[OLD] Caddicarus: The Complete SEASON 4

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oh man which game should I play today Gracie's decide you tasted my beautiful people I'm connect us and I decide which games get slaughtered or salvaged and what happened 20 YouTube's game review finally has a chance to move out his parents house and then spends weeks upon weeks buying everything that he needs to do that as well as moving absolutely everything that he owns into this new place only to then discover that there isn't any Internet access activated in this place which means he can't make a video for about a week and a half because he came back home from Texas and he was at SGC and joined one of the best weekends in his life with the rest of hidden broken normal boots and then returns home to find out that internet access will be a little bit later than anticipated which may seen us about three or four days to make a video and then decide he's gonna make a video based on a game that a fan gave to him at SGC you get this video on play squad [ __ ] you unless played again I have a question for you all today which video games in the world right now allow you to blow up robots cats birds and mosquitoes at the same time while you control a blue gob of snot wearing a fake mustache complete with glasses the answer is none except for [ __ ] putty squad on ps4 party squad for this was a game released on said console in November 2013 and was developed by a company called system 3 apparently it was their birthday or some [ __ ] and this company also seemed to apply the mid-80s UK game developing company naming theory which was to take any English word in the world and then stick a number on the end of it you know like team 70 or even socks to I got to sucks anyway the person that gave this to me SGC and I'm so sorry I didn't catch a name my mind was a little bit well [ __ ] for that whole weekend said that it looked absolutely awful but I'm sure he was just over exaggerating a little bit okay yeah what the hell am I even looking at right now I'm still trying to take this all in and I just cut laughs wall the drummer definitely just took his vitamins for the day and there's also tea and a chicken I'm starting to feel a little bit violated right now so let's just kick straight off into the game shall we [Music] yep this is it eighth generation console gaming folks I suppose you're wondering what in God's name you do in this game so allow me to fill you in you are this blue thing and you need to as the game puts it absorb these red things find them all in every stage and beat the game that's it how you do this however is with bad controls attacking is very snappy at it possible but everything else that you do has zero rhythm behind you have one speed of walking movement without gaining momentum or gradual stopping and incredibly stiff and horrible jumping this is a platformer and the platforming is horrible oops I guess it doesn't really matter too much since I look at this [ __ ] mess if you expect greatness from something that looks like this then please send me your address and then I'll send you a referral straight from my doctor because I'm a little bit worried about you hey this all sounds simple but trust me you will need this tutorial leave it you have so many [ __ ] moves you can pull off which are admittedly kind of cool and so many power-ups to grab a news however while in most other games all of those power-ups would be [ __ ] awesome in this game a no powerup that you grab actually makes the game any easier harder or more fun they only exist for more things to learn more things to cluster up the HUD and more things for you to trial and error and each powerup is more pointless and confusing than the last not to mention because of all this stuff to play with this tutorial is also long very long oh boy is it long longer than long great-auntie Maples long thank also I think I found the most terrifying still image in history directly from this game and something tells me that you'll agree with me on that any second now ah yes of course they give us all of these power-ups to absorb into our putty little hero and yet none of them seem to work how miraculous by that I mean it's checked I mean half the time even the basic attack doesn't work also the game tells us that we have a map reading mechanic for every stage trust me you're gonna [ __ ] need this because every level is really badly designed I honestly think that this is an Amiga err of video game trope because I can compare this perfectly with the [ __ ] that I hate in Superfrog every level is either built like an unfair maze a prison full of escaped convicts a supermarket full of things to collect or any other metaphors that basically means something that doesn't work very well I mean look at this [ __ ] over here this isn't fun I can't even tell who wants to attack me right now but hey even if I can't tell was trying to hurt me within the game at least it's managing to hurt my eyes in real life why is this spring here what is it doing what's its purpose in life why can't I understand your spring what can I jump on here what can you interact with and what's just part of the background never explain just in case you forgot and may I remind you oh putty squad you saucy little minx what are the power-ups here what is my health what is anything is there any indication into what I'm actually sucking up before I actually suck them up no okay fine hmm I wonder what's up here mmm oh look it's a carrot with sunglasses and revolvers trying to cook okay in all seriousness you know I mentioned earlier that this whole games design was very much like a kind of amiga era trope well that's because I'm not far off Anjali it actually that this game was birthed from the Amiga this is an Amiga series and it hasn't changed or adapted or improved for this generation of consoles so the question is how the [ __ ] did it end up here well for a very late and very brief history lesson this game I'm playing right now is actually a sequel to a game simply called putty for the Amiga and Super Nintendo due to that game's surprising success system three fully completed the sequel for the Super Nintendo Amiga Sega Megadrive had ms-dos ready to be gone and released in 1994 where the Super Nintendo version did release as for the Amiga demos were made available to the public marketing was high all over the place hell even review copies were sent off for magazines and even published for readers to see and what do you know the review scores were high I'm talking 9 out of 10 scan of hi everywhere believe me I'm honestly stunned with how much this is dated since then but then for some strange reason the Sega and ms-dos ports were lost and the Amiga version which was what the game was developed for in the first place was never actually released until December 2013 which is when system 3 released as a Christmas present on their website this means that this ps4 remade version that I am playing right now actually came out before the original original even came out as mind-blowing as that story is that makes things worse this game came out twenty years late and isn't [ __ ] welcome in my house I mean this was a game that was originally meant to run on two megabytes of RAM and the ps4 version doesn't even [ __ ] work properly welcome to the eighth generation of electronics ah yes stickers a gamers best friend and I really you find them all over the place in the levels and they have a super written on them like is the best [ __ ] thing ever I mean what is this a kids game oh yeah it might be Burroughs or modes a lot is that you don't want Entertainment Software crashing fashion basically I'm sick of this game nothing you do is satisfying nothing you attack is spawn nothing you pick up is enjoyable nothing is anything everything is nothing I'm still trying get my head around this being made for the PlayStation 4 and how could you do this survey to whoever gave me this game I came 4,000 miles across the world to share my love and appreciation with all of you face to face and this is how you repay me well at least this game does have some rather kick-ass music for what it is it doesn't fit the mood of Bruce not whatsoever but it's still pretty epic [Music] and then you get rewarded with points that nobody cares about anymore in a single-player campaign for every ant that you [ __ ] stabbed on then you may say that I'm being a little bit too harsh with this game because all of the footage you've been seeing it's only been from about three or four levels of the game but honestly I looked it up and you should too it's the same throughout the whole thing I mean just give me some credit if you were in my position would you keep playing this do you think it's gonna get any better do you want to keep doing this for fix many levels who would do this who you know maybe I am being a little bit too harsh now come on I'll play ball I'll give you a few more levels come on mister let's keep going okay so what's the next level called jungles of squirt okay well maybe I'll pick another level that isn't better suited to a browser's motion picture okay how about watch tower of squirt well that game got the slaughter if you couldn't tell now I am I don't know how to end this video well go to my bedroom [Music] [ __ ] mercy pinnacle wanker Oh juice oh yeah I guess me oh yeah it gives me so much I need something delete what how's that what how did this get in here dear James I hate you this is fermion isn't it is there any mole today yes there is okay seriously I need to teach you a lesson you'll never forget so within this letter I've written down a very special download code this very special code is for a very special game and it's a game that you will play and review no matter what you try to say or do to avoid it don't come on how could he possibly get me to play this game he lives I've have 4,000 miles away from me also I know that you have a new house so I've taken away all of your stuff from your old room before you had a chance to move it you will get everything back the second you finish reviewing this game okay that's just stupid how could he have possibly well [ __ ] hahahahahaha don't you see I have all of your stuff and until you play this game I get my revenge it's not going anywhere okay okay wait how the [ __ ] did he know that I was gonna stop reading his letter at his last sentence before this one too then come all the way back to my house to check that he taken all of my stuff despite how impossibly ridiculous that is because I know you I watch your every move James I know everything about you again and how did he know I was gonna say that I I'm having a conversation with a letter aren't I yes yes you are a letter from God okay yeah this is getting really [ __ ] weird I'm just gonna go home and talk to him so it's come to this has it our paths have to cross yet again in such heinous circumstances well if you want your stuff back you will play that game and talk about it no I'm sorry that's just too much to ask for me I'm gonna need a little more personal gain from it oh come on I want to see you play it I don't even want your stuff I got my own stuff okay okay fine here's the deal I will go through and review this game only if you do it with me okay dude that is a big ass I mean this game's badness is in like a totally different [ __ ] league this game is bad I'm serious that's a big ask is it well you know something I'm a big man I'm taller than you and you know what I think I don't actually think you are a big enough man to tackle this game hey no one insults my manliness and gets away with it but I thought that us to you to play this was a big ask of course it isn't I was just bluffing so what are you gonna do mercy I'm gonna play this game with you and also I'm gonna [ __ ] kill you for calling me mu see wait a minute did you just get me to review this game with you yeah dad damn it [ __ ] psychology [ __ ] greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the category show I always have to do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not my game deserves to be slaughtered or salvaged and I am brutal moose I'm also on YouTube sometimes no one cares well you know what you're about to play the zoo race so I wouldn't be laughing so much if I was you well I the zoo race yeah the zoo race in that doesn't actually sound too bad Oh James you're so naive so naive and stupid hey back off you talk I don't have to back off dude you're the one who says the zoo race doesn't sound so bad but it doesn't oh man I can't wait to see your face you're gonna [ __ ] hate me for this I already [ __ ] at you oh right yeah that's fair enough anyway you better go ahead you download that game if you want any of your stuff back okay dumb and dumb by the way don't ever tell me what to do ever again oh come on after your Stanley parable review everyone flocked to mind thanking me for making it because you're so shitty I can tell you to do whatever the [ __ ] I want you said you would never mention the incident well I'm just gonna keep talking about it so you start the game up okay okay okay okay look I'm doing it I'm doing it look I'm doing it bollocks face dickweed so immediately the first thing that catches my attention is what the desktop icon is what is this even supposed to be exactly what has this got to do with the zoom all racing oh come on James it's obvious it's an X which stands for the zoo race and what fills me with even more confidence is the website that this game came from I have no words whatsoever well a few words definitely came to my mind like these four for example wipe is this [ __ ] I can tell you right now the only thing missing from this distinguished website is Comic Sans cougar interactive you disappoint me and also the top of the site demands that you find the creature living but I must say that if that creature inside me looks anything like this bear over here then I would rather die okay I'm actually starting to feel a little bit bad for making you download this oh don't worry I think we'll be okay because this game does have some awards believe or not and they're all Awards about how clean the game is guys newsflash just because your game has no viruses in it doesn't mean it deserves merit that's like gang a middle every time you wash your hands after taking a [ __ ] oh and before we continue any further I'm afraid in that this is another Bible game wait really you're gonna make me go through with this after what are you door with Captain Bible James thank you you're the one that gave me this game oh yeah and before we broke this thing up properly I think it's worth noting that when I downloaded this I was the 109th customer for the full retail version of this that means that for every one dollar ninety-nine that this game sells for per person including me this game has made a total of two hundred sixteen dollars and 91 cents in profit anyway let's put this [ __ ] up [Music] okay I'm gonna be honest I've been doing this show for nearly two years now and I can tell you that I love everything I've ever seen and played while making the show I have never had so many questions about what I'm looking at other than right this second however just by looking at the way that these people are walking up here leads me to the conclusion that there will be no answers for anything I ask yeah speaking of which I actually happen to have a legitimate question right now and that is what in the holy name of Bob Saget has this got to do with the Bible well Moo see if we have a look at the story maybe we'll get some answers oh of course this has animals in it so it's about Noah's Ark duh hi Reuben may I ask what book are you reading oh hi Hannah yes it's a book about Noah's Ark oh it's gonna be one of those days isn't it I mean this is kind of impossible to critique all of you at home can see and hear everything that is wrong with what is going on right now what's the point of even talking about it well if you won't say anything then I will something a bit weird about this is the way that the intro cutscene is compressed for some reason the rest of the game runs at a higher quality and this is the only part of the game that decides it's just too much to handle and restricts it from looking any nicer and hey do you know what else is weird about this everything else most notably the story this guy is called Reuben and he's an enthusiastic Christian no Hannah I like books about animals and this girl is called Hannah who thinks you need to get a brain Reuben I really have to say that despite the strong Christian values of the game devs plastered on their website and the fact that this is a Bible game in itself I don't understand why the Bible is mocked constantly throughout this whole intro yeah I mean all this intro does is portray people who believe in the Bible is childish idiots and in Bible game making 101 that's like the Golden Rule that's the one rule you not break and I swear that for most of this cutscenes it seems like the voice actors just forgot how to speak like humans yes Hannah yes Hannah yes Hannah yes so what would get to God this is that after the great storm hit earth and Noah built his ark to save the creatures he apparently used to celebrate how great he did by forcing all of his animal friends to race in deathly obstacle courses but of course Hannah thinks that's completely absurd and asks and you would actually start in an out such a race would it be God himself maybe right oh man wouldn't that be funny cuz the narrator in the game isn't he of course for suggesting something so ridiculous Ruben finds that very offensive are you saying that the great God who made the earth cannot do something and then he decides to come on Hannah let's race boy what the [ __ ] you and me let's race let's have some fun he turned so quickly I honestly don't even know what to say to that oh yeah and after that this happens what can we please have that again that is never gonna get old one more time uh I don't feel like I can raise them I don't feel very well ah oh well that escalated quickly and you Ruben you're a rhinoceros ah and that is where it ends it just stops on that note right there Rhino goes and it stops I don't want to play this but I'm afraid James you must and it's not all that bad I mean we've got eight different racers to pick each with their own strengths and weaknesses and they all have neat little nicknames like the adventurer the Viking the warrior and lovey yeah I think we should pick her and we also have eight different tracks so it's pretty standard stuff so far I've got to say that Bethany's blaster definitely seems like the most fun so let's go ahead with that okay we're all lined up and ready to race so let's get ready set and go oh wait what uh off they go but I can't move on [ __ ] I'm pressing all the goddamn keys that I can and nothing is working oh oh it's an arrow button game great so as you could probably guess this game involves racing there are three other competitors to race against you have to pick up food for speed boosts and you have to click the mouse I'll say that again click the mouse to jump and avoid obstacles and these obstacles can be anything from barriers fish called row and poop just I swear to god we didn't add that text in there it's been especially labeled and it's the only thing in this game that has a label poop should've called the game the poo race hey hey hey James please just shut the [ __ ] up anyway that's kind of it as far as mechanics go you simply run around unfinished and ugly as all hell textured environments oh yeah and there's water to swim through as well but the controller body physics never change so what's the point I don't