Gas Station Street Food!! GREATEST UMAMI MEAL in The Fish Sauce Capital!

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hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day at smart queens i'm in saiburi which is in patani in the very far south of thailand and this area is known for nambudu which is a fermented fish sauce it's a huge part of the local malay culture and food and so today we're going to a restaurant that specializes in fermented fish sauce along with just an incredible unbelievable spread of malay food malay dishes we're going to have a giant meal and then after that we'll visit a yard of factory uh which is right across the border in narati wat where they specialize where they make the fermented anchovy sauce so it's gonna be an incredible day of food and i'm gonna share everything with you in this video [Music] and so we're actually starting this tour in saiburi which is actually in patani but very close to the border with narati wat and we're having lunch at a restaurant that serves nasi ulang which is rice and a choice of different things and vegetables and voodoo which is fermented anchovy sauce this restaurant is located at the petrol station uh right here and i can't wait for the food the malay food the culture [Music] it's a full buffet style um so many vibrant malay dishes yeah amazing and the the real thing that you come to eat here along with your rice is the different condiments the vegetables and the condiments which is a a mix of the nambudu which is the fermented anchovy sauce and they also have tempo it's called tempo or tempoyak which is fermented pickled durian extra ripe durian one of my favorite condiments one of my favorite foods in the world absolutely an amazing spread of food everything saiburi patani narati wat style everything is fish actually almost everything is fish a variety of different fish there's fish gale with the sauce all over the coconut milk sauce there is a fish that's stuffed and grilled there's some fried fish i think even more than the fish though the highlight is the platter of fresh vegetables a huge basket of assorted vegetables with all the different sauces and there's four different sauces the one that i cannot i almost cannot even control my excitement is the temple yap which is the fermented durian just loaded with chilies um there's a voodoo sauce there looks like a shrimp paste sauce and maybe two voodoo sauces but wow food looks unbelievable and it smells incredible this is the real the real deal local food here oh man the dishes just keep on coming what an insane display of food i think they're just bringing us one of everything dip a cucumber into that temple yuck oh yes oh you can smell it oh how i remember you the beautiful aroma of temple yuck and normally in malaysia it's called temple yak but here in patani malay it's called tempoyah [Music] oh there's nothing like it in the world fermented sour salty fruit and the chilies in that one are incredible too oh that's like one of the most aromatic pungent foods on earth you could eat it like pudding oh it's so good that single bite alone is worth coming here i'll try the voodoo next wow the voodoo is incredible with lime in it with chili oh it's not sweet at all but just but just pungently salty and fishy oh i love it well that mommy is intense [Music] it is a coconut milk kind of barbecue sauce on i think oh that even feels like fried fish i think fried fish underneath uh i think it's mackerel i think it's mackerel and look at the thickness of that sauce yeah i'm gonna put this onto my rice let me taste this and i'm going with my with my fingers to just i gotta feel the food [Music] amazing amazing it's so rich so much flavor oh wow yeah it's awesome and then this is another type of fish it's stuffed with a chili paste or curry paste and then grilled that is a beautiful fish as well i want all of that all of that curry paste in there [Music] that one is incredible too the curry paste stuffed into it you taste turmeric a lot of turmeric maybe lemongrass and then there's that amazing smoky fish the fish is very firm and this one is chicken grilled on lemongrass kebabs [Applause] [Music] that's like a minced chicken sausage the lemongrass flavor because of the i mean it's grilled on lemongrass on lemongrass skewers and then you taste a little bit of chili in there maybe like an acidity from maybe kaffir lime wheat and it just kind of crumbles in your mouth [Music] okay i'll save the rest of this for for later and let's explore some of the other dishes this is a it's a food it's a boil it's a pickled vegetable with some fish with chilies and onions you got a few more of those chilies on there [Music] the vegetable is a little bit tangly but it has kind of a mellow vinegary pleasant to eat kind of tastes good and then you've got the boiled fish in there you've got the chilis you've got the the sliced up shallots or onions in there that's kind of like cuts the richness of the other sauces that's really good kind of a mellow flavor but just a light vinegary taste to it pickled taste good back to the sauces this one is voodoo with coconut milk oh that's awesome i've never had that before you got to mix that with the rice cause it's kinda it's kind of salty and maybe the the chili too you'll break the chili up this is the way to really taste the real flavor of