that we got are the clams or the blood cockles and these have been grilled up on the fire with some chili and salt and so these are there actually tightly packed but what you do is you just I think you can just kind of open them up with your fingers but they are kind of oh there we go yeah you just kind of reach pull them apart and there you go there's a there it is right inside there that little orange bite of goodness and I don't think these I guess they could always do some stuff but I think because they're dill drillbit that chili oh yeah that's good there little little small bites a little bit slimy and then as you suck the shell you get that flavor of the charcoal of the of the grill plus a little bit of a like a lime chili saltiness Oh oh yeah that's awesome that is like a mixture of salt and pepper and it's just light and salty of course but really really good oh it's that light bit of seasoning complements it so well oh wow those tacos almost have like a mushroom we like texture to them yeah that's what they taste like they're like they're like mushroom texture they have that kind of slightly silky rubberiness to them they're delicious they're really really good I was really really good probably actually the cockles were my favorite they were they're really well done they weren't even like seafoody but they had this almost like a mushroom crunch to them excellent and then also oh the fish this fish was just fantastic still meaty still fleshy ah this is a great spot and not only do they have good seafood but I just really love the environment here it's like it's a hanging out chilled seafood Cambodian seafood spot to come in the evening when you're in phenom pen and that was a fantastic way to end this evening visiting Russian market lots of good food at Russian market in Panama and it's a great place to visit when you're in Pinole pen thank you all very much for watching this video and please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it also I'd love to hear from you in the comment section below and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe now for lots more food and travel videos good night from Panama pen and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 798,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russian market, Tuol Tom Poung Market, Cambodian food, Khmer food, cambodian street food, cambodia street food, Phnom penh street food, phnom penh food, restaurants in phnom penh, seafood phnom penh, seafood cambodia, Mark Wiens, best street food, street food videos, food videos, best food videos, top street food, amazing food, food vlogs
Id: P-Xw3rr7rT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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