know and I know it sounds simple but these controls are unbearable and you see what I did there as we discovered earlier you use the arrow keys to run and you click to jump and that's it but for some reason the developers made it near impossible to actually do anything using the arrow keys to turn proves to be one of the most sensitive and over responsive controls I've used since LEGO Island 1 luckily you can also use the mouse to turn as well look around so in essence you find yourself switching between both the mouse and the arrow keys constantly to turn every corner depending on the angle of each of them good stuff also after messing around with the mouse I also found a glitch in the controls allowing me to constantly speed boost by holding the right-click down you can turn the game into a hilarious [ __ ] mess combine that with the arrow key turning circles did you have probably the funniest running animations that gaming animals have to offer not to mention it also makes swimming incredible this game is just simply broken actually it never looks like it was fixed in the first place so broken isn't even the correct word but it is that it's broken it's just as broken as this VARs over here I'll weigh the VARs isn't broken dammit okay just give me a second here come on I'm going to get it and broken I mean I honestly can't even believe what I'm looking at okay surely this couldn't get any worse wait it just did okay well now I know what I'm doing with the controls I'll start this race properly this time ready and why do we have to listen to the most mundane and badly constructed Christian rock anthems as we raise alarm the instruments aren't even real they're MIDI samples that could have been made on Guitar Pro 5 and yet they are still out of time how [Applause] [Music] and speaking of the songs the sound effects just exist whenever they feel like it this is exquisite and speaking of the sound in general yes God is the announcer and he either sounds really [ __ ] bored or too much like Ben Stein at the start and those visuals holy hell I don't even need to explain them look at them it's poo because this is the per race god damn it James I swear to Christ that I will end you if you make that joke again Ian please no bus teaming in the presence of this biblical game but besides that's what this game is it's a lumpy turd and what more could you expect from a gaming company that can't even spell melon properly well to be fair I would have at least expected that this Bible themed racing game wouldn't have included world war planes bombing racing animals on a steel and concrete bridge dotted with hamburgers I mean is this supposed to be a parody of the Bible out of everything we've seen so far it hasn't used any serious Bible content whatsoever so it really seems like it could be but I also have another question why would no as followers be rolling barrels of nuclear waste at the animals what was god drunk when he came up with that No or near that a great storm is approaching the flood the land and Jews gathered soon of each animal to restore life to the world after the floods has come today oh and after you do that get some fireworks and a few planes some hamburgers and bowels a nuclear waste and then Baba oh and whenever you win a race this happens [Music] it was a half past nine or a quarter to ten something then it started again [Music] okay I'm done oh come on James there has to be something else we can talk about now what nothing not anything at all we've got nothing more to cover can you even believe this exists I mean in all seriousness this has been the hardest thing for me to script in my life everything terrible in this game deserves no explanation you can just see how shite everything is it doesn't even teach Bible stuff all of the verses used in the game have zero relevance to what's actually going on or they just love that they were thrown together on a PowerPoint slide and it also doesn't help that this is one of the glitziest things I've ever witnessed in my life I mean can you even make out what's going on here because eyes your gun and so because of how atrocious this whole package is we've decided to make a little montage of our favorite glitch moments you can judge them for yourself because we give up [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] and of the whole [Music] [Music] Wow there's still one thing that's been left unanswered though oh yeah what's that what is creature party um I don't know are you sure you want to do this there's more Bible songs to pick now [ __ ] now I'm curious [Applause] oh my god this is hell isn't it if you aren't [ __ ] far off the animals just kind of do this and while that crazy bollocks is happening all the know it does it stand there like the observer he's a criminal mastermind in this part he does nothing and he's severely creeping me out maybe I should try clicking on him okay no don't ever click on Noah and with that this game gets the slaughter there was no game box I uninstalled it there's the only thing I could do I know it's not as violent as I usually go but there you go you get the idea yeah I really do agree with you this game just defies all logic and most you're a [ __ ] jerk what you heard me in you miserable slimy gate why did you make me play this why you're a jerk no you're the German making me sit through this game that I gave to you because I took all of your stuff who's the real jerk here a doll okay you know what you are such a jerk that I'm gonna come all the way to America to tell you in person how much of a [ __ ] jerk you are okay then fine great I'm coming you know what bring it on right and we're a [ __ ] jug okay I'm heating I don't give a [ __ ] your Chuck can I finish my meal and talk about this lady so what are gonna do now mr. big shot I'm gonna get my revenge just you wait you have insulted me and threatened me and humiliated me for long enough now and you know what by sending me this game taking all of my belongings and then forcing me to play through this horrendous piece of [ __ ] have pushed the line I'm going to [ __ ] end you well what are you gonna do just you wait I promise no don't really feel like waiting I'm gonna go do something anything really rather than sit around and wait so yeah okay that does Han okay any second now I should appear what mooses computer screen this works what they were [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Dominus greetings salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the category show I always have to do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not a game deserves to be slaughtered or salvaged now out of everybody in this room right now who remembers the Sony Playstation yes good fantastic all of you guys okay great now out of the Sony Playstation people who remembers the classic mascots for it Spyro the Dragon Crash Bandicoot Rayman aid from oddworld parappa the rapper mr. Domino not yes of course no one [ __ ] remember said this game is weird this game is weird this game is really bloody weird I know on the surface it just seems like your average puzzle game involving dominoes but if you just simmer down for one goddamn second and take a step back you'll see that this game has what's your pan in it [Music] oh yes this is gonna be a ball a big bouncy rambunctious boom as the front of the box proudly states no one can stop mr. domino this was a game made by a Japanese company called art dick and they are a company that are actually pretty famous elsewhere for making all of these [ __ ] games Wow these guys have made more games than I have washed no one can stop mr. domino is one of those forgotten ps1 games that seemed to have a lot of hype and attention close to its release but then unfortunately just kind of vanished into obscurity forever gangs like karashi cooler well Tom B you know those kinds of games I mean I can testify to that when I first ever played this game it was on this official UK PlayStation Magazine demo disc right here and ho ho man for anyone out there that grew up with these things then please allow me to get your nostalgia neurons throbbing with this particular song [Music] I played the demo of mr. Domino countless times as a kid but I never actually got anywhere with that and I never beat a like I just remember it being a confusing and frustrating well mess with walking dominoes this is really stupid isn't it but now that I'm a fully grown and rather hairy adult I think it's about time that I retried this forgotten gem for old times sake and give it a second chance so a mr. Domino let's see what effect you leave on me domino effect it's a domino here is a pretty exciting cutscene it's one of those Japanese game cutscenes like in klonoa that explains absolutely nothing whatsoever and just shows you a lot of flashing pictures in order to get you interested and I actually think that it's worth mentioning anyway we start at the game and we are immediately given the chance to pick between two and four for morphic dominoes did I really just say that out loud and hmm I think I'll go with mr. Domino purely because well the box says that no one could stop mr. Domino so if I pick him I'll be unstoppable and he should make everything really [ __ ] easy the game lied to me holy [ __ ] I'm serious no one could stop mr. Domino more like everything can stop mr. Domino this game is a barrel of lies okay okay wait wait what am i doing why can't I stop why do I need to hurry up hurry up what where's the timely many no time limit game I'm starting to have another casino game over okay before I select this game off I'm actually gonna find out what it is you have to do and funnily enough the only way to learn how this game works is by reading the manual yeah there's no tutorial or in game hens difficulty settings or pretty much anything within the game to help you out here this is one of those few extremely obscure puzzle games that literally tells you to press Start and figure everything out I mean with stuff like Tetris is pretty [ __ ] obvious well you do even got two buns and you move around and it's free easy cuz you just press buttons and then it makes little sense but the goal is crowd on the screen here I got work this out kind of a dick move they're yappin and not only are the how to play aspects completely void from this puzzle game but also pretty much anything else this is a raw kind of gay just like the lack of explanation to what you're doing there's no stage select one action button five lives before the game is over I mean it may sound extremely simple but then the second you hit that Start button this game makes you its [ __ ] and when it wants to this can be a hard game but none of this means anything unless everyone knows what's going on so what's going on this is going up if you thought that from the title of no one can stop mr. Domino that you'd be taking part in a Godzilla simulator with a giant walking Domino piece screaming I'm afraid you're wrong instead the game is actually an on rail puzzle game did I really just say that out loud but does involve a fair amount of skill by moving left-right speeding up slowing down and pressing and holding one action button the main objective is to run around an infinitely laughing stage while avoiding any and all obstacles grabbing power-ups and dropping out a limited amount of your own dominoes which would be kind of like [ __ ] our own versions of yourself and then every time you laugh at the stage you have to knock over the dominoes that you placed in the last lap and make sure they fall on respective and trick tiles these trick tiles are these 3d buttons that flash in every stage and whenever you activate one by knocking the Domino onto it something like this happens [Music] [Music] or even this did I mention this was Japanese anyway another thing to note is that these rippled flashing tiles indicate where an object will fall after you hit the trick tile before it meaning that if you place a row of dominoes onto a trick tile and then start another row of dominoes at the rippled flashing tile you can create a massive chain of incredible house destroying domino toppling essentially if you're really good this means you can be every stage with one clean line of dominoes that you knock over on your second lap let me tell you it's insanely [ __ ] satisfying to do that [Music] but no more satisfaction for you yeah are those normal regular Domino's just far too stale for you yeah is this boring to you because if it is then this game was made for you also it means you're a cut anyway I can't imagine that this may sound a little too easy so the developers made it important to add in all of these [ __ ] distractions and moving obstacles to either slow you down or completely kill an amazing chain of dominoes you had going and yes they are very [ __ ] difficult to avoid because well eh you can't stop moving B you can't jump and C this control can be wanked sometimes but not all the time I mean it's not awful by any means but it has this weird delay to it which proves to be difficult to grasp when you're turning a corner in the 3d space so that means you sometimes have a little idea where your trajectory is headed by the time you notice where you're walking the control delay doesn't let you correct the mistake in time and then once you get your head around that you need to learn about the power-ups and D power-ups as I call them you see even though you can infinitely lap the course as much as you want you have a time limit well actually a stamina meter a stamina meter thing isn't shown on screen but rather on the color of your Domino the darker shade your Domino gets the more the game tells you to hurry up and so before you run out of stamina you need to hit one of these health tiles to bring you back to peak physical Domino condition once again but here's the catch once you've stood on that particular health tile that's it it becomes unusable for the rest of the stage unless you restart it so because of the one-time use to the few of them that are scattered in each level this means that you must avoid the slowing down tiles which massively waste your time and even though you get some lovely speed with the speed boost tiles it makes accurately placing dominoes or avoiding a health tile that you don't wanna waste near [ __ ] impossible but very handy if you need to move quickly because you're low on stamina or you want to finish a lap and knock your dominoes over before you run out of Health every stage adds in new hazards challenges things to remember different angles to place your dominoes and it's all very exciting and addicting which is made even more addicting by a very catchy soundtrack and a really nice Japanese II kind of Katamari sort of styled visual appeal it does look really nice and smooth for the ps1 especially for 1998 and overall this game is surprisingly strategic and it gets extremely [ __ ] challenging as it goes on now this is in my opinion [ __ ] excellent idea for a puzzle game and one that has a lot of potential to actually come back for newer consoles today I'd love to see this idea come back and then we get the [ __ ] restart tiles now I mentioned earlier that despite only needing to avoid certain tiles and obstacles making sure your Domino doesn't run out of breath and pressing or holding an action button to place the dominoes this game gets [ __ ] unforgiving you will die a lot I can guarantee it especially if you've never played through a new stage but alas as I just said this brings me onto the restart tiles these bastards are sprinkled all over the levels and are probably one of the most annoying and cheap additions to difficulty I have ever seen in a video game so get this whenever you hit one of these tiles everything resets ok sounds like an easy escape out of a bad run right but it isn't instead whenever you hit this your place dominoes are taken away and all of the trick tiles you hit are reset but your current stamina and the health tiles you stood on do not reset also unlike the health tiles the Reese art tiles never run out of power at all if you're close to finishing a stage and then hit this bastard here you might as well use one of your five resets in the pause menu and save yourself a continue because there is no way you can hit all of the trick tiles and beat the stage on your last stretch of health it's actually impossible and when it is this easy to hit the reset tiles it's no surprise how frustrating it it's also fun when you run into an obstacle because you can't do anything until your Domino has finished spinning meaning this happens a lot [Music] [Music] personally I'd recommend always picking slowmode for this game because picking fires pretty much means well that all the time oh well despite all of this I can at least safely say that mr. Domino is probably the happiest main character in the video game I have ever seen look at him it's just so happy he's just he's adorable he's so cute he's probably not only one of the happiest video game characters in history but probably the cutest Domino in video game history because he's the only one oh and I forgot to mention you have five level resets for the whole game and only five lives that you can't increase which if you run out of means that you start all over again from the beginning progress is only saved through the characters that you unlock which apart from playing a little bit differently don't add any kind of reward or addition to the game itself and to unlock every character you need to get the highest possible score on every stage one perfect run no fuck-ups and yes I know that I said this game gets really [ __ ] difficult as it goes on I mean how I couldn't even beat Stage four but despite the limited lives pause resets and insane challenges there are only six short stages to master before completing the game so that means plenty of time to quickly restart and learn every stage inside out thinking about it I suppose it could be worse and the pure bounciness of every stage and distinct personality it carries doesn't make it feel monotonous which for a game forcing you to play from the beginning every time you fail it's quite an accomplishment it's one of those few cases where the game lent increased by the difficulty alone isn't actually too bad unless of course you get really good and beat the game in under 20 minutes that's not so good and even though the reward for your hard work is kind of shitty this makes it all worth it I'm the best of the country apparently yay that's one receipt what's the point of this anyway what's the goal the story what are we accomplishing here I mean the only story we got was the dominoes having fun with each other in the intro cutscene but then in the game the dominoes decide they aren't friends with me anymore because they keep adding like [ __ ] to me during the levels so it's not like we're trying to work together and Domino the world over or anything the dominoes are evil to all the humans and to each other it's not or profound they're just [ __ ] dominoes it makes no [ __ ] sense am I looking to dip into this what am I even doing with my life who cares they got that [ __ ] product placement in there anyway oh how we laughed and with that this game gets the salvage yeah it may be really straw and there's not much reward and it can be occasionally really [ __ ] cheap but you know what I can't deny the addictiveness the charm and the originality that this game brings to the table not to mention its challenge personally I vote on this game needing some sort of comeback or a reboot or anything like that but until that ever happens if it does I would say that if you find this game at a reasonable price pick it up I'd say it was pretty much worth