the voodoo just with rice only spicy spicy but so much flavor that tastes like cheese actually it tastes it has a cheese flavor to it because it's so fermented but such a harmony of flavor such a like powerful boost of salty fishiness oh it's good and then with the i guess with the coconut milk it almost probably tames down it the flavor a little bit mellows it down but it's still pungent flavorful and just exciting okay next fish it's a sweet fish it's a sweet fish especially ah like a braised a sweet fish that you specifically eat with the with the budu okay which which voodoo should i eat with this one okay okay okay i'll go with the this one is the the salad or the the dressing noodle okay and then you can add some vegetables to it [Music] break that off you can mix with the with the voodoo with the fish with rice and vegetables all in one one perfect harmony of a [Music] some bite the most exciting flavors you can possibly put in your mouth but again that voodoo but the this one is the mix so it has you taste the citrus in there it tastes like calamansi like almost like an orange lime kind of flavor to it but again just like sharply contrasted by the voodoo sauce the chili's in there i think there's finely shaped lemongrass and maybe caffeire lime as well that is incredible though like the flavor it is very salty meant to mix and be a sauce but you could literally drink it it's that good okay we've got to try next the the soup kaiban which is a chicken soup [Music] onto the rice a little bit more of that broth you can see the chilies in there you can see the the crispy shallots and the lime juice [Applause] [Music] that's just like a uh relaxing to the mouth after you taste the the stronger flavors of the voodoo of the tambuya that's just soothing the combination the contrast of the lime juice the crispy shallots the chicken broth it has been too many bites without temple yuck i need to circle back to the tamboya some of that tumble yuck down on the rice a little bit what should i mix with the temple yeah the boodoo the purobudu okay and you want to mix the pure boudo or the bodo with the coconut milk and you can just eat this with rice you can eat it with you can eat it with anything maybe vegetables is a good it's a good idea mixed mix that around in your right oh i've got a little leftover fish from last bite okay [Music] wow i would eat every single bite with tamboy nothing compares again once you go once you go template you cannot go back once you go fermented durian you just there's no there's no going back in life it's only forward with taboyak nothing excites your mouth anymore after you eat fermented durian oh what a meal what a diverse spread of dishes the freshness the fermented flavors the saltiness the just the the natural foods that come from this region of the malay peninsula man this is like outstanding food and then finally another fried fish i'll just mix it with that temple yak with those and i love i love the quantity of vegetables makes the entire meal so refreshing so natural so healthy [Music] perfect [Music] and i love how there's chili's already in it built into the fermented durian and as i was taking a bite she brought another dish this is the boiled vegetables they're shrimp in here boiled in coconut milk so you put this onto your you put this onto your rice and then you add a little bit of you add a little bit of the pure voodoo [Applause] [Music] it's just combination after combination and that's incredible because you got the riches of the coconut milk with the the salty flavor of the voodoo and then just the tender boiled [Music] vegetables [Music] food here is outstanding oh literally straight home cooking and then it's so focused on the nambudu it all revolves around the nambudu and this is the center this is where all of the voodoo from thailand originates comes from um in this area called saiburi and so you better believe that it's the best voodoo that is the best voodoo experience i've ever had oh man straight from the source and as i'm devouring this basket of vegetables you keep discovering new herbs new vegetables i found the the fern down here and what you do with the fern or what they said is you you take a fern kind of roll it up roll it up into a a ball or a little tight bundle and dip that into the the voodoo i mean you could eat anything with that blue dude it would be good okay one more has to be temple yuck oh it's another it's another [Music] i think i have had it in malaysia they're like noodle rolls with a fish curry and uh fried chilies on top [Music] oh wow that's incredible the they just melt in your mouth they're like really thick really hearty noodles but really soft and fluffy at the same time and wrapped in rolls um and then that curry you taste the fish it has a sweet coconut milk flavor and then contrasted by that spicy fried chilies um this looks spicy and you can see the you can see the bamboo shoots in there you can see the chilis [Music] this is the fermented fish entrails or stomach i'm already beginning to go into a little bit of a food frenzy i'm starting to fly from the food already and the flavors and the chilies and the temple yeah [Music] that is intensely salty and fermented and spicy you taste the pepper in there oh man those fried dried chilies are spicy too they're starting to kick in i'm starting to sweat