DAVID CONFRONTS HIS SCAMSTER! | 90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days

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oh let's go [Music] there's only one thing in here that I don't sell those are the unicycles you know it always be the quirkiest dudes doing the goofiest things risking mad [ __ ] for nothing and nothing like imagine looking out the window and you see a wish order Bruce Jenner on a unicycle wearing a toupee might just have to soon I'm probably on shrooms with Joe Rogan and I'm just imagining things like Dave there you are I love my cats but I definitely want to be married cats don't replace that and I think I've met that girl that I want to marry my girlfriend Lana is from Pavlograd and Ukraine like at this point I'm pretty convinced she'll see producers have like AI robots lined up Auto proving any and all applications that says Ukraine night you ain't no more you know like they know what they're doing I'm just surprised people are still getting played by this stuff and it's typically these old third hokage looking below knees getting scammed by sneaky dudes pretending to be women on the flip side there's absolutely nothing wrong with owning cats I just have PTSD from a big-titty coltie I spend most of my free time alone with my cats I was very interested in the Slavic accident ever since watching Bullwinkle cartoon shows with boris and Natasha a little more pain just always did something for me even when I was 5 years old what the hell translation a boy's been a freak for a long time now I'm assuming he has not heard her speak yet so would be ironic and downright hilarious if he or she turned out not to have the Slavic accent what a lame puppy what the crack-smoking cattle I met one on a foreign dating site I thought she was aggressively interested in me and over the course of the next month or two we started chatting more and more and I actually said are we boyfriend/girlfriend she said yeah I think so yeah this is crazy she was aggressively pursuing our buddy David of course you are the man is clearly a treasure to behold how else can you explain the 12 355 unread messages obviously obviously they're not spam scams schemes whatever just straight 10-foot waves of constant constant women aggressively pursuing our buddy Yuma cycle of and kuchi magnetic good ol West Virginia danger I believe that Lana and I have never met in person but over the last seven years we probably spent 5,000 hours chatty what is a typical exchange Lana does not write me letters on the site we WeChat that doesn't happen this site yo you crazy clowning he'd selling me dead all sound one bit suspicious to you David Brad so essentially but he's been dating his macbook air for the past seven years yet they anos even get the producers asking stupid questions oh my goodness is it I pay to play Brad I don't know Sherlock housing probably not been on this roller coaster before yeah I was like firecrackers she is my soul mate this cost me four hundred and fifty dollars what the hell so they finally get to the obvious why don't you peeps use other communication methods she's told me she's very shy and it's too overwhelming to her I think during the whole time that I've been with Lana I have spent over $100,000 no because during that time I would have dated her yet that that made no sense all I heard was $100,000 I don't think we understand the enormity here $100,000 1 0-0 zero zero zero Presidente George wash it to temptation my turtle would have dressed up as Lana spoke Slavic for honey Rex over this seven-year span david has been to Ukraine not once not twice not thrice but three times and he's going back I like the icon she said certain types of chats that we have sometimes and you want to go there what the hell after three failed attempts to meet Lana I'm 100% sure that we're gonna meet this time and we're gonna enjoy ourselves yes so the main get the conviction of about a ten crackheads this is crazy delusional finest like imagine being excited about having virtual butter being boom bow with another man so David goes out and buys a a cubic zirconia ring arrow pass tally of diamonds and he ships off to Ukraine in better hopes of proposing to absolutely nobody I need to look my best for Laura since I'm 30 years older and first impression is important everything has to be just right David you ought to look the flippin same all you did was spray a little bit X so buddy goes to the train station what about a speck of info about him her it's whoever a rival status walking around looking stupid but he had a better chance of meeting Thomas the choo-choo train in actually meeting Lana so as expected I guess what happened absolutely nothing last night she finally reached out to me I am in Pavlograd can you meet me for dinner or lunch she has slow connection oh lordy Lordy his stupidity is just robbed a nagging I bet you that connection you verse when he drops to my direct deposits so she ends up agreeing to a once again meet up wearing the invisible cloak and buddies flabbergasted he is blissed-out you can literally see the years just roll off his face mentally she's levitating off Mount Kilimanjaro that's all in lights it is so 2 p.m. rolls around in a hey guess what he does [Music] I'm so nervous I can feel myself sweating through my shirt what the hell I want to look my best when we finally meet face to face why dear hope you look your best six feet under Dave that's how long he's gonna take buddy nada no he's directing this stupid show but uh is this scene even necessary like the man brush his toupee in peace so David apparently yeah to our stove waist around unbeknownst to him and only him she'd have showed up he basically went full Frosted Flakes simply about amount of time she flaked him so uh how you feeling right I'm not leaving Ukraine without seeing her I wrote message to her that says Lana I am devastated I want you so much do you want to be married to me because we've talked about it no response a few moments later Lana doesn't actually know that I'm coming right now it's crazy borderline stalkerish this man does not give up it's just ninja way so David good old David decided he's gonna drive eight hours into the war zone to find Lana what the [ __ ] did his sidepiece long story short said public ride was like the North Korea of Ukraine literally a missile could come flying in it just boom right up but guess what he don't give no flippin of goddess this trip has been such a struggle but I'm not giving up on water what we have is real if I do meet her I plan to propose to it sir we don't even know if she exists this man darn near paid $100,000 to go Alana day leprechaun in district 13 test crazy anyway so he pulls up to some sketchy address like this place looks worse than Detroit he just starts knocking on random doors I'm drained I'm completely drained well holy avocado David it's about darn time would have been nice to be drained maybe seven years ago for Ukranian trips ago about a house mortgage ago but no no no no no but he had a goal conquistador mode Ojai landed on a pair of blue balls congratulations so give it up for David apparently translate to going home and hiring a private investigator he really believed that the this is scam that's a lie what the hell she has many accounts with different names she hasn't had that this is not only names she she using same picture those are not her how would you know Dave how would you know this man has more faith in his imaginary girlfriend then I have been myself that's amazing you're one of a kind you need to stay that way in a way so barring what the P I said Davy decided it was gonna be a good idea to go back to Ukraine again it's still only 1107 if she doesn't show up this time I'm not coming back set her [Music] [Music] but a woody one no I'm just sitting so long I'm on that new [ __ ] that govern how [ __ ] [ __ ] would you do [ __ ] to quick yes so the main get the conviction of about a ten crackheads this is crazy delusional finest like imagine being excited about having virtual utter Bing boom bow with another man
Channel: SAUCE
Views: 476,573
Rating: 4.8268695 out of 5
Keywords: sauceoholic, 90 day fiance, tlc, tlc uk, 90 day fiance before the 90 days, 90 day fiance full episodes, 90 day fiance tell all, 90 day fiance David and Lana, 90 day fiance self quarantine, 90 day fiance big ed, pewdiepie, David and Lana's First Moments Together | 90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days, Big Ed And His 90 Day Wife BROKE UP?!, 90 day fiance before the 90 days season 4 episode 14, 90 day fiance before the 90 days season 4 episode 13
Id: Dq8XrwfWpfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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