it I mean it's not the best game I've ever played in my life but it's not a bad game either and I wouldn't say that it was an average kind of game that it needed that the slavich so you know it's not an amazing game but you know it's worth a salvage at least I would even call it a hidden gem on the ps1 okay well that's a bit of a stretch maybe not a hidden gem but um uh uh hidden five pound note in the back of the sofa [Music] yeah let's say that was pretty accurate [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the game didn't kill me isn't that a pity greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the category show where I always do the dirty deed actually you know who I am already you know who I am and you know what I do unless of course you're new here and you don't know anything about me in which case where the [ __ ] have you been only joking okay blah blah I'm can I can I decide which games gets lost outage now today I'm going to be doing something a little bit different with this category show I'm gonna actually be covering something pretty much brand new something in date something topical and it's something modern something that probably all of you have already heard about because you know it did kind of explode recently and the game that I'm covering today is going to be a little ps4 exclusive game known as PT you see PT and for the first time ever in the history of this channel I am covering a demo this game is piss panting Lee terrifying yes that's true but despite anything I say about it it is still only a demo and so before anyone gets up in arms and confused about this please allow me to explain myself for those who have stayed with my channel for a good few years now I hope you know by now but I wouldn't talk about something on this show to you all unless I thought it was interesting intriguing and today despite this game only being a sim demo it impacted me so much that I felt like it needed a full episode honest to god I never thought that I would ever even consider covering something as small and not quite funny but presentative to the final product as a [ __ ] demo in my whole life yet Here I am talking about a demo anyway pthey is a horror game developed by game studio in conjunction with Guillermo del Toro and wait for it Hideo freakin Kojima handling must be completely honest even though this is a demo it is quite possibly one of the top 10 scariest things I've ever experienced in my life and now I get the impression that they locked in a Okajima in erotic basement and then they fed it some chicken McNuggets draped and crack and then asked him to develop it gameplay some nightmares they mouthing well actually bTW isn't really a demo because it actually stands for playable teaser yeah that's like calling the newest Paranormal Activity watchable movie you can't get much scarier than that but what is it a teaser for exactly well if you are patient enough to try and beat this it's actually a teaser for the new upcoming Silent Hill games silent hill's which is still a bit hazy in the details but seems to be scheduled for release in 2016 now I don't know what's scarier Kojima or crack cocaine or the fat boy car wait two years for this potential masterpiece to come out don't worry patience captain patience patience patience rewards everybody oh yeah [Music] now I know I've been calling this game a demo for the last few minutes despite the fact I also know the PT technically isn't a demo since it's potentially got nothing to do with the final product being worked on but you know what it's still a demonstration demo demonstration it's a demonstration of the themes the game mechanics the tech and the promise it's a demo it's demonstration I don't care what anyone else says silly labeling of this game aside however what is this all about you start the game with no objective no mechanics no story Jack diddly [ __ ] and you wake up alone and Confused in a darkened room my most favorite way of starting a game it's start and figure out from there you little shits upon leaving the room you find yourself exploring these rather tight corridors in someone's family home who you are what you're doing what's going on it is there but it isn't thrown excruciatingly ly painfully into your face the plot in this is extremely pushed back but pushed forward enough for you to speculate the true ideas of what's going on and leave behind enough mystery and suspense to throw you off as you wander around this dimly lit trash piled once happy family home you notice a few things thrown into the game to uncover more basic plot the radio nearby reveals a news broadcast about a ruthless murder taking place in which a man brutally killed his family before hanging himself this is as much sense the story will ever make us from this point onwards you find nothing else to do and walk towards the only open door in the house upon entering this strange basement door you appear right back at the beginning again [ __ ] and from that moment on that's when this game decides to make you its [ __ ] you continuously walk around looking at things and looping around the same exact corridors as gradual more gruesome events unfold and where that may sound repetitive and predictable this game does everything it can to throw you off guard you see where you may expect this game to just be a simple sightseeing tour with predictable triggers and no interaction so basically a ghost train this game manages to throw no threat to you whatsoever and yet still manage to rip your heart out of your chest on more than one occasion so basically what I'm trying to say is that BT makes my teeth easily thus easy as the room keeps on looping the Silent Hill aspect becomes much more prominent with increasingly more horrific events unfolding as you continue involving mysterious figures slamming doors swinging blood dripping boxes from the ceiling whispers and crying through the radios a seeping bag of bloody body parts that talks to you this [ __ ] ghost and finally this lovely image of a [ __ ] fetus writhing in a molded bathroom sink with poo in it [Music] it's trippy it's confusing and quite honestly the way this plays in with the sound design strange unknown game mechanics an incredibly gritty presentation can make it terrifying and speaking of presentation a redditor known as Wolfgang actually took a screenshot from a part of the game and simply edited the gamma and other basic image levels to give us this holy hell by this point this pretty much looks like a real photo and apparently this game wasn't even meant to look even close to the final product something that fills me with extreme excitement but also hmm how much better could you make this look exactly too much polish and you'll [ __ ] it up you cheeky cheeky chickens the game warns you not to play it if you have heart conditions so with that worrying warning it can heighten the tension of less experienced horror gamers to a point of occasionally taking a break by pausing the game but even if you do that you will be punished and over there are tons of Easter eggs like this hidden around the game and every time you play it you will find something different it's extremely off-putting talking about plot again as the game went on I think I had my own brief idea to what was going on I was figuring that I was the murderer that killed his family before taking his own life and because of that way I'm now forever stuck in my own personal limbo of Hell or at least before you figure out the end my own Silent Hill and in that sense this game is a fantastic portrayal of a true psychotic descent into panic into madness into the main characters own grating fears and into Silent Hill itself much like in previous Silent Hill games ambiguity and cryptic scattered messages allow the player to decipher in their own way what's actually going on in the broad scheme of things which is great and pretty creepy but then the same thing can be said equally on the gameplay mechanics this game essentially is a trigger horror game the wonderful thing about is that they can actually be hidden extremely well any kind of jump scares much like an scp-087 be do appear in specific situations but with no given context which means that no two plays are the same and tension is extremely high something that really can't be said for most horror games nowadays you have your own little impact on the environments for sure but whether or not your interactions affect what happens remains to be said making the impacts of even the smallest noises remarkably unbearable and much like the plot as well the game mechanics are ambiguous very ambiguous maybe even too ambiguous to some this is in essence a puzzle game with each loop of the house presenting a new puzzle to solve sometimes it's something as simple as just walking through the loop again sometimes it's examining a doorframe before you walk through the loop again and other times it's finding incredibly well-hidden pieces of paper to complete a picture before looping again all with no goal no indication no direction just by your own pure whistle oh now this can be equal parts good and bad good in the sense that you never know how your interactions affect the environment and change the scare tactics the lack of knowledge to whether or not you're actually in danger the lack of knowledge to your own sanity as you wander aimlessly [ __ ] your pants around every corner not to mention getting the entire community talking and cracking heads together to try and solve everything but it's bad in the sense that as I said it's ambiguous no main gameplay mechanics all controls are even vaguely explained to you turning this into a bit of a random button masher at some points with a slight hit everything everywhere until something happens to continue vibe and I had to look online to solve the last puzzle you know why that is because [ __ ] that puzzle I understand that the teaser needed to stretch out a bit of length for what it is and I more than understand gamers wanting to destroy the cockiness of Kojima for claiming nobody could solve that last puzzle for at least a week and in that sense it's great we need more games that force discussion and debate an experimentation amongst some of the most dedicated an intelligent gamers out there like in the 80s with the sword quest games but oh god even with games and they're random cryptic [ __ ] puzzle elements like with the original Zelda's burning bush that could have been any bush anywhere yeah it was the eighties with no internet and the only thing that you could do was ask friends that new friends that new friends that figured it all out to complete the puzzle for that but at least they weren't as specific as you have to wait for three baby laughs that can be triggered by waiting for midnight to strike and then you take 10 steps listening to the phone staring at a wall taking 10 more steps calling for a ghost with the DualShock for microphone staring at your feet taking a bath I can't forgive this occasionally complete random set of mechanics what were there being a teaser that gets everybody talking and sharing their experiences in that sense it's ingenious for publicity but if it's heavily condoned in the full game that'll be extremely unnecessary and unbelievably obtuse and frustrating but hey coming from game developers that called themselves the 77 80 studio because that number is actually the size in square kilometers of Japan's Shizuoka Prefecture which can be translated in English too quiet Hills almost very similar to Silent Hill I find it no surprise how cryptic this game can get I'm going to redirect you right now to this video made by an extremely clever guy who discovered the definitive way of solving this final puzzle and holy [ __ ] how he figured it out is unbelievable I implore you all to check it out in the description it's incredible and without it this video might not even have been possible so thank you very much for that [ __ ] love you Kojima has been known in the past to be a bit of a marketing soft you know what with all of his cryptic messages and themes and all of his trailers and all of the things that he uses in his games he then puts into reality for publicity stunts like with ride in an mgs2 and the whole concept of being lied to and being deceived by technology and global media and social spread and everything he's been known to do that and yes this game is kind of like that in a sense but what better universe would that fit in than with the universe of Silent Hill it really does fit here and honestly this is probably one of the best marketing stunts I have ever seen in my life nice work there again this game is only a teaser but honestly the potential and promise that from this thing it's utterly gobsmacked me and I just had to make a video to express my excitement for the future of this now I won't give this game as Salvage today purely because well it's not a fully retailed thing yet I didn't pay any money for it and I just don't think that thats fair doesn't classify it was a free game so you know whatever yeah I know I did that was slender but [ __ ] off rest assured though I love this little nightmare and if you have a ps4 you should get this right now but just be careful because if you do get it make sure you know what you're doing otherwise this will happen to you [Music] [Music] [Music] video game audio [Applause] [Music] audio and video games can be a very powerful thing Kanter now in the past there have been loads of great console through touchscreen themes you know for example one let's just take the Nintendo GameCube for instance you know with it's um you know the but if the younger years of your life were anything like mine then that orgasmically euphoric noise of the ps1 boot up screen dominated your childhood and it's time the ps1 was pushed as the absolute best possible disc home based video game system off that time what with it being much cheaper than the Sega Saturn more technically advanced and easier to develop for and the Sega CD was just and so Sony wanted to show absolutely everybody that they meant [ __ ] business and that they were serious with that epic boot up screen it was almost like it was saying yeah the audio in this console is high [ __ ] quality and there's [ __ ] tons of it in all of our games for it and if you plug this into a surround sound base in the [ __ ] intro make you [ __ ] yourself because of that lovely increased disk space that not many people had for the quality and quantity of the music in my opinion this led to some of the greatest soundtracks of all time not just on the ps1 but just of all the time and you know I tried picking 10 of my favorite ps1 soundtracks but it was near [ __ ] impossible and I had to do another [ __ ] top 20 I know I can't decide anything now please do keep in mind that I'm gonna try my hardest to keep this list to one game per franchise and also I'm going to try and avoid all of these lights and soundtracks from professional bands that I've already played the songs like compilation soundtracks so stuff like wipeout 2097 Tony Hawk's games and like dance and stage games I'm afraid you know count Duda talked about video game soundtracks yeah Balrog I am oh man I'm going to talk about video game soundtracks for so long I mean Nintendo had some of the best stuff out there way way way Balrog I'm not talking about Nintendo oh really oh yeah I completely agree I think Nintendo have created some of the best soundtracks the game has ever seen in our lives I mean Mario Galaxy anyone but you know what I also think that there are plenty of nintendo based soundtrack favorite top-ten lists out there already on the internet so you know uh I think the ps1 needs a little bit more love okay what about poor Nintendo what about poor froakie [ __ ] off blog to find them forget you [Music] number twenty goes to a series that I've never actually talked about on this channel before ganks more specifically gags deep cover gecko this soundtrack is one that just has that indescribable platformer bounce to it it's got so much energy character and identity for every themed stage that you could name the exact type of game and level it is just by listening to a few seconds of one track of it and since this is a game based around jumping into TV channels it has some really strikingly different platform stage themes that occasionally escape the safe norms of platformer stages meaning some tracks feel completely of its own amongst every other platformer out there that has ice and lava levels for example it's nice and fresh and it's also very good stuff [Music] number 19 belongs to a very underrated game in my opinion or at least nowhere near recognized for the soundtrack that it has Bugs Bunny and Taz time Buster's time is in the name so predictably this soundtrack is comprised of fantastically atmospheric and strongly melodic yet ambient pieces for each time period there's so much acoustic and digital instrumental flavor and there's so much atmospheric depth to the tracks here that it almost feels like it does not belong in a Looney Tunes game to be only able to play you a preview of one piece from this soundtrack it does not give it justice whatsoever but I'll hope you check out the soundtrack yourselves one day and see what I mean [Music] [Music] [Music] now how can I talk about ps1 music and not mention parappa the rapper obviously he's a rapper so rapping in this game is a given and you must wrap your way through six different songs with entirely different fields rhythms and even genres yeah even though each stage is a rap song every song has a completely different pulse with the different speeds and instrumental texts just to give them all a very unique style it kind of makes you feel like you can rattle anything really so Youngtown I hope you're watching this because the better [ __ ] do it it's catchy incredibly addictive the lyrics are hilariously cheesy nonsensical and oftentimes downright awful and the precisely rhythmic button tapping free style gameplay complements it all perfectly I'm Gemma Lambie was awesome too but I'm sorry this will always remain my fav II I want you to show me you can get far step on the gas step on the gas the brakes step on the brake now step on the gas step on the gas well that's it boom boom boom you say bam bam bam no pause in between come on number 17 goes to an utterly fantastic game and debatably the best of the original trilogy Resident Evil 2 where the original rosy soundtrack is entirely built around heightening the tension and horror of the situation mercy - does that as well but instead squeezes all of its dark cynthy juices into the glass of loneliness the tracks here wants you to feel the sinister loneliness and utter weight and uneasiness of the whole game so much - a point of even having the save room theme that is the safest area of the game still have a dark and unsettling track to accompany it subtly reminding you that you are never out of the horror this is a foreboding a lonely empty and beautifully constructed game here with a foreboding a lonely empty and beautifully constructed soundtrack to accompany [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] number 16 may belong to one of my favorite ps1 games ever made but still unders take the original Metal Gear Solid soundtrack at number 16 this is an extremely memorable soundtrack we have here using the musical theory of light motif to make sure all of its instruments or digital sounds that you hear perfectly match with every environment you stealth your way through meaning in this case usage of lots of strong metallic beats and dark reverberating choirs to create a mood that's epic and encouraging yet also incredibly suspenseful and ungodly