with joy and happiness and with heat [Music] that is insane okay i'm starting to get that stage where i can't really think or function anymore [Music] this is like the inner stuffing of that grilled fish oh i got a couple tamarind seeds so it has this tart sour tamarind taste to it but so much turmeric in there i think lemongrass and garlic oh it's it is what a fish stuffing oh man and thank you to everyone thank you thank you teremakassi oh man they are amazing amazing food some of the best you can have the voodoo the temple yeah all the flavors are just coating nasi is rice in malay and then oolang is vegetables vegetable kitchen kitchen rice vegetables but so many flavors what a meal [Applause] that is awesome on the way out very much oh this is the greatest gift you could get oh man once you eat tempo yeah fermented durian temple you will never your tongue will never forget it and the combination with that voodoo this is the voodoo capital right here in saiburi and this is the source of it this is where it's made where it's produced the best of the best this is a very special gift and that was an unbelievably tasty meal okay we gotta we gotta move on but this might be the most delicious gas station in the world bye-bye see you next what time amazing people [Music] [Music] wow [Music] we have crossed over the border from patani to narati one oh welcome to narati wat and we've stopped we're just in the first district i think it's called and this is a complete surprise stop i didn't know we were gonna we're stopping at a voodoo factory where they are fermenting the anchovies fermenting the fish sauce to make the national ingredient the the ultimate ingredient flavor enhancer of malay cuisine so i do come i didn't even realize at first but immediately if you pay attention your nose just fills up with the aroma of fermented fish and what uh what this might be the most awesome factory i've ever seen just like a hundred clay jars sitting out in the sun rotting on purpose fish and that's what we we had just eaten for lunch so it's gonna be make it even more meaningful to see how it's made how it's fermented around three months seven months okay and when is it ready to eat after how many pumpkin yeah okay um all it is is fish and salt and left to sit for about seven months it ferments it ages for seven months um and then it's ready but that cheesy aroma is incredible the ultimate flavor that it produces it just blows your taste buds as we already know that from the meal we ate previously but what a cool place what a cool place and this is the home this is the home of bunu around 150 and salt around 70 kilograms oh 150 kilos of fish and salt salt 70 kilos of salt muddy and murky and almost milky looking like ah we call buddhism but if you stir we do not so the top that settles on the top that's the clear fish sauce uh but then if you mix it then that's the whole like uh murky dark fermented fish chunks just dissolved into liquid okay nothing like tasting something from the source from the spot right from the fermenting aging barrel wow no it's salty but just like unbelievable flavor wow that's cheesy that is fishy that is fermenty oh man the umami that is and every single drip of that is so powerful well said that but yeah you can't just like you can't just be drinking that that's a that's very salty yes that can flavor so many dishes and it is not an accident how these barrels are sitting out in the hot sun it is blazing hot out here the sun is so incredibly strong i can feel it just burning on my face and that's the kind of heat that ferments the fish that breaks it down uh and that's why this area is so known for voodoo and fermented fish sauce what a process what a what a yard a fermenting fish amazing to see and that gives it all the more meaning next time i eat nambudu you can make a research and this is just straight no name no brand just straight from the source bottled oh this is liquid flavor overdose it was an unbelievable day uh the people we met so friendly so gracious um and the voodoo was incredible but the temple yacht or the temple yuck the fermented durian just again once you go there you can't go back that is just the next level of tongue excitement but what an outstanding meal highly recommended uh when you're in saiburi definitely go check out krua nasi ulang for just a meal that's gonna blow your taste buds away i'll have all the information in the description box below and i want to say a huge thank you to my friend muhammad from papatagu in patani for taking us around for his just incredible hospitality and then finally big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe and also click the little bell icon and that way you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i published thanks again for watching and i will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,244,860
Rating: 4.8771887 out of 5
Keywords: น้ำบูดู, Thai food, Malay food, Malaysian food, Mark Wiens, street food, Pattani, Thailand, Pattani food, Narathiwat, budu, nam budu, budu sauce, Malay food in Thailand, things to do in Thailand, Thai cuisine, Thai Malay food, Pattani food tour, Narathiwat food tour, tempoyak, durian, fermented durian, travel videos, food videos, travel guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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