CRAWFISH Boil! It doesn't get any Better than This!!!

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[Music] okay guys and gals i've been getting a few calls i've been getting a few calls on our comments about did your [ __ ] ass buddies show up now that ain't a dirty word i'm telling you any dirty words a proud word it's like redneck amplified that's what it is redneck amplified yeah my [ __ ] ass buddy showed up right here one of them terry yes tim's back over there ross is over there playing with his phone and steve is doing what he does best he's sitting in the shade and uh this is our crawfish cooker this is what we do it in right here and uh this looks different than the one that you all had it's different let's do her it was uh it was uh provided built by mr robert myers with rmv works homer louisiana cool robert did a good job on that i tell you what does a good job that's a good one this is right this is ross's or steve's uh it's mr jimmy's it's yours jimmy houston's yeah it's yours what built for you really he built this for me yes really look at that oh my gosh a catch of the day crawfish cooker now that is like the world that is great right there look here guys here we go look at here i picked up the wrong handle here you dump on this side put these little boys on here look at that this is the way it's done this is the professional model right here oh my goodness can i cook anything else set up besides crawfish or crawfish on me oh you know anything it boiled it's a good for boiling you know it boils everything because we cook when we cook crawfish we'll have potatoes in there we'll have a little sausage in there we'll have corn in there and uh y'all can make a big potato salad could make a really big potato sandwich right this this is mine really i'll be first here i'll leave this here oh my gosh oh my gosh that is fantastic the key is next year when we come to eat crawfish we you got to know where it's at i will know i'll guarantee y'all will know where it's at i will know where it's at oh all right he'll put it in a safe place i will put it in my safe place if you want to i'll bring mine back next year and we'll leave it with you and i'll take this one back with me i have to have a little bit yeah that's right hey i got to tell y'all something and this is really bad i went up to the cooler and looked at the crawfish and this world famous crawfish bowl that we do every year at twin eagle ranch might be a hamburger and hot dog cookout because them crawfish look dead nope we got connections yeah i got connections too you see the kitchen today yeah them crawfish look well when them crawfish cooler that cooler that thermometer in that cooler said 30 degrees when them crawfish get you and catch it today they're going to come back alive i ain't buying that yeah let's go get them we're going to go let's go get them let's go get them right buying that all right we're going to see if your crawfish are alive or dead but i come up here and checked them earlier and i got to tell you it's cold in there i mean it's that cooler's cold and i'm blessing when we get them out well i'm going to tell you they're going to have to plant it they don't they don't look good to me man don't know he knows turkeys he knows fish he don't know crawfish we'll take care of this they don't i'm gonna tell you this will freeze the brass monkey in here see the ice on the floor that tells you something see it's got it crawled out he's looking at the bags ain't nothing moving i mean ross is speaking now i mean there's nothing moving in these bags now you look at these bags there's nothing moving i'm telling you i'm telling you we got 500 worth of crawfish that ain't good makes it easier i mean they look they're alive they look dead they're fine i'm hoping you're right i'm hoping i've only been around four times in my life i know y'all the crawfish experts all i am is the eater i thought you was wrong about one of those though i tell you what i was wrong all four times they're just [Music] well we'll find out we'll find out there's six bags of crawfish right there it's amazing what hot water will do for something i agree if we put you in hot water you start wiggling especially that boiling water i wouldn't wiggle very long so you think they're okay it's really time to go get them and i hope you're right sherry told me she said you only buy 50 pounds of a hamburger and some hot dogs and i said that we're not 15 miles from town we'll find out in the crawfish section of the world it gets down to below 30 degrees i know this lake throws over and it didn't kill my front foot right back and they're the same crawfish they're always in the crawfish i remember that 1200 pounds you put in the lake the other night yeah there we go they weren't like this thing no we're going to put these in hot water okay they're not going to swim now they're coming alive i'm worried because we've had these in a cooler wait a minute we've had these in the cooler since thursday and it was 30 degrees there was ice on the bottom of the cooler and i'm worried about 500 worth of crawfish being dead look right there and you'll see his legs so you got one oh we got one crawfish for 30 people 40 people we have one crawfish i don't know we've never had a crawfish die before this guy here i don't know they say he's okay because he's failing he's still real cold well yeah it's been up there 30 degrees we'll see what's going to happen we'll see the warm water with those mirrors this is steve cable one of my buddies and his brother ross got jim and terry they they if the tail is is curled he's still okay so he's good it was straight it wouldn't be but the curl so he should be fine okay what are you doing i'm putting the seasoning into it so that's just water in there in the feast water this is out here we've been in the shade we've been thinking about that and i just don't have enough money to do it but if we had to hold it here it'd be nice tell me how you're doing this we're just putting everything a good ass cooks gotta have garlic in it yes so this is just minced garlic okay and you spent the whole yard yard so we got that louisiana seasoning in the two jars of garlic yeah trash detail this is what i do best right here empty trash cans i got it this one here this trash can here is a used one it probably has only got another five or ten years use left in it you can see it could break it apart i'll have to go buy me another one at tractor supply but it's about it's about had it there you trash can throw stuff in this one i got a dump this is a really good can here i'd pick this one up on i'd pick the other one up on the side road so this is this pots for the potatoes and the corn and he's putting this is half as much so and then this is the same thing in liquid form right yeah this is very hot be careful with this watch how much i use so it must be really hard if i was in sleeping for since thursday two days in 30 degree cooler i'd want to be watered that's what we're doing with water to crawfish they grow very very fast after you water them they're only this big we put them in there jody we take them out they're going to be this big but you wish everything else would grow like those things yeah you put in the water and they yeah don't you go that way they're like sea monkeys yeah like a sea monkey yeah they're like a sea lion that's not bowling yet but it will that's a lot of water takes a long time to walk with the ball hey by the way jody's got a cooking channel on youtube and it was called mixed vegetables with jody but you're changing the name new name change it to bit more fitting of what it is and it's home cooking with jody home cooking with jody and she brought a bunch of cookies down and i could tell they had twice as much butter as whatever the recipe calls for twice as much sugar as whatever the recipe called for and twice as much love as whatever the recipe called for you double your sugar you double your butter you double your love that's all i know about cooking but i know about the eating part and i hid those cookies i didn't think anything i didn't think anybody else deserved it but me there they're everything under the kitchen seat cookies check her channel out give her give her a little love there subscribe to her channel and i want to tell you you'll learn some really really good cooking we have a lot of fun on it yeah we always have people like this things that you can watch and learn and and i can and things that i do too come and watch me and she's got this she got this distinct new york accent about as far away from new york as you can get in the hills of oklahoma or texas i never have to say who i am when i call someone on the phone a real hillbilly what we're doing now pat we're gonna put a couple pounds of butter in here for the first cooking then add the pound of butter forever cooking there after what that does is make the crappie it's real easy to peel if y'all from oklahoma we need them real easy and butter and butter is always good butter's always good it's double the butter that's it double the butter for us hokies double the butter double the sugar some people instead of using butter you can use canola oil or any kind of cooking though but like jimmy says butter is always better better but we're not adding bacon but we are having sausages see if they move dead or alive see him moving you gotta start see i'm trying to move yeah then turn the fire off of it those sacks are about 30 or 35 pounds of when you crawfish the seasoning so there's about about 70 pounds there's about 70 pounds in it in that boiler right now a crawfish all right sausages coming right up don't let it splash on you it's pretty warm that's just five pounds of smoked sausage we call it hors d'oeuvres what we've done is brought them up to another ball and what you do when you bring it to that second bowl you turn the fire off and let them sit there and soak that seasoning up for about 30 minutes then we'll dump them in the box get another two bags go add more butter add more butter that's why she's going to that's that that's the jody cooking kind of way there you go we got the sausage in there for extra butter as i told jamie everything about pns has got diet control diet control that's the reason we are slim and trim you're gonna you're gonna love this you see this track see this track you're gonna love what's gonna happen with this track right here very cool oh that's cool very cool hey rob yes okay so tell us what's going on now what are we doing we've let them soak for 30 minutes now we're going to dump them out and put them in this ice chip look at this contraption this is pretty cool look at them auto they're all good we have an escapee that's good is all right here we go we got the second batch getting ready to go in there jody what do you think this i think this is an amazing contraption that's the greatest thing that's my prized possession right there watch this right here this is cool and and a couple bits missed the pot a little bit more seasoning in there what i'm talking about yeah that's what you call that's what you call an ice chest full of crawfish right there the mud bugs have landed look at the size of that big one on top golly so are the big ones or the little ones or which are easier i mean like you know sometimes some big ones are easier better to eat they're all the same i eat them from an inch to five inches yeah they're it's a little to the biggest they're all the same they're falling out of heaven now it's pretty cool they need to fall out of heaven yeah by the time this gets to roll and boil the coil will be heated up and ready the potatoes are in the other one too right i like that on the table in the table most i'm talking about here lookie here that's what you call the real deal you know if he's buying if he's buying don't let him do the figuring if he's selling go ahead and let him sell you 435 pounds call it 90 pounds charge charging for 90 pounds that's fine it depends on whether you buy it or sell it that's it four sacks 90 pounds they're 30 35 pounds in a sack of potatoes yeah at least 50 pounds of potatoes guaranteed guarantee father we come to you in the name of jesus thank you for all things [Music] amen amen all those that need to listen i'll lesson hey everybody anybody need a lesson on crawfish table when you fold them down put your thumb between the first and second frame on the bottom look toward it toward the head peel it press right there that's it she's wanting to suck the hair i [Music] [Music] he's got some spikes [Music] all right what do you think clanton that's a crawfish boil wasn't it i'm telling you crawfish well i want to know how many of these big plates fall completely full of crawfish that you ate how many platefuls three not too bad i round it over plate and nothing else he doesn't bother himself with anything else that's what i call a great crawfish ball we probably have left here maybe one sack maybe 35 pounds and so we had six sacks total over over uh well over 200 pounds of crawfish about 220 pounds of crawfish or so and uh and we've got about 30 pounds left so that's eaten a lot of crawfish in addition to corn potatoes desserts cookies strawberry cake all kinds of good stuff that's crawfish bowl memorial day 2021 what do you think lightning does it pass [Music]
Channel: Jimmy and Chris Houston's Twin Eagle Ranch
Views: 225,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cook crawfish, fishing tip, cajun cooking, outdoor show, fishing show, jimmy houston outdoors
Id: F1xe9pfdadM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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