dangerous and the transition from this askew slightly suspicious safety until the first time you get spotted perfectly illustrates what I mean the music placement is weaved so brilliantly into this game you can't even believe it really not to mention its cinematic as all hell which from that point onwards became a staple of the milky solid soundtracks to date [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Hey look Tomb Raider is at number 15 and it should be this is a damn fine soundtrack a soundtrack that is almost entirely string woodwind and choir bass to increase the mystery of the tombs you explore a soundtrack that manages to take so many situations and circumstances and then decorate them all into memorable set pieces a soundtrack that turns picking up a secret health pack into an event a soundtrack that rarely uses any percussion whatsoever and yet still manages to drastically intensify the smallest of battles into terrifying encounters this is what Tomb Raider will always sound like to me eerie mysterious and tense yet calming peaceful and delicate probably symbolic of Lara's character herself and as high quality as the reboot of Tomb Raider is I just wish that they would start using a little bit more subtlety and mystery to the pieces instead of just going all-out action on us as far as the original soundtrack goes I get chills up my spine every time I hear it and I'm sure that some of you in the audience probably do as well [Music] [Music] number 14 goes to apis cape one of the few soundtracks I can name that's driving upbeat and completely insane in some parts yet memorable in every single stage with equally catchy melodies and very intricate techno trance drum and bass fueled backing samples and loops to create something that really puts you in the mood to save the world match that against the sound effects and it just becomes overly satisfying and punchy musical bliss also the genre of the music never actually changes throughout the whole game yet each track still manages to thematically present itself completely differently completely uniquely and completely memorably I really haven't got much more to say about it it's [ __ ] awesome impressive stuff there guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah bug's life how all the critics hated you I just so happened to like this game actually not loved it by any means but I really do like it but if you were to ask me anything that I did love about this game however I tell you that it's the soundtrack if you ask me this is one of the best representations of musically emulating the feeling of a quest but not any kind of quests like The Legend of Zelda kind of quests I mean quests that may seem very small and insignificant to you and me but huge to an ant and this soundtrack fits traveling through death-defying woodlands underground tunnels and city street dirt absolutely fantastically every high every low every treacherous path every murderous creature every secluded safe haven it's all expressed in the woodwind and percussion Orchestra via more like motif that I mentioned earlier to create some of the most surprisingly epic tracks on the ps1 also the pure raw Theo behind the players on the rhythmic percussion patterns makes for some hypnotic and pretty awesome beats [Music] [Applause] Oh Lord I've gotta be honest pick between many evil 1 & 2 for this list was unbelievably tricky but in the end I went with many evil - for the pure fact that I found it more memorable both medieval 1 & 2 have equally epically constructed and Gothic Lea orchestrated deathly soundtracks but medieval 2 has much more charm and character to the pieces it feels a little bit more theatric which fits the whole idea of a dead soldier coming back to life with no eye and he's a skeleton and he throws his own arm like a boomerang pretty damn perfectly it simply did what a sequel should have done and just expanded tenfold and what the original had accomplished keeping the dark gothic undertones but adding a lot more melodies and styles to accentuate it it aimed for a multitude of moods and emotions and so fortuitously it managed to inherently create a crap-ton more memorable themes for every area as the greasy gamer once said every single piece feels like a timeless tale of its own and you know what I couldn't put any better myself couldn't agree any more [Music] [Applause] [Music] and just missing out on the number 10 spot is Tekken 2 if you ask me this is the greatest fighting game soundtrack that has ever existed ever not just because there are two versions of every track in the game but also because they are all brilliant well in all honesty the remix is aware it's really at but it's all brilliant this is a soundtrack that literally rips you out of the living room and throws you into a real life or death tournament and the sheer buzz that you get from this music when you're battling your friends or battling the computer players in they Arcade Mode it's just indescribable it makes you feel like you are in the arcade in the 90s playing it for the first time it's bombastic and it's huge and every possible aura forever fighting mood you're in is fully covered silly Beach songs brooding forest songs Church Hall songs neon rooftop songs con the mountain songs I mean every single track here is memorable and incredible to a point of view not giving a [ __ ] where you're fighting anymore and just standing around and taking all the music in they've become part of the stage and it makes every environment and aggressive joy to battle in which I feel like a lot of fighting games nowadays even Tekken itself seemed to have completely forgotten about as far as Tekken 2 goes though I must say I do feel taken in by this game every time I hear it because it sounds like they take good Liam Neeson [Music] and they have everyone my top 20 to 11 favorite ps1 soundtracks of all time if it's your birthday today I watching this video there and happy freakin birthday to you and please remember to stay beautiful and with that very awkward silence let's go oh yes my favorite ps1 game ever made why is your soundtrack doing so moderately high on my list well because as much as I love the soundtrack it is a little bit messy a little bit overly hyperactive in some parts when it really doesn't need it and the quality of the music itself isn't perfect and most of the tracks are really just short loops but are they good loops you Birchley offs just like any great adventure platformer soundtrack the way that the music captures the essence of adventure and progression through the story is superb and the pieces like the story start off bouncing incredibly catchy but then get gradually darker and more ominous the more you begin to uncover in the story and yet despite that they still managed to maintain the cartoony catchy excellence expressed through the whole game itself no matter what the situation you run into is if you listen to this soundtrack anytime soon you just try getting out of your head [Music] number nine belongs to Rayman 2 now I'm only working in twos by the seams aren't I there are far too many songs on the soundtrack that I could have used for a preview and picking that even within itself was near impossible even though I find this game too [ __ ] easy in itself this is one of the longest well-constructed atmospheric and adventurous soundtracks on the ps1 pretty actually pretty much of all time it's so good that it actually explains the Rayman 2 story completely on its own merits the songs play such an integral part of the areas and the horrific dark atmosphere than in certain points it becomes more threatening than the enemies trying to kill you whine other points it's incredibly funky wide-eyed and encouraging to remind you that you are the badass limbless heroes saving the planet and this is all accomplished without uncomfortably jerking or shifting through these tones with the lovely orchestration that it has and for a 3d platformer that succeed is something as harmful as this the length of this soundtrack goes to tell you how serious it is is undeniable it wants you to know that this isn't kid stuff anymore and it really works I am so sorry Raymond won but you know one game per franchise and I do think that your little brother has the better soundtrack I'm so so sorry but you do have some very good music as well like like the band won the band won the band won was really good and it's got musical there things in the stage so obviously it's gonna be good it's a it's a band one [Music] [Music] number eight goes to probably the most experimental and complex soundtrack on this list Silent Hill if there was ever a video game soundtrack that sounded like it wanted to leap out of the TV and kill you this is it not only did the industrial heavy and grating lis horrific life-threatening pieces truly accentuate the unbearably harsh art styles and themes in the game but even the slower and proper instrumental guitar pieces served to heighten the trippy atmosphere and help even further to blur the line between vision and reality within the game also it's worth mentioning that some of the enemy encounter pieces used manually tuned recordings of dentist drills in the songs to make them more savage and terrifying and this was obviously done in great reason because then it froze up any person who dared to pick up the game [ __ ] awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [ __ ] is about to get real now people picking between Final Fantasy seven and nine soundtracks were close to impossible here because despite my dislike for most of the games in the series that I have demonstrated more than once on this channel one thing I really do like about them is the [ __ ] music I don't really think I need to explain the subtle beauty and grand style of pretty much any of the pieces from well any Final Fantasy game because it's been fantastic since day one but for the ps1 I may have to go with Final Fantasy 7 soundtrack because of how timeless it is yeah I may not like you so much Final Fantasy but hot damn you've got some fantastic [ __ ] music [Music] number 6 goes to klonoa canal cloner corner not only is this one of my favorite ps1 games ever made but the music is also simply marvelous this soundtrack is like a long journey through life it begins like an innocent child absorbing its surroundings and eager for adventure then it comes down into the slightly older ages of discovering the world's mysteries finding out your fears and questioning the unknown in the world and then it comes down to the even older moments of life with intense confrontation and true tests to your own strengths and beliefs it's an extremely emotional soundtrack and it should be because behind this disarmingly adorable appearance lies a game with an extremely heart-wrenching ending and very heavy themes thrown into the story and what's great is the way that those themes in the story are expressed not only through the gameplay and the visuals but the soundtrack as well beautiful stuff [Music] [Music] oh my god you know what I hate I hate it when I think a game is extremely mediocre and just okay but then it has to go ahead and eventually win me over with an awesome [ __ ] soundtrack and crock is a game that does that to me the way this soundtrack takes so many compositional elements and ostinatos from the simple overworld themes and then switches them up to pack a deeply emotional and characterized punch in every single stage absolutely gobsmacked Smee this is a true testament to how many variations of a reoccurring theme you can throw at a listener and yet still somehow managed to keep each variation completely distinct and memorable and not to mention this is also one of the more gentle and holy reflective soundtracks on this list as well not only remaining to keep the game cute but also sometimes to keep it very sentimental and actually touching it's a beautifully delicate yet energetically funky blessing on an otherwise okay game [Music] [Applause] [Music] number four is a soundtrack that is just downright [ __ ] kick-ass I have no other word ass and god dammit more people should talk about this game too because it's really [ __ ] good Toy Story 2 is a soundtrack with not a single unforgettable and say me boring track on it even if a stage you encounter within the game has a similar visual style or theme to another one the music that accompanies each stage is entirely different and extremely well made in its own right which for a movie licensed game is really something to behold so many different musical genres from country and western to epic movie scores are all covered here and they're all completely nailed and much like a bug's life this music manages to create the most epic adventure of the stages which would normally be very boring to you and me which is what a game about playing Buzz Lightyear should feel like how do you feel about playing a stage in a platformer or you're just running around a normal average American family suburban home no well the music makes it the most [ __ ] exciting thing ever I mean the gameplay is top-notch and it does help with that as well but the music is the main selling point to me it also manages to take some musical ideas that would ordinarily sound extremely stock ish and bland but then adds in enough of its own distinct instrumental acoustic digital orchestral quirks to truly make each stage an absolute blast to play it can be dark it can be bright it can be grand it can be threatening and most importantly it never loses its charm from start to end [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe I'm biased maybe it's because I've been a drummer for about seven years of my life and I Rea [ __ ] at my Stuart Copeland's drumming and Composition skills maybe it's because I played all three of these games inside and out as a kid to a point of nearly knowing everything or maybe just maybe it's actually because this soundtrack is really [ __ ] great Spyro one soundtrack was extremely ambient and atmospheric but in my opinion not the most memorable Spyro 2 soundtrack was choppier more experimental more grounded and fantastic yet in my opinion many of the tracks still sounded far too similar to truly stand out spyro 3 on the other hand takes everything great about both game soundtracks and Copeland's compositional evolution and combines it into the perfect Spyro soundtrack this is a soundtrack that makes everything from the hub worlds to the boss battles carry so much [ __ ] weight to the point of them feeling equally important and equally fun and equally exciting in the whole damn game and it really did showcase the highest point of Copeland's video game composing because he went much crazier and much more prominent with his drumming patterns and time signatures with this game as well as composed some of the greatest bass lines ever written in a video game and create one of the most instrumentally complex and catchy platform game soundtracks of all [ __ ] time I mean think about it if a song in the game is played at 7/8 time signature and you don't even realize it the track is doing something right to even consider not being able to play every single track for you in this game feels like a crime it's that good [Music] [Music] and number two is a legend is Crash Bandicoot 2 soundtrack is complex emotional thought-provoking all crazy as the other soundtracks preceding it well no but that's because Crash Bandicoot 2 soundtrack is one that really sounds like it does not give a [ __ ] and simply does its own unique and damn incredible thing how on earth do you build music around an anthropomorphic bandicoot as well as increase the production values and tree even insane impact for the sequel to Playstations biggest mascot at the time well I don't [ __ ] know but Josh Mansell found away and his unparalleled musical style was at its peak with this epic soundtrack sure crash 3 was fantastic also but crash 2 signified the uprising of the bandicoot and the uprising of man cells composing abilities crash was in the big leagues now and this music backed him up to stardom in every single regard it wasn't anything too hard on the ears or too mind-blowing but it was the cool kid of ps1 music it didn't [ __ ] need to be anything more than it was it just rocks the [ __ ] out with it's fantastic melodies sprung around sewer diving polar bear riding future speeding temple toppling swamps swimming woodland running and boss kicking as soon as you played through each stage of this game even once you can name every single stage of this soundtrack goes along with within the first second that the songs begin and it's one of the few instances in a game where I genuinely look forward to starting yet another repeated level with a recurring theme just so that I could take in the utterly joyous soundtrack along with it it's exciting it's cool it never ever gets old no matter how many times you hear it and it's one of the most deeply characterised and audio perfect representations of what you actually see going on within the game I have ever seen just like for example in the way that rocket a level about donning a jetpack through space begins floating or inspiring and then very gradually speeds up and intensifies to signify the takeoff and then finally comes to a stupendous chorus to show the perilous unstable and fast-paced rocket exploration that you're undergoing and hell the music even made the tiny Tiger boss level scary the music did that on its own it's just pure ecstasy I can't think of anything else to say well at least my opinion anyway [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] symphony of the [ __ ] night that's not the name of the game I was just saying ass where do I need to explain why this made number one no I don't think I do it's got symphony in the damn title of course the music will be good apart from that everything about this soundtrack is just perfect there isn't a single thing I can say against it every single solitary musical score complements the gameplay perfectly whether or not you're stuck in a bad ass boss battle or exploring a crumbling and decomposing tower every mood every emotion every single potential thing in this game that it wants you to feel or do is illustrated beautifully in this golden crispy slice of audio goodness it's so captivating that turning this game off feels like a sin because the music stops it complements every character in the offense that they go through absolutely perfectly almost feeling like the backing track to the most badass and arduous audio book out there and it even gives you feelings towards people that sound like this time monster you don't belong in this world what is a man a miserable little pile of secrets but enough talk how about you gotta say that's impressive if there was ever a soundtrack to not only demonstrate the power and majesty of the game but the power and majesty of the PlayStation itself this in my opinion is most indeed it and I can tell you this will never leave your head ever [Applause] [Music] [Music] and there you have a everybody my top ten favorite personal as in mine so not everybody's can people not [ __ ] get that favorite ps1 soundtracks ever made I really do hope you enjoyed this video series if you stay from part one in which case if you did stay from part one congratulations and thank you so much for joining me I'm not go just said this is only my personal favorite list so please disagree with me agree with me share your personal favorite make yourself a top 20 list and get the comments flowing with that stuff because that would be awesome and I'd love to see what everyone else thinks but until next time if it's your birthday today or watching this video then happy freakin birthday to you please remember to stay beautiful and just to end on a question can you connect the beams to spell out the breakfast items and you [Music] [Applause] yes this can only mean one thing and that is Halloween is fast approaching what an amazing time of year I mean you don't know what it is about Halloween but you just feel it you know I mean what is it about how it went exactly I mean is it in the air yes is it on the streets yes it's there in the trees yes is it in the kitchen well probably not but that doesn't really matter because oh oh what that who's this dead body in my kitchen who put that there okay Olli Olli Olli do you know do you know who that is oh don't worry it's just my sister I mean I dunno it's a bit too early for any kind of obligatory Halloween special just yet but you know what that's not gonna stop me who's gonna get upset with me right so let's just see what we've got on the shelf [Music] nothing here I guess we'll have to go down down down about this I want to talk about eternal darkness on this channel for the longest time that I career oh okay um well um I guess if my if my game shelf doesn't want me to play anything scary um I'll just have to go with [Music] Morici then so I guess we're stuck with playing um Donald Duck okay well greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the chemical show where I always have to do the dirty deed to deciding whether or not a game deserves to be slaughtered or salvaged and today it seems as though I have no other choice but to play through a [ __ ] Donald Duck game for the ps1 I don't really know what else to say so let's just pop this in and give it a go I could you better double duck oh honey you can what go on let's hear it [Laughter] I'll see myself out well let's stop wasting time Disney Interactive because we need to find out this unquestionably epic story through the first cutscene [Music] [Music] um is that it um okay well sorry about that guys I literally do not know if that is all the first cutscene is per rest assured this is not a very good start well at least the game works now but I have no idea what's going on so I suppose I'll actually have to read the manual and jeez these were the good old days look how colorful and elaborate this manual is I always felt like I was getting my true money's worth with physical games when they came with these awesomely fun to read manuals like this I mean whatever happened to them all we have nowadays are also while we're here on the box I should point out that in every other version of this game it's known as Donald Duck going Quackers and only in the European version is it known as quack attack but hey if you ask me that isn't undoubtedly cooler titles so [ __ ] off either way from what I gathered in the manual Daisy has been kidnapped by the evil merlok the magician because she tried to publicly broadcast his evil tomfoolery on TV and in an attempt to save her this dingus tried creating a device to get her back but unfortunately the device needs a certain amount these orbs here to power the machine and reach merlok so naturally we have four different worlds with four stages in each and a hidden bonus stage for every world honestly it's pretty self-explanatory so let's begin stage one oh I thought we were playing Donald Duck quack attack no Crash Bandicoot oh we're not [ __ ] Crash Bandicoot what do you mean it isn't yes [ __ ] crash thank you now look I really owe you shaving is your van crash man easy crash thank you he's the same guy my age nor chenge knees crash thank you you tricked me scratch thank you don't add up your crack thank you so yeah this is a pretty standard platforming fair you get checkpoints collect 100 stars for a new life there's enemies and obstacles the stages offer both 3d and 2d platforming basically exactly like Crash Bandicoot it's even noticeable in the way that it controls despite the amount of buttons on this thing the only thing you can do like crash is move around jump and attack also if you want to you can use our three to jump okay but apart from that all the other bands do mr. bugger all and the carry funny funny be deep limited well one thing that is different from crash is the way that there are these three toys in every stage to collect and that unlocks you bonuses and how you do that is by hitting the book and then race him to end the tour is before the timer runs out and when you do collect all the toys Donal does the most questionably scary thing I've ever seen in my life [Music] other than that you collect or was just like crystals and that's it the level design there isn't actually that bad it starts off unbelievably easy but then gets much more challenging as you go on with new variants on obstacles and new more challenging enemy types in each world unfortunately even though that's the case most of the enemies are in the middle of nowhere and are extremely easy to see coming and defeat and most of the obstacles in the worlds are just boring things that you need to jump on or run around with no variations on them throughout the whole world until you hit the next one I mean it's not bad per se but for the year 2000 when this game came out it's sometimes really damn unimaginative but something I really do like is the mood system for Donald Donald's health is indicated by his mood he starts off happy but then take a hit and he gets grumpy and then take another hit and you bear when you do get hit from happy mode though Donald gets really angry and turns briefly invincible with this cloud of rage before hitting the grumpy mood it's a really smart idea and its really true - Donald character especially when you've died multiple times and physically see Donald getting more pissed off at his failures and then to replenish your mood all you have to do is grab a milkshake and then you return to being a happy little but here's the thing if you get a milkshake while in happy mood Donald looks like he wants to piss all over the carpet oh and you're briefly invincible as well but for much longer than the rage cloud only problem is though that there's no musical jingle I can crash or Mario and there's no indication or calming period to let you know when you'll return back to normal so half the time you're rushing through everything and you suddenly downgrade to happy again and hurt yourself also when grumpy Donald is running he reminds me a lot of brutal moose I mentioned earlier that there's a hidden bonus stage in every world but your shiny little nephews are all like back yeah they want you to find all 12 of their identical toys in each world before they can even be persuaded to move aside and let you into the bonus world you've little [ __ ] scumbags but luckily I don't think there's much point to this because aside from playing a little bit differently from the other stages there's zero rewards for unlocking and beating these bonuses besides a pointless 100% completion what are you sick of for your old uncle once in a while huh and as Hughie delightfully put it yes your rival cousin the gladstone wants to get inside Daisy's pants I'm so sorry that was revolting before you do so you need to beat all of his times in every stage with time trials sound familiar yeah me neither all you get though from beating every time trial in the world is a new costume so unless you really want to see Donald run around in a tourist outfit with different idle animations I'd say you can skip these parts as well to get past this moose Enoch billionth mobile visually this game fairs offers just okay the character models are decent I mean you can tell this is Disney all around and the 2d segments look the best if only for the more creative backgrounds but in the 3d segments they're just real mediocre and when you start time trial mode and all the pickups vanish its then you realize how [ __ ] barren this game looks it turns out that the multiple colors of the pickups and the stars are what make them look a little bit more interesting which isn't great the same goes for the music as well I mean don't get me wrong it's pretty high quality and the tracks themselves are done decently written but then you realize that every stage for each world uses the same track on repeat over and over again got so much sophie-anne it made by the way there are sequences where you can't rush through this game most stages are so easy you can run through them non-stop but sometimes you have to step back and go through the decent platforming challenges at a slower pace but hey the controls are responsive the jump arc is really good and the attack range is pretty long which makes one of these challenges really fair and unlike crash two and threes crystals there are some orbs in this game that I actually needed completely missed because they were slightly hidden and there was even one stage I had to restart because I completely missed it gotta hand it to you way to keep me thinking on my I mean as a kids game this game isn't actually that bad sure there's a lot wrong with it but the core mechanics are they're spinning smoothly and a fairly decent I mean don't get me wrong this is one of the easiest games I've ever played and I did end up beating in about an hour because I'm a grown-ass man and I'm sure that any other seasoned platformer could beat the game a hundred percent in about two hours because of how [ __ ] easy this is around but for younger gamers or newcomers to the platform of genre I'd say that the challenge here would be perfect in fact I even remember being stumped once or twice by this game when I was a lot younger however easy as this game is I don't really want to beat it 100% I mean after that broken shitty cutscene in the very beginning of the game I don't really want to risk beating it and wasting all that time for a broken ending cutscene so um you know what that means oh well as it turns out there are no cheese for this game weird and mr. Rodriguez I'm so sorry but jumping is not achieved also the PlayStation hasn't got an A or a B button so whatever is you've been smoking please let me have some of that because that [ __ ] sounds good oh yeah how could I forget the boss battles as well again they're kind of easy but for kids I can imagine these being pretty damn challenging their simple sure and they tell you blatantly when to hit the enemies when they're weak because but they're actually really well-designed and bosses like the Beagle boy and even the final boss with merlok had me dying quite a few times surprisingly good challenging stuff especially Merlin oh and you also get to fight against Town ocular and the best thing about her boss is the fact that she casts spells and for some reason my music bugged out at this point so I was stuck listening to this for the entire fight and there we go finish the game and all that effort for a machine that makes rubbish [ __ ] an attack facesitting contest whatever 100 percent will bring your item even wanted down and so in conclusion quack attack gets the sorbets yeah despite all of the lack of Polish and the presentation and the design and the utter easiness of the whole game you know what it's a Disney game a Disney game for kids and you know has a kids game it does everything it needs to and it does hit pretty damn well all things considered however even if you are a kid I would just suggest playing the original crash trilogy anyway for a much better platforming experience all around so yeah play those games and ignore this video not high okay I care about your [ __ ] travel [Music] [Music] [Applause] I've got no hey crazy since Alec tastes my beautiful people and welcome to the chemical show well I always have to do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not the game deserves to be sorted or salvaged what's that Halloween is over [ __ ] that well that doesn't really matter I mean I love Halloween far too much to just let my Halloween special slide away like that I mean who cares if I couldn't fit in a video on Halloween my schedule didn't fit that in but who cares uh well you know this has to be done I have to do some sort of Halloween special even if it is after Halloween book I need to find a decent reason to do something scary after Halloween so what should I do yes I know I'll call Jordan underneath I mean his channel is pretty much Halloween 24/7 every video is Halloween every minute of every day so I'll just call him up and see if I can do something hello Jordan it's me [ __ ] off candy hello don't ever do that again I'm sorry just being alone for all these years really messes with you Jordan I want to talk about something scary for Halloween but and Halloween with two days ago so do you think you can help me out at all you mean like collaborate yes review something together yes okay the hot perfect in which case can we do that Sarah how did you know I was gonna say that you should never have called me evil zero so is everyone ready for some true terror well you can get some as long as you stay far away from these chains here because they're really dangerous safety is this Channel's number one priority and viewer security is paramount to enjoying each and every single episode actually they aren't real look plastic don't worry I won't get hurt how'd you go in there didn't oh well here's a game that not many people have talked about the GameCube exclusive Resident Evil zero as far as I understand this was the final traditional fixed camera exploration in Canon resi game to ever be made and unfortunately it also feels like that because it's almost the transitional resi game the transition to more action the transition to little build up the transition to monsters coming at you and going every second it's it's a bit of a messy game no pun intended yeah babe yeah honestly I don't know how I feel about this game Resident Evil 0 is not an easy game to talk about I mean it isn't necessarily a bad game but I wouldn't really call it a good game either it's just weird and flawed and incredibly awkward and sure I suppose the critics liked it but the critics also liked Resident Evil 6 so forgive me for not bouncing out of my seat in shock oh speaking of you know who else liked Resident Evil 6 Wow no I don't like Resident Evil 6 you gave it a 3.5 out of 5 that video is old and it's outdated I was very young and very foolish sure the thing is Resident Evil zero is nothing like the maddening monstrosity of Resident Evil 6 resi 6 was just kind of an obvious mess it was a disordered little trainwreck of a game ruined by focus groups and a complete lack of integrity on Capcom's part it was shallow and disappointing nothing worth talking about in my opinion but Resident Evil zero is a different story a very different story this is just a weird [ __ ] game I think I call it the oddball of the Resident Evil series it feels like a game that tried to keep the great aspects of the resi formula but for some reason changed everything up within that formula in completely the wrong way but hey let's stop beating around the hairy bush and show everyone what we mean although before we do that first things first we are guys kind of cleaned ease up at the TVs so our game begins with an announcer that sounds like a rapper zero and we are 18 year old Rebecca chambers a member of the stars police force Bravo team who were the first team in the original Resident Evil sent in to investigate these cannibalistic murders in the Arklay mountains yes this game is a prequel and it's a prequel to the entirety of anyway if you played resi 1 I'm sure you know the story Bravo team ends up crash landing in the middle of the woods and getting killed and so Chris Redfield Jill Valentine Albert Wesker Brad Vickers Joseph frost and Barry Burton are sent in to find them but instead of finding their friends they end up finding a spooky mansion filled to the brim with dark secrets unsolved mysteries evil plots and of course zombies and monsters yes zombies and monsters zombies and monsters but this isn't Resident Evil 1 and there's no Jill sandwiches so instead we're stuck with Rebecca who finds a train riveting either way I have to say something before we continue this game is beautiful seriously games like this really make me miss pre-rendered backgrounds this game is completely gorgeous I mean I mean just look at it and as expected it controls like a [ __ ] tank and true Resident Evil ladies and gentlemen and the music is fantastically ominous and expressive to boot it's great that after the re1 remake on the Gamecube Capcom tried to make another re game that feels exactly like it and props to them because it really does feel like it the atmosphere in some parts of this game just astounds me I must be honest the way it feels like traditional resi is even prevalent in the cheesiness levels I need to know the truth did you kill 23 people I'm not going to judge you what happened worst thing you can't you must be careful Rebecca forest fool yeah the levels here are like I think it's about vintage cheddar even in the text and diary entries this came never ceases to make me laugh yeah Edward was just so happy a few hours ago what a shame that he's dead yeah instead he brush it off like he just got dumped however the presentation may be fantastic but the thing with this game that leaves me split though is the gameplay the sad thing is that there are tons of great ideas here but the way that they are executed is not as great as the idea which is great I mean for instance there's just so much wrong with this damn intro sequence this whole entire train portion of the game I'm afraid is really bad we find out that former marine death row inmate called Billy Cohen has escaped and so logically we were told to split up earlier this man killed 23 innocent people and we're told to split up in the forest yes anyway zombies happen blah blah blah blah and then we find Billy on a train lieutenant Cohen so you seem to know me been fantasizing about me have you Wow this guy's a complete dick I heard we're not stuck with him and here we have the biggest problem with the game ladies and gentlemen - bloody characters yes what sets Resident Evil zero apart from all the other games in the series is the fact that you have to spend this game this whole game playing as two different people you have to run around as both Billy and Rebecca switching back and forth between the two of them forcing them to work together forcing them to talk flirt swap items kill monsters save each other's lives make out with each other whatever the hell they like to do and you know what it never ever works it just completely ruins the flow of the game and it takes away from the lonely creepy atmosphere that made old Resident Evil's so great and don't get me wrong I love Resident Evil the Resident Evil remake on the Gamecube is one of my favorite games of all time and while I do like how similar this game is to that one especially in terms of design it's just not the same it's not as lonely it's not as scary I mean how am I supposed to be scared of this game when Billy's following me around this train snarking and flirting with his flirty snarky voice alright need to do it yourself what should I call you the name is Rebecca chambers but that's officer chambers to you well it could be worse I mean the gender roles could be reversed I mean could you imagine if Rebecca was the one flirting and then Billy was the one snarking his face off I mean what do you think that would sound like you know I've always wanted to say this but I think you're really attractive Billy I told you I'm not interested Rebecca but I like you Billy you know something I've killed 23 people and I won't hesitate to just shoot you in them just give me a chance give me a Chad Billy what were we talking about I don't remember we were reviewing Resident Evil 4 or 2 or 7 we're not very good at this are we anyway as the game's intro goes on our characters continuing boring the mysterious train we come across some zombies some dogs some leeches then we see some leeches making a zombie which not only makes no goddamn sense at all but is also pretty [ __ ] gross and then there's a scary man in a dress that sings opera in the most disturbing manner you could ever imagine [Music] [Music] yeah it's not scary Capcom and then we encounter the first boss level completely out of [ __ ] nowhere giant scorpion what and guess what you do here you aim at the floor wait and then shoot that's it it's [ __ ] awful please can can you can you please just can you stop now the train setting itself we're really damn cool is unfortunately far too cramped and thin spread to leave you feeling dread around every corner because there are no corners imagine if you played the entirety of Resident Evil 1 on one long corridor of the entire mansion yeah that's what this whole train bit feels like you don't ever feel cut off from the world and completely surrounded by your own unexpected death you just feel tired and annoyed from sprinting back and forth and up and down stairs trying to reach your next goal also within this train sequence the game introduces you to so many goddamn enemies with no build-up no subtlety and no surprising reveal whatsoever I think there's a little too much variety in Resident Evil zero like the game is spending the first two hours of itself desperately trying to grab your attention by jiggling keys in your face mutant zombie keys that beep I mean there's just something really not scary about being stuck on a small train with killer dogs a bunch of zombies a thousand bloodthirsty leeches two main characters a silly anime character standing outside and singing opera and a [ __ ] giant scorpion to top it all off I mean how can you say all that without just laughing seriously this is not how you start a survival horror game how can I explain this better remember the first zombie from Resident Evil 1 remember how eerie that encounter was how slowly presented and carefully revealed it was I mean everyone remembers that scene you turn the corner see the zombie from behind and then he turns around and rears his hideous white face see that right there that's subtlety that's presentation that is horror but in Resident Evil zero when Rebecca sees her first zombie the whole scene is almost just glanced over the zombie gets up and moans in the silliest way possible and then a bunch of other zombies pop up out of nowhere and Rebecca just shoots them down what just happened I thought they were dead I don't know it just feels rushed and flimsy and duh Hollan let's talk about the main gameplay mechanic playing as two characters at once once you're attached to this dick the game more or less becomes a constant escort mission from start to end first off try using both controller sticks to control both characters with resident evil tank controls go on give it a try I dare you as you can guess this is near [ __ ] impossible so 90% of the game is then spent with you playing with the AI which is nice it works well enough with following you but then it likes to get in your way sometimes not attack enemies at all when you specifically ask it to and basically just ruin your super happy fun times and that's a shame because the way that the partner controls are mapped to the pad I really like to switch characters just hit X and then to tell them to wait or follow you just hit start simple effective although like we mentioned earlier with the whole constant monsters thing the problem is that because of your partner you have to look after them and half the time that means you have to kill everything you see on the screen just to be safe that your partner won't get caught in previous resi games whenever you are low on health for ammo you could make panic decisions on which enemies to use your final bullets on and those games encouraged you to think of more strategies other than fighting head-on however with a partner AI that is thrown out the window because of how much they can get into trouble and get you a game over especially in the past when you're forced to split up and then you meet your partner crying over the radio for help because you forgot about that one hit and zombies slowly eating away at them and they can't just push them away for a [ __ ] second why I mean there are some times where you can get away with running past them but when your game is built around two different playable characters meaning more ammo and more guns to find anyway why not just kill everything you see this hello everywhere in this game and I don't know about you Jordan but I never ran out of the stuff I couldn't pick up other items because of how much [ __ ] ammo I had the monsters in this game just do not carry the same weight as the ones from the past and that sucks yeah when it comes down to it the gameplay really is the worst thing I mean I could forgive resi zero for not being very scary if it was at least fun to play but it's not fun to play most of the game is just spent shuffling around the inventory screen in fact yeah that's all this game is the inventory this shouldn't have called this game Resident Evil zero they should have called it menu mania because that's really all it you will literally be spending 75% of the game messing around in the inventory just trying to get Rebecca and Billy's stupid [ __ ] in order and you're never sure which characters should hold what you're never sure which characters gonna disappear or end up getting kidnapped in the next 10 minutes and when it does happen what do you know it's the character who's holding all the [ __ ] ammo don't worry Rebecca you just stay there in that giant centipedes mouth and I'll toy around with the inventory for another five hours or just reset the game okay okay it sounds like we completely hate this game but that isn't actually the case there's a lot of good things in this games such as well for example that the picking up and dropping items sound effects they [ __ ] crack me up [Music] and yes I did just say dropping and picking up probably the best thing about this game unlike previous Resident Evil's you can pick up and drop any item you wish at any point of the game and even combine and use items you find without picking them up at all unless your inventory is full in which case that makes no liquor [ __ ] sense but it is extremely useful for inventory management especially when the map shows you what the items you've dropped are in each room of the area that you're in that's fantastic and I find myself dropping ink ribbons all over the place wherever there's a typewriter saving me from carrying them everywhere and also assuring me that I have a method of saving wherever I go and despite how menu mania this game can be with two characters you know what the puzzles I really enjoyed some require fourth dimensional thinking with each character in different parts of the area some require easy to pick up yet tricky to solve number puzzles under a time limit and others use riddles and feel extremely Silent Hill II in fact here's some actual notes that I took from this game when I came across a few puzzles that stumped me now I haven't done that in a while I can tell you also assigned if you want to buy it plus even though the train sequence is indeed poor the game actually gets much better as it goes on would you say that it got scarier oh it gets scarier than the Train at least yes believe it or not the game does actually pick itself up right after the Train portion after the train crashes and Billy and Rebecca survived the game starts to get much bigger and much darker throwing you into Grande Gothic mansion hallways disgusting filthy underground torture chambers dark demonic genetic experimentation labs and the whole experience begins to feel much more at home and much more Resident Evil it all starts out when you set foot in the art clay training facility which wait a minute that's the mansion no really that's the mansion from Resident Evil that is literally the same as the first damned mansion from the first damn game way to go above and beyond Capcom hey we need to make a new resident game but where should we make a tick place oh I know let's make it take place at a spooky mansion in the middle of the woods that's brilliant and original oh and the fact that Billy has a high defence and is stronger than Rebecca to push items and things like that and yeah it does make for some tense moments sometimes but yeah I agree with you actually Jordan despite the huge problems with the intro and the floors with most of the way the game works this is where it starts to shine you begin to encounter giant mutant bats and all sorts of other crazy [ __ ] like that every room of the training facility and the secret labs much like the mansion in resi one has a distinctive personality a history and the enemies and tragic diary entries all tell that tale this last two-thirds of the game is where the puzzles get more creative you're thrown into situations that force you and your partner apart and everything starts to feel a little bit more unexpected and slightly strange and nowhere is that unexpectedness more horrifying than it is with the leech man this guy is an awesome enemy he's strong he appears anywhere his leeches can detach and hurt you and to top it off he looks like that holy hell he's creepy and oh my god the music that plays whenever he pops into the frame of your screen is horrifying just when you think you're safe it'll catch you off-guard unlike anything you could possibly imagine ah geez oh my god I didn't see that corner oh well okay I'll be prepared for that next time it happens I like I'm not ready oh yes the leech man I must agree the leech man is one of my favorite monsters in the entire Resident Evil series in fact he's probably my favorite thing about the game if I ever made a top-ten resident evil monsters list I probably put him near the very top that's a pretty good idea actually maybe I will make a top-ten Resident Evil monsters and from here on out the game is pretty much your average Resident Evil game you find items you solve puzzles you fight monsters and of course you find a hidden laboratory with evil experiments at the end also dialogue terrible terrible terrible dialogue no I will have my revenge on umbrella you'll pay for what you've done and all in all at the end of this nightmare Rebecca ends up at the Spencer mansion to kick off resi 1 and Billie just walks away and never returns the prequel the Resident Evil 1 ladies and gentlemen okay two questions then one why doesn't Rebecca help the Stars Alpha Team fight in Resident Evil 1 when she clearly has shown to be strong enough to defeat giant mutant leech Queens and 2 if Billie just goes away what was the bottom at the end I guess it's time to say goodbye well I guess this is goodbye I'll never forget you really with that this game gets the you know what actually Jordan I was expecting a very juxtaposed review from the both of us after you told me how much you hated this game I thought I hated it but you know what after replaying this game I'm on the fence with it just like you I think it's okay oh yeah well I understand that but the only reason I did this sodding collab with you is because I remember really liking this game and you kept telling me how much you hated this game that was the only joke about at the point of this video and you [ __ ] it up well I'm sorry I just feel and just for that you know screw this rain Tech [ __ ] I'm afraid that you know the fate of every guest star I've ever had on my show apart from the completionist and on fruitfulness so I'm afraid Jordan you have to die oh do I um Jordan what's that that you have there [Music] Shauna you dumping the bone [Music] shorter [Music] why what do you have to say for yourself now caddy you're an [ __ ] casserole wait a minute I'm the first person to kill caddy on his show you're a penis wrinkle [Music] you smell funny die just die hmm Halloween is over so that can only mean one thing it's time for a bonfire night special on my channel that has nothing to do with bonfire night so what about this it's a wireframe rabbit doing loop-de-loops around a never-ending white line until she turns into a frog because she jumped through a spiky line instead of rolling through it and she sings greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the Kanaka a show where I always have to do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not my game deserves to be slaughtered or salvaged now this video has been a long time coming so I won't stall for a second more after this particular game was recently released on the PS Store for Americans what better time to talk about it I thought not so let's sync our collective teeth into VIP ribbon and see what the fuss is about released in Japan in late 1999 and then in Europe and late 2000 seriously only Japan and Europe what's up with that VIP ribbon was a unique experimental and extremely innovative rhythm game developed by nananananana nananananana who had made for app of the rapido jammer Lambie on the ps1 straight before this game's release and our that little trilogy of rhythmic delight Goodwin was always my favorite me and my sister played the demo of this countless times over but due to the rarity of the game itself I was never able to get my hands on a proper retail copy until a few years ago when it popped up on eBay for a crazy cheap price I know this is my poor just copy of feeble rhythm that on a second is afraid on it but I love so very dearly I love it so much that I could barely control my breathing whenever I see it I'm a pathetic [ __ ] of a man either way let's boot the game up and see what's in store for us I mean Christ how anybody would know what's going on with this game by this point is beyond me totally so I think the best course of action is to look at the how to play menu and that's also a good idea because we get a thorough going-over with this game's plot once upon a time in a faraway land a young vector graphic angular female rabbit named vibrio was walking down this white line and then this happened so after understanding the plot the first thing you notice is how [ __ ] bouncy and adorable this tutorial is the music vid for his voice it's not hard to get sucked in straight away which is a really good thing because the darkness is the moderator this Masonic V breed then tells us that we can check the manual for more information about the game which I suppose is a wise idea ps1 games after all didn't have the space that we do nowaday so relaying information elsewhere could prove to be quite effective I am swiftly regretting every life choice I have ever made okay I've got to admit this is [ __ ] awesome much like other nanana nanana nanan ensure games the manual was actually equipped to be a large poster pretty fascinating I mean I seriously wouldn't hang this up in my office for fear of ripping it to shreds but you know it's still pretty cool anyway from reading more into this you can safely deduce that this is indeed a rhythm game with VIP reconstituting forward on this white line there are four different obstacles you face which require four different button presses to pass over rolling through squiggles with the X button flipping through loops with an R button jumping over blocks with an L button and stepping over pits with the down button all in all it sounds pretty easy doesn't it there it isn't because you then get thrown in with merged obstacles such as squiggly blocks which then require the X and L button or dipped loops which require both the down and our button and in faster stages it can get overwhelming sometimes on the disk itself there are six songs to play through which were all performed by a Japanese group called laugh and peace and these songs are all split into groups of two based on their difficulties so what the hell let's take a look at every song this game has to offer and slightly review each stage individually in the most mediocre fashion imaginable yay before we do that though a very cute inclusion to the game is the fact of it reads out every menu command as you highlight them now as you'll notice from the main game screen there are lots of things everywhere things that are there to make the endless black void and white line a little bit more interesting this down here is how far you are into the song that you're playing the speed that vivir e skips indicates the speed of the song and this here is your score I can't read it nobody can read it [ __ ] this score so if you hit enough consecutive correct feeds without making a mistake you eventually turn into it's awfully happy with that and you also get bonus points while in this mode until you make the next mistake anyway someone at the game is a great intro stage it's slow and it's steady and it uses a lot of creative and abstract audio samples from pitch altered fanfare snippets to various retro camera sound effects hence the title of the song a Polaroid the melody and backing samples are catchy and well placed and there's plenty of rubato in between each verse with the changing in tempo the rhythm is simple and the obstacles remain slow and simple to avoid and in the final quarter of the song they even very gradually speed to the song up to show you that it isn't all that easy overall a fantastic intro stage and that speed up towards the end of the song is just a small taste for what is to come on - song - called sunny day which has many more rubato tempo changes than before the obstacle still remains simple despite the increased tempo changes and where the song is still pretty catchy it isn't my favourite track since the composition of the song isn't as creative as the other tracks we will be seeing why do like allies that you can actually freestyle in between each part that there's no obstacles and when that happens very can sometimes look horrific they'll go to college so with that the bronze easy course is over then we get a reading of our final score by the way the congratulatory song the VIP precincts to you when you hit the top three of the high scores is freaking adorable what isn't so adorable though is that you can't actually pause the game only quit or restart the whole song which is bold and song free known as laugh and peace brings us to the silver course at medium difficulty immediately we begin with different instrumentation and slowed down samples thrown into even crazier tempo changes and this is definitely one of the more insane tracks on the game I mean just listen to how slow it goes sometimes [Music] [Music] but for a slow as the song can get it also introduces you to some of the most intense speeds in the game and even through sliding overlapping obstacles at you to keep you on your toes now I'm ready gotta say the way that every single track in this game has its own drastic tempo change is fantastic I mean it feels natural in all of the songs and so it naturally reverberates back to you as the player like um you could easily tap your foot to any of these songs and any of the tempo changes without being thrown off which is really impressive not to mention great for experimenting with all these difficulties shifts like with all of the overlapping and obstacles and all that kind of stuff it's good stuff right song for universal dance this is easily the most intense song so far with driving accents on every single beat it's also the most consistent song with tempo and speed which is good in this case because now the game starts throwing crazy camera angles at you to trick you out I mean people could easily criticize the simplicity of this game's visual style but for this kind of game I would say it was more minimalistic it makes it much easier to process what the [ __ ] going on on the screen not to mention I find them very charming as well I mean just imagine for a second having colourful and sickening spinning backgrounds while trying to get through these stages it'd be [ __ ] unplayable but at least you can have your drug-induced trips for free not to mention the game looks very distinctive as well I can't think of any other game from this era that looked like this it's very very memorable and you know what if you can make a crudely drawn vector graphic angular line to wrap it cute I think you've done a really good job anyway universe will dance I'm sorry and this track is my least favorite it's not as varied or interesting as the rest in both the song itself and the stage I mean just look at this bit this is challenging really although since we're in the heart of difficulties now you will experience a few mistakes whenever you mess up in this game VIP Rhys creams an immeasurable pain [Music] it just feel bad now the screen then glitches up to make things more intense and harder for you and then even more mistakes on top of that turns you into different creatures each with their own special animations you turn into a frog and then into a worm that's pretty cool to get back to normal it's pretty simple just keep doing well without making any mistakes and you'll eventually climb up back to health oh yes and if you come second off first in the high score slippery adds in another congratulatory line within the final score song now on to the hardest difficulty the golden course here we have song 5 also known as overflowing emotions which is rather appropriate because I can't it's easily my favor it starts off with a pretty simple but cool riff and then turns into the most instrumental II complex track in the game with tons of jumps between multiple genres and tempos and an ingeniously insane chorus it's like an entire song change every time I hear that chorus but it fits so damn well also it features some very creative sampling and creative drum patterns I love this track just listen to the [ __ ] chorus it's [ __ ] insane [Applause] [Music] hardmode is also the best difficulty because of how experimental the waves of obstacles get there's the pre mentioned overlapping obstacles many tempo changes more crazy camera angles and more offbeat obstacles and it's easily the most fun to play through and you know what else is fun trying to interpret the slightly broken English in these Japanese songs now for the most part these guys do a good job of sounding English in some songs you know being Japanese and everything but because I'm incredibly immature I have my own little interpretations for some of the lines in the songs because I seriously can't understand them sometimes enjoy them everybody [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I apologized song sex also known as roll along combines everything gameplay-wise it can throw at you and the song itself is pretty damn catchy taboo it's the rockiest track of the lot including a harmonica solo and even a crescendo in the form of a xylophone cadence [Music] also if you haven't been practicing up to this point you will get a game over but as far as the game over screens themselves go that's pretty cool some are freaking adorable and some are downright terrifying I really hate though is when vibrio eyes it's it's too cute and it's too sad oh no it's okay please it's okay be brief don't correct okay look look here have a tissue so it would appear that I've beaten the game the game didn't seem as innovative as I said earlier right well this is when you find out that due to this complicated process involving the disk loading something onto the PlayStation 1 Ram you can actually play any CD in the world that you want in the game and it will generate its own obstacles and everything to the rhythm and everything of the song and no it's not randomly generated if you pick the same song of the same CD every single time it gives you the same course the possibilities of this game are literally endless now I would show you a few CDs that I experimented with but because of the [ __ ] copyright laws I can't actually play you any of this stuff and that I cost so I guess you'll just have to use your imagination because that's at the end of the day is the human mind strongest tool and it will help you overcome anything life throws at you so in a sense copyright doesn't really bother me that much I mean when you think around homily enough though you'd think there's something a bit on the heavy side would actually give you more difficult results in the game but surprisingly enough from what I tried personally the game generally reacts more to the bouncy tunes of pop music in order to increase your difficulty although everyone saw what happened ages ago when I tried playing Jake the peg so I guess that goes to show you how unpredictable this game can get overall this game it holds a very special place in my heart and for an added bonus you can even take this game's disc put it into any PC or any CD player and rip and listen to the whole Games soundtrack of official soundtrack as well which is actually a trick you can find in a lot of other ps1 games and even for the use any CD feature of this game alone I can't give this game anything other than the salvage however I feel as though times really do have to change before I do that you know every single time I've made a bond pilot video it's had nothing to do with bonfire night but no mom no this this is gonna change okay I'm gonna make this video related to bonfire night in some way or another did you know what I've done I've ripped my own little track that I made onto a CD and now I'm going to play it on the game for everybody at home happy freakin birthday stay beautiful upper body right okay I just poke whoops I just put the CD in so it should be the last track I'm pretty sure it is [Music] okay Strax well I think it is anyway okay let's give this a go everyone I think I got a role there that was looking what I okay okay don't worry about it okay okay let's do this everyone okay ominous music ominous music please we need someone - music ah there it is there it is okay okay [Music] gunpowder treason that warrant I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever don't you [Music] [Music] I'm seeing beetles again that's not good okay just breathe deep breaths no don't give in to them just keep on walking am I dreaming no no I'm not I'm seeing beetles [ __ ] I thought I'd got past this those pills those pills didn't make me better they made me worse why why okay nice the last time I ever listened to that guy back there on the bridge they look like cliff Richards corpse doing a spot of fishing okay look okay I'm nearly home I'm nearly home okay just focus and if I rush back I'll then be free from this tyranny [Music] this game will be a weird one everyone see your best put harnesses on your eyes because I'm about to [ __ ] blast them to Saturn hey there everybody I'm peanutbutter gamer and recently modern games retro games what's the difference I'm here to review games I've not seen such bravery hey guys what's up it's Jimmy and today greetings and salutations my beautiful people and welcome to the category show I always have to do the dirty deed of deciding whether or not the game deserves to be slaughter or Salvage [Music] this body game the game will be taking a look at today esteemed of viewers is called LSD dream emulator if you couldn't guess this is a ps1 exclusive title that has never been released outside of Japan which almost makes me feel like the video game world in Japan has this insane asylum of weirdness and eccentricity and West some patients like vim ribbon eventually get released back into the world others are simply never meant to see the Sun and this game is one of those patients the game itself was entirely based around a dream journal that was updated for ten years by a woman named Hiroko Nishikawa a member of as McKay's entertainment who published this game in October 1998 the developers themselves have outright stated the whole point of this game is to solely confuse and disorient the player and that's literally it that is the entire point and I guess a few of you knew this already because the amount of requests I've had for this game are insane so for making me do this you're all sick now since this is a Japanese only game and it's pretty rare and obviously I can't play it on any PAL ps1 system and the prices of the game are indeed I'm afraid that for the first time ever I will have to emulate the game for you all today LSD dream emulator on an emulator emulate deception either way I'm not quite sure what to make of this elusive anomaly of a game I mean it did make it to the Japanese PS Store as a ps1 classic so if it's considered a ps1 classic like I guess it can't be that bad right oh wait you know I'll do maybe I'll check a screenshot of the game before I play it to prepare myself beforehand this game looks hideous I don't want to play it don't make me play it please I guess I'll have to though won't I well you know what they say life is like a sweet corn poop no it may be mostly [ __ ] but there's still a little bit of sweetness in there to keep it going anyway we begin with an FMV sequence and the plot of the game is that there is no block you know aside from Rome coming to travel the land and rescue every epileptic member of my audience who has been sent to the hospital from these [ __ ] visuals it's trippy yes but I'm actually pretty excited for our be in for honestly ok we're on day one apparently that's a good place to start so let's begin here right just getting a grip of the controls it's first-person so we have a look up and look down button and I'm some look behind buttons okay everything checks out okay maybe not for no reason at all I'm now in this weird town and there's a foot statue I guess this here is the mayor of the town he looks pretty horrifying so I better get going before I come across it oh no you you guys you guys okay you're just just floating on by with walking sounds I guess you guys must have been banished here from the foot mayor because of your lack of feet Jesus is there any way to speed up in this game your character walk so damn slowly that I think I might actually have a real dream after falling asleep from the Speedy's walking yeah you know what I mean give me five no God more statues maybe if I touched whoa oh here we go I'm at a bar now lovely noises in the back there so I suppose I'll go into the house and mooch around just got to get to the end of this corridor here oh my god is a dead body um I think it's time for me to leave now breathing breathing what oh I'm not checking that [ __ ] bed but if I kind of think I have to here goes nothing not cool not cool not cool not cool well I didn't see that coming it's a bright green area full of world landmarks it's kind of like Legoland except scary I guess I should touch the Elizabeth Tower oh I'm back here again maybe the bar is a better option to touch this time [Music] okay where the hell am I now I'm starting to get freaked out now because someone is taking steps near me where where is it coming from web where oh dude where is a treat ah there was it's a lion great [ __ ] I'm going for it no guts no glory go well that was interesting was that it okay back in the house again there's nothing here on the roof how about down here huh nope nothing how strange hmm oh look a library let's check that out and see what we can find great mmm bird teleported me to another hideous bright green land I better go and see what the deal is with this place Oh inflatable elephant she's the mutt way chase them away I'm afraid need your eight pink elephants on parade okay by this point I think I figured out that you can pretty much touch anything in these dream worlds to link you to other places and that's it I'm really sorry but this game place sucks it makes zero sense and there's no meaning with what you touch where it takes you how crazy the landscape will look anything I know this is based around exploration but there's no rules to this game I mean seriously when you arrive somewhere and you have a clear destination in mind you can even accidentally walk into a wall a [ __ ] wall and be taken somewhere random and sometimes the game takes you to places like oh [ __ ] okay I mean if the game is supposed to be confusing consider me confused because I have no idea what's going on even in the first 10 minutes of playtime I can safely say that this is one of the trickiest [ __ ] games I've ever played so at least exact seeds in that regard hmm I see a question mark over there but perhaps I should go in touch it see what happens come on touch the question mark whew at least that nightmare was over I can relax now ah another adult I need to it goes right down okay I'm gonna try running into this forest tunnel perhaps I'll be much safer in here no no no I'm not I'm still being chased by Satan's hell spawn they'll touch anything touch something get me out of here now oh oh I fell I think that's how I break is in order I'm already mentally exhausted after three days of this in the three days of the game live just go just save the game come back to it tomorrow okay and to my name what's my name I don't even know any man ah lovely house let's just go upstairs Oh for [ __ ] sake I'm back at the whole place again not suppose I'll try the tunnel again and make sure it takes me to the forest from earlier and just as things were getting interesting the dream ended I didn't even touch anything don't ask me this game makes no goddamn sense ok this game is really starting to take its toll on me ok in a desert and there's a star having a fit up there oh and by the way every time you take a step in this game you hear a footstep noise and I don't mean a subtle step noise or a well-placed step noise for immersion I mean a step noise that drowns out every other sound and it's completely [ __ ] grating even reacts to other flaws in the game and it never stops being annoying and when you combine that with the nauseating effect of the camera bobbing up and down as you climb stairs you're in for a real treat I know this is trying to be immersive and like emulate real life movement and everything but seriously who climbs stairs like this Oh looky looky floating camels and people wait don't go no you naughty camels come back here imma gonna get you I'm gonna get you oh now more runnin through this pretty barren wasteland to find something to touch nothing okay let's go suck this hidey hole then wow I don't think I've ever been here before let's take a look around huh okay what seriously one step and I get teleported fine Oh fantastic I'm back at the strange town and look the fitting star from earlier is back but now it's time oh Jesus I'm still completely lost in this game can someone please give me a hand okay I touched a rock and now I'm in this city street with seizure-inducing water jeez I feel ill and just like that I fell down a hole again hmm I seem to be in the town again but there isn't much going on though I accidentally ran into a wall again and so here I am outside a toilet where it sounds like someone in there isn't having the easiest time right now well so I touched the toilet and I get teleported to this place take one step and [ __ ] this is ridiculous how can I explore when everything teleports you now well at least I can say that this game soundtrack is fantastic it conveys dreams pretty damn perfectly and is one of the trickiest soundtracks you'll ever hear and the visuals aren't too bad themselves either I mean don't get me wrong the draw distance is all for the game can sometimes look really ugly and the experience is trying to go for is slightly hindered by these primitive 3d graphics but at least what they do with the limitations is interesting to say the least you won't see any other game like this I can tell you anyway I found a hill with wait wait is that a window this window a window to where though here I'm starting to feel extremely unsettled here I mean there's floating cubes and what is actually going on looks like an average day in the Bronx to me okay just let's just get out of it hmm back in the city and ah who the [ __ ] are you wait man wait no no no don't come any closer back off oh my god this is getting intense spread lady hey can you help me please can I touch you no I see how it is [ __ ] you the next area and finally signposts direction thank Christ what is that though maybe I should follow the arrow and find out something tells me I want to be disappointed well hey I found some crystals that's pretty cool I guess so I touch it and it took me back here I wonder what I'll see this children your minds are too precious and innocent to bestow them on this please avert thine eyes a bird nice children begone I'm starting to lose my [ __ ] now just get me out of here where will this take me Oh a long bridge creaking ominous I wonder what could be on the other end of it is this the and we're back to the city again look it's a signpost I bet that's what the devs were on when they made this [ __ ] game [Applause] I'm looking around because something is chasing me I don't know what it is but something is coming to get me the bullet holes in the cars tell me that it's something hostile and I'm pretty freaked out right now but I just can't see it and what is with that noise it's making [Music] Jesus like I need to get out of here oh man do I dare touch this graffiti yeah I dare well welcome to this room I guess I can only touch that in the middle of it back in the city again look I get that this is a dream emulator and everything and I get that as a slow-moving exploration game but I think it's actually too slow because of the lack of any kind of rules half the time dreams will lead to absolutely nowhere and you can't learn how to make them more interesting as far as I can see you just get lucky with everything you [ __ ] touch and the fact that you have a 10 minute time limit before the next day happens sucks as well because you may not see anything at all until the next day the worlds that you encounter we're looking kind of creative are way too big and some are just too vast and incredibly empty making it feel like it takes hours to actually get anywhere for as accurate as this may be to the guy's dreams of this game is based off of I'm afraid that half of these dreams are just not at all fun to explore you just need to hope something happens after time which gets old really quickly and where you do come across some freaky [ __ ] I never felt like it was enough of a reward for finding either way I'm now in a never-ending hallway this this is freaky and I think I can see something at the end of it what's that whoa what the [ __ ] is going on whoa I want to do that again okay change of plans I'm in the sky now I wonder where I'll be there back at the boring-ass hills again well when I say boring I mean what the hell is up with this water I feel so ill right now back at the town feeling more ill I still don't know what I'm [ __ ] doing I want to see something interesting damn it whole town Hills Town Hills something happened please I've touched different things everywhere and nothing is working oh actually okay that's that's pretty interesting well maybe not interesting but yeah I'm scared in the house again but I haven't looked outside yet so let's see what I can find hmm nothing down here but what about the other side what no actually what is that huh do I want to touch oh god that is one of the most horrifying things I have ever seen it's a face with arms and legs oh no oh no you don't come back here take you to my doom oh my god I'm back of the hole I'm starting to lose my patience with this I mean it's a shame really because of the limitations of the ps1 it actually holds this game back from feeling like a proper experience I get the impression that I'd feel more of an impact from this game if it looked better and played nicer and I'm not just saying graphics are everything because the ps1 is my favorite console ever but in this kind of game one solely driven on giving an experience on nothing more than exploration and touching things I'm sorry it needs more than this you just walk around a boring box half at the time until you touch something and repeat the same process over and over again discovering things from what I can gather is basically built on nothing but a log and interactivity with these sometimes creative areas is non-existent other than touching more things to go somewhere else you do see some weird [ __ ] that's for sure but that's kind of it and for me things like that happened rarely so what else can I get out of this game exactly oh god not you again you're creepy hmm this is an interesting place star or moon let's touch the star wish me luck everyone Oh Lord are you serious just get me out of here now hey we're at the city again whoa roadkill well that's something that happens more walking nothing happened and time eventually ran out for me seriously this is the weirdest game I have ever played in my old bloomin life I have gone through mr. Domino party squad Santa Claus saves the Coronation Street Dalmatians 3 heck even the zoo race and this game trounces of the weirdness factor on all of them combined should I even bother with day ten well ten is more complete number than nine I suppose yeah what the hell let's just hope that something interesting pops up this time come on Danny ten [Music] what what what is that I know there are tons of people on the internet I think this game is the dog's bollocks but honestly I can't [ __ ] say I mean if this game is supposed to be an anti LSD drug campaign game then congratulations it rocks as an anti honesty campaign because it's terrified me enough to never think of LSD ever again but if the title just is coincidental it has no relation to the drug whatsoever that's the point of any of that I mean if the game is built around the idea of dreams and their weirdness and their randomness or whatever you know what that's good I suppose but some context some direction some point would be lovely even if you're really into those really slow explorative games like um you may Nikki for instance I don't even think there's that much here that's worth your time I mean it's just not engaging and it's not that much fun and the system limitations of the ps1 god bless its heart just don't allow it to feel like the proper experience it wants to convey um well you know - a few very serious moments which were undoubtedly really [ __ ] disturbing they my opinion not worth all the aggravation to find them so with all due respect I'm really sorry guys in my opinion this game gets the slaughter I shot the wrong thing it's Christmas it's Christmas it's Christmas no it's not Greta's our citations My Beautiful People Christmas is nearly here kinda sort of I guess because of this fantastic holiday spirit what better time for me to present to all of you my personal top ten favor of snow levels in all of video gaming and now this isn't really a Christmas themed list per se and more just a Christmasy snowy themed list which is a really good thing because when it comes to the you game we're really [ __ ] deliver when it comes to snow either way one game for franchise and if the level has snow or ice or anything like that in it it can qualify oh and just a heads up you better wrap yourselves up for this video because it's gonna get a little bit chilly speaking of cold oh my beard has been trimmed very slightly I didn't see that coming so let's kick this list off with a proper kick there we go number 10 on my list goes to ice paradise from Sonic advance to the Game Boy Advance was the first Nintendo console I ever owned myself and properly grew up with it now Sonic Advance 2 was the first Sonic game I actually ever played because of that at the time and to this day I love it that game [ __ ] rocks my jingle bells crush wash docs the visuals music level design absurd speeds making the platforming hard but fair except for this bloody stage all make this game a roaring good time to play so good I actually beat the final boss of this game while taking a [ __ ] one day gotta go fast indeed anyway ice paradise is extremely memorable to me it has solid platforming not too heavy of a reliance on ice physics and I always love to the detail in the background to make it feel more than just a blue and white icy level the boss battle was pretty fun also and the music always gets stuck in my head whenever I hear it [Music] [Applause] [Music] I may not be the biggest Sonic fan at all but dang I love this level and this game number nine goes to any stage in the katamari series in which you have to build a snowman no I have to otherwise my dad will try to kill me seriously okay I wish I could have fun but look at him think next time before you knock you insensitive [ __ ] I'm gonna stick with the katamari forever stage those simply because it's the same stage as all the previous games but in HD if you've played the katamari games you'd understand that you have to roll stuff up to clean up after your idiot parents that just so happen to own the universe I adore these games more than I can properly tell you right now but that's for another video so instead let's talk about snow the levels in which you literally have to roll up snow and of course pepole trees and buildings I've always had a soft spot for because they're easily the most relaxed stages in a katamari game get the right piece of j-pop music on and then rolling through the bizarre cardboard e towns with cozy warm color striking against the cold and harsh snowy colors becomes extremely therapeutic it also plays on me in a childhood dream of wanting to roll up a snowball as big as a radio tower so it's all good in my books I think I'll have to give number eight to frostbite village from Spyro a hero's tale loads of people didn't like this game look at this [ __ ] village though this is easily one of the best-looking snow levels on this list and it really helps it stay on the list with how [ __ ] fun it is to explore and play through great minigames great design superb visuals and the bouncy control all contribute to make this one of the best parts of the entire game and the sheer amount of detail here I always found to be wonderous it doesn't look at just like a village covered in snow it's a village within the snow almost otherworldly and I also love how your fiery breath stands out magnificently amongst the misty air illuminating the cool yet saturated colors for a brief moment before fading back into the cold yet again I like this level a lot it has snow we need number seven goes to cool cool mount no no it doesn't it goes to snowman's land cool cool mountain more like full for mountain because you'd have to be a fool to put it I feel like I'm one of the only people to ever say this but I always preferred snowman's land over cool cool mountain in Mario 64 am I alone on that I hope not whenever someone even says the words snow level nine times out of 10 cool cool Mountain gets mentioned as far as I'm concerned it's completely oversaturated especially when I find snowman's man to be a simply more interesting level the colors are more vibrant the level design is more explorative the different star challenges are much more varied and fun to solve and not to mention it's the only time in the whole game when crawling is 100% necessary and then you find a huge in clue inside a tiny area that looks like it's straight up the doctor basically I just find snowman's land the more memorable level not to say that the mountain is bad in any way far from it it's a great level but snowman's land was just a little bit more exciting for me and it's snowing because it's a snow level [Music] we can have no more happiness Simba wha uh yeah why I say you thought that the snow levels list will be full of happy bouncy emperor's new [ __ ] gross snow levels no I want to make you unload all of your bowels into your trousers I can't not put silent hill's and dry sequins on this list it scarred me so much as a kid that it made me petrified of snow for a long time afterwards granted it focuses more on the fog aspect than snow but look it's snow shut up like any great horror game the presentation of this intro strikes fair on all accounts through the audio and the visuals and it's one of the few snow levels that literally makes your room feel colder by the sheer sight of our helpless and harsh this whole area is from the second you begin controlling Harry Mason the snow stars are falling and that is when you know [ __ ] is going down how does something as joyful as a flurry of snow make you feel like that I don't know but Silent Hill found a way I could go on about this intro all day but there's no point it may not be a level exactly but the original Silent Hill definitely deserves mention for its sheer impact and imprinting on my mind as well as portraying the more dangerous and hopeless side to snow that a lot of games don't seem to cover more like Silent Hill you know what I mean hell yeah zombie - not tomba - tomba sounds bloody stupid this game as a sequel does a lot of things incredibly well and is one of the most solid sequels you will ever play in your life not necessarily better than the first in my opinion but pretty damn close and one of the ways it did things differently but surprisingly solidly was the risky choice of having the game play out entirely in a 3d polygonal world as opposed to 2d sprites amongst 3d backgrounds it was a lot more ambitious than the first for sure but this risk if you ask me was seriously worth it because even today the game looks incredible and really holds up and when I was younger my excitement peaks and my wander flourished when I entered the Kujawa ranch area for the first time seeing Tom be shivering and freeze up was an adorable design choice and one that always stuck out to me and when you have the gear to finally explore around you'd find a truly brilliant section two the game with many hidey holes extremely fun side quests side areas with challenging missions a secret slide hidden cliffsides accessible from climbing to the peak of the pole bird nests and of course the excellent soundtrack that got rammed into my head for hours after turn the game off [Music] combining that with the oh so satisfying crunch of your feet clambering through the snow and you truly have a charismatic snow level with more than one surprise up its sleeve despite how kind of smaller is butter you think it's all over but then you find the second part of the ranch area the ranch summit where it's still snowy but the enemies are more aggressive the hidden areas are crazier the jumps are more perilous the music gets slightly more eerie and it's the perfect ominous and foreshadowing cherry on the cake to the lovely snowy village you just come to be explored only a second ago also has this game is great and this level is great goat zombie tomba topic number four is literally indescribable like seriously I can't even describe it if ever you should play Animal Crossing new leaf during January in February and if you're lucky enough to catch some precipitation it will be snow and whenever it starts slowly falling pairing that with the utterly immersive an incredible soundtrack of this game literally makes me feel warm and tingly inside like a child that see snow for the very first time it's almost like a nostalgic feeling even though this is actually the first and only Animal Crossing game I've ever played but it just makes me feel like it's taking me back to my past where I've sinned something that I haven't actually seen like I said it's indescribable whenever the sky goes deep gray and snow starts to slowly fall in new leaf and you see it gracefully and slowly envelop your perfect little town it's truly magical I I'm not even joking and I'm crying oh my good god Crash Bandicoot you horny little swallow I thought that hole was good enough for your cravings but no your hunger for animal booty knows crash 2 is awesome it also has a few snow levels my favorite snow level though is bear it otherwise known as stage 8 purely because when I first played the demo for this game this was the only stage I could actually try and boy who did I try it over and over a this level has [ __ ] everything snow ice icy water statue seals whales death animations involving pants super fast baby polar bears this is easily the most hyperactive and batshit insane level on this list so far okay may not be as fast as ice paradise but the music is better the environment is cooler and the control and box breaking is just so much more confidence outside from the second you mount the baby polar bear the snow starts dropping and then you're plunked into one of the most fun and thrilling levels in the entire game and not only does it work great as a startled level for those not familiar with crashes riding habits but it also provides a great challenge for those trying to grab the gem or for those just trying to go as fast as possible the weight and control of the polar bear it's also damn drop-dead perfect and matching that up with the excellent music makes this entire experience worth every penny that you put into the game ok isn't the longest stage in the world by any means and it feels like you find yourself being flung to the xa only a few moments after starting the level but surely that's a good sign of how entertaining it is right making time fly by it doesn't matter either way I find myself replaying this level constantly and it was a great demo disc inclusion I must say let's get real here number 2 goes to [ __ ] shovel knight and the level known as stranded ship there's more ice in this stage than snow to be fair but it's far too [ __ ] awesome not to include it this is one of the few instances where ice physics in their level seriously just didn't bother me because they weren't over-the-top and it didn't exploit those physics is the only new obstacle the stage has to offer since they're obviously the new enemies new platforming challenges to earn treasure and perfect amounts of new difficulty increments to remind you that you are at the halfway point of your epic quest also what the [ __ ] is that thing I don't know but it's awesome it throws up rainbows you can run across I mean not to mention you can also require the war-horn in this stage undoubtably for me the most useful and incredibly satisfying item to use in the whole game the music is [ __ ] brilliant and those backgrounds and sprites my goodness on 3ds especially not one single detail gets left behind in every layer of this gorgeously colored icy plane and let's not forget that it isn't just the outdoors being focused on it does have a stranded ship so the ice makes its way into the creepy rickety wooden decks and deathly spiked floors as well and to top it all off you get a pretty badass boss battle at the very end of the stage from a character that used to be friends with you one might say that it's the icing on the cake okay I have to admit number one was basically already decided by me the very second host I'd write in this script it's kind of a bit of a cheat I suppose but basically whenever you see any kind of snowy portion of the game and uncharted 2 it does not [ __ ] around the main game itself is mostly flashbacks but whenever you come back to the present day where you see where nate ends up by the last part of his epic journey you are literally on the edge of your seat for every part of it no joke the Uncharted 2 hanging train trailer itself is one of the single greatest trailers I have ever seen and the fact that you find out it actually acts as the intro for the game just blew my mind when I first played it I was intrigued confused disorientated invested fighting for my life scared shitless of the rusty train falling to pieces as I climbed it and most of all I could feel the icy breeze here more than any other snow level on this list after you climb the Train you'll then simply let loose to explore bleeding and exhausted and then later on you get attacked by mercenaries in the distance with no clear vision no epic Arsenal and poor little Nate freezing up with each passing second Silent Hill may have explored the mystery and danger of snow but uncharted 2 explored to the worst-case scenario of too much snow and it made snow the worst [ __ ] natural occurrence you could ever find yourself stuck in let's be honest if the intro scene in every other occurring snow scene in the game was simply set on a jungle cliff side for instance it simply would not have been as effective I mean tell me that isn't terrifying you can't see how high that is was in the distance what's below you or hell what's even above you it makes you feel more helpless than alone scared of the unknown and feeling completely lost and afraid in this endless void of ice snow and harsh mountain mists I'll never forget these parts of the game ever the hell I'll never forget uncharted 2 and just look at that cover for the game you won't buy it right now don't you it's lovely isn't it wait a sec wait is wait a second snow but but crash to the crash - has snow in the background of the game box wait uncharted ones boxes in the jungle and so is crash 1 but god this is freaky ok crash threes boxes and an Egyptian desert so could it be the Uncharted 3 is saying a desert my god this can't be a coincidence naughty doggy clever clever naughty doggy bastard wait a second let's think about this instead crash had three games before becoming a kart racer all developed by naughty dog and jak and daxter had three games before becoming a kart racer all developed by naughty dog so does that mean the Uncharted 4 yeah it son Karthik isn't it I cracked the case there is a God everyone I've confirmed it thank you very much and there you have everyone my top 10 personal favorite snow levels in video games I hope you enjoyed this video and please as always leave your thoughts in the comment section because I had to cut a lot of snow levels out so I want to hear all of your opinions on your favorite snow levels got a way to escape free tearaway tomb raider mgs1 Sly Cooper 4 games 3 and Twilight Princess amongst many others thanks so much for watching this video guys if it is christmas while you're watching this video today then merry freaking Christmas to you or any other holidays that you celebrate so happy freaking Holidays to you if you're watching in all a day and please remember to stay beautiful I guess how
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 1,059,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: caddicarus, caddy, james, caddick, game, review, hiddenblock, hidden, block, yungtown, brutalmoose, jimmy, whetzel, balrogthemaster, completionist, pbg, peanutbuttergamer, ps1, ps4, pc, modern, retro, reviews, comedy, season 4, complete, entire, marathon, putty squad, the zoo race, poo race, mr domino, pt, soundtracks, top 10, top 20, donald duck, donald bandicoot, quack attack, resident evil zero, resident evil 0, jordan underneath, vib ribbon, lsd, dream emulator, snow levels
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 8sec (